Gulf Coast MotorSports October 2015

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Kevin Riley owner of Dad’s Pawn Shop and his 1931 Chevy Sedan.

Dad's Super Pawn 3125 25th Ave, Gulfport, MS 39501 Phone: (228) 864-2602 Hours: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm



Vol. 20 No. 10

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief - Jas. “Jimbo” Perkins P.O. Box 2847 ∙ Gulfport, MS 39505

E-mail: Advertizing & Production - 228 596-0664

By: Jimbo I want to start off this month by saying to everyone who is reading this “rag” just how much I appreciate the comments returned with your subscription renewals and the e-mails you send. Encouragement is a reward in my book and it drives the engine of purpose. I believe most of us have at one time or another encouraged someone to follow their ideas. Hot rodders, bikers, and the people that support the lifestyle are a different breed than the main stream of people passing you on the highway of life. Are we the rebels of our younger days?..... you bet.. are we ‘the way it was” generation? Yep and lets not forget all the guys who took shop in school, because you better learn somethin’…. Me (print shop) But here we are, older, wiser, and filled with the opportunity to encourage the ones who follow in our footsteps. Some of those following may have a different mode of transportation then we did. I remember I changed the looks of my car so it didn’t look the family sedan and that music blasting from my rear speakers with the “reverb” belonged to my generation not that old stuff my mom-n-dad listened too. But they encouraged me to ‘do it’ if I had an idea and was truly interested in doing it. They always offered different points of view in such a way that I had to make the choices. The community of rebellious youth of the 50’s and 60’s are now the backbone of helping hands to those who are following in our footpaths. So I encourage all of us to take the time to show interest in their ideas and lifestyles. If encouragement is a reward from your peers then ‘giving’ must be one of the best feeling a person can have. Almost all the clubs I know have one thing in common. All have a charity they support. Shows and events raise a helping hand to those in need. National organizations help but it is the local groups helping local people the most. All are in need and we, the rebels in life are usually the ones who lead the way. Children, Vet’s, elderly and the victims of unfortunate circumstances are usually the choice we make first. So I encourage you to never miss the opportunity give when you can. Ok, now on to the good stuff... Jimbo, $5.37! That's what the kid behind the counter at Taco Bell said to me. I dug into my pocket and pulled out some lint and two dimes and something that used to be a Jolly Rancher. Having already handed the kid a five-spot, I started to head back out to the truck to grab some change when the kid with the Elmo hairdo said the hardest thing anyone has ever said to me. He said, "It's OK. I'll just give you the senior citizen discount." I turned to see who he was talking to and then heard the sound of change hitting the counter in front of me. "Only $4.68" he said cheerfully.




Jimbo page……4 page…....7 JR page…....8 page…....8 Al Cole page…....9 Jimbo page…...10 Candy Cocktail page…...16 Donna Holland page…...19 Terry Mason page…...20 Greg Hole page…...22 Neecy Meyer page…...24 Larry Dunham page…...26 Bob page…...29 Page…...30 page…...34 page…...37 page…...42 Page…...69 page…...71 Page…...85 page…...95

I stood there stupefied. I am 56, not even 60 yet? A mere child! Senior citizen? I took my burrito and walked out to the truck wondering what was wrong with Elmo. Was he blind? As I sat in the truck, my blood began to boil. Old? Me? I'll show him, I thought. I opened the door and headed back inside. I strode to the counter, and there he was waiting with a smile. Before I could say a word, he held up something and jingled it in front of me, like I could be that easily distracted! What am I now? A toddler? "Dude! Can't get too far without your car keys, eh?" I stared with utter disdain at the keys. I began to rationalize in my mind! "Leaving keys behind hardly makes a man elderly! It could happen to anyone!" I turned and headed back to the truck. I slipped the key into the ignition, but it wouldn't turn. What now? I checked my keys and tried another. Still nothing. That's when I noticed the purple beads hanging from my rear view mirror. I had no purple beads hanging from my rear view mirror. Then, a few other objects came into focus: The car seat in the back seat. Happy Meal toys spread all over the floorboard. A partially eaten dough nut on the dashboard. Faster than you can say ginkgo biloba, I flew out of the alien vehicle. Moments later I was speeding out of the parking lot, relieved to finally be leaving this nightmarish stop in my life. That is when I felt it, deep in the bowels of my stomach: hunger! My stomach growled and churned, and I reached to grab my burrito, only it was nowhere to be found. I swung the truck around, gathered my courage, and strode back into the restaurant one final time. There Elmo stood, draped in youth and black nail polish. All I could think was, "What is the world coming to?" All I could say was, "Did I leave my food and drink in here"? At this point I was ready to ask a Boy Scout to help me back to my vehicle, and then go straight home and apply for Social Security benefits. Elmo had no clue. I walked back out to the truck, and suddenly a young lad came up and tugged on my jeans to get my attention. He was holding up a drink and a bag. His mother explained, "I think you left this in my truck by mistake." I took the food and drink from the little boy and sheepishly apologized. She offered these kind words: "It's OK. My grandfather does stuff like this all the time." All of this is to explain how I got a ticket doing 85 in a 40 mph zone.

Yessss, I was racing some punk kid in a Toyota Prius. And no, I told the officer, I'm not too old to be driving this fast. As I walked in the front door, my wife met me halfway down the hall. I handed her a bag of cold food and a $300 speeding ticket. I promptly sat in my rocking chair and covered up my legs with a blankey. The good news was that I had successfully found my way home. The Lawyer says to the wealthy art collector tycoon. “I have some good news and I have some bad news,” The Tycoon replies, “I’ve had an awful day, let’s hear the good news first.” The lawyer says, “Well, your wife invested $5,000 in two pictures this week that she feels are worth a minimum of $2-3 million dollars." The tycoon replies enthusiastically, “Well done, very good news indeed. You’ve made my day. Now what’s the bad news?” The lawyer answers, “The pictures are of you with your secretary. He was a truck driver….forty maybe fifty years worth of on the road. Sometime at home but a lot of the time cruising the highways and byways of America. Truckloads of stuff going to little towns, big cities where ever he was sent. Carried that little dog with him and took his wife whenever they could go together. Life in the cab of a rolling home away from home is not for the average husband and wife but that’s what they loved to do…

John Edwards joined the Coast Cruizers just a few years ago and he just passed away on August 25th. We are sad, Elizabeth is sadder but how can I get you to remember his obituary and maybe say “miss ya’ John but I’ll remember you.” Crui sing H e av e ns Highways……..jimbo Coast Cruizer John Edwards June 9, 1936 August 25, 2015 Age 79

JIDECLARK sent me this and it is a fitting tribute and ending to the above obituary You know ... time has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the passing years. It seems just yesterday that I was young, just married and embarking on my new life with my mate. Yet in a way, it seems like eons ago, and I wonder where all the years went. I know that I lived them all. I have glimpses of how it was back then and of all my hopes and dreams. But, here it is... the back nine of my life and it catches me by surprise...How did I get here so fast? Where did the years go and where did my youth go? I remember well seeing older people through the years and thinking that those older people were years away from me and that I was only on the first hole and the back nine was so far off that I could not fathom it or imagine fully what it would be like. But, here it friends are retired and getting gray...they move slower and I see an older person now. Some are in better and some worse shape than me...but, I see the great change...Not like the ones that I remember who were young and vibrant...but, like me, their age is beginning to show and we are now those older folks that we used to see and never thought we'd become. Each day now, I find that just getting a shower is a real target for the day! And taking a nap is not a treat anymore... it's mandatory! Cause if I

don't on my own free will... I just fall asleep where I sit! And I enter into this new season of my life unprepared for all the aches and pains and the loss of strength and ability to go and do things that I wish I had done but never did!! But, at least I know, that though I’m on the back nine, and I'm not sure how long it will last...this I know, that when it's over on this's over. A new adventure will begin! Yes, I have regrets. There are things I wish I hadn't done...things I should have done, but indeed, there are many things I'm happy to have done. It's all in a lifetime. So, if you're not on the back nine yet...let me remind you, that it will be here faster than you think. So, whatever you would like to accomplish in your life please do it quickly! Don't put things off too long!! Life goes by quickly. So, do what you can today, as you can never be sure whether you’re on the back nine or not! You have no promise that you will see all the seasons of your, live for today and say all the things that you want your loved ones to remember...and hope that they appreciate and love you for all the things that you have done for them in all the years past!! "Life" is a gift to you. The way you live your life is your gift to those who come after. It's not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived. LASTLY, CONSIDER THIS: ~ Your kids are becoming you......but your grandchildren are perfect! ~ Going out is good.. Coming home is better! ~ You forget names.... But it's OK because some people forgot they even knew you!!! ~ The things you used to care to do, you aren't as interested in anymore, but you really do care that you aren't as interested. ~ You sleep better on a lounge chair with the TV 'ON' than in bed. It's called "pre-sleep". ~ You miss the days when everything worked with just an "ON" and "OFF" switch.. ~ You tend to use more 4 letter words ... "what?"..."when?"... ??? ~ What used to be freckles are now liver spots. ~ Everybody whispers. ~ You have 3 sizes of clothes in your closet.... 2 of which you will never wear. ~ But Old is good in some things: Old Songs, Old movies, and best of all, OLD FRIENDS!! Jimbo, Y’all come! to the 22nd Vettes by the Shore, Corvette Show. October 31st, the MS Gulf Coast Corvette Club will be hosting its 22nd annual all Corvette show at the Edgewater Mall on Beach Blvd in Biloxi. Any closer to the water and we’d need water wings. This show is our annual fund raiser and draws Corvettes from Florida to Texas. Car registration is $40, if you pre-register by October 15 your registration will include a show shirt, dash plaque and goodie bag. Proceeds from this show are used to fund 9 local Gulf Coast charities, including the CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) program, St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy, Gulf Coast Women’s Shelter, Salvation Army, Dream Program, Jackson Animal Shelter, and Make A Wish Foundation. The Mississippi Gulf Coast Corvette Club was founded in 1982, bringing together automotive enthusiasts with the common interest in Corvettes. Since its founding, the club has participated in auto shows as far away as Texas to the west and the Carolinas to the east. Every Corvette show nationwide is a charity car show event with the primary goal of raising money for charity. Come join us and you too can join in and help raise money for our local charities. Visitors to our show can participate in our silent auction with items to bid on from Corvette posters, and dinners to grand items like two back stage passes to view a filming of the #1 new series on CBS NCIS New Orleans show (rules and restrictions apply) who knows you could meet the cast and crew, weekend getaway to Pigeon Forge Tennessee, and a tuna fishing charter with 2 night stay in Venice LA. The show is free to all who would like to stop by and see the shiniest Corvettes on the Gulf Coast, so come on by and check us out. Our club meetings are the last Thursday of the month at Preston Hood. Meeting time is 6:30, but come early and meet our members. Michael Smith, Club President.



