15543 N. Reems Rd., Suite 139, Surprise, AZ 85374 corte bella sales stats JUlY 18 – aUGUst 17, 2022 lIst PrIce solD PrIce MoDel $470,000 $460,000 22719 N ARRellAgA DR. ARcADA $485,000 $490,000 22450 N SAN RAMON DR. VillA/gOlf cOuRSe $550,000 $550,000 12930 W MicHelTOReNA DR ARcADA/upDATeD $599,000 $592,000 13354 W JuNipeRO DR ARcADA/cASiTA $629,500 $600,000 13544 W figueROA DR eNcANTO/upDATeD $623,500 $620,000 23325 N De lA gueRRA cT SAN MARcO/pOOl $625,000 $635,000 22516 N pADARO DR SAN MARcO/pOOl $670,000 $660,000 12944 W QuiNTO DR eNcANTO $739,000 $700,000 23227 N cARDeNAS DR MiRADA/cASiTA $940,000 $910,000 13219 W JuNipeRO DR MiRADA/gOlf cOuRSe/WATeR VieW 9 sales Pending 20 Homes For sale information compiled from the Arizona Regional Multiple listing Service as of August 17, 2022 regardless of selling agent/company. Marilu 623-512-1967Millershirley 480-330-4171owenscallUs toDaY We Put the Real In real estate! Full Time Agents Dedicated To Simplifying The Experience. Working for you since 2004 as your Corte Bella Neighborhood Specialists®! High Quality Professional Photography assistance With Property Preparation Professional Home staging expert offer Negotiations Paula barrett 714-719-6223ruiz Full service listing Program those real estate ladies San Marco with Pool! $620,000 23325 N. De la guerra ct. SOLD! Villa! $409,000 22425 N. los gatos Dr. PENDING! Montecito View Lot! $492,000 13418 W. Nogales Dr. SOLD! Encanto! $660,000 12944 W. Quinto Dr. SOLD! San Marco! Casita! $599,000 12750 W. Nogales Dr. FORSALE! Golf Course Villa! $490,000 22450 N. San Ramon Dr. SOLD! San Marco! Golf Course! $635,000 22903 N. las positas Dr. FORSALE! Mirada! Casita! Golf Course! $888,000 22111 N. giovota FORSALE! tIt’sIMe!

Independent Living • Assisted Living • Memory Support • Skilled Nursing www. FreedomPlazaArizona.com • 13373 N Plaza Del Rio Blvd. in Peoria, Arizona Request a brochure, schedule a personal tour, or attend a complimentary luncheon: Call 623-738-0226 or visit freedomplazaarizona.com For the Retirement of a Lifetime Your Smart Choice in Senior Living Take A Look At Us Now! “ We could never picture ourselves in a one-size-fits-all retirement community, but when we read about all the new programs at Freedom Plaza, we took the informative Lunch & Learn tour and made our decision the next day. At Freedom Plaza, we can have it our way! ” Choose from Three Great Purchase or Lease Programs: • Lifetime Refund Plan (50% or 90%) • Easy Rental/Lease Plan • Life Plan with Discounted Long Term Care and “Home for Life” Guarantee Plus, Variable Dining & Housekeeping Services That Fit You!

CB Times Magazine is the official community magazine of Corte Bella | brought to you by the Corte Bella Country Club Association | Inc. and published by Lion Tree Communications. Editor | Linda Wright Copy Editors | Kathy Carmickle | Elspeth Chambers | Naomi Lyew Renee Neuman | Carole Peterson | Valerie Towns Contributing Writers | Rodney Bertram | Mary Blome | Leann Blue Marty Carrara | Dr. Tanya Carroccio | Jodell Dodge | Dawn Ferch HOA Finance Committee | HOA Fitness and Spa Advisory Group Keith Kalny | Pam Lawrence | Deborah Lazear | Jill Machay Ruth Mooney | Donna Norton | Karen Starkman | SOuL | Doug Towns CB Vets Club | Jeanie and Jesse Young | Linda Wright Photography | Michael Biggs and Jim Laskowicz To advertise in the CB Times, please contact Jonathan E. Himlin at 480.636.6670 LionTreeCommunications@Gmail.com.or Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. Trademarks, logos and content provided by advertisers, sponsors and partners are owned by the respective companies and all rights are reserved by them. The views, statements, and claims of advertisers or other CB Times contributors do not necessarily represent those of the publisher, Corte Bella Country Club Association, Inc. or its employees. Printed in the USA. ©2022 CB Times Magazine. All rights reserved. Please recycle. 6 Numbers to Know 8 General Manager’s Corner 9 Board Talk 9 From the Editor’s Desk 10 Amenity Spending 12 From the Finance Committee 12 Corte Bella Events 15 Upcoming HOA Events 16 September 2022 Calendar 17 Anacapa Restaurant 18 Finance Committee Update 18 Preventing Falls in the Home 19 Keeping Your Vehicle Safe 20 Corte Bella Vets Happenings 20 Corte Bella Vets Flag Man’s Final Salute 22 Part 4: Aging is Inevitable... Or is it? 22 Your Corte Bella Garden in September 23 Pre-Fall Tips 24 SOuL’s Busy Summer 25 Corte Bella Fitness Center and Spa Advisory Group 25 Six Key Benefits of Exercise for Seniors 26 The Three “Bs” of Piedmont, Italy 26 Corte Bella Wine Tasting Group 27 What Happened in Corte Bella 28 Corte Bella Pickleball Club News 28 Corte Bella Golf Club News & Notes 29 Corte Bella Tennis Goes Into Full Swing 30 Club & Interest Groups 29 Corte Bella Adventure Group 30 Club & Interest Groups COMMUNITYASSOCIATIONINFORMATIONWhat’sSeptemberInside2022 SOCIALCOMMITTEESHEALTHCOMMUNITY&FITNESSCLUB 4 | CB Times | The Official Community Magazine of Corte Bella CONTENTS 26820 On the Cover: Corte Bella CB Times photographer Mike Biggs captured the beauty of our community’s Fitness Center and Spa Building in this photo. To submit possible articles or photos for inclusion in future issues of the CB Times and to make changes to the interest group listings, please email the editor at trgibe@aol.com.

719 650 5174 christina@christinasellsaz.com Christina Gatewood-Reustle New Corte Bella Neighbor & Area Specialist Don't forget to say hi if you see me walking Yugo! Bringing a fresh perspective and passion to help you buy or sell your next home. How Can I Serve You Today! September 2022 | CB Times | 5

Gate Hours: 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM Daily Roving Patrol: Monday - Friday 5:00 AM to 6:00 AM and 8:00 PM to 11:30 PM Saturday -Sunday 5:00 AM to 6:00 AM and 8:00 PM to Midnight Patrol Cell: 623-256-2907 present from 5:00am- 8:00pm. can call the mobile phone between 8:00pm & 11:30pm Mon -Fri & Guards will return immediately to the Anacapa Restaurant, 623-455-9045 Closed Sunday Monday. Tuesday to Saturday 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM Breakfast Buffet 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Center, 623-217-2018 Hours: Monday-Friday, 5
and until midnight Sat
evening and
gate house for admittance.
BiggsMichaelbyPhoto Board of Directors BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kathy Carmickle – President Liaison to the Buildings and Grounds Fitness/SpaCommittee,Advisory K.CarmickleCBCC@gmail.comGroup Anthony (Tony) Cash – Director Liaison to Long Term Planning T.CashCBCC@gmail.comCommittee Bonnie L.Gentry – Treasurer, Secretary Liaison to Finance Committee Liaison to Golf B.GentryCBCC@gmail.comCourse Evelyn (Evie) Hansen – Director Liaison to Government Affairs Committee E.HansenCBCC@gmail.com Ron Phillips – Director R.PhillipsCBCC@gmail.com Douglas Towns – Assistant Treasurer Liaison to the Architectural Review ViceCommitteePresident, Liaison to Anacapa Advisory Group Liaison to the Technology D.TownsCBCC@gmail.comCommittee Duane Yantorno – Director Liaison to Neighborhood Awareness and Safety D.YantornoCBCC@gmail.comCommittee Please check the Corte Bella website for updated information on operating hours for Corte Bella amenities. Board of Directors Community Resources Guard House, 623-544-3906 Fax: 623-544-3911 Email: securitas@cortebellacca.com
Guards are
AM-9:00 PM Sat & Sun, 6 AM-9:00 PM Children’s Pool Hours 10 AM-1 PM & 5-7 PM Day Spa, 623-217-2018 8 AM to 7 PM, By Appointment Corte Bella Golf Club, 623-556-8951 Hours: Monday-Sunday 6:30 AM-5:00 PM Keith Kalny, General tsiegler@cortebellagolfclub.comTysonkkalny@cortebellagolfclub.comManagerSiegler,MembershipDirector Corte Bella Website Community (480)24-HOURwww.cortebella.netResidentswww.cortebella.netWebsite:&VisitorRegistration:EMERGENCY551-4300 Community Resources Corte Bella Administration Association Office 22155 North Mission Drive Sun City West, AZ 85375 Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 AM-4 PM 623-328-5068 Ext. 221 Leann Blue, HOA General Manager Leann.Blue@fsresidential.com623-328-5068 Heather Chavez, Administrative Supervisor 623-328-5068 ext. HChavez@cortebellacca.com222 Richard Lopez, Facilities Manager 623-328-5068 ext. rlopez@cortebellacca.com223 Jodell Dodge, Spa & Fitness Manager 623-328-5068 ext. JDodge@cortebellacca.com225 Jill Machay, Anacapa Food and Beverage Manager 623-328-5068, ext jmachay@cortebellacca.com233 Will Torres, Executive Chef 623-328-5068 ext. 232 Pam Lawrence, Lifestyle Manager 623-328-5068 ext. 224 Fax: plawrence@cortebellacca.com623-328-5319 Maria Sobocinski, HOA Receptionist HOAreceptionist@cortebellacca.com623-328-5068 Danielle Amato, Compliance Coordinator/Administrative Assistant 623-328-5068 ext. Assistantadmin@cortebellacca.com240GeneralManager - VacantFirstService Corte COMMUNITY INFORMATION 6 | CB Times | The Official Community Magazine of Corte Bella

