Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine November 2016

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Vol. 21 No. 11

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief - Jas. “Jimbo” Perkins P.O. Box 2847 ∙ Gulfport, MS 39505 E-mail:

Advertizing & Production - 228 596-0664

“It’s easy to go through life looking in the rear view mirror, focused on what didn’t work out, who hurt us, or the mistakes we’ve made. But as long as you’re living in regret, focused on the negative things of the past, it’s going to keep you from the bright future God has in store.” …… Joel Osteen Cruisin’ in the passing lane... Didja get to go to Cruisin’ the Coast? If ya didn’t you missed out on maybe the best CTC yet. Edgewater seemed to be the hot spot and the Saturday night Coast Cruizers MEGA Cruise-in was the biggest party going. Hundreds of cars in the parking lot and more cruising around us. Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show playin’ oldies music, lot’s of food & drink vendors, home made ice-cream, even free popcorn in classic car models. The Coast Cruizers MEGA Cruise-in gives away great prizes from AutoZone and we topped it off with a 50/50 pot that gave $1700 to the winner. (other half goes to the Coast Cruizers handicapped van program)

CRUIZIN’ IN THE PASSIN’ LANE Jimbo page...…..3 GIZMOS CARRIAGE HOUSE…… Gizmo page….....5 THE COLE REPORT… Al Cole page……..6 FOOT NOTES……. Lynne Lightfoot page…......8 JUNIOR REPORTER CLUB…. Evelyn Harris page…....10 17 FOREVER…… Terry Mason page…....12 ROCKIN’ & RAMBLIN ……. Stefanie Lea page…....14 COOKIES & CAKE……. Carolyn page….…19 STREET RODDER NEWS … Donna Holland page…....20 THE WAY I SEE IT… Bob page…....21 TRUNK TALES…… Cubby Hole page…....22 PINUP ARTISTS... Candy Cocktail page…....24 DIRT TRACK MEMORIES….. Larry Dunham page…....30 CAR EVENTS………………….... page…....32 EMERALD COAST CRUIZIN’ SCHEDULE page…....43 ON 2 WHEELS……….. Page…....48 BUSINESS DIRECTORY…… page…....51 CLASSIFIED…………………. Page…....69 SUBSCRIPTION FORM…… page…....79

Words from our era

The publication titled: Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine is owned & published by Dixie Press Publishing LLC. who neither endorses nor warrants the products or services of advertisers, nor does it warrant the completeness or accuracy of the data provided herein. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. welcomes unsolicited editorial, photographs, articles for non compensational consideration of publishing on a space available basis's. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. is not responsible for the return of said photographs, manuscripts or art. Views expressed in these publications are not necessarily those of the publisher, contributing editors, advertisers, or their agents. Subscriptions are mailed to subscribers via Bulk Mail from U.S. Postal service. Re-printing in whole or part can only be done with the permission of the publisher...but then he’s easy

What a great blast from the past! I haven't thought about "fender skirts" in years. When I was a kid, I considered it such a funny term. Made me think of a car in a dress. Thinking about "fender skirts" started me thinking about other words that quietly disappear from our language with hardly a notice. Like "curb feelers" and "steering knobs." Since I'd been thinking of cars, my mind naturally went that direction first. Any kids will probably have to find some elderly person over 50 to explain some of these terms to you. Remember "Continental kits?" They were rear bumper extenders and spare tire covers that were supposed to make any car as cool as a Lincoln Continental. When did we quit calling them "emergency brakes?" At some point "parking brake" became the proper term. But I miss the hint of drama that went with "emergency brake." I'm sad, too, that almost all the old folks are gone who would call the accelerator the "foot feed." Didn't you ever wait at the street for your daddy to come home, so you could ride the "running board" up to the house? Here's a phrase I heard all the time in my youth but never anymore "store-bought." Of course, just about everything is store-bought these days. But once it was bragging material to have a store-bought dress or a storebought bag of candy. "Coast to coast" is a phrase that once held all sorts of excitement and now means almost nothing. Now we take the term "worldwide" for granted. This floors me. On a smaller scale, "wall-to-wall" was once a magical term in our homes. In the '50s, everyone covered his or her hardwood floors with, wow, wall-to-wall carpeting! Today, everyone replaces their wall-to-wall carpeting with hardwood floors. Go figure. When's the last time you heard the quaint phrase "in a family way?" It's

hard to imagine that the word "pregnant" was once considered a little too graphic, a little too clinical for use in polite company. So we had all that talk about stork visits and "being in a family way" or simply "expecting." Apparently "brassiere" is a word no longer in usage. I said it the other day and my daughter cracked up. I guess it's just "bra" now. "Unmentionables" probably wouldn't be understood at all. It's hard to recall that this word was once said in a whisper -"divorce." And no one is called a "divorcee" anymore. Certainly not a "gay divorcee." Come to think of it, "confirmed bachelors" and "career girls" are long gone, too. I always loved going to the "picture show," but I considered "movie" an affectation. Most of these words go back to the '50s, but here's a pure-'60s word I came across the other day - "rat fink." Ooh, what a nasty put-down! Here's a word I miss - "percolator." That was just a fun word to say. And what was it replaced with? "Coffeemaker." How dull. Mr. Coffee, I blame you for this. I miss those made-up marketing words that were meant to sound so modern and now sound so retro. Words like "DynaFlow" and "ElectraLuxe." Introducing the 1963 Admiral TV, now with…….. "SpectraVision!" Was there a telethon that wiped out lumbago? Nobody complains of that anymore. Maybe that's what castor oil cured, because I never hear mothers threatening their kids with castor oil anymore. Some words aren't gone, but are definitely on the endangered list. The one that grieves me most "supper." Now everybody says "dinner." Save a great word. Invite someone to supper and discuss fender skirts.



Just up the road from my home is a field, with two horses in it. From a distance, each looks like every other horse. But if you look into the eyes of one horse will disclose that he is blind. His owner has chosen not to have him put down, but has made a good home for him. This alone is amazing. If nearby and listening, you will hear the sound of a bell. Looking around for the source of the sound, you will see that it comes from the smaller horse in the field. Attached to her halter is a small bell. It lets her blind friend know where she is, so he can follow her. As you stand and watch these two friends, you'll see how she is always checking on him, and that he will listen for her bell and then slowly walk to where she is, trusting that she will not lead him astray. When she returns to the shelter of the barn each evening, she stops occasionally and looks back, making sure her friend isn't too far behind to hear the bell. Like the owners of these two horses, God does not throw us away just because we are not perfect or because we have problems or challenges. He watches over us and even brings others into our lives to help us when we are in need. Sometimes we are the blind horse being guided by the little ringing bell of those who God places in our lives. Other times we are the guide horse, helping others see. Good friends are like this .......... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there. Please listen for my bell and I'll listen for yours. "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"

Jimbo, Have you ever seen a woman who looks young enough to be your daughter, but is in fact old enough to be your mother? I have. One of my "car guy" friends passed away a few years ago. Recently his wife sent me some of his books, pictures, etc. In the stack of stuff was a calendar girl who caught my attention. I have only the little 4x5 picture. Thanks to the internet I found that she was from Gil Elvgren's studio. Her image is on a blotter/ calendar (back in the day, real men signed letters with fountain pens, and blotted the ink, because they were too busy to wait for ink to dry). The calendar promoted Levinson Steel Sales Co. of Pittsburgh, PA, year 1949. The ad claimed no problem was too big or too small to be solved by Levinson Steel Sales Co. I don't have the ad or calendar because whoever collected the calendar girl's picture did not keep the ad. The internet has the complete image, showing that it was printed by Brown & Bigelow of St. Paul, MN. Back in those days, phone numbers were similar to BR-459, and zip codes were not invented yet. Then, Brown & Bigelow printed more calendars than any other printing company. I don't want her to hang on my wall until someone, someday, throws her away without knowing about her long career of bringing memories to old guys like me. Where can I mail her to you? Best regards. Mendal Yoho Subject: RE: Calendar Girl Mendal, I look forward to seeing what you have. I’ll research and together we can preserve her memory. Jimbo Jimbo, She has some miles on her already. From Elvgren's studio, to St. Paul, to Pittsburgh, to Chicago, and to WV. And, who knows where else?? The man in whose collection she was found had served in Viet Nam. She may have gone there too?? She is on her way to you. I just dropped her off at the terminal, Eastpoint, USPS. She is travelling First Class, Regular Business Envelope, with a Forever Stamp showing a 1948 Ford F-1. Seemed appropriate because, I think, she is First Class. She is all about promoting regular business correspondence. And, 1948 was the year she was selected to be Levinson Steel Sales Co.'s Calendar Girl (for the 1949 calendar). She should arrive at your address by Friday.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone Till next month…… Jimbo Jimbo, Gulf Coast MotorSports magazine sold my truck this last week, please mark it sold on the web site. Thanks for your help in selling two of my vehicles, best money I have spent on ads. Thanks, Guy Boudreaux Jimbo, Anyone who drives their street rod out of town has either had car trouble or been with someone who has. We've definitely been there and it really sucks. So when Paul got a phone call on Sunday afternoon after Frog Follies from Norris Gray asking if Paul could help someone out that had broke down in their 1931 Chrysler he said "have it towed to the shop and I'll meet you there". Keep in mind neither Norris or Paul knew this couple. They were from Dothan, Alabama. They left their car with a stranger and rode with Norris, another stranger to their hotel in Henderson. They assumed Paul would fix it the next day. Instead he stayed at the shop that night and rewired the car. He took their car back to them at the hotel late that same night. The owner of the car was able to sleep that night and head home Monday morning. Street rodders are good people. That's just what they do. …… Tonja Hart Breeze



Thanks, Mendal. ………. Here’s some info about the ink-blotter and pin-up I found on the internet. Interesting how this fits in with Candy’s article this month.

Why a Gil Elvgren Monograph & Internet Domain by Louis K. Meisel - 1. Elvgren was the best pin-up artist in the history of American Illustration. 2. His talent was prolific enough and important enough to support a major book. 3. His influence, both as an artist and a teacher was extensive. 4. After the publication of "The Great American Pinup" the requests for more of his work were overwhelming. 5. A promise was made to the artist by our friend Art Amsie. -1. I believe it can be safely stated, without argument, that Gil Elvgren was and continues to be the best pin-up artist the world has ever known. Approximately a quarter of a million people worldwide have already viewed the works of all seventy-seven artists of this genre through the book "The Great American Pin-up". If they were asked to cast a vote for top artist, I am certain that Elvgren would receive the clear majority. 2. From the mid 1930's through 1972, Elvgren produced over five hundred paintings of beautiful girls

and women. Almost all of these works are oil on canvas, and fully developed finished works of art. Elvgren continually surpassed himself, always improving in ideas, composition, color, and technique. 3. As the years passed, Elvgren's influence was felt by dozens of younger artists who apprenticed with him, studied his work, or otherwise sought to emulate "the master". He not only influenced artists working in the pin-up tradition and other illustrators, but he also had an effect on the career of one of the Pop artists, Mel Ramos. The Photorealist painter John Kacere knew Elvgren and also credits him with personal inspiration. 4. After "The Great American Pin-up" was published and distributed worldwide in English, French and German, we have had an overwhelming response to Elvgren, including constant requests to see more of his work. It has always been our intension to honor this great artist, and the outpouring of admiration only spurred us on. 5. Art Amsie, a friend of both Charles and mine, was close to Elvgren for many years. Our personal link to Elvgren, Art not only helped introduce us to Elvgren's work but also provided us with his paintings. Art was also a friend of the great American pin-up model Bettie Page, whom he photographed in the 1950s. In the 1960s and 1970s he owned a gallery, "The Girl Whirl," only gallery devoted to pin-up art during that time. As Elvgren was dying of cancer, Art promised to use all his efforts to see that an Elvgren book would be published someday, since this had been Elvgren's dream. When I met Art many years ago, I told him that with his assistance, I would take responsibility for that promise. This volume, then, is the fulfillment of a promise--to Gil, to Art, and for the world. It has taken about ten years to assemble these images, which I believe constitute close to ninety-eight percent of all the pin-up and glamour paintings produced by the artist. Direct sources of information have come from interviews with Joyce Ballantyne, one of Elvgren's artist colleagues, and from models Myrna Hansen and Janet Rae. Janet Rae, the daughter of Elvgren's neighbors, posed for many of his best paintings, including "Inside Story", "Well Built", "Puppy Love", and "Sheer Comfort"; she was interviewed extensively by our friend Marianne Phillips. Marianne is a fountain of information on Elvgren but of course, the most important source of information and materials has been "Brown and Bigelow", the greatest calendar publishing company of all time. William Smith, Sr., and William Smith, Jr., the owners, and Teresa Roussin, archivist and licensing coordinator, have provided documents, histories, photographs, answers to limitless questions, permissions, encouragement, and overall support. Since most of Elvgren's career was spent producing art for Brown and Bigelow's best selling calendar line, it is only fitting for them to join us in immortalizing this artist. With the constant requests for more and more (Continued on page 23)

