Dear friends in Christ, We're beginning a new series of messages this weekend on the theme of generosity. The word generosity comes from the Latin generosus, which means "of noble birth." A generous person is one who is free from meanness or smallness of mind and character; one who is unselfish and happy to share. The people who have had the greatest impact on my life have been those who were generous with their time and resources; those who were happy to share their gifts with God and others. The Scripture is full of examples of such people. A woman who gave a jar of perfume to anoint the feet of Jesus. A child who shared his lunch to help feed a hungry crowd. A widow who gave two small coins to help others in need. Generosity is a sign of noble birth. It inspires us. It reveals us. We reflect the Giver of Life when we give of ourselves. Proverbs 11:25 says: "The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed." This Saturday we have the opportunity to give ourselves through Stop Hunger Now. Many of you will come to the gym in order to pack meals for those who are hungry. 100,000 meals will be prepared and packaged. Others will be going to South Africa on mission. Some have just returned from Honduras and Haiti. Many will serve this weekend through teaching, ushering, acolyting and helping. We have much to give. God is honored and experienced by the way that we share.
Robert Schnase says, in his book Practicing Extravagant Generosity: "Growing in the grace of giving is part of the Christian journey of faith, a response Christian disciples offer to God's call to make a difference in the world. Generosity enlarges the soul, realigns priorities, connects people to the body of Christ and strengthens congregations." May this be our prayer: Gracious God, Giver of all good things. I experience your generosity in nature around me, life within me, and grace that saves me. Give me a generous heart, O God! Restore to me the wonder of living, the joy of serving, the blessing of giving, through Jesus Christ who gave His life for me. Amen. Finally, it was good to welcome new members Robert, Ashley, and Will Lang, Herschel French, Lee Lowry, John Morton, Mary Hamrick, and Annabel Krayer to our Brentwood campus. Welcome to our church community. See you Sunday! Davis PS Remember to continue your prayers for those in difficult places at noon today. Also check out this link to the Harvest Hands emPower 5K Run/Walk.