949-212-1927CBChaplin-DahlKellyResident 623-414-1244CBBayardVonnieResident412-215-1348CBFleckBillResident Property Values have increased! Wondering what your home is worth? Reach out to one of us for a FREE Market Evaluation. YOUR SPECIALISTS Corte Bella 13551 W Camino Del Sol Sun City West, AZ 85375 Estimated home values are generated by a valuation model and are not formal appraisals. Valuations are based on public records and MLS data where licensed. The metrics shown here reflect All Residential Properties data.

I would like to welcome Ronald Phillips to the HOA Board of Directors. Ron will be a great asset to the board and I look forward to working with him. I want to provide you with some reminders regarding the policies
• All dogs must be always leashed while out in the community. This includes during “Yappy Hour”.
I have officially been with Corte Bella Country Club for one year now, and I will admit it has been challenging at times. However, I always come back with a smile, ready for the day. I work with a great group of people. These people include board members, committee members, and all the interest groups. Homeowners have provided their support and gratitude for what I have been able to accomplish within the 1st year of being your General Manager. I thank each one of you. I look forward to a continued partnership and to great years ahead working together.
Here we are in September. These months seem to fly by so fast.
September is the season for budget preparation. I have been working on the 2023 budget for most of July and will continue that work through August. The draft budget should hopefully be given to the Finance committee for their August meeting.
for Corte Bella Country Club Homer Owners Association :
• Corte Bella Country Club Association has a landscape contractor that provides landscape services for our community. I have been advised that landscape contractors are being approached by residents asking for something to be addressed. Please do not approach the landscapers. If you see a landscape issue, please let me know so that I can document the issue and submit a work order through the proper channels.
The Anacapa remodel is moving along with updates in my weekly report as well as on the website. If you have any questions regarding the project, please refer to those two reports.
• We have STOP signs before the entrance gate arms for a reason. You must stop before entering to avoid gate damage. We also ask that you do not tailgate. This practice can damage your car and the gate. Be advised that the minimum fine for a damaged gate arm is $300.00.
• We still have residents who ride their bicycles on the sidewalk. This is very dangerous and someone is going to get hurt. Please walk your bike while on the sidewalk. Have a wonderful rest of your summer, stay cool, hydrated, and remember to be kind to one another.
General Manager’s Corner
Leann Blue, CBCCA General Manager Corte Bella
8 | CB Times | The Official Community Magazine of

Board Talk
I strongly encourage all residents to get involved and to attend not only the monthly BOD meetings but also the monthly AAG meetings. Your input and feedback are critical to making the relaunch a success. We did it! We managed to navigate the high temperatures and the crazy monsoon storms of the past few months and reach the welcome Fall season. I’ve lived in Corte Bella for 15 ½ years now but I always feel a sense of accomplishment knowing I’ve survived another series of “Hell Months” in Arizona. September is the month that marks transitions between seasons of summer and autumn in the northern hemisphere. This month brings our community plenty of opportunities to gather together and enjoy the good weather. Make plans to be at a comedy show, a concert under the stars, and join in a day trip to Wilcox to enjoy an apple orchard. While our Anacapa undergoes the most extensive renovation of any of our amenities to date, please remain flexible and patient for this project to complete over the next months. Our “high season” will look a bit different this year, but we can still do it in style if we work together as a community. May your September days bring you personal joy and may your happiness with Corte Bella life extend to everyone around you.
Douglas Towns, HOA Board Vice President, AAG Liaison Linda Wright, Editor CB Times New Director Ron Phillips
Ron Phillips Joins the HOA Board of Directors
At last month’s Board of Directors (BOD) meeting, I presented a proposal to the Board that, if approved, would remove the management and oversight of the Anacapa from the Homeowners Association’s (HOA) General Manager to the BOD. This will require an amendment to the current First Service Residential management contract. Making this change will allow the BOD to be more involved in the operational side of the Anacapa. We can more closely monitor sales and expenses plus identify potential issues in a more timely manner. The new reporting structure will be the BOD, Operations Manager, Back-of-The House Manager, and Front-of-The House Manager. Pending BOD approval, the Operations Manager will be a temporary volunteer position for approximately six months. The BOD will then reassess to determine if it should become a permanent Relaunchingposition.theAnacapa will not happen overnight and will require our resident’s input, both positive and negative, if we are to be successful. Moving forward and learning from the past, the Anacapa Advisory Group has been working diligently with Chef Will Torres and Food & Beverage Manager, Jill Machay, to identify and resolve known issues. Chef Will is using his time to develop new seasonal menus that will offer a variety of daily and weekly lunch and dinner specials. The AAG is developing an official survey which will be going out soon asking some simple questions to help identify which direction we should be heading.
From the Editor’s Desk
September 2022 | CB Times | 9
For example: What type of restaurant would you like the Anacapa to be: fine dining, smart casual, casual, or bar casual? How many days should the Anacapa be open: 5 or 7 days? When you see this survey please be sure to respond and return it so we have your feedback.
On July 14, the CBCC Association Board of Directors (BOD) appointed Ron Phillips to fill a vacant director position (after the resignation of Michael McVeigh). Mr. Phillips will serve as director until April 2024. Your community thanks you for volunteering to serve Corte Bella residents as a member of the BOD.

We have added to the website a document which will be updated monthly to document what the Association spends on all of our amenities related to Capital Improvements and Reserve Replacement spending. It can be found on the Website under the “Resource Center” tab in its own file. It is being published in this month’s edition of the CB Times as we know not everyone looks at our website regularly and we want to provide our residents with transparency. Amenity Spending ANACAPA ApprovedBOD Vendor Item Cost Funding Source Payments Operations Reserve ImprovementCapital Date Amount 2021 Archicon ArchitecturalDesign $62,914.00 $62,914.00 Various $62,914.00 2022 Archicon ArchitecturalDesign $38,846.74 $38,846.74 Various $38,846.74 2022 MaricopaCounty BuildingPermits $8,207.00 $8,207.00 Various $8,207.00 10/26/21 AZ RC Cookline $50,679.93 $50,679.93 05/24/22 $25,339.96 03/08/22 AZ RC Beer System $19,530.47 $19,530.47 05/24/22 $9,765.23 03/08/22 AZ RC ExhaustKitchenHood $4,520.07 $4,520.07 05/24/22 $4,211.77 03/08/22 AZ RC StainlessCounters/KitchenSteel $25,223.98 $25,223.98 05/24/22 $12,611.99 04/07/22 AZ RC Walk-inFreezerCooler/ $90,801.42 $90,801.42 05/12/22 $45,400.71 03/08/22 AZ RC EquipmentKitchen $210,198.01 $210,198.01 05/24/22 $105,099.01 04/27/22 ConstructionCaruso RemodelAnacapa $1,654,659.21 $1,654,659.21 paid as completedwork 05/25/22 InsuranceZurich Builder’s Risk $1,747.00 $1,747.00 06/01/22 $1,747.00 05/25/22 MTS Table Bases $4,806.53 $4,806.53 approvalpending 06/02/22 GAR Products RestaurantFurniture/Chairs $91,500.00 $91,500.00 approvalpending 06/02/22 GAR Products Bar Stools $4,793.48 $4,793.48 approvalpending 05/25/22 GAR Products Table Tops $12,491.43 $12,491.43 approvalpending 06/11/22 AZ RC WineCabinetCellar $26,353.67 $26,353.67 approvalpending pending Design Uniko Table Lamps $2,800.00 $2,800.00 approvalpending Subtotals $101,760.74 $543,698.99 $1,664,613.21 $314,143.41 Total $655,413.73 * Increased from original amount to pay for mold remediation in the restaurant HOA Board of Directors 10 | CB Times | The Official Community Magazine of Corte Bella ASSOCIATION

