Gulf Coast MotorSports March2017

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MARCH 2017




Vol. 22 No. 3

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief - Jas. “Jimbo” Perkins P.O. Box 2847 ∙ Gulfport, MS 39505

E-mail: Advertizing & Production - 228 596-0664

“You were created to make somebody else’s life better. Somebody needs what you have. Somebody needs your smile, your love, your encouragement, your gifts. When you serve others, there will be a joy and a fulfillment that only God can give..” …… Joel Osteen

Cruizin’ in the passin’ lane By: Jimbo Senility has been a smooth transition for me. A thief broke into my house last night. He started searching for money so I woke up and searched with him. I love being over 70. I learn something new every day and forget 5 others. My goal for 2016 was to lose 10 pounds. Only 15 to go. Tonight I ate a salad for dinner, it was mostly croutons & tomatoes. Well really it was just one big round crouton covered with tomato sauce. And cheese. FINE. It was a pizza. I ate a pizza. Speaking of eating Nancy & I jumped in the ol’ ‘29 and went to the Grarheads Cruisers 3rd Saturday night Cruise-in at Twin Peaks in D’Iberville, MS. Music and Hot-Rods filled the parking lot. At this cruise-in spot you have your choice of 5 restaurants surrounding the parking lot. Makes date night easy and fun for both of us. This month the magazine is filled with car shows and cruise-in’s all trying to get you to attend. Hard to make them all but don’t just sit home and let the traffic pass you by. So fire-up your ride and join a Cruise-in, Car Show, or dinner-run listed in the magazine. Remember whether local or caravanning to events out of your zip code, you are making some great memories to tell your family and friends about. Speaking of memories check out the one below... Till next month …… Jimbo Jimbo, Rat Rod vs Hot Rod = hot rat rod..made to make me happy not anybody else ....that's what we said back in the early early 70s… yes we called some rat rods back in the day… True story; a buddy just bought 60s rambler (lay back seats) in ‘69… we’re makin’ the drag, 38 blocks long, and saw a wreck in front of us. Well we though it was,.. Tony slammed on the brakes and the old rambler brakes pulled hard to the left, it was Tony C. As we pull up, his girlfriend is screaming and dancing around outside car, crazy like, we jump out ask u ok.. still screaming ... A rat, I mean a rat 8 -10 in long comes out the door


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The publication titled: Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine is owned & published by Dixie Press Publishing LLC. who neither endorses nor warrants the products or services of advertisers, nor does it warrant the completeness or accuracy of the data provided herein. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. welcomes unsolicited editorial, photographs, articles for non compensational consideration of publishing on a space available basis's. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. is not responsible for the return of said photographs, manuscripts or art. Views expressed in these publications are not necessarily those of the publisher, contributing editors, advertisers, or their agents. Subscriptions are mailed to subscribers via Bulk Mail from U.S. Postal service. Re-printing in whole or part can only be done with the permission of the publisher...but then he’s easy gets on Gulfway Drive runs to curb and turns around and looks back, on his hind feet! She says screaming “it was up my skirt, I thought it was Tonys hand up there … screaming at top of her lungs 30- 40 people standing by shocked.” We start BELLY LAUGHING some rolling in middle of Boulevard laughing so hard. Lo and be hold there is the mother and father of Sandra T. with a gasp on their faces ( houghty toughty nose in the air type people) well long story short she never dated Tony again; that her parent knew of. A friend would pick her up to meet Tony C down the street.. they dated two years junior & senior year.. married a couple years out of school. Parents were shocked.. he has a big rat decal on his locker at work and a bigger one on back window of his 60 Apache Chvy truck. His kids, son is 31, daughter is 33 married with children of her own, have asked a bunch of us old people what does that mean, we tell them to ask granny or your mother... Granny Laughs now, Momma just turns red and tells her daughter no way will you ever date someone with a rambler! and walks away. Their kids have the dumbest look on their faces when she says that. When we have a cruise on Gulfway Drive Port Arthur, Tx We park right where that rat ran to the curb that nite during cruises, and now there is a 3 foot pink rat painted on the sidewalk… some say its a gang symbol.. now

MARCH 2017


you know better ….. even if you never been to P. A., Tx. What happened to the rat you ask....well yes the rat lived to tell the story !! Milton Perio (names changed to protect the rat) Jimbo,

To my classmates: Have you ever been guilty of looking at others your own age and thinking, surely I can't look that old. My name is Joyce, and I was sitting in the waiting room for my first appointment with a new dentist. I noticed his DDS diploma on the wall, which bore his full name suddenly, I remembered a tall, handsome, dark-haired boy with the same name had been in my high school class some 40-odd years ago. Could he be the same guy that I had a secret crush on, way back then? Upon seeing him, however, I quickly discarded any such thought. This balding, gray-haired man with the deeply lined face was way too old to have been my classmate. After he examined my teeth, I asked him if he had attended Morgan Park High School. “Yes. yes, I did. I'm a mustang,” he gleamed with pride. “When did you graduate?” I asked. He answered, “in 1975. Why do you ask?” “You were in my class!” I exclaimed. He looked at me closely. Then, that ugly, old, bald, wrinkled faced, fatassed, gray-haired, decrepit man asked me, what did you teach??? Sent in by; ttommys@ Jimbo, An old geezer became very bored in retirement and decided to open a medical clinic. He put a sign up outside that said: "Dr. Geezer's clinic. Get your treatment for $500, if not cured, get back $1,000." Doctor Young, who was positive that this old geezer didn't know beans about medicine, thought this would be a great opportunity to get $1,000. So he went to Dr. Geezer's clinic. Dr. Young: "Dr. Geezer, I have lost all taste in my mouth. Can you please help me?” Dr. Geezer: "Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in Dr. Young's mouth." Dr. Young: “Aaagh!! -- This is Gasoline!” Dr. Geezer: "Congratulations! You've got your taste back. That will be $500." Dr. Young gets annoyed and goes back after a couple of days figuring to recover his money. Dr. Young: "I have lost my memory, I cannot remember anything." Dr. Geezer: "Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in the patient's mouth." Dr. Young: "Oh, no you don't, -- that is Gasoline!" Dr. Geezer: "Congratulations! You've got your memory back. That will be $500." Dr. Young (after now having lost $1,000) leaves angrily and comes back after several more days. Dr. Young: "My eyesight has become weak --- I can hardly see anything!" Dr. Geezer: "Well, I don't have any medicine for that so here's your $1,000 back." (giving him a $10 bill). Dr. Young: "But this is only $10!" Dr. Geezer: "Congratulations! You got your vision back! That will be $500." Moral of story -- Just because you're "Young" doesn't mean that you can outsmart an "old Geezer!" Sent in by JD Clark Jimbo, For Valentines Day, Boudreaux wanted to get Marie, his beautimous bride, a real surprise. She had been wanting a milk bath for a long time. So Boudreaux told his friend Pierre, he say, "Pierre, I wanna give Marie a milk bath for Valentine Day." He say, "Why don't you milk you cows and come over to da house and put me some milk in da bat tub." And Pierre say, "Okay, Boudreaux," he say, "Dat milk, you want dat pasteurize?" Boudreaux thought about it a while, then said, "No, just so it covers her belly, dat's all I want." Father Boudreaux gets to his church last Monday morning to find a dead mule on the front lawn. He didn't know how to go about getting rid of it,



so he calls the police. They come over, and after looking around inform him that there appears to be no foul play involved, so they can't help him and he should call the health department. The health department says that since it didn't appear to have been there very long, it did not pose a health threat, and they couldn't pick it up without the Mayor's OK. Well, now Father Boudreaux knows Mayor Thibodeaux pretty well, and knows that he has a bad temper and is pretty hard to deal with, and he wasn't really too anxious to have to ask him for a favor. But he had to get rid of the mule somehow, so he called the Mayor. Well as expected, Mayor Thibodeaux starts screaming and being his usual obnoxious self, and tells Father Boudreaux, "For why you callin' me? It should be your job to bury da dead anyway!" Father Boudreaux replies, "Mais yeh Mayor, you right. It is my job to bury da dead. But I always likes to noitify da next of kin first !!!" ezcajun@

The Busted Wrench Garage Museum & Gift Shop is celebrating its 4th anniversary! We operate a classic car museum and gift shop. We are the ONLY automotive gift shop for hundreds of miles. The gift shop features memorabilia, shirts, hats, die cast, collectibles, patches, tin signs, jewelry, Betty Boop, and Route 66 items. The museum features vintage motorcycles, classic cars, and two vintage Chris Craft boats hanging from the ceiling. Also featured are old gas pumps, coke machines, and a recently acquired Formula V used for autocross. The garage behind the museum offers restoration services for classic and vintage automobiles and motorcycles. We also will do appraisals for a nominal fee. The Busted Wrench Garage Museum & Gift Shop is in the process of putting together for the first time a festival called “Ales, Arts, and Autos.” The date is set for September 23, 2017, noon-3:30. The event will feature craft and home brews, local artists, the Bay Ratz Marching Battery from Bay Saint Louis, food vendors, a car corral for car clubs, and much more. This is still in the planning process, so we welcome input from the public, as well as anyone interested in becoming a part of the festival. Contact information: 228-864-9082 email : Follow us on Facebook!

What a great year 2016 was for the Mississippi Classic Cruisers! Our club is something special and definitely a club to be proud of. We had some tremendous cruise-ins at Academy Sports in Flowood, Renaissance Mall in Ridgeland and Mac Haik on I-55 North in Jackson. We had over 60+ cars participate in Cars Under The Stars, toured the Nissan Plant in April, took a road trip to the house of Paul Adams in Yazoo City and toured the garages of George Raworth, Bill Price and Mike Glore. We also participated in the MS Air National Guard ‘Wings and Wheels’ event and we helped raise over $7,000 for their Emergency Fund. The Scarecrow Cruise and Car Show brought in another record crowd of over 20,000 people, 507 cars and we were able to raise $18,000 for our wonderful charities. We look forward to the New Year and all the great things planned. Thank you for allowing me to serve as your President and I wish the new President, Bob Morgan, the very best! Sincerely, Burton Doss

Jimbo, I'm writing concerning a problem I had with my car that may be of interest to your readers. The problem I had was losing spark when the engine was hot. The engine is a 327 with a tri-power tunnel ram. My ignition is a MSD-6AL and is about 12 yrs old. The engine has 20k miles on it. We were in Biloxi and after driving for an hour on Hwy 90 stopped for gas and upon trying to leave the car wouldn't start for about 40 minutes. Ran fine back to RV park and home to Gulf Shores. I parked in garage & tried to start it and of course it would not. I called MSD trying to get some troubleshooting tips. They told me the likely problem was the magnetic pickup in the distributor. I pulled the distributor and much to my surprise found the steel parts inside totally rusted. The magnetic pickup & rotor were caked with rust. One flyweight spring was missing, 1 flyweight was rusted solid and the shafts were rusted together. I called MSD back to talk to a supervisor. After speaking with him I knew they knew there was a problem. We negotiated a repair deal. What really chapped me was the following: 1. No mention to check for rust when I first called. 2. Making like my problem was a rarity and new to them. 3. Not issuing a bulletin making people aware of this problem. I'll guarantee there's going to be some pissed off people that have been stuck and even towed. The pic is self explanatory and you sure wouldn't expect from a hiperformance ignition system. Regards Subscriber Dave Garnecky

Jimbo, We are saddened by the passing of a wonderful man who was a big part of the promotion of Classic Cars. Red was a big part of classic cars and hot rodding in our area. James (Red) Bledsoe died on January 14, 2017. Born in 1941 and married to Bonnie for 55 years, Red was 75 years old. A friend to everyone he met, Red was well known and put many miles on his well recognized 1949 Mercury. Red was known for his car shows to benefit the new animal shelter in Hendricks County, which he hosted at his home for 13 years. He owned several local businesses in his lifetime and was recognized for his 12 years as a sprint car racer. He was Co-Chairman of the World of Wheels for 6 years. Red, we miss you already. Greg (Cubby) Hole

Hot Rod Walt and the Psycho-DeVilles

MARCH 2017


Gizmos Carriage House AKA Poppys Garage March 2017 The car show and cruise nights seem to ramp up during March, lots of things going on and most all of them are for causes that aid others. Its always a chance to meet new folks that have just purchased an old vehicle to join in the Fun With Cars lifestyle. Its also a chance to see some new projects that are making a debut, to me its an exciting time. With spring sneaking in and the winter (not so hot season) just about gone, its time for me to get back on the Chase's Big Truck Project. I have spent much time from about the day after Christmas until now doing a bathroom remodel, that I will refer to as, Phase 1. There will be more remodel efforts on this, most likely several more phases to follow. I have not spent any time in the Carriage House (my garage) on any of the projects, nor have I gone to many hot rod events. I am sure that's about to change. This domestic activity has me worn out, I do so need some Hot Rod therapy. Some of you also know that the Queen allowed me to get a new 3 wheeler during the Emerald Coast Cruise in November of last year. Needless to say, that also has been sitting, and quite possibly crying for someone to take a ride. My plans (not sure it lines up with the Queens) are to enjoy the coming months of the car show season, and take part in some motorcycle events as well. Lots of plans and ideas swimming in my head for the projects too. Seems like its difficult for me to find a balance between domestic activity and pure fun with cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Seems I get easily distracted when doing work on the Queens castle. The end of this month will also be the last day of work for the Queen, she will be officially retired March 31st. This could be trouble for me as well. I see more projects on the castle in the future, and more work for me. She claims we will start traveling to see the beautiful sights this country has to offer. I hope we can do most by train or car, not a big fan of the airport shake downs we have to go through. Kind of looking forward to this too, as long as I can find a hotrod or two during these excursions. This too could be an interesting time, since I have a little routine for my daily activities that I am sure she will wish to change. I'm just hoping I can get some more garage time. Gotta go, the Queen just called and I have a new mission for today, oh well my daydreaming is over. The never ending bathroom project strikes again. Later, and I hope to see most of you soon. Till next time from the Carriage House, Gizmo

2017 Spring Emerald Coast Cruizin’ On March 8 - 11 thousands of hot rods, customs and classics from across the country will roll back into Panama City Beach, Florida to be a part of the enormous event know as Emerald Coast Cruizin’. The event has been so successful in November, that now there is a new spring show for all to enjoy! For four days the boulevards, local restaurants, Pier Park and the main event site at Aaron Bessant Park will be full of non-stop automotive fun. The white sands and beautiful Gulf Coast waters of Panama City Beach make a picture-perfect backdrop for the gleaming chrome and shining paint of the cool cars and trucks that will take part in this event. We would like to welcome the general public and participants to the Spring Emerald Coast Cruizin’ that has more of everything that you like in an automotive event. There are cruises, parades, on and off site activities, plus vendors selling auto related products along with select other merchandise. There will be live entertainment on the main stage at Aaron Bessant Park, and after hours there are activities at select restaurants along the Panama City Beach Miracle Strip. All activities are included in the cost of registering a vehicle for the Spring Emerald Coast Cruizin’. Access to the event site at Aaron Bessant Park for the general public is a gate fee of $12 for adults and free for children 12 years and under. There will also be a three-day pass available to the general public for $30. These ticket prices include all on-site activities including the Friday night concert that will start at 5 pm with the Caribbean Chillers Jimmy Buffet Tribute Band followed by Chain Reaction, a tribute band to Styx & Journey. For more information please visit the Official Emerald Coast Cruizin’ Facebook page or




On Saturday the Mississippi Coast Mustang Club stopped by B & B Motorsports for a shop tour. After the introduction the club took a tour though the Dyno Room, Machine Shop room, Paint booth, body shop and main assembly room. Stopping along the way to talk about the cars in the shop. The car they liked the most was a 70 model mustang (see in pic). A lot of question and fun had by all. If your club or group would like to make a run to the shop, just give Barry Barone a call at‌..601 749-8517

