Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World
September 6 - 12, 2015
United Methodist Church
What’s the best way to go from “Me” to “We”? Join a small group! New groups are forming now. Learn more and sign up at Wednesday Night Activities begin Wednesday, September 9 Visit for full details. 5:00 pm Rhythm & Bells (percussion/handbells for grades 2-6) 6:00 pm Youth Dinner (7th-12th grades) Nursery (infants - 4 years) 6:15 pm BUMC 56 Bible Study (5th-6th grades) Children’s Choirs (4 years to 4th grade) Moms In Prayer PM Women with young children, pre-school & elementary age 6:30 pm Disciple Bible Studies I, II, & III Intensive, discussion-based study of the Bible. Childcare available with registration. Adult Chancel Choir Divorce Recovery (begins September 16) 7:00 pm Youth Bible Studies (middle school, high school guys & high school girls) Rebuild Life on a Solid Foundation: Divorce Recovery Classes Begins Wednesday, September 16, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Room B152-A Appropriate for anyone going through divorce. Explore roller-coaster feelings, learn to forgive, discuss dating after divorce, learn how to deal with an ex – and discover available, community resources. Cost - $30; pre-registration is recommended. Contact Julia at or 615-324-7256 or stop by the lobby desk for a printed brochure. Shop for Your Kids and Benefit Missions: BUMC Fall KidSale Friday, September 18, 10am - 5pm; Saturday, September 19, 8:30-11:30 (Half-price) A consignment sale of quality children’s clothing, toys, furniture and accessories for the benefit of BUMC youth, BUMC missions and Outreach partners, various local charities and the community-at-large. Starting Point Registration is Open Classes are Sundays, September 13-27, 5 - 6 pm If you’re interested in learning how to become more active in the congregational life of BUMC, then we encourage you to register for this 3-week course covering everything from beliefs to vision to membership. Childcare available. Register at or contact Cruise with Davis Chappell: Highlights of Paul’s Missionary Journeys September 29 – October 10, 2016; early registration discount until October 5, 2015 Join Dr. Davis Chappell and Bishop Bill McAlilly on a 12-day tour of cities in Italy, Greece, and Turkey retracing Paul’s missionary journeys. Fare includes on-board lectures by Dr. Chappell, roundtrip airfare, most shore excursions & meals, and more. Sponsored by Educational Opportunities Tours. Open to both Tennessee Conference and Memphis Conference. For details, visit or for more information see Paula, during the week, at the front desk for a printed brochure. Pick up your Mission Calendar today at the table in the Narthex!
The Church building will be closed at 2 pm on September 6 and all day September 7 in observance of Labor Day.
Weekly Announcements New Adult Studies Student Ministry Bible Studies They start up September 9! Meet the youth staff in the Café at 6 p.m. to walk to dinner across the street. Or if you can’t make it that early, just come at 7 p.m. for Bible Studies in the youth area! Great opportunity to grow in a smaller community and dig deeper into the Bible.
Entreat Worshiping Community Sunday, September 13, 6:30 pm in the Chapel Meets 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month Contact: Shannon Garrett, 615-373-3663 (ext. 1267).
PointMen – Men’s Ministry at BUMC Thursday, September 17, 6:30 am Join BUMC PointMen and their first speaker of the fall season, Dr. Davis Chappell, at our kickoff. Open to all men – invite someone from your Sunday School class, small group, work or neighborhood! Register at
Stephen Ministry Emphasis Weekend Saturday, September 19 & Sunday, September 20 Stephen Ministry empowers and equips a team of lay-people to provide long term, one-to-one, Christ-centered, confidential care, to people experiencing grief, unemployment, hospitalization, loneliness, divorce, financial stress, terminal illness, and other life difficulties. To learn more about this caring ministry, come to an informal information session in the parlor after the 8:15 and 9:45 Sunday morning services on September 20.
Human Development Initiative: South Africa Sponsorship Update Special guests from South Africa, Dr. Carolyn Hancock and Ms. Susan Clark will be in service on September 27, 2015, to give an update on how your sponsorships are helping over 300 children. For information contact Rebekah Scott at Our ministry partner in South Nashville
Snack and Juice Box Donations Needed
We serve about 60 students snacks and juice boxes each day and are always in need of snack and 100% juice box donations. We also can accept $100 snack sponsorships. For questions please contact Alissa Ly at or 615-499-4963.
After-school Program Volunteers Commit to one day a week, working with our elementary after-school program helping with homework, implementing other educational activities and building relationships with students. Contact Alissa Ly at
Register for all classes at For full details visit DISCIPLE Bible Study Intensive, disciplined Bible study. 12-14 participants led by one or two facilitators. Groups meet weekly for 2.5 hours for 34 weeks. Disciple I is a prerequisite for all other Disciple Bible Studies. Schedule of classes at Sunday evenings: Disciple I & IV Wednesday evenings: Disciple I, II, III Moms in Prayer AM and PM Women with young children pre-school & elementary age For childcare, email Ellen at Wednesdays, 9:45-11:30 am, Begins September 9 Contact Candice at Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm, Begins September 9 Contact Julie at Beloved Disciple: The Life and Ministry of John (Beth Moore Ladies Bible Study) Explores the life of the apostle John who had the God-given gift of seeing a larger picture. John’s love relationship with Jesus Christ profoundly influenced everything he did and wrote. Led by Lou Anne Jacobs. Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30 am, Begins September 9 “True Self” Study Group Studying three books: Everything Belongs and Immortal Diamond by Richard Rohr, and Christianish by Mark Steele. Led by Rick Hotzfeld Sundays, 5:15 to 7:30 pm, Begins September 13 “The Me I want to Be” (Ladies Bible Study) Becoming God’s best version of you is both God’s desire and the greatest task of your life. 10 weeks of study and fellowship. Led by Judith Bone Tuesdays, 9:30-11:00 am, Begins September 15
Student Ministry Fall Retreats Great way to connect to new people, your small group leader, and to God! Also pivotal experience for growing in your faith. • 7th-8th Grade Merge Retreat at Horton Haven Christian Camp, October 2-4 (register by September 20) • 9th-12th Grade Expand Overnight at BUMC, September 25-26 (register by September 13).
Do you have the gift of encouragement? We are looking for more Barnabas Friends to write encouraging notes to our college students from Oct-May to help them remain connected to BUMC, to share the peace and joy of Christ, and to let them know that they are special to us. To join our team, contact Reeju Davis at
If you are in need of pastoral care, contact any of our pastors, or schedule an appointment by calling Julia Todd at 615-324-7256. You may now make prayer requests online at Support Groups
There are a wide range of support and encouragement groups such as grief, career transitions, addictions, dementia & Alzheimer’s, cancer support, divorce and others.
Stephen Ministry Trained Stephen Ministers provide confidential, one-on-one Christian care. Call the confidential hotline: 615 577-4881. Give Support
There are a wide range of ways to support others, such as Funeral Team, GraceNotes, Prayer Shawl Ministry, and Intercessory Prayer Team/Email Prayer Team.