Continued page 12 BOCCE BALL ApprovedBOD Vendor Item Cost Funding Source Payments Operations Reserve ImprovementCapital Date Amount 04/27/22 Bocce Man ResurfaceCourts $25,232.00 $25,232.00 6/30/2022 $25,232.00 Subtotals $0.00 $25,232.00 $0.00 $25,232.00 Total $25,232.00 * Seeking Additional Bids POOL ApprovedBOD Vendor Item Cost Funding Source Payments Operations Reserve ImprovementCapital Date Amount N/A Amazon ShelvesFloating $145.00 $145.00 07/14/22 $145.00 Subtotals $145.00 $0.00 $0.00 $145.00 Total $145.00 * Seeking Additional Bids FITNESS ApprovedBOD Vendor Item Cost Funding Source Payments Operations Reserve ImprovementCapital Date Amount 10/27/21 EquipmentFitness $123,549.94 $123,549.94 03/01/22 $123,549.94 11/23/21 FlooringExpress Carpeting $22,670.89 $22,670.89 03/08/22 $22,670.89 11/23/21 AZ Hardwood Floors refinish - Movement $6,240.00 $6,240.00 02/14/22 $6,240.00 11/23/21 DeerPlumbingValley FountainDrinking Movement- $3,600.00 $3,600.00 08/05/22 $3,600.00 Subtotals $0.00 $156,060.83 $0.00 $156,060.83 Total $156,060.83 * Seeking Additional Bids SPORTS COURTS ApprovedBOD Vendor Item Cost Funding Source Payments Operations Reserve ImprovementCapital Date Amount 09/29/21 Pacific tennis Courts of AZ Court Refinishing $51,500.00 $51,500.00 01/13/22 $51,500.00 04/27/22 Fluoresco LEDInstallLight $31,712.81 $31,712.81 05/02/22 $15,856.40 N/A Amazon Bike Rack $534.33 $534.33 06/27/22 $534.33 N/A Amazon Fans $786.60 $786.60 06/27/22 $786.60 Subtotals $1,320.93 $83,212.81 $0.00 $68,677.33 Total $84,533.74 * Seeking Additional Bids September 2022 | CB Times | 11

Anacapa Parking Lot Time: 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Partake of street food concepts to include Asian fusion, Cajun and Creole, Korean, Mediterranean, Mexican, Southern Soul food, Thai, and pizza. An eblast before the date will tell residents what the truck will be. Most allow pre-order of menu items. Credit cards are accepted.
the Finance
Food Truck (Mondays & Wednesdays)
Corte Bella Events
Wednesdays: September 7, 14, 21, 28
Month ADMIN $19,134 $456,180
EVENTS $45,168 $59,211
“First Friday - Coffee with Pam”
Date: Friday, September 9 Santa Barbara Room Time: 7:00 PM (doors open at 6:30 PM) Cost: $24 per person
RESTAURANT $685,157 $833,735
-$143 12 | CB Times | The Official Community Magazine of Corte Bella ASSOCIATION
GUARDHOUSE $0 $112,247
Dates: Mondays: September 5, 12, 19, 26
-$20 $888,493 $2,300,527
FACILITIES $0 $435,155
Revenue Expenses Net
Dates: (1st Friday of every month) Friday, September 2
From Committee & PROFIT CENTERS - THROUGH JUNE 30, 2022 Per Door Per -$437,046 -$265 -$44 -$435,155 -$264 -$44 -$112,247 -$68 -$11 -$14.04 -$9 -$1 -$148,578 -$90 -$15 -$194,455 -$118 -$1,412,034 -$856
Three comedians from L.A. will bring Corte Bella an evening of good, clean comedy. These shows are always great fun and never disappoint. Join your friends and neighbors for a laughout-loud evening with Mike Malone, Crystal Powell and Larry Omaha. Tickets on sale via Clubhouse Online or at the Fitness Center; no refunds. No bar service available for this event. Complimentary water. The chart above shows the per door/per month cost for each of our budget categories through the end of June. This information was complied by the Finance Committee and presented to illustrate the cost of managing our association across all budget categories.
HOA Sponsored Events:
Clubhouse Online is operational: Online registration for events is available for resident’s use. Visit Cortebella.net and click on the HOA Tab get to Clubhouse Online where you can register and purchase your tickets. Purchasing tickets in person at the Fitness Center is also available.
Upcoming First Friday Chats: Friday, October 7; Friday, November 4 Bacara Room Time: 10:00 AM Cost: Free Event Corte Bella’s Lifestyle Manager, Pam Lawrence invites you to exchange ideas, ask questions and get firsthand knowledge of what is happening in Corte Bella. Have a coffee, a pastry, and meet interesting people.
Jason Love Comedy Night
SPA $107.62 $83,122 $24,501 $15 $2 FITNESS $31,411 $126,422 -$95,011 -$58 -$10 LANDSCAPE $0 $194,455

a.m. and return at
Santa Barbara Room Time: 7:00 PM (seating open at 6:15 PM)
TAD Concerts Presents
Clearwater Revival Date: Monday, September 12
Cost: $27 per person
Private Tour to Apple Annie’s
at Clubhouse Online and at the Fitness desk on Sunday, October 2 HOA account only and cash only for renters (exact Ticketschange)arenon refundable. andincludes$RailroadVerdeNovemberSaturday19*9:45a.m.top.m.*CanyonTrain*140perpersontrainridetransportation*Firstclasscoachprovidescomplimentaryappetizers&acomplimentaryglassofchampagne*Cashbar September 2022 | CB Times | 13
Swedish Massage $82, $78 Designed for your relaxation, this massage increases circulation using long, fluid strokes, and induces a state of deep relaxation! Gift Certificates Available! Call (623) 217 2018 Offers are valid September 1 30, 2022. Full payment must be Corte 9:45 7:00 8:00 a.m.
Naturally restores and improves tone of dull, sluggish skin. This facial will clarify and rebalance your skin by detoxifying and eliminating pollutants. Your skin will feel rejuvenated!
Bella at
2nd Appointment/Service must be completed within 30 days from date of purchase. Rejuvenating Facial $106, $100
Date: Monday, September 26
Bus Trip to Willcox, AZ Time: Depart the Anacapa parking lot at 7:00 AM. Return at 6:00 PM Cost: $125 per person (includes R/T bus transportation, pick-your-own fruit, lunch, apple pie, and guided visit to the Farm) Come spend the day at this fully operational working orchard and farm. There’ll be rows full of apple trees to pick from to take home along with other pick-your-own pears, peaches, pumpkins and more. The Country Store has a great selection of butters, jams, jellies and other great gift items. You’ll enjoy lunch from the Bakery. The pumpkin bread, pie, and homemade cider donuts are legendary. Be sure to wear sensible shoes and farm ready clothing as it can get dusty. Sunscreen and a hat are recommended too. Tickets on sale via Clubhouse Online or at the Fitness Center, no refunds. Bella Signature (customizable)
Randy Linder’s tribute to the voice of John Fogarty is said to be the best in the business. He and his band will entertain us with “Born on the Bayou”, “Who’ll Stop the Rain” , “Down on the Corner”, and, of course, “Proud Mary”. Don’t miss this musical event right here in Corte Bella! Tickets on sale via Purple Pass (cortebellaconcerts.com); no refunds. No bar service available for this event. Complimentary water.
rendered at time of first appointment. 2nd service must be completed in 30 days. Spa Blends Body Butter, 6oz $21 Corte Bella Embroidered Robes $74 TRAIN RIDE Experience a ride on Verde Canyon’s historic ride from Clarksdale to Perkinsville and back into Arizona’s other “Grand Canyon ” This four hour excursion takes you on a 20 mile journey through 100 years of history. First class coach, complimentary appetizers, one complimentary glass of champagne, cash bar. Remember to bring a warm jacket and your camera! Picnic lunches will be available to purchase at the Verde Canyon grill before you board the train. The bus will depart
Randy Linder’s Tribute to the Creedence
Day Spa SSeepptteemmbbeerr SSppaa SSppeecciiaallss!! Treat yourself Or a loved one to a Spa Treatment ! Two 60 minute treatments $122 Or Two 90 minute treatments $167 Massages: Swedish or Therapeutic Facials: Corte
p.m. Tickets on sale Friday, September 30 after