MARCH 2017


Jimbo, Bernard Hargill and I are board members of the Antique Vehicle Club of Mississippi (AVCM). Bernard is the Chairman of our annual State Fair Car Display in the Trade Mart complex here in Jackson on the Fair Grounds. I am the Membership Chairman for the Club, and also on the Fair Committee with Bernard. I was the past Newsletter Editor for the club in 2001, 2 & 3. If you haven’t been to the Fair and looked at some of our vehicles, you might want to spend the day and drive up for it. It coincides with the Cruising the Coast event and my car is always in the Fair, so I attend the Cruising The Coast usually on Thursday. 3 or 4 of us come down in another classic car for the day and look at the chrome eye candy and return to Jackson by nightfall. Two years ago, I came down and bought an 83 Chrysler Imperial EFI which you sold for me in your magazine, last year. Thank you. I have a request. As membership chairman, I would like to have half a dozen or so of your Magazines to pass out with our newsletter at our monthly membership meetings and the Board meeting. New people who have interest in the club enjoy looking at my copy when I tell them about the functions in and around Jackson, and the Coast. There is a lot of traffic that comes through the Fair display every year, and we could hand some out if you care to send us as many as you care to invest in that we will make available at our display booth to hand out. That is our club’s main event for the year. The AVCM is unique in that it is the only “original” antique car club in the state. I was fortunate enough to rub elbows with Mr. Jack Brown (RIP), (MSRA), and learned a great deal from him about old vehicles and us old folks. We had a lot in common. During our joint activities with his club at functions he came up with a scenario he passed on to me that I’ll not forget. I was a new guy at the Annual January newsletter editor meeting here at a western sizzler restaurant as my function of the AVCM involvement. I think it was 2001 or 2002. My question was: ”Jack, why to the Antiquers and Rodders have such animosity among them for each other?” his reply was this: “Hot Rods are the creative geniuses’ composition of a car that once was, and is modified to suit the owner. The hobby is a blast from the past. We take a car that would go to the crusher had it not been taken in by an artist that puts it together with a lot of power train and eventually becomes a thing of beauty to the beholders. An antiquer finds one with the parts all there and meticulously puts it back together as a blast from the past and continues to keep it up to historically share it with all coming generations coming up to share the nostalgia of folks who say I had one of them, one time. Wish I’d have never sold it!” So I figured out, I rendered mine old cars to a junkyard, or a younger person who would repair it and then pass it on to someone else as well. I’d die for “a barn find”. A Hot Rodder would take several parts out of the junk yard and make a fast moving, good looking, modernized machine that all folks become envious of, and antiquers would do the same, only they keep the vehicle as original as possible to maintain the integrity of the vehicle as it was when it was made. Many antiquers refer to the hot rodders as “chopping cars up”, What Jack said amounted to the fact that all owners of the old cars, made back in the day, are equal in one way: We all kept them from going to the crusher. They did not become extinct or contribute to being an I-Beam in a high rise. Jeff (Gator) Kelly AVCM PO Box 55792 ∙ Jackson, MS 39296-5792 is our website.



By: Michael Lachaussee The February Lucedale Hardee's breakfast gang had an awesome turnout with 39 cars, trucks and hot rods. Weather was a little cool but not cold enough to keep the gang from checking everything out. As you can tell, all present were busy with car "tales" and shared information. If you are into car restoration or creating street or hot rods, you will find a wealth of information and know how at this event. This 1952 Country Sedan is considered rare with only 11,927 of its kind manufactured that year. This beauty is owned by Hanson Breland who restored the 239 flathead with overdrive engine. Hanson has had this car for 12 years and has decided it's time to part with it. So show up at the March Hardee's breakfast and make him an offer!! This torch red 1967 Chevy Malibu with a 327 engine made its first appearance at the Hardee's breakfast. The owner of this cool looking car is Jimmy Havens who is responsible for the restoration including the upholstery. This and so many other fine "rods" and stock vintage cars are just a taste of what you might see in Lucedale.

The breakfast is at Hardees in Lucedale, MS every second Friday beginning at 8 am until everyone has their fill of looking, solving problems and sharing "tall" tales while enjoying breakfast or just a hot cup of coffee. Come join us with or without a car.

The Cole Report I started this year with the Covington Rod Run. Took the ride over Fri/Sat the attendance was down with the weather but around 60 cars showed up and we had a fun weekend with lots of prizes given away as usual. The next weekend I made it over to the Pass Harbor for one for the 3rd Sat. cruise-in. Had a nice turnout at this one. The harbor cruise-in is one that turns into a big circle of friends in chairs having a good time.

On the 4th Fri. I headed to the Kiln for the Cruise in Cafe. On a cold Fri. night had 20+ cars show up Randy and this bunch always have hamburger cruiser specials along with lots of other great food choices and give out a best cruiser of the night award. The 4th Sat. got me down to the Long Beach Harbor for an oldie but goodie cruise-in. It was cold at this one but you know we had a few crazy cruisers keeping it rolling through the winter. The next stop was The Winter Classic held at Gulfport Dragway. They had a nice group of Hot Rods out enjoying their selves along with swap meet vendors and about 50 plus race cars, new, classics, and vintage. This is always Gulfport Dragways first weekend of racing for the year. Well the cruise-ins and shows are getting loaded and really starting to kick back off now so get out and ride. See y'all somewhere or everywhere and remember to watch for our friends out cruising on their bikes also. . ‌‌

MARCH 2017


This year brings again a new chapter of great things to my life. I found myself in the middle of a group of ladies that are as like minded as I am. You have no idea how refreshing this is. I’m sitting here having a glass of wine or maybe a few "cheery bombs', I made as a special treat, (cherry bombs= chocolate covered moonshine cherries that are the... BOMB) enjoying the evening with a group of ladies looking only to do good in our own community. Their hope is to give encouragement to those that might just need to see strong willed females that overcome some of the same battles they might be facing. Someone who has been down the same road they might be traveling on now themselves. To come out with heads held high, holding onto the grace, pride, self worth and dignity we have within ourselves. And with a few victory curls, just for the fun of it! Let me tell you about my new friends from The Birmingham Pinups. They love great American Rockabilly music and mix that with the classy look of a beautiful pinup. I'm more then proud to say my new friends are amazing, talented, educated & beautiful strong women. Plus I'm just as honored they have asked me to be their newest member to this powerful group of gals!! I ran into this great group of ladies at several events this past year. I was invited to a fund raiser they sponsored for a local pit bull recue origination a few mouths ago. What a great evening it was. A lots of money was raised at the silent action to help a great cause. Wonderful live music by the Martini Shakers. Great food, drinks and laughter lasting all night. These like-minded women love the music, styles and lifestyles of the Pinup/Rockabilly culture. I wanted to learn more about them and what they stood for. As the night ended, I knew this was a group of women right up my alley. They pride themselves on being strong women of the community who exemplify southern charm, style with class. They are dedicated to working with local charities and nonprofit organizations in Alabama to help raise awareness for specific need or cause. They are a supportive and tight-knit group of women who share similar interests in community outreach programs, giving back to the community and being a positive role model who share a passion for anything that pertains to the 1940s-1950s. Just like me! Now I’m a proud member of the Birmingham Pinups, I can say WE instead of they! We guarantee that we will not only have a wonderful experience paying it forward within our community but we will also experience a genuine sisterhood of women linked by common interests. So as this year has just kicked off to be what is another adventure for me. I look forward to all the great things "WE" have in store for Birmingham. XoXo aka "Cheery Bomb"



Stefanie Lea

After speaking with Todd Oden and his brother Greg Mize while running into them at a couple of The Southeast Gasser Shows this past year. You could tell by the look in their eyes that they two would be behind the wheel of one of these beast screaming down the strip before long. And I was RIGHT!!! I knew the day would come that they would have a story to tell us all about how it all started for them. And here it is. Then after speaking to my friend Todd Oden from Birmingham Alabama. Hearing the passion and drive he has is this build and the up coming season. It only felt right to here his story from the man that would very soon be the one behind the wheel. Wheels Up by Todd Oden..... It all starts out by my brother and some friends ask me if I wanted to go see some old skool Gasser Drag Racing. I agreed to go but I was worried. You may ask why I was worried, but if you have ever raced you will understand that you can't get it out of your blood. My dad and I drag raced Stock, Super Stock, Top Sportsman and some brackets in the 60's, 70's, 80's and early 1990s. I knew that if we went, I may get the fever. We went to Montgomery Motorsports Park in June 2016 to see the Southeast Gasser Association hold their race. I said to myself "this is it!" I have got to build one of these Gassers. I fought the urge until we attended our second race In August 2016 at Brainerd Optimist Dragstrip in Ringgold, Georgia right outside of Chattanooga. I began to think of all the different cars that I would like to build. During a conversation with one of my friends from Ohio, he mentioned a 1958 Chevrolet Delray that he owned. I told him about my going to the gasser races and how I was looking for a car to run in the Southeast Gasser's new D/Gas class. After some discussion I figured out this was the car for me. My friend agreed and felt honored to sell me his car. What made this car the perfect choice was that no one else was racing a 58 Chevy in this series. The 58 Chevy was certainly heavy enough weighing in at 3600 pounds before conversion to race condition. This was important because one of the rules for D/Gas is 10 pounds per cubic inch. I made the trip to Ohio and picked up the car and of course it snowed blizzard style on the way back. Now I own the car, so let the transformation to a full on Gasser begin. The Southeast Gasser Association is run by Quain Stott from South Carolina. Quain is a long time Pro Mod drag racer and one of the nicest most knowledgeable guys that you will ever talk to. The Association and Quain have a strict set of rules to follow when building a Gasser for this series. If you are interested in building an A/Gas, C/Gas or D/Gas, the rules can be found at ; Southeast Gassers are all over social media including YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. . #str8axle #4speed #nosissies #wheelsup are just some of their hash tags used. The whole idea behind the Southeast Gassers is that you feel like you have gone back to 1967 at the track. On April 8, 2017 starting at 3pm., the Southeast Gassers will be at Montgomery Raceway Park in Alabama to start off the season. If you want to see heads up, gear shifting real drag racing as it was meant to be, you can't miss this race. I hope you make plans to be there and if you do, please stop by and say hello. We will Be the only ones there with a 1958 Chevrolet Delray D/Gasser. Thanks,, Todd Oden

MARCH 2017


Stefanie Lea Over the past month Flamin' 8 Speed Shop hasn’t made a lot of what they would call building progress. Yet they are off to a good start. A lot of their time was being spent traveling the country side gathering goodies for the Hauler build. Jeramie and his team traveled thru Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma looking for just the right dually chassis with a Cummins power plant. They were able to find the perfect donor truck in Winslow Arkansas. A 1997 2wd club cab Dodge Ram 3500. Next they traveled about 100 miles past the middle-of-nowhere to south central Oklahoma. That's where they rescued a 1956 Chevy Suburban that was destine for the crusher. Jeramie told me they will be cutting the rear section off of the Suburban and using it to stretch the cab over. The front of the Suburban will be turned into an extended cab pickup truck on a later project. NO WASTE at Flamin' 8 Speed Shop is their motto. ‌. I hear that a lot from every great Rat Rod builder as well!!! From there, loaded up, they traveled to a salvage yard in Moffet Oklahoma. On this trip they went to pick up an old school over cab ramp hauler bed. Now they have gathered most of what will be needed to get going on the 55 Chevy cab over hauler. Of course before leaving they found a HUGE 500 cubic inch Cadillac engine in an old Eldorado. Perfect for the big block 1959 Cadillac Dragster that will be carried on the back of Flamin' 8 Speed Shop race team hauler to SEMA. By that afternoon with hand tools and a gantry the engine was pulled from the junk pile ready for it's trip to it's new home in Wisconsin.

Now is when the fun starts! It was time to measure, mark cut lines and get the back of the cab ready to cut off. So we could stretch it to fit the monster cab that is in full blown beast mode at this point. Once that was done Jeramie and the guys moved onto the Suburban body. Once again they started by removing a seat, cleaning it out and cutting out the wood floor. Removing the rear doors and side glass. Measure many times before cutting into it. Like they say measure two times for one GOOD CLEAN CUT! Before you know it the team was carrying the back third of the suburban over to the cabover and lining it up for a test fit. Fingers crossed...Score... it fits! So as of now this is all of current progress on this RATical ROD ROAD TO SEMA 2017 build we have. Till next time, all of the guys and gals from Flamin' 8 Speed Shop and I look forward to sharing more updates with you. To be continued! Xo

After getting home with this massive load of goodies it was time to get to work. First the cab over came in, what a beast it was. After securing the cab, removing the drivers seat & fuel tank. It seemed like it took hours of cleaning to get over a half century of Kansas dirt out of it before we found the floor!



715 231-2277 E 3442 US Hwy 12 Menomonie, Wisconsin Flamin’ 8 Speed Shop specializes in building amazing Ratical Rods. We won't build your average rod. We build classic old metal with timeless style, modern performance, and drivability.

MARCH 2017


WWII Veteran Harry Donovan: Love and Respect What does one do at age 95 when a despicable person takes advantage of you? Do you just chalk it up as a bad experience? Do you turn the other cheek? Not if you are Harry Donovan. No sir, you fight back. The former B-17 pilot from WWII discovered that there were other veterans and new found friends that were anxious to see his dreams come true, and were willing to spend their own time and money to help him. Another group wanted to see the man who stole $7,000.00 from Harry brought to justice. Flash back to 1969. Harry Donovan bought a used 1967 Mustang for his wife Marie, from longtime friend and Army Veteran Bud Carson. Marie loved this car and they loved to cruise around in it. During the summer months Marie was known to load up the Mustang with her grandchildren, Harry IV, Cara, Danielle, and Melissa and take them to the neighborhood swimming pool. These family memories were the foundation for many happy occasions over the years. Marie drove this car regularly until she passed away in 2000. Her death caused Harry to think about restoring the 1967 Mustang and preserving it in Marie’s memory. Harry decided to have the Mustang restored in 2009 as a tribute to his wife. He found a man who agreed to restore his pony car. Initially they stayed in touch and the restoration was progressing along. As time progressed so did the difficulty reaching the restorer, until finally Harry discovered that he had moved, taking the Mustang with him, and he was not to be found. The vehicle and Mr. Donovan’s $7000.00 vanished for about five years. In the spring of 2016, law enforcement officers located Harry’s Mustang in Lafayette, Indiana and it was returned to him. When Donovan took the vehicle to the restorer, it was complete and in drivable condition. When it returned it was not running and a shell of the former vehicle. The engine was missing, as was the radiator, hood, bumpers and many other parts.

Applause and a standing ovation for INDY/STAR and the Call For Action reporter Tim Evans, for bringing this to public attention. A story about the retired businessman’s plight brought an unexpected response. This ripoff struck a chord among car enthusiasts, veterans and the general public. Within weeks, a team of volunteers coordinated by Ken Mosier, the owner of Finer Details Automotive Restoration in Danville, Indiana, stepped up to the plate to restore Harry Donovan’s beloved automobile. These wonderful and caring individuals are working hard to right the wrong that Harry suffered with the help of nearly $20,000.00 in donated cash, parts, and labor. The Mustang is nearly completed as of this writing. It made an appearance at the World of Wheels on Friday 2/10/2017 and I was on hand to see it. It is an amazing transformation. On the legal end, Donovan made a complaint to the Indianapolis Police Department in 2013 but there was no activity on the complaint. After learning of the scam from INDY/STAR, the Hamilton County prosecutor opened an investigation and filed two felony theft charges against al-



leged perpetrator, Dennis Lee. He is scheduled for trial on theft charges in April in Hamilton County Superior Court. If convicted, he faces a sentence of six months to three years on each charge. A happy ending to a tragic event brought about by a lot of phenomenal people that Harry Donovan would have never met except for his plight. Praise goes to the American Legion Post 118 and all the people who volunteered their time, parts, and money. I particularly want to single out the technicians who have performed their artistry on this project: Jay Webb, Justin Bliss, Scott Dowdy, and Dave Engle for donating their time working after hours and weekends to complete this major undertaking. It is a true act of kindness on their part. There are no words for the appreciation that is owed to Ken Mosier, owner of The Finer Details Automotive Restoration. A truly compassionate individual like Ken deserves life’s highest rewards.

