Gulf Coast MotorSports January 2017

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Vol. 22 No. 1

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief - Jas. “Jimbo” Perkins P.O. Box 2847 ∙ Gulfport, MS 39505 E-mail:

Advertizing & Production - 228 596-0664

“Every time you speak positive words over people, not only is your relationship getting stronger, but you’re getting stronger. When you encourage people in their dreams, speak life into their destiny and challenge them to rise higher, you’re blessing their future.” …… Joel Osteen Cruizin’ in the passin’ lane By: Jimbo

Here it is the start of a new year, 2017.. boy that’s a long way from 1944 (my year). Like most of you, cars and bikes consumed most of my free time. Guess it all started when I could sit in that little car seat with the little steering wheel and red horn button, (that drove my dad crazy). I still remember sleeping on the back shelf, gazing at the stars out the back window as we traveled 50 MPH down the super highway. Back the we played car games like naming years and makes in the distance… the back seat was my playground and dads arm was the enemy. I could find all the places he couldn’t reach, till he pulled over. He’d swat. I’d cry. He’d pull back out on the road and the game would start all over again. “We there yet?” I’d cry out.. “Get your feet out from under my seat” he’d yell. ( boy I loved to do that one. He would almost turn blue) Then he would head for the shoulder of the road and I’d climb up to the safety of the shelf under the back window... I was little and things were simple. So where is all this going? Well as I traveled to Texas to see the grandkids (Josh & Morgan) for Christmas, I was driving the interstate and watching the people in the cars that passed us. The kids were strapped in their seats. Some had headphones on and watching video screens showing movies or electronic games. Their drivers were driving twenty over the speed limit guided by radar detectors, GPS navigation systems, non stop thanks to forty mile per gallon land shuttles that all look the same. I wondered if I missed out or, are they missing out. They have what we could only dream about and they can only wonder what it was like in the “old” days. I’ve got a lot of the new stuff and so do most of you but we are the keepers of the “good ol’ days” So it’s up to us… give a kid a ride in your old car. Let them see what it was like… they'll probably think it cool. Yep it’s a new year… and I plan on making it an old fashioned one Family, friends, cars & bikes and lot’s of good times. ……… Jimbo

CRUIZIN’ IN THE PASSIN’ LANE Jimbo page...…..3 GIZMOS CARRIAGE HOUSE…… Gizmo page….....5 THE COLE REPORT… Al Cole page……..8 COOKIES & CAKE……. Carolyn page…..…9 WINGS & WHEELS……….. Mike Martin page…....10 NSRA NEWS……. Donna Holland page...….11 FOOT NOTES…… Lynne Lightfoot page…....12 TRUNK TALES…… Cubby Hole page…....13 17 FOREVER…… Terry Mason page…....16 DIRT TRACK MEMORIES….. Larry Dunham page…....18 PINUP ARTISTS BILL WARD... Candy Cocktail page…....19 BEST LITTLE RAT ROD SHOW. Brian Barsema page…....22 PANTHER KILLER……. AdPix.Biz page…….24 THE WILD THINGS…. Brian Barsema page…....26 THE WAY I SEE IT… Bob page…....28 LUCEDALE BREAKFAST… Michael Lachaussee page…....29 OLD SCHOOL DRAGRACING……. Cospo page…... 31 CAR EVENTS………………….... page…....33 BUSINESS DIRECTORY…… page…....53 CLASSIFIED…………………. Page…....71 SUBSCRIPTION FORM…… page…....79 The publication titled: Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine is owned & published by Dixie Press Publishing LLC. who neither endorses nor warrants the products or services of advertisers, nor does it warrant the completeness or accuracy of the data provided herein. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. welcomes unsolicited editorial, photographs, articles for non compensational consideration of publishing on a space available basis's. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. is not responsible for the return of said photographs, manuscripts or art. Views expressed in these publications are not necessarily those of the publisher, contributing editors, advertisers, or their agents. Subscriptions are mailed to subscribers via Bulk Mail from U.S. Postal service. Re-printing in whole or part can only be done with the permission of the publisher...but then he’s easy This is a Test... The following short quiz consists of 4 questions and will tell you whether you are qualified to be a "professional." The questions are NOT that difficult!!!! 1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator? The correct answer is: Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe, and close the door. This question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way. 2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator? Open the refrigerator put in the elephant and close the refrigerator? Wrong Answer! Correct Answer: Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant and close the door. This tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your previous actions. 3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend except one. Which animal does not attend? Correct Answer: The elephant. The elephant is in the refrigerator. This tests your memory. OK, even if you did not answer the first three questions correctly, you still have one more chance to show your true abilities.



4. There is a river you must cross. But it is inhabited by crocodiles. How do you manage it ? Correct Answer: You swim across. All the crocodiles are attending the Animal Meeting. This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes. According to Anderson Consulting Worldwide, around 90% of the professionals tested got all answers wrong. But many preschoolers got several correct answers. Anderson Consulting says this conclusively disproves the theory that most professionals have the brains of a four year old. “Oh Well….” Jimbo, I’d like to pass on a little wise tale for your coon-ass friends. A lawyer and a Cajun are sitting next to each other on a long flight. The lawyer is thinking that Louisiana Cajuns are so dumb that he could get over on them easy... So the lawyer asks if the Cajun would like to play a fun game. The Cajun is tired and just wants to take a nap, so he politely declines and tries to catch a few winks. The lawyer persists, that the game is a lot of fun. "I ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me only $5; You ask me one, and if I don't know the answer, I will pay you $500. This catches the Cajun's attention and to keep the lawyer quiet, agrees to play the game. The lawyer asks the first question. "What's the distance from the Earth to the moon?" The Cajun doesn't say a word, reaches in his pocket pulls out a five-dollar bill, and hands it to the lawyer. Now, it's the Cajun's turn. He asks the lawyer, "What goes up a hill with three legs, and comes down with four?" The lawyer uses his laptop, searches all references. He uses the Airphone; he searches the Net and even the Library of Congress. He sends e-mails to all the smart friends he knows, all to no avail. After one hour of searching he finally gives up. He wakes up the Cajun and hands him $500. The Cajun pockets the $500 goes right back to sleep. The lawyer is going nuts not knowing the answer. He wakes the Cajun Up and asks, "Well, so what goes up a hill with three legs and comes Down with four?" The Cajun reaches in his pocket, hands the lawyer $5 and goes back to Sleep. Don't mess with us Louisiana Cajuns.... We only talk dumb.... Sent in by, JuskidnRu Jimbo, I’d like to share this Senior Church Moment with your readers. A Preacher was explaining that he must move on to a larger congregation that will pay him more. There is a hush within the congregation. No one wanted him to leave. Joe Smith, who owns several car dealerships in the City stands up and Proclaims, .. 'If the Preacher stays, I will provide him with a new Cadillac every year, and his wife with a Honda mini-van to transport their children!' The congregation sighs in relief, and applauds. Sam Brown, a successful entrepreneur and investor, stands and says, 'If the Preacher will stay on here, I'll personally double his salary, and also establish a foundation to guarantee the college education of all his children!' More sighs and loud applause. Sadie Jones, age 88, stands and announces with a smile, 'If the Preacher stays, .... I will give him sex!' There is total silence. The Preacher, blushing, asks her, 'Mrs. Jones, whatever possessed you to say that?' Sadie's 90 year old husband Jake is now trying to hide, holding his forehead with the palm of his hand, and shaking his head from side to side, while his wife replies, 'Well, I just asked my husband how we could help, and he said,......'Screw him!' Isn't senility wonderful? Lord, keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth. GptTeeByrd@ Jimbo, There's nothing worse than a snotty doctor's receptionist who insists you tell her what is wrong in a room full of other patients. I know you all have experienced this, and here's the way one old guy handled it. An 86 year old man walked into a crowded doctor's office. As he approached the desk, the receptionist said, "Yes sir, what are you seeing




A snow plow just went by as I was taking the December issue of Gulf Coast Motorsports Magazine out of my mailbox. As I began looking thru it, I am reminded that your fun with cruise-ins, rod runs, shows and drag racing continues NON-STOP thru December and the winter months. MUST BE NICE! Up here we have long since shifted gears and had to focus on preparing our cars for winter “hibernation” until spring. Steps to prevent tires from “flat spotting”, ethanol fuel stabilizer, battery tenders, and checking antifreeze/coolant strength, etc. come in to play to protect our “pride and joy” over the long cold off season. For those who are fortunate enough to have heated garages it is a time for building or over-haulin. And for those not so lucky, it can seem like an eternity after deer hunting, football and the holidays are gone until “old man winter” decided it is time to begin withdrawing back to the arctic circle and give way to signs of spring. By this time “motor heads” are suffering from the dreaded “cabin fever” in epidemic proportions. “Road itch” is also wide spread by the time April gets here! The only cure is to get those engines fired up and get those wheels rolling! We have some catching up to do with our friends along the Gulf Coast ahead of us! Love your magazine! Keep up the good work! Merry Christmas and have a great 2017. God bless America! Rich Sutton the doctor for today?" "There's something wrong with my penis," he replied. The receptionist became irritated and said, "You shouldn't come into a crowded office and say things like that." "Why not? You asked me what was wrong and I told you," he said. The receptionist replied, "You've obviously caused some embarrassment in this room full of people. You should have said there is something wrong with your ear or something and then discussed the problem further with the doctor in private." The man walked out, waited several minutes and then re-entered. The receptionist smiled smugly and asked, "Yes?"" "There's something wrong with my ear," he stated. The receptionist nodded approvingly and smiled, knowing he had taken her advice. "And what is wrong with your ear, Sir?" "I can't pee out of it," the man replied. The doctor's office erupted in laughter. Jeff@ Jimbo, An elderly couple, Ray and Bessie, are "snowbirds" in Texas. Ray always wanted a pair of authentic cowboy boots. Seeing some on sale one day, he buys them, wears them home, walking proudly. He walks into the house and says to his wife: "Notice anything different about me?" Bessie looks him over and says, "Nope." Frustrated, Ray storms off into the bathroom; undresses and walks back into the room completely naked except for the boots. Again, he asks, a little louder this time, "Notice anything DIFFERENT NOW?" Bessie looks up and says, "Ray, what's different? It's hanging down today, it was hanging down yesterday, it'll be hanging down again tomorrow." Furious, Ray yells, "AND DO YOU KNOW WHY IT'S HANGING DOWN, BESSIE? IT'S HANGING DOWN BECAUSE IT'S LOOKING AT MY NEW BOOTS!!!!!" To which Bessie replies, "Shoulda’ bought a hat, Ray. Shoulda’ bought a hat." Jimbo, I learned this at some of the Christmas & New Years holiday partys I

went to this year.. There are some things that are Difficult to say when you’re Drunk….. Like, *Indubitably *Innovative *Preliminary *Proliferation *Cinnamon There are things that are Very Difficult to say when you’re Drunk… *Specificity *British Constitution *Passive-aggressive disorder *Loquacious Transubstantiate But some things are downright impossible to say when you are Drunk… *Thanks, but I don't want to have sex *Nope, no more booze for me *Sorry, but you're not really my type *Good evening officer, isn't it lovely out tonight *Oh, I just couldn't. No one wants to hear me sing jennifer@ Just Remember this…. When NASA started sending astronauts into space they quickly discovered that ball-point would not work in zero gravity. To combat this problem, Congress approved a program and NASA scientists spent a decade and over $165 million developing a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, on almost any surface and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300 C. The Russians used a pencil... Your taxes are due again in April, 2017. Till next month …… Jimbo

Please Welcome Brian Barsema and family to the Gulf Coast MotorSports family. I remember his Grandfather, worked with his father Bill at the factory & some Car Club activates Bill would do. And here we are a third generation carrying on the tradition of hot rodding……...Jimbo