TAD Presents “Adventures in Paradise” A Tribute to Jimmy Buffet
Time: 7:00 PM (doors open at 6:30 PM) Cost: $27 per person This show will bring back the music of this sibling duo and their iconic hits like “Bye, Bye Love”, “Wake Up Little Susie”, “Cathy’s Clown”, and “All I Have to Do is Dream”. These songs and more were very important influences in the music world due to their use of close harmony. Relive some of the glory days of the 1960’s! Tickets on sale via (cortebellaconcerts.com) on Sunday, September 25 via Purple Pass (cortebellaconcerts.com); no refunds. No bar service at this concert. Complimentary water. vendor
Date: Saturday, November 12
Place – 1st of Season
Corte Bella Blood Donation Drive with Vitalant Blood Services
TAD’s “Forever Everly” –A Tribute to the Everly Brothers
Date: Thursday, October 6
This will be a wonderful chance to get a head-start on your holiday shopping. You’ll be supporting local businesses too. There will be a wide variety of merchandise available for you to check out. This annual event brings lots of different vendors to our community. Plan to attend in a costume since it will be almost Halloween. Join in the fun!
Purple Pass
Cost: $27 per person Come get into that Margaritaville “state of mind” with this special concert which brings to life Buffet’s love of beaches, bars, boats and ballads. If you’ve ever been or still are a “Parrot Head”, this is the concert for you. Tickets on sale via Purple Pass (cortebellaconcerts.com) on Sunday, September 4; no refunds. No bar service at this concert. Complimentary water.
Corte Bella Fall Market Place & Farmers’ Market
Date: Saturday, October 29 Santa Barbara Room, Anacapa Patios Time: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Cost: FREE EVENT
Anacapa Parking Lot Time: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Cost: FREE EVENT Donate blood so others may live. Register and make an appointment before the blood collection drive. Call 877-2584825 (vitalant.org) for any eligibility questions. Contact Pam Lawrence at 623-328-5068 ext. 224 or visit www.donors.vitalant. org (sponsor code: CorteBella). All donors must bring and wear a face Monthlymask.Market
Date: Sunday, October 16 Outdoors on Anacapa Patios Time: 7:00 PM (seating open at 6:30 PM)
Santa Barbara Room
Date: Wednesday, October 12 Santa Barbara Room, Patios Time: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Cost: FREE EVENT Here it is – the first of the season for our market. Come check it out and support small businesses. There will be a variety of vendors and a great selection of products to choose from. Come and check it out! Next Monthly Market Place date is Wednesday, November 9.

Oct 12 Food Truck Wednesday Oct 16 TAD Jimmy Buffet Tribute Concert (outside weather
Board of Directors Meetings
Board of Directors Workshop
Upcoming HOA Events
Oct 3 Food Truck Monday Oct 5 Food Truck Wednesday Oct 6 Vitalant Blood Donation Oct 7 First Friday with Pam Oct 10 Food Truck Monday Oct 12 Monthly Market Place – 1st of
Upcoming HOA
Board of Directors Open Meeting
Upcoming Charity Event: CB Vets Charity 2nd Annual Dinner
of Directors Open Meeting
of Directors Open Meeting
Dec 2 First Friday with Pam Dec 9 Desert Botanical Gardens Christmas Lights Trip Dec 11 TAD Concert “So This
Oct 17 Food Truck Monday Oct 19 Food Truck Wednesday Oct 24 Food Truck Monday Oct 26 Food Truck Wednesday Oct 29 Fall Marketplace Oct 31 Food Truck Nov 4 First Friday with Pam Nov 9 Monthly Place Nov 11 Jason Love Comedy Show
of Directors Open Meeting Verde Canyon Train Ride Date: Saturday, November
Nov 19 Verde Canyon Train Ride Trip
Sep 23 HOA Sep 28 HOA (6:00PM) Oct 21 HOA Board Oct 26 HOA Board
Nov 3 Budget Nov 11 HOA Board
of Directors Workshop
14 Annual Christmas Golf Cart Parade Special Community Events: Sept 11 Patriot Day Memorial Event & Walk Around the Circle
is Christmas”
Community Charity Events: Nov 11 CB Vets Gala Charity Dinner & Dance
of Directors Workshop
Corte Bella Flagpole area Time: 7:00 AM ceremony begins, Followed by a walk around the Corte Bella circle. For additional information, go to the CB Vets website at www.cortebellavets.org
Dance Charity Gala Date: Friday, November 11 Briarwood Country Club Time: 5:00 PM See the CB Vets article on page 20 for additional information regarding this fund-raising event. There will be a three-course dinner and 50/50 raffle plus a wine pull.
Nov 12 TAD Concert - “Forever Everly” (tribute to the Everly
of Directors Workshop
September 2022 | CB Times | 15
Nov 16 HOA Board Dec 16 HOA Board Dec HOA Board 19 Bus Trip to Verde Canyon Time: Bus departs at 9:45 AM; returns at 7:00 PM Cost: $140 per person (includes transportation and train ride, 1st class coach) Take the historic train ride from Clarksdale to Perkinsville and back, a four-hour journey through 100 years of history. Ride the train in 1st class coach with a complimentary glass of champagne and appetizers. Cash bar on the coach. Bring your camera and a jacket (it’s cool up there!) See Arizona’s “other Grand Canyon” from the train. Tickets on sale via Clubhouse Online on Friday, September 30 or at the Fitness Center on Sunday, October 2; no refunds.
14 Monthly Market Place
Presentation to the Members (6:00PM)
Special Community Event: Annual Patriot Day Memorial Event Date: Sunday, September 11

CB Wine Tasting Group 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM 11 PATRIOT DAY CB Vets Patriot Day 7:00CeremonyAM 12 Lady Putters - 8:00 AM Mah Jongg 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Ya Ya Canasta 12:00 Noon - 4:00 PM Food Truck Monday 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM TAD TributeClearwaterCreedenceRival7:00PM
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Anacapa Advisory Group 10:00 AM Open Bridge 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM CB Vets 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM CB Steppers Line Dance 6:00 PM -7:30 PM 2 First Friday with Pam - 10:00 AM Ya Ya Canasta 12:00 Noon - 4:00 PM 3 3 5 Lady Putters - 8:00 AM Mah Jongg 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Ya Ya Canasta 12:00 Noon - 4:00 PM Food Truck Monday 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM 6 Duplicate Bridge 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM 7 Ryan’s Case for 1:00SmilesPM- 4:00 PM Food 4:00WednesdayTruckPM-7:00 PM 8 Mah Jongg 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Open Bridge 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM 9 CB 9:00QuiltersAM Ya Ya Canasta 12:00 Noon4:00 7:00ComedyJasonPMLoveNightPM 10 CB Water 1:00EnthusiastsColorPM-4:00PM
13 Technology Committee Meeting 10:00 DuplicateAM Bridge 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM Fitness Center & Spa Advisory Grp 1:30 PM 14 Buidlings & Grounds Committee 9:00 AM Food 4:00WednesdayTruckPM-7:00 PM 15 Mah Jongg 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM SOuL MeetingRegular10:00 AM Open Bridge 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting 3:00 PM CB Steppers Line Dance 6:00 PM -7:30 PM 16 Ya Ya Canasta 12:00 Noon4:00 PM 17 18 19 Lady Putters - 8:00 AM Mah Jongg 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Ya Ya Canasta 12:00 Noon - 4:00 PM Food Truck Monday 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Government Affairs Committee 4:00 PM 20 Long Term Planning Committee 9:00 AM 21 Food 4:00WednesdayTruckPM-7:00 PM 22 ARC Meeting 9:00 AM Mah Jongg 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Open Bridge 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM 23 HOA Board of Directors Workshop 9:00 AM Ya Ya Canasta 12:00 Noon - 4:00 PM 24 Anacapa Happy Hour 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM 25 26 Trip to Apple Annies in Wilcox 7:00 AM Lady Putters - 8:00 AM Mah Jongg 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Ya Ya Canasta 12:00 Noon - 4:00 PM Food Truck Monday 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM 27 Duplicate Bridge 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM West Valley Photo Club 5:30 PM 28 HOA Board of Directors Open Meeting 10:00 AM Food 4:00WednesdayTruckPM-7:00 PM 29 Mah Jongg 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Open Bridge 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM 30 Ya Ya Canasta 12:00 Noon - 4:00 PM HOA OFFICIAL BUSINESS ANACAPA EVENTS - RED GRPS/CLUBS BLACK
16 | CB Times | The Official Community Magazine of Corte Bella ASSOCIATION

The Anacapa will remain closed until further notice during the extensive remodel and renovation. Contact Jill Machay, Food and Beverage Manager, with any questions. Stay tuned for details regarding grand re-opening. The Anacapa will be returning with your favorite menu items and more in a much improved setting. We miss you all and can’t wait to be back serving you. ANACAPA RESTAURANT September 2022 | CB Times | 17

