Dear friends in Christ, Our youth have been doing a series on Sunday nights called "MADE." They've been focusing on God's purpose in their lives. The Scripture teaches that we are all made in the image of God for a lifetime of purpose. It can be a struggle to find one's purpose. The reality of sin infects us and separates us from God's purpose. The Gospel reminds us however that God in Christ has redeemed us from the power of sin, and empowered us by the Spirit to live a new life of purpose. David Brooks (on our youth staff) created a video which featured Marc Sleenhoff, a 5th-generation woodman, working in his shop. Marc narrates the video. When Marc was a boy he worked with his father creating beauty and purpose out of wood. Indeed, he has made some of the furnishings in our facility. It's obvious in the video that Marc has found his purpose. And he's using it in a way that honors and glorifies the One who made him. I was inspired by the story. I'm providing a link for you to enjoy it too. His story reminds us that when we use our gifts, talents, resources and finances for a purpose larger than ourselves, it has a transforming impact on our community. Our purpose is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Now when you enter the Narthex, you see it written above the staircase. As we near the weekend when we will consecrate our gifts to God (November 15-16), I hope you will sign up to pray for God's leading personally, and corporately as we seek to fulfill God's purpose for our ministry. Our prayer vigil will take place between Friday, November