Gizmos Carriage House AKA Poppys Garage January 2017 Here's hoping everyone had a safe New Years celebration, and not too much egg nog, spiked or not. Seems many look forward to the New Year with great hopes and some times anticipation. But to me its just a calendar thing. Just another day, not really a big deal. For those that work it just means after a few days off we go back to work. Unless of course one is beginning a new job. For those of us lucky enough or blessed enough to be retired, we can go about our daily routines as usual, to me everyday is Saturday. Some start new projects in the beginning of the year while others continue with projects started years ago, not unlike myself. Some folks set goals to be leaner, exercise more, drink less etc. etc. The resolutions people make are as limitless as our own imaginations. There are quite possibly millions of resolutions made at the start of most new years that seldom make it past a few weeks or maybe months. That does not mean we have failed, it just means we are human, we were not made as perfect creatures. We all have successes and failures from time to time. And one thing I've learned is to never celebrate past success, and always to learn from past failures and never repeat those things that became problematic. This reminds me of my Dads responses to me when as a youngster I would tell him I couldn't do something, he would only peer over at me and with an encouraging voice ask me if I had ever tried, and if I really wanted to do something all I had to do was to give it my complete attention and focus. It was as if he said I could do whatever I set my mind to do. Kind of great advice and its still useful in my life today. Start looking for different things from the Gizmo in this coming year as well. I am sure it will be either a success or a complete flop, but hey at least I'll give it a try. Stay warm, stay dry, and the Rod Run season starts new again real soon for us down south. Till next time from the Carriage House,

Hello my name is Brian Barsema. I am a third-generation car nut. My grandfather worked with stock cars and other racing venues. My father was a former member and president of the AAECM in South Mississippi. My father was also a former board member and volunteer for Cruisin the Coast. I grew up in South Mississippi in the middle of constant car shows. I moved away to join US Navy for 14 years worked on helicopters and aircraft. Now, I live Northern Florida and go to car shows my dad loved traveling too week after week in Florida. I am a member of the Mustang Club of America, and Metropolitian Club of America. I own multiple antique cars and motorcycles. I love traveling with my family to different events around Florida and Georgia. My wife is a professional published pinup model, so I run across a lot of custom culture car events. I am a published car photographer who almost always has a camera in his hands. It will be a great pleasure to share what I see at car shows and events in Florida with the Gulf Coast MotorSports readers…..Brian




Lucky winners will be selected at three Po Boys' Cruise-Ins (January. 7th, February 4th & March 4th)

Pinup Poster to Benefit our Veteran's! You Can Drive Away in the CTC Raffle Truck! Drawing Sunday, October 8, 2017 1936 Ford Pickup • Fat Man Chassis • 350/350 Chevy • Vintage Air Street Rod A/C • Coker Wide Whites • Power Windows •Ticket prices: one for $10, three for $25 •You do not have to be present to win!

go to: All proceeds benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation & Cruisin’ The Coast.

Po Boy's Car Club, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine & Dependable Sheet Metal ( are producing a pinup poster, featuring two gorgeous pinup models & local hot rods, shot by car-magazine pinup photographer AdPix.Biz Po Boy's will hold a 3-stage contest for the cars to be in the poster. Their cruise in, held year-round the first Saturday of each month, is at the Tillman's Corner IHOP (4375 Rangeline Road, Mobile) & 5 Guys. Lucky winners will be selected at three Po Boys' Cruise-Ins Jan. 7th, Feb. 4th & March 4th the poster will be photographed later & brought to subsequent shows for the models to sign, live, in the flesh, & busting with sparkling personality. One is red-haired fiery Janna (Gulf Coast MotorSports' August 2015 cover model!) & the other is equally-vivacious brunette, exotic Mikaylla. We may add a blonde to be fair. If your show could use some live patriotic sparkle from these models, let us know. They're extremely popular, lively bartenders & published pinup models; your show folks will love them. Even better, profits from poster sales will be given to the VFW! Bring your car to the Po Boy's Cruise-in to be judged for the poster. Let us know if you want your logo on the posters, or on the girls! Info: Jo Jo Johnson 251 367-6666





The Cole Report: The month of December brings us to what most all of us love doing with this car addiction and that's giving back to our communities. Went over to Edgewater Mall for the Mustang Clubs Show with collections of food for Our Mother of Mercy Food Bank. Great turnout for this one and a good amount of food was collected. Next up was the 3rd Annual North Pole Rod Run at the Best Western Plus on Hwy.49 Gulfport. Toys were collected for toy for tots and food collected for feed my sheep. Had a nice turnout for this one with a couple tables full of toys and food. This one always has a lot of car related gifts given to participants. The following weekend brought us to Sacred Heart Catholic Church in D'Iberville for the Beach Cruisers toy/food drive. This one had a good turnout and they collected a nice amount of food/toys for the needy. The last toy run of the month was in Bay Saint Louis for the Misfits Street Krewzers 16th annual toy drive everything raised went to DHS for needy kids in the local community. Good turnout with about 40 cars. All these events will sure brighten the eyes of kids/adults that are going through some bad times in their lives. Always try and make a difference when you can. See y'all somewhere or everywhere and remember to watch for our friends on bikes out cruisin’ also. …… Al



COOKIES & CAKE By: Carolyn Here's a yummy cake to make and serve for your upcoming Super Bowl party. I call this Carmel Apple Poke Cake, got this one from my sister Patty. Super easy to make.

• One box of Spice cake mix (Or any kind of cake mix you have on hand)

• One can of sweetened condensed milk • Apple pie filling, Chopped to make the apples smaller

• Carmel sauce • Whipped cream Bake cake according to directions in a 13X9 pan. Let cool, but while still warm poke holes evenly all over the top with the handle of a wooden spoon. Now pour the condensed milk over the cake making sure to get it in all the holes. Next drizzle on about half the Carmel sauce Top off with the Apple filling Chill about an hour..Serve with whipped cream and drizzle with more Carmel sauce So even if your team is losing this cake will take that bitter taste out of your mouth LOL...But if your team is winning this will make it even sweeter! This is so good your guest will want to take a piece home for later. Love from the Cookie Lady Carolyn

Open 5:00am - 7:00pm Call 228 234-5282 1720 Pass Road Gulfport, Mississippi

From: Buster McDaniel Now here is a unique Christmas tree (hub cap tree) put up by a cruiser group of friends, "He Man Woman Haters & Rebel Queens Yes Dear No Dear Club" in Gulfport, Mississippi at the "Rebel Dip" on Hwy 49. This was the hangout of the group when they were in high school and their high school coach has owned the "Rebel Dip" for years. How cool is that, and they have the club meetings there once a week still enjoying burgers, fries and shakes. They still call him "coach", some things never change. So if your driving down Hwy 49 in Gulfport, Mississippi, stop in and say "Hi" to Coach Rouse. While you are there you might as well have the best burger, fries and shakes on Hwy 49. Tell them Eddie Klein sent you ! Rebel Dip was established in 1962 by Coach Joe Benny Rouse, a well known basketball player in the area from his high school days. Coach was affectionately referred to by his contemporaries as "Joe Benny". Rebel Dip was originally called "Kool Dip". Another outlet in another part of the state was called "Cool Dip". Coach was threatened with legal action about the name similarity. Not wanting the hassle Coach asked his students to help come up with a new name. The local high school mascot is the Red Rebel. Thus "Rebel" Dip. With good food plus an outside jukebox it quickly became "the" hangout spot of the area after ball games attracting crowds from all walks, especially hotrodders. The rest as they say is history. Eddie Klein


Boozer's Brew is a locally owned coffee shop. We want our guests to feel comfortable when they visit. The atmosphere both inside and outside will be very relaxed. We will have a full courtyard for the nice days for you to enjoy your visit. Too busy to sit down? No worries, we will have a drive thru for our guests who are always on the go. Our beans are locally roasted. We offer a large selection of delicious flavors to add into your gourmet coffee or just enjoy a cup of our regular coffee. We serve breakfast and lunch all day. Take out orders are available.



The first annual “Wings and Wheels” show was held on Saturday November 5, 2016 at the base for the Mississippi Air National Guard 172ND Airlift Wing. The show was a rousing success with over 100 registered cars in attendance. The show was held in conjunction with the Unit’s “Family Day”. The purpose was to show appreciation to all of the members of the Unit, both full time and regular part time Guard personnel - a group which is close to 1,200 members. A second purpose was to raise money for an Emergency Fund for the use of Unit members who have had some catastrophe like a fire, flood, injury, sickness, mechanical breakdown, etc. The registered ‘car folks’ raised over $3,000 to give to this Emergency Fund. Mississippi Classic Cruisers, along with many members of the Mississippi Antique Motor Vehicle Club and The Mississippi Corvette Club helped promote this show. The Base opened a special entrance gate for registered vehicles. They parked one of their giant C17 aircraft in a position where the registered cars could have a photograph made at the nose of the C17. The cars were parked on one of the taxiways and it was just a great place to have a car show. The participants voted for Best Cars, Best Trucks, Best Imports, Best Street Rods, and Best Modern Muscle. There were also the “Chief’s Award” picked by the top enlisted man of the Unit and the “Commander’s Award”, picked by the overall Base Commander. R e g i s t e r e d vehicles started arriving at 7AM. A large crowd of Base members, (this Family Day is not open to the general public), enjoyed inspecting the many fine vehicles present. Awards were given out and the car show portion was over close to 1:00. A great time was had by all. Americans want to support the US Military and this is a great way to do just that. Next year we look forward to helping the 172nd stage another car show with their Family Day. We want it to be bigger and raise more money for their worthwhile fund. See you there next year.



COMMANDER'S AWARD Alan Laban Madison, MS 1931 Plymouth CHIEF'S AWARD Ben Todd Clinton, MS 1957 Chevrolet BelAir TOP AUTOS Paul Westwood Madison, MS Joseph Wendel Brandon, MS Dave Worman Brandon, MS Bob Jackman Brandon, MS George Raworth Terry, MS Billy Williamson Meridian, MS Jimmy A. Jones Brandon, MS Allen Laban Madison, MS Allan Kennedy Brandon, MS George Franks Pearsall, TX Wayne Hilliard Madison, MS Billy Kellum Flowood, MS TOP TRUCKS Charlie Harrison Lauderdale, MS Rene Fisher Madison, MS Bob Morgan Madison, MS Rob Hathcock Brandon, MS Howard Doty Florence, MS Pete Tyer Jackson, MS TOP IMPORTS Terry Jensen Brandon, MS Henri Fuselier Madison, MS James Conway Clinton, MS TOP RODS Wayne Caswell Ridgeland, MS John McIntyre Jr. Ridgeland, MS Jack Torrence Brandon, MS TOP MODERN MUSCLE Michael Flier Madison, MS Beverly Franks Ridgeland, MS Freddie Jones Brandon, MS

1934 Studebaker 1948 Chevrolet Fleetmaster 1966 Chevrolet Chevelle 1955 Chrysler Imperial 1936 Ford Phaeton 1939 Chevrolet 4 Dr. Master Deluxe 1967 Chevrolet Nova 1931 Plymouth 1964 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu 1963 Chevrolet Corvette 1962 Ford Galaxie 500 1963 Ford Fairlane 500 1947 Studebaker Pickup 1940 Willy's Pickup 1968 Chevrolet C-10 Pickup 1969 Ford F-100 Pickup 1936 Dodge Pickup 1979 Chevrolet Pickup 1976 Datsun 280Z 1972 Opel GT 1963 MGB 1940 Ford Coupe 1931 Ford Roadster 1927 Ford Roadster Model T 2000 Dodge Viper 2016 Chevrolet Corvette 2016 Chevrolet Corvette

Happy New Year. It is hard to believe 2016 is over and 2017 has given us a new start. For a lot of us we have far more days behind us and we have ahead, therefore we need to make every day count. Make a plan and everyday have something special to remember. (If you can remember what happened yesterday you are ahead of the game.) The first car show of the year is January 20-23rd in Covington, La The Southern Who 25th Winter Rod Run. The Club is Small but they put on a awesome show. It is lots of fun and I look forward to start the new year with a fun show. The Misfits will have the 19th Gnat Nationals on March 25th. The Misfits are already working to make this years show a success. The NSRA will start off the New Year with their first show, the 30th Southern Streetrod Nationals in Tampa, Fl. The show starts on March 31st thru April 2nd. The show is held Florida State Fairgrounds. This show has a large swap meet with lots of vendors. If you are a member of the NSRA you get a discount on the entry fee. The NSRA will name a 2016 Street Rodder of the year. The Northern part of the State enters their choice and the Southern enter our choice. I have not released the name because my report comes out before the meeting in Pearl where the winner will be named. We have a lot of new NSRA members to vote on our choice so hopefully the south will win. The meeting we have on January 2nd is where all the local clubs turn in the dates of the shows and cruise ins, to try not to have shows booked the same weekends. The state planning meeting in Pearl on January 14th this is where we bring the master schedule and discuss the shows. This way everyone show should be a success. It is a lot of planning but it does help organize our shows and cruise ins. Anyone can go to this meeting. This is a good month to join the NSRA we need members to support this organization. The NSRA is a big part of keeping our hobby or way of life, going forward. You also receive a very

informative magazine for your 30 dollars a year. The magazine has new products and lots of awesome hotrods. The NSRA also has our very own inspector Jerry Cuevas, he has the new 2017 inspection stickers. So it is time do get you new inspection, and sometimes that extra set of eyes will make your hotrod safer.