Preventing Falls in the Home
Corte Bella Country Club Finance Committee
If yes, then move the item to the Board for a final decision. If funding of a purchase is not clear, we note that and pass that to the Board.
Projections: We often review projects and potential purchases with projections. Think of a projection like a forecast or budget. A projection is not an actual decision. For example, we recently created a “projection” of Capital Improvement funds which required a forecast of HOA fees. We used several assumptions such as inflation, future home sales, etc. We did not decide on future HOA fees, which is a much more complex effort tied to the annual budget.
Consider night-light wall plates for outlets. Keep focused when using ladders or step stools. If you have balance issues, stay off any ladders or stepstools. If you have pets, be aware of where they are when getting up and walking. Take a few seconds to catch your balance before walking after you have been sitting or lying down.
One of the primary responsibilities of the Finance Committee is to communicate the Corte Bella Association’s finances clearly and often. Over the past few months, there appears to have been an inordinate amount of misinformation floating around. The purpose of this update is to clarify a few points that may be unclear.
Whole house: Remove clutter, especially in hallways and doorways. Keep extensions cords out of any walkways. Remove throw rugs or tape them down. Create wide walkways that are brightly lit.
Financial Misinformation:
Communications: One way to clear up misinformation is to attend Finance Committee and Board meetings. Our committee of Tom Cerny, Peter Diamond, Alison McGonagle, Jack Serino, Ron Tchorzewski, and Jesse Young encourage residents to get informed. Bonnie Gentry, our Board Treasurer and Doug Townes, Board Vice President and Finance Committee liaison, as well as any Board member, are also great resources to get the straight story.
Finance 2022
Reserves: The reserve funds of our community consist of 3 distinct categories: 1) the General Repair and Replacement Fund, 2) the Street Reserve Fund, and 3) the Capital Improvement Fund. It is important to understand these funds because their source and purpose are unique. General Repair and Replacement funds come from homeowner’s association dues and are used to repair and replace any asset that needs updated. The Street Reserves are also funded by homeowner’s association dues, and because our streets are not public, is used to make all necessary repairs.
18 | CB Times | The Official Community Magazine of Corte Bella COMMITTEE
According to the Centers for Disease every 19 seconds an elderly person dies from fall-related injuries. Here are a few tips to make your home safer.
Neighborhood Awareness and Safety Committee Members Carolyn Pakan and Ruth Mooney
Bedroom: Take time to get your balance when arising. Turn on the bedside lamp for a well-lit path to the bathroom. Make sure bottom dresser drawers are completely closed. A fall can lead to bruising, broken bones, or death. Please take the time to evaluate the safety of your home.
The final category of reserve funds is the Capital Improvement fund, which is created not by homeowner’s dues but derived from a fee assessed on all home sales. The amount is currently 150% of your annual HOA assessment fee. The Capital Improvement Fund is used for new assets not otherwise reserved, such as the majority of the Anacapa renovation. Fund Selection: The Finance Committee does not choose the fund source arbitrarily, and the Finance Committee does not judge why a purchase is made. Our sole duty is to review the reserve reports and operational budget and decide whether funding is available.
Bathroom: Remove throw rugs unless they are non-skid. Install grab bars in showers. Place a non-skid surface on the shower floor. Use a non-skid shower mat outside the shower that is removed after taking a shower. Create a well-lit path from the bedroom to the toilet area for nighttime use. Kitchen: Place a non-skid rug by the sink and stove. Keep dishes and utensils within easy reach. Pull out all the shelves on dishwasher when air drying dishes. Wipe up spills as soon as they occur.
Committee Update August/September

September 2022 | CB Times | 19 To prevent damage from weather or vandalism, the safest place for your vehicle is inside the garage with the garage door closed. If you need to park your vehicle in your driveway: • Do not leave valuables in the vehicle, especially the car key. • Remove any items that could be visible from the windows. • Lock the doors. • Turn on the outside garage and carriage lights from dusk to dawn. VehicleYourKeepingSafe Neighborhood Awareness and Safety Committee Members Carolyn Pakan and Ruth Mooney I'm Your Real Estate Agent I ' M N O T J U S T Y O U R N E I G H B O R Top Notch Negotiator Career Built on Earning Trust and Fostering Relationships Clients treated with Respect and Compassion as Result of 30+ Year Nursing Career Recognized By Clients for Receiving the Most Amount of Money in the Shortest Amount of Time Excels in Communication, Keeping You Informed Specializes in Listing and Sales of Corte Bella Homes Karen Schmidt 623.399.0969 Karen @Karenschmidthomes com Thekarenschmidtteam com

Your ticket will include a three-course plated dinner (rolls & butter, chef salad, petite filet/salmon, potatoes, vegetables, desert, coffee, tea, water and a champagne toast). Dancing will follow with music being provided by our very own DJ, Keith Fowler. In addition, we will be selling 50/50 tickets and wine-pull tickets for $25 each. (Note: Wine Pull tickets will only be sold at the Gala and as a check or cash sale only.) Be on the lookout for further Ourinformation.nextquarterly meeting will be held on September 1st in the Baccara Room at 3:30 PM, to be followed by a social at the Corte Bella Country Club Golf Club.
Bill holding a friend’s dog. A Tribute to Bill Mooney
Bill Mooney would look at the trees blowing and immediately know there would be work on the circle with the flags whipping around. The “no furl” rods had been known to tear the flag’s fabric in the heaviest of winds.
Bill took on the role of handling the flag detail three years ago and made it his passion. He recruited/scheduled the volunteers, worked through the inventory of flags for repair or disposition, and was a wonderful example of patriotism in action.
Due to the Anacapa renovations, the Corte Bella Vets 2nd Annual Dinner and Dance Charity Gala will be held at the Briarwood Country Club on Friday, November 11th. The Gala will begin at 5:00 PM (doors open at this time for check-in). A no-host bar (credit card payment only) will begin at that time. Program will begin at 5:45 PM, and dinner will be served at 6:00 PM. This event is hosted by the Corte Bella Vets, and tickets may only be purchased from a Corte Bella Vets Member/Volunteer beginning in early October. Tickets are $75 per person with a portion of the ticket price tax deductible as a charitable donation. We will not be assigning individual table seating. So if you wish to sit with your friends, please consider purchasing an entire table.
20 | CB Times | The Official Community Magazine of Corte Bella
Bill took his last breath on June 21, 2022. The Corte Bella Vet organization lost one of our key leaders, while Ruth lost her life partner, Marilyn Armfield lost her older brother, and Michael & Kelly (Ponce) lost their father.
Bill had been a contributor to creating a sense of community in his bike rides around the circle, his willingness to pet any dog, providing logistic support for the community’s cornhole toss competitors, and in attaching over 300 flags to mailboxes for residents around Corte Bella.
Corte Bella Vets Happenings
Join the Corte Bella Vets for our Annual Patriot Day Ceremony on Sunday, September 11th, at 7:00 AM. Meet at the grassy area near the community flagpole. Following the ceremony, join us to “walk around the circle.” Water stations will be available as you do the walk. All are welcome to join at any point. Golf carts, bicycles, and cars are also welcome to participate. The Corte Bella Golf Club grill will be open at 8:00 AM for breakfast for those interested. Full details and schedule of events are available on the Corte Bella website at www.cortebellavets.org.
Karen Starkman
Corte Bella Vets Flag Man’s Final Salute

ROCLicensed/Bonded/InsuredLicense 320540 \ 320541 PORA/SCHOA/BBB Listed Greg Singletary Complete Air Conditioning Service, Install or Repair Water Heaters, Water Softeners, Slab Leaks, Toilets, Faucets, Main Water Line Repair or Replacement, Circulating Pumps, Disposals, Bathroom Remodels, All irrigation Services, HVAC New Install Service and Repair Faucet Doctor Plumbing & Air 623-214-7161Conditioning Licensed | Bonded | Insured FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED ROC 324657 Interior/Exterior Drywall / Stucco Repair Wrought Iron Fences Accent Walls Garage Doors Acrylic Deck Repainting Jil LizetNevarezNevarezL (623) 374- 4711 More than 20 years of experience “ CORTE BELLA’S PAINTING EXPERTS” scheduleCall,VintagePaintingAZ@gmail.comtextoremailustoafreequote September 2022 | CB Times | 21

