There is a hole in our hearts that only God can fill. I've been looking everywhere for the author of these words, and even though it is attributable to many, it appears that it dates back to the 16th century. And, to me, truer words have never been spoken and centuries of us realize that. We search and search for meaning for our lives, and someday most of us come to the conclusion that it is God, and ONLY God, who can fill this void in our lives. So, how do we draw closer to this loving God? In this Sunday's worship we will look at the words of Jesus about spiritual practices and how they draw us closer to our Creator. Please join us in worship as we seek to more fully "Live like Jesus. Bring joy to God." Also, in worship this Sunday we will recognize the milestones of life of graduating seniors, graduates from high school, college, graduate school. For many of us, it is our spiritual practices that have kept us on the journey towards becoming who God wants us to be. Please join us in this special day in the lives of many, and the life of Brentwood United Methodist Church. In Christ's love, Rev. Kaye Harvey P.S. - Just a reminder that if you have not had an opportunity to make an "extra mile" gift to our Habitat fund, it's not too late. We need about $12,000 more to reach our $70,000 goal. You may bring a check (made payable to BUMC with "Habitat" in the memo line) and place it in the offering plate this weekend in worship, or mail it anytime to the church office. Tarren and Jayden Seabolt's new home will be dedicated on Sunday, May 19 at 2:00 pm. Click for directions.