Dear Friends in Christ, I have appreciated the stories of God's transforming generosity in our devotional guide. It's been meaningful to begin each day by reading the witness of our people. It's amazing what happens when we become engaged in the mission of God's kingdom! We've been thinking together these last few weeks about the section in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, where he talks about our relationship to possessions (Matthew 6:19-34). He talks about 2 treasures, earthly and heavenly; 2 ways of seeing, unfocused and focused (the good eye and the evil eye); and 2 masters, God and mammon (money). In Matthew 6:25, Jesus begins with the word "Therefore." What is the therefore - there for? It's a call to arms! A call to action! The preceding material is the "whereas" section. The word "therefore" begins the "what are we going to do about it" section. At the conclusion of last week's service, someone approached me and thanked me for the message, but then asked an interesting question. "What do you expect me to do about it?" Her question reminded me that too often we speak in generalities, and not in specifics. This weekend is a special time in which we are called to do something about our faith. It will be a privilege to offer our treasure to God for the work of ministry. "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." I've noticed that sometimes clergy-folk can be rather sheepish about money. I'm not quite sure why that is. It shouldn't be so. We're not selling church! We're offering the opportunity to invest in something that is life-changing. When we give our treasure to God, we are investing in children and young people, in youth choirs, confirmation
classes and small groups. When we give to God, we are investing in discipleship classes that promote Scriptural holiness and community, caring ministries for addiction, grief, divorce recovery and older adults with memory loss. When we give to God, we are making possible new satellite campuses, like Trinity in Springhill, Lenox Village in Nolensville, Harvest Hands in south Nashville and the Brentwood Society Church in Howick, South Africa. When we give to God we are intentionally investing in the advance of God's grace, mercy and justice in the world. Such gifts not only change the receiver, they change the giver! Best of all, our gifts bring honor to God! (2 Corinthians 9:7 reminds us that "God loves a cheerful giver.") By now, you have likely received in the mail an estimate of giving card and a step-chart that offers a transparent view of our giving as a church. These charts will be available this weekend during the service and at the Guest Services desk. I'm asking you to prayerfully consider taking another step in your giving. I'm asking you to trust God with a percentage of your income for the work of Christ. Our vision is to be a tithing church. A tithe is a tenth of our income for God's work. If you're not there yet, make a step toward becoming a tither. Be intentional. Each gift is critical! Each of us has something to share. Your participation is key to our shared ministry! (You may also make your estimate of giving online here.) The mission of Christ at BUMC is huge! It's mind-boggling! It often keeps me awake at night! I am including a link that gives you some nuggets of specific ministries that are in the works for the future. Click here for details. I am grateful to be a part of this church at this moment in history. The world needs the Church to be the Church as never before. Our community needs it! The greater Nashville area needs it. Demographers tell us that we can expect to see a million people join us in this area in the next 15 years. The field is fertile, and the stakes are high. And so, it is with joy and enthusiasm that I invite you to honor the One from whom all blessings flow with your generous gifts, as we prepare to advance the work of Christ in 2016. I look forward to seeing you this weekend in worship.
Finally, it was good to welcome new members John, Sally, Sara and Kelly Rains; Scott, Cindy, Isabel and Beckett Damon; Cody, Candice, and Noah Taylor; Michelle, Nathan, Preston and Colin Cardozo; Rick Cardozo; Bill and Robyn Fulwider; Greg and Kristi Morrow; Kevin, Marie, Ava and Matthew Gangaware; Mark and Deborah Edwards; Michael Beckett; Diane Gordon; Jan Harmon; Mike, Rebecca and Synola Alston; Paul and Mary Douglass; Jeff, Michelle, Molly and Ella Robinette; Sherry Pullum; Jace and Katie Stamper; Rob and Chris Michaels; Kathleen Bivona; Lee and Clare Koppang; Stacy Davis; Hadley Quinn Engle; Charlotte Grace Primm; Jack Philip Tracy; Sarah Elizabeth McReynolds; and Trystan Chi-Le Wesley to our Brentwood campus. Welcome to our church community. Yours in Christ,