If you have attended a Coast Cruizer event during the last twelve months (since October 2014) here is what we did with the contributions you made. September 5th, at our first Saturday night cruise-in, we gave away Van #3 After last years MEGA Cruise-in a chair lift was donated to us. Now we needed a van. The one that we looked at wasn’t a new van but it was a very good van to start with and the price was right. The Dodge needed a good clean up, some engine work, a few new parts and we would have Van #3 to give to a local family. We would like to thank, Dean’s for installing that lift and our thanks also goes out to AutoZone, KW Cook & ABC Auto Parts for helping us.. but most of all the Coast Cruizers want to thank all of you because without your support we couldn’t have afforded this. Just look how happy these folks are…

The Coast Cruizers will once again use the proceeds from the MEGA Cruise-in October 10th 2015 to go toward Van #4.



Check out the big smile on Evie Boudreaux. Evie is a member of the Stunt Force All-Star Cheerleading group. This photo was taken at their 2nd Annual car show Sept. 19 in Diamondhead, MS. Flyers for this show were handed out at events way in advance of the show date so when the hundred or so vehicles showed up they were ready. The parking lot filled quickly with local support for these young ladies. Registration was fast and simple, the tents were manned with helpful team members and filled with silent auction items, door prizes, great food and lot’s of home made treats. Good music played in the background. And when it was time for the Awards there were plenty passed out. Congratulations to the Stunt Force All-Star Cheerleaders & their staff, you ran a great show. You can tell you are a team and it was a team effort that made this such an enjoyable show. See ya next year……. jimbo



Gizmos Carriage House AKA Poppys Garage Its a long way to Mississippi.

If it’s not yours, don’t take it. If it’s not true, don’t say it. If it’s not right, don’t do it. The final exam - gotta’ love this teacher There were four sophomores taking chemistry and all of them had an 'A' so far. These four friends were so confident that the weekend before finals, they decided to visit some friends and have a big party. They had a great time but, after all the hearty partying, they slept all day Sunday and didn't make it back to Florida State until early Monday morning. Rather than taking the final then, they decided that after the final they would explain to their professor why they missed it. They said that they visited friends but on the way back they had a flat tire. As a result, they missed the final. The professor agreed they could make up the final the next day. The guys were excited and relieved. They studied that night for the exam. The next day the Professor placed them in separate rooms and gave them a test booklet. They quickly answered the first problem worth 5 points. Cool, they thought! Each one, in a separate room, thought this was going to be easy ... then they turned the page. On the second page was written… For 95 points: Which tire?

This month’s Hot Coffee is little different than normal. I usually write about a restaurant that we have ate at. The other day I decided I wanted a cream cheese Danish pastry. The one thing that I didn’t need, but every once in a while you have to have a weakness. I have been going to Quality Bakery every since I have been on the coast. It isn’t a big place on 25th ave. but makes some great cinnamon rolls, Danishes, donuts, cakes , cookies and French bread. If you want any of the above you have to get there early or the pickings get slim in a hurry. This is one place you can get almond flavored cake with butter cream icing. The French bread is like true French bread, hard crust soft inside and great with just butter. Forty years ago Mrs. Knight ran the bakery . Today her daughter and son keep the goodies coming everyday. They are open only part of the day, so when things run out, that’s it until the next day. I know this for fact, because I know this person. When she was young with her 2 brothers, they would save their money and go down to see Mrs. Knight and get a birthday cake for one of them. That was ok until the fourth time they went to get a cake. Then they had to put the dog’s name on it. Then the next time it was the cat’s name. It didn’t take Mrs. Knight but a second to figure that out, but she let them have their cake anyway. A friendship developed that still goes on today with the daughter. So when you get that sweet tooth go by and check out Quality Bakery. Till we eat again J. R.



Born in New Orleans a product of the early fifties, and as a small kid I was fascinated with the architecture of the city, the buildings and all of the old homes were beautiful. During summer vacations I often rode with my dad in the Ideal Appliance service truck with him, so I got to see a lot of it. Been tinkering with things, toys, TV’s, appliances, bikes, you name it I probably took it apart to see what it was made of. Many times I was successful in putting them back together and actually making some them work, hence the Gizmo. Parents moved to Kenner La. I would say in the early sixties. Our house was in perfect alignment with the East West runway of Moisant field now Louis Armstrong International airport. Got very familiar with noise and Jets, oh those flying machines, they were large shinny tubes that carried people to far away lands. I used to imagine looking out those windows at the earth below, did I mention noisy? But they were nothing that stirred my soul and inner being to the noise I felt one day, and I had to follow that earthquake sound a few blocks up only to discover a dragster. Not just a dragster a Hemi Powered rail belonging to my now (from a distance) new best friend. I would always, when that thing fired up, from wherever I was, head up to the shop to listen in awe of that earth shaking machine, and just watch from a distance, until one day I was invited in. Oh my new best friend was cool, he had short hair and a shop full of cool tools, and did I mention a Hemi Powered Dragster. Now when that thing was running, and you were very close, the noise of the jets was just about non existent. My dad was not, lets just say happy, with me hanging out up there, I guess he had misgivings of me quite possibly taking something apart that he could not afford to pay for. Needless to say I had to promise not to touch anything while hanging out there. Until one day Q Ball Wales, (yes that was my new best friend with the Hemi Powered Dragster), asked if I would like to sit in it and steer while he and his assistant pushed it out the shop. I had now completely forgotten about those jets and far away lands and windows, now it was, man if I could drive this thing down the track oh what a thrill. I had just won a National meet at State Capital Dragway and it wasn't even running, to say the least no one believed me. These early exposures I had were laying a foundation of all things motorized that would follow. Very sad things soon shook my world, in 63 the President was shot in Texas, and in 65 my new best friend would be killed in an accident, nothing would be the same from this young boys point of view. I knew I no longer had a place to hang out, and my new best friend was gone. The fever stayed, I had to fool with all things mechanized, it was too late I had been hooked, grease, oil and racing fuel had soaked me to the core. The road to Mississippi was a long way off. Till next month ….. Gizmo

Hendrick Motorsports is officially back for the 2015 Scarecrow Cruise & Car Show! Just like last year, we will have 2 race cars, 4 vehicles from the Rick Hendrick collection, plus the Hendrick Motorsports transporter. Get ready for another great year at the Scarecrow Cruise & Car Show!! October 16-17 Madison, MS

The Cole Report. Ok Jimbo time for this months Cole Report.

Had a busy month traveling for the Cole report. We had several stops starting with the Silver Slipper Casino's weekly Thursday night car/bike cruise-in. Up next we had a double cruise night attending the 4th Sat. Long Beach Harbor cruise-in then to the new Beauvoir (Jeff Davis Home) cruisin. Next up was the 1st Fri. At the Pass Pavilion. We then made the Edgewater Mall with the Coast Cruizers for their handicap van giveaway (it was their 3rd giveaway) so much happiness shows up on the faces of these families that receive these vans. The following weekend we headed to the Kiln for the Knights of Columbus car show, great weather. Later Sat. evening we made it to Bay St. Louis for the Misfits Street Cruizers cruisin. Next month should see us with a lot happening. Until then just get out and ride. Don't forget to watch for our motorcycle friends.

Random Reflections-

• I changed my car horn to gunshot sounds. People move out of the way much faster now!

• You can tell a lot about a woman's mood just by her hands. If she is holding a gun, she's probably angry.

• You know that tingly little feeling you get when you really like someone? That's common sense leaving your body.

• I don't like making plans for the day because then the word "premeditated" gets thrown around in the courtroom.

• I didn't make it to the gym today. That makes five years in a row. • I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

• Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet...

• Old age is coming at a really bad time! • When I was a child I thought Nap Time was a punishment... now, as a grownup, it just feels like a small vacation!

• The biggest lie I tell myself is...."I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it".

• I don't have gray hair. I have "wisdom highlights". I'm just very wise. • Why do I have to press one for English when you're just gonna transfer me to someone I can't understand anyway?

• Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice. • At my age "getting lucky" means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for. Sent in by: Leonhardt9@



By: Jimbo A few years ago the subject of who’s building cars here on the MS Gulf Coast came up. Now there are quite a few builders here on the Coast, and the vehicles being built in garages around here are nothing short of great work. Hot rods, classics, traditionals, restorations and even the “rat-rods” are always admired when they roll into a cruise-in or car show. The Gulf Coast is a shipbuilding community or at least it was… some folks started out at the Pascagoula shipyard, stayed awhile then went on to open their own business. Such is the case of Richard Arguelles who opened his auto parts yard in 1985. It takes years to a build business, let alone allowing yourself the luxury of spending some of your profits on your own hobbies. The love of water and cars is a strange mix but when you're into creating a personal craft that’s just filled with all the details you like, patients is the main ingredient. When I found out there was a new car about to be unveiled, after a five year build, I just had to check it out. So a few months ago I visited Arguelles Automotive and met Richard. I finally talked him into showing me the “Woody”. It wasn’t finished but I could tell this was a special car. Talking Richard into letting me feature his car in the October issue was not as easy as you might think. But here it is, and I hope when you see the “Woody” from the MS Gulf Coast you will see the kind of craftsmanship our Gulf Coast has to offer….and just in time for Cruisin’ the ® Coast Jimbo, Here is how my woody came about: Back in 2009 a lifelong friend and very talented, local retired carpenter named Kenneth Campbell (who also helped build our home and our 43' Powercat cruiser 10 10


"Ariba") came into the shop looking for another project. Richard told him he was not planning on taking on another boat project because he was in the middle of building a custom 32 Ford Vicky. I saw my chance to have a hot rod/delivery truck and pretty cool advertising piece for Arguelles Automotive. Richard asked Kenneth if he wanted to help build a woody delivery truck and he quickly said "yes." After thinking about it for a few minutes Kenneth asked "what is a Woody?" Thinking it would speed up the build, the completed frame was pulled from the 32 custom in progress and my woody was put in the building process. It took four years of part-time start and stop work. (always business first!) For dependability a corvette small block Chevrolet L98 with a Weiand Stealth RAM EFI was used. The fuel rails are from a ramjet salvaged from a Katrina loss (a little reminder of the past), 700 R4 transmission, and a ZR2 GM rear end with disk brakes all around, front suspension is rear steer with stainless upper and lower control arms built in house. In fact all the fiberglass body parts were custom built plugs, molded and manufactured at Arguelles Automotive, Inc. The color is Coastal Blue, a single stage urethane, with the hard maple wood work clear coated in urethane. The only body parts not manufactured in house were the frame rails produced from American Stamping in Olive Branch, MS., all glass by American Glass Services, Gulfport, MS., and the upholstery was done by Performance Auto upholstery in Gulfport, MS.

Angela Holley. 34 year old mother of two wonderful children, born and raised in Biloxi, MS. Was more than honored when asked to pose as a pin up model with the beautiful car. This was her first time doing a photo shoot and had a blast! She wants to thank Scott Turan and Richard Arguelles for this opportunity.


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The boat Richard built



by Candy Cocktail Some of you may love Valentine's Day to cuddle up with your sweetheart and some adore Christmas because it is the time for miracles and good will toward men. Those holidays are fine and dandy, but for me, Halloween is the day that I look forward to! I wait all year for the bewitching season of ghosts and goblins! Fall is my favorite time of the year; time to dig your sweater out of the closet as the air cools and the leaves are changing color, carve pumpkins, take a haunted hayride and get ready to see the friends and family that you have missed as the start of the 'holiday season' begins. Yet as autumn begins, so do the thoughts about things that go bump in the night. So where does the origin of Halloween come from? Contrary to gossip, Halloween was not created by the candy makers. Observed annually on October 31, the history of the holiday dates back to about 1745. Historically the holiday began with the ancient feast of All Hallows’ Eve; a Christianized feast greatly influenced by Celtic based harvest festivals, most likely the festival of Samhain, which comes from the Irish word for “summer’s end.” It marked the beginning of winter. The word Halloween is of Christian origin, meaning a hallowed or holy evening. Likewise, it is the day to remember the dead. Some still stick to the tradition of attending church services or lighting a candle for their deceased loved ones. It is also considered by psychic mediums to be the one night of the year when the veil between our physical world and the spirit world is the thinnest, making it easier for us



to communicate with those that have passed on. So if you are a believer in ghosts and spirits as I am, it is the perfect time to talk to those that you are missing. With the spirit world being more active on All Hallows’ Eve, it was believed that people needed protection, so they would leave food, drinks or portions of their crops as offerings to the spirits. After the eating, the household festivities, traditions and games began. Dating as far back as the 16th century, people are recorded to have gone from house to house reciting verses in exchange for food. They wore the costumes to imitate or disguise themselves from the spirits. If the house gave the young people food, they would be yarn, apple parings or mirrors. Mass Irish and Scottish immigration believed to have good luck. Bad luck would come to anyone who failed to donate their during the 19th century increased the holiday’s celebration in the United States. food. In the early 1900s, candy apples were All of our American Halloween customs commonly given to trick-or-treating children, have been adapted from other countries. although nuts, corn and delectable pumpkin Initially celebrated in Ireland, Scotland and flavored foods such as bread, pie and the Isle of Man, the celebration has spread roasted seeds were also frequently given. throughout much of the world. Still Although candy is the choice handout to celebrated with trick-or-treating, costume trick-or-treaters today, soul cakes were parties and haunted attractions. While traditionally handed out. European some countries may attend mass at church homeowners as far back as the 15th century on Halloween, many light candles at the would bake ‘soul cakes’ for christened graves of their deceased loved ones. This souls. Groups of poor people, often is a very common practice in the primarily children, would go from door to door Catholic country of the Philippines. In collecting the soul cakes in exchange for Belize, children typically dress up as praying for the dead, especially the souls of biblical figures and Christian saints. In the food givers' friends and relatives. The earliest known use of the term "trick-or-treat" appeared in 1927. Yet trick-or-treating did not become widespread until the 1930s. Halloween costumes are traditionally modeled after supernatural figures such as vampires, monsters, ghosts, werewolves, zombies, skeletons, witches and devils. Over time, the costume selection has greatly increased to include popular Vintage yet hair-raising Halloween costumes and masks characters from movies, books and TV, celebrities, and generic Romania, in the town where it is believed characters such as ninjas and princesses. The earliest disguises worn by vintage that Dracula’s spirit still lives, the myth has trick-or-treaters were masks and either led to a massive Halloween festival. Several Halloween traditions have painted or blackened faces, using the dark ashes of a bonfire. In the 40s and 50s, the continued throughout the years, such as costumes and masks, despite their picking pumpkins from pumpkin patches, depiction of happy things, tend to look pretty bobbing for apples, telling scary stories and frightening. The tradition, along with the the most prevalent of all, carving pumpkins practice of playing pranks, spread into jack-o’-lanterns. This symbol of throughout England. At that time young Halloween is by far the most iconic. It women also believed that on Halloween began in medieval Britain as a way to they could find the name or appearance of illuminate the night for the pranksters their future husband by doing tricks with traveling from door to door. Originally they

hollowed out turnips and carved them into grotesque faces, representing goblins, to ward off evil spirits. In North America during the 1800s, pumpkins replaced turnips as they were native to the area and much easier to carve. At Halloween, yards and public spaces may be decorated with what have become traditional symbols, including witches, skeletons, cobwebs, scarecrows and headstones. Young women believed that on Halloween they could tell the future name or appearance of their future husband by doing tricks with yarn, apple parings or mirrors. Halloween is my favorite holiday! I love the costumes and special FX makeup. Maybe because of my love of scary movies and haunted houses, I am a believer in ghosts and the supernatural! Creepy characters like the Headless Horseman and Frankenstein have existed for decades, casting a spell on fans around the world. Like countless others, I am a huge fan of scary movies, particularly zombie movies like 28 Days Later and Dawn of the Dead, and shows like The Walking Dead. Based on a series of graphic novels, The Walking Dead is an international hit with over 30 million fans as zombies are a prevalent force in pop culture today. Yet if all urban legends are derived from a true story, then where do some of our favorite movie monsters originate? Well a few years ago I saw a special on TV about Halloween where I learned the terrifying truth that zombies are a real thing! Yes, you read that correctly. It is time to start planning where you would go during the apocalypse bug out phase. Or if you are anything like me, you already spend a ridiculous amount of time thinking about this very issue. In the small country of Haiti lies the origin of the modern day zombie. In the

Photography by 3.14 Photography by Lloyd Berry and Makeup by House of Bone 60s, horror film legend George A. Romero traveled to the country. He soon learned of the Haitian folklore of a zombie creature, in which a dead body, with no will of its own, is reanimated by the magic of Haitian voodoo. The voodoo priest or priestess uses spells and herbs to bring the dead back to life and make the soulless zombie their personal slave forever. This phenomenon gained widespread attention during the US occupation of Haiti, when government papers acknowledged their existence and a number of zombie case studies began to emerge. The mindless beasts, deemed zombies, are acknowledged in a variety of other country’s folklore, from Africa to the Caribbean. The zombie possibility is a very real one as evidenced by insects today. A recent



Romania. Born in 1431, Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia, AKA Vlad the Impaler, the inspiration for Dracula, was estimated to have killed up to 100,000 Europeans. Even though he was a revered hero in Romania and Bulgaria, the tyrant’s reputation for excessive cruelty spread throughout Europe. To add to the lure of the legend, his body was never found. The tales of the disgusting punishments that his enemies received spread and eventually became publicly read manuscripts. Which in turn lead to the creation of Irish author Bram Stoker’s 1897 renowned horror novel, Dracula. The character of Count Dracula became synon ym ous with vampires, creating a character that has become an iconic villain in media since. article on the rt news website cited a Japanese study that found oakblue butterfly caterpillars using zombie ants as slaves. This caterpillar secretes a sugary substance that the ants become addicted to once they taste it, even forgetting their daily duties and their search for food. The caterpillars control their ‘bodyguards’ using chemical and visual signals, even during its cocoon stage when it needs protection from predators, the ants will stand guard. George A. Romero’s 1968 film Night of the Living Dead is the original zombie movie. It was a low budget movie filmed locally on weekends, yet it changed the genre of horror films forever. Today the undead creatures are defined as reanimated human corpses with a hunger for human flesh. With CDC acknowledgement, zombie walks and websites devoted to research and survival tips; it is a prevalent part of the 21st

century. Post-apocalyptic zombie works not only scare us, but they interest us because they thrive on our humanity, our fears, our will to survive and the idea that humanity will always have hope. Of course we cannot discuss movie monsters and leave out the infamous bloodsucker known as the vampire. Dracula is the definitive vampire, with his real world roots originating in current day

Pocahontas Petite and me as Wednesday & Pugsley Addams with photography by 3.14 Photography by Lloyd Berry. Hair & makeup by us.



This month I will be busy watching SyFy’s Ghost Hunters, scary movies and my childhood favorite, Hocus Pocus, screaming at Universal Studios Orlando’s Halloween Horror Nights and enjoying more treats than tricks. I hope you will enjoy the holiday as well. Even if you are not a fan of the eerie and scary, at least you know where the holiday, its traditions and our classic movie monsters originated. October is here. Time for trick or treating, but beware, there may be zombies and ghouls near.