March 31st - April 1st & 2nd, 2017 Southeast Street Rod Nationals Florida State Fairgrounds Tampa, Florida April 7 - 9, 2017 Southwest Street Rod Nationals State Fair Park Oklahoma City, OK April 28 - 30, 2017, Western Street Rod Nationals Kern County Fairgrounds Bakersfield, California May 5 - 7, 2017 Street Rod Nationals South Chilhowee Park & Exposition Center Knoxville, Tennessee May 26 - 28, 2017 Mid-America Street Rod Nationals Ozark Empire Fairgrounds Springfield, Missouri

The safety of your street rod is of vital importance. If the street rod does not meet a certain set of guidelines, an accident can cause more than just replacing the parts. The NSRA or National Street Rod Association is the o r g a n iza t io n d o in g th e s a f e t y inspections. Keep in mind that these safety inspections are completely voluntary. In most cases, safety inspections can be done at many of the street rod shows around the country. Generally, when a safety inspection is done, it is good for one year.

June 2 - 4, 2017 Street Rod Nationals East, York Expo Center York, Pennsylvania June 23 - 25, 2017 Rocky Mountain Street Rod Nationals Colorado State Fairgrounds Pueblo, Colorado August 3 - 6, 2017 48th Annual Street Rod Nationals Kentucky Exposition Center Louisville, Kentucky September 8 - 10, 2017 Street Rod Nationals North, Kalamazoo County Expo Center & Fairground in Kalamazoo, Michigan September 15 - 17, 2017 Northeast Street Rod Nationals Champlain Valley Exposition Burlington, Vermont

NSRA Safety Inspections MS Gulf Coast Area Jerry Cuevas - 228 326-7489 Brandon MS Area Thomas Yates - 601 832-9646




o you remember going to the DriveIn movie theater? Now that we have The Turtle, our 1952 Chevrolet Styleline, we’ve been talking about Drive-Ins quite a lot. That car would have been great in a Drive-In. Drive-Ins were fun and economical. They were places teenagers could escape their parents and they were also perfect for parents looking for an inexpensive outing for the entire family. By the time I was going to Drive-Ins, in the mid to late-1970s, there weren’t too many families still going. My husband, Charlie, brother Herb and I have lots of memories of our local Drive-Ins. When I was in high school, I had a very dear group of friends who I spent a lot of time with. Thursday was $2-A-Carload night at the Algiers Drive-In. The Turtle would have held a lot of people with her wide bench seats and huge trunk. I remember piling 10 teenagers into my Datsun B210 and literally spilling out once parked and opened the doors. We could have more than doubled the number of kids in that car load if I had been driving The Turtle instead. My Datsun was a little thing that didn’t fit more than four people comfortably. It was so small that the guys used to pick it up and relocate it under “No Parking” signs just to mess with me. They wouldn’t have been able to do that with The Turtle. She’s built like a tank and weighs a ton. Getting all of us into that Datsun was tough but, unlike many kids today, we didn’t each have a car at our disposal and we didn’t have credit cards and unlimited budgets. We were on very limited allowances from our parents. $2 Carload nights were our chance to pool all our money, get out, be with friends, watch a movie and share an 8 Pack of Miller Ponies among all of us. We were easy to please. Drive-Ins were fun and economical. They were places teenagers could escape their parents and they were also perfect for parents looking for an inexpensive outing for the entire family. By the time I was going to Drive-Ins, there weren’t too many families around. Remember Pic? Those spiral-shaped incense-like things that were supposed to keep mosquitoes away? They didn’t work, but we had them. Concession stand hot dogs and popcorn and sodas? Drive-ins were always a chance to eat junk food. There were even commercials with cartoon junk food singing and dancing to entice us to go inside and get into line for some. I remember going to the Drive-In with my family when I was small. Popcorn was a special treat. Because The Turtle is so solidly built, we could have sat on her hood to escape the Southern Louisiana summertime heat while watching the movie. My Datsun didn’t have air conditioning and neither does The Turtle, so we couldn’t keep the car engine running to keep the AC on. Sitting on the hood was always a good spot to notice shooting stars behind the big screen. I often saw them streaking through the night sky. And then there were those cars full of couples looking for a spot in the back row. The Turtle would have been comfortable for lots of things at the Drive-In. When we went on Car Load nights, if we happened upon couples we knew, they would seldom be allowed to have any privacy and would invariably join us. I remember going on dates to the Drive-In. One night I was with my boyfriend and Herb and his girlfriend were in the car parked next to us. When my date reached over me, I surreptitiously opened my door and he fell out landing between our cars. It totally spoiled the mood for Herb because he and his girl were laughing so hard. On another occasion my date. The same guy, by the way, asked me if I wanted to get into the back seat. I told him no because I wanted to stay in the front with him. Poor guy. He had no idea what to say to that. Years later he told me it was the only time a girl had left him completely without a comeback. He had never come up with a good response to that line. Memories of good times at the Drive-In frequently come to mind for me at car shows. Maybe it is seeing row after row of cars, the people hanging around and enjoying themselves and the smell of popcorn in the air. Maybe it’s the occasional Drive-In speaker on a window of one of the cars. Every now and then I hear that there is a new Drive-In trying to make a go of it nearby. If one opens within a 100-mile radius, we will definitely be there, in The Turtle, with a carload of friends. Think the charge will still be only $2?



Algiers Drive-In

On December 3rd, 2016, the 14th Annual Blanket Run was held in Indianapolis, Indiana. This is an annual cruise to gather blankets for Wheeler Mission Ministries and their outreach to the homeless. The Wheeler solution: Get to the heart of the problem. Invite people from the outside in…for a hot meal and a warm bed. Offer healing from the inside out…to break addiction and rediscover hope. The arrival of custom and classic cars began long before 8:00 A.M. at McGilvery’s in Indianapolis. A delicious breakfast was served consisting of scrambled eggs, sausage links, biscuits and gravy, along with milk, juice, and coffee, free of charge for anyone who donated a new blanket. The restaurant was packed and the stories abounded.

From McGilvery’s parking lot, the 219 donated blankets along with the cars involved in the cruise, headed for Unique Hot Rod & Upholstery in Indianapolis. Eddie Buttler and the technicians provided a tour of the facility and we were able to witness the custom and classic cars being built in the shop and tour the upholstery area. The Blanket Run shirts and sweatshirts were sold there. The demand was so high that they sold out and orders were taken for more. All of the proceeds from this sale is used toward buying underwear and socks for the homeless.

Leaving Unique Hot Rod and Upholstery, the group traveled to Don Schumacher Racing in Brownsburg, Indiana. There we were allowed to tour the 120,000 square foot, state of the art, drag racing facilities. This is the home of three time NHRA Top Fuel Champion Antron Brown sponsored by Matco Tools, NAPA sponsored 2016 NHRA World Funny Car Champion Ron Capps, Make-A-Wish Funny Car driver Tommy Johnson, Jr., Shawn Langdon, and the Jack Beckman racing teams. It is remarkable to view this outstanding racing operation.



Grouping up for a lengthy cruise to a location near Lafayette, Indiana, the Blanket Runners were treated to a yummy lunch of BBQ sandwiches, potato chips, coleslaw, veggies, and soda before being allowed to view the amazing private automobile collection of Dr. John Randall. My photos of this high quality collection do not do it justice. It was an honor to be invited to view it. The history of the cars in Dr. Randall’s collection is one for the record books. I express my personal thanks for the opportunity to preview them. This was the last stop on the Blanket Run for 2016. The attendees then went their separate ways. What a wonderful day of fellowship! “I’ve seen and met angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives.” – Tracy Chapman Gotta Cruise!





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By: Terry

Mason Barfield

Photos by Chance Robinson, CMR Photography Got your attention didn’t it. More on the Beauty and The Beast photo along with the story coming up! 2016…what a year! Triumph and tragedy…incredible heights and the lowest of lows, Trump for the record books. What a year! What makes New Years so special is the new hope that it brings to us all. It’s like a re-set. We all get to cast off the past year, for good, bad or ugly. We as human beings live for hope, our faith in God, our expectations and our anticipation of what’s to come, what’s over the next hill and what’s around the next corner. It’s exciting stuff. We get older and hopefully a little wiser. We get to hear Auld Lang Syne one night. It was a Scots poem written by a guy by the name of Robert Burns in 1788. I know this because JR with the Coast Cruizers went to school with him and told me about it. I love that song or that tune. We can just hear the music and it ignites all kind of feelings, anticipation, thoughts and joy. This will be the first time in 34 years I will hear that song without someone to share it with. But that is OK, it has to be. This has been a time for me of re-discovery. It is also like I was born again, to experience life in a new kind of way and that’s been both terrifying and rewarding. I have accepted this time as a time to discover who I am. In that way it has been refreshing. I have the opportunity to shape my life how I want it to be. It is almost like a do over. A chance to think outside the box and I have tried to make the most of it. It’s what Scotty would have wanted. Life goes on…life is for the living and we have to appreciate every day, every hour and every minute of it. I have always enjoyed my life, every minute of it, but I have to admit it was challenging for me in 2016. I was able to really enjoy my family over the years, we can never take them for granted, not for one second. I enjoyed over 40 years in media, Radio and TV and Ad Agency business. For 30 years most weekends were spent at stock car race tracks announcing cars from the best seat in the house, which in most cases was air conditioned… and I was paid to do it. The first 10 years in the business was spent behind the microphone, where I started at the age of 15 on a number one rock radio station. About 10 radio stations I worked for in different markets, leaving for the next one for as little as a $30 dollar a week raise… big money for me. I had the best teenage years you could possibly imagine. I didn’t make a lot of money those years, but it was made up for by the best parties, free concerts, free stuff, benefits here and there and being in the middle of whatever was going on at the time. I met more stars and some of the coolest people you could find anywhere. The 1970’s were very special. I’m changing my scenery now, getting a new house for 2017. I started a new job which I love and beginning this New Year off fresh and new…it is so exciting to me! The new job with Heartland allows me to do what I am great at, working with businesses one on one and helping to make them better. I have great bosses, flexibility to do what I need to do and rewards for excelling. We all have to deal with life’s ups and downs, but we get out of life what we work for, expect out of it and strive for. No more, no less. We truly get out of this life what we put in to it. We pay the price for omission or co-mission. Most of what we get out of life is what we deserve, right or wrong. We can all change our life by changing our thinking. Can’t Never Could. There is no trying… there is only doing. There is no such thing as being beat…unless you fail to get up and go again. These are all so true. We have to dream big. There is no desire in life without the corresponding ability to make it happen. OK, I’m a little sappy this time of the year; however this is the time of year for those kinds of thoughts. If you ever want to re-invent yourself, this is the time to do it. It’s seems as we get older, we are consistently re-setting ourselves, we‘re older now and wiser. A friend recently turned 50. My comment to my friend was welcome to the smartest decade of your life. This is the time of the year for New Year’s Resolutions. If that is not a re-set, I don’t know what is. So figure out how you want to reinvent yourself this year, start with your thinking and follow it with different actions that will take you on that path. I don’t know who came up with the whole premise of re-birth of a new year, but it is awesome and reinvigorating. I hope you have an exciting plan for 2017, it is going to be an awesome year. I have a year to plan on being smarter for the next decade of my life as I approach yet another one of those birthday’s that have an “0” in it. I hate those, but I have learned it is truly better to have one than what the alternative is. Beauty and The Beast I love to get mail, texts and phone calls from my readers. I love being in the grocery store or at the mall or eating out and someone approaching me with some comment that makes me think “how do you know that,” I don’t know you or don’t know you well enough for you to know that about me, then I think, oh they are a reader of my column and sometimes… I tell too much. The one that got me so many times is people asking me about the stint in my heart, I’m thinking how does this person know to ask me about something that happened to me over a year ago, then it hits



me, the column. For a few years now Terry Webb has been telling me about his niece and how she is the number 1 fan of this column. Terry would say…”Oh she don’t wait for the magazine, she waits for the 17 FOREVER column.” Embarrassing for me… but I always appreciate readers. Well she turned 17 this year and she loves classic cars. Let me introduce you to my column’s biggest fan, The Beauty…her name is Brooke Shoemaker, she is the 17 year old daughter of Frankie and Tennille Shoemaker, (I wonder if they call Frankie “Captain”?) and niece of Terry and Lou Jean Webb of Wiggins. Brooke is a senior at Stone County High, lives in Wiggins and she has an eye for good looking cars. The Beast…The Webb Family has had this 1959 Corvette in their family for over 27 years and the niece has laid claim to this car. As you look at the photos you can see why. Because they want to keep this baby in the family, Brooke will receive this car when the time is right. This 1959 Chevrolet Corvette convertible has original paint with both a soft and a hard top, 270 V-8 horsepower with a 4 speed in the floor. Terry, until Brooke is ready for the car… I have a spot in my garage if that would help you out any! J Remaining 17 FOREVER is not a physical option for any of us, but it is a mental option and one I will hang on to until my last day on God’s earth. Get a special time machine of your own, or get the one you have in garage out on the road and enjoy that 17 FOREVER state of mind. til next month…