Gotta Cruise! Cubby

Uncle Ezra says: “Look back only with gratitude. The happy moments created memories and the sad moments created character.” “People are almost always better than their neighbors think they are.” ……….. George Elliot

MARCH 2017


The Louisiana towns of Jean Lafitte and Barataria sit quietly on either side of Bayou Barataria near Lake Salvador. This region was originally home to local Indian tribes whose shell middens and ceremonial mounds are still found along the bayou. I, myself, have found pottery shards and bone arrow points on those middens and in the clay of the bayou’s edge. Although times are changing, many of the residents here still make their living from the waters – harvesting shrimp, crabs, oysters and fish. Many of the approximately 2,500 people living in these small neighboring towns have been born and raised there. The towns and the people therein meld together. The locals all know each other and each other’s families. Many are related to one another in some form or fashion. This area is outside of the Hurricane Protection Levee System and has been hit time and again with storm and flood damage. But the people here are resilient and they love their home, so they fight on and they recover. And when a neighbor has trouble and needs help, they step up and do whatever they can to make things better. Such a thing happened last year when long-time resident, Nolan Chaisson, found out he was facing his fourth bout with cancer. Nolan is originally from nearby Marrero, but he married Toni, a local girl, and they settled along the bayou where they have been living for many years now. Nolan has been fighting cancer for quite a while. This time, however, the chemotherapy treatments for his lymphoma “knocked [me] in the dirt.” Long-time friend, Cassidy Billiot, wanted to help Nolan and Toni deal with some of their mounting medical bills. As President of the recently formed Down the Bayou Car Club, he rallied his members and they agreed without hesitation to host a car show with all proceeds going to the Chaissons. Nolan said his pride didn’t want to accept help from his friends and neighbors, but Cassidy wouldn’t take “No” for an answer and went to work. Before the event could be held, Cassidy, himself, passed away. Errol Perrin, the new President of Down the Bayou Car Club, and his members decided that they had to go ahead with Cassidy’s wish to have a fundraiser for Nolan, so they did. It would be an honor to do something for both of their friends. On Saturday, January 28, 2017, Down the Bayou Car Club held their Benefit Car Show at St. Anthony Church in Lafitte. Despite cold, cloudy and threatening weather all day, 54 cars showed up for Nolan. John and Rhonda Combel, owners of Combel’s Customs and Schnell’s Restaurant in Marrero stepped in to help in a very big way. Together, they entered 17 vehicles in the show and donated burgers, potato salad



and bread pudding for sale. Nolan, Toni, their family and friends also offered lots of baked goodies and sweets for sale. The registration fees, 50/50 raffle (whose winner donated all of it back to the Chaisson family), Parade of Prizes and food sales raised a tidy sum toward Nolan’s medical bills. Shortly thereafter, Toni hit it big on a Super Bowl football pool. Her winnings, along with the Car Show profits, have reduced Nolan’s medical bills by two-thirds! They can breathe a little easier now. Nolan has been very blessed with friends and a community that still believes in helping their neighbors. Nolan is also blessed in that his cancer is currently in remission. He and Toni have promised to work with Down the Bayou Car Club in all of their future fund raisers and pay it forward. They’ll be out there on April 29, 2017 when the Club will host the 4th Annual Lafitte Car Show as part of the St. Anthony Church Annual Boat Blessing Festival. All proceeds from that show will go to St. Anthony Church. That weekend will be full of live music, great food and games for the entire family. If you are in the neighborhood, stop by and say hello. After all, that’s what folks do Down the Bayou.

HOLY HUMOR During these serious and troubled times, people of all faiths should remember GOOD SAMARITAN A Sunday school teacher was telling her class the story of the Good Samaritan. She asked the class, "If you saw a person lying on the roadside, all wounded and Bleeding, what would you do?" A thoughtful little girl broke the hushed silence, "I think I'd throw up." DID NOAH FISH? A Sunday school teacher asked, "Johnny, do you think Noah did a lot of fishing when he was on the Ark?" "No," replied Johnny. "How could he, with just two worms!?" THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD A Sunday School teacher decided to have her young class memorize one of the most quoted passages in the Bible - Psalm 23. She gave the youngsters a month to learn the chapter. Little Rick was excited about the task - but he just couldn't remember the Psalm. After much practice, he could barely get past the first line. On the day that the kids were scheduled to recite Psalm 23 in front of the congregation, Ricky was so nervous. When it was his turn, he stepped up to the microphone and said proudly, "The Lord is my Shepherd, and that's all I need to know!" UNANSWERED PRAYER The preacher's 5 year-old daughter noticed that her father always paused and bowed his head for a moment before starting his sermon. One day, she asked him why. "Well, Honey," he began, proud that his daughter was so observant of his messages. "I'm asking the Lord to help me preach a good sermon." "How come He doesn't answer it!?" she asked. BEING THANKFUL A Rabbi said to a precocious six-year-old boy, "So your mother says your prayers for you each night? That's very commendable. What does she say?" The little boy replied, "Thank God he's in bed!" ALL MEN / ALL GIRLS When my daughter, Kelli, said her bedtime prayers, she would bless every family member, every friend, and every animal (current and past). For several weeks, after we had finished the nightly prayer, Kelli would say, And all girls." This soon became part of her nightly routine, to include this closing. My curiosity got the best of me and I asked her, "Kelli, why do you always add the part about all girls?" Her response, "Because everybody always finish their prayers by saying 'All Men'! SAY A PRAYER Little Johnny and his family were having Sunday dinner at his Grandmother's house. Everyone was seated around the table as the food was being served. When Little Johnny received his plate, he started eating right away. "Johnny! Please wait until we say our prayer." said his mother. "I don't need to," the boy replied. "Of course, you do" his mother insisted. "We always say a prayer before eating at our house." "That's at our house." Johnny explained. "But this is Grandma's house and she knows how to cook!" THE BIBLE Did you know that... When you carry the Bible, Satan has a headache. When you open it, he collapses. When he sees you reading it, he faints. Let's read the Bible every day so he keeps on fainting. Maybe one day he'll have a stroke and never wake up.

MARCH 2017


Palatka Municipal Airport 7th Annual Open house/Fly -In and Car show

One If By Land Two IF By Air. Traveling throughout Florida the shows greatly vary region to region we visit. My next stop in Florida held true going to town of Palatka. Palatka Municipal Airport 7th Annual Open house/Fly-In and Car show satisfied many aspects of my past technical and creative hobbies. This Air Show/ Car Show was hosted directly near the taxiway with visible access to the flight line. Key showcases included warbirds, custom planes, sky divers, biplane demonstrations, historic motorcycle rides, car show, and Biplane rides. Entering the gates, you did not know what to expect especially seeing an old Bugatti and older late 50’s model corvette leaving when I arrived. Getting through the gate the experience was breathtaking. This show produced a very large crowd of people for very small town area. At the front dead center was a majestic C-47 restored and on display after making the flight from Tampa Bay, Florida. This show displayed Aircraft and cars of multiple generations that were beyond imagination. My family jumped right in and had to tour and explore the specimen that was C-47. As a past Aviation Technician, I can honestly say every inch of this Aircraft was perfect. Every plane that made the flight was from different areas including an Airforce and Navy training planes. Now to the cars many notable cars made appearances at the show. Car choices included an original Shelby GT 350, an original 1968 California Special Mustang with the big block motor, multiple cool rods, rats, a good showing of corvettes, and a large showing from the out of town Jacksonville Mustang Club. Even the local Semi Famous Gasser rat rod “Stormin Gormin” stopped by. Many car clubs and three different groups of pin up ladies combine from central and north Florida for this show. This show had families captivated by all the activity despite the wind and cold of the flight line. Kids and adults alike were eyes of grandeur if not one by land, then definitely two by air from this combined show in the middle of the countryside!

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4th Annual Bryceville Sports Association Car show. Photos & Story By: Brian Barsama Good Ol’ Boys and Girls! The 4th Annual Bryceville Sports Association Car show was hosted by the Callahan Cruisers of North Florida Car Club on February 4, 2017. This time we travel to the northern most part of Florida not far from the Georgia state line to get our car show fix going. This wonderful show is small in comparison to majority of shows we visit but it has heart of gold for a good cause. This year it was cold and the show had competition from a larger show but the car community still showed up to support. Seventy-three cars and trucks, spectators, and Pinups made their way to Bryceville Sports Association fields. The show raised $2900.00 for lighting for the field and uniforms for the kids who could not afford them. Now in its fourth year, the show has raised $12,000 dollars total for the selffunded field that provides service to the local community. Many clubs from North Florida and Georgia had cars and trucks represented during this show including cars from counties away. The variety of cars and trucks left little to be desired but the Rat Rodders came out swinging. The entertainment, the food, great cause, and good times make this show a up and coming event for the future. Next year’s show is already in sight, any funds raised will go toward new playground equipment for the children. Bryceville’s little show was a huge success. And showed everyone, the good a bunch of good-ol’ car boys & girls can do for the communities they live in.

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January 14th was the annual NSRA planning meeting in Pearl, MS, where all the upcoming car club shows and cruise-ins are scheduled and organized for the year to come. couple of highlights of that meeting are two special awards that are given each year. first was the induction of Raymond Montgomery of north MS into the Hall of Fame. has been involved in the car lifestyle for many years. the BIGGEST highlight of the year was when Chicken Willie announced that the 2016 Street Rodder of the Year was our very own Jimbo Perkins. Boy, did we get him on that one! had no idea he was going to receive the award. is always doing for others and making sure our car club is running smoothly. dedicated his award to Jack Brown because Jack was instrumental to getting Jimbo into street rodding. Jimbo's Motorsports Magazine keeps us all informed about events happening throughout the year. car family would be lost if we didn't have all this information he shares with us! said, "Jimbo only slept a couple of nights in his jacket." Haha! know how proud he is because I am so proud of my jacket and award too. 's quite an honor to be named Street Rodder of the Year. again Jimbo! The first NSRA show of 2017 will be held in Tampa, FL. 's the 30th annual Southeast National, which will be held on March 31st, April 1st and 2nd and at the Florida State Fairground. year, the autocross NSRA style is called "StreetKhana". exciting experience is a timed event that lets you drive through the course in your own vehicle, or if you prefer, you can take a ride with professional drivers. is also a ladies' tea on Saturday. will be lots of vendors and a swap meet, so will be a 3-day event with lots to do. to see you there! The Gnat Nationals are March 25th and we will celebrate our 19th year on the grounds of Our Lady of the Gulf on the beach in Bay St. Louis. have a large silent auction, great food prepared by the chefs in the Misfits Car Club, and will be a fun-filled day for the whole family. charities are CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of Hancock County, and the Senior Citizens of Hancock County. you're not familiar with CASA, it is a wonderful organization that provides abused and neglected children in our community with quality advocacy in the Hancock County court system and to secure them a safe, permanent, and nurturing home. Last year, we were able to give $6,000 to



CASA and $1,000 to the Senior Citizens as a result of that one-day show. special thing that was done with the money donated to CASA was that each child received a birthday cake of their choice. were so saddened to learn that some of the children in the program had never had a birthday party or received a cake of their own. Misfits feel this is a worthwhile organization that provides much needed attention and support directly within our community. need our car families to come out to support this show and these organizations so the good work can continue. Thank you,

Donna March 31st - April 1st & 2nd, 2017 Southeast Street Rod Nationals Florida State Fairgrounds Tampa, Florida April 7 - 9, 2017 Southwest Street Rod Nationals State Fair Park Oklahoma City, OK April 28 - 30, 2017, Western Street Rod Nationals Kern County Fairgrounds Bakersfield, California

The safety of your street rod is of vital importance. If the street rod does not meet a certain set of guidelines, an accident can cause more than just replacing the parts. The NSRA or National Street Rod Association is the o r g a n iza t io n d o in g th e s a f e t y inspections. Keep in mind that these safety inspections are completely voluntary. In most cases, safety inspections can be done at many of the street rod shows around the country. Generally, when a safety inspection is done, it is good for one year.

NSRA Safety Inspections MS Gulf Coast Area Jerry Cuevas - 228 326-7489 Brandon MS Area Thomas Yates - 601 832-9646

May 5 - 7, 2017 Street Rod Nationals South Chilhowee Park & Exposition Center Knoxville, Tennessee May 26 - 28, 2017 Mid-America Street Rod Nationals Ozark Empire Fairgrounds Springfield, Missouri June 2 - 4, 2017 Street Rod Nationals East, York Expo Center York, Pennsylvania June 23 - 25, 2017 Rocky Mountain Street Rod Nationals Colorado State Fairgrounds Pueblo, Colorado

By: Gizmo This month I had the pleasure to meet up with some very talented builders/ restorers. The Pontiff Brothers who own and operate Classic Show Cars, in Poplarville Mississippi. Like most if not all of us gearhead types these two guys started with building model cars as kids. Then in their early teens moved up a notch to modifying a mini bike, they did some remarkable things entering that little bike many times in the World of Wheels in New Orleans, when it was held in the old Rivergate. Each time the bike done with new paint and modified year after year, never looking the same as the previous entry. The brothers, then in their mid teen years, started doing work at their parents house on their cars and a few friends cars in the back yard. They didn't tire from that; so the next logical step was to open a shop. Together they did just that in Chalmette La. in 1989. They specialized in Tri 5 Chevrolets. To say they did and do some awesome work is truly an understatement. During this time they built some award winning show quality 55-57 Chevys. One of which was completed in 1991 and was sold by its owner at Barrett Jackson in 2007, for a large sum too I might add. They also restored a few cars for Lenny Kravitz a Thunderbird convertible for his Miami home, and a Lincoln convertible for his visits to New Orleans. Many folks sought them out for restorations or repairs to their prized rides, due to the quality of their work. As most of us suffered through the events of 2005 so did they. Their shop in Chalmette was a wreck, but they wanted to move on, they went to Florida and stayed busy on boats and a few cars at a friends place but wanted to get back home or near by. A place was found suitable for their needs so in 2006 they began setting up their operation in Poplarville. Realizing many folks were in to muscle cars they began doing those types of restorations as well. They now do all sorts of cars and trucks including street rods. Here a just a few pictures of their shop & some things they are working on. ….. Gizmo. They do some really nice paint and body work, and mechanical and electrical work too. To me these guys do automotive artwork. Did I mention its just the two of them, no other employees, so their work ethic is quite high, and the quality of their craftsmanship is just as high. Very talented and capable craftsmen. So if you are looking for a high end restoration or rebuild, get in touch with the Pontiff Brothers, Jimmy and Tim. Rest assured you will not be disappointed. Until next time ……… Gizmo.