Donna Holland 228-332-3006 NSRA MS State Advisor Jerry Cuevas 228-326-7489 NSRA Safety Inspections Thomas H. (CW) Smith NSRA MS State Rep.

The car shows have slowed down but we still have lots of cruise-in’s going on. The weather looks like it will be perfect for cruising in all our classic cars and trucks. The Knights of Columbus had their show on Sept. 11th. It is always a nice show, as always there were 50/50,door prizes and good food. There were about 72 cars and trucks, and 15 Misfits showed up to support the show. The weather was beautiful, with great friends made a fun day. The newest member of NSRA is Philip Moran. He is cruising in his 87 Chevy Silverado 4 wheel drive truck. Thank you for your support. I know all you cruisers are looking forward to CTC, hope everyone has a good time and be safe. Happy cruising.. Thank You, Dear Fellow Street Rodders On Sat., Jan. 9, 2016 you are invited to attend the annual planning meeting for all MS street rod clubs. We plan to start at 10:00 o’clock and continue until 2:30 or 3:00 that afternoon. The meeting will be held in one of the rooms at the Holiday Inn, Trustmark Park. This is the host motel for MSRA’s March show. To reach the location take exit Pearson Road off I-20 East (47B) the physical address is 110 Bass Pro Drive, Pearl, MS 39208 their phone number is 601-939-5238 This meeting will be conducted like previous ones, with all street rod related topics open for discussion by everyone. You can help prepare a calendar of events, advertize your rod run or car show, discuss any new problems you may have encountered with your particular rod run, exchange club rosters and list of officers, and share any information as well as ideas and suggestions on street rodding in MS. Our NSRA Rep. “CW” Smith will be on hand. Hopefully, some other guest will be there to make presentations. Each club is asked to send at least one representative, but as many as you want to send are welcome. Lunch will be in the meeting room. Plan to pick up your tab here, but there will be no other expense to attend. Street rod vendors are also welcome to come and make contacts with clubs for their appearances at the various events for 2016, out of state clubs are also welcome to participate. If you have any questions, call CW Smith (601) 833-4606. C-601-695-3890 Regards, Thomas H. (CW) Smith NSRA MS State Rep.

NSRA EVENTS October 9-11 Southeast Street Rod Nationals Plus. Florida State Fairgrounds, Tampa, Florida

The safety of your street rod is of vital importance. If the street rod does not meet a certain set of guidelines, an accident can cause more than just replacing the parts. The NSRA or National Street Rod Association is the organization doing the safety inspections. Keep in mind that these safety inspections are completely voluntary. In most cases, safety inspections can be done at many of the street rod shows around the country. Generally, when a safety inspection is done, it is good for one year.

Men will never learn. -----------------------------------Top 10 Polite Ways To Say A Man's Zipper Is Down…... by David Letterman 10. The cucumber has left the salad. 9. Quasimodo needs to go back in the tower and tend to his bells. 8. You need to bring your tray table to the upright and locked position. 7. Paging Mr. Johnson...Paging Mr. Johnson. 6. Elvis has left the building. 5. The Buick is not all the way in the garage. 4. Our next guest is someone who needs no introduction. 3. You've got a security breach at Los Pantalones. 2. Men may be From Mars...but I can see something that rhymes with Venus. And the #1 way to tell someone his zipper is unzipped..... 1. You've got your fly set for "Monica" instead of "Hillary". -----------------------------------One day a housework-challenged husband decided to wash his sweatshirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to his wife, "What setting do I use on the washing machine?" "It depends," she replied. "What does it say on your shirt?" He yelled back, "University of Oklahoma." And they say blondes are dumb.. -----------------------------------A woman was helping her computerilliterate husband set up his computer, at the appropriate point in the process told him that he would now need to choose and enter a password. Something he use to log on. The husband was in a rather amorous mood and figured he would try for the shock effect to bring this to his wife's attention. So, when the computer asked him to enter his password, he made it plainly obvious to his wife that he was keying in, "p...e...n...i...s." His wife fell off her chair laughing when the computer replied: PASSWORD REJECTED. NOT LONG ENOUGH.

107 W. Main St. Tomball, Texas 77375 Ph 832-843-7244



By: Terry

Mason Barfield

provides a free T-shirt, a meal for two at lunch and a dash plaque. Great music from Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show (shameful plug) and door prizes throughout the day. Plus, 40 awards will be handed out. To top it off…the air conditioned Road Kill Café is a nice place to cool off.

Wow! Cruisin The Coast is here! Welcome Cruisers! This year went flying by with good and bad, but such is life. Cruisin kicks off this month, (October) with The 12th Annual Cruisin Keesler, a delightful car show on Saturday October 3 on Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi. That is the day before Cruisin The Coast starts on Sunday Oct 4. The show is open to all cruisers. The setting for the show is on base on beautiful Back Bay under 100 plus year old oak trees. Shade with a breeze off the water! The show



All registered cars for Cruisin Keesler will have easy check-in getting on the base. Call Barb today and get your car registration setup, 228.377.0002 and tell her The Hot Rod Show sent ya! Proceeds go to support the Keesler Recreation Department. Well we found Scotty and me a new classic car…a 1965 Ford Mustang. I had to go through thousands of cars online to find it and I think I got lucky! We were looking for a 65 with automatic, a V-8 and air conditioned. What we found was all that plus a west coast car. Cars from the dry climates out west have very little rust on them. It’s funny, most of the cars I was finding was up north or out west, way too far to go look at. Even this car was listed as being in Indiana. But upon reading the details on the car, there it was… a car purchased in Nevada and brought to Florida a little over a year ago. The car was located in Navarre, FL about 160 miles east of Gulfport. We had to get up at 4:30 am on Saturday morning September 5, drive to Navarre, test drive, decide if we wanted it and then head back to the Coast to get ready for The Coast Cruizers 1st Saturday night Cruize-in that

night. We got up early, (I’ll only get up that early for a car, a car show, vacation travel or fishing) grabbed some breakfast and headed east. We arrived a Rich’s house, looked the Mustang over, did the test drive and negotiated the deal. The car was better than I expected. We hightailed it back to Mississippi, but not before calling Dick Russell’s Bar B Q in Tillman’s Corner for some barbeque pork sandwiches to go. We made it back in about 3 pm and got the Mustang cleaned up for its first cruise-in and the Hot Rod Show trailer ready for the show.

near the railroad tracks is hundreds of cars. Edgewater Mall is on the beach near the Gulfport/Biloxi line.

Mother Nature did not cooperate, an hour before the cruise-in we got a good downpour, plus it was raining all over the radar map. A Cruise-in that should have had 150 or more cars, ended up with about 75 brave souls. The weather wasn’t bad at Edgewater Mall after that early shower, but the rain around the area killed the car count and the crowd. We had a good night with the smaller crowd, had a good decent 50/50 jackpot and gave out a lot of Auto Zone door prizes. Make your plans now for our 3rd annual Coast Cruizer’s MEGA Cruisein. We close out Cruisin The Coast every year at the hottest spot for Cruisin…5:30 to 9 pm at Edgewater Mall, HWY 90 Biloxi on the last Saturday night of Cruisin The Coast.

All the funds the Coast Cruisers raise during the year goes to our annual handicap van project. Each year we give a deserving family a handicapped van that we have worked on all year on and have installed a lift chair gate into. Such a great cause…each family has such a great need for these vans. Thank you to everyone that supports our events! Fall cruisin is here…the weather will be great! Get that ole Hot Rod out of the garage and enjoy the 17 FOREVER way of life! til next month…

Terry Facebook: Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show Hear a demo of the Hot Rod Show on Facebook by searching for Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show” and “Like Us” while you’re there or search for “Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show” on or contact Terry @ 228.669.8122

Auto Zone is our sponsor and provides a huge amounts of door prizes. Last year we gave away over $4,000 in door prizes in three hours. Plus our MEGA 50/50 goal is $3,000 in three hours. Someone will go home with a pocket full of money. The Hot Rod Show will also be there with the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s music. We have never gotten a good count of the cars at the Mega Cruize-in, but from the Cruisin The Coast stage to the gas station



What is a Potter Trunk? I admired the 1934 Ford 2 dr. sedan owned by Raymond Vansickle at a car show in Plainfield, Indiana. I just had to share it with you. It is a stunning example of street rodding creativity and genius. Every street rod I encounter has owner touches that make it unique unto itself. I felt it was important for you to experience this amazing vehicle and focus on one component in particular. The drive train features a 1996 LT1 engine with a 4L60E transmission running through a 9 inch Ford rear end. A ’70 American Motors station wagon panel was grafted on as the top. The front seats came from a 1999 Subaru and a 1992 Blazer was the rear seat donor. The rear seat folds up and down. The upholstery, stitched by Ronnie and Linda Cornwell of Kentucky Kustoms in Morganfield, Kentucky, is sumptuous and certainly adds to this car’s appearance and comfort. I was especially fond of the pouch in place of the glove box. This car has been driven all over the United States and has also been to Canada. The exterior color takes on different hues as the light changes and is called Mystery Green. Another great feature on this custom is the Potter Trunk. The Potter Trunk was introduced as a Ford Authorized Accessory, December 19, 1933 and the retail price was $37.50. Ford referred to this trunk as a “Luggage Carrier” in their 1934 Accessory Brochure. The spare tire could be mounted on the back of the trunk. Given the date of introduction, it appears that the trunk was specific to the 1934 Model year, but it was also authorized for 1933. This trunk was built to Ford specifications by Potter Manufacturing Company and was their best seller. When Potter Manufacturing Company of Jackson, Michigan began making steel trunks in 1923, 100 trunks were made daily and later increased to 10,000 per month. They shipped parts not only to U.S.



Raymond Vansickle manufacturers, but also to Canada and other nations. In it’s heyday around 1927, the company employed more than 100 workers. During the Depression, the company manufactured trailer parts. Clark Z. Potter served as president during the 1920’s and early 1930’s. Robert Beeley of Jackson was the longest tenured employee, hired at the start in 1881 and staying nearly until the company closed in 1937. It is rare to see an original Potter Trunk on a 1934 Ford these days and this is a great example. Raymond Vansickle has created an impressive example of a 1934 Ford Street Rod. Thank you for all your hard work.