Cruisin’ The Coast 2016 The board of directors, staff and volunteers of Cruisin’ The Coast thank you all for another record-breaking year! Our official registration number for 2016 is 7957 from 41 states, Canada and Australia. We all had a great time and hope you did, too. A big thanks also goes out to all our sponsors and supporters! Congratulations to Mark Zito on winning the 1965 Ford Mustang convertible. Enjoy! Keep Cruisin’ and we’ll see you down the road. Below is a listing of all of our drawing winners for 2016. $1,000 Survey Winner – Bobby Ladner $250 AMSOIL Shopping Spree Winners – Jim Hoda & William King Early Bird Winners: #750 Warren & Ken Saucier #1425 Nolan Guedry #2288 Patrick & Elaine Landry #2432 Jan & Toni Granat #3042 Rob Hathcock #3228 Michael & Nicki Donnelly #3976 Buster & Nelda Tindel #4615 David & Tammy Kenimer #4890 Felix Winchester #5232 Andre & Cindy Pentney Stamped Cruisin’ Card Winners: #30 Carl & Cindy Schaefer #70 Charles & Angele Fleming #486 John & Donna Reaux #519 Steve McDuffie #534 Susan & Herbert Champagne #651 Rick & Mary Lynne Huber #686 Bruce & Val Barrios #887 Richard & Riki Odom #1144 Michael & Angela Keleher #1512 Ed & Kathy Schmidt #1873 Michael & Ursula Roberts #2038 David & Marilyn Dedeaux #2402 Phillip Thibodeaux #3592 Vernon & Linda Sonnier #3846 Jack & Wendy Quillin #4118 Louis & Charlene Galy #4194 Jeff & Sandi Waller #4358 Butch & Joann Burks #4616 Joseph Green #4864 Leandre & Courtney Millet #5674 Richard & Angela Adcock #6042 Jennifer & Patrick Roe #6086 Ernest Hernandez #6183 Lyall & Trisha Neumeier #6206 Leo & Nita Stringer #6509 Johnny & Nancy Beene #6552 James & Sheila Minchew #6623 Joseph Gillett #7218 Myron McElroy #7940 James Henderson

Gizmos Carriage House

AKA Poppys Garage - November 2016 I recently had the pleasure to bring both of my grandsons to school. The oldest Chase, who is seven, and the youngest Bryce, who is three, for his first ride ever on a big road. We only ride the hotrod in my neighborhood and never out on the highways, (big roads) with him. This time his mother made an exception and allowed him to ride a very short distance from their home to his school, she following close behind us. The smile on his face was even greater upon our arrival at his school than the one in this picture. We dropped him off first then it was off to Chases school for grandparents day fun, this was his second trip in the hotrod to his school its no big deal to him anymore he's a pro.. Both of them were buckled in and for once Bryce remained in the seat, not standing and waving at neighbors as he usually does as we putt through our subdivision. I might add I rode their mother to her first day of kindergarten on my Harley, with her mother the Queen following closely behind, and it was a pretty long ride back then. Not sure she would have allowed that these days. Gearing up for a trip to the Emerald Coast Cruise and to just be a participant and relax after several days of volunteering with our October fun with cars Cruizin’ the Coast event. Its also a time to get out and vote, and thank our Veterans for all of the freedoms we enjoy today. We also celebrate Thanksgiving this month, a time to be thankful for the many harvests we receive daily in our lives. And one more thing I will be celebrating this month is the 39th anniversary of my marriage to my Queen. So until next month I hope to see some of you folks out and about and having fun with cars. It has been said a picture is worth a thousand words, so I will let this one do the speaking for itself.




The Month's of Sept/Oct are some of the busiest cruise-in/show times..The 3rd Sat. found us at the Pass Christian Harbor always a big circle of people talking and laughing at this one. 4th Sat. cruise-in was the oldie but goodie at the Long Beach Harbor several good places to eat at this one, and lots of fun. The weekly cruise-in for me is Thursdays at the Silver Slipper Casino car/bike night. Now on the show side made it to the Pass Christian Cheerleaders fund raiser at the Pass Harbor great show with around 100 entries. Two days before CTC I made Hazardous Waste #3 Rat Rod show at Gulfport Dragway (Atomic Blast Show in March at the dragstrip) are two local ones to make. If you like smoke, flames, burn the tires until they blow, drag racing, minibikes don't miss these shows. About 100+ cars and mini bikes it's something to see. Also made it the Pass Christian Seafood festival cruise in. Finished up the month with Cruisin’ The Coast. 7957 entries new record and a week of fun in the sun. Autocross, block parties, parades, after dark parties and lots of cruising. I know everybody had fun at this one. Friday Sept. 30th I did one of my four event travel days. #1 Started the morning at Bible Baptist Church on Dedeaux Rd. hot rods with the kids, #2 left there and went to Gulfport Dragway to visit my friends at Hazardous Waste #3 show, #3 Left the track and headed to Sharkheads in Biloxi for the kick off party. #4 Head down to the Pass Christian Seafood festival cruise-in. After that we headed home from our 140 mile journey. As I say see you somewhere or everywhere, watch for our friends on bikes cruising also. ………. Al



Hardee's in Lucedale, MS By Michael Lachaussee After a week of Cruising the Coast you would have thought everyone was tired of "old" cars, but not so. The turnout at Lucedale Hardee's monthly breakfast was great. There were several new automobiles/ trucks and owners attending for their first time. Hopefully they will return next month. It looks like Trudy Carney is performing some maintenance after a hard week of Cruisin and Roy and Jo Ann Jenkins stopped by with their T-Bucket to enjoy a cup of coffee. What's the new ride Tony Smith has? The Canadian built Pontiac looks like fun to drive while styling! The awesome '39 GMC truck was a first time visit from Mr. Sumrall. This truck was a hit at the breakfast. As you can see there is much discussion surrounding this vehicle. Danny Young made it over from Alabama with his Chevy Biscayne after spending a week cruising the coast. After the breakfast, several cars and trucks made their way to the Oak Grove Nursing Home so the tenants could reminisce. It was a good way to finish the breakfast cruise in, which is held every second Friday of the month at Hardee's in Lucedale, MS from around 8-10. All are welcome with or without cars.




As you may remember, we bought our first vintage car, a true “barn find,” this past Spring. It is an emerald green 1952 Chevrolet Styleline Deluxe 4-door sedan, now christened “The Turtle.” Since then, my husband, Charlie, and my brother, Herbert, have been working hard on the car to resuscitate it with much needed CPR. 32 years of being forgotten and undriven is detrimental to any motor vehicle. The guys, for some reason, believe it is more important to work on her engine and electrical systems than to make her clean and pretty. Seriously! They said it was too soon for me to be searching EBay for mirrors, door knobs or dash radio knobs. I want The Turtle to look good. Why don’t they understand that appearance is important? I mean, you can be in poor health, but if your hair and makeup are done, people won’t notice. Despite my shopping restrictions, I did find a 1952 Louisiana license plate which has now been registered as The Turtle’s legal tag. It just so happens that the plate was issued in the same color as The Turtle, so she is nicely coordinated and it looks great on her nicely rounded rear end – important to every woman I know! The guys set a goal to get her running in time to take her to Cruisin’ the Coast (“CTC”) in Biloxi in October. None of us had ever been to the event before, and we were looking forward to it. They busted butt and, one week before the start of CTC, The Turtle made her first trip around the block on her own. The smile on Charlie’s face was incredible. It has been a long-time dream of his to bring a car back to life and, with Herb’s help, they had finally done it. The Turtle lives because of them.

in progress or a rat rod, vintage car owners love to talk about their cars and yours. They offer help, suggestions, shopping advice and directions. In the four days we were there, we never heard a cross word or a voice raised in anger. Cruisers are a brotherhood and appreciate the opportunity to be part of this family. The Turtle still needs work, both to her engine and cosmetically, and it will all get tackled over time. For now, we have begun the odyssey of participating in car shows and cruise nights. One week after CTC, we entered The Turtle in our first local car show. The Turtle proudly took the “Under Construction” Award and Charlie was bursting with pride. …….We are off to a good start.

So our first car show as an entrant was CTC. What a way to start! We were on sensory overload from the sights, sounds and smells of those beautiful machines. We entered The Turtle and Herb’s 1989 Dodge Ram Pickup and had a terrific experience. We are now members of the Coast Cruizers, a group of extremely kind and welcoming people. We look forward to getting to know them better and sharing good memories. We learned without question what a wonderful people the attendees are. No matter if they have a fully restored gem, a work



To all of our Cruizer Friends, We want to thank all of you for coming out to our Annual Cruise in at the Boyington. Our Residents had a blast, along with the staff. Seeing all of those beautiful cars and trucks bring back so many memories for our Residents. They are still talking about the event. We are very Blessed to have such wonderful friends like yourselves. Stay safe and keep on cruising, until we meet again. Sincerely, Darlene Currie, Life Enrichment Director at The Boyington Health and Rehabilitation Center.



By: Evelyn Harris My name is Evelyn Harris. I am seven years old and attend first grade at J Wallace James in Lafayette, Louisiana. My dad owns a mechanic shop in Scott, Louisiana called Harris Automotive. My Dad and my Papa love to fix cars and make them look nice. My dad is fixing up a 1969 Mustang. He likes to go to car shows. I like looking at all the cars with him, and just recently started taking pictures of them. My favorite cars are fast ones, pink ones and of course his mustang!

Pictures taken at the Bayou Roundup in Lafayette, Louisiana

Evelyn Harris


2016 - 2017


Kid’s Get Your MOTORSPORTS Junior Reporter ID card. Send in your article & photos to

Jimbo, Here's a few pics of the keeping the youngsters involved. Street Rodders, Customs, Leadsleds, Rat Rodders. Just some random thoughts, remember to try and get the kids involved. Let'em pose by your car, maybe sit in it, or just give'em some of your old MotorSports, Hotrod and truck magazines. You may make a difference in a young ones life. (Like Gizmo when he wins a plaque he gives it to a young kid always) Just give a little encouragement to some of the younger kids when they win or don't win a trophy/plaque to them a 80's/90's vehicle is old. The bottom line is this hobby should be fun for us all. ‌ Al



By: Terry

Mason Barfield

The hardest thing you will ever do in your life is try to explain to someone that has never been to Cruisin The Coast… how incredible this event is. You’ll never be satisfied with the explanation yourself, much less to anyone else . You can take and show pictures and tell stories…but they never seem to measure up to the actual event and you know it. I have been struggling with this issue for 20 years, but more so in the last decade when this event has truly exploded. Try it sometime with a car guy that is out of state and has never been to Cruisin The Coast. I’m at the point now where I give them numbers, encourage them to come and just leave it at that. It’s just so frustrating to try and paint a picture of the event. This CTC was another monster event. I had a challenge… perform the Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show 6 times in 5 days. I have never done more than a show on a weekend and maybe two weekends back to back but that’s about it. This year was a challenge. The first show was Cruisin Keesler on Keesler Air Force Base. Up at 5 am for the first show in the run, Barb Medlock is a class act and always does a nice job handling all the details. Cruisin Keesler is always a great show, the Veteran’s Tribute, I try to always do a Veteran’s Tribute when starting a car show, this one was so awesome in that beautiful setting at Keesler. The location is so cool, on Biloxi’s Back Bay under 100 year old oak trees, one of the most beautiful places on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Good car count, they always feed everyone free and throw in an event Tshirt. Auto Zone was there with killer door prizes.



The next morning I was up at 4 am to get the Hot Rod Show trailer into position for the official kickoff of Cruisin The Coast, Gulfport’s View The Cruise. It’s a good thing Donna Holland and Alan Cole saved my spot or I could not have gotten the Hot Rod Show trailer into position, cruisers were already jockeying for their favorite spots. Plus we were using 4 sound systems in downtown all tied together, so we had a good bit of setup to do. This year “View The Cruise” doubled in size, I would guess about 25,000 people came through downtown Gulfport during the event. It was crazy. Thanks to Half Shell Oyster House for feeding us, we didn’t have time to leave. We had some small equipment issues with the power and some other equipment, but nothing we can’t solve for next year. The show was incredible. Laurie Toups, her Main Street Merchants Association and the City of Gulfport knocked it out of the park. Councilman RLee Flowers and Mayor Billy Hewes are both car guys and are the driving force behind this event. We did a lot of Hot Rod Show trivia and Auto Zone supplied the door prizes. This show will only grow and grow. Two incredibility good shows, two long days and I was happy with two days to recuperate.