MARCH 2017


By: Terry

Mason Barfield

One of the greatest things about my work with the Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show and writing this 17 FOREVER column each month is that it enables me to meet, interview and write about some really neat people. When I arrived on the MS Coast in the mid 80’s one guy I kept hearing about was K W Cook. He was a power lifter with state records, had a gym on Cedar Lake Road in Biloxi and had a salvage yard that was about all I knew him. But his name kept popping up all throughout the years with me, in the most recent years with classic cars and engines. I realized that if I ran into this man in public, I wouldn’t know him from Adam. So, through a friend I setup a meeting with KW, or Kenny as his friends call him. I found Kenny to be a unique person, old school like me with a great story to tell. Kenny has a collection of 25 classic cars in his collection. We talked over lunch at one of his favorite lunch places, Taranto’s in Woolmarket. Kenny was raised around cars in an auto salvage yard his father owned. At the age of 13 Kenny was expected to work a couple hours a day at the salvage yard during the week, after school, all day (9 hours) on Saturday and usually a half a day on Sunday. His Dad was tough on him. At 13 Kenny built a 1941 Austin Healy that he could drive around the back roads before he could legally drive. He let me know if he had gotten caught he could expect his Dad to wear him out, that’s was for sure. Kenny learned a lot about cars. In high school Kenny drove a 1955 Plymouth flathead six cylinder with three on the tree and whitewall tires, fins, blue tint on the windows, mirrors on the front fenders and dual antennas on the fenders in the back. The 1955 Plymouth was a very cool car that brought back fond memories for Kenny when telling me about it. I guess we all have great memories with our high school cars. Kenny started Pro Gym during his weightlifting days. Said be never made any money with it, but he owned the building and had those assets to sell when he got out of the business. Weightlifting was like anything else Kenny tackled, he went after it with all he had. He sat the Mississippi state power weightlifting record and owned it for 4 years, Kenny won the MS State



Body Building title in 1989, but said he has had many surgeries because of lifting too much weigh, just about every joint he has, has been replaced and it greatly affects his health today at the age of 65. Kenny finally quit working with his Dad, he said the old man was tough. Kenny worked at the ship yard in Pascagoula for a couple of years, when he came back to once again work with his Dad, they still didn’t get along, so Kenny went to work at Goodyear and worked there for 10 years. During that time Kenny was busted for selling pot on March 19th of 1982 at 11am in the morning. Goodyear fired him, no one would hire Kenny and he said he couldn’t blame them. Kenny said he took him years to get his reputation back, but he learned his lesson. Kenny’s square dealing and honesty was never an issue. In 1982 his Dad’s wrecking yard had been closed for many years, so Kenny cleaned it up; the salvage yard had 5 stalls for working on cars. His Dad gave him two months of free rent and Kenny was off and running. The first few weeks he was open, the parking lot was full of customers. He had 4 mechanics, a helper and a driver. They would work on cars for the customers during the day and the customers would pick em up in the evening. They had cars left over for one reason or another, Kenny had a place to put them and he started selling parts off of them, it was a good deal and it escalated from there. It all started where Mandal’s car dealership is today on Auto Mall Parkway in D’iberville. He said his father wanted back in as a full partner and Kenny said he already knew they couldn’t work together again, so Kenny went off and bought a salvage yard in Woolmarket in 1983. Kenny had a full crew ready to go and in one weekend he closed the salvage yard his Dad owned and moved to Woolmarket. Kenny also acquired a good bit of land in Woolmarket area that he still owns today. In Woolmarket, he still owns ABC Used Auto Parts for older model cars and across the road is KW Cook Auto Parts that specializes in the more modern cars. Kenny said he had to change with the times. Salvage yards today require service, deliveries, competitive pricing, good attitudes, smiles and no hassle money back if the parts don’t work for the customer. You warranty everything today. Kenny said if you were unhappy for any reason with a part he accepts it back. Kenny said I have a hard time keeping someone’s money if they don’t get a benefit for their money. Kenny said he believes it has been the life of his business. He ended up with more businesses… Pascagoula Auto Salvage and Auto Recyclers, but sold them later on. He also owns a successful gun store in D’iberville, Cook’s Gun Shop. Kenny has a lot of family involved in running his businesses today. Kenny’s son, Ken Cook manages ABC Auto Parts, his former son in-law Jerrod Simar manages KW Cook’s Auto Parts, his daughter, Gina Cook is their bookkeeper. Kenny’s other son, Shawn Cook works wherever he wants to according to Kenny. Kenny has been married to his wife Wendie, for 34 years. Wendie runs Cook’s Rentals. Kenny and Wendie have many rental properties. Kenny also has 6 grandkids. Kenny also acquired the land where his home is today near his salvage yards, it was a dirt pit that he has spent the last couple of decades bringing back to life. Kenny has rental property along the road that dead

end’s into his property. Once you pull through the gates at Kenny’s home you immediately are drawn to the large out buildings on his property that houses his classic car collection. Kenny is also in to building engines and has many on stands for display and for sale.

It took a few hours for Kenny to get all his classic cars out of the different garages and lined for me to shoot the photos. The one thing I learned is Kenny Cook is honorable man, he is a respected business man, he loves and takes care of his family and he is a car guy. His car collection, his engine building and dealing with his health issues is how he spends his days now and his passion runs deep with all his hobbies. I learned a lot about the man, Kenny (KW) Cook, but I also feel I’ve made a lifelong friend. Join the Hot Rod Show at the 8th Annual New Roads Street Festival Car Show in New Roads, LA Saturday March 18th. Also plan on joining us the last weekend of April, 27, 28 & 29 in Orange Beach at the Wharf for Bama Coast Cruise powered by O’Reilly Auto Parts and the following weekend the first weekend of May, 4, 5, 6 & 7 at Burning Up The Beaches powered by O’Reilly in Destin at the Destin Commons. Until then…get the Hot Rod ready, get it out of the garage and enjoy that 17 FOREVER state of mind! til next month… Terry Facebook: Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show Hear a demo of the Hot Rod Show on Facebook by searching for Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show” and “Like Us” while you’re there or search for “Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show” on for the show demo or contact Terry @ 228.669.8122

MARCH 2017


IDITAROD: The Last Great Race By Candy Cocktail Writing for a motorsports magazine, I thought I would share with you a different sort of motorsport, the kind that my hometown is known for: The Iditarod, known as the last great race or the original sled dog race, occurs every March in Alaska. My story began in Alaska because my mom and dad, an F-15 crew chief, were stationed at the northernmost US state. I was born at Elmendorf Air Force base in snowy Anchorage, Alaska. We moved to Florida when I was 2 years old. When I was 19, my mom and I returned for a visit to the exceptionally beautiful state. Alaska's residents have a vastly different way of life from those living in the 'lower 48.' One of the many exceptional things about Alaska, is its famous sled dog race, the Iditarod. When I came back to visit as an adult, the trip was planned specifically for March so that I could see the famous race that I had heard so much about over the years. Every late winter, downtown Anchorage fills up with locals and visitors alike who brave the winter weather to come see the Iditarod and Fur Rondy, which is the celebration that accompanies the sled dog race. Since 1935, the Anchorage fur rendezvous, known as Fur Rondy, is Alaska's biggest winter festival. The event celebrates winter and life in the last frontier. This year the festival runs from February 24 through March 5, featuring an array of events that are uniquely Alaska, including a carnival, parade, cornhole championship, a fun run in costumes, fireworks, the running of the reindeer, outhouse races, a snowshoe softball tournament, world championship outdoor hockey tournament, a concert, a snow sculpture competition, a charity ball, native culture and many other events. However, the highlight of the yearly event is the Iditarod sled dog race. Not for the faint of heart, the 979 mile race travels north from Anchorage to Nome, with 18 checkpoints along the way. The trail course starts and finishes at the same place every year, with the same number of miles, but the course varies by year; a northern route, which is run on evennumbered years, and a southern route, which is run on odd-numbered years, so that the Alaskan



villages along the course all get to benefit from the race and the spectators that the race draws. I have seen it broadcast before on one of ESPN's channels, with an interesting 3 part special showing the race. Check listings for details and you can always get up to date race information by visiting the Iditarod's website. When the commemorative race began in 1973, the trek took just over 20 days to complete. Today, race times have improved, with the 2016 winner Dallas Seavey, with his lead dogs Tide and Reef, completing the race in just 8 days, 11 hours, 20 minutes and 16 seconds. While it is a race to commemorate the historic journey of Balto, Togo, and the teams that delivered the serum to Nome, it is still a real race with real risks, especially those that accompany the arctic Alaska wilderness. Wild animals, treacherous terrain and freezing temperatures and an unpredictable environment can cause many dangerous elements for all those involved with the Iditarod. "Mushers and a team of 21 dogs, of which at least 6 must be on the towline at the finish line, cover the distance of the race. Teams do indeed race through blizzard causing whiteout conditions, sub-zero temperatures and gale-force winds which can cause the wind chill to reach −100 °F −73 °C The trail runs from Willow up the Rainy Pass of the Alaska Range into the sparsely populated interior, and then along the shore of the Bering Sea, finally reaching Nome in western Alaska. The trail is through a harsh landscape of tundra and spruce forests, over hills and mountain passes, and across rivers. While the start in Anchorage is in the middle of a large urban center, most of the route passes through widely separated towns and villages, and small Athabaskan and Iñupiat settlements. The Iditarod is regarded as a symbolic link to the early history of the state and is connected to many traditions commemorating the legacy of dog mushing. The race's namesake is the Iditarod Trail, which was designated as one of the first four US National Historic Trails in 1978. The trail in turn is named for the town of Iditarod, which was an Athabaskan village before becoming the center of the Inland Empire's Iditarod Mining District in 1910, and then becoming a ghost town at the end of the local gold rush. The name Iditarod may be derived from the Athabaskan haiditarod, meaning 'far distant place'. Portions of the Iditarod Trail were used by the Native Alaskan Eskimo Inupiaq and Athabaskan peoples hundreds of years before the arrival of Russian fur traders in the 1800s, but the trail reached its peak between the late 1880s and the mid-1920s as miners arrived to dig coal and later gold, especially after the Alaska gold rushes at Nome in 1898. The primary communication and transportation link to the rest of the world during the summer was the steamship; but between October and June, the northern ports like Nome became icebound, and dog sleds delivered mail, firewood, mining equipment, gold ore, food, furs, and other needed supplies between the trading posts and settlements across the Interior and along the western coast. Roadhouses where travelers could spend the night sprang up every 14 to 30 miles until the end of the 1920s, when the mail carriers were replaced by bush pilots flying small aircraft and the roadhouses vanished. Dog sledding persisted in the rural parts of Alaska, but was almost driven into extinction by the spread of snowmobiles in the 1960s. During its heyday, mushing was also a popular sport during the winter, when mining towns shut down. The most famous event in the history of Alaskan mushing is the 1925 serum run to Nome, also known as the "Great Race of Mercy." A large diphtheria epidemic threatened Nome, and Nome's supply of antitoxin had

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expired and doctor Curtis Welch refused to use it, and then proceeded to send out telegrams looking for a fresh supply of antitoxin. The nearest antitoxin was found to be in Anchorage, nearly half a thousand miles away. The only way to get the antitoxin to Nome was by sled dog, due to unusable planes and ships. Governor Scott Bone approved a safe route and the 20-pound cylinder of serum was sent by train 298 miles from the southern port of Seward to Nenana, where it was passed just before midnight on January 27 to the first of twenty mushers and more than 100 dogs who relayed the package 674 miles from Nenana to Nome. The dogs ran in relays, with no dog running over 100 miles. The Norwegian Gunnar Kaasen and his lead dog Balto arrived on Front Street in Nome on February 2 at 5:30 a.m., just five and a half days later. The two became media celebrities, and a statue of Balto was erected in Central Park in New York City in 1925, where it has become one of the most popular tourist attractions. However, most mushers consider Leonhard Seppala and his lead dog Togo to be the true heroes of the run. Together they covered the most hazardous stretch of the route, and carried the serum 91 miles, the single farthest of any team. Some mushers prefer to camp on the trail and immediately press on, but others stay and rest. Mushers prepare "drop bags" of supplies which are flown ahead to each checkpoint by the Iditarod Air Force. The gear includes food for the musher and the dogs, extra booties for the dogs, headlamps for night travel, batteries (for the lamps, music, or radios), tools and sled parts for repairs, and even lightweight sleds for the final dash to Nome. There are three mandatory rests that each team must take during the Iditarod: one 24-hour layover, to be taken at any checkpoint; one eight-hour layover, taken at any checkpoint on the Yukon River; and an eighthour stop at White Mountain. There are also vets along the route to be sure that the dogs are taken care of." (Excerpt from Wikipedia) According to the Alaska Dispatch News, 77 mushers will be racing the 1000 miles to Nome in the 2017 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. Of the 77 racers, there are 19 women and 58 men. There are 19 rookies signed up for this year's race and 13 mushers whose hometowns are outside the United States. For rookie mushers between 14 and 17 years old, there is a Junior Iditarod, which takes place prior to the adult race each year. The 2017 Iditarod ceremonial start is scheduled for Saturday, March 4, in Anchorage with a restart in Willow the following day. This is a tradition, to have a fun, ceremonial start for spectators to enjoy, meet the teams and dogs, ask questions and take photos, the day before the real race starts and the teams get going on their over 900 miles journey north. The ceremonial start downtown features all of the teams heading off with their teams, every 2 minutes a team departs with cheers and applause. This year though, the restart date of the Iditarod has been moved to Fairbanks, Alaska on March 6. The Board of Directors of the Iditarod Trail Committee voted unanimously to move the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race restart location from Willow to Fairbanks due to the poor conditions of critical trail areas in the Alaska Range, some



of which received little, if any, snowfall, marking only the third time in the history of the Iditarod that the restart has been moved to Fairbanks due to poor conditions in the Alaska Range. The first was in 2003, and second in 2015. When I returned for my visit several years ago, I wanted to get the real Iditarod experience, so my mom and I opted to try dog sledding ourselves through the Alyeska Resort where we were staying for the final part of our trip. It was the experience of a lifetime. You gather with a small group and wait for your musher to come meet you with his dog sled team. Then, my mom steered first as I rode in the sled, bundled up with blankets and we followed the dogs' lead to the mushers property. There we were we're greeted by a large number of dogs, mostly Alaskan sled dogs, not huskies prior to popular rumor. The Alaskan dogs are bred specifically dog sledding and ideal to live in the Alaska wilderness' harsh conditions. They were all on property, in the snowy outdoor kennel, each dog has a type of dog house they live in year round. Instead of sleeping in a heated house with us, they live, work and play in the snow outside, conditions that are ideal for this type of dog. Once we arrived to the mushers' compound, we saw the dogs, learned about their life there and then we got to see some of the puppies the musher had. The puppies were separated into about 34 different age groups and in a fenced in area with their peers. From the youngest group of puppies, the musher pulled out a beautiful snow white puppy with blue eyes for us to hold and take a

photo with. The puppy was about 10 weeks old I think. I could have stayed there with the puppy and dogs all day. He showed us his property and told us some astonishing stories about his experience as not just a musher, but as a former contestant in the Iditarod race multiple times. Some of the things he had seen were remarkable. When we asked about the coldest temperatures he had ever seen, he replied 80 degrees below. He was in the race and had complete white out conditions, unable to even see his own hand in front of his face and all he could do was to trust his dogs, specifically his lead dog, that she knew what to do and would get him and the other dogs safely through it. That she did. He showed us the dog, she was on the property, but was now retired and experiencing a life of leisure with her owner, whose life she surely saved more than once. The remarkable stories of these sled dogs and the bonds with their people are so incredible. It is man versus nature every time they step into that dog sled, but the Iditarod is proof that man can do almost anything with a dog, or a team of dogs, by his or her side. The last great race exemplifies just how remarkable and strong the bond is between man and man's best friend.

Another great accommodation not far from downtown is the Millennium Alaskan Hotel in Anchorage, which I could not determine whether or not it still is, but the last time I visited and in other years, it was the official hotel for the mushers. So it offered a glimpse into the pre-race day happenings of mushers, those helping them and the dog teams. You could see mushers and dog teams all around the hotel and parking lot, where you had the opportunity to see the dogs with their owners, having meals, see the dogs' home on wheels and to see the dynamic of the sled dog teams. It presented a rare opportunity to see the musher and dog sledding lifestyle which is so unique. I hope that some of you may be planning a visit soon! Make sure to let me know if you try mushing! For more information, please visit the links below:

Candy Cocktail follow me on Instagram @candycocktail

If this article has inspired you to plan your own expedition to the last frontier, I have to include a few of my own personal recommendations! For food, make sure to try some of Alaska's tasty halibut. My suggestion is to get the blackened halibut at Humpy's chum room in downtown Anchorage. Your taste buds will thank you! Be sure to stop by the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race Headquarters in Wasilla, Alaska to learn more about the Iditarod. As for places to stay, Alyeska is a gorgeous resort just outside of Anchorage in nearby Girdwood (where I had the opportunity to do dog sledding myself--it is an activity that the hotel concierge coordinates). Alyeska boasts 650" of annual snowfall, 1,400 skiable acres, and 60-passenger scenic aerial tram. The travel experts at the concierge desk can help plan your signature Alaskan activities from world-class fishing, rafting, glacier and wildlife viewing, flightseeing dog sledding and more.