• Organize our 46 chromosomes in the cell’s nucleus.
22 | CB Times | The Official Community Magazine of Corte Bella COMMUNITY Part 4: Aging is Inevitable…Or is it? Telomere Shortening Dr. Tanya Carroccio, DNP We know all the coast’s best-kept secrets and offer the best ways to explore them. If you didn’t think the Mexican Riviera could get any better, think again. CALL SUE 480-585-2848TODAY! ©2022 Celebrity Cruises Inc. Ships’ registry: Malta and Ecuador. ALL MEXICAN RIVIERA CRUISES ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL EXPLORE IN DEPTH AND IN STYLE. • Fertilize trees & shrubs for the last time until Spring. • Check your system’s water schedule, set for 90º - 105º temperatures. • Fertilize your roses at half-strength. • Fertilize succulents at half-strength. • Cut back all lantana to a 12” round. • Replace watering timer battery! • Plant artichoke plants for silver grey foliage and those pretty thistle flowers. • For the backyard farmer: plant scallions, beets, carrots, leeks, lettuce, onions, peas, and spinach. Deborah “Ladybug” Lazear Your Corte Bella Garden in September
Note: Dr. Tanya Carroccio, DNP, (Corte Bella resident) is a doctorally prepared nurse practitioner and owner of a functional medicine and regenerative aesthetics practice. For more information, visit www.Benehealth.com
What is a telomere and why should we care? Telomeres are specialized formations, found at the ends of our chromosomes, which carry genetic information. Telomeres act as primary gatekeepers of gene stability and play major role in senescence (cell deterioration) and aging. Telomeres serve 3 distinct purposes:
Functional medicine practitioners are experts at whole person, root-cause medicine, and whole-body health. Reference: Shammas, Masood A. “Telomeres, Lifestyle, Cancer, and Aging.” vol. 14, no. 1, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc, 2011, pp. 28–34, https://doi.org/10.1097/MCO.0b013e32834121b1.
We know telomere length shortens as we age. A small portion of telomere DNA is lost each time a cell divides. According to biologists Ron Sender and Ron Milo, of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, “Your body replaces around 330 billion cells per day. At that rate, your body is making over 3.8 million new cells every second.” When a telomere shortens to a crucial limit, the cell undergoes senescence and/or apoptosis (cell death). Telomere length is seen as a biological clock. Research points to the accrual of these senescent cells as the primary cause of aging and aging-related diseases. Even though shorter telomeres have been associated with an increased chronic illnesses, the rate of telomere shortening can be either increased or decreased by certain lifestyle factors. Choice of diet and activity has immense potential to decrease the rate of telomere shortening, delayed onset of age-associated diseases, better life quality, and longevity. Focus on consummation of organic, whole foods; reduce exposure to toxins; and exercise. By incorporating a functional medicine practitioner in your health program, you can identify areas of improvement to reduce telomere shortening. (https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/).
• Protect our chromosomes’ ends so they remain separated from other chromosomes.
• Provide proper DNA replication of the chromosome during cell division.

• Go from room to room with a notebook and write down what needs to be done. List everything whether it’s dusting walls, washing or dry-cleaning window treatments (sometimes a cool cycle in the dryer will get the dust out), washing baseboards, or carpet cleaning.
TipsPre-Fall Ask Agnes
Fall is almost here...! Are you back from your summer away from your Corte Bella home? Getting the house opened up after a time of vacancy? These tips can help get everything ready for the fall season.
September 2022 | CB Times | 23
• Remember, if it’s not dirty, don’t clean it. Clean from top to bottom, left to right, so you don’t miss anything. Cross off the list as you go. Large rooms like the kitchen need more time. This is the perfect time to purge things you haven’t used in a year. A charity organization would love the donation. As you move throughout the house, take time to purge closets and dressers. Cover out-of-season clothes with a sheet to keep them dust free. During the monsoon season, a lot of silt has blown into your house through crevices. I’ve noticed it has been driven in through the ceiling vents. I vacuum them at the end of the monsoon and vacuum window and slider tracks as Don’twell.set impossible goals for yourself! Try to enjoy the Zen moment of what you are doing.
• Start with an easy one, maybe the guest room. Hopefully you’ll develop a system and gain momentum. Doing one room at a time means the entire house doesn’t have to look torn up.
• Concentrate on one room at a time.

• The Phoenix Dream Center was so grateful for SOuL’s donation to fund their programs helping those affected by human trafficking and for donated clothing items.
SOuL’s Busy Summer
SOuL is also proud to announce that it is now a registered 501-C3 organization. This milestone for our charity support organization is a long time coming and is such an accomplishment. SOuL thanks member Monica Harmon for her work to achieve this status. SOuL is looking forward to our future as a moving force for good in our community and outside the Corte Bella gates. Members of SOuL
SOuL Regrets to Announce: Due to circumstances beyond our control, SOuL has decided to not hold its SOuL Fiesta (also known as a chili cookoff and/or salsa contest) in November. This has been rescheduled to be held on March 6, 2023. Thank you for your understanding and your support for our fundraising events.
• HART (Helping at Risk Teens) Pantry received a large amount of back-to-school items (calculators, binders, ruled paper, and more) purchased and delivered by SOuL to be used with their “Backpacks for Teens” program.
During the summer, SOuL (Smiling Out Loud) stayed busy providing support to worthy organizations in the Northwest Valley and beyond. With funds raised from the SOuL Sisters’ Attic, the group was able to give out assistance to the following groups:
• Valley View Food Bank indicated that the donation from SOuL would fund purchases of pantry staples such as peanut butter, pasta, cereal, and other items. The food bank director stressed the importance of our donation due to inflation and economic uncertainty.
24 | CB Times | The Official Community Magazine of Corte Bella
Debbie Evans and Janet Chapman present a donation check to Stephanie, Development Manager at the Phoenix Dream Center. Ruth Langford, HART Director, accepts SOuL’s donation of supplies for the back-to-school backpacks for underserved teens.
Photo caption Valley View Food Bank: Carol Courter and Linda Wright present a donation check to Jesse Ramirez (second from right), Food Bank Manager, and his assistant Gerald Ramirez.
Carol Courter and Linda Wright present a donation check for summer day camp meals to Salvation Army’s Captain Kathy Merritt.
• The Sun Cities Salvation Army Corps gratefully received SOuL’s donation to provide meals for the underprivileged children attending their summer day camp. More than 60 kids would get a breakfast, lunch, and healthy snack each day through the summer with these funds.

Exercise won’t keep us young forever, but it can slow the aging process. Before beginning an exercise program, check with your doctor on what exercise is right for you. If you’re new to exercise, or for assistance in designing an exercise program that considers your current condition, goals, and health concerns, contact the Fitness Center for a personal trainer appointment.
Six Key Benefits of Exercise for Seniors
• Maintain and improve strength, muscle, and joint health. With age, we tend to lose muscle size and strength. Some of this is physiological, but much is caused by inactivity. Resistance exercise such as free weights, machines, resistance bands, and bodyweight exercises help us to maintain (or increase) our strength and muscle as we age.
September 2022 | CB Times | 25
• Improve cardiovascular health. Aerobic exercise helps to strengthen the heart muscle, improve cardiovascular function, and increase endurance. Exercise like walking, swimming, and bike riding are examples of aerobic activity. Other good options are stationary equipment, available at the Fitness Center, like recumbent bikes and treadmills.
Thereafter, the group will meet on the fourth Thursday of every month at 1:30 PM. The group encourages the community to use the email address of fcandsgroup@gmail.com to provide input to the group. Please send your comments, suggestions, and/or concerns to our group to help us in our work. We are anxious to “hear” from you. The group’s goal is to assist management to make your “country club” experience in both the Corte Bella Fitness Center and the Day Spa the very best one possible.
In May, the CBCCA Board of Directors approved the Fitness Center and Spa Advisory Group resolution with it’s first Chairperson, Alison McGonagle, and Vice Chair Linda Wright. The Board Liaison is Kathy Carmickle. Community residents selected as group members are Jo Bellflower, Marty Carrara, Sandy Connelly, Moira Curtis, Suzanne Fry, Jamie Lane, and Laurel Vorachek. These nine group members bring a wealth of knowledge in the areas of fitness and exercise, fitness equipment, exercise instruction, gym management, knowledge of community amenities, involvement in both the fitness center and the spa facility, as well as a commitment to Corte Bella. With the Board’s affirmation of the group’s composition, the group’s first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 13th at 1:30 PM in the social hall.
There’s a saying: “We don’t stop exercising because we get older; we get older because we stop exercising.”
• Improve flexibility, balance, and range of motion. Exercise, like stretching, Yoga, and Tai Chi, can help improve our flexibility, balance, and range of motion. This helps our bodies move as they were designed, with less pain and limitations of movement, helping us to function better in our ordinary daily activities. It reduces the risk of falling, one of the most common causes of injury in older adults. Join a group class at the Fitness Center, where you can have fun, make friends, and help your physical health.
Here are six key benefits of exercise for seniors:
Marty Carrara, Fitness and Spa Advisory Group member Alison McGonagle, Chair of the Fitness Center and Spa Advisory Group.
• Maintain and improve bone density. Resistance exercise also helps maintain and build bone density. As our muscles are working during physical activity, so are our bones. Stronger bones reduce the risk of bone fractures and reduce the osteoporosis risk.
• Improve memory and cognitive function. Research indicates that regular exercise may improve memory and cognitive function, delay the onset of dementia, and reduce depression. Exercise helps to improve blood flow, including in the brain, which helps to improve brain function. As we perform an exercise, we concentrate on feeling the muscles working. This is known as the mind-muscle connection, which sharpens our minds and our perceptions of our body movements. During exercise, our bodies release endorphins, a chemical that improves our mood and makes us feel happy.
• Reduce risk of disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, physical activity for older adults reduces the risk of dying from coronary heart disease and of developing high blood pressure, colon cancer, and diabetes. Physical activity can even help reduce blood pressure in some people with hypertension.
Corte Bella Fitness Center and Spa Advisory Group