Terry Facebook: Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show



It’s been a long time, and it gets rough to find info on the old guys I used to run with. We just finished Garson was originally from the East Coast and “Turkey Nite” at Irwindale, Calif. on Thanksgiving. Irwindale used to be pavement, 1/4 mile and I won the 1938 Eastern Midget Racing Alliance suspect its still the same way. I looked at the photo of the winner (forgot his name already) and I saw the title before heading West. Garson was one of “Dune Buggy” chassis they are all running. The old rules don’t count anymore, and I assume that the the most successful AAA Midget drivers in the engine class is no longer in effect. If you are going to run “down bars” from the front axle to the top of immediate post-war years when the sport was at a peak of popularity. In the 1939 150-mile race the “roll cage”. This is to promote straight speed and traction in a straight line. at Roosevelt Raceway he placed 2nd before a ……..So back to “Bullet” Joe Garson, one of the best drivers ever. I get a call from Don Weaver who owns a midget with his brother Bob. It was about an early Dec. crowd of 61,256. He won the AAA Pacific race in 1952 (maybe earlier) and we had just run Coast title in 1948 and again in 1950. He was Turkey Nite at Ascot. Aggie (JC Aggajanin) was fifty years old and USAC had replaced AAA the promoter and owner of Ascot Park (1/2 mile dirt when he had perhaps his greatest season, winwith a 1/4 mile inside) the 1/2 mile both tracks ning the 1958 Turkey Night classic and the Pacific Coast Midget title for the third time. using the same straightaway! I took the “ride” ….parked my own car, and out One of his famous rides was the Rex Mays to Ascot I went. It was really warm 75 degrees (in Offy. Dec.) and the dirt was great! Don’s car was a V-8 Joe Garson died on March 26, 1984. He is a 60, and I insisted on using my carbs which were member of The National Midget Auto Racing jetted for 10% to qualify on Methanol, 10% Nitro Hall of Fame Methane. It was not a problem, track was dry slick, I qualified 16th out of 35 cars that were to start the 125 Race driver Don Weaver lap main, yes 125 laps. So, when we start the race, I’m in the pole position in the 6th row and we are starting 3 a breast like in Indy. The old pros sand bagged it when they qualified, and right in front of me is the Pacific Coast Midget Champion, “Bullet” Joe Garson and was now 50 years old. Because he was “big time” National Champ, I just tucked Don Weavers V-8-60 under Garson's Offy and let him do all the work. It was about 80 laps, and Joe is picking his way, we were running 5th & 6th. Joe lost it in the 2nd turn (1/2 mile) and I have no choice but to spin out with him or destroy the car! It was bent on the front end, no time to repair, just trailer it and fix it tomorrow! Later, Don Weaver (car owner) told me Andy Linden turned down the ride due to it being a V-8-60. There were certain tracks V-8-60 could compete, and Ascot was one of them. Ascot was always dry slick dirt and it was easy to “get a grip” if there was no “groove”. (groove & cushion were on wet dirt tracks, and required different tire set ups, and gear changes.) The last gossip I heard was ”Bullet” Joe was running a Kurtis Kraft in a “Vintage Race” and dumped the car (I don’t know how or why) and got himself killed! MAY THE WIND BE ALWAYS AT YOUR BACK KEEP IT BETWEEN THE FRENCES Larry Dunham 228-671-6216 Email:



Bill Ward By Candy Cocktail Over the past three months I have shared the stories and artwork of my favorite modern day pinup artists. As much as I adore their work, I am still an enormous fan of the original pioneers in the world of pinup art. Artists like Gil Elvgren, Alberto Vargas and Jay Scott Pike helped to immortalize the classy, cheesecake pinup image that is perhaps the most well known pinup today. While I love their work and it continues to inspire me, there are a handful of other artists who helped to imbed the pinup in our hearts and minds forever; artists that although you do not know them by name, their flirtatious art is instantly recognizable. One such artist whom I am an enthusiastic fan of is American artist Bill Ward. His distinctive pinup art and illustrations from the 40s and 50s are much more provocative and sultry in comparison to your classic cheesecake cuties. William Hess Ward, known to fans as Bill Ward, has been called the granddaddy of glamorous pinups. Born in Brooklyn in 1919, the New York native made a name for himself as a pioneering cartoonist of Good Girl Art (GGA) and the creator of the risquĂŠ comics character Torchy. Good girl art, a term I was not familiar with, is defined on Wikipedia as artwork in comic books, comic strips and pulp magazines in which the cover illustration depicts an attractive young woman, usually in skimpy or form-fitting clothing who is often a tough cookie or wicked temptress, shown in provocative (and sometimes very improbable) situations and locations, such as outer space. Ward was a cartoonist, writer and penciller. A penciller is an artist who works collaboratively in the creation of comic books, graphic novels and similar visual art forms. As the name suggests, the penciller focuses primarily on pencil illustrations as the first step in rendering the story in its visual form and specializing in the layout (positions and vantages of scenes) to showcase steps in the plot. Ward is not just well known as an illustrator of glamorous pinups, he is equally famous as the creator of erotic art and humorous cartoons featuring his gals. During his lengthy career, he worked for a variety of comic book companies, even working on the Judge Dredd series. At age 17, Ward began his professional career by illustrating hundreds of "beer jackets", a type of white denim jacket with text or a design on it. According to the website The Artist, he attended the Pratt Institute in New York City from which he graduated in 1941. Early in his career he worked for Military Comics. Ward penciled thousands of pages, an output rivaled by only a handful of comic book artists, for books ranging from Captain Marvel and Black to his own Comic book character creation, Torchy, Ward's original glamour girl, who he created while serving in the Army in WWII. With the 1954 publication of Dr. Fredric Wertham's Seduction of the Innocent, Ward capitalized on his ability to render the female form and moved seamlessly into the world of cartoon pinups. As states, the skill that set Ward apart from his talented contemporaries, like Playboy's popular artist Jack Cole, was his ability to master a medium called the Conte crayon. When drawn on simple newsprint stock paper, this potent combination created a charcoal-like effect and colour that allowed Ward to produce unparalleled textures, including the wonderful sheen on black thigh-high stockings which became a Ward trademark. Bill had several series of cartoons, such as Bettie Page inspired spanking cartoons, burlesque performers and a series of telephone girls lying on a bed or sofa in a negligee or lingerie, talking on the phone. His glamour girls had Barbie-like proportions, with silky long gloves and sheer thigh-high stockings atop a pair of dangerously high stiletto heels. As cited in, Ward is one of the most published artists ever. His artwork has appeared in a variety of popular men's magazine from the 1950s to 1970s, including Humorama, Joker, Leg Show, Juggs and Cracked. Even decades later, his work remains humorous, with many illustrations accompanied sassy dames stating kitschy captions, like, "He said he had heard a lot about me, but I told him he'd have a hard time proving it!" And, "I would have been home earlier except for tire trouble; he didn't tire easily!" His artwork spotlighting elegant ladies should come with a warning stating, "Caution! Dangerous curves ahead!" The common theme throughout his career was the male idea of the perfect catch: A woman with a flawless hourglass figure, pouty lips and eyes that could make any man melt; voluptuous, elegantly dressed women turning heads, making wives jealous and giving no apologies for utilizing their physical assets. He passed away at his New Jersey home in 1998. claimed that at his passing, he left behind a body of work that spanned six decades and by all accounts, more than 10,000 pinup illustrations. If you would like to see more of Ward's work, then check out the book, The Glamour Girls of Bill Ward. This book as well as other published collections of his artwork are available for sale on Amazon.

Candy Cocktail follow me on Instagram @candycocktail &



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By Brian Barsema The 2nd Pinup Rat Rod Shootout took place November 20th 2016 at Bad Apple Garage in Edgewater Florida. Every Rat Rodder sees the magazines on the store shelves with the pretty ladies and wonders if that could be mine one day. Pinup models wish to learn from other models and have the hot rides to take photos with. Photographers want to have them all in the same place at the same time. Shadow Rose Photography created an event that brought all three cultures together. Rat rods, photographers, and pinups converged from across Florida and Georgia to learn, network, and to take some incredible photos. The Rat Rodding community came together in a big way. Producing 12 of the most unique Rat rods imagined and engineered. There were Rat rods with magazine experience, and some completely new builds, even a 850HP Rat Rod Mega Truck named “Jeepers Creepers� came to show support. Pinups and photographers of all skill levels took advantage of these truly unique rides. Photographers captured photos that no one can do at any show. Everything from field backdrops, to garage settings, and even burnouts. At the end of the day everyone left knowing something truly awesome had taken place. A special photo shoot turned everybody lucky enough to attend into family. Working together, showing off, and meeting great people was the best trophy of all!