MARCH 2017


By: Rooster McGee Hey everybody its the Rooster! I’d like to start by saying I have no beef with other car guys what -so-ever… street rods, hotrods, four doors, hey I love all kinds of kars! just sayin’! I'm a ratrodder and I want to be your friend. (LOL) Ever since I was a little hellion, I have loved cars!, all kinds of cars. I even love all the stories that people tell about their cars!!!! Cars come in all shapes and sizes… small, tiny, large, big, fat, shiny, dull, fancy, ratted out and even ugly!! We still love all cars!!!!!! It’s American HISTORY!!! When I was just a banty rooster my ol’ man (aka my paw) would tell me all the stories of his adventures in his cars, as we made our own memories in the old Cadillac's my ol’man loved to drive. In the 70’s my dad had already had a 65,67,69,72,75,77 Cadillac, and I remember having a blast riding in them. They had 8 track tape players and we listened to Elvis, Engleburt, Tom Jones, and Hank Williams. Man I loved it! When my dad was young he had the fastest, badest cars on the planet! From a 1939 Ford, 40 Ford, 41 Lincoln all decked out with the latest gadgets.. all to haul moonshine and not get caught by the law. He would cut his lights off at night, to keep up with the on coming traffic. He was also a race car driver on the weekends. . When you think of James Dean, my ol’ man was James Dean to me..

The Hwy he traveled most was Hwy 103. It was long, curvy, and fun to go fast on. He was the best on that old Hwy and no one could beat him. He was white lightning! Fast forward 20 years; when my ol’ man even touched that Hwy pavement, it didn't matter what he was in even the old Volkswagen van, you wouldn't have a chance.. and when me and my sister were riding with him, it was like magic! It was like I was with my dad when he ran moonshine! It was awesome. I was little rooster back then but I sure did love cars! and my ol’ man made sure that I appreciated all the cars out on the road… he would say did you see that 56 Bellaire, how about that 69 Mustang fastback? one of our favorites. Man how we loved kars!!! I guess everybody knows by now I'm a ratrodder, but I don't let that define my love for cars. I love all cars! Cars are apart of American culture and help define who we are, they're our character builder. Just look at their car and it will tell you a lot about who they are ...... so I'm gonna’ wrap it up folks, the Rooster loves kars!!!!!! and so do you!!!!

I-10 Exit 31 Go south on Canal Rd. Cross over the railroad tracks. Go about one mile. Turn left onto Racetrack Rd. 30


Gates Open 6 p.m. ∙ Time Trials Start 6 p.m. ∙ Eliminations at 9 p.m. Car & Driver: $25.00 ∙ Spectators: $8.00 ∙ 10 Yrs. & Under: $5.00

$50 plus Trophy for each Winner - Minimum 4 Cars required for each Bracket. Once time trials have ended, there is no rainout! March 1 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune March 8 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune March 10 Test & Tune Only. Gates open 6pm-10pm March 11 IHRA Summit Super Series Double Hitter 1/8 mile Race 1 Junior-Footbrake-Electronics Gates open 9am. Race 2 Footbrake-Electronics Gates open 4pm March 15 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune March 18 Gulf Coast MOPAR Showdown MOPAR’S ONLY Gates open at 4pm for time trials & Eliminations start at 8pm. March 24 Friday Test & Tune 4pm-10pm Gulfport Dragway March 25-26 Footbrake150 + 50 8am-9pm Gaylon Rolison, promoter 228 323-7325 March 29 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune April 1 DownSouth Burners Motorcycle Club April 5 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune April 7 Test & Tune Only Gates open 6pm-10pm April 8 IHRA Summit Super Series Double Hitter 1/8 mile Race 1 Junior-Footbrake-Electronics Gates open 9am. Race 2 Footbrake -Electronics Gates open 4pm April 12 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune April 19 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune April 21-22 ATOMIC BLAST 6 Open to ALL Vehicles. Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles & Antique Bicycles. Rat Rods, Street Rods, Hot Rods, Antique & Classic Cars, $20 at the gate covers all activities including, Stoplight Drags, Tug of War, Burnout Contest, Flame Throwin' Contest, Donut spin-out contest and more. Swap Meet. Here's your chance to attend the event everyone has been talking about.. This is a family event. Gate opens at 4 pm Friday, & 8 am Saturday. There will be a few choice awards for cars/trucks/bicycles handed out Saturday afternoon. There will be Food & Beer Stands. Events all day, Entrance to the track is $20 (kids under ten $10). Coolers & Grills OK (no glass bottles, please) Free primitive and RV Camping (no hook-ups) 24hr security on site. Everything is at Gulfport Dragway, 1 Mile South of I-10 (MS Exit 31) on Canal Road, Gulfport, MS Vendor info call Track Phone: 228 863-4408 April 26 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune May 3 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune May 5-7 King of the Coast 1/8 mile Gaylon Rolison, promoter 228 323-7325 May 10 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune May 12 Test & Tune Only Gates open 6pm-10pm May 13 IHRA Summit Super Series Double Hitter 1/8 mile Race 1 Junior-Footbrake-Electronics Gates open 9am. Race 2 Footbrake -Electronics Gates open 4pm May 17 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune May 26-28 Memorial Day Blowout ALL MOTORCYCLES May 31 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune June 3 IHRA Summit Super Series One Race 1/8 mile JuniorsFootbrake-Electronics Gates open at 4pm June 7 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune June 9-11 King of the Coast 1/8 mile Gaylon Rolison, promoter 228 323-7325

June 14 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune June 21 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune June 24 Street Wars 1/4 Mile Challenge & After Party Gates open at 3pm Hourly payouts begin 6pm June 28 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune June 30 TGIF 1000” Race Footbrake & Electronics Gates open 6pm July 5 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune July 8 IHRA Summit Super Series One Race 1/8 mile JuniorsFootbrake-Electronics Gates open at 4pm July 12 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune July 19 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune July 26 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune July 28 TGIF 1000” Race Footbrake & Electronics Gates open 6pm August 2 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune August 9 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune August 12 IHRA Summit Super Series One Race 1/8 mile Juniors-Footbrake-Electronics Gates open at 4pm August 16 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune August 23 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune August 25 TGIF 1000” Race Footbrake & Electronics Gates open 6pm August 30 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune September 6 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune September 8 Test & Tune Only Gates open 6pm-10pm September 9 IHRA Summit Super Series Double Hitter 1/8 mile Race 1 Junior-Footbrake-Electronics Gates open 9am. Race 2 Footbrake-Electronics Gates open 4pm September 13 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune September 20 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune September 22-24 King of the Coast 1/8 mile Gaylon Rolison, promoter 228 323-7325 September 27 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune September 29-30 Hazardous Waste Rat Rods Friday gates open 5pm meet and greet Saturday gates open 9am October 4 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune October 6 Asphalt Assault 1/4 mile gates open 4pm Free Stoplight racing 4pm Progressive payouts 6pm Cruising Parade 8pm Burnout 10pm October 6 SmackDown 1/8 & 1/4 mile win lights - No ET slips heads up - dragradials or slicks only. Gates open 11pm-2pm

MARCH 2017




MARCH 2017 March 3-4 Brookhaven, MS Fielder's Pro Shop Goin' To Town Car Show in beautiful historic downtown Brookhaven, MS. this show is sponsored by Fielder's Pro Shop, Tourism council, and Advance Auto Parts. Mention show for special room rates at the Hampton Inn 601-823-3800 or Comfort Inn 601-835-0055. Pre Entry $10 or $15 day of show. for more information: T-Tommy 601-833-8620 or Brookhaven Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce 601-833-1411 March 3 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. March 4 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm - 8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 March 4 Slidell La. 1st Saturday Night Open Cruise-in the Coastal Cruisers Open Cruise Night is at North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. & I-12, Slidell, La. Music and 50/50, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. 1st Saturday of each month Feb thru Oct for information or membership inquires. Call John at 985 400-0527 March 4 Waveland, MS 5th Annual Oyster Throwdown. 11:00 am - 4:00 pm. Fresh Gulf Oysters prepared by competing teams. To Compete: $150 includes oysters provided by Hope Haven To Eat: $15 adults & kids 13+ | $6 kids 8-12 WE'RE SERVING UP MORE THAN JUST OYSTERS! ONE PRICE INCLUDES:

Jambalaya , Red Beans & Rice , Hamburgers , Hot Dogs , Chili & more! Silent Auction, Live Auction, Raffle, Live Music. Benefiting: Hope Haven Children's Advocacy Center. 228 466-6395 March 4 Money Hill LA. Open Show & Shine. 11AM-3PM location- Money Hill north of Covington, La. Giving away 3 tickets for a new home drawing worth $429,000. No registration fee. Questions, call Glenn Kirby 504-554-7941 March 9 Bogalusa, LA 2nd Thursday Cruise-in Zesto parking lot (100 Richmond St.) 5pm-9pm 2nd Thursday each month Open Road Cruisers March 8-11 Panama City Beach, FL Hot Rods by the Beach Spring Fest Emerald Coast Cruizin' . Thousands of classic cars, hot rods, custom cars and trucks make way to beautiful Panama City Beach, Florida for this festival. The Aaron Bessant Park next door to Pier Park, will host hot rods, and cool classics. There will be top name automotive vendors on hand, as well as a swap meet and Auto Car Corral. Each night is full of activities from cruising, great bands, and special shows. Even if you're not a gear head, there is plenty to do for all. March 11 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers March 11 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 6pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 March 17-19 New Orleans Wild Wheels Car Show. Custom cars, trucks and bikes-- fun for the WHOLE FAMILY! Dowling Productions, Lionel and Paul Dowling, will present the Wild Wheels Car Show March 17-19, 2017 at the Mercedez-Benz Superdome in

MARCH 2017


Lucky winners will be selected at Po Boys' Cruise-Ins

March 4th

Pinup Poster to Benefit our Veteran's! Po Boy's Car Club, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine & Dependable Sheet Metal ( are producing a pinup poster, featuring two gorgeous pinup models & local hot rods, shot by car-magazine pinup photographer AdPix.Biz Po Boy's will hold a 3-stage contest for the cars to be in the poster. Their cruise in, held year-round the first Saturday of each month, is at the Tillman's Corner IHOP (4375 Rangeline Road, Mobile) & 5 Guys. Lucky winners will be selected at the Po Boys' Cruise-Ins March 4th the poster will be photographed later & brought to subsequent shows for the models to sign, live, in the flesh, & busting with sparkling personality. One is red-haired fiery Janna (Gulf Coast MotorSports' August 2015 cover model!) & the other is equally-vivacious brunette, exotic Mikaylla. We may add a blonde to be fair. If your show could use some live patriotic sparkle from these models, let us know. They're extremely popular, lively bartenders & published pinup models; your show folks will love them. Even better, profits from poster sales will be given to the VFW! Bring your car to the Po Boy's Cruise-in to be judged for the poster. Let us know if you want your logo on the posters, or on the girls! Info: Jo Jo Johnson 251 367-6666



New Orleans. March 17th: 3-10pm, March 18th: 10am-10pm, March 19th: 10am-6pm. This will be a great car show featuring custom cars, hot rods, race cars, motorcycles and more. There will be cash and awards available to exhibitors. Vendors will also be displaying their products and will be there to answer your questions. Special guest star, Butch Patrick of The Munsters will be there along with the Munster coach, Dragula, his stingray bike and go cart from The Munsters show. A pin-up girl contest will take place on Saturday afternoon for added fun! March 17-19 Peral, MS 39th Annual Dixie Rod Run at Trustmark Park in Pearl. Home of Mississippi Braves this is a Pre-1974 Show. Pre-entry $20 after March 1st $25. Pre-registration prize $150 Cash. Trophies, games Kids & Adults, Cash Prizes, Cake Walk, Dash Plaques, NSRA Inspections, Top 20 Awards - 10 Streetrods, 10 pre-74 to 49. Free Friday Night Barbecue to participants. Event T-Shirts, Wipe out board, Goodie Bags to first 150 entries, 50/50 drawing. Free Ladies Tea, Free Swap Meet GRAND PRIZE "350 ENGINE" Host Hotel is Holiday Inn 601-939-5238 Must use "CAR SHOW" to get special rates. For info call Eric Knight 601-955-9952 Mississippi Street Rod Association. Doin' what we do best: Eatin", Laughin" and Playin' Cars March 18 D'Iberville, MS Eagles Aerie #4535 First Annual Open Car Show, D’Iberville MS, 10383 Automall Parkway, Saturday March 18, 2017. Awards to Top 25, Dash Plates, Specialty & Sponsored Awards, Food, Drinks, 50/50 Drawings and Music Registration $20 @ 8a.m. to 3p.m. POC Fraternal Order of Eagles # 4535, 228-280-8300 March 18 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Twin Peaks parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3516 Sangani Blvd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. 4pm till Good Eats, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 March 18 Gulfport, MS Gulf Coast MOPAR 1/8 Mile Showdown at Gulfport Dragway. MOPAR’S ONLY Gates open at 4pm for time trials & Eliminations start at 8pm. Car & Driver $40 Spectators $10 Gulfport Dragway is located I-10 exit 31. Go South on Canal Rd, cross over the railroad tracks. Go about 1 mile, turn left onto Racetrack Road and continue to Gulfport Dragway. 228 863-4408 March 18 Locust Fork, AL. S&S Automotive 2nd Annual Cruise -in. Free food! Hot cars! Great fun! Classic, modern & project cars/ trucks welcome. Join your S & S team & community car enthusiasts for a day of cool cars, great food, & tons of fun! 2PM – till… Where: 30120 State Highway 79, Locust Fork, AL 35097 (Between Massey Auto Parts & LF Produce & Grocery) for more Info 205-680-8899 March 18 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. March 18 Wiggins, MS 7th Annual Pine Hill Festival & Open Car & Truck Show. The Red Creek Classics Car Club is having a open car show in conjunction with the Pine Hill Festival, downtown Wiggins. 9am to 3pm. There will be food, craft vendors, music, and lots of fun for the whole family. Car show awards at 3pm. Awards for Top 20 cars, pre 1985, Top 10 trucks-pre 1985, Top 3 Cars and (Continued on page 36)

MARCH 2017


Trucks 1986 and newer, Top 3 Rat Rods, Best Engines, Best Paint, Best of Show Car and Truck, 50/50 tickets... $20.00 reg. fee day of show: For info Charlie 601-528-1172 vendor info 601-928-5418 March 24 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In Café. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. For more info. call Randy at 228-254-5270 March 25 Bay St. Louis, MS 19th Annual GNAT Nationals Open Car Show. Saturday, March 25, 2017; 8:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Silent Auction, 50/50, Wipe-Out Board, Prizes Galore, Food, 50’s-60’s Music, Games, Coloring Contest, Dash Plaques, Sponsor Awards, Vendors. Top Prizes !! FUN FOR ALL AGES……………… Our Lady of the Gulf, 228 South Beach Blvd, Bay St. Louis, MS 39520 Charities CASA and Senior Citizens of Hancock County. Awards presented at 2:00 P.M. Pre-registration $20.00 by March 15, 2017 $25 day of show. Top 25 Awards, Furthest Driven, Sponsor Awards, Best of Show. Awards to be voted on by Registered Participants. “Our Chefs will be cooking all the good food!!!!” For: Bobby 228-493-2033 or Donna 228-332-3006 Misfits Street Krewzers · P.O. Box 2101 · Bay St. Louis, MS 39521 March 25 Troop 98 Car & Truck Show in Honor of Mr. Jack Brown at Springridge United Methodist Church Located at corner of Davis and Springridge Roads Byram, MS Saturday, March 25, 2017 9 AM Open to all years models cars & trucks*Trophies* for TOP 10 CARS & TOP 5 TRUCKS SCOUTS CHOICE TROPHY Plus 30 Other Special Award Certificates no charge-PUBLIC WELCOME ***HOT DOGS & HAMBURGERS*** Sausage and Biscuits, Coffee, Bake Sale, Raffles and More!! Car Entry Fee: $20 FOR SHOW INFORMATION CALL Randy Thomason 601-3314777 ALL proceeds go to Boy Scout Troop 98 March 25 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome March 25 Pascagoula, MS. 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in at



(Continued on page 38)

MARCH 2017


Ingalls Engineering Complex 3943 Denny Ave. (Hwy 90) Pascagoula, MS Large lighted Parking lot, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. For additional Info: Call Shannon Broom at 228-2173629, Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS. March 31 - April 1 Gulfport MS 5th Annual Gulf Coast Auto Show this is a Open Car/Truck/Motorcycle Show & Cruise-in at the Best Western Plus (228-864-0050) & Clarion Inn (228-868-3300) These hotels have adjoining parking lots and offer ground floor outside room entrances. Special Room Rates for this event. There is plenty of room for show car parking as well as the cruise-in cars. Vendors are welcome and the public will have free access to your area. Activities will include a variety of Gulf Coast amenities as well as on site entertainment. Car show entry of $20. Both Hotels are located on Hwy 49 South of I-10 exit 34 Host Car Club Coast Cruizers Information Jimbo 228 596-0664

APRIL 2017

Mon - Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday

10:30am - 10:00pm 10:30am - 11:00pm 10:30am - 11:00pm 11:00am - 10:00pm

12275 Hwy 49 Gulfport, MS 39503 Call 228 832-9644

2595 Pass Rd Biloxi, MS 39531 Call 228 331-1749 WE MAKE EVERYTHING FRESH DAILY !

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With This Coupon Gulf Coast MotorSports expires 12/31/17

April 1 Gulfport MS 5th Gulf Coast Auto Show Open Car/Truck/ Motorcycle Show & Cruise-in at the Best Western Plus (228-8640050) & Clarion Inn (228-868-3300) These hotels have adjoining parking lots and offer ground floor outside room entrances. There is plenty of room for show car parking as well as the cruise-in cars. Vendors are welcome and the public will have free access to your area. Activities will include a variety of Gulf Coast amenities as well as on site entertainment. Car show entry of $20. Both Hotels are located on Hwy 49 South of I-10 exit 34. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 April 1 Biloxi, MS MEGA Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 April 1 Mobile, AL 24th Annual Camellia Classic Car Show Open car show located at beautiful Bellingrath Gardens. Presented by the Mobile Bay Mustang Club and supporting Feeding the Gulf Coast. $25 registration until March 25, $30 day of show. This is an OPEN car show with 36 classes and lots of door prizes! Gates open at 8:00 am, Awards Presentation is at 2:30 pm. For more info and Paypal registration, go to April 1 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm - 8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 April 1 Slidell La. 1st Saturday Night Open Cruise-in the Coastal Cruisers Open Cruise Night is at North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. & I-12, Slidell, La. Music and 50/50, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. 1st Saturday of each month Feb thru Oct for information or membership inquires. Call John at 985 400-0527 April 7 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. April 8 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers April 8th. Gulfport, MS. 4th Annual Crosspoint Cruisin’ for Missions Car, Truck, and Bike Show & Family Fun Day!! Crosspoint Church 15046 North Swan Rd. Gulfport, MS 39503. Show starts at 9:30 AM, Awards Presented at 2:00 P.M. 6 classes of trophies and plaques will be awarded; cars, trucks, bikes, 4x4s and rat rods. Additionally, there will be specialty and sponsor awards earned. There will be fun, food, kids games and live (Continued on page 40)



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entertainment available, so bring the whole family. We will have many door prizes, an auction and a raffle,…Registration $20.00. April 8 Gulfport, MS The Naval Construction Battalion Center in Gulfport MS. is hosting Seabee Day 2017. It is scheduled for April 8 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. It is also the 75th Anniversary of the Seabees. I was hoping to gather as many Antique, Classic, Rat Rods rides as we can to ensure that this event is a success. For all participating cars there will be trophies awarded to the best in each class. This would be a great time to show our Military that we care. Car clubs would be greatly be appreciated. Please visit https:// for more details. April 8 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 6pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 April 14-15 Biloxi, MS Gulf Coast Oyster Cook-Off & Festival plus Rock-N-Roll Open Car, Truck & Bike Show at The Biloxi Town Green. Hwy 90 Event includes music, food & vendor booths Registration / Load in Fri, April 14th 9am -9pm / Sat., April 15th 9am-11am Awards Sat. 5:45pm: Top 25, People's Choice, Ladies Choice, Club Participation, Longest Distance. Run Registration: $25 After 3/31/17 $30 Awards presented in several categories for both the oyster cook off, shucking contest and the car show. The fun filled weekend will also include live entertainment with national, regional and local bands. Enjoy oysters, seafood, burgers & more, an oyster shucking contest, vendors, a full-service bar featuring Bloody Mary’s and your favorite Budweiser and Pepsi brands. Vendor/Sponsor info 228-860-5015 April 15 Columbia, MS. Columbia Carquest 4th Annual CarTruck-Bike Show Saturday April 15th 2017, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Come out for a day of fun to the Columbia Carquest Auto Parts store, located on left of Hwy 13, just a couple blocks north of intersection of Hwy 98 bypass in Columbia, MS. Goody bags for first 60 entries, door prizes galore, spectator trivia prizes, 50/50, music, food by BJ's Smoking. Awards: Top 15 Cars, Top 10



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Open M-F 5:00am - 7:00pm

Saturday 6am-5pm We also have a Drive-Thru!

Call 228 234-5282

1720 Pass Road Gulfport, Mississippi

Supporting the small businesses!!! Their food is delicious!!! Come check them out! Bacon, Egg, and Cheese breakfast wrap and a large coffee!!! DELICIOUS!!! ….. Chavus Holland

Boozer's Brew is a locally owned coffee shop. We want our guests to feel comfortable when they visit. The atmosphere both inside and outside will be very relaxed. We will have a full courtyard for the nice days for you to enjoy your visit. Too busy to sit down? No worries, we will have a drive thru for our guests who are always on the go. Our beans are locally roasted. We offer a large selection of delicious flavors to add into your gourmet coffee or just enjoy a cup of our regular coffee. We serve breakfast and lunch all day. Take out orders are available.



Trucks, Top 2 Pre-51, Top Rat Rod, Top 2-1990 & up, Top 2 Bikes, Best of Show Car & Truck. Backwoods Cruizers Club Pick. Designated judges for awards, judging to begin at 12:30 PM. Entry fee: $25.00, if you bring additional vehicles $10.00 each. Entry from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Show co-hosted by the Backwoods Cruizers Car Club. Entry day of show no pre-entry provided. Part of the proceeds will go to Columbia Animal Shelter and Marion County Food Pantry. All vehicles entered must have current license and insurance. For more info contact Hoyt Jones 601-695-7242, Bobby Rayborn 601-270-3287 or Wayne Rayborn 601-441-4151. April 15 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 4pm till at Twin Peaks parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3516 Sangani Blvd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Good Eats, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 April 15 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. April 15 Slidell, LA 20 Annual Camellia City Open Car Show. Pre-registration $20 before April 10, 2017. Day of show registration 8am till 12pm $25. Dash plaques first 200 registered. Specialty awards, Sponsor awards, Top 50 awards, Best of Show. 50/50 Awards at 3pm. Show will be at North Shore Square Mall, 150 Northshore Blvd, Slidell, LA. Info: Brenda at 985-639-9919 (rain date April 16) April 21-22 Gulfport, MS ATOMIC BLAST 6 Open to ALL Vehicles. Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles & Antique Bicycles. Rat Rods, Street Rods, Hot Rods, Antique & Classic Cars, $20 at the gate covers all activities including, Stoplight Drags, Tug of War, Burnout Contest, Flame Throwin' Contest, Donut spin-out contest and more. Swap Meet. Here's your chance to attend the event everyone has been talking about.. This is a family event. Gate opens at 4 pm Friday, & 8 am Saturday. There will be a few choice awards for cars/trucks/bicycles handed out Saturday afternoon. There will be Food & Beer Stands. Events all day, Entrance to the track is $20 (kids under ten $10). Coolers & Grills OK (no glass bottles, please) Free primitive and RV Camping (no hook-ups) 24hr security on site. Everything is at Gulfport Dragway, 1 Mile South of I-10 (MS Exit 31) on Canal Road, Gulfport, MS ( call the Comfort Inn 228-822-9600 9379 Canal Rd, Gulfport. Use the code "DRAGWAY" to obtain a Room Discount for Atomic Blast ) Vendor information call Track Phone: 228 863-4408 April 22 Lucedale, MS Blacktop Posse MC 7th Annual Cruisin' for St. Jude Benefit Destiny Goss Memorial Ride and Poker Run George County Fairgrounds (9162 Old Hwy 63 S, Lucedale, MS 39452) Registration 9 am KSU 10 am $15.00 Driver, $10.00 Rider (includes event T-Shirt only). Live Music Arts/Craft Festival Car/Truck & Bike Show Kidz Zone All proceeds benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital April 22 Biloxi, MS Southern Hospitality Open Car Show Saturday, Edgewater Mall, Biloxi. Registration and parking 8 -11 a.m. Judging at noon, awards at 3 p.m. Registration is $30. This show is Open, welcoming all years and makes. Judged on 100 point system. Reg. questions, call Craig 228-596-3974. Judging info, call Mike 228-872-5622. Hosted by MS Coast Mustang Club. April 22 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome April 22 Mandeville, LA 5th Annual Classic Car Show. 9AM 3PM Entry Fee for Cars & Trucks $20 Pre-registration. Fee thru April 1, 2017. $25 Day of Event. Booths Inside Air Conditioned Hall. Pre-registration Required · Fee $20 Per 10’x10’ Space. Mandeville Lions Club, 720 Lafitte Street, Mandeville, LA 70448 Info: Call 985-626-8862 or 985-626-8614 Benefits LA Lions Eye Foundation & LA Lions Children’s Camp April 22 Pascagoula, MS. 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in at Ingalls Engineering Complex 3943 Denny Ave. (Hwy 90) Pascagoula, MS Large lighted Parking lot, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. For Info: Call Shannon Broom at 228-217-3629, Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS.

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April 22 Pass Christian, MS 1st Annual Most Holy Trinity Spring Fling Antique Car Show 10 am -2 pm at Most Holy Trinity 9062 Kiln-Delisle Rd Pass Chrisitian, MS 39571 ENTER EARLY by APRIL 1st FOR A SPECIAL DRAWING $25.00 entry (mail to the address above) Music, Food and more. For more info. please call Monica 228-669-7119 or Mandy 228-234-3444 or email April 28 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In Café. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. For more info. call Randy at 228-254-5270 April 28-30 Pensacola, Fl 45th Annual Pensacola Rod - Tiques Rod Run on the beautiful Pensacola Beach, Pensacola, Fl. Friday 6pm come in your pirate attire for our pirate themed free meal with registration. Saturday games, door prizes and much more. Registration Friday 2-5 Saturday 9-12. Pre-registration $20 After April 10th $25. For more info contact Jody or Jimmy Johnston 850255-0627 or 850-944-3835. For reservations call the Days Inn 850934-3300. April 29 Baton Rouge, LA 4th Annual Awareness Festival Capitol Region Chapter of Bikers Against Child Abuse The Capitol Region Chapter of Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A.®) is having their 4th annual child abuse awareness Family Fun Day April 29th at the Lamar Dixon Expo Center from 8am to 6pm. B.A.C.A.® is an International 501c (3) non-profit organization that exists with the intent to create a safer environment for abused children. A five-dollar donation is requested for all day entry into the event with all day fun for the whole family, including a car show, live music, live auction, lots of kid games, bouncy houses, food, beverages, many different vendors and much more. So bring the Family and have a day of fun with us. All vehicles are welcome to enter into the car show for a chance to win a plaque for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each class plus kid’s choice award. A $25-dollar donation is requested per vehicle to register. All proceeds & donations to the not-for-profit Capitol Region Chapter of B.A.C.A.® are used for the benefit of abused children. For more information about B.A.C.A.® and what they do, you can visit their website at or find them on Facebook at Bikers Against Child Abuse International. Bikers Against Child Abuse ® Capitol Region Chapter P.O. Box 45478 Baton Rouge, LA. 70895 Tel: (225) 247-9889 HELPLINE Email: April 29 Covington, LA 3RD Annual Magic Of Memories Streetrod, Classic Car, and Motorcycle Rally at Lakeview Regional Medical Center. Located at 95 judge Tanner Blvd., Covington LA 70433. Saturday April 29th. Registration will be 8:30 11:00 am judging will be 11::00 am - 12:00 pm and awards will be at 2:00 pm. Registration will be $25.00 the day of the show. Awards will be given to top ten bikes, top 25 cars, top 25 trucks, best of show, sponsor awards, best engine, best interior, best paint, oldest vehicle, and the Lakeview Regional Medical Center choice award. All proceeds will be split between the national alliance on mental illness and the Alzheimer's association. There will be food, drinks, music, vendors, 50/50 drawing, door prizes, and bounce houses for the kids. Please join us to support these two great organizations.



info contact Ricky Quigley 985-237-9134 by phone or text. April 29, The Sixth Annual Deanash Children's Village Open Car Show. 8 am thru 1pm, registration 8 am-10 am. $25.00 day of event, includes a meal. Free to the public. Pineview Baptist Church, 19 Tower Rd, Hattiesburg, MS 39401. (located at the back entrance to Paul B. Johnson State Park) for info: call Stan Anderson @ 601467-1138 or email andersonstanley58@gmailcom. Proceeds to support the Deanash Children's Village Donations will be accepted. Music provided by Damascus Road 10:00 Cruise' through the park: 11:15 Door Prizes, t-shirts, games, food, 50/50 raffle, 216 pc Craftsman mechanic tool kit raffel. TROPHIES: Longest Owned, Distance Traveled, Best Engine, Interior, Paint Scheme, Display, Work In Progress, Oldest, Most Unique. TOP THREE: Car Pre 1960, 1960-1969, 1990—present, Truck Pre 1960, 1960-1989, 1990—present, Street Rod, Rat Rod, One each: Best Tractor, Best Motorcycle: Cruiser, Sport, Chopper, Trike, Pastors Choice, Children's Choice, Best In Show April 29 Mobile AL Southern MOPAR Association 22nd Annual MOPAR Car Show & Swap Meet at the Battleship Park (2703 Battleship Pkwy, Mobile, AL 36603) Registration 8am-11. Preregistration $25 (includes show shirt) day of show $30. Proceeds to benefit the Mulherh Custodial Home. All show vehicles must be MOPAR/AMC powered. Info contact Larry Jordan 251 653-5154 April 29 Pascagoula, MS 5th Saturday Night Cruise-in at AutoZone on Hwy 90 from 5pm to 8pm. 50/50, Door Prizes Hosted by Magnolia Classic Cruisers & Sponsored by AutoZone April 29 Vancleave, MS 12th Annual Pebble Bluff Creek Car Show Saturday, April 29th from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. on the Vancleave High School Grounds. We will have DJ, Draw Down, Food & Drinks, Sponsor Plaques and Trophies. Registration 8am– 11am Judging starts at 11:00 am Early Registration $20.00 Additional Car $10.00 Must be received by April 24, 2017 Day of

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Event - $25.00 - Additional Car $15.00 Info Deanna Cole- 228-2824807 Rain date May 6

May 2017 May 4–7 Destin, FL Burning Up The Beaches the MOST partyin, fun, BEST value classic car weekend on the circuit! If you are looking for a fun, relaxing weekend on the beach to meet other gearheads and have a BLAST at the beach, THIS IS IT! Car show central is located at Destin Commons, located in the heart of Destin Fl, with fantastic shops such as Bass Pro, Uncle Bucks Fish Bowl, H&M, World of Beer and many many more! Are you used to paying $30 to show your car for a day and get a T-shirt? At Burning Up the Beaches you get armbands for 2 people, to 3 parties with live music, 5 fantastic stops, dinner on Saturday night, prizes galore, event Decal, one event t-shirt, and car show all for $80 tax deductible dollars! All Burning Up The Beaches net funds go to The Arc of the Emerald Coast the local ARC Agency serving those with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, and other developmental disabilities. Here is your complete list of Events and Cruise Stops: Thursday May 4th, 2017: Early Birds Party and Meet & Greet – Ramada Plaza Resort Light Hors d’oeuvres and Cash Bar 5:30pm – 7:30pm Friday May 5, 2017: Destin Commons – Registration Opens 9:00am – 5:00pm Address: 4100 Legendary Dr, Destin, FL 32541 Cruise the stops from 9 to 5, locations TBA Get registered, or pick up your pre registered package and get out to the stops! Friday Night, May 5, 2017: exciting new Friday party venue – at 5:30 – 7:30 Party with live music and Hors d’oeuvres, location to be announced! Saturday May 6, 2017: Registration will be open 9am – and its not to late to join in the fun! Vendors and those that are “show only” will be set up. More details pending……. THE Car Show!! 10:00am – 5:00pm Location: Destin Commons Take your spot for the SHOW! Thousands of locals are eagerly anticipating your arrival! Valve Cover Racing, Vendors, Destin Commons GREAT restaurants and shops, Mega 50/50. Burning Up The Beaches is known as “THE FUN ONE” In keeping with this spirit, all 5 Burning Up The Beaches awards are totally subjective. Our awards include: 1. Public Choice 2. Sponsors Choice 3. Boardwalks Best 4. Horizons Clients Choice 5. The Wild Bill award, in memory of Burning up the Beaches supporter Wild Bill Tuttle, awarded by his family to the most fun car and crew. “The Street Party” – After the Car Show (5:30 pm-8:30 pm) – we will be dancing in the streets to the tunes of Emerald Gold! Tastings will be provided via the fabulous restaurants of Destin Commons along with the ever famous Draw Down with Cash and Prizes!!! Car Corral and swap meet are open all weekend! Here is a great video to show what Burning Up the Beaches is all about! http:// Contact Us Phone: 850-376-1037 or Email: May 5 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. May 6 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the



Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Information Jimbo 228 596-0664 May 6 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm - 8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 May 6 Slidell La. 1st Saturday Night Open Cruise-in the Coastal Cruisers Open Cruise Night is at North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. & I-12, Slidell, La. Music and 50/50, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. 1st Saturday of each month Feb thru Oct for information or membership inquires. Call John at 985 400-0527 May 6 Ocean Springs, MS 3rd Annual Classic Car and Truck Show Saturday, May 6, at the Ocean Springs Civic Center, 3730 Bienville Blvd. Sponsored by Ocean Springs Health and Rehab. $20 Registration Fee, registration from 8am - 11am, AWARDS at 1pm! Top 15 Cars (pre 1980), Top 10 Trucks (pre 1980), 5 Specialty Awards (open class for all years) 50/50 and lots of door prizes! All proceeds will go to the Ronald McDonald House of Greater New Orleans. BBQ and much more! Don’t miss it! May 13 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers May 13 Mandeville La. 10th Annual Cruisin' With YFM 1088 (Youth For Mandeville). Open Car and Truck Show. $20 Entry Fee Day Of Event Registration 8:30am to 11am, Awards at 2:30 pm, “Top Twenty-five & Peoples’ Choice Awards”, “Best of Show”,

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“Best Paint” “Best Interior” “Best Engine” “Best Car” & “Best Truck” “Dash Plaques for The First 50 Entrees”, 50/50 Drawing, Silent Auction, As Well As Other Drawing Thru-out The Day. (Rain or Shine) Indoor Facility to Accommodate All Guests, Early Bird Breakfast, Jambalaya, Gumbo, Hot Dogs, Soft Drinks, and Lots More Available on Site. This Is A Non-Alcohol Family Friendly Event. Bring the Kids and Grandkids, Spacewalk will be provided. Lots of Fun for all. All Proceeds Benefit Youth Group Activities. For More Info Contact Lloyd, At (504) 451-1522 or David at Show Located At Mandeville Christian Fellowship Church 1211 Hwy 1088. Get on I-12 and take exit 68, 1088 West toward Mandeville and go 2 miles to four way stop, proceed 500 more feet Car Show on the right (Mandeville Christian Fellowship Church) May 13 Orange Park FL County Cruzers Rev It Up! Car Show All makes & models welcome. Vendor spaces available. Saturday May 13, at 1701 Park Ave. Orange Park Fl 32073. $25 entry for cars. All you can eat breakfast $6. Hand made trophies. All funds raised for local charities. Gates open 9am May 13 Slidell, LA Habitat for Humanity presents the Louisiana Veterans Festival Car & Truck Exhibition. Get ready for the fourth annual Louisiana Veterans Festival, including live entertainment, fabulous food, games, rides and a spectacular Car and Truck Exhibition. It's your opportunity to show off your prized vehicle and help the East St. Tammany Habitat for Humanity in their efforts to provide affordable homes for deserving veterans. Saturday, May 13, 2017 - Festival 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Car & Truck Exhibition 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Awards at 3:00 p.m. Northshore Harbor Center, Slidell, LA $20 Advanced Registration Fee or $25 day of show. Your registration fee includes: Reserved space for your vehicle in the Car Exhibition, Admission for two into the Louisiana Veterans Festival ($16 value), Dash Plaques for first 100 vehicles registered, Goody Bags for first 100 vehicles registered. May 13 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 6pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 May 20 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Twin Peaks parking lot 4pm till. Lakeview Village, 3516 Sangani Blvd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Good Eats, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 May 20 Pascagoula, MS 12th Annual Show By The Shore Car Show at Beach Park. Silent Auction, Bingo games, Wipe Out Board, Door Prizes, 50/50 Drawings. Registration 8am -10:00 am Judging starts at 10:00 am / Awards 3:30pm Top 40 plus Sponsor Awards. Best of Show, Pre 1991, Best of Show, Post 1990, Rat Rod Class, Model T and A (NON MODIFIED) Club Participation, Host Class. Dash Plaques For updates see: Web Site : Facebook : Magnolia Classic Cruisers MCC Supported Charities for 2016 Disabled American Veterans Chapter 17, American Cancer Society, Relay for Life Jackson County, Ms., Dream Program, Inc. Information: Betty



Carter 228-218-9831 or Shannon Broom 228-217-3629 - Rain date June 10 May 20 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. May 26 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise-In Café. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. For more info. call Randy at 228-254-5270 May 26-27 Biloxi, MS 39th Annual "May Show" Antique Auto / Engine & Motorcycle Show Hosted by the Antique Automobile & Engine Club of Mississippi, at Point Cadet - Biloxi, MS. Located just off Hwy 90 at the Ocean Springs / Biloxi Bridge. Judging will begin at noon, Saturday and will be based on points and not classes. Awards will be presented to all vehicles scoring above 70 points. Vehicles newer than 1990 will be for display only. Registration: Preregistered Vehicles $25.00 $30.00 Day of Show $15.00 Additional Vehicles. Swap Meet Spaces or Car Corral $20.00 normal, $25.00 large Engines/Display/Pedal Cars $15.00 Motor Home Parking $10.00 (Limited hook-ups) For More Info, call prior 5/23: Peter (228) 832-7710 Mark (228) 332-1700 May 27 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome May 27 Pascagoula, MS. 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in at Ingalls Engineering Complex 3943 Denny Ave. (Hwy 90) Pascagoula, MS Large lighted Parking lot, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. For additional Info: Call Shannon Broom at 228-217-3629, Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS.

JUNE 2017 June 2 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. June 3 Biloxi, MS 1st Saturday Night Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 June 3 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm - 8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 June 3 Slidell La. 1st Saturday Night Open Cruise-in the Coastal Cruisers Open Cruise Night is at North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. & I-12, Slidell, La. Music and 50/50, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. 1st Saturday of each month Feb thru Oct for information or membership inquires. Call John at 985 400-0527 June 3 Slidell La. 1st Saturday Night Open Cruise-in the Coastal Cruisers Open Cruise Night is at North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. & I-12, Slidell, La. Music and 50/50, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. 1st Saturday of each month Feb thru Oct for information or membership inquires. Call John at 985 400-0527 June 10 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers June 10 Poplarville, MS 10th Annual Blueberry Jubilee Car/ Truck/Bike Show. Registration opens at 7 am, Awards at 2:30 pm. Bring the family and enjoy the day at the Blueberry Jubilee. The usual best of awards and some unusual ones. Jeff 228-216-6863 or The Blueberry Jubilee is an arts and crafts fair held on the Second Saturday in June of each year. It is at that time, because that is when the blueberries are available. The

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Blueberry Jubilee is located in Downtown Poplarville, Mississippi and attracts about 10,000 visitors each year. The Blueberry Jubilee features Handmade Arts and Crafts, Storytelling, Live Entertainment, Lots of Food, and Down Home Southern Hospitality. The Blueberry Jubilee Council is made up of all volunteers, and our goal is to promote Blueberries and Pearl River County. June 10 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 6pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 June 17 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Twin Peaks parking lot 4pm till. Lakeview Village, 3516 Sangani Blvd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Good Eats, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 June 17 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. June 23-25 Biloxi, MS 15th Annual Scrapin' The Coast. We are pulling out all the stops on this one folks. This one is going to be the Biggest one yet guaranteed! Best show on the Gulf Coast! * Car & Truck Show * Vendors * Live Bands * Triple point Usaci Stereo competition sponsored by Advanced Audio and Kicker Car Audio * Frame Dragging * Burnout Contest * Wild Bikini Contest * Hydraulic and Airbag competition sponsored by CCE Hydraulics * And more!!! Registration and drive thru judging this year is on site at the coliseum and will be inside a fully a/c building in the new convention center!!!!!! Vendor setup Friday 9am-6pm Registration and drive thru judging Friday 9am-6pm Saturday 7am-4pm Show hours Saturday 8am-6pm Sunday 8am-5pm If you would like to become a Vendor or a Sponsor email For More Information Call Greg 228-324-7671 June 23 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In Café. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. For more info. call Randy at 228-254-5270 June 24 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome June 24 Pascagoula, MS. 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in at Ingalls Engineering Complex 3943 Denny Ave. (Hwy 90) Pascagoula, MS Large lighted Parking lot, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. For additional Info: Call Shannon Broom at 228-2173629, Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS.

JULY July 1 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 July 1 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm - 8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 July 1 Slidell La. 1st Saturday Night Open Cruise-in the Coastal Cruisers Open Cruise Night is at North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. & I-12, Slidell, La. Music and 50/50, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. 1st Saturday of each month Feb thru Oct for information or membership inquires. Call John at 985 400-0527 July 7 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. July 8 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train



Depot. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers July 8 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 6pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 July 13-15 Hiawassee, GA Georgia Mountain Moonshine Cruizin’ Georgia Mountain Moonshine Cruiz-In is a annual event held in Hiawassee, GA the event site is at the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds on beautiful Lake Chatuge. Camping is available " Stay right at the show site". Enjoy three fun filled days of good ole mountain hillbilly fun. See a Pioneer village, real moonshine still in the works, mountain crafts, and plenty of hot classic cars, trucks, bikes, rat rods and more! July 15 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Twin Peaks parking lot 4pm till . Lakeview Village, 3516 Sangani Blvd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Good Eats, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 July 15 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. July 21-22 Wiggins, MS 6th Annual Red Creek Classic Car Appreciation Picnic & Cruise-in at Flint Creek Water Park, Highway 29, Wiggins, MS. Friday July 21st - Local stamping stops for prizes. Friday night cruise-in. Saturday July 22nd - 8am - 4pm 6th Car Club Appreciation Day Picnic & Cruise-in. NOT A SHOW & NO AWARDS. All Car Clubs and independents are invited to attend - there will be hamburgers, hot dogs & cold drinks. (contributions and donations accepted). There is a large air conditioned building (just in case you need to get out of the heat) and plenty of shade trees. No charge to attend. Places to stay: Best Western Woodstone - 535 East Frontage Drive, Wiggins, MS 39577 Phone: (601) 928-1616 / Hampton Inn & Suites Wiggins - 1121 East Frontage Drive, Wiggins, MS 39577 Phone:(601) 528-5255 / Flint Creek Water Park, - 1216 Parkway Drive, Wiggins, MS. 39577 Cabin, RV, Campground reservations (601) 928-3051 or (601) 9282753 This show is hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. July 22 Wiggins, MS The Mississippi NSRA Appreciation Day will be Saturday July 22, in conjunction with 6th annual Red Creek Classic Appreciation Picnic at Flint Creek Water Park, Wiggins, MS. 39577. The Mississippi Rep. Chicken Willy and the Mississippi Adviser, Donna Holland will be there giving out NSRA appreciation pins. Members of the NSRA can show your current membership card and get your pin. We also will be signing up new members. The Mississippi Safety inspector Jerry Cuevas will be inspecting vehicles. You can get the new 2017 / 23 point inspection sticker that day. We will also give a NSRA Merit Award. The award is given to a dedicated Rodder for excellence in construction, design and safety of their vehicle. This award is very special. July 22 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome July 22 Pascagoula, MS. 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in at Ingalls Engineering Complex 3943 Denny Ave. (Hwy 90) Pascagoula, MS Large lighted Parking lot, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. For additional Info: Call Shannon Broom at 228-217-3629, Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS. July 28 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In Café. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. For more info. call Randy at 228-254-5270 July 29 Pascagoula, MS 5th Saturday Night Cruise-in at AutoZone on Hwy 90 from 5pm to 8pm. 50/50, Door Prizes Hosted by Magnolia Classic Cruisers & Sponsored by AutoZone AUGUST 2017 August 4 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor.

(Continued on page 56)

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(Continued from page 54)

August 5 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 August 5 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm - 8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For info Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 August 5 Slidell La. 1st Saturday Night Open Cruise-in the Coastal Cruisers Open Cruise Night is at North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. & I-12, Slidell, La. Music and 50/50, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. 1st Saturday of each month Feb thru Oct for information or membership inquires. Call John at 985 400-0527 August 12 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/ Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers August 12 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 6pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 August 19 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 4pm till at Twin Peaks parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3516 Sangani Blvd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Good Eats, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 August 19 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. August 25 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In Café. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. For more info. call Randy at 228-254-5270 August 26 Pascagoula, MS. 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in at Ingalls Engineering Complex 3943 Denny Ave. (Hwy 90) Pascagoula, MS Large lighted Parking lot, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. For additional Info: Call Shannon Broom at 228-2173629, Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS. SEPTEMBER 2017 September 1 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. September 2 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 September 2 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm - 8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For info Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 September 2Slidell La. 1st Saturday Night Open Cruise-in the Coastal Cruisers Open Cruise Night is at North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. & I-12, Slidell, La. Music and 50/50, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. 1st Saturday of each month Feb thru Oct for information or membership inquires. Call John at 985 400-0527



September 9 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers September 9 Kiln, MS 4th Annual Knights of Columbus Classic Car & Truck Show at Annunciation Church. 5370 Kiln Delisle Road. Registration $25.00 8 t0 11 am. Awards will be presented at 1 pm. Lots of 50's music. 50-50 split pot, lots of give-a-ways. Awards for top 30 cars, top 5 trucks, 5 cars 80's and above. Dash Plaques for the first 75 cars & trucks. Awards for best Paint, Interior, Engine, Rat Rod, Best of Show. And the longest distance traveled. Great parking area, air conditioned building for your comfort to sit and relax with other car guys and gals. Food will be served at 11 am. For additional information Contact Jim 228 493-7833 ot Richard 228 493-7416 See You There September 9 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 6pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 September 16 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 4pm till at Twin Peaks parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3516 Sangani Blvd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Good Eats, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 September 16 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. September 22 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In Café. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. For more info. call Randy at 228-254-5270 September 23 Gulfport, MS Ales, Arts and Autos. Join us for an afternoon of local craft beers, home brews, and arts while surrounded by vintage cars, motorcycles, bicycles and boats. Home Brew Competition! Create an art car! March with the Bay Ratz! See vintage cars and local art! Unlimited beer samples* 12P - 3:30P Visit the “Car Club Corral” to see what each has to offer the car enthusiast. Participate in the silent auction which raises money for the Tired Dog Rescue, a local non-profit organization. Live music by the Bay Ratz from Bay St. Louis and local food from 2 Girls BBQ. *Beer tasting tickets are required. $25 in advance, $30 at the door. If interested in pouring your beer, showing/selling your art, or sharing your club’s info, contact Stacie at or call 228-864-9082. Sponsored by: Busted Wrench Garage, 2311 29th St, Gulfport, MS 39501. September 23 Pascagoula, MS. 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in at Ingalls Engineering Complex 3943 Denny Ave. (Hwy 90) Pascagoula, MS Large lighted Parking lot, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. For additional Info: Call Shannon Broom at 228-2173629, Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS. September 29 Biloxi, MS. Sharkheads & MotorSports Magazine presents the 4th Annual Sun & Sand Block Party / Cruise-in at Sharkheads Souvenir Shop Hwy 90 Biloxi, MS. Everyone Welcome, and our DJ will be playing Great Cruise-in Music, there will be 50/50, Prizes and Much much More!! Join us for a Huge Friday Night Cruise-in starting at 6:00 pm til. September 30 Gulfport, MS 11th Annual Souped Up Saturday. A Hot Rodder’s Event. Show at, Gulfport, MS. 39503 4pm - 8pm Registration 3 pm-6:30 pm the day of the event. Vehicle must be 1980 model or older to register regardless of modifications. Rods, Customs, Classic Cars & Trucks 1980 or older. Free entry, free registration, awards, concession stand. Limited parking. No trailers. No motorcycles allowed in registered parking area. New small block Chevy 350/330HP GM Crate Engine Giveaway, free drawing for those who register a vehicle in the event, Must be 18 years of age or older and must be present to win. Door prizes. A Major prize for viewing public. No alcohol, No smoking, No pets please. Hosted by Bible Baptist Church of Gulfport, MS. Info:228 806-9257 September 30 Pascagoula, MS 5th Saturday Night Cruise-in at AutoZone on Hwy 90 from 5pm to 8pm. 50/50, Door Prizes Hosted (Continued on page 58)

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by Magnolia Classic Cruisers & Sponsored by AutoZone OCTOBER 2017 October 1-8 the 21st Annual Cruisin' the Coast EVENT SCHEDULE October 6 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. October 7 Biloxi, MS MEGA Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Information Jimbo 228 596-0664 October 7 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm - 8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 October 7 Slidell La. 1st Saturday Night Open Cruise-in the Coastal Cruisers Open Cruise Night is at North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. & I-12, Slidell, La. Music and 50/50, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. 1st Saturday of each month Feb thru Oct for information or membership inquires. Call John at 985 400-0527 October 20-21 Madison, MS. 14th Annual Scarecrow Cruise & Car Show Registration starts 10am-5pm Friday Oct 20 at the Madison Square Center for the Arts, on Main Street in downtown Madison, MS. Friday - Show registration, Cruin' 4 Cash, Live Music and a Food Truck Competition. Saturday - Car Show Registration, Take a cruise in the Classic Car Caravan from Reunion Golf Club, Open car show with 85+ awards, Hope Hollow's silent auction, Mississippi SIDS & Infant Safety Alliance Arts & Crafts, Brett Farve's Monster Truck "Gunslinger" and a selection of cars from Rick Hendrick's (Hendrick Motorsports) personal collection. Saturday Oct 21 Registration opens at 7am. Save $5 Pre-register‌ at web site and get complete show information & schedule. October 21 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 4pm till at Twin Peaks parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3516 Sangani Blvd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Good Eats, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 October 21 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. October 27 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In CafÊ. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. For more info. call Randy at 228-254-5270 NOVEMBER 2017 November 3-5 Lumberton, MS Slamber Party 2017 Here it is folks! Custom Car and Truck show. Family oriented fun filled event. Cabin Rentals, Rv spaces, primitive camping. Golf cart rentals, Zip lines, Soap Box Derby, Cornhole tournament, best campsite contest, live worm eating contest, pizza eating contest. Tons of vendors and awesome cars and trucks to look at. Better call and get your cabins, RV spots, or tent spots. They will be gone ASAP. Little Black Creek Campground and Park. 2159 Little Black Creek Rd, Lumberton, Mississippi 39455 phone 601 794-2956 General info sponsoring or vendor spaces call Greg Miller 228-832-4683 November 3 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. November 4 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner IHop & 5 Guys Restaurant parking lots Hwy 90 & Rangeline Rd, Mobile AL 36619. ( I-10 exit 17B ) The Po-Boy's Cruise-in event is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars,



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Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 5pm - 8:00 pm. DJ Music, 50/50, and more. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For info Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 November 8-11 Panama City FL 13th Annual Emerald Coast Cruizin'. "The South's Best Blast from the Past". Thousands of classic cars, hot rods, custom cars and trucks make way to beautiful Panama City Beach, Florida for this week long festival. Panama City Beach's breath taking emerald green coastline and the famous Miracle Strip gleams with chrome, hot colors, and the deep rumble of power. Aaron Bessant Park next door to Pier Park, will host over 3000 hot rods, and cool classics. There will be over 125 + top name automotive vendors on hand, as well as a huge swap meet and auto car corral. A ladies area with crafts, jewelry, kids will love the activities as well. Their is so much for all to enjoy!. Each night is full of activities from cruising, great bands, and special shows. Even if you're not a gear head, there is plenty to do for all. November 18 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 4pm till at Twin Peaks parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3516 Sangani Blvd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Good Eats, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 November 18 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. November 24 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In CafĂŠ. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. For more info. call Randy at 228-254-5270

GO TO To list your event or Check for event updates NOW YOU CAN LIST & PAY ON-LINE



MARCH 2017




Jim “JR” Roberts

Phone: 228-314-4405

Vehicle Safety Inspector Jerry Cuevas · 228 326-7489

Lynne Lightfoot Phone: 504-228-1337 P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport,MS. 39505

www· Stefanie Lea Photographer / Reporter

MARCH 2017



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High Performance Racing Parts from Engines to Engine Parts. Distributors, Carburetors, Main Bearings, Rod Bearings, Gaskets, Connecting Rods, Roller Rockers, Stud Girdles, Racing Starters, Air Cleaners and Accessories, Performance Spark Plug Wires. We have racing cams & racing parts for Chevrolet, Ford, Chrysler, Oldsmobile & Pontiac.

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MARCH2017 2017 MARCH





7:30 AM - 5:00 PM






Classified Ads - 2 months - Description with 1 (one) Picture - $10 ¡ Non Picture Ad Only - $5

1934 Ford. Street Beast body, 502 Chevy crate engine, turbo 400. Walker radiator, Vintage Air & Heat. Interior by Terry Mathis (Ocean Springs, MS) Disk breaks all four, American Racing wheels. 35K O.B.O. call Terie 228 697-7272 posted 3-17

1968 Corvette 427, 20K O.B.O. call Terie 228-697-7272

1928 Ford Coupe. All steel. Off-body restoration. New rebuilt 350 Chevy engine. 350 Turbo Trans. A/C & heater. Edlebrock 650 carb, Chrome compressor & alternator. Headers. Smitty mufflers. Lokar floor shifter. Chrome booster & master cylinder. Front disc brakes, rear drum brakes. GM tilt steering. Turn signals. New steel floor. Carpet, rolled & pleated interior. New stainless steel rock guard. New chrome radiator cover. Brand new tires. Many more extras. Asking $26,500.00 OBO Ph: 228-832-3255 posted 2/17

2010 Camaro, 12k miles, Magna super charger, ARP long tube headers, GM performance exhaust, 4:10 gears, 11" cross drilled rotors, Hurst 6 speed, large spoiler. $20k firm, no trades, 228-324-6565. posted 3-17

1969 Chevy C-10. Crate 350 engine, rebuilt 700 R-4 trans, P.S., P.D.B., New aluminum radiator, bumpers, wheels, tires, carpet, seat, bed cover. A.C. not installed. Call for details. $16,000 - O.B.O. 251-518-6659 posted 3-17 posted 3-17

1950 Chevy Styleline parade car (topless) New interior. Rewired with E-Z Wiring. Recently refreshed turbo 350 transmission. New 350 engine built by McMurtry Racing Engines, approx 500 miles. painted in 2015. $28,500 228-348-1456 3/17

1969 Camaro SS X11 Lemans Blue 400/400/ Mosier Rear. Nicely built car. Runs great and strong. Fast. Nice interior, Solid Car. Need the room in the garage $25,000 Call for more pictures or info. 850 218-2919 posted 3-17

1966 Mustang Convertible, 289, A-code, automatic, P/S, P/B, Power Top, always garaged, rust free, $27,500. Negotiable. Call: 601 940 8206 posted 3-17

1953 Chevy Pick-up. Long wheel base. 400 cui short block, 350 3speed auto, B&M floor shifter, 273 rear. Wood bed with box. Needs paint. $9500. call Jimmy 205-673-2692 3/17

63 Impala SS. Original except for motor. 350 with all new accessories. Everyday driver or take it to the next level. $12,500 FIRM! Email posted 2-17

1981 Corvette, 108k miles. New Interstate battery, fresh LeMans SR P255/60R15 radials on factory aluminum alloy wheels. White with T-tops over a red interior on red carpet. The car is in good condition, it's tight and handles extremely well. The engine runs good,, sounds even better. There are a few minor cosmetic issues on the car and a couple of minor mechanical matters that will require repair / replacement of parts. No "big ticket" items, however. Asking price is $10,000, but I will consider any respectable offers. Call leave message, phone/text no. and email address for more detailed info and pictures (228) 669-8085 posted 2-17 2 months in Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine 2 months on

Description with 1 (one) Picture - $10 additional photos $5 each

MARCH 2017


1956 Chevy 210, 383 Stroker crate motor dyno tested at 430 Hp 500 miles,750 Holley,700 R4 trans 2400 stall . 9" Ford w 355 gears. Front and rear Disc brakes. New tilt steering column, painless wiring. GFI Distributor, headers w dual exhaust, Knee Freez AC. Stained glass around the car except for rear. All new lines throughout, shocks and springs are new. Alum Radiator. Tubular A arms. Chrome Master Cylinder. New grill. Side mirrors, rear view mirror. Tri 5 Gem. $32,000. 504-450-2062 posted 2/17

2015 HellCat Challenger for sale by owner. Loaded & Like Brand New. 707 H.P., 6 speed, black interior, tinted windows and more. 3300 miles. $54,500 call 228-806-3500 posted 2/17

1951 Chevy Fleetwood, 2 door, 1954 235 C.I. 6 Cyl, windshield from a 1951 Olds, Vintage air, headlights tunneled and frenched, new interior, 3 speed standard transmission, new paint and new tires, $13,500.00. More info, call Malcolm Fontenette, 504-810-4220. 12/16

1930 Ford ALL STEEL, 454 Cu’in with a 400 trans. 12 bolt rear-end, $17,000. 228 326-7489 Jerry 1/17

1953 Ford F-100. New Build 400 miles, 302 block, 351 heads. Given wrong info on rockers 6.5 needed 7.2 broke a valve stem. Truck & parts 20K INVESTED. New rims and tires, AOD trans, P/S, P/W, elect wipers. New glass and moldings, gauges, etc., etc., !!! Selling for $8000. Call Warren 601 337-1324 posted 11/16

1965 Barracuda. Original 273 V-8 engine, working air conditioning, Good Condition posted 2/17 $12,500 985-707-3385

1936 Chevy Business Coupe, steel body, 235 Chevy engine, automatic transmission, new interior and headliner, excellent paint job, excellent show car. More info, call Malcolm Fontenette, 504-810-4220. 12/16

1981 Corvette, 108k miles. New Interstate battery, fresh LeMans SR P255/60R15 radials on factory aluminum alloy wheels. White with T-tops over a red interior on red carpet. The car is in good condition, it's tight and handles extremely well. The engine runs good, sounds even better. There are a few minor cosmetic issues on the car and a couple of minor mechanical matters that will require repair/ replacement of parts. No "big ticket" items, however. Asking price is $10,000, but I will consider any respectable offers. Call 228 6698085, leave message, phone/text no. and email address for more detailed info and pictures. 1-17

1962 Ford Econoline truck. New tires, battery, exhaust, volt reg. Runs and drives great. $6000 OBO John at 225-315-0617 2/17 383 Stroker with 350 Trans. Complete take out 383 stroker with the 350 transmission. Includes MSD 6AL and distributor, Holley 750DP, Edelbrock intake, Hooker headers with Flowmaster exhaust and B&M ratchet shiftier. $5000.00 call 228-326-0092 2/17



1961 Pontiac Ventura, bubble top, 389, tri power, new carbs, cam, lifters, heads. Power front disc brakes, air conditioning, alum radiator, auto trans. Very solid rare car $35,000. Buddy 731-733-4487 Bay St Louis. posted 11/16

1967 Olds Cutlass Supreme, Survivor Car. All original glass and chrome. 64,000 org. miles. 330. 6,500.00 OBO 228-219-7210 1/17 2 months in Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine 2 months on

Description with 1 (one) Picture - $10

MARCH 2017


1976 MG MGB white with black interior, super clean, 76K original miles, 4 speed manual, NC clear title vehicle, born, raised and always kept in garage in NC, I am 3rd owner, guy I bought from has had in garage since 1997, has tons of extras, like new top, magnetic cover for vents, kenwood detachable face radio, polk speakers, boot cover for top, padded custom fit car cover, dew cover, carpeted dash pad cover, new tires on rear, alternator conversion, weber 2 barrel carburetor - gives her a little pep. I would drive anywhere! Bring cash and make reasonable offer - ready to move it! No trades I don't have room for 6 cars I have. I bought in July, drove a good bit, took to couple car shows including cruisin the coast. Call 678 654-1331 3/17

1942 Ford Business Coupe This is a very rare car because Ford stopped production in February of 1942 to use the steel for the government to build tanks, jeeps and other vehicles for the war and production started back in 1945 and the body style was completely different. This car has new paint Mercedes mystic pearl 2005, 1974 rebuilt Corvette 350 engine with 280 cam, Mustang 2 front end, Nova rear end, new Summit 4 barrel carb, new tires, new poly gas tank, new electronic ignition, electric windows and door locks, power trunk, new Bluetooth radio, AC and heat, new Dakota dial gauges, Hooker low profile headers, new exhaust system, bucket seats with jump seat in the back, automatic transmission, new master cylinder. Extras that come with the car is a rebuilt and balanced 350 4 bolt main short block engine, intake with two 4 barrel Eldebrock carburetors, distributor with dual points, front grille painted white. $29900 Ph: 601-916-1524 2/17

2002 Heritage Softail, 12,000 original miles, new tires, needs nothing except a younger rider. 84 yr old man says it's time to quit. Any reasonable offer considered so come make a BUY. 601-250-4808 or posted 3-17

2007 Harley-Davidson Roadglide. 33,000 miles. stored in ac whole life. Custom paint and stereo bagged and lowered etc. call Doug 504 723 8185. 9500 obo. 2/17 31 Chrysler 4-door touring car, 318 V-8, new A/C, power rack and pinion steering, power brakes, Mustang II frontend, 9-inch Ford rear end, very dependable on long trips, good gas mileage. 6-way Escalade leather front seats. Runs all day in heavy car show traffic. $35,000 posted 1/17 (334) 797-7164

Fins for sale. selling parts or a vehicle? You can’t beat the deal in Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and on our web site. Two months with pictures for only $10.


1988 Custom Bagger, raked, lowered, cam & Weber carb. 30K miles. $10,500 O.B.O. call 228-861-1136 posted 1/17 NOW YOU CAN LIST & PAY ON-LINE 1991 Harley-Davidson FXR. Factory Paint, Runs Great. $5000.00 OBO 228-219-7210 1/17



Metal prints - 6x9 $5 or 11x15 $20

Metal prints - 6x9 $5 or 11x15 $20

Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

Metal prints - 6x9 $5 or 11x15 $20 Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

Metal prints - 6x9 $5 or 11x15 $20

MARCH 2017

































MARCH 2017


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for Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine

T-SHIRT includes tax & shipping. continental U.S.A. Only

Send to: DIXIE

PRESS P.O. Box 2847 Gulfport, MS 39505 printed large on back of T-shirt

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Check Box for shirt size… 3X add $3

for Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine

T-SHIRT includes tax & shipping. continental U.S.A. Only

Send to: DIXIE

PRESS P.O. Box 2847 Gulfport, MS 39505 printed large on back of T-shirt






Check Box for shirt size… 3X add $3

T-SHIRT includes tax & shipping. continental U.S.A. Only

Send to: DIXIE

PRESS P.O. Box 2847 Gulfport, MS 39505 printed large on back of T-shirt



MARCH 2017




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