The word Nebbiolo comes from nebbia, the fog that settles over Piedmont in late October during the harvest. The vineyards are steep and cool, producing wines with rustic, austere, and masculine notes. Look for aromas and flavors of licorice, tar, violets, leather, chocolate, prune, and fig. Do not drink young! Six years is the minimum to develop true characteristics.
• Pork Loin stuffed and rolled with Herbs, Garlic & PancettaRoasted apples laced with apple cider, White Bean casserole with Sausage & Sage, with Barolo.
Softer than Barolo or Barbaresco, it does not require long aging. Its color is a shocking magenta. High in acid, it is a perfect food pairing wine.
The second “B”, Barbaresco, also from the Nebbiolo grape, comes from east of Alba. It requires minimum aging of two years with one of those in cask. Riservas are aged for four years minimum. The hills are less steep than those of Barolo. These wines have a brooding power. Also look for six years of age before drinking.
Corte Bella Wine Tasting Group
• Buci di Dama (Hazelnut shortbread cookies sandwiched with chocolate) with Brachetto.
The third “B” is Barbera, made from the Barbera grape. This is the everyday drinking wine of the area. It is rustic with a wealth of fruit flavors. It is the most widely planted grape in Piedmont.
The CB Winetasting Group’s July event was hosted by Barb and Stan Schnittman. Their refreshing theme of “Bubbles from around the World” fit perfectly in the warm Arizona evening. As evident in the photo on the right, the group had a delightful evening. Besides experiencing an enjoyable social event, our group strives to pick up a little wine knowledge at each outing. The group meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month – 5:30 until 9:00 pm. The group meets in a host’s home, rotating across all members. The host creates the theme, purchases the wine, and shares information on their theme, for example, the region, the varietals, etc. Wine glasses and nametags are provided.
Attending members simply notify the organizer of their attendance, contribute an appetizer, and pay $15 per person for the event. The group leaders maintain the registry, send out invitations and assist the host where needed. If you are new to Corte Bella or just ready for some fun, give us a call or send us an email 303.748.9897 or jessedyoung23@gmail.com.
• Bagna Cauda with vegetables for dipping (A warm pot of olive oil, butter, anchovies, and garlic) with Barbera.
Deborah Damery Lazear, CSW
26 | CB Times | The Official Community Magazine of Corte Bella
• Risotto with Snails and White Truffle pieces with Barbaresco.
Dinner in Piedmont (a menu to enjoy):
The Three “Bs” of Piedmont, Italy
The first “B” is Barolo made from the Nebbiolo grape. An intense, dry, robust, and velvety wine, it comes from south of Alba in the Lange foothills. It requires a minimum three years of aging with at least two in cask. Riservas are aged for a minimum five years.
Jeanie and Jesse Young COMMUNITY
“ In Piedmont you have to eat; if you want to go on a diet, go to France!”
Piedmont lies in the northwest part of Italy; a remote amphitheater of the Po River Valley created by the Alps. The soil is fertile with a rocky volcanic and clay marle base. Its enological soul-mate is Burgundy; they share the philosophy that great wine is the progeny of a single grape variety. In Piedmont, it’s Nebbiolo and in Burgundy, it’s Pinot Noir.

Prescott Frontier Day Rodeo Trip Wednesday, June 29 What a great experience was had by the Corte Bella Group at the “World’s Oldest Rodeo” in Prescott. Everything was presented from team roping to steer wrestling. The monsoon weather put on its own show during the rodeo too but the cowboys and cowgirls kept going.
Corte Bella’s Independence Day Dinner
Prescott Fine Art and Wine Festival
Sunday, June 19
Dance Monday, July 4
TAD Concert- “Rock the Boat” Sunday, July 24 Live music from the 70’s and 80’s had the social hall rocking out and singing along with the talented tribute band.
What Happened in Corte Bella
Enjoying a bus trip to the high country, our group browsed and shopped among the many artists at this festival bringing home many wonderful “treasures”.
Cerreta Candy Factory Tour & Lunch at Grimaldi’s Tuesday, August 9
TAD Concert – Arizona Highwaymen
It was country music with great songs from legends like Cash, Nelson, Kristofferson and much more. Great musicians and vocalists made for a delightful concert.
Corte Bella celebrated the USA’s 246th birthday with a great 4th of July banquet and entertainment from the Faded Jeans Band. Sparklers on the patio in memory of Donna Folan made the event even more special.
Jason Love Comedy Night Friday, July 15 Lots of belly laughs and chuckles at this event as always. These shows are so much fun.
It was a “sweet” morning for twenty two residents at this family owned and operated candy factory in Glendale. After the informative (and delicious) tour, the group had lunch together at Grimaldi’s Pizzeria in Park West.
September 2022 | CB Times | 27 June 19 to August 9
For Pam CompiledLawrence,byLinda Wright, Lifestyle Manager
Saturday, August 6

Activities: Free Swing Tips on the Range and a Free Putting Contest both Days Golf Shop Sale: Blowout Sales Discounting Select Golf Shop Products Food: Breakfast Service 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM, Lunch 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Where: Corte Bella Golf Club from 6:30 AM to 11:00 AM
Sunday Breakfast: 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM, then full menu to Last Seating at 4:00 PM.
• Overseeding schedule: The golf course will undergo overseeding starting October 10th and will reopen on Saturday, October 29th.
Come join the fun! The first clinic of the year will be Sunday, October 9 from 12 Noon to 2:00 PM.
• Men’s Novice Group plays Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM.
Fun Facts: What is the “Pickleball Kitchen”? One main area of the pickleball court is the non-volley zone, which is the area between the net and the non-volley line (located 7 feet behind the net). This area is commonly referred to as the “kitchen”. The pickleball kitchen has different rules than the rest of the court. In this area, a volley may not be hit. Volleying in this area will result in a fault. A volley occurs when the player hits the pickleball out of the air, rather than waiting for it to bounce. Hitting a volley can increase the speed of the ball, and is useful for high balls that would require a good deal of backing up in order to let them bounce. The opposite of a volley is a groundstroke, or the act of hitting the ball after it has bounced. These shots often land deep into the court and are used to sustain long rallies and run the opponent. Understanding these two pickleball terms is critical to understanding the rules of the kitchen. For more information on the Corte Bella Pickleball Club, you can view the monthly newsletter online at Corte Bella.net (search for Pickleball).
Enjoy Corte Bella and I hope to see you at an upcoming Golf Club Community Weekend. My email is: kkalny@cortebellagolfclub.com.
Mary Blome Keith Kalny, PGA General Manager
Corte Bella Pickleball Club
• New Golf Course Grill Hours: In case you missed the email announcement, we expanded our Grill hours back in July.
Tuesday – Friday: 10:00 AM to Last Seating at 6:00 PM.
• Member Play for the summer is Monday-Saturday from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM.
Much of our focus this summer has been on improving course conditions. Our course and grounds team have done a great deal of work on our irrigation system and have started improving bunker conditions. Palm tree trimming was completed in August throughout the entire course, and trees were trimmed around the cart barn and clubhouse. A new diffuser system has been installed for the lake on #12 and (as of our CB Times deadline), we are awaiting the arrival of the new motor for the fountain on #14. (I hope it’s running as you read this.)
Saturday Breakfast: 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM, then full menu to Last Seating at 6:00 PM.
• Golf Shop Red Star Sale: If you paid us a visit last month you probably noticed the golf shop’s Red Star sale with much of our apparel at 40% off. That sale continues into September, but stop by soon. New arrivals will start in October.
Monday: 10:00 AM to Last Seating at 4:00 PM.
• Night Play – Many members play on Tuesday and Thursday evenings to accomodate those members that work.
• Our Final Community Weekend: We created this new summer program and we’ve had several interested CB homeowners visit us for our July and August weekends. We are down to our final weekend of the summer program.
Corte Bella Golf Club News & Notes Community Magazine of Corte Bella & FITNESS
Beginner Clinics: If you wish to learn how to play the game, and are not a current member of the Corte Bella Pickleball Club, you are welcome to attend a clinic. We hold the clinic once a month from October to April. If interested, please contact Eileen Mateyka via emailemateyka@icloud.com.
28 | CB Times | The Official
• Golf Club Community Weekend: When: September 17 & 18
Email your RSVP to Corte Bella Golf Club Membership Director, Tyson Siegler, and you will receive a special gift bag when you arrive. Email: tsiegler@cortebellagolfclub.com
Club Play:
Come join The Corte Bella Pickleball Club and our 261 members as we play one of the fastest growing sports in America. Pickleball is fun, social, and friendly. The rules are simple and the game is easy for beginners to learn. But it can develop into a quick, fastpaced, and competitive game for experienced players.

