Pastoral e-Note Nov 14 2014

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Dear friends in Christ, Last weekend I was deeply inspired by the video that featured Judy Norris sharing her witness. One of the things she said that stuck with me was this: "I am most fulfilled when I am helping somebody else." Judy is a generous spirit. BUMC is full of generous servants; persons who know the joy of sharing their lives for a purpose that is larger than themselves. Philippians 2:5-8 calls us to "have this mind in us that was also in Christ Jesus, who though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself in the form of a servant, becoming obedient even unto death on a cross." Jesus is the model for our discipleship and stewardship. Whenever we receive a new member into the fellowship we ask an important question: "Will you be loyal to Jesus Christ and to this church - with your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness? As this promise is affirmed, the person is welcomed into the church. It's an important question that has specific implications. This weekend is an opportunity to make good on that promise. We received instruction last week from Jim Perkins, our stewardship chairperson. You have also received information both by email and mail. I hope you noted the sample Estimate of Giving Card. We did not send out the actual cards ahead of time because we will be distributing them on Saturday/Sunday as a part of our worship. However, I encourage you (and your family) to converse, pray and be ready to fill out the card and bring it to the altar this weekend.

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