Gotta Cruise! Cubby



Story & Photos by: Denise “Neecy” Meyer

Barry Barone, owner of B and B Motorsports was born and raised in Chalmette, Louisiana. He started his first restoration of a 1966 Mustang and the ripe young age of 14. He discovered drag racing during his college years which prompted him to build a super-comp dragster. Barry traveled all over the United States with this dragster for twelve years winning the Southern Nationals in 1986, running a time of 8.90 going 155 mph.

I asked Mr. Barone what brought him to Picayune and he told me that hurricane Katrina destroyed his businesses in Louisiana, so he decided that he wanted a new beginning at a different location. He scouted around in Louisiana but wasn’t able to find anything that suited his needs. Finally he came across inviting acreage in Picayune that was perfect for what he wanted to do with it. The first car he built in his new shop was his personal 1934 Ford replica which is B&B’s signature rod. When a vehicle comes into the shop, the first thing Barry and his crew do is perform a safety inspection. They inspect the car meticulously, and then they generate a list with the client of suggestions of things they might want to look at in the future. B&B offers a wide range of services including suspension, complete rewiring, engine and transmission, brakes, bodywork and paint services and let’s not forget air conditioning. (a must have in the south!) B&B Motorsports is also a Certified Holley EFI Dealer, we do installation and warranty work. Many parts, especially body parts are no longer available for purchase, but the fabricators at B&B will construct whatever is needed to complete a build. The fabricators will often create something unique for the client’s ride giving him or her a truly custom rod! Barry Barone and his team will be displaying their work at Cruising the Coast this year and can be found at the Vicari Auction at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum. ~Neecy

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The dates for the auction are October 8-10, 2015. An information booth will be set up with brochures, a video stream showing some of the builds and introducing the beautiful spokes model Rhonda Nelson! She will be there distributing Gulf Coast Motorsports magazines, signing autographs and giving people more information about B & B Motorsports. *To contact B&B Motorsports, stop by 828 Pinegrove Road in Picayune, Mississippi. or Call 601-749-8517 On the web at and Facebook at Motorsports


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can full of the stuff. "Put one pint in with 20 gal of gas and you will be running 100 or more octane". It sure did work! Rod designed the drive train for Parnelli Jones Turbine Indy 500 race car. He and Doug Nash also told me how to design the 69 Camaro Stock Car that had wings before the outlaws and others put them on their Sprint Cars. (but that's another story see photo) Last month we were reviewing Riverside Speedway (road course) in Riverside Calif. 2 1/2 mile track asphalt and my car was 1957 Pontiac. It was very fast! I made 4 pit stops for tires (I was running Bill Kretch recaps from Inglewood Tire.) The 1st tire blew on the right turn of the back straight. I then learned to "baby" the left front thru all those right hand turns. It was 100 laps 250 miles, and some of the mile turns I could keep up the speed and not back off much going in. The "Bad One" was at the end of the back straight, (Harold had clocked me at 156 when I shut off.) So to keep racing I had to run down the straight (all out) and jam on the brakes to save the left front where I blew the 1st time, but about 20 or 30 laps the left front would get a bubble under the recap, which told me go in and get a new left front. The reason I didn't put stock tires on was Ray Nichels head of Pontiacs racing division made one thing very clear "make sure that they remember Pontiac when they leave the track". There wasn't anyone on the track that I didn't pass at least once (including the winner Jerrey Unser). We wound up 10th out of 33 cars, and made 4 pit stops for tires. The rest of the field made 2 stops. I'll tell you some of the "cheater" things that made us sit in the trophy dash in every race we ran! (They sure were happy @ Pontiac) The rules were; all body & suspension parts must be factory stock and at least 500 parts previously sold to the public! Our 1st installation, Cadillac front sway bar. Remember, this is Los Angeles, Calif. and home of the "Hod Rods, Bonneville streamliners, and others". So, out in Compton, Calif. was a guy named Eddie Kuzma. Great body man, chassis genius, and always "the man" at the Indy 500. He and I and Don Edmunds became good friends while we all stayed at the same apt. house on 16th St. in 1956 during the month of May before the Indy 500. This is 10 years before the Watts Riots. It's 1957 and Ray Nichels is watching! I ask him, (Eddie Kuzma) "what would you do to my Pontiac if you were in charge and wanted to win"? He smiled at me and says "In San Pedro there is an etching plant the has large tanks that will take the Hood, Fenders, (front) Trunk lid and any metal part down to .032 if you wish. You can take at least 400 lbs. of total weight, and every 7 lbs. is one horsepower." We figured 55 H.P. or so we gained, and of course corner speed was up, due to the lighter weight. This was the days of "Win on Sunday" "Sell on Monday". We sure had them talking Pontiac when they left the track! I wanted to run Kretchs recaps because I never had a problem with my midget on asphalt with recaps. Bill Kretch (Inglewood Tire Owner) warned me not to run them, but I remember Ray Nichels looking at me when he flew out to L.A. and met Harold Miller and I at the L.A. Airport, and he said "Larry I don't care about anything else, but I want them (fans) talking about "Pontiac" when they leave the track! When we got most of the "etching" done, put in the Cadillac front sway bar, we then put the 120 psi to the fuel tank (stock tank) and blew it up, (expanded) so it would hold 20 + gallons instead of the 18 before being expanded. After the race at Paramount Ranch (USAC Stock Cars) the inspectors would put a mirror on a creeper and roll it under the car to check the stock tank, if expanded, you changed it or you didn't run! The next thing was a chemical called Toluene. My good pal Rod Schapel of Bonneville Salt Flat Streamliner fame got to me with a 1 gallon



I left the radio in the 57` Pontiac and it was a surprised to many fans at Riverside when I came by warming up with the window down, playing "Elvis" and others. MAY THE WIND ALWAYS BE AT YOUR BACK KEEP IT BETWEEN THE FENCES Larry Dunham - 228-671-6216 Email:

FOR SALE BY OWNER: 11506 Harris Drive ∙ Gulfport, MS 39503 off Dedeaux Rd. in Gulfport just north of I-10. 1600 sq. ft. 4 bed room / 2.5 bath, brick home in Bel-Air s/d, Newly renovated w/ceramic tile & carpet…fenced back yard….bonus room…..includes all appliances. $79,900.00 for more info. call: (228) 832-4152



T-SHIRT $20 includes tax & shipping.

U.S.A. Only

Send to: DIXIE

PRESS P.O. Box 2847 Gulfport, MS 39505

Metal print - aprox 11x15 - $20 includes tax & shipping. Check to: DIXIE PRESS 路 P.O. Box 2847 路 Gulfport, MS 39505 28


Metal print - aprox 11x15 - $20 includes tax & shipping. Check to: DIXIE PRESS 路 P.O. Box 2847 路 Gulfport, MS 39505

Ya’ know how it is… you see a group of friendly folks at the show sorta’ mosey over and hopefully join in on the conversation. I was passed the following article from a guy I know at the show. (it was written by Ron Springer, in his Night Prowler column published in Car Kulture Deluxe magazine.) I read it a couple of times and shook my head in acknowledgement.. Agreed with him about some of the politics that is going on today and telling him maybe I should reprint the copy he gave me. So here it is……….

HE SAID….SHE SAID……I HEARD…… by Ron Springer We’ve all been there. Someone you know, call him “Friend A.” says something derogatory about someone else you know, “Friend B”, and then wants you to agree with him, even though you were standing in line a hundred miles away at the Git-n-Spit waiting to pay for a bad cup of 10 hour coffee when the whole thing happened. What to do? If you agree with “Friend A” and accept the news about “Friend B” without confirming it for yourself, you keep “Friend A “who will probably leave your shop and go down the street to “Friend C” and tell him that you agree with what he said about “Friend B.” Friend C will then call you up and ask if what he heard is true about “Friend B”, whom you will then tell that you really don’ know because of the whole coffee line thing. Re-reading that paragraph sounds almost as convoluted and confusing as the situation I was trying to impart. That’s the trouble with rumor and innuendo. It is like the deal you’ve seen where one person is told a simple phrase like “There is a snake in the road”, and then passes it to the person next to him, who passes it to the next person and so on until a dozen or so people have heard the phrase. The last person speaks aloud what he heard and it comes out as something like ”The steak is well done.” And that, to me, is confusing.

grandfathers that says among other things, “If you can’t say something good, keep your mouth shut!.” Where is the satchel full of traditional values that goes along with our traditional cars? What happened to the practice of shunning the passer of rumors instead of the person about whom they are being passed? You know, there was a time, and not too long ago when you had to swear an oath to be a member of most self-respecting car clubs. And that oath included swearing to abide by a code of conduct. And in some clubs this oath is alive and well today whether sworn to or simple known upon joining. Just ask the Dead Sleds what they think about passing rumors. Ask them about their code of conduct and consequences of breaking it. Paraphrased it goes something like this: Do the right think or you’re out! So, here’s my version of the Kustom Kar Kode of Konduct: Never degrade a fellow enthusiast’s car……no exceptions. Speak only the truth and if the truth is harsh, say nothing at all. Never denigrate the honor and reputations of a fellow enthusiast. Open the door for ladies. If you have to “correct” a fellow enthusiast, do it privately. Own your mistakes and accept the consequences without excuse. Share knowledge freely and mentor excessively. Hold no grudge, seek no revenge. Have no ear for rumors and no mouth for gossip. Lead by example through actions and words. Swear this oath and you will be a member of a very exclusive and elite club. In this club you will receive no accolades for your adherence, no praise for your actions and no trophy for your participation. But you will get something far more valuable: a good reputation. And you will be forever thought of as a gentleman. Or, of course, a lady.