Wednesday was setup day at the Mississippi Coas t Coliseum for the Cruisin The Coast Swap Meet. Thousands of people come through the Swap Meet each day looking for those hard to find parts for their Hot Rod. This year CTC had a great lineup of vendors. Vendors were outside, where we were, under 150 year old oak trees, another one of the great beautiful spots on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Vendors filled the Convention Center next door, inside the Coliseum and all around the walk way. The nice thing was about half the vendors were in air conditioning. So you could go back and forth to stay comfortable. We did three days at the Coliseum. Got to interview Christy Lee from Velocity Channel’s “All Girls Garage” and “Barrett Jackson,” talking about a nice and very pretty lady! Also Jeff Lutz from Discovery Channel’s TV Show “Street Outlaws OKC”, stopped by the Hot Rod Show trailer for a chat along with Shane Lester and Shannon Poole from “Street Outlaws New Orleans,” local boys from the Coast. All the stars gave great interviews, Jeff Lutz came by for a second interview the next day

and hung out. The great thing about doing The Cruisin The Coast Swap Meet was after setting up on Wednesday, Thursday through Saturday we just walked in and turned on, a great treat. We left the Coast Coliseum at 3:40 pm to drive .9 of a mile to Edgewater Mall for the Coast Cruizers event The Mega Cruize. We allowed 2 hours to drive .9 of a mile, if that gives you a hint about Cruisin The Coast traffic, if you’ve never been. Traffic was not bad in that window, we made the .9 miles in 45 minutes. Yeah! We had time to catch our breath for the finale. The only bad thing about the Mega Cruise is setup. We have about 20 minutes to do what I normally take 2 hours to do and that’s set up. It is crazy…

The Coast Cruizer’s helped by jumping in and getting it done, but I have to tell you I’m exhausted by the time the show starts and dripping wet with sweat…but it’s so much fun. A ton of door prizes in three hours from AutoZone, a great Mega 50/50 jackpot, crazy large crowd, the smell of burning rubber and great music…I know as we go through those last three hours that Cruisin The Coast is coming to an end once again. While I am tired and give-out as they say… I’m also sad it’s all over for another year. Time I got the setup broken down, the trailer back to my shop and stored for the night, I realized I had not eaten since breakfast. I ducked into the Waffle House for breakfast; it is 11:30 pm when I walked in the door at home. Now I’m a big Alabama football fan, have been for over 50 years. Alabama played Arkansas that Saturday night and I had recorded it, I knew it was going to be a great game so I sat down and watched it. I finished watching the game fast forwarding through all the commercials at 3 am and finally got to bed. I had to get up at 7am Sunday morning to meet with Dennis Gage of My Classic Car TV Show. Rod Milligan with ET Motorgear had set up the meeting with Dennis. I also wanted to buy some raffle car tickets for the 1965 Ford Mustang CTC and “Make A Wish” were giving away at Cruise Central. I lost my wife Scotty in our 1965 Ford Mustang on April 24 of this year. I thought how cool it would be if I won that 65 Mustang convertible this year. But it was not to be. The guy that won was from Louisiana, he had already driven back home, KOTO got him on the phone and broadcast it over the PA for everyone to hear his reaction… when he was notified that he had won. It was hilarious, the guy babbled like we all would have in that situation, plus I think he was about half asleep. What a week, what a Cruisin The Coast! I won’t try and explain the CTC event, all I will tell you is that if you are a car guy, a gearhead, or you just appreciate fine classic cars, you have to make the Cruisin The Coast event an item on your bucket list. This year we were just 43 cars away from 8,000 registered cars. I had many people come up to the Hot Rod Show trailer this year and ask the same question. Where can I find your show on the radio dial. I’ll tell you what I told them. You can’t find it on the radio…but you will find us at the better car shows throughout the Southeast…and I hope to see you at the next one. We head out to the Tampa/Lakeland market for our next one, one of the finest…The Fall Florida AutoFest, November 10-13, like it on Facebook. Large car show, classic car auction, (the last one there sold 2.2 million in classic cars, this one is also sold out for the auctioning of classic cars) a large vendor swap meet, car corral and a food court. Plus the opportunity to buy a ride, a once in a lifetime ride in a vintage Stearman bi-plane, or a Huey Helicopter or a Cobra helicopter. (My brother Ken will be in the line for the biplane, he’s been talking about it for months.) The Wall of Death Motordrome Show, Orphan Car Display, a Retro Hippy Van display and Motorcoach Concourse. An awesome car guy event! I have a suite at the Residence Inn in Lakeland if you’re looking for a good place to stay, check with those guys. That’s all for now…get that Hot Rod out of the garage and enjoy the fall cruising season, it’s weather to kill for! til next month…

Terry Facebook: Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show Hear a demo of the Hot Rod Show on Facebook by searching for Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show” and “Like Us” while you’re there or search for “Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show” on or contact Terry @ 228.669.8122, also email at



Stefanie Lea

What a beautiful crisp fall morning. The first Saturday of October has been circled on my calendar for months. This day was a day I have been looking forward to, promoting, and planning, for over 6 months. Finally,.. all my favorite things right at my back door. I have only a short 20 minute drive to Auto Man Custom Wheels. That's where I find Greg Mize, a 52 year old from Birmingham Alabama. Greg graduated from automotive technical school at Bessemer State Technical College. Opening his own garage doors in 1999, he became the owner of Auto Man Customs. This local business has evolved over the years from general repair work, to custom audio and wheels and tires. He has supported and puts everything he can back into this small town. He also has a Custom Hot Rod shop, where they do full builds on traditional hot rods as well as upgrades and repairs. Auto Man Customs is very fortunate to have a great fabricator, Jonathan De'arman who makes it all happen. Jonathan has a great vision for the way a car should look, its style, stance and feel. A few of his builds have even been featured in different magazines and that gives a great sense of accomplishment to the shop. Greg has added a new chapter to his life. He is passing on what may be a lost art before long. Greg is currently teaching Automotive Technologies at Hueytown High school to young

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students. With 6 children of his own, I’d say Greg is a busy man. And I’m glad to call him my friend. But, today Auto Man Custom Wheels was the home of what was to be an amazing day. Greybeards Customs open house and cruisin car show. The Greybeards Customs car club started 7 years ago. A group of guys that hung out together and ate lunch together often, but had no identity. Mostly friends and relatives having fun and hanging out as well as traveling to local car shows together. Greg, and his brother, Todd were on a road trip, picking up a Model A in Minnesota. That’s when they came up with the name Graybeard's Customs. Being just a bit older than the average crowd, the name seemed appropriate and it stuck. “Graybeard's Customs is a no dues club, that you can come and go as you want. No strict codes or rules to follow as long as you stay in check and have fun” says Greg. Graybeard's Customs attends multiple shows as a group every year. They have their own show each year, and it is totally free for everyone to come and enjoy. So today all the tools where put away in the shop. A make shift stage was set up on one of the lifts, … Graybeard's

Customs was ready for another great turn out of new and old friends to enjoy the show. That's when I ran into my friends from the Motel Ice Machine. They were getting ready to rock out some good ol' Honkytonk & Rockabilly music for us all to enjoy. The smell of burning charcoal was in air. Someone was warming up the grill. Soon there would be all the free dogs you could eat. Coolers were all over the place filled with drinks on ice. And vendors started to set up for the day as well. Vintage clothing, hats, t-shirts and purses for sale. The local chapter called "The Birmingham Pin Up Dolls" were on hand ready for any photo opportunities. My friend Michael Swann arrived in his 1969 Chevy pinstriping Van. Michael is one of my favorite artist. He is a local artist and travels from state to state doing what he loves. Michael free hands all his work on site. Laying down perfect lines of paint on everything from helmets, luggage, cup holders or even tool boxes. To watch him work is something I am always amazed at. But what makes today even better seeing Michaels van pull into the parking lot, is knowing today is the day MY 1965 Red Beetle Bug will gets her pinstriping done, by the master himself.



I have wanted a "punch bug" since I was a teenager. After a lot of labor and love from Road Rage Fabrications and some help from my family, I finally have my own vintage ride. Today was her first cruisin. We drove the streets this morning in a line of vintage cars and truck with all my friends and family. Heading to Graybeard's Open House & Cruisin, this was the day I had been dreaming of. I was all decked out in my polka dotted dress with my red high heels on. Along with my victory curls and red flower in my hair. With my lip gloss on stand by. This is one of those days I have dreamed of for years and it was finally coming true... almost bought tears to my eyes, I was feeling that some of my dreams where in reach after all these years. As Michael started stripping my pretty little red bug. The parking lot was filling up with cars, trucks and even motorcycles from all over the state. The music from Motel Ice Machine started pouring out of the garage and in to the streets. This means one thing this cruisin was in full swing now!!! Kats and Kittens! Motel Ice Machine is an American Country band from Birmingham, Alabama. Blending honkytonk guitars and pedal steel with a driving upright slap bass and blues harmonica. Ryan Flynt along with Andrew Brasfield, Billy “Ice-Man” Long, Ford Boswell, “Jukebox” Jim Wright and Brandon Case. Playing a variety of styles true to ourselves is what make us who we are." said Ryan Flynt, "Blending rockabilly, bluegrass, and old country music is what makes Motel Ice Machine. This I would have to agree with. They are a outstanding group of talented people that enjoy having a good time. Keeping the show clean and fun for everyone to enjoy. What a outstanding local group of guys! As the mustard was hitting all the hot dogs fresh off the grill. Fresh paint hitting all the rusted metal that was to come Michaels way. I was busy taking pictures of all the vehicles packing the parking lot. Music was pouring out of the garage into the streets. I was having a great time.. Then my all time favorite rockabilly band pulled in the parking lot. All the way from Atlanta Georgia,,, Yes its true,,, HOT ROD WALT AND THE PSYCHO DEVILLES are here! Holding back from rushing them like a 15 years old groupie. (Knowing they know me by name at this point. With this being the 8th year since I first saw them play live at The Emerald Coast Cruisin’ in Panama City Florida. I'm not only the biggest fan in Birmingham, I'm also a friend to each of them.) Hot Rod Walt and the Psycho DeVilles was formed in 2002. They have released 8 CDs... "Out of the garage and onto the street", "Psycho Cadillac", "Supercharger", "Night Prowler", "Rockabilly Rodeo", "Country Gold", "Rock N Roll Life" and "Motor Honey".... This is Hot Rod Walt's eleventh full length

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CD overall, having had a few bands in the past as well. He takes pride in recording only original music and has about 200 original songs to his name. Hot Rod Walt shares the stage with two talented and loyal musicians.. Burford T Ogletree on the flaming Upright bass. And Steve "Burnout" Barnett the hard hittin' punk rock drummer that never runs out of energy. The Psycho-DeVilles have toured the U.S. and Europe extensively and have been privileged to meet many fine and generous people, and have shared the stage with some of the absolute best musicians. Some of the most kind and generous people I know. And not just because I'm a HUGE fan of their work. Lets talk about a great group of people that just like to have fun and keep the energy level up for a perfect night to enjoy time with friends. Always a clean cut show that interacts with the crowd even pulling the ladies up on stage for a VICTORY CURL dance. Growing from a silly little groupie to a friend over the years. I was even told by Shari (Hot Rod Walt's Wife) while watching them play at the local club called Dixie Traven in Atlanta Georgia on my birthday this past June, I wasn't a groupie anymore I was part of the Psycho DeVilles family. On October the 15th they will play their 75th set on that very stage. The same stage they had a CD release pirate party for this years album MOTOR HONEY. I was also glad to be apart of the night that Miller High Lite Announced sponsorship of Hot Rod Walt and the Psycho Devilles. Miller High Lite giving them a beautiful stand bass. Looking around at all the pride on the faces of all the family and friends that love the Psycho DeVilles as I do.


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I'm not only proud to call these guys my friends. But I'm so glad to see them keep what's "not radio played martial" alive with the Ol' school rockabilly sounds that we all have heard growing up once or twice, I'm sure! I found Greg and Todd to thank them for a great day. "Each year has gotten bigger than the last", they said. "Our main goal over the last few years is to just have fun and give back to the hotrod scene the fun it has given us. We hope our yearly show continues to grow and evolve even bigger every year." I was sure this year was already bigger then the last.