The Corte Bella Tennis Club welcomes all our new homeowners and ask you to consider picking up a tennis racket again. Join us on the courts this season.
Corte Bella Tennis Club will be hosting the first tournament of the season on Saturday, October 15th, as we welcome back our “snow birds” and start our season with a competitive tournament. Doug Kitts and Sam Pechkurow will be captaining the Red and Blue Teams and will select their players. We are asking participants and club members to join us for a Happy Hour (BYOB) on the evening of Saturday, September 17th for team selection at 12956 W Panchita Drive (contact 602-657-3949).
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We will start our Free Tennis Clinics at 8:00 AM on Wednesday mornings, begin our drop-in play on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (just show up), and (if you are interested) there are several different groups that schedule play throughout the week based on your skill level. Meanwhile, the West Valley Ladies League will be back on the courts on Fridays, starting in October and through March of next year. Both our 4.0 and 3.5 teams would be delighted to welcome you. Please join us for practice and competitive play. Contact people for the Corte Bella Tennis Club include Donna Norton (Clinic:602-657-3949), and Reno Peterson (Drop-In play: 406-498-4888)
Donna Norton, Corte Bella Tennis Club

Ladies’ Invitational 3.5/4.0 Every Sat. 9:00 – 11:00 AM Courts Robin Culley 623-444-5448
Corte Bella Vets 1st Thursday 4:00 – 6:00 PM Anacapa Ralph Brown rwbrown121@msn.comwww.cortebellavets.org
Men’s Christian Group Tue. 9:00 – 10:00 AM Laguna Room Jim Dowen 623-556-8137
Hand & Foot Canasta 1st and 3rd Mondays 6:00 – 8:45 PM Social Hall Ross Mason rm070@outlook.com
Tues/ThursMon/Tues 9:15 AM 8:00 AM Stanza Room
Corte Bella Baggers Wednesday 4:30 – 6:30 PM Anacapa Patio (Summer Social Hall) Bill Mooney 816-244-2517wmooney1945@gmail.com
Tennis Ladies’ Invitational 3.5/4.0 Every Tue. 8:00 – 10:00 AM Courts Ann Paulson 623-433-9973
Friends of Italy Varies Varies Social Hall Keith Fowler FOI_keith@msn.com
CB Winetasting Group 2nd Saturday 5:30 – 9:00 PM Varies Jesse and Jeanie Young jessedyoung23@gmail.com303-748-9897
CB Watercolor Enthusiasts 2nd Saturday 1:00 – 4:00 PM Social Hall Deborah Lazear deborahdlazear@gmail.com
Corte Bella Tai Chi Group
Iowa Group Call for Times Bob & Pam DeWaay 515-991-9166
Ryan’s Case for Smiles 1st Wednesday 1:00 – 4:00 PM Social Hall JoAnn Shaw (623) cases4smilesaz@outlook.com466-6223
Cellar Dwellers Wine Tasting Varies Varies
Poker Club 1st Wed. each month 5:00 –9:00 PM Social Hall Todd Gerber (602) toddgerber3@gmail.com639-8839
Singles Call for Times Homes Pat EdinaKovecsesGeurink degeurink@cox.net440-725-7277pageko66@gmail.com623-337-3743
Shalom Club Call for Times Homes Judi Bourd 623-433-9449
CB Book Lovers Club 2nd Tuesday 3:30 – 5:00 PM Homes Donna Norton donnaenorton@gmail.com
Duplicate Bridge Every Tue. 12:30 – 4:30 PM Social Hall Paul Boorman, boorman_paul@msn.com206-747-1147
World of Friends 2nd Mon. 5:00 PM Social Hall/ Bella Stanza Room MaryLee Planer mplaner962@aol.com
Corte Bella Car Club Varies Varies Homes Howard Evans howard.evans@cox.net
The Kelly Players Varies Varies Homes Catherine Kelly crkjek@aol.com
Open Every Wed. 7:00 PM Courts Jack Shifman 623-518-4909
Couples / Santa Catarina 1st Sat. 4:00 – 6:00 PM Courts Mike / Jenny Self 623-688-8338
Men’s 3.5 Thu. & Sat. 8:30 – 10:30 AM Courts Colleen Miller 503-869-4570
Bunco Afternooners 2nd Mon. 1:00 – 3:30 PM Homes Cathy Emerson 623-518-3833
Lana BarbaraHennThomason lana@uwdawgs.comthomasonb@hotmail.com
Men’s Open Every Wed. 4:00 – 6:00 PM Courts Robert Broda 847-381-6165
Las Palmas 1st & 3rd Tue. 5:00 – 7:00 PM Courts David Keppy 623-455-8310
Social Rooms Bid Whist 2nd Fri. 7:00 – 10:00 PM Social Hall Kaye France 623-934-5051
LGBTQ Group of Corte Bella Wednesday 5:30 PM Anacapa Nancy Stevens blanchmd@aol.com
CB Open Jam Group Varies 7:00 – 9:00 PM Homes Greg Peck 602-657-3950
El Sueno 2nd & 4th Tue. 6:00 – 8:00 PM Courts Darrell Emerson 623-518-3833
1st Friday 4:30 – 6:30 PM Courts Sandy Johnson 623-251-3829
Ready Golf Girls (RGG) Thursday TBA Meet at Various Courses Pat Cooper patcooperheb@msn.com303-718-9122
Open Bridge Every Thu. 1:00 – 4:00 PM Social Hall Ann Webb 623-594-4592
Smiling Out Loud (SOuL) 3rd Thu. 10:00 – 12 Noon Social Hall Carla Smith SOuL4u@yahoo.com
Hawaiian Music Club Varies Varies Homes Susan Hoe susan.hoe@cox.net
Ya Ya Sisterhood Canasta Mon. & Fri. 12 Noon – 4:00 PM Social Hall Barb Morin BMorin2@cox.net
CB Canine Club daily 3:30 – 4:30 PM lanai grass Chris Hanson Jack Serino 480-341-8921chrishanson204@gmail.com303-817-3338jserino583@aol.com
El Camino 1st & 3rd Wed. 6:00 – 8:00 PM Courts Dan Louden 623-328-9341
CB Quilters 2nd Friday Varies Bacara Room
Mah Jongg Mon./Thu. 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Social Hall Jo Ann Moberly 623-328-9583
CB Steppers Line Dance 1st & 3rd Thurs. 6:00 – 7:30 PM FC Movement Studio Lynn Funk 623-670-0733
Usually Meets in Members’ Homes Bunco 1st Tue. 7:00 – 10:00 PM Homes Harriet Kessler 623-388-3731
Cathy Boorman 206-818-0860
Canadians Call for Times Various Betty Symic eagp@shaw.ca
Hiking/Cycling Adventure Club Varies Varies Varies
San Ramon 2nd Sun. 5:30 – 8:30 PM Courts Carol Dobkins 623-266-9395
Pickleball Member Play Mon.-Sat. 7:00 10:00 AM Courts Mary Blome 602-690-9940
West Valley Photo Club 4th Tues 6:30 – 8:30 PM Social Hall Don Jeffery Chelle Mestemacher donkansas@hotmail.com920-252-0441jonchell@sbcglobal.net816-309-3700
Steve Downing 602-339-2000
Men’s 4.0 Every Thu. 10:30 AM Courts Don Schneider 623-399-9640
Pinochle: Single Deck 3rd Sat 6:00 PM Homes Darlene Schilf darcats@gmail.com
SOCIAL CLUB 30 | CB Times | The Official Community Magazine of Corte Bella
Open Play Mon., Wed., Fri. 7:00 – 10:00 AM Courts Ken Egide 623-266-3820
Golf Lady Putters Every Mon. Oct to Apr 9:00 AM; May to Sept 8:00 AM Golf Club Jennifer Gans 623-249-3771jengans@comcast.net
Troy Pladson troypladson@gmail.com
Couples 4th Friday 5:00 – 7:00 PM Courts Shirley Williams 309-781-9848
Ball Team Couples

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