Gold Muscle Panther-Killer by: AdPix.Biz (Instagram: @AdPix.Biz) Model: Jenna You may have seen this 1970 Camaro SS before. It's stunned crowds at car shows along the Coast & participated in the GM Power Tour. Model Jenna here lets us dive in to more details about this fantastic creation of Metal Brothers in Mobile. Chevy's first produced Camaros in 1966 to fight with Ford's Mustang. Despite 50 years of massive effort, with thundering volleys fired by both sides, neither Ford nor Chevy has won the contest, & what a thrilling competition we've had as a result! Thank God for Free Enterprise. The contest itself has become a little boring though. Originally, the Camaro was produced by SEPAW – the “Society for the Eradication of Panthers from the Automotive World,” Ford's Mustang being called a Panther at the time. Eradicating Panthers apparently sounded too bloody for the Political Correctness Priests, so now we get marketing stuff like “smaller, lighter” & “meaner & greener,” whatever that means. This example here, from David & Pam Kountz, is a 1970 SS, from the first year of Camaro's Second Generation. It was just before Camaros bloated a bit in size (too much, some say, but that's body-shaming so we can't say that), sales suffering as a result. But the '70's SS enjoyed some of the surge from the First Generation cars, & can see why here. Stock, they came with a 396-402 inch engine (that's disputed, haha) putting out 350 hp & weighing 3,482 pounds empty. They covered the quarter mile in 14.4 seconds, hitting 101 mph. That's eradicating Panthers, or close to it. Then somehow Metal Brothers in Theodore got hold of one & worked magic that even GM can't believe. Metal Brother's specialty is doing overwhelming work, that still looks stock, as if the factory made it this way from the start, but better. Much better. This one Jenna is posing with sports 22 custom modifications to the outside, & you have to look closely to spot them. It's David's daily driver & looks as complete & docile as if Mercedes had built it yesterday. But it's a wild wild beast, with a GM LS7 427 ci displacement monster motor displacing 427 cubic inches of air compressed at 11.0 to 1, with a bore of 4.125 & 4” stroke. Metal Brothers also fitted stainless steel headers, 3-inch pipes, Borla exhaust, Mast Motorsports CNC-ported cylinder heads, Lunati crank, Comp valvesprings, Manley pushrods, T&D rocker arms, Mast Motorsports custom-grind hydraulic roller, FAST LSXR 102mm intake, custom intake piping, a Bowler Performance T-56 six-speed manual, Spec clutch, Bowler shifter, & lots of stuff they don't want us to know. The result: 673 horsepower at the wheels. That's Panther Eradication. (Ford's top Panther, er, Mustang, today, the 350GTR, lists 526 hp.) But it gets better, which is why this is a Pro Touring Camaro. The rear is a Currie 9-inch with 35-spline axles, Truetrac differential, 3.89:1 gears, pushing Fikse rims (18x10 front, 18x12 rear) & tamed by Wilwood 14-inch rotors, sixpiston calipers front; 13-inch rotors, six-piston calipers, interior includes a billet steering wheel, Scat Procar seats, Nakamichi sound system, & Dakota Digital instrumentation. Upholstery & paint (PPG Autumn Gold) by Metal Brothers Hot Rods. To top it all off, they've had it coated in ceramic, endangering Panthers everywhere. Wonderful Jenna here, in period-correct wardrobe, is 5'10” & loves seafood & sunsets. Follow her at a safe distance on Instagram: @jenna_holt94





“Where the Wild Things go” By: Brian Barsema Growing up in South Mississippi, my father took me many times for Thanksgiving to the massive car show known as Turkey Run. Turkey Run is held inside walls of the Historic Daytona International Speedway and is amazing in every way. Walking across the field it is a car lover’s dream everything from cars, shopping, food, camping, and whatever else a car head can desire. Being all grown up, I noticed the locals on Saturdays disappeared. At first I thought they must be at the beach or Belair plaza doing the traditional cruises. I recently learned I was wrong. Well I can tell you where the Rat Rods and wild things go. They go to Church. Church of Chop is not traditional show. Custom rat rods, choppers, pinups, and good times. Many in town and out of town Rat Rods, Hot Rods, and Choppers pull in and out of this show. On 26 November 2016 Church of Chop was gathered to receive the blessing of Revered Scharf. The 7Th Annual Church of Chop Rusted Turkey Rat Rod Revival draws Rat Rods from all over and is hosted at the (World Famous) Iron Horse Saloon in Ormond Beach, Florida. During the daylight hours, this show is kid friendly and is the most amazing group people to be around. When night falls put the babies to bed and real show begins. Flame throwers, lights, engines, showing off and general good adult fun. Church of Chop is a true after party. This show to many is behind the scenes and unknown to a lot of out of towners. This show is a fun and a great experience. I rank this as one of my favorite shows in Florida. My only regret is having to leave early. Now that I have been to Church, my prayers to the Car gods of rust, engines, choppers, and rods are truly answered!





I’m proud to be an American. By: Geraldo Rivera Almost everybody I have ever met wants to be American, or at least in America. I realize that sounds chauvinistic, perhaps arrogant, but it is true – and for myriad reasons, ranging from traditions to scenery, roots to realities. From sea to shining sea, ours is a blessed nation of fabulous variety. From the Grand Canyon to Grand Central, our natural wonders rival any on earth, while our manmade wonders are the envy of history. Even those with harsh critiques of certain aspects of our foreign or economic policies, or who find fault with some segment of our civil society, still want to be here. We don’t have a perfect union, but it’s the best the world has to offer. Left-wing, right-wing, Libertarian and Tea Party may complain about government overreach, but ours is the world’s freest society. There is an undeniable, even mystic attraction to this New World Colossus. Some are drawn by our remarkable freedom to be or do virtually anything that doesn’t interfere with anyone else. You can watch Fox News or Al Jazeera or Comedy Central. You can be Republican or Democrat, Green Party or Black Panther. You can stay up late or stay in bed. You can shave your head or grow a mustache, be vegan or carnivore. You can like the Yankees or Red Sox, Red Bulls, Redskins, Cincinnati Reds or no one at all. Ours is a nation of law with a written contract between the government and We the People. There are limits on what the government can do for and to us, and vice versa. We have to pay taxes in return for certain inalienable rights and responsibilities. There are speed limits and smoking bans and laws against robbing banks or hurting people, but everyone is free to be silly, smug, sensational or sensitive. You can dig Ayn Rand or Leo Trotsky, John Maynard Keynes or Adam Smith, Sigmund Freud or Timothy Leary. You can be Catholic or Jewish, Sunni or Shiite. You can be publicly gay, straight, queer, bisexual or transgender. You can be part of your neighborhood watch group or keep your windows shut tight with the curtains permanently drawn. You can be engaged, be reclusive or whatever else floats your boat. You can believe in one God or none, wear black shoes or brown, vote yea or nay or not at all. Opportunity is also a hallmark of being an American. Whoever you are, whether you come from Tulsa or Topeka, Tallahassee or Tompkins Square, you don’t have to stay there, or follow in your father’s footsteps, unless that’s what you want to do. You are free to travel to the four corners of the country, your mobility limited only by your imagination and budget. You can pick yourself up by your bootstraps and get a job, invent something or go to school. You can join the blessed military, be against all war, campaign against injustice or march topless in Coney Island at the annual Mermaid Parade. Our diversity of choice is matched only by the diversity of our people. We are the product of an historic melting process. We welcome newcomers; immigrant vigor has strengthened us and made us younger, as a nation, than our rivals. No place has that incredible ethnic, religious and racial diversity. Whoever you are, whatever color or language and wherever you come from, you can find someone here who shares your psychic DNA. So, you’re homesick? No problem. Unless you hail from an alien world, immigrants from your particular corner of humanity are already here to give you the secret sauce or habla la lengua or do the handshake or whatever you need to feel at home. When my mother’s parents fled the anti-Semitic pogroms raging in Eastern Europe at the turn of the 20th century, they found safe haven and a place to earn a decent living and raise their family here. When my dad, one of 17 children, left the sugar cane plantations of Puerto Rico armed with his first-in-our-family high school diploma, here he found opportunity, and my mom. For these and countless other reasons, I’m proud to be an American. Geraldo Rivera is currently a Fox News Senior Correspondent. 28

JANUARY 2017 | Dec 09, 2016 | by Amy Bushatz A rule change at the Veterans Affairs Department will allow veterans to apply for burial in national cemeteries before their death, rather than requiring family members to apply on their behalf after it. Veteran burial benefits previously were approved at the "time of need." For families, that meant waiting until after the veteran died to apply for the benefits via fax or email by sending in a copy of the veteran's DD-214 or separation documents and then following up by phone. The rule change instead allows veterans to be approved for burial in a VA national cemetery "pre-need," or before death, through a form submitted by fax, email or mail. The form can be filled out by the veteran or by someone else on his or her behalf. More than four million people are buried in VA cemeteries. Burial locations are assigned based on availability at the time of need, VA officials said. Although veterans cannot reserve a gravesite, they can indicate on the form a cemetery preference. Doing so allows VA officials to predict need at cemeteries, and may help inform decisions for those choosing a burial site after the veteran's death, officials said. The predetermination process qualifies veterans for burial in 135 cemeteries and 33 soldiers' lots operated by the VA nationwide. The process does not include Arlington National Cemetery , which is operated by the U.S. Army and uses a different application system. After receiving the burial benefits application, the VA will provide written notice of its decision regarding eligibility, officials said in a release. The decision and supporting documents will then be stored electronically by the VA to make burial arrangements faster when they are needed, they said. The change is an easy way for the VA to simplify the burial process for grieving families, officials with the Veterans of Foreign Wars said, and allow veterans to put their affairs in order. "We think it's something that's a no-nonsense, easy solution to ease the burden as people enter the later years of their lives," said Patrick Murray, an associate director for the VFW's national legislative service. "We tell people to be proactive, but in this [the VA said], 'Oops, you can't do this, you have to wait until you die,' " he said. "We view this as a common sense solution for a problem we're glad is being taken care of." Officials with the American Legion agreed. "A predetermination is the right thing to do. It allows the veteran and their family a small measure of comfort at a time when they can use any comfort they can get," Lou Cell, the Legion's national director for veterans affairs and rehabilitation, said in a statement. "The American Legion reviewed this policy when they were recommending these changes several months ago and assured the VA they had the American Legion's full support," he added. In addition to burial in a national cemetery, the VA provides most veterans who were not dishonorably discharged with a government headstone or marker, a burial flag and a presidential memorial certificate after death. Some veterans’ survivors also qualify for burial allowances, designed to cover some burial and funeral costs. Predetermination forms can be submitted by fax to 1-855-840-8299, email to or mail to the National Cemetery Scheduling Office, P.O. Box 510543, St. Louis, MO 63151, according to the VA.

By Michael Lachaussee Old car enthusiast met at Hardee's in Lucedale for the month of November with approximately 16 cars in attendance. While turnout was lower than normal, it didn't prevent the group from enjoying their time together. The talk centered around the upcoming car show at Walt Massey Chevrolet and the big swap meet in Moultrie, Ga. Dale Patterson traveled from Wiggins to bring the car featured in this photo. It's a 1946 Ford business coupe that Dale and his wife Donna have had for a couple of years that they purchased from Frostproof, Fl. This business coupe is considered a little rare and is stock. This is the fifth business coupe Dale has owned. His first car was a business coupe bought in high school and was identical to this one. Dale is a "Ford" man! In addition to this coupe, he and Donna have a stock '31 Model A Woody and a '32 five window hot rod traditional to the 50's.Thanks Dale for sharing this piece of history with the Hardee's breakfast gang. The breakfast gang meets every second December turn out for the Lucedale Friday of the month for coffee, breakfast, Hardee's old car breakfast was light and a old cars/trucks, hot rods and tall tales at lot of time was spent inside the warm Hardee's in Lucedale, MS. All are welcome Hardee's drinking coffee and chatting. Jerry with or without a car! Lott braved the cold and brought this early 40's Dodge truck. Jerry has owned this truck for a number of years and enjoys driving and showing it. Everyone is invited to attend this breakfast which is held on the second Friday of every month, rain or shine and attendance doesn't require a vehicle. 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431

Apology to John Pryor and Jimmy Sumrall. The November Lucedale article featured a cab over engine copper colored truck and the owner was listed as Jimmy Sumrall. The owner is John Pryor. The Texas Mile Announces New Home VICTORIA, TEXAS—The most recognized 1-Mile Top Speed Racing event in the world, The Texas Mile announced Tuesday morning it will establish its new home at Victoria Regional Airport in Victoria, Texas. The Texas Mile hosts over 220 of the fastest performance cars and motorcycles from across the United States to test their fastest speed in a 1 mile stretch. The bi-annual event will take place every March and October with the first event scheduled for March 24-26, 2017. The Texas Mile welcomes amateur and professional car and motorcycle racers who all share the need for speed without the fear of tickets or jail time! The Texas Mile was started in October 2003 by Julius (Jay) Matus, II and his wife, Shannon Matus, in Goliad, Texas with 35 participants and relatively no spectators. Over the last 14 years, the event now features over 220 participants and thousands of spectators in attendance. In recent years, the event has taken place at Chase Field Industrial Complex in Beeville, Texas and has brought over $1 million dollars to the local community each year with over 2,700 hotel room nights booked. "We considered Victoria as the possible new site for The Texas Mile for several years," said Jay Matus, CEO of The Texas Mile. " With a lot of hotel options and great family tourist attractions for our spectators, we think the time is perfect to move The Texas Mile here permanently," he added. "Victoria is very pleased to have such a well-known event like The Texas Mile move here," said Joel Novosad, Director of the Victoria Convention & Visitors Bureau. "The event will bring hundreds of overnight visitors to Victoria and have significant economic impact for the community." For Participants and spectators, convenient amenities will be offered onsite such as local food trucks, merchandise, and shaded spectator viewing areas. Hotels, motels, RV parks, and quaint B&B’s around the Victoria area are excited to welcome racers and fans to make Victoria a comfortable home away from home for the extended weekend. Event Location: Victoria Regional Airport Event Date: March 24-26, 2017



February 28 Fat Tuesday Mardi Gras 1/4 mile challenge. Gates open 11am time triles 11am Hourly payouts start 12 noon March 1 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune March 8 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune March 10 Test & Tune Only. Gates open 6pm-10pm March 11 IHRA Summit Super Series Double Hitter 1/8 mile Race 1 Junior-Footbrake-Electronics Gates open 9am. Race 2 Footbrake-Electronics Gates open 4pm March 15 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune March 18 Gulf Coast MOPAR Showdown MOPAR’S ONLY Gates open at 4pm for time trials & Eliminations start at 8pm.

I-10 Exit 31 Go south on Canal Rd. Cross over the railroad tracks. Go about one mile. Turn left onto Racetrack Rd.

Gates Open 6 p.m. ∙ Time Trials Start 6 p.m. ∙ Eliminations at 9 p.m. Car & Driver: $25.00 ∙ Spectators: $8.00 ∙ 10 Yrs. & Under: $5.00

$50 plus Trophy for each Winner - Minimum 4 Cars required for each Bracket. Once time trials have ended, there is no rainout! February 1 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune February 4 Gulf Coast Winter Classic at Gulfport Dragway. Bring your cars, trucks, bikes, pro stocks, muscle cars, dragsters out for a day of racing. Gates open at 9am Test & Tune "Stop Light starts and no times", Time trials start at Noon, eliminations start at 2pm. Grudge Racing · Vendors · Swap Meet Entrance Fee: Car & Driver $20 - Spectator $10. All Swap Meet & Vendors Welcome* (*Food Vendors must call track 228 863-4408) Vendors Set Up FREE with $10 spectator entrance. On site camping available. February 8 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune February 15 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune February 17-19 King of the Coast 1/8 mile Gaylon Rolison 228 323-7323 February 22 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune

February 4 Gulf Coast Winter Classic Grudge Racing · Vendors · Swap Meet Bring your cars, trucks, bikes, pro stocks, muscle cars, dragsters out for a day of racing. Gates open at 9am Test & Tune "Stop Light starts and no times" Time trials start at Noon, Eliminations start at 2pm. Entrance Fee: Car & Driver $20 - Spectator $10. All Swap Meet & Vendors Welcome* (*Food Vendors must call track 228 863-4408) Vendors Set Up FREE with $10 spectator entrance. On site camping available. 30


March 24 Friday Test & Tune 4pm-10pm Gulfport Dragway March 25-26 Footbrake150 + 50 8am-9pm Gaylon Rolison, promoter 228 323-7325 March 29 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune April 1 DownSouth Burners Motorcycle Club April 5 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune April 7 Test & Tune Only Gates open 6pm-10pm April 8 IHRA Summit Super Series Double Hitter 1/8 mile Race 1 Junior-Footbrake-Electronics Gates open 9am. Race 2 Footbrake -Electronics Gates open 4pm April 12 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune April 19 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune April 21-22 ATOMIC BLAST 6 Open to ALL Vehicles. Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles & Antique Bicycles. Rat Rods, Street Rods, Hot Rods, Antique & Classic Cars, $20 at the gate covers all activities including, Stoplight Drags, Tug of War, Burnout Contest, Flame Throwin' Contest, Donut spin-out contest and more. Swap Meet. Here's your chance to attend the event everyone has been talking about.. This is a family event. Gate opens at 4 pm Friday, & 8 am Saturday. There will be a few choice awards for cars/trucks/ bicycles handed out Saturday afternoon. There will be Food & Beer Stands. Events all day, Entrance to the track is $20 (kids under ten $10). Coolers & Grills OK (no glass bottles, please) Free primitive and RV Camping (no hook-ups) 24hr security on site. Everything is at Gulfport Dragway, 1 Mile South of I-10 (MS Exit 31) on Canal Road, Gulfport, MS Vendor information call Track Phone: 228 8634408 April 26 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune May 3 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune

This is a picture of Don Gartlis from 1975. he was in route from the Gator Nationals Gainesville, FL on his was to the Cagin Nationals. He stopped at the Gulfport track to test his dragster. This dragster was built for Jim Liberman (Jungle Jim) Jim was such a big man that the frame would have to built wider than normal. Jim backed out of the deal so “Big Daddy” Don decided to race the dragster himself. … Cospo May 5-7 King of the Coast 1/8 mile Gaylon Rolison, promoter 228 323-7325 May 10 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune May 12 Test & Tune Only Gates open 6pm-10pm May 13 IHRA Summit Super Series Double Hitter 1/8 mile Race 1 Junior-Footbrake-Electronics Gates open 9am. Race 2 Footbrake-Electronics Gates open 4pm May 17 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune May 26-28 Memorial Day Blowout ALL MOTORCYCLES May 31 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune June 3 IHRA Summit Super Series One Race 1/8 mile JuniorsFootbrake-Electronics Gates open at 4pm

July 19 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune July 26 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune July 28 TGIF 1000” Race Footbrake & Electronics Gates open 6pm August 2 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune August 9 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune August 12 IHRA Summit Super Series One Race 1/8 mile Juniors-Footbrake-Electronics Gates open at 4pm August 16 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune August 23 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune August 25 TGIF 1000” Race Footbrake & Electronics Gates open

June 7 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune June 9-11 King of the Coast 1/8 mile Gaylon Rolison, promoter 228 323-7325 June 14 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune June 21 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune June 24 Street Wars 1/4 Mile Challenge & After Party Gates open at 3pm Hourly payouts begin 6pm June 28 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune June 30 TGIF 1000” Race Footbrake & Electronics Gates open 6pm July 5 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune July 8 IHRA Summit Super Series One Race 1/8 mile JuniorsFootbrake-Electronics Gates open at 4pm July 12 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune





JANUARY January 7 Gulfport, MS The 2017 Gulf Coast Car/Truck/ Motorcycle Event Planning & Scheduling Meeting will be held at the Clarion Inn, (phone 228-868-3300) Hwy 49, Gulfport, MS. (Exit 34 I-10) meeting will start at 10am. . This is an open invitation to all car & motorcycle clubs, civic organizations and church groups to inform the public of their planed events taking place during the 2016 season. All car/truck & motorcycle event related topics open for discussion by everyone. You can help prepare a calendar of events, advertise your show, discuss any new problems you may have encountered with your particular event. Exchange club roster, and list of officers, and share any information as well as ideas and suggestions on events and shows on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Each club is asked to send at least one representative, but as many as you want to send are welcome... Out of state clubs are also welcome to participate. A master schedule will be combined and distributed to car clubs. If you have any questions, please call 228 596-0664 or e-mail January 7 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm - 8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 January 13 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 January 14 Pearl, MS Street Rod annual Planning Meeting for

all MS street rod clubs. Start at 10:am until 2:30 or 3:pm. The meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn, Trustmark Park. 110 Bass Pro Drive, Pearl, MS 39208 take exit Pearson Road off I-20 East (47B) phone 601-939-5238 All street rod related topics open for discussion by everyone. You can help prepare a calendar of events, advertise your rod run or car show, discuss any new problems you may have encountered with your particular rod run, exchange club rosters and list of officers, and share any information as well as ideas and suggestions on street rodding in MS. NSRA Rep. “CW” Smith will be on hand. Hopefully, some other guest will be there to make presentations. Each club is asked to send at least one representative, but as many as you want to send are welcome. Lunch will be in the meeting room. Plan to pick up your tab here, but there will be no other expense to attend. Street rod vendors are also welcome to come and make contacts with clubs for their appearances at the various events for 2017, out of state clubs are also welcome to participate. If you have any questions, call CW Smith (601) 833-4606. C-601-695-3890 January 14 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 4pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 January 20-22 Covington, LA 25th Annual Winter Rod Run, Southern Who Street Rod Association, January 20-22, 2017, Clarion Inn & Suites, 501 US Hwy 190, Covington, La. 985-8933580 Call for Reservations. $25.00 Registration $20.00 Pre Registered before Jan 1, 2017. For Info call 985-630-6315 or 985774-9535 January 21 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256



January 27 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In Café. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. info. 228-254-5270 January 28 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome January 28 Picayune, MS. Boulevard Cruisers 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in Memorial Boulevard at Burger King/Hudson's parking lot. Picayune, MS 6 till 9pm. Oldies music and 50/50

FEBRUARY 2017 February 4 Gulfport, MS Gulf Coast Winter Classic at Gulfport Dragway. Bring your cars, trucks, bikes, pro stocks, muscle cars, dragsters out for a day of racing. Gates open at 9am Test & Tune "Stop Light starts and no times", Time trials start at Noon, eliminations start at 2pm. Grudge Racing · Vendors · Swap Meet Entrance Fee: Car & Driver $20 - Spectator $10. All Swap Meet & Vendors Welcome* (*Food Vendors must call track 228 863-4408) Vendors Set Up FREE with $10 spectator entrance. On site camping available. Gulfport Dragway is located I-10 exit 31. Go South on Canal Rd, cross over railroad tracks. go about 1 mile, turn left onto Racetrack Road and continue to Gulfport Dragway. February 4 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm - 8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 February 10 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 February 11 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 4pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 February 18 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 February 23-26 Lakeland, FL Winter Florida AutoFest - Bigger is indeed better! Fall Florida AutoFest takes place at its all new and ultra spacious facility, the SUN ‘n FUN complex in Lakeland, Florida, 4175 Medulla Rd. Lakeland, FL 33811. By coming to Lakeland and Fall Florida AutoFest, you’re not just coming to a car show or automotive themed weekend, you’re coming to an event that is suitable for enthusiasts of all ages. It doesn’t matter if you’re the most die-hard car guy (or girl) or you’re a family looking for a day out of the house, Fall Florida AutoFest has it all! The weekend plays host to thousands of collector and classic automotive enthusiasts who will come to SUN ‘n FUN for one of the largest automotive swap meets in the region. In addition, there are classic cars and trucks available within the car corral or enjoy a thrilling collector car auction presented by Carlisle Auctions. Not only are there multiple forms of automobilia for sale, but you can also check





out or be part of a classic car show. Throughout the weekend, hundreds of classics, spanning generations of production, will be on display with awards presented at the conclusion of the event. In addition, there’s a great array of food, displays, guests and more. Plus, Carlisle Events will tip its cap to what SUN ‘n FUN is all about, aeronautical excitement. The onsite museum will be open during the event, there will be helicopter rides, a fly over and more air themed fun. Each year will bring something different, so be sure to get involved today! Adult Admission: $10 Daily Gate Times: Th.Sa. 8am-5pm , Sun. 8am-3pm February 24-26 Baton Rouge, LA 39th Annual R.O.D.S. Run Street Rod Show. Pre 1949 Streetrods Only. Registration $30 $25 before Feb 1st. Gerry Lane Cadillac Dealership. Host Hotel Hampton Inn, 11271 Reiger Rd., Baton Rouge, LA. Reservations 225 751-4600. Vendor displays, event T-shirts, live D.J. by HomerT, crate motor raffle, swap meet, door prizes, mall shuttle. For Rod Run info call 225 921-7530 or 275-9868 Vendor info 225 938-3589, Swap meet 225 571-2011 Host the Ramblin Oldies of Denham Springs. February 24 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In Café. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. info at 228-254-5270 February 25 Bay St. Louis, MS 4th. Annual VFW Auxiliary Post 3253 Open Car & Truck Show 208 Third Street Bay Saint Louis, Ms 39520. Dash Plaques 1st 50 registered vehicles, Top 20 Cars, Top 5 Trucks, 5 Specialty Awards. Best of Show, Commanders Choice Award, John Parent Memorial Award. Registration 8:am til noon. Awards at 2:pm. Entry Fee $25.00 day of show. Food, Drinks, and Dessert available at the post. Additional information call Bobby 228-493-2033 or Cindy 228-332-2000 February 25 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome February 25 Picayune, MS. Boulevard Cruisers 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in Memorial Boulevard at Burger King/Hudson's parking lot. Picayune, MS 6 till 9pm. Oldies music and 50/50