I would like to say that our hobby is exempt from all this nonsense. I’d like to say that we lovers of all things kustom and traditional are the kind of people that mind our own businesses and stay away from controversy. I would like to say that we don’t judge people or form opinions based on hearsay. I would like to say that we stick together, huddleup and protect our own. I’d like to, but I can’t. We “car folk” are sometimes more cannibalistic, more into barnyard rules and jungle survival than most. We will eat reputation for breakfast and chase them down with a big cup of character trashing. We publically praise while we privately thrash. We judge cars and give trophies while we judge people and give condescension as the prize. We can be, as a group, worse about passing on unsubstantiated rumors than just about any other group there is. We genuinely love a good rumor. I will grant that there are still those amongst us who refuse to talk about anyone behind his back and who have no time or interest in hearing gossip. I just think they are becoming harder to find as the “greatest generation” enters their twilight years and more and more of the people who taught us how to wrench pass from this earth. Now, before you go off on me as some “holier than thou” tree huggin’ kumbaya singing hippie type out to get the world to hold hands and sing in perfect harmony, realize that not only have I passed rumors, but I have also been the victim of some pretty nasty ones. And it is these experiences that have formed my thoughts and opinions. I have seen the aftermath created by unsubstantiated rumors. I have found that no matter what I do, or do NOT do, I will accumulate detractors. Even when I think I am acting selflessly and in the spirit of honesty and decency, I have found that the determinations of what is honest and decent will be mercilessly interpreted based on what people THINK I said or did not, not what actually happened. So, as I am so often prone to doing on this little page, I am calling for a groundswell of change and a thunderclap of agreement that this has got to stop. Whatever happened to that unwritten but universally known and agreed upon “Code of Conduct” handed down from our fathers and

Metal prints - aprox 6x9 $5 includes tax & shipping.

Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505



Hey, any of you into politics these days? How about all of those dudes in the Republican Party running for president? There must be 15 of them. They all had a real lively debate too. However, the Democratic Party has been pretty quite. There are only two candidates running and no debates so far. As a matter of fact, where’s Hillory been? She seems to be missing in action. I went to the store the other day, to get some groceries, and there was her picture on a carton of milk that said, ‘HAVE YOU SEEN HER’. Hey, tell me about it. I’ve made a resolution, that it is time I stand of my own two feet and quit bumming money from my ole man and lady. As a matter of fact, I wrote them a real nice letter, concerning this. TO THE PARENTS OF CUZ, IF YOU EVER WANT TO SEE YOUR SON AGAIN, ALIVE, THEN DEPOSIT $100 IN HIS CHECKING ACCOUNT REAL SOON. So far, nothing, but I already feel better about myself. One day I overheard these two dudes sitting around talking. One said to the other, “say, didn’t you tell me you had an anniversary comin up soon”. The other dude said, “Ya I do”. “Well, do you have any particular plans”? The other dude said, “Well ya know, on our 10th anniversary, I took the little lady on down to Mexico. Now this being our 20th, I thinking about goin back down there and bringin her on back”. You know what, sometimes you just can’t fix stupid!! Just in case you haven’t heard, they have now come out with a ‘new’ Barbie doll, called ‘divorce’ Barbie. Seems that when you buy ‘divorce’ Barbie, she comes with all of Ken’s stuff. I wonder who brainstormed that one up, some woman? Just Keepin It Real, Just Keepin It Real! Keep it hangin loose CUZ …. just becuz. Hey, check out my ad near the back of MotorSports.

Hi Jimbo, We are Ken & MaryLou Baker. An old street rodder from the Gulf Coast Panama City Florida. Now resign’s in the west Texas. We are going to have our 25th wedding anniversary. We have three grown up kid’s, and have five grandkid’s. they love our hot rods. The picture of us that we are sending you was taken at our local car show. It was the 44th annual West Texas Rod Run Car Show Cruise. It happens every Labor Day weekend in September here in Big Spring, Texas. Thank you Jimbo and all of our Street Rod Family From Ken & MaryLou Baker

A Frozen Carburetor Sent in by Moye.Randy@ People often complain about the police, but you rarely hear about the positive things they do, such as this incident involving a biker and a frozen carburetor. Last January on a bitterly cold winter's day, a North Dakota State Trooper on patrol came upon a motorcyclist who was stalled by the roadside. The biker was swathed in heavy protective clothing and wearing a full-face helmet to protect the face from the cold weather. “What's the matter? asked the Trooper



"Carburetor's frozen," was the terse reply. "Pee on it. That'll thaw it out." "I can't," said the biker. "OK, watch me closely and I'll show you." The Trooper unzipped and promptly warmed the carburetor as promised. Moments later the bike started and the rider drove off, waving. A few days later, the local State Troopers' office received a note of thanks from the father of the motorcyclist. It began: "I would like to thank you on behalf of my daughter Jill..."

NEVER GIVE UP We looked for a Chevrolet Chevelle Convertible that we could afford and not a rust bucket for almost a year. We finally found this 1969 in Tucson, Arizona. After a very long 1500 mile trip one way we loaded up the car and headed back home with exactly what we had been looking for. The beautiful blue with a white power top and bucket seats and a big block 454 engine with a 700 R4 transmission. The only thing missing was the A/ C and our good friend Gene Whitney took care of that problem in a very professional manner with a new Vintage air unit. Gene came highly recommended. Looking forward to attending as many of the local cruise-in’s as we are able to. Jim & Carol Sandidge



CAR COLLECTOR’S DREAM GARAGE / with Cottage 2307 ORIOLE ST ∙ Slidell, LA Gause to Thompson Rd. Turn on Oriole St, home is on the left Every car collectors dream! Home features 80 x 30 garage with 5 overhead doors measuring 12’ x 12.5’. Garage is insulated with Styrofoam. Height of garage is 15’. Will easily store 8 cars. Property is four lots measuring 200 x 135. Park like ground connected to the 900 sq ft. cottage / house. 2 car carport, all property fenced. All utilities are on the home, electricity, phone, water and gas. NO FLOOD INSURANCE IS REQUIRED.

85K CALL WAYNE: 504-274-6018 32




The most successful model of Cushman scooter, the Eagle, was in production approximately 16 years. It resembled a motorcycle with its exposed engine and top tank. Other Cushman models used a step-through design common for scooters. The step-through design and ease of operation made it popular with men and women alike. Some late-1950s Cushmans, designated Road King and Pacemaker, had jet-age body styling. Sears sold a version of these models under the Allstate brand. Cushman scooters featured an automatic centrifugal clutch, which allowed the rider to twist the right grip to accelerate. Oddly, the throttle twisted forward during acceleration, opposite the usual pattern in most other motorcycles and scooters. Cushman claimed 75 miles per gallon, and advertised penny-a-mile operating cost. Cushman scooters usually weighed about 250 to 335 pounds and had as much as 9 horsepower (6.7 kW). Scooter production ended in 1965, but some remaining Eagles were sold as 1966 models. After scooter production ceased, Cushman manufactured golf carts, industrial vehicles and turf maintenance equipment.

1960 Cushman The Cushman company started in 1903 in Lincoln, Nebraska, by Everett and Clinton Cushman. The company incorporated as Cushman Motor Works in 1913. Cushman began production of their four-stroke Husky engine in 1922. Cushman produced engines for farm equipment, pumps, lawn mowers and boats. Cushman began making Auto-Glide scooters in 1936 as a means to increase the sale of Husky engines during the Great Depression. Cushman scooters were widely used by the United States Armed Forces in World War II and as an alternative to automobiles before and after the war. One famous Cushman was the model 53, a military model from the World War II era. Designed to be dropped by parachute with Army Airborne troops, it became known as the Cushman Airborne. Other models were used on military bases for messenger service.




35 35

1 855-852-6435 Toll Free Web site - Email:

RedLine LumTronix Inc. 2953 Bienville blvd, #123 Ocean Springs, MS 39564 Hours: Mon – Fri 09:30 am to 5:00 pm



September 13, 2015 Jimbo, The excitement here in the shop is running high with the thought of having Jeff Lutz with us at Cruisin’ the Coast Swap Meet from October 8-10, 2015. Last month, we were at Trifive Nationals with Jeff and what a crowd he drew. Everyone will be able to meet him and his 1957 Twin Turbo “Evil Twin” Chevy Belair at our outdoor booth (A227-A236) at the Biloxi Coast Coliseum. He is a most humble man and will answer all of your questions, take pictures and sign autographs. He will be making appearances at other sponsored events on the Coast from 4-8 so be sure to check out our Facebook page ( or Gulf Coast MotorSports Facebook page ( GulfCoastMotorSports) for times and dates. As you know, every year we like to unveil new products at our home town show. This year we will be featuring LED tail lights that are three times brighter than OEM tail lights to include a sequential feature. All of these years we have had your front end covered with LED halo headlights and now we have your rear end covered with LED tail lights. We will also be selling our LED headlight bulbs that are the best on the market that surpasses the brightness of any HID. We also now sell LED bulbs to replace all of your dingy white incandescent bulbs which are 2 times brighter than OEM. Special introductory pricing of all these new items will cause them to sell fast, so come early. As you know, Cruisin’ the Coast is a special time for us because we first appeared here 5 years ago. Special thanks to Cruisin’ the Coast cruisers who have support us all these years.