Thanks again to Greg, Todd, Greybeards Customs and Auto Man Customs for a outstanding day. I'm sure we will all be looking forward to next year. Good luck topping this one guys! XOXO Stefanie



COOKIES & CAKE By: Carolyn How about something for our Lady Cruiser. Now that fall is almost here, it's time to dust off those cookie sheets and crank up that oven to make some homemade goodies. Every month I will give you some of my all time favorite recipes of cookies or cakes. Each recipe is easy to make and I have baked them many times and are family and friends approved. This is my all time favorite cookie. Just ask Jimbo how good they are. Cocoa Crinkle Cookies Skill Level: Intermediate Prep Time: 30 Minutes Ingredients 2 Cups granulated sugar 3/4 Cup vegetable oil 3/4 Cup HERSHEYS'S Cocoa 4 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2-1/3 cups all purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoons salt Powdered Sugar Directions 1 Combine sugar and oil in a large bowl. Add cocoa, beat well until well blended. Beat in eggs, and vanilla. Stir in flour, baking powder, and salt. Gradually add the cocoa mixture, beating well. 2 Cover and refrigerate until firm enough to handle, at least 6 hours. I usually leave it overnight. Heat oven 350 Lightly grease cookie sheet or line with parchment paper. Shape dough into 1" balls. Roll in powdered sugar to coat. Place about 2" apart on cookie pan. (Hint I usually do the pan first so I can roll them all at one time and I also put the dough back into the fridge while the cookies are baking to keep dough chilled) 3 Bake 11 to 13 minutes or until or almost no indentation remains when touched lightly and tops are cracked. Cool slightly, remove from cookie sheet to wire rack. Cool completely. Makes about 4 dozen cookies If your family is like mine I make a double batch since they don't last long and I have lots of friends that I love to share my homemade goodies with. So sit back with a big glass of ice cold milk and a few cookies. Love from the Cookie Lady Carolyn

Jimbo, This logo is for my clothing line that is based around the state of Mississippi. It is called SIP Gear and includes the state in the logo. I had the idea for about 7 years and began actually producing the products about 2 years ago. I'm veteran and just got tired of always going somewhere and never having something that could stick out and show where I was from, so I decided to create my own clothing line. I also attached some of the clothing that I sell, I have everything from hats, to long sleeve t-shirts, tank tops, t- shirts, beanies, hoodies, These shirts say All I do Is SIP. I'm mainly online as I don't have a store but I currently have my clothing in Snyder's Collectibles located at 14576 Old Hwy 49 in Gulfport.

Lawrence Robinson 901.438.8552



March 31st - April 1st & 2nd, 2017 Southeast Street Rod Nationals Florida State Fairgrounds Tampa, Florida

Marvin Wyatt and his wife JoAnn were first timer of CTC. While they were down from Tennessee they purchased a new street rod, a 1948 Suburban. They also became new members of the NSRA.

April 7 - 9, 2017 Southwest Street Rod Nationals State Fair Park Oklahoma City, OK April 28 - 30, 2017, Western Street Rod Nationals Kern County Fairgrounds Bakersfield, California May 5 - 7, 2017 Street Rod Nationals South Chilhowee Park & Exposition Center Knoxville, Tennessee May 26 - 28, 2017 Mid-America Street Rod Nationals Ozark Empire Fairgrounds Springfield, Missouri

Juanite Lafontaine and he husband Timmy Cruised the Coast in their new Classic Car a 1965 Chevrolet Covair Monza. They also became new members of the NSRA. Thank you for your support.

June 2 - 4, 2017 Street Rod Nationals East, York Expo Center York, Pennsylvania June 23 - 25, 2017 Rocky Mountain Street Rod Nationals Colorado State Fairgrounds Pueblo, Colorado August 3 - 6, 2017 48th Annual Street Rod Nationals Kentucky Exposition Center Louisville, Kentucky September 8 - 10, 2017 Street Rod Nationals North, Kalamazoo County Expo Center & Fairground in Kalamazoo, Michigan September 15 - 17, 2017 Northeast Street Rod Nationals Champlain Valley Exposition Burlington, Vermont

This is Terri Jenning, she is a pin up model. She has been cruisin’ for 13 years. Terri and hers Husband have a 1971 Plymouth Satellite,



The safety of your street rod is of vital importance. If the street rod does not meet a certain set of guidelines, an accident can cause more than just replacing the parts. The NSRA or National Street Rod Association is the o r g a n iza t io n d o in g th e s a f e t y inspections. Keep in mind that these safety inspections are completely voluntary. In most cases, safety inspections can be done at many of the street rod shows around the country. Generally, when a safety inspection is done, it is good for one year.

NSRA Safety Inspections MS Gulf Coast Area Jerry Cuevas - 228 326-7489 Brandon MS Area Thomas Yates - 601 832-9646

CHARLIE'S SCROTUM! The best story of year doesn't give the proper praise and credit for this painful, but understandable story as told by a loving wife.. The pastor asked if anyone in the congregation would like to express praise for answered prayers. Suzie Smith stood and walked to the podium. She said, "I have a praise. Two months ago, my husband, Charlie, had a terrible bicycle wreck and his scrotum was completely crushed. The pain was excruciating and the doctors didn't know if they could help him. You could hear a muffled gasp from the men in the congregation as they imagine the pain that poor Charlie must have experienced. "Charlie was unable to hold me or the children," she went on, "and every move caused him terrible pain. We prayed as the doctors performed a delicate operation, and it turned out they were able to piece together the crushed remnants of Charlie's scrotum, and wrap wire around it to hold it in place." Again, the men in congregation cringed and squirmed uncomfortably as they imagined the horrible surgery performed on Charlie. "Now," she announced in a quivering voice, "thank the Lord, Charlie is out of the hospital and the doctors say that with time, his scrotum should recover completely." All the men sighed with unified relief. The pastor rose and tentatively asked if anyone else had something to say. A man stood up and walked slowly to the podium. He said, "Hi, I'm Charlie." The entire congregation held its breath. "I just want to tell my wife, the word is sternum."

LEXOPHILIA WHO ON EARTH DREAMS THESE UP? A lexophile of course! Venison for dinner again? Oh deer! How does Moses make tea? Hebrews it. England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool . I tried to catch some fog, but I mist. They told me I had type-A blood, but it was a Typo. I changed my iPod's name to Titanic. It's syncing now. Jokes about German sausage are the wurst. I know a guy who's addicted to brake fluid, but he says he can stop any time. I stayed up all night to see where the sun went, and then it dawned on me. This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but I'd never met herbivore. When chemists die, they barium. I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. I just can't put it down. I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words. Why were the Indians here first? They had reservations. I didn't like my beard at first. Then it grew on me. Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher who lost her job because she couldn't control her pupils? When you get a bladder infection, urine trouble. Broken pencils are pointless. What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus. I dropped out of communism class because of lousy Marx. I got a job at a bakery because I kneaded dough. Velcro - what a rip off! Don’t worry about old age; it doesn’t last. Sent in by; JIDECLARK@

Rent this Spot $20 Per Month 228-596-0664

It's not the police who need to be retrained, it's the public. We have grown into a mouthy, cell phone wielding, vulgar, uncivil society with no personal responsibility and the attitude of 'it's the other person's fault', 'you owe me'. A society where children grow up with no boundaries or knowledge or concern for civil society and personal responsibility. When an officer says "Put your hands up," then put your hands up! Don't reach for something in your pocket, your lap, your seat. There's plenty of reason for a police officer to feel threatened, there have been multiple assaults and ambushes on police officers lately. Comply with requests from the officer, have your day in court. Don't mouth off, or fight, or refuse to comply... that escalates the situation. Police officers are our sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters. They're black, white, brown, all colors, all ethnicities, all faiths, male and female, they are us. They see the worst side of humanity... the raped children, the bloody mangled bodies of traffic victims, the bruised and battered victims of domestic violence, homicide victims, body parts... day after day. They work holidays while we have festive meals with our families. They miss school events with their kids, birthdays, anniversaries, all those special occasions that we take for granted. They work in all types of weather, under dangerous conditions, for relatively low pay. They have extensive training, but they are human. When there are numerous attacks on them, they become hyper vigilant for a reason, they have become targets. When a police officer encounters any person... any person, whether at a traffic stop, a street confrontation, an arrest, whatever... that situation has the potential to become life threatening. You, Mr & Mrs/Miss Civilian, also have the responsibility of keeping the situation from getting out of control. Many law enforcement officers are Veterans. They've been in service to this nation most of their lives, whether on the battlefield or protecting us here at home. They are the only thing that stands between us and anarchy in the streets. If you want to protect your child, teach them respect.

Rich after a week of Cruisin the Coast. You think he had Fun..



Happy Halloween and Thanksgiving. Unique Restaurants Another holiday season is approaching. This causes me to think about getting together with family and friends both at home and in restaurants. Thinking about anything usually takes me off in many directions. This time I started thinking about different themed restaurants that I visited and enjoyed in my lifetime. Here are some of them. Close your eyes. Let your mind go back to your memories. Remember when! The Caves & Cavern was an interesting themed restaurant. Upon entering through the front entrance the patron was transformed into a cave. The booths were inside little caves and the menu was printed on an animal skin on a large stand and covered the entrance. The servers were clad in animal skins in the “Flintstones” style. This was a unique dining experience, and one long remembered. The Tin Star had the theme of a 1930's jailhouse. The booths gave the appearance of a jail cell. The domed light hung over the table, and once the barred doors closed it gave that jailhouse feel. The food was served through a hole in the bars on tin plates. It was even in the basement, so there were no windows. Kids and adults alike loved this restaurant. The food was tenderloins and hamburgers. The Tee-Pee restaurant was another unique restaurant in its day. It had a huge teepee on the roof and an Indian theme. Drive in service was available there as well as a large dining room. I remember that they had shredded pickled beets on their tossed salads. People came from miles around to eat their “Big Chief” sandwich. It was one of the premier cruising spots as well. The Paramount Music Palace had a pipe organ and pizza. Not the best pizza one has ever tasted, but some great music. Young and old were spellbound as the “Mighty Wurlitzer” organ rose up out of the floor, music blaring and bubbles flying! Many popular and talented artists played the organ including Bill Vlasak (who took the organ to the Roaring Twenties restaurant in Ellenton, Florida after the Paramount closed) and Donna Parker. There were many others such as The Kingfish that was shaped like a ship, offering a wide variety of fish and seafood, China Coast which offered some of the best Asian food you ever put in your mouth, and the Mai Tai Polynesian restaurant. This is a brief overview of some restaurants from my past that bring back fond memories. The memories are of the people in my life and our shared experiences. I don't think we live in our past, rather our memories have helped shape our lives and our heritage. I hope this brings back fond memories of people who shaped your lives and the fun times you enjoyed together. Uncle Ezra says: Life is leaving behind a trail of memories that will be spoken long after you are gone.

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Gotta Cruise! Cubby

(Continued from page 5)

Elvgren images, we look forward to seeing many more reprints and licensing of these paintings from the Brown and Bigelow archives. We have presented the story of the artist's life first, followed by the full spectrum of his images. Unlike artists whose work was done primarily to be shown and sold in galleries--and was therefore accurately dated, titled and documented--Elvgren produced work that was meant to be reproduced. Thus, a painting completed in 1948, for instance may have been copyrighted in 1949 or 1950 but may have not appeared in print until 1951 or later. Since Elvgren's paintings are rarely dated, we can give only an approximate date, based on style, model, situation, copyright date, and dating on the products on which the images appeared. Much of the time, such clues have allowed us to determine an exact year, and our approximations are seldom more than a year or two off. The illustrations are organized in the following sections: the Louis F. Dow Years, 1937 to 1944; three chapters of images for Brown and Bigelow: the 1940s, the 1950s, and 1960 to 1972; and finally the advertising work, including the NAPA and Sylvania images. While Elvgren may have suggested titles from time to time, most of them were made up by copyrighters working for the calendar and publishing companies. Sometimes a painting would be copyrighted under one title and published with this title as a calendar. Later it may have been reproduced as a notepad with a different title, and then as a blotter with yet another. When a single title appears in a caption herein, it is either the copyrighted title or the only one we have found for it (some paintings have acquired titles by general usage among collectors). Secondary and all other titles are included in parentheses after the main title. Virtually all of Elvgren's work for Brown and Bigelow was oil on canvas, measuring 30 x 24 inches (76.2 x 61 cm). The Louis F. Dow paintings measure 28 x 22 inches (71.1 x 55.9 cm). In about two hundred cases. we have been able to photograph the paintings themselves, most of which we own or have owned. As more and more originals turn up, we will try to substitute better illustrations in subsequent printings. We hope new discoveries will be brought to our attention.




In the next part of my series about modern day pin-up artists, I will be introducing our readers to four exceptionally talented artists. During the earlier part of the 20th century, the majority of the famous pin-up artists were men, in a male dominated world where women were expected only to be housewives, while today is a direct contrast to that era. There are a number of impressive pin-up artists, yet this month I am featuring four fabulous women who have made pin-up art their career. These gals have varying styles and looks to their artwork that are all sure to impress. NATHALIE RATTNER Self-taught and award winning Canadian artist Nathalie Rattner specializes in pin-up art. With work that has appeared in network television shows, international magazines, commercial products and art shows around the world, she has had the pleasure of lending her remarkable skills to an array of projects: designing cereal box covers, coloring books, men’s leather wallets, vintage style paper dolls, book covers and hair care product packaging. In addition to her personal and commercial work, she creates many custom pieces for private clients. Her art is notable for the intricate attention to detail that she puts into each piece. It has recently been described as “Fred Astaire style” art, meaning that she, like the famed dancer, makes it look easy, but behind the scenes a lot of work and skill honed over years of practice is involved. To help her achieve a photo realistic style while still maintaining a handmade feel and taking her distinct pin-ups in a fresh direction, she uses a mixture of watercolor, gouache, acrylic, ink and dry pastel applied with brushes to create each piece. The artist enjoys working with negative space and minimal lines in her work. Fading areas in and out of the background creates an almost dream-like impression on the paper. Nathalie Rattner has had the pleasure of working with some of the pin-up industry's top models, including Playboy Playmate of the Year 2011 Claire Sinclair, Masuimi Max, actress and singer Renee Olstead and many others. As Rattner says, “I’m inspired by many different things. I love seeing what other people have created, be it in the past or the present, across many art forms, like architecture, movies, music, design, painting/illustration, fashion, dance and sculpting. There is nothing more inspiring to me than to see someone create something through the dedicated application of a high level of skill.” Check out the illustrated world of Nathalie Rattner:

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FLUFF Born in sunny Miami, Florida, Claudette Barjoud, also known as Miss Fluff, is the creator of an array of kitschy, super girly pin-up art and items that are a favorite of the pin-up and rockabilly crowd. Miss Fluff has been drawing since she was five years old. She would go off by herself to escape into her own mind, creatively drawing for hours without stopping. For years, she saw her drawings as nothing more than a hobby until the day her best friend's boyfriend kept incessantly talking about an amazing arts high school he was attending. He went on about the school, which offered classes in theater, dance, music and visual arts, and about how the visual artists there were so good that there was no way Claudette could get in. Never one to back down from a challenge, she auditioned. He was right that Claudette was not as skilled as the other artists. However, she soon won over the teachers on the jury with sheer enthusiasm and got into the school; the New World School of the Arts in Miami. Thus was the beginning of art as her life. She earned an art degree, but had no idea what to do with it so she started working for different companies that required "artsyish" talents ranging from logo and brochure design to magazine layout. She did not have the opportunity to actually do much drawing or design, which left her longing for something more creative. Wherever she went, she always kept a little sketch book where she would scribble fun ideas of things she wanted to do if she had the chance to do whatever she wanted. Fast forward several years later, she ended up working at Fredrick's of Hollywood. She considers Fredrick’s her most fun job yet, just for the fact of being surrounded by lingerie and people flinging thongs at each other over the cubicle walls. She was mostly doing catalog work, just moving text around and making things look nice until she was handed a very "special" design project. They were about to discontinue their line of novelty gifts such as edible panties and body creams and were going to give it one last go with new packaging design. She was thrilled when they told her the line was dead so it did not matter much, just to try to make it look as attractive as she could. As she says, “Well, if you would have seen the original packaging I think you would have agreed that anything would have been an improvement!” She stumbled across some vintage Frederick's catalogs in the back room from the 1950s. She fell in love with the classic pin-up illustrations! She thought they would be perfect to have on the packaging of the products. Nevertheless the idea was shot down, to which they said, "Oh! That is all old stuff; no one is going to like it." Even though Barjoud loved it, she had to follow their direction so she decided to make up her own illustrated packaging, giving everything a retro charm like the original catalogs. For the edible chocolate body creams, she had a cute pin-up girl in a sassy chef outfit. The "Kiss of Fire" massage oil had a cute illustrated girl with flames around her. Then there was the "Queen of the Jungle" massage oil featuring a leopard print clad gal with a smitten monkey wrapped around her leg! She just had

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fun with it, staying long hours after work since she was enjoying it so much. The new packaging was such a hit; it got its own fan base! She made it her style: cute, girly and cheeky! People started collecting the stuff solely for the art. Customers were writing in asking when the new items were going to come out. It was selling out! Which got her thinking; maybe she really could do her own art and design for a living. She took two weeks off of work, put together a line of greeting cards with her art and went to the California Gift Show. They were merely printouts from her little desktop printer, but they were a hit! She took orders on them and has never looked back. After making the cards she was licensed by different manufacturers that expanded her line into purses, cosmetic bags, apparel, a pet line and much more! Claudette named her line Fluff because it is fun and frivolous, an escape into a fantasy of vintage inspired cuteness! And after the first couple of years, people started calling her Miss Fluff because she was the lady who designed all the Fluff! Her artwork is heavily inspired by things she loved from her childhood: vintage Barbie, cartoons from the 1930s like Betty Boop and original Disney films. She loves to mix this up with classic pin-up, rockabilly style and old Hollywood glamour and burlesque. Overall she is a girl that is simply in love with the art and design of decades past, saying that there is too much to name it all here! As she said, “I just think it has so much charming magic and I hope to capture that in my own work.” She has two big upcoming events: In March she will have her very first solo art show at the Harold Golen Gallery in Miami Beach, which will mark her 15 year anniversary as Miss Fluff. She will be showing paintings and sculpture. The second event is in April when she will finally be showing at Viva Las Vegas, the biggest rockabilly weekender, car show and music festival. It is Viva’s 20th anniversary so it is extra special. As Claudette says, “It has been quite an adventure since my days at Frederick's of Hollywood! I designed for my line, Fluff, and took care of almost every aspect of the business for almost 15 years. Now I am so excited to have gone solo; no more company, no more partners, just me doing art. I am so grateful to be doing what I love the most as my full time thing!”

SOCIAL MEDIA: Email: …….. Website: ….. Twitter: ….. Facebook: ... Instagram: …

These photos are by Miss Missy Photos featuring model Miss Lacey Noel


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NERYL WALKER Neryl Walker is an Australian born illustrator, artist and designer. Inspired by a love of mid-20th century pop culture, her studio and 1950s home are filled with countless sources of nostalgic inspiration: Vintage graphics and typography, packaging, signs, flea market treasures, girlie magazines, records, books and vintage toys. Her strong, playful girls can be found on Bare Escentuals, Bloom Cosmetics and a swag of international clients including Coca Cola and Angostura Bitters. She has been published by Chronicle Books, Penguin, Harper Collins, New York magazine, Vogue Nippon and Hardie Grant amongst others. She illustrated 'The Fashionable Cocktail' book, her work has been included in Luerzer's Archive top 200 Illustrators and she exhibits regularly. While she is best known for her girls, Neryl's background in Graphic Design has recently seen her collaborating on branding, typography, interior and homewares projects. Neryl currently lives in Melbourne with her art director husband and mermaid daughter. When the paintbrushes are down she plays in a 60's garage band and teaches her daughter how to shake a tail feather.

For your own Neryl Walker artwork, visit her online print store at where she will be releasing a new print soon.

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ROUGE PETALS Still at the beginning of her art career is Kloudia, a girl from Qatar who created her own unique style of pin-ups. After studying Fashion Design & Fine Arts, she created the ever feminine, Rouge Petals. A lover of prewar girlie magazines & cartoons, she began with an idea comparable to drawing caricatures. However, unlike the typical style, she drew her female followers & friends in doll and pin-up forms while displaying their character and their favorite fashion items. She soon learned that many women loved the idea of being transformed into dainty pin-up drawings! As the custom pin-up drawings increased in popularity, she found that she needed to stop taking commissions to instead focus on developing a character of her own. Style wise, the artist is inspired by Louis Icart's soft lines. She tries to emulate the same delicacy in her drawing style. As Kloudia states, “The Rouge Petals pin-up girl is a dreamer from the past who is both sensual and childlike; a character I see embodied perfectly in the 1920s silver screen beauties, like the original it girl, Clara Bow.� Instagram account: @rougepetals

this drawing of the 4 women was inspired by Dita Von Teese


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Deep Thoughts

It’s Indy 500 time for midgets this month! Commonly known as “Turkey Night” and was one of “Aggie’s big events! Usually there were 100 or more midgets that would show up, and the stands would be packed! When “Aggie” had “Ascot Park” in LA (that's Los Angeles, CA) to you Louisiana folks, “Turkey Night” was 100 laps on the 1/2 mile. One driver (Ronnie Shuman) won the race 8 times! That’s never been equaled. The other tracks (after the Ascot Property was sold, were Irvindale, Ca., Tucson, Az., Gardena, Ca., all smaller then 1/2 mile. It was a “zoo” to get to qualify, 100 or more cars, so they really watered down the track! In 1957 I ran at Gardena, got a 8th quick time and finished 8th. Only V8–60 in the main. Geo Amick won it and my pal Johnny Tolan was 3rd. That finish helped me sell the car to Lloyd Corbin who was a good driver, but finished way back in 1958. Lloyd owned a saw mill and was working alone on a Sunday and they found him dead, cut in half and under the saw. I never knew what happened to the (84-55) car. ( Well, I’m going to tell you about a driver I never knew, and he was long after my time. Remember now, I’m in South Mississippi, and anyone North of I-10 Is a Yankee. I was lucky born in Oregon (they opted for the Confederacy) Anyway in 1990 (there abouts) Bill Cosby (The Dr. Hucstable) of the famous TV Show, sponsored “Willie T. Ribbs” the 1st African American to run the Indy 500. Now I’ve lived in the South for 20 years, and Willie never saw Africa, was born in San Joe, Ca. In 1950’s and he is a “black American”. So, they take the car to the Indy 500 and are doing 170 mph. The rest are doing 200 mph - they pulled out. Indy Racing League signs a race with the “Sears Point” road racing course. Willie’s ignition fails and he pits, the crew fixes the problem and they push him off, the pit crew guy on the left gets run over due to full throttle by Willie, when it started! The pit man was between the front and rear tires pushing on the cowl, and apparently Willie had the gas pedal wide open when the car started, and the left rear tire ran over him and killed him. 500 H.P. with the huge race tire ate the pit man up. You can see by the photo of my midget which wheel base 72 inches, the leg room is very tight. Rumor has it back then, that Willie had a bad attitude, and due to his size (same measurements as Mahamed Ali (heavyweight) he would rather punch somebody than take reprimand or advise. MAY THE WIND BE ALWAYS AT YOUR BACK KEEP IT BETWEEN THE FENCES Larry Dunham 228-671-6216 Email



Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts. If a person with multiple personalities threatens suicide, is that considered a hostage situation? Just think how much deeper the ocean would be if sponges didn't live there. I went for a walk last night and my kids asked me how long I'd be gone. I said, 'The whole time.' So what's the speed of dark? After eating, do amphibians need to wait an hour before getting OUT of the water? Why don't they just make mouse-flavored cat food? If you're sending someone some Styrofoam, what do you pack it in? I just got skylights put in my place. The people who live above me are furious. Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections? Do they have reserved parking for non-handicapped people at the Special Olympics? Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny? If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them? Isn't Disney World a people-trap operated by a mouse? Whose cruel idea was it for the word `lisp' to have an 's' in it? How come 'abbreviated' is such a long word? If it's zero degrees outside today and it's supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be? Why do you press harder on a remote control when you know the battery is dead? Why are they called buildings when they're already finished? Shouldn't they be called builts? Why are they called apartments when they're all stuck together? Why do banks charge you a 'non-sufficient funds' fee on money they already know that you don't have? If the universe is everything, and scientists say that the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into? What would a chair look like if your knees bent the other way? If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to see it, do the other trees make fun of it? Why is a carrot more orange than an orange? When two airplanes almost collide, why do they call it a near miss? It sounds like a near hit to me! Do fish get cramps after eating? Why are there five syllables in the word 'monosyllabic'? Why do scientists call it 'research' when they are looking for something new? If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat? When I erase a word with a pencil, where does it go? Why is it that when a door is open, it's ajar, but when a jar is open, it's not a door? Tell a man that there are 400 billion stars and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint and he has to touch it. How come Superman could stop bullets with his chest, but always ducked when someone threw a gun at him? Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle? Do Roman paramedics refer to IVs its '4s'? What do little birdies see when they get knocked unconscious? If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes? Isn't the best way to save face to keep the lower part shut?



NOVEMBER 2016 November 4 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. November 5, D’Iberville, MS 23rd Annual Santa Cruise 9:00 AM 3:00 PM Saturday November 5 at Big Ridge Baptist Church, 3230 Big Ridge Road, D'Iberville, MS (Directions: On I-10 take exit 46-B. Take next exit on right. Left on Sangani Blvd. Right on Lamey Bridge Road. Cross I-10 Bridge. Church on left.) Registration: $15 or New unwrapped $15 value toy. Food & Music will be provided. Santa arrives at 10am. Top 15 Awards, Door Prizes, 50/50. Proceeds go to Big Ridge Baptist Church D’Iberville & St. Vincent de Paul. For more information: Morris Sonnier (228) 209-7101 or Joey Olier (228) 596-5158 Singing River Street Rod Assoc. November 5 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner (KFC Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5pm - 8:00 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC events are for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For information call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 November 5, Picayune, MS. Boulevard Cruisers Fall Open Car Show in conjunction with the Picayune Street Fair. Registration is 9 until 11 am. Entry fee is $25 per vehicle. Awards at 3pm. Best of Show, Best Engine, Best Paint, Top 50 and several sponsor awards. 50/50, oldies music and door prizes. Many vendors, entertainment and food at the street fair. November 5 Saucier, MS Open Swap Meet at McMurtry's Automotive Machine Shop, 19076 Pete Hickman Rd., Saucier, MS 39574. 7am until 2pm Buy - Sell - Trade. Bring all your extra parts. Call 228-832-8335 for more info. November 5 Slidell, LA 3rd Annual Jerusalem Shriners MCEU Car & Bike Show hosted by I.R.O.N.S car club at the Fremaux Town Center I -10 at Fremaux in Slidell LA. Registration Saturday, Nov 5 th 8:00 am, awards start at 3:00 pm. Top 50, 1st place $150.00 + plaque. 2nd place $100.00 + plaque. 3rd place $50.00 + plaque. Dash plaques for 1st 100 cars. Participants will judge for awards. For more info call Ray @ 985645-2272 or Bobby @ 985-807-9165. November 5 Slidell LA Open Cruise Night North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. and I-12, Slidell, La. Coastal Cruisers of Slidell Open Cruise Night 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. 1st Saturday of each month March Nov. Music, 50/50, Call John at 985-400-4527




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We serve Oysters on the half shell all week long. Tuesday, Wednesdays & Thursdays Oyster Happy Hour 4pm to 9pm $8 a dozen raw $10 Charbroiled

da Swamp Shack Open Tues - Sat 11am-9pm Sun 11am-3pm 228-255-2028 Local Art · Kids · Jewelry



November 7-12 Panama City FL 12th Annual Emerald Coast Cruizin'. "The South's Best Blast from the Past" . Thousands of classic cars, hot rods, custom cars and trucks make way to beautiful Panama City Beach, Florida for this week long festival. Panama City Beach's breath taking emerald green coastline and the famous Miracle Strip gleams with chrome, hot colors, and the deep rumble of power. Aaron Bessant Park next door to Pier Park, will host over 3000 hot rods, and cool classics. There will be over 125 + top name automotive vendors on hand, as well as a huge swap meet and auto car corral. A ladies area with crafts, jewelry, kids will love the activities as well. Their is so much for all to enjoy!.Each night is full of activities from cruising, great bands, and special shows. Even if you're not a gear head, there is plenty to do for all. November 11 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 November 12 Columbia, MS. 4th Annual Veterans Picnic & Car, Bike and Truck Show (to include Military Vehicles) Saturday, November 12th. at the Columbia Water Park. 11 am - 3 pm. AWARDS: 10 Car Awards, 5 Truck Awards, 3 Motorcycle Awards, 3 Trike Awards, 3 Military Vehicle Awards. Best in Show for Cars, Trucks and Bikes. Preregistration $20.00 (before November 1st), on-site registration $25.00. Additional vehicles, $5.00 off each vehicle. Awards Presented at 3pm. All vehicles must have current license and insurance. There will be Military Displays, Jumper and Slide for the children and more. Food, Drink and Souvenirs will also be available. All Proceeds aide Mississippi’s Wounded Veterans through the “Wounded Minutemen of Mississippi” ( all branches of service are eligible for aide). If you would like to participate in the “Parade of Vehicles” it will start at Keith’s Superstore on Hwy. 98 (across from Grubbs Motors) at 10am and end at the picnic. Come out and enjoy a day at the park. Opening Ceremony at 11am Registration: (Onsite registration begins at 9 am at the Water Park) Online Registration will soon be on our Facebook page: Veterans Picnic Columbia, MS. For more information contact the Veterans Service Officer at 601-736-2239 November 12 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s in Wiggins. 4pm November 18-20 Lumberton, MS Slamber Party at Little Black Creek Campground, 2159 Little Black Creek Road, Lumberton, MS 39455. Soap Box Derby, Cornhole Tournament, BBQ Cookoff, Zip Lines, Club Games, Live Worm Eating Contest & More. Registration $40 per vehicle. Gated open Thursday 12pm. Spectators $10 per day Kids 12 and under FREE. BBQ Grills & Coolers Allowed. On site camping, RV hookups, cabin rentals, showers. Show hours 8am-6pm Sunday Awards at 12pm. General information sponsoring or vendor spaces call Greg Miller 228832-4683 November 19 Biloxi, MS Fall Celebration Open Car Show, Saturday, November 19, Edgewater Mall, Biloxi -- hosted by the Mississippi Coast Mustang Club. Registration is $25 from a - 11 a.m. with judging at noon. Top 30 awards, 5 specialty awards, 50/50, silent auction. Please bring a dry or canned food donation for Our Mother of Mercy Food Bank. Each donation earns one 50/50 ticket! Awards at 3 p.m. For information or vendor space, call Craig at 228-586-0878. November 19 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 November 19 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. November 26 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome November 26 Picayune, MS. Boulevard Cruisers 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in Memorial Boulevard at Burger King/Hudson's parking lot. Picayune, MS 6 till 9pm. Oldies music and 50/50 DECEMBER December 2 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. December 3 Gulfport, MS. 3rd Annual North Pole Rod Run Charity

Christmas Show at the Best Western Plus (228-864-0050) & Clarion Inn (228-868-3300) These hotels have adjoining parking lots and offer ground floor outside room entrances. Mention car show for special room rate for this event. There is plenty of room for show car parking as well as the cruise-in cars. Vendors are welcome and the public will have free access to your area. Entry Fee... your donations of Wal-mart Gift Cards, New unopened Toys and Non-perishable food items. Items collected will be distributed to Toys For Tots, & Feed my Sheep here on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Both Hotels are located on Hwy 49 South of I-10 exit 34. Info: Jimbo 228 596-0664 December 3 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner (KFC Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5pm - 8:00 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC events are for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For information call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 December 3 Picayune, MS Confederation of Leathernecks Toys for Tykes II Toy Run A Benefit for Angel Trees Ministries Please bring an unwrapped toy for a Boy or Girl When: December 3, 2016 Where: Friendship Park, Highway 11, Picayune, Mississippi Early arrivals: Coffee and donuts will be available An escorted ride will leave Friendship Park @ 11:00 AM traveling to City Hall on Goodyear Blvd., Picayune, Mississippi for a short program. Come join us after the event for food, music and a good time at the American Legion Hall, 2500 Union School Road, Picayune, For additional information, please contact Lee at 601-273 -6219, George at 985-264-4135 or Glen at 601-798-9540. December 9 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 December 10, 2016 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Santa's Helpers Toy and Food Drive benefiting local ST Vincent de Paul Society. Held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church on Lemoyne Blvd, D'Iberville MS $20 dollar registration fee or equivalent in unwrapped toys and /or canned goods. Dash Plaques for first 100 cars. Top 10 Awards. Baked goods and food available. Hosted by Mississippi Beach Cruisers. More info call Donnie @ (228) 806-4236 or Rocky @ (228) 860-8936 December 10 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s in Wiggins. 4pm December 11 Bay St. Louis, MS The Misfits Toy Drive for the Children in DHS services. The Cruise-in will be at the Depot in Bay St. Louis from 10:00 am till 2:00pm. Please Come out and bring a new unwrapped toy and put a smile on a child's face for Christmas. December 17 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 December 17 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. (behind MotherCluckers and Keith's Super Store) JANUARY 2017 January 7 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner (KFC Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5pm - 8:00 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC events are for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For information call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 January 13 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 January 21 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256

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January 28 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome January 28 Picayune, MS. Boulevard Cruisers 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in Memorial Boulevard at Burger King/Hudson's parking lot. Picayune, MS 6 till 9pm. Oldies music and 50/50 FEBRUARY February 4 Gulfport, MS Gulf Coast Winter Classic at Gulfport Dragway. 1st race of the season so bring your cars, trucks, bikes, pro stocks, muscle cars, dragsters out for a day of racing. Gates open at 9am Test & Tune "Stop Light starts and no times", Time trials start at Noon, eliminations start at 2pm. Grudge Racing ¡ Vendors ¡ Swap Meet Entrance Fee: Car & Driver $20 - Spectator $10. All Swap Meet & Vendors Welcome* (*Food Vendors must call track 228 863-4408) Vendors Set Up FREE with $10 spectator entrance. On site camping available. Gulfport Dragway is located I-10 exit 31. Go South on Canal Rd, cross over railroad tracks. go about 1 mile, turn left onto Racetrack Road and continue to Gulfport Dragway. February 4 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner (KFC Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5pm - 8:00 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC events are for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For information call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 February 10 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 February 18 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 February 25 Bay St Louis, MS 4th. Annual VFW Auxiliary Post 3253 Open Car & Truck Show 208 Third Street Bay Saint Louis, Ms 39520. Dash Plaques 1st 50 registered vehicles, Top 20 Cars, Top 5 Trucks, 5 Specialty Awards. Best of Show, Commanders Choice Award, John Parent Memorial Award. Registration 8:am til noon. Awards at 2:pm. Entry Fee $20.00 day of show. Food, Drinks, and Dessert available at the post. Additional info call Bobby 228-493-2033 or Cindy 228-332-2000 February 25 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome February 25 Picayune, MS. Boulevard Cruisers 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in Memorial Boulevard at Burger King/Hudson's parking lot. Picayune, MS 6 till 9pm. Oldies music and 50/50 MARCH March 4 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5pm - 8:00 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC events are for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds to benefit local charities. sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto



(Continued on page 38)



and Metal Brothers. For information call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 March 18 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 March 25 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome March 31 - April 1 Gulfport MS 5th Annual Gulf Coast Auto Show this is a Open Car/Truck/Motorcycle Show & Cruise-in at the Best Western Plus (228-864-0050) & Clarion Inn (228-868-3300) These hotels have adjoining parking lots and offer ground floor outside room entrances. Special Room Rates for this event. There is plenty of room for show car parking as well as the cruise-in cars. Vendors are welcome and the public will have free access to your area. Activities will include a variety of Gulf Coast amenities as well as on site entertainment. Car show entry of $20. Both Hotels are located on Hwy 49 South of I-10 exit 34 Host Car Club Coast Cruizers Information Jimbo 228 596-0664 APRIL April 1 Gulfport MS 5th Gulf Coast Auto Show Open Car/Truck/ Motorcycle Show & Cruise-in at the Best Western Plus (228-864-0050) & Clarion Inn (228-868-3300) These hotels have adjoining parking lots and offer ground floor outside room entrances. There is plenty of room for show car parking as well as the cruise-in cars. Vendors are welcome and the public will have free access to your area. Activities will include a variety of Gulf Coast amenities as well as on site entertainment. Car show entry of $20. Both Hotels are located on Hwy 49 South of I-10 exit 34. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 April 1 Biloxi, MS MEGA Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Information Jimbo 228 596-0664



April 1 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner (KFC Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5pm - 8:00 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC events are for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. For information call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 April 8, 2017, Gulfport, MS. 3rd Annual Crosspoint Cruisin’ for Missions Car, Truck, and Bike Show. Crosspoint Church 15046 North Swan Rd. Gulfport, MS 39503. Show starts at 9:30 AM, Awards Presented at 2:00 P.M. 6 classes of trophies and plaques will be awarded; cars, trucks, bikes, 4x4s and rat rods. Additionally, there will be specialty and sponsor awards earned. There will be fun, food, kids’ games and live entertainment available, so bring the whole family. We will have many door prizes and a raffle,… Registration fee will be $20.00. April 15 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 April 15 Slidell, LA 20th Annual Camelia City Car Show this is an Open Show. Dash plaques first 200 registered. Pre-registration $20 before April 10, 2017, or $25 day of show. Registration 8am till 12pm at North Shore Square Mall, 150 Northshore Blvd., Slidell, LA. Awards at 3pm. Specialty awards, sponsor awards, top 50 awards, best of show, 50/50. All proceeds to benefit charity. Information call Brenda Duhon at 985 639 -9919 or John Muligan at 985-845-0527 April 21-22 Gulfport, MS ATOMIC BLAST 6 Open to ALL Vehicles. Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles & Antique Bicycles. Rat Rods, Street Rods, Hot Rods, Antique & Classic Cars, $20 at the gate covers all activities including, Stoplight Drags, Tug of War, Burnout Contest, Flame Throwin' Contest, Donut spin-out contest and more. Swap Meet. Here's your chance to attend the event everyone has been talking about.. This is a family event. Gate opens at 4 pm Friday, & 8 am Saturday. There will be a few choice awards for cars/trucks/bicycles handed out Saturday afternoon. There will be Food & Beer Stands. Events all day, Entrance to the track is $20 (kids under ten $10). Coolers & Grills OK (no glass bottles, please) Free primitive and RV Camping (no hook-ups) 24hr security on site. Everything is at Gulfport Dragway, 1 Mile South of I-10 (MS Exit 31) on Canal Road, Gulfport, MS Vendor information call Track Phone: 228 863-4408 April 22-23 Biloxi, MS 2nd Annual ROCK-N-RIDE Open Car & Bike Show at Harrah’s Gulf Coast Great Lawn (south of hwy 90) 280 Beach Blvd. Biloxi, MS. Event includes music, food and vendors booths. Registration Noon - 5pm Saturday April 22nd & 9am - Noon Sunday, April 23rd. Awards: Top 25, Peoples Choice, Lady's Choice, Club Participation, Longest Distance, Hard Luck. Gift Bags for first 200 registered. Awards at 5pm. Rod Run Registration now $40 after 3/31/17

(Continued on page 39)

$50. Rod Run info call Tony 228 282-4790. Food & Craft Vendor info call Teresa 601-951-0087 Rock-N-Ride to benefit the Helping Light Foundation Supporting Our Veterans and helping our children! April 22 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome April 29, The Sixth Annual Deanash Children's Village Open Car Show. 8 am thru 1pm, registration 8 am-10 am. $25.00 day of event, includes a meal. Free to the public. Pineview Baptist Church, 19 Tower Rd, Hattiesburg, MS 39401. ( located at the back entrance to Paul B. Johnson State Park) for more info: call Stan Anderson @ 601-467-1138 or email andersonstanley58@gmailcom. Proceeds to support the Deanash Children's Village Donations will be accepted. Music provided by Damascus Road 10:00 Cruise' through the park: 11:15 Door Prizes, tshirts, games, food, 50/50 raffle, 216 pc Craftsman mechanic tool kit raffel. TROPHIES: Longest Owned, Distance Traveled, Best Engine, Interior, Paint Scheme, Display, Work In Progress, Oldest, Most Unique. TOP THREE: Car Pre 1960, 1960-1969, 1990—present, Truck Pre 1960, 1960-1989, 1990—present, Street Rod, Rat Rod, One each: Best Tractor, Best Motorcycle: Cruiser, Sport, Chopper, Trike, Pastors Choice, Children's Choice, Best In Show

May May 4–7 Destin, FL Burning Up The Beaches the MOST partyin, fun, BEST value classic car weekend on the circuit! If you are looking for a fun, relaxing weekend on the beach to meet other gearheads and have a BLAST at the beach, THIS IS IT! Car show central is located at Destin Commons, located in the heart of Destin Fl, with fantastic shops such as Bass Pro, Uncle Bucks Fish Bowl, H&M, World of Beer and many many more! Are you used to paying $30 to show your car for a day and get a Tshirt? At Burning Up the Beaches you get armbands for 2 people, to 3 parties with live music, 5 fantastic stops, dinner on Saturday night, prizes galore, event Decal, one event t-shirt, and car show all for $80 tax deductible dollars! All Burning Up The Beaches net funds go to The Arc of the Emerald Coast the local ARC Agency serving those with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, and other developmental disabilities. Here is your complete list of Events and Cruise Stops: Thursday May 4th, 2017: Early Birds Party and Meet & Greet – Ramada Plaza Resort Light Hors d’oeuvres and Cash Bar 5:30pm – 7:30pm Friday May 5, 2017: Destin Commons – Registration Opens 9:00am – 5:00pm Address: 4100 Legendary Dr, Destin, FL 32541 Cruise the stops from 9 to 5, locations TBA Get registered, or pick up your pre registered package and get out to the stops! Friday Night, May 5, 2017: exciting new Friday party venue – at 5:30 – 7:30 Party with live music and Hors d’oeuvres, location to be announced! Saturday May 6, 2017: Registration will be open 9am – and its not to late to join in the fun! Vendors and those that are “show only” will be set up. More details pending……. THE Car Show!! 10:00am – 5:00pm Location: Destin Commons Take your spot for the SHOW! Thousands of locals are eagerly anticipating your arrival! Valve Cover Racing, Vendors, Destin Commons GREAT restaurants and shops, Mega 50/50. Burning Up The Beaches is known as “THE FUN ONE” In keeping with this spirit, all 5 Burning Up The Beaches awards are totally subjective. Our awards include: 1. Public Choice 2. Sponsors Choice 3. Boardwalks Best 4. Horizons Clients Choice 5. The Wild Bill award, in (Continued on page 40)



(Continued from page 39)

memory of Burning up the Beaches supporter Wild Bill Tuttle, awarded by his family to the most fun car and crew. “The Street Party” – After the Car Show (5:30 pm-8:30 pm) – we will be dancing in the streets to the tunes of Emerald Gold! Tastings will be provided via the fabulous restaurants of Destin Commons along with the ever famous Draw Down with Cash and Prizes!!! Car Corral and swap meet are open all weekend! Here is a great video to show what Burning Up the Beaches is all about! Contact Us Phone: 850-376-1037 or Email: May 6 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Information Jimbo 228 596-0664 May 6 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5pm - 8:00 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars. Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC events are for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds to benefit local charities. This event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 May 20 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 May 27 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome

JUNE June 3 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 June 10 Poplarville, MS 10th Annual Blueberry Jubilee Car/Truck/ Bike Show. Registration opens at 7 am, Awards at 2:30 pm. Bring the family and enjoy the day at the Blueberry Jubilee. The usual best of awards and some unusual ones. The Blueberry Jubilee is an arts and crafts fair held on the Second Saturday in June of each year. It is at that time, because that is when the blueberries are available. The Blueberry Jubilee is located in Downtown Poplarville, Mississippi and attracts about 10,000 visitors each year. The Blueberry Jubilee features Handmade Arts and Crafts, Storytelling, Live Entertainment, Lots of Food, and Down Home Southern Hospitality. The Blueberry Jubilee Council is made up of all volunteers, and our goal is to promote Blueberries and Pearl River County. Jeff 228-216-6863 or June 17 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 June 23-25 Biloxi, MS Scrapin the Coast 2017 Scrapin the Coast is located in the beautiful city of Biloxi right of the Gulf Coast of Mississippi. The show is held at The Mississippi Coast Coliseum and Convention Center. 2350 Beach Boulevard Biloxi, MS 39531. Enormous outdoor/indoor show. Info Greg 228-832-4683 June 24 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome

July 2017 July 1 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664




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NOVEMBER 2016 OCTOBER 2016 www.GulfCoast


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July 15 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 July 22 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome

August 2017 August 5 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 August 19 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256

September 2017 September 2 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 September 16 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 5pm till at the Cypress Lanes parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3200 Mallett Rd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Family fun, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 October 2017 October 1-8 MS Gulf Coast the 21st Annual Cruisin' the Coast



Gates Open 6 p.m. Time Trials Start 6 p.m. Eliminations at 9 p.m. Car & Driver: $25.00 Spectators: $8.00 10 Yrs. & Under: $5.00 $50 plus Trophy for each Winner Minimum 4 Cars required for each Bracket. Once time trials have ended, there is no rainout!

I-10 Exit 31 Go south on Canal Rd. Cross over the railroad tracks. Go about one mile. Turn left onto Racetrack Rd. Enjoy the races!

November 4, 5 & 6 “King of the Coast” bracket series Fri 4 p.m. -s/s 8 a.m. • (228) 323-7323 - Gaylon November 12 Sat Diesel Thunder 9 a.m. • (228) 263-2550 - Michael December 2, 3 & 4 “King of the Coast” bracket series fri 4 p.m. - s/s 8 a.m. • (228) 323-7323 - Gaylon





Hello Jimbo I was talking to you at the coast cruisers/cruising coast event and you mentioned that you would like to see some project bikes that members of coast cruisers are doing. The first pics are before, during and after pics of a 1957 triumph T-110 Tiger that I went over and refinished. When I got the bike it ran but was rusted all over. There was no wiring on it, simply put, it looked good from far but far from good. The last thing I am waiting for is a new carburetor, the old one was messed up. I can't wait until it comes in so I can go on it's maiden voyage. The next pics are of a 1970 and 1968 Harley servi-car that I am starting on. I had acquired the 1970 first that is in the back of the truck. it came as a complete basket case, totally disassembled. It was complete minus the engine. The other is a 1968 semi complete but missing a bunch of stuff. Between the two, I have about 90% of the parts to make a bike. I have been picking through the parts and blasting and painting the best parts getting them ready to reassemble the bike. I will send pics when it is complete. John Lourenssen



November 8-12 Gonzales, LA 18th Annual Police Motorcycle Skills Championship We are pleased to announce the 2016 Gulf Coast Police Motorcycle Skills Championship. This year’s seminar (the 18th) will be held in Gonzales, LA at Lamar Dixon Expo Center on November 8-12, 2016. This motorcycle skills competition is will provide challenging and unique courses designed to enhance your skills as a motor officer. All proceeds from this skills competition will provide support for Dream Day Foundation and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Info 225-389-3874 November Mount Hermon LA 11-13 Meet on the Creek Fall Motorcycle Rally Bike Games, Contests, Music, Camping and More Rally Admission is $25 per person for the weekend and $12.50 for military veteran for the weekend Must be 18 years of age to Enter! Silver Creek Campground 37567 Hwy 1055, Mount Hermon LA. Phone 985877-4256 November 20 Biloxi, MS The 2016 MBVMC Fall Vintage Bike Show will at the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art in Biloxi April 28-30 2017 Leesburg, FL Leesburg Bikefest Sponsored by Leesburg Partnership The main venue will be on Main Street from Canal Street to 9th Street but activities take place throughout the area. The event includes poker runs, organized rides, a parade ride, bike show, exhibitions, entertainment, contests, music and more. The motorcycle show will be judged in various categories and awards given to winners. Poker runs may start at various locations. Cash awards will be given to winners. For more info call 352-365-0053, or go to


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1988 Custom Bagger. Raked, lowered, cam & Weber carb. 30K miles. $10,500 O.B.O. Call Mark 228-861-1136

2013 Suzuki Blackout Boulevard Boss. C-90, Hard bags, windshield, 44 mpg, garage kept, only 5,200 miles. retails at $9,211.00 Asking $6,000.00 Call 228-596-9019 posted 10/16

Classified Ads 2 months in Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and on Description with 1 (one) Picture - $10 additional photos $5 each

Non Picture Ad Only - $5 NOW YOU CAN LIST & PAY ON-LINE AT

3rd Thursday Vintage Bike Night at Whataburger on Government Boulevard in Mobile, AL. Third Thursday of every month since 1999 and is still going strong! An MBVMC favorite place to meet and greet fellow members.

BIKE NIGHT - 2nd Tuesday of Each Month. KFC on Schillinger Rd. S. Mobile AL. 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm. 50/50 Drawing at 8pm Bike of the month award. All proceeds will go to Wilmer Hall Children’s Home. Sponsored By: The Gold Wing Road Riders Association - Alabama Chapter “A” Dixie Wings and KFC. All Bikes/Trikes & Chapters Welcome. For more info Call David Napp 251-510-8628

GO TO To list your event or Check for event updates NOW YOU CAN LIST & PAY ON-LINE 50







53 53

54 54


High Performance Racing Parts from Engines to Engine Parts. Distributors, Carburetors, Main Bearings, Rod Bearings, Gaskets, Connecting Rods, Roller Rockers, Stud Girdles, Racing Starters, Air Cleaners and Accessories, Performance Spark Plug Wires. We have racing cams & racing parts for Chevrolet, Ford, Chrysler, Oldsmobile & Pontiac.