We serve Oysters on the half shell all week long. Tuesday, Wednesdays & Thursdays Oyster Happy Hour 4pm to 9pm $8 a dozen raw $10 Charbroiled

MARCH 2017

da Swamp Shack Open Tues - Sat 11am-9pm Sun 11am-3pm 228-255-2028 Local Art · Kids · Jewelry



March 3-4 Brookhaven, MS Fielder's Pro Shop Goin' To Town Car Show in beautiful historic downtown Brookhaven, MS. this show is sponsored by Fielder's Pro Shop, Tourism council, and Advance Auto Parts. Mention show for special room rates at the Hampton Inn 601-823-3800 or Comfort Inn 601-835-0055. Pre Entry $10 or $15 day of show. for more information: T-Tommy 601-833-8620 or Brookhaven Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce 601-833-1411 March 4 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm - 8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 March 11 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 6pm - 9pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers March 11 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 4pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 March 18 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 March 18 Gulfport, MS Gulf Coast MOPAR Showdown at Gulfport Dragway. MOPAR’S ONLY Gates open at 4pm for time trials & Eliminations start at 8pm. Gulfport Dragway is located I-10



exit 31. Go South on Canal Rd, cross over the railroad tracks. Go about 1 mile, turn left onto Racetrack Road and continue to Gulfport Dragway. 228 863-4408 March 24 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In Café. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. info at 228-254-5270 March 25 Bay St. Louis, MS 19th annual GNAT Nationals Open Car Show. Saturday, March 25, 2017; 8:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Silent Auction, 50/50, Wipe-Out Board, Prizes Galore, Food, 50’s-60’s Music, Games, Coloring Contest, Dash Plaques, Sponsor Awards, Vendors. Top Prizes !! FUN FOR ALL AGES……………… Our Lady of the Gulf, 228 South Beach Blvd, Bay St. Louis, MS 39520 Charities CASA and Senior Citizens of Hancock County. Awards presented at 2:00 P.M. Pre-registration $20.00 by March 15, 2016 $25 day of show. Top 25 Awards, Furthest Driven, Sponsor Awards, Best of Show. Awards to be voted on by Registered Participants. “Our Chefs will be cooking all the good food!!!!” For information: Bobby 228-493-2033 or Donna 228-332-3006 Misfits Street Krewzers · P.O. Box 2101 · Bay St. Louis, MS 39521 March 25 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome March 31 - April 1 Gulfport MS 5th Annual Gulf Coast Auto Show this is a Open Car/Truck/Motorcycle Show & Cruise-in at the Best Western Plus (228-864-0050) & Clarion Inn (228-868-3300) These hotels have adjoining parking lots and offer ground floor outside room entrances. Special Room Rates for this event. There is plenty of room for show car parking as well as the cruise-in cars. Vendors are welcome and the public will have free access to your area. Activities will include a variety of Gulf Coast amenities as well as on site entertainment. Car show entry of $20. Both Hotels are located on Hwy 49 South of I-10 exit 34 Host Car Club Coast Cruizers Information Jimbo 228 596-0664

Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 Gulfport, MSBest Western Plus, Hwy 49 South of I-10 exit 34. April 1 Gulfport MS 5th Gulf Coast Auto Show Open Car/Truck/ Motorcycle Show & Cruise-in at the Best Western Plus (228-8640050) & Clarion Inn (228-868-3300) These hotels have adjoining parking lots and offer ground floor outside room entrances. There is plenty of room for show car parking as well as the cruise-in cars. Vendors are welcome and the public will have free access to your area. Activities will include a variety of Gulf Coast amenities as well as on site entertainment. Car show entry of $20. Both Hotels are located on Hwy 49 South of I-10 exit 34. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 April 1 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm - 8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 April 8 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 6pm - 9pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers April 8-9 Biloxi, MS 2nd Annual ROCK-N-RIDE Open Car & Bike Show at Harrah’s Gulf Coast Great Lawn (south of hwy 90) 280 Beach Blvd. Biloxi, MS. Event includes music, food and vendors booths. Registration Noon - 5pm Saturday April 8th & 9am - Noon Sunday, April 9th. Awards: Top 25, Peoples Choice, Lady's Choice, Club Participation, Longest Distance, Hard Luck. Gift Bags for first 200 registered. Awards at 5pm. Rod Run Registration now $25 after 3/31/17 $30. Rod Run info call Joey 228 596-5158. Food & Craft Vendor info call Teresa 601-951-0087 Rock-N-Ride to benefit the Helping Light Foundation Supporting Our Veterans and helping our children! April 8, 2017, Gulfport, MS. 3rd Annual Crosspoint Cruisin’ for Missions Car, Truck, and Bike Show. Crosspoint Church 15046 North Swan Rd. Gulfport, MS 39503. Show starts at 9:30 AM, Awards Presented at 2:00 P.M. 6 classes of trophies and plaques will be awarded; cars, trucks, bikes, 4x4s and rat rods. Additionally, there will be specialty and sponsor awards earned. There will be fun, food, kids’ games and live entertainment available, so bring the whole family. We will have many door prizes and a raffle,… Registration fee will be $20.00.

APRIL 2017 April 1 Biloxi, MS MEGA Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90,



(Continued on page 39)

April 8 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 4pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 April 15 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 April 15 Slidell, LA 20th Annual Camelia City Car Show this is an Open Show. Dash plaques first 200 registered. Pre-registration $20 before April 10, 2017, or $25 day of show. Registration 8am till 12pm at North Shore Square Mall, 150 Northshore Blvd., Slidell, LA. Awards at 3pm. Specialty awards, sponsor awards, top 50 awards, best of show, 50/50. All proceeds to benefit charity. Information call Brenda Duhon at 985 639-9919 or John Muligan at 985-845-0527 April 21-22 Gulfport, MS ATOMIC BLAST 6 Open to ALL Vehicles. Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles & Antique Bicycles. Rat Rods, Street Rods, Hot Rods, Antique & Classic Cars, $20 at the gate covers all activities including, Stoplight Drags, Tug of War, Burnout Contest, Flame Throwin' Contest, Donut spin-out contest and more. Swap Meet. Here's your chance to attend the event everyone has been talking about.. This is a family event. Gate opens at 4 pm Friday, & 8 am Saturday. There will be a few choice awards for cars/trucks/bicycles handed out Saturday afternoon. There will be Food & Beer Stands. Events all day, Entrance to the track is $20 (kids under ten $10). Coolers & Grills OK (no glass bottles, please) Free primitive and RV Camping (no hook-ups) 24hr security on site. Everything is at Gulfport Dragway, 1 Mile South of I-10 (MS Exit 31) on Canal Road, Gulfport, MS Vendor information call Track Phone: 228 863-4408 April 22 Mandeville, LA 5th Annual Classic Car Show. 9AM 3PM Entry Fee for Cars & Trucks $20 Pre-registration. Fee thru April 1, 2017. $25 Day of Event. Booths Inside Air Conditioned Hall. Pre-registration Required · Fee $20 Per 10’x10’ Space. Mandeville Lions Club, 720 Lafitte Street, Mandeville, LA 70448 Info: Call 985-626-8862 or 985-626-8614 Benefits LA Lions Eye Foundation & LA Lions Children’s Camp April 22 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome April 29, The Sixth Annual Deanash Children's Village Open Car Show. 8 am thru 1pm, registration 8 am-10 am. $25.00 day of event, includes a meal. Free to the public. Pineview Baptist Church, 19 Tower Rd, Hattiesburg, MS 39401. ( located at the back entrance to Paul B. Johnson State Park) for more info: call Stan Anderson 601-467-1138 or email andersonstanley58@gmailcom. Proceeds to support the Deanash Children's Village Donations will be accepted. Music provided by Damascus Road 10:00 Cruise' through the park: 11:15 Door Prizes, t-shirts, games, food, 50/50 raffle, 216 pc Craftsman mechanic tool kit raffel. Trophies: Longest Owned, Distance Traveled, Best Engine, Interior, Paint Scheme, Display, Work In Progress, Oldest, Most Unique. TOP THREE: Car Pre 1960, 1960-1969, 1990—present, Truck Pre 1960, 1960-1989, 1990—present, Street Rod, Rat Rod, One each:



Best Tractor, Best Motorcycle: Cruiser, Sport, Chopper, Trike, Pastors Choice, Children's Choice, Best In Show April 28 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In Café. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. info at 228-254-5270 April 29 Mobile AL Southern MOPAR Association 22nd Annual MOPAR Car Show & Swap Meet at the Battleship Park (2703 Battleship Pkwy, Mobile, AL 36603) Registration 8am-11. Preregistration $25 (includes show shirt) day of show $30. Proceeds to benefit the Mulherh Custodial Home. All show vehicles must be MOPAR/AMC powered. Info contact Larry Jordan 251 653-5154

May 2017

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May 4–7 Destin, FL Burning Up The Beaches the MOST partyin, fun, BEST value classic car weekend on the circuit! If you are looking for a fun, relaxing weekend on the beach to meet other gearheads and have a BLAST at the beach, THIS IS IT! Car show central is located at Destin Commons, located in the heart of Destin Fl, with fantastic shops such as Bass Pro, Uncle Bucks Fish Bowl, H&M, World of Beer and many many more! At Burning Up the Beaches you get armbands for 2 people, to 3 parties with live music, 5 fantastic stops, dinner on Saturday night, prizes galore, event Decal, one event t-shirt, and car show all for $80 tax deductible dollars! All Burning Up The Beaches net funds go to The Arc of the Emerald Coast the local ARC Agency serving those with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, and other developmental disabilities. Here is your complete list of Events and Cruise Stops: Thursday May 4th, 2017: Early Birds Party and Meet & Greet – Ramada Plaza Resort Light Hors d’oeuvres and Cash Bar 5:30pm – 7:30pm Friday May 5, 2017: Destin Commons – Registration Opens 9:00am – 5:00pm Address: 4100 Legendary Dr, Destin, FL 32541 Get registered, or pick up your pre registered package and get out to the stops! Registration will be open 9am – and its not to late to join in the fun! Vendors and those that are “show only” will be set up. THE Car Show!! 10:00am – 5:00pm Location: Destin Commons Take your spot for the SHOW! Thousands of locals are eagerly anticipating your arrival! Valve Cover Racing, Vendors, Destin Commons GREAT restaurants and shops, Mega 50/50. Burning Up The Beaches is known as “THE FUN ONE” In keeping with this spirit, all 5 Burning Up The Beaches awards are totally subjective. Our awards include: 1. Public Choice 2. Sponsors Choice 3. Boardwalks Best 4. Horizons Clients Choice 5. The Wild Bill award, in memory of Burning up the Beaches supporter Wild Bill Tuttle, awarded by his family to the most fun car and crew. “The Street Party” – After the Car Show (5:30 pm8:30 pm) – we will be dancing in the streets to the tunes of Emerald Gold! Tastings will be provided via the fabulous restaurants of Destin Commons along with the ever famous Draw Down with Cash and Prizes!!! Car Corral and swap meet are open all weekend! Great video showing what Burning Up the Beaches is all about! http:// Email: Phone: 850-376-1037 May 6 Biloxi, MS 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and AutoZone. Information Jimbo 228 596-0664 May 6 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm - 8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 May 13 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 6pm - 9pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across

(Continued on page 42)



(Continued from page 40)

street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/ Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers May 13 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 4pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 May 13 Mandeville La. 10th Annual Cruisin' With YFM 1088 (Youth For Mandeville). Open Car and Truck Show. $20 Entry Fee Day Of Event Registration 8:30am to 11am, Awards at 2:30 pm, “Top Twenty-five & Peoples’ Choice Awards”, “Best of Show”, “Best Paint” “Best Interior” “Best Engine” “Best Car” & “Best Truck” “Dash Plaques for The First 50 Entrees”, 50/50 Drawing, Silent Auction, As Well As Other Drawing Thru-out The Day. (Rain or Shine) Indoor Facility to Accommodate All Guests, Early Bird Breakfast, Jambalaya, Gumbo, Hot Dogs, Soft Drinks, and Lots More Available on Site. This Is A NonAlcohol Family Friendly Event. Bring the Kids and Grandkids, Spacewalk will be provided. Lots of Fun for all. All Proceeds Benefit Youth Group Activities. For More Info Contact Lloyd, At (504) 451-1522 or David at Show Located At Mandeville Christian Fellowship Church 1211 Hwy 1088. Get on I-12 and take exit 68, 1088 West toward Mandeville and go 2 miles to four way stop, proceed 500 more feet Car Show on the right (Mandeville Christian Fellowship Church) May 20 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 May 26 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise -in at the Cruise In Café. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. info at 228-254-5270 May 27 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome

JUNE 2017


June 3 Biloxi, MS 1st Saturday Night Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and AutoZone. Information Jimbo 228 596-0664 June 3 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm -


8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 June 10 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 6pm - 9pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers June 10 Poplarville, MS 10th Annual Blueberry Jubilee Car/Truck/Bike Show. Registration opens at 7 am, Awards at 2:30 pm. Bring the family and enjoy the day at the Blueberry Jubilee. The usual best of awards and some unusual ones. The Blueberry Jubilee is an arts and crafts fair held on the Second Saturday in June of each year. It is at that time, because that is when the blueberries are available. The Blueberry Jubilee is located in Downtown Poplarville, Mississippi and attracts about 10,000 visitors each year. The Blueberry Jubilee features Handmade Arts and Crafts, Storytelling, Live Entertainment, lots of food, and down home Southern Hospitality. Blueberry Jubilee Council is made up of all volunteers, and our goal is to promote Blueberries and Pearl River County. Jeff 228-216-6863 or June 10 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 4pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 June 17 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 June 23 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruisein at the Cruise In CafÊ. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. info at 228-254-5270 June 23-25 Biloxi, MS 15th Annual Scrapin' The Coast. We are pulling out all the stops on this one folks. This one is going to be the Biggest one yet guaranteed! The Gulf Coast has everything to offer from white sandy beaches to the night life on the strip and the casinos within walking distance. This is going to be the show that you don't want to miss!! Best show on the Gulf Coast! * Car & Truck Show * Vendors * Live Bands * Triple point Usaci Stereo competition sponsored by Advanced Audio and Kicker Car Audio * Frame Dragging * Burnout Contest * Wild Bikini Contest * Hydraulic and Airbag competition sponsored by CCE Hydraulics * And more!!! This is a chance to get your vehicle shot by one of the many photographers and videographers that we have coming! Media Coverage by: Truckin', Krookid photography, All Time Low (Continued on page 44)




(Continued from page 43)

Magazine,Ten31 video, Street Trucks, GrinderTv, Solo Films,,, Gauge Magazine, and More!! Registration and drive thru judging this year is on site at the coliseum and will be inside a fully a/c building in the new convention center!!!!!! Vendor setup Friday 9am-6pm Registration and drive thru judging Friday 9am-6pm Saturday 7am-4pm Show hours Saturday 8am-6pm Sunday 8am-5pm To become a Vendor or Sponsor email For More Info Call Greg 228-324-7671 June 24 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome

July 2017




July 1 Biloxi, MS 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and AutoZone. Information Jimbo 228 596-0664 July 1 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm - 8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 July 8 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 6pm - 9pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers July 8 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 4pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 July 15 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 July 22 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome July 28 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In CafÊ. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. info at 228-254-5270 (Continued on page 50)











(Continued from page 44)

August 2017 August 5 Biloxi, MS 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and AutoZone. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 August 5 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm 8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 August 12 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 6pm - 9pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/ Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers August 12 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 4pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 August 19 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 August 25 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In CafÊ. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. info at 228-254-5270

September 2017 September 2 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Information Jimbo 228 5960664 September 2 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm 8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 September 9 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 6pm - 9pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/ Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers September 9 Kiln, MS 4th Annual Knights of Columbus Classic Car & Truck Show at Annunciation Church. 5370 Kiln Delisle Road. Registration $25.00 8 t0 11 am. Awards will be presented at 1 pm. Lots of 50's music. 50-50 split pot, lots of givea-ways. Awards for top 30 cars, top 5 trucks, 5 cars 80's and above. Dash Plaques for the first 75 cars & trucks. Awards for best paint, Interior, Engine, Rat Rod, Best of Show. And the longest distance traveled. Great parking area, air conditioned

check out all Events listed at 50




52 52



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54 54


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55 55

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57 57




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60 60


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64 64







67 67







Classified Ads - 2 months - Description with 1 (one) Picture - $10 ¡ Non Picture Ad Only - $5

1930 Ford ALL STEEL, 454 Cu’in with a 400 trans. 12 bolt rear-end, $17,000. 228 326-7489 Jerry 1/17

1965 Barracuda. Original 273 V-8 engine, working air conditioning, Good Condition $12,500 985-707-3385 1/17

31 Chrysler 4-door touring car, 318 V-8, new A/C, power rack and pinion steering, power brakes, Mustang II frontend, 9-inch Ford rear end, very dependable on long trips, good gas mileage. 6-way Escalade leather front seats. Runs all day in heavy car show traffic. $35,000 1/17 (334) 797-7164

1967 Olds Cutlass Supreme, Survivor Car. All original glass and chrome. 64,000 org. miles. 330. 6,500.00 OBO 228-219-7210 1/17

additional photos $5 each

1991 Harley-Davidson FXR. Factory Paint, Runs Great. $5000.00 OBO 228-219-7210 1/17

1981 Corvette, 108k miles. New Interstate battery, fresh LeMans SR P255/60R15 radials on factory aluminum alloy wheels. White with T-tops over a red interior on red carpet. The car is in good condition, it's tight and handles extremely well. The engine runs good, sounds even better. There are a few minor cosmetic issues on the car and a couple of minor mechanical matters that will require repair/ replacement of parts. No "big ticket" items, however. Asking price is $10,000, but I will consider any respectable offers. Call 228 6698085, leave message, phone/text no. and email address for more detailed info and pictures. 1-17

1988 Custom Bagger, raked, lowered, cam & Weber carb. 30K miles. $10,500 O.B.O. call 228-861-1136 posted 1/17

1951 Chevy Fleetwood, 2 door, 1954 235 C.I. 6 Cyl, windshield from a 1951 Olds, Vintage air, headlights tunneled and frenched, new interior, 3 speed standard transmission, new paint and new tires, $13,500.00. More info, call Malcolm Fontenette, 504-810-4220. 12/16

1928 Ford Coupe. All steel. Off-body restoration. New rebuilt 350 Chevy engine. 350 Turbo Trans. A/C & heater. Edlebrock 650 carb, Chrome compressor & alternator. Headers. Smitty mufflers. Lokar floor shifter. Chrome booster & master cylinder. Front disc brakes, rear drum brakes. GM tilt steering. Turn signals. New steel floor. Carpet, rolled & pleated interior. New stainless steel rock guard. New chrome radiator cover. Brand new tires. Many more extras. Asking $26,500.00 OBO Ph: 228-832-3255 posted 12/16

WANTED 53-57 Cushman/Alstate Motor Scooter call 601-927-1544 or 601-825-3408 12/16

1952 Ford Crestline Victoria, rebuilt flathead V8, automatic transmission, new upholstery, headliner and carpeting, Malcolm Fontenette, 504-810-4220. 12/16

1936 Chevy Business Coupe, steel body, 235 Chevy engine, automatic transmission, new interior and headliner, excellent paint job, excellent show car. More info, call Malcolm Fontenette, 504-810-4220. 12/16



1961 Pontiac Bonneville 4 door hard top with power steering, power brakes and A/C. No rust or dents. This is a rare car. Price Negotiable Ask for Buddy 601-372-3894. posted 11/16

1953 Ford F-100. New Build 400 miles, 302 block, 351 heads. Given wrong info on rockers 6.5 needed 7.2 broke a valve stem. Truck & parts 20K INVESTED. New rims and tires, AOD trans, P/S, P/W, elect wipers. New glass and moldings, gauges, etc., etc., !!! Selling for $8000. Call Warren 601 337-1324 posted 11/16

1961 Pontiac Ventura, bubble top, 389, tri power, new carbs, cam, lifters, heads. Power front disc brakes, air conditioning, alum radiator, auto trans. Very solid rare car $35,000. Buddy 731-733-4487 Bay St Louis. posted 11/16

1969 Chevy C-10. Crate 350 engine, rebuilt 700 R-4 trans, P.S., P.D.B., New aluminum radiator, bumpers, wheels, tires, carpet, seat, bed cover. A.C. not installed. Call for details. $16,000 - O.B.O. 251-518-6659 posted 11-17

1991 Corvette. All original, never wrecked, 84K miles. Fresh tune up, new tires. This car is ready to go.. Clear title and all paperwork available. Good driver. Really a clean little car. Second owner. $13,500 O.B.O. Call Adam at 417-230-2974 posted 10/16

2015 HellCat Challenger Like Brand New, by Owner 3300 miles, loaded 707 hp, 6 Speed, black interior, tinted windows and more. $59,900 228-806-3500 posted 10/16

1500sqft insulated building w/ central a/c-heat. Piped for compressor throughout. 1 acre, versatile shop. Trolley Hoist, Commercial grade air compressor. Ventilation fan to evacuate any fumes, dust or debris. Room to expand. 145 Inda Rd, Perkinston, MS 39573 $65,000 Listed w/ Surf Song Realty 601-716-5945 posted 10/16

1989 Chevy “Mini School Bus� well equipped Camper. 6.2 diesel, new 5 speed automatic transmission. New tires, tow package. P/S, P/B. Good driver. Must be seen. $4200 O.B.O. Call Adam at 417-230-2974 posted 10/16 1940 Ford Deluxe all there - no radio - been in barn 40 years $7,500 call 228 671-6216 posted 10/16



1979 Corvette, 99k miles, good condition, out of storage, new ac and carb. $11,000. call 228 868 2217 posted 10/16

1957 Chevy Belair 2 door hardtop. frame off restoration; great stance and sound. 502 fuel injected big block w/ 5 speed. Richmond heavy duty radiator w/ dual electric fans. All chrome and polished stainless engine compartment, 9" Ford w/ 3:73 gears. Show Car or Driver. Custom stereo AM/FM radio, Vintage air, power brakes, steering, windows, doorlocks, MSD ignition, leather bucket seats front & rear, tilt wheel. No Expenses Spared Asking $69,500 call 504-874-3477 posted 10/16

1972 Ford p/u runs excellent rides perfect, brand new tires all around, has a 6 cylinder w/ three on the tree, brand new starter, and brand new carb. needs restored but drive until then! asking $3500.00 Mark 601-766-1066 posted 10/16

1935 Ford 5 window coupe $22,000 runs drives stops, needs wiring finished and it is a driving project..all Chevy drive train, has a 69 307 w/ 79 trans, the rear is a 12 bolt.. All steel car. Mark 601-766-1066 posted 10/16

1959 Ford 4 door hardtop. Low mileage, good condition, interior great, Black outside and red interior. 11K O.B.O. call David at 228-342-7113 posted 10/16




7:30 AM - 5:00 PM






2005 Grady White 270 overnighter twin 150 4 stoke Yamahas $52,900

1985 Jeep CJ7 6cylinder 5speed 4wd $4500

2003 Ford Explorer XLS 175k miles $2900

2015 Ford Transit connect XLT only 1600 miles $21,900

2002 Ford Explorer XLS leather. only 119k miles $3400

2004 Ford Freestar SES 155k miles $2900

2000 Chevrolet Impala LS 174k miles $2500



2001 Wellcraft 18ft 2002 115 Mercury center console, all electronics, very clean aluminum trailer $9200

2001 Ford F150 XLT $2900

2005 Chevrolet Cavalier 110k miles $2500



Metal prints - 6x9 $5 or 11x15 $20

Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

Metal prints - 6x9 $5 or 11x15 $20

Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505



Metal prints - 6x9 $5 or 11x15 $20

Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

Metal prints - 6x9 $5 or 11x15 $20

Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

Custom Made Metal Signs - 228 596-0664 6x9* - $5

_____ or

11x15* - $20


Includes tax & shipping. Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505 *approximant size for mailing

Metal prints - 6x9 $5 or 11x15 $20

Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

Metal prints - 6x9 $5 or 11x15 $20

Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505



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for Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine

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