gÉÇç Z|tÅxààt Best Regards, Tony Giametta, CEO









About Beauvoir Beauvoir was the last home of Jefferson Davis and it was the site of his retirement. The house was built by James Brown, a wealthy plantation owner from Madison County, Mississippi. The house was started in late 1848 and was completed in 1852. The house was built as a summer home for his wife and his (eventually 13) children. It was then called Orange Grove, due to the Satsuma Oranges being grown on the property. Mr. Brown died in 1866 and his widow continued to own the property until 1873 when she was forced to sell the property at public auction to pay and satisfy the taxes due on her husband's estate. Frank Johnson, a land speculator purchased the house for taxes and then sold the house and property three months later. Sarah Dorsey was the next owner of the property and when she first looked out over the Mississippi Sound from the front porch of the house, she said "Oh my, what a beautiful view - that's what I am going to call this property: Beauvoir!" (Which is French for beautiful view or beautiful to look at). From that point on - the property was known as Beauvoir. In 1877, Jefferson Davis was looking for a quiet retreat to write his books and papers. While inspecting property on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, he paid a courtesy call on Mrs. Dorsey (a family friend). He told her of his plans to try to find a place to write his books and papers. She encouraged him to stay at Beauvoir in one of the two pavilions in front of Beauvoir House to write his books. He agreed to do so only if he paid $50.00 a month for room and board. After two years, he fell in love with the property and he wanted to buy it. She in turn wanted to sell it to him, so they agreed upon a selling price of $5,500.00 dollars to be paid in three payments. He made the first payment and six months later, Mrs. Dorsey died. At that time he found out he was her sole heir and he eventually inherited the house along with other property. Jefferson Davis died in 1889. His daughter, Winnie, then inherited the property and when she died in 1898, Varina, Jefferson Davis' widow inherited the property. Mrs. Davis sold the property to the Mississippi Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans with two stipulations. The first was that the property be used for a Confederate Veterans Home for the veterans and or their widows at no charge to them and that was done from 1903 until 1957 when the last three widows were transferred to a private nursing home in Greenwood, Mississippi, when it was no longer practical to keep them at the site. The second stipulation for the sale of the property was that it be used as a memorial to Jefferson Davis and the Confederate Soldier; and that has been done from 1903 until the present time. October 4-11 Biloxi, MS View the Cruise Beauvoir Style Hwy 90. The Jefferson Davis Home & Presidential Library, 2244 Beach Blvd. Biloxi, Ms. 39531. Weekly RV Parking available for fully contained RV’s. $5 per car to come and watch the cruisers. The Jay Peterson Band will be playing in the yard October 9th & 10th from 8pm-11pm. $10 per car on band nights. Safe and fenced in area with bouncy houses for kids. For more information call‌ Kitsaa Stevens - 228.388.4400 ext 217



we distribute

FREE while they last Jay & Debbie’s


we are at a Swapmeet & car show, in Springfield, Ohio. Met Kim Peters of Circleville Ohio.

LOOK FOR SHIRT VENDORS at Gulfport Dragway Oct 2-4 & D’Iberville, MS - Oct 6-8

October 2 Pass Christian, MS the 1st Friday cruise-in at the Pass Pavilion. Corner of 2nd. Street and Davis Ave. ( from Hwy 90 turn at Hancock Bank go one block North) 4pm - 8pm October 2 Biloxi, MS. Sharkheads & MotorSports Magazine presents the 2nd Annual Sun & Sand Block Party / Cruise-in at Sharkheads Souvenir Shop Hwy 90 Biloxi, MS. Everyone Welcome, and our DJ will be playing Great Cruise-in Music, there will be 50/50, Prizes and Much much More!! Join us for a Huge Friday Night Cruise-in starting at 6:00 pm til. For more info call 228 3631314

OCTOBER 2015 October 2 Pass Christian, MS J.C . Necaise Memorial Cruise-in. Dash plaques - Cruise-in & Music starts at 5:30. . Awards given out at 7:00pm. Food and Craft vendors available at seafood festival across hwy 90. Rain date Oct 3.



October 2-4 Gulfport, MS Hazardous Waste 2 Rat Rods, Lead Sleds, Customs, Hot Rods,Old School Rods, Originals, Barn Finds. Beer & Foof. Swap Meet. Vendors. Friday night Pit Party/ meet and greet 4pm - till' Saturday and Sunday gates open at 9am. $20 per person children under 10 are free. info call Crab (985) 637-3902 Gulfport Dragway 17085 Racetrack Road, Gulfport, MS 39503 Track phone 228 863-4408 Directions to track: I-10 Exit 31 Go

(Continued on page 43)

(Continued from page 42)

south on Canal Rd. Cross over the railroad tracks. Go about one mile. Turn left onto Racetrack Rd. Enjoy the races! October 3 Biloxi, MS The public is invited to participate in Keesler Air Force Base's 12th Annual Classic Car, Truck, Hot Rod and Bike Show. 9 AM to 4 PM on Saturday, October 3rd. Held at Keesler's Marina Park (on base). Participants without base access can call Barb at 228-377-0002 (office) or 228-332-0823 (cell). She will help arrange base access in advance for easy entry. Pre-register with Barb or register the day of the event from 8 AM to 12 noon (base access needs to be arranged for in advance for easy access). Registration is $25 through Sept 20th and $30 after Sept. 20th. Each registrant will receive an event T-shirt, dash plate, and lunch for 2. Enjoy dining in our air conditioned “Roadkill Café”. Marina Park is on the back bay and offers beautiful huge Oak Trees dripping in Spanish moss. Enjoy the shade, the music, the giveaways, and the fun! Drawings for give-aways through-out the day. Over 40 Awards! Judging begins at noon and the Awards Ceremony is at 3 PM. Please call or email Barb for more information! Our Airmen are looking forward to this event and to seeing these amazing vehicles! The United States Air Force. The Best Airmen in the World! October 3 Gulfport, MS 9th Annual Souped Up Saturday. A Hot Rodder’s Event. Show at Bible Baptist Church, 12200 Dedeaux Rd, Gulfport, MS. 39503 4pm - 8pm Registration 3 pm-6:30 pm the day of the event. Vehicle must be 1980 model or older to register regardless of modifications. Rods, Customs, Classic Cars & Trucks 1980 or older. Free entry, free registration, awards, concession stand. Limited parking. No trailers. No motorcycles allowed in registered parking area. New small block Chevy 350/330HP GM Crate Engine Giveaway, free drawing for those who register a vehicle in the event, Must be 18 years of age or older and must be present to win. Door prizes. A Major prize for viewing public. No alcohol, No smoking, No pets please. Hosted by Bible Baptist Church of Gulfport, MS. Info:228 326-4817 October 3 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner (KFC at Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic & Custom Cars. Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC events are for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds to benefit local charities. ( and while you are there enjoy the KFC Buffet ) For more info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6643 October 3 Pass Christian, MS. 1st Saturday Swap-Meet. 7am Til at the old car wash. FREE SET UP - 227 West North Street, Pass Christian, MS. Info - 228 332-7777 October 3 Slidell, LA Open Cruise Night 1st Saturday of each month at North Shore Square Mall. 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Music, 50/50. North Shore Rd. & I-10, Slidell, LA. Info: John at 985-8450527 Coastal Cruisers of Slidell March-November. October 4-11 Biloxi, MS View the Cruise Beauvoir Style Hwy 90. The Jefferson Davis Home & Presidential Library, 2244 Beach Blvd. Biloxi, Ms. 39531. Weekly RV Parking available for fully contained RV’s. $5 per car to come and watch the cruisers. The Jay Peterson Band will be playing in the yard October 9th & 10th from 8pm-11pm. $10 per car on band nights. Safe and fenced in area with bouncy houses for kids. For more information call… Kitsaa Stevens 228.388.4400 ext 217 Flyer October 4-11 19th Annual Cruisin' the Coast America's Largest Block Party. Web Site October 4 Pascagoula, MS. 2nd Annual 'Goula Cruise – The streets of Pascagoula will be open and the city invites everyone to the ’Goula Cruise for the second year. Happening on Sunday, Oct. 4, cruisers can meet at Beach Park, cruise through the city, take advantage of a unique photo opportunity at “The Point” and find (Continued on page 44)



(Continued from page 43)

some great food and music at Bachtoberfest. Excitement will last from 11:30 a.m. til 5:30 p.m. October 6 Gulfport, MS Burgers & Dogs at the Boyington "To All Our Cruiser Friends" It's that time of year again, "Cruizin The Coast". The Boyington Health and Rehabilitation Center is celebrating our annual cruise in on Tuesday, October 6th from 2:004:00p.m. We'll be grilling up burgers/hotdogs and have a live band. We would like to invite ya'll to come out and join in on this great event. Our Residents do enjoy seeing those beautiful cars/trucks so much, it brings back many memories for them. Thanks and we hope to see you there. Sincerely, The Activity Director of The Boyington. 1530 Broad Ave, Gulfport, MS 39501 Phone:(228) 864-6544 October 9 Gulfport, MS Asphalt Assault. Top of each hour, closest to the dial-in will win one of the progressive payouts! Grudge racers welcomed! Elimination is impossible! Car & Driver $20, Spectator $10. Gulfport Dragway 17085 Racetrack Road, Gulfport, MS 39503 Track phone 228 863-4408 Directions to track: I-10 Exit 31 Go south on Canal Rd. Cross over the railroad tracks. Go about one mile. Turn left onto Racetrack Rd. Enjoy the races!Flyer_button October 9 Gulfport, MS Gulfport Smackdown 2015. Gates open at 11PM-2AM Drag radial and Slicks ONLY. Green Light & Win ONLY! NO TIMES!! Gulfport Dragway 17085 Racetrack Road, Gulfport, MS 39503 Track phone 228 863-4408 Directions to track: I -10 Exit 31 Go south on Canal Rd. Cross over the railroad tracks. Go about one mile. Turn left onto Racetrack Rd. Enjoy the races! October 9 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of old Hwy 63 and Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 October 9 Slidell, LA 2nd Friday Night Cruise-in at Fremaux Town Center, I-10 and Fremaux Ave exit.. New Mall in, Slidell, Louisiana, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Fun, family friends & fellowship. Open to all cars! Lot's of restaurants to choose from. Cruise-in participants qualify for 10% discounts at all eateries. Door prizes, music, 50/50, games, Restaurant coupon giveaways each month. Hosted by: the I.R.O.N.S, Car Club - Independent Rodders of North Slidell. Info call 985-643-4224 if it rains we won't be there!

