Dear Friends in Christ, Tim Elmore is a student of generational theory. He seems to have a window into the heart and soul of the iY generation (those born after 1990). Indeed, he has written a book about this age group. In the book he says that this is the first generation in recent years who when asked the Dr. Davis Chappell question: "Who are your heroes?" did not name a professional athlete or a Hollywood personality. More often they named a parent or grandparent, a teacher or coach, a youth director or counselor. They named someone with whom they had a connection, a history, a relationship. I believe you can tell a lot about a person by who their heroes are. Who would you name as your hero, mentor and guide? Whose example continues to instruct your life? This weekend is an important one at Brentwood UMC. It is a time in which we, as the family of God, will name our heroes and saints. As we celebrate this All Saints Day together, I am mindful of a beautiful lyric by Fred Pratt Green: Rejoice in God's saints, today and all days. A world without saints, forgets how to praise. In loving, in living, they prove it is true: The way of self-giving, Lord, leads us to you. Finally, it was good to welcome new members Bobby Morel, Jimmy and Ashlyn DiTraglia, Bennett Goodman, Carson Stoneking, Locke Campbell, and Dave, Melanie and Janie Hatcher. Welcome to our church community.
The peace of Christ be with you all!
Davis Click here to view the Imagine - Week 2 Video If you were not in worship last weekend, here's the video that was shared.