56 56




58 58







61 61



BEINHAUER COAST C.V. JOINT & AXLE, INC. Most Axles Installed - $11900 Parts & Labor




- Public Welcome -



64 64


Vehicle Safety Inspector Jerry Cuevas · 228 326-7489

Jim “JR” Roberts

Phone: 228-314-4405

Stefanie Lea Photographer / Reporter



We Have a Full Line of RV & Mobile Home Supplies IN STOCK. • • •

66 66

Wheels Water Heaters Refrigerators


• • •

Awnings Toilets more


Commercial & X-Large Units Available

228-328-4346 11451 Canal Road · Gulfport, MS (2 Miles North- of I -10)





Classified Ads - 2 months - Description with 1 (one) Picture - $10 ¡ Non Picture Ad Only - $5

1961 Pontiac Ventura, bubble top, 389, tri power, new carbs, cam, lifters, heads. Power front disc brakes, air conditioning, alum radiator, auto trans. Very solid rare car $35,000. Buddy 731-733-4487 Bay St Louis. posted 11/16

additional photos $5 each

1953 Ford F-100. New Build 400 miles, 302 block, 351 heads. Given wrong info on rockers 6.5 needed 7.2 broke a valve stem. Truck & parts 20K INVESTED. New rims and tires, AOD trans, P/S, P/W, elect wipers. New glass and moldings, gauges, etc., etc., !!! Selling for $8000. Call Warren 601 337-1324 posted 11/16

1991 Corvette. All original, never wrecked, 84K miles. Fresh tune up, new tires. This car is ready to go.. Clear title and all paperwork available. Good driver. Really a clean little car. Second owner. $13,500 O.B.O. Call Adam at 417-230-2974 posted 10/16

1928 Ford Coupe. All steel. Off-body restoration. New rebuilt 350 Chevy engine. 350 Turbo Trans. A/C & heater. Edlebrock 650 carb, Chrome compressor & alternator. Headers. Smitty mufflers. Lokar floor shifter. Chrome booster & master cylinder. Front disc brakes, rear drum brakes. GM tilt steering. Turn signals. New steel floor. Carpet, rolled & pleated interior. New stainless steel rock guard. New chrome radiator cover. Brand new tires. Many more extras. Asking $30,000.00 OBO Ph: 228-832-3255 posted 8/16 1957 Chevy Belair 2 door hardtop. frame off restoration; great stance and sound. 502 fuel injected big block w/ 5 speed. Richmond heavy duty radiator w/ dual electric fans. All chrome and polished stainless engine compartment, 9" Ford w/ 3:73 gears. Show Car or Driver. Custom stereo AM/FM radio, Vintage air, power brakes, steering, windows, doorlocks, MSD ignition, leather bucket seats posted 10/16 front & rear, tilt wheel. No Expenses Spared Asking $69,500 call 504-874-3477

1969 Chevy C-10. Crate 350 engine, rebuilt 700 R-4 trans, P.S., P.D.B., New aluminum radiator, bumpers, wheels, tires, carpet, seat, bed cover. A.C. not installed. Call for details. posted 11-17 $19,000 - O.B.O. 251-518-6659 1940 Ford Deluxe 2 door surface rust, no big dents motor froze, glass, seats all there - no radio - been in barn 40 years $7500.00 call Larry 228 671-6216 posted 10/16

PARTS FOR SALE 7 sets of Chevy heads $300.00 for all including double hump - 4 Chevy blocks 283,327,350 all 4 $300.00 1935 Ford engine and trans $700.00 - 6 cylinder running Chevy engine $450.00 w/bell housing. - 3 Toyota p/u rolling chassis w/ titles $300.00 all w/cab running 1972 VW Baja bug, no title bill of sale, needs brakes $1450.00 Diesel big blue Miller on its own trailer $2500.00 - hundreds of 1979-94 Toyota p/u parts - over 1000 old VW parts Mark - 601-766-1066 posted 10/16

2015 HellCat Challenger Like Brand New, by Owner 3300 miles, loaded 707 hp, 6 Speed, black interior, tinted windows and more. $59,900 228-806-3500 posted 10/16



1989 Chevy “Mini School Bus” well equipped Camper. 6.2 diesel, new 5 speed automatic transmission. New tires, tow package. P/S, P/B. Good driver. Must be seen. $4200 O.B.O. Call Adam at 417-230-2974 posted 10/16

1959 Ford 4 door hardtop. Low mileage, good condition, interior great, Black outside and red interior. 11K O.B.O. call David at 228-342-7113 posted 10/16

1500sqft insulated building w/ central a/c-heat. Piped for compressor throughout. 1 acre, versatile shop. Trolley Hoist, Commercial grade air compressor. Ventilation fan to evacuate any fumes, dust or debris. Room to expand. 145 Inda Rd, Perkinston, MS 39573 $65,000 Listed w/ Surf Song Realty 601-716-5945 posted 10/16

1979 Corvette, 99k miles, good condition, out of storage, new ac and carb. $11,000. call 228 868 2217 posted 10/16

1959 Ford Courier Original Ambulance. All lights and sirens work. Runs and drives great $9,500 O.B.O. call Stan 228 263-1651 posted 10/16

1956 Buick Special, 4 dr sedan, chopped top, 454 / 700R4, 4 wheel disk brakes, needs finishing - $4,500 OBO - 1966 Chevy Impala, 4 dr wagon, 283, auto, air, brakes, steering, rusting out floorpans, not running - $1,600 OBO. 1958 Ford T-Bird, some rust, not running - $2,400 OBO. 1964 Falcon 2 dr wagon, 260 / 3 speed, rust in floor, also includes 1965 Falcon 2 dr sedan for parts $4,000 OBO. 1975 Chevy 1 ton 4 dr dually long wheel base truck, 350 / 4 speed (granny low) trans, needs brake hydro pump, MS title $3,000 OBO. 1954 Simplex motorcycle, engine stuck - #1,800 OBO. 1961 Triumph Tiger Cub, tore down for restoring, 60% restored $2,500 OBO. All of the above are located in Pascagoula, MS. 228-623-7172 No Text or E-mail posted 10/16

1972 Ford p/u runs excellent rides perfect, brand new tires all around, has a 6 cylinder w/ three on the tree, brand new starter, and brand new carb. needs restored but drive until then! asking $3500.00 Mark 601-766-1066 posted 10/16

1935 Ford 5 window coupe $22,000 runs drives stops, needs wiring finished and it is a driving project..all Chevy drive train, has a 69 307 w/ 79 trans, the rear is a 12 bolt.. All steel car. Mark 601-766-1066 posted 10/16

Classified Ads 2 months in Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine 2 months on

1951 Jeepster. 350/350, 9” Ford call Dan 228 861-1010 Gulfport, MS


posted 10/16


2013 Suzuki Blackout Boulevard Boss. C-90, Hard bags, windshield, 44 mpg, garage kept, only 5,200 miles. retails at $9,211.00 Asking $6,000.00 Call 228-596-9019 posted 10/16

Description with 1 (one) Picture - $10 · additional photos $5 each

Non Picture Ad Only - $5 NOW YOU CAN LIST & PAY ON-LINE AT



Mach1 Blast to the past. This Mach will bring back all the best memories you and your buddies had except the part where you always had to work on it. This Mach is clean and ready to roar. With styling cues from the original and the creature comforts of today it's a match made for roasting tires and making smiles for years to come with only 42k original miles $12,500 or trade 228-332-7777 posted 9/16

Postal Jeep - If you are looking for a cool ride, something different, a rat rod, farm or camp vehicle, you have found it. This right hand drive Jeep, a unique part of American history, is road ready. I built this Jeep with a ton of new stuff. All new brakes, seats and belts, mirrors, shocks, radiator, lighting and wiring, plus more. The drivetrain has only 20K miles since a complete major overhaul. Extra parts included. Bring cash as you will drive this clean title Jeep home. $2900 call 601-829-2589 This Postal Jeep is ready to roll!!

1969 Camaro Relive the Summer of '69 in style. This Z-28 look alike will take you back in time. The 327 V8 roars to life with a flick of the key. Power steering and the powerglide automatic are sure to help get the wife's approval. This one is ready to be finished in whatever color takes you back to time when the only ethanol in your car was the booze in the trunk. $10,500 with roller wheels 228-332-7777 posted 9/16

RT Somethin' about a pickup man. This is no ordinary truck. Chrysler shoehorned a 5.9 liter V8 into this truck along with 73 other single cab RTs. It will throw you back in the seat and have you begging for more. Make no mistake this fully loaded truck is clean enough to win the local show and fun enough to make you smile the whole way home. Runs and drives like a true sport truck. Buckle up. $8,700 228-332-7777 posted 9/16

Race Car in box This Mazda RX-7 is ready to go! Strap yourself inside the NHRA certified roll cage and hang on. With a SBC V8 fit in place of the factory 1.3 liter this car scoots! Don't let anything get in the way of having the time of your life! What a rush when this 4link tubbed car hooks! Clear title that can be registered! $13,500 or trade 228-332-7777 posted 9/16

1967 Camaro RS Unicorn. This 1967 Camaro factory V8 RS was raced since new. This 454 powered Camaro has never been wrecked and has ZERO RUST. The ladder bar suspension launches hard and straight through an aluminum 9". New Weld wheels put the power to the ground. And with the overdrive transmission the fun doesn't have to end at the track. Clear title that can be registered! $25,999 or trade 228-332-7777 posted 9/16

Wanted set of Aluminum Magnum wheels for my 69 SS Chevelle. Sizes are: 2 - 15x7 & 2 - 15x8 or 2 - 16x7 & 2 - 16x8 They must be aluminum alloy with a polished lip. Not interested in steel wheels. I can be reached at this email: posted 9/16 2004 Chevy Colorado Show Truck, Full air, Suspension, Power Locks, Tilt Wheel, Custom Sound Sys. Custom DVD, Asking $18000.00 Call Arthur 985-264-2180 posted 9/16



1961 Pontiac Bonneville 4 door hard top with power steering, power brakes and A/C. No rust or dents. This is a rare car. Price Negotiable Ask for Buddy 601-372-3894. posted 9/16

1948 Dodge Pro Street 310 Chassis, 350 Chevy motor, 700R trans., 9 inch Ford rear end, 4 wheel power disc brakes. Asking $18,000.00 Call Arthur 985-264-2180 posted 9/16


73 to list your classified ad NOW YOU CAN LIST & PAY ON-LINE

1954 Chevy 2 Dr., 6 cylinder, 3-spd on the column, rat rod black, solid car, split header, dual exhaust, electric cutouts to chrome side pipes, louvered hood, aluminum radiator, runs great, too many extras to list $12,500 obo. Bob 601-918-9592 or Guss at 228- 806-5284. posted 10/16

Formula Convertible This car will have you grinning from the time the rumble of it's exhaust notes hits your ears. And it only gets better from there the 6 speed puts the power in your hands. This car is a blast to drive! People say power everything and this car does the top even goes down with the push of a button. 10,500 or trade 228-332-7777 posted 9/16

1955 Nash Metropolitan. Recent service to gearbox, suspension, steering box and mechanics totaling $2.5K. Very sound and accurate inside and out. Fun car that is a show stopper wherever it goes. 100% of sale goes to charity work by sellers. Price $12,500 Contact; Dan Ewert 601-951-8555 after 5 PM. posted 9/16

1967 Olds 442 Cutlass convertible. $14900 228 697-3632 posted 10/16

1988 Custom Bagger, raked, lowered, cam & Weber carb. 30K miles. $10,500 O.B.O. call 228-861-1136 posted 10/16

1974 Chevy Impala custom coupe. Original, unrestored. Only 17K miles. Original lacquer paint in very good condition. Original vinyl top, all original interior also in great condition. 400 cu. small block. Runs and drives as to be expected. A fantastic fun car for that person that likes the true, un-molested original's. $10k Gary 601-946-8389. posted 9/16

1968 Chevelle SS Frame restoration in (2007) The Car is still in great shape. It has a 388 Stroker Motor with according to the dyno putting out over 500hp the engine has under 5000 miles on it, it's a turbo 350 automatic with a 3200 stall, 12 bolt Chevy rearend. Bucket seats and center console with factory air. It's House of Kolors True Blue pearl with mate black Supersport stripes news tires and much more. Asking 22,750.00 firm Call Kevin 228224-1017 please serious buyers only no tire kickers. posted 9/16

1951 Pontiac Chieftain 32k miles, all original. 12v system, straight V8, hydro-matic transmission, solid car for its ago. Runs and drives $5995 call 228-493-4500 posted 8/16 To list your classified ad 74


1937 Chevy - 350 Chevy engine/350 turbo transmission. Four barrel Edelbrock carb. Chrome a/c compressor & alternator. Chrome booster & master cylinder for power brakes. Front disk & rear drum brakes. Entire undercarriage has been rebuilt along with the front end. Tilt steering wheel, eight way power seats, power windows, power trunk. Turn signals, American Torq Thrust chrome wheels. Beautiful paint job recent. $27,500 firm (over $33,000 in it). Call Ed 985-641-7968. Slidell, LA. posted 8/16

Hoveround fairly new. Has charger, needs batteries. $150 Call 228-263-1980 posted 11/16

71 Baja runs drives needs brakes $1500.00 o.b.o. call Mark 601-766-1066 posted 8/16




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Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

Metal print - aprox 6x9 $5 each includes tax & shipping.

Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505



Metal print - aprox 6x9 - $5 includes tax & shipping.

Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

Metal print - aprox 6x9 $5 each includes tax & shipping.

Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

Metal print - aprox 11x15 - $20 includes tax & shipping. Check to: DIXIE PRESS 路 P.O. Box 2847 路 Gulfport, MS 39505

Metal print - aprox 11x15 - $20 includes tax & shipping. Check to: DIXIE PRESS 路 P.O. Box 2847 路 Gulfport, MS 39505



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