We serve Oysters on the half shell all week long. Tuesday, Wednesdays & Thursdays Oyster Happy Hour 4pm to 9pm $8 a dozen raw $10 Charbroiled

October 10 Biloxi, MS Mega Cruize-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, 6-9 pm. 50/50, great door prizes and Terry Mason's Hot Rod Show. All are welcome! Hosted by Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast Motorsports Magazine, the merchants of Edgewater Mall and Auto Zone. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 October 10 Gulfport, MS Hourly Rumble. Top of each hour, closest to the dial-in will win one of the progressive payouts!Grudge racers welcomed! Elimination is impossible! Car & Driver $20, Spectator $10. Gulfport Dragway 17085 Racetrack Road, Gulfport, MS 39503 Track phone 228 863-4408 Directions to track: I-10 Exit 31 Go south on Canal Rd. Cross over the railroad tracks. Go about one mile. Turn left onto Racetrack Rd. Enjoy the races! October 10 Pass Christian, MS Poor Boys 5th Annual Poker Run & Swap Meet. Wounded Warrior Project. Saturday October 10, 2015. registration starts at 10am at Mom & Dads ( 18359 (Continued on page 54)

da Swamp Shack Open Tues - Sat 11am-9pm Sun 11am-3pm 228-255-2028 Local Art 路 Kids 路 Jewelry







Cruisin’ The Coast 2015 Schedule of Events Saturday, October 3: New! CTC 19 Pre-party! Saturday, October 3 – Come on baby, let’s do the twist! See Chubby Checker, live, at Golden Nugget in the Grand Ballroom! Tickets start at $15 and are available at Sunday, October 4: • Cruise In, Hardy Court Shopping Center, Gulfport, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. • View the Cruise, Downtown Gulfport, 2-6 p.m. • Bachtoberfest, Pascagoula, 11a.m.-2 p.m. • ’Goula Cruise, Pascagoula, 2 p.m.-6 p.m. • Cristy Lee appearances: Hardy Court, 10 a.m.-12 noon; Downtown Gulfport, 1-3 p.m., Beau Rivage, 6-8 p.m. Casino Entertainment • Domingues & Roybal, 8 p.m.-12 a.m., Beau Rivage, EIGHT75 • The Redfield Acoustic, 8 p.m., IP Casino, Chill Ultra Lounge Monday, October 5: • Registration open from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. at Cruise Central, Centennial Plaza, Gulfport • Cristy Lee appearances: Cruise Central, 10 a.m.-noon; Long Beach Parade Grand Marshall, 5:30 p.m. • Autocross – presented by Golden Nugget Casino and Racing Rednecks, Coast Coliseum (west parking lot), 1-5 p.m. • Long Beach Parade – Open to registered vehicles only. First 600 to arrive will be in the parade. Line up at 4 p.m. at Long Beach High School, parade starts at 5:30 p.m. • Tip Tops playing at Long Beach Harbor, 6-9 p.m. Casino Entertainment • Domingues & Roybal, 8 p.m.-12 a.m., Beau Rivage, EIGHT75 • Ty Taylor & Friends, 8 p.m., IP Casino, Chill Ultra Lounge

Tuesday, October 6: • • • • • •

• •

Registration open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at Cruise Central, Gulfport The Vicari Auto Auction vehicle check-in at Coliseum 9 a.m.-6 p.m. “Salute To Our Veterans,10 a.m.-2 p.m., MGM Park Autocross – presented by Golden Nugget Casino and Racing Rednecks, Coast Coliseum (west parking lot), 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Cristy Lee appearances: Salute to Our Veterans Cruise-In, 10 a.m.- noon; Autocross, Coast Coliseum (west parking lot), 2-4 p.m. Flame-throwing competition at Island View Casino in Gulfport, Entertainment, 4 p.m., Registration, 5 p.m., begins at dusk Casino Entertainment Domingues & Roybal, 8 p.m.-12 a.m., Beau Rivage, EIGHT75 Ty Taylor & Friends, 8 p.m., IP Casino, Chill Ultra Lounge

Wednesday, October 7: • • • • • • •

Registration open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at Cruise Central, Gulfport Biloxi Block Party, Downtown Biloxi, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Autocross – presented by Golden Nugget Casino and Racing Rednecks, Coast Coliseum, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The Vicari Auto Auction vehicle check-in at Coliseum, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Diamondhead, Blessing of the Classics, 3-6 p.m. Courtney Hansen appearances: Biloxi Block Party, 10 a.m.noon; Autocross, Coast Coliseum (west parking lot), 2-4 p.m.; Beau Rivage, Cruise into Coast, 6-8 p.m. Official Beau Rivage Cruisin’ Event: “Cruise into Coast” Sock Hop, 6-9:30 p.m.

• • •

Casino Entertainment Dian Diaz, 8 p.m.-1 a.m., Beau Rivage, EIGHT75 DJ Week, 10 p.m.-3 a.m., Beau Rivage, Coast Peek Acoustic, 8 p.m., IP Casino, Chill Ultra Lounge

Thursday, October 8: •

Registration and all Cruisin’ Venues are open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sites with bands: Bay St. Louis, Pass Christian, Edgewater Mall, D’Iberville, Ocean Springs • 2016 Registration open noon-5 p.m. Country Cruisin’ Breakfast, Long Beach Yacht Club, 7-10 a.m. • The Vicari Auto Auction, doors open at 8:30 a.m. • Swap Meet/Manufacturers Midway open at Coliseum, 9 a.m. -5 p.m. • Car Corral open and vehicle check-in, east of Treasure Bay, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. • Big Easy in the Bay, Bay St. Louis, 5 p.m. • Courtney Hansen appearances: Pass Christian, 10 a.m.noon; Bay St. Louis, 2-4 p.m. Cruisin’ Venue Entertainment Bay St. Louis • 11 a.m.-Noon – Marty & Sean • 1-2 p.m. – Cool Rayz • 3-4:30 p.m. – Modern Eldorado Pass Christian • 11 a.m.-Noon – Duece Coupe • 1-2 p.m. – Garry “Elvis” Wesley • 3-4:30 p.m. – Vince Vance & The Valiants Edgewater Mall West Parking Lot (Hwy 90) • 11 a.m.-Noon – Figure 8 • 1-2 p.m. – Starz • 3-4:30 p.m. – Na Na Sha D’Iberville • 11 a.m.-Noon – Charles “Doo Wop” Grant • 1-2 p.m. – Tommy Morse • 3-4:30 p.m. – Escalade Ocean Springs Downtown • 11 a.m.-Noon – Mr. Saxman • 1-2 p.m. – Halfway Ray (Ray Charles Tribute) • 3-4:30 p.m. – Ron Adams Show Casino Entertainment • Al “Lil’ Fats” Jackson, 7-11 p.m., Silver Slipper Casino, The Stage Bar • Dian Diaz, 8 p.m.-1 a.m., Beau Rivage, EIGHT75 • DJ Week, 10 p.m.-3 a.m., Beau Rivage, Coast • Triggerproof, 9 p.m., IP Casino, Chill Ultra Lounge

Friday, October 9: •

Registration and all Cruisin’ Venues are open 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Sites with bands: Bay St. Louis, Pass Christian, Edgewater Mall, D’Iberville, Ocean Springs • 2015 and 2016 Registration continues 9 a.m.-5 p.m. • Country Cruisin’ Breakfast, Long Beach Yacht Club, 7-10 a.m. • The Vicari Auto Auction doors open at 8:30 a.m. • Swap Meet/Manufacturers Midway open at Coliseum, 9 a.m. -5 p.m. • Car Corral continues, east of Treasure Bay, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. • Dennis Gage, of the TV program “My Classic Car,” signing autographs: Bay St. Louis, 9-11 a.m.; Edgewater Mall, 2-4 p.m. • Courtney Hansen appearances: Cruise Central, 10 a.m.noon; Ocean Springs, 2-4 p.m. • Ocean Springs Sock Hop & Street Party, 5-9 p.m. featuring Anthony & The Imperials







“Pass In The Night,” 5-9 p.m., Pass Christian, featuring Bag of Donuts Cruisin’ Venue Entertainment Bay St. Louis • 11 a.m.-Noon – Charles “Doo Wop” Grant • 1-2 p.m. – Still Standing (Elton John Tribute) • 3-4:30 p.m. – Ron Adams Show Pass Christian • 11 a.m.-Noon – Marty & Sean • 1-2 p.m. – Modern Eldorados • 3-4:30 p.m. – Na Na Sha Edgewater Mall West Parking Lot (Hwy 90) • 11 a.m.-Noon – Mr. Saxman • 1-2 p.m. – Garry “Elvis” Wesley • 3-4:30 p.m. – Escalade D’Iberville • 11 a.m.-Noon – N Rhythm • 1-2 p.m. – Cool Rayz • 3-4:30 p.m. – The Dominos Ocean Springs Downtown • 11 a.m.-Noon – Figure 8 • 1-2 p.m. – Tommy Morse • 3-4:30 p.m. – Vince Vance & The Valiants Casino Entertainment • Beach Boys, 8 p.m., Beau Rivage Theatre • ISIS, 8 p.m.-Midnight, Boomtown Casino, BT Stage Peter Noone, Hard Rock Biloxi • Al “Lil’ Fats” Jackson, 8-12 mindight, Silver Slipper Casino, The Stage Bar • Mickey Gilley, 8 p.m., IP Casino Hotel and Spa, Studio A • Shadows of the 60s: A Tribute to Motown Super Groups, 8 p.m., Island View Casino • Free Drive-in movie featuring “Grease”, 7 p.m. Harrah’s Gulf Coast, The Great Lawn • 3HG, 9 p.m.- 12 midnight, Treasure Bay, blu • Tom Play, Hard Rock Biloxi, Center Bar • Reno Perez, 9 p.m.-1 a.m., Harrah’s Gulf Coast, Casino Stage Bar • Red Room Arrangement, 9 p.m., IP Casino, Chill Ultra Lounge • Steve Warren & Chad Parker, IP Casino, 32 Lounge • Dian Diaz, 8 p.m.-1 a.m., Beau Rivage, EIGHT75 • DJ Week, 10 p.m.-3 a.m., Beau Rivage, Coast • Anderson Domingues, 8 p.m.-1 a.m., Beau Rivage, Breeze Bar • Boogie Nights, The Ultimate 70s & 80s Nightclub, Hard Rock Biloxi

Saturday, October 10: •

All Cruisin’ Venues are open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sites with bands: Bay St. Louis, Pass Christian, Edgewater Mall, D’Iberville, Ocean Springs • 2015 registration, 9 a.m.-noon • 2016 Registration, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. • Country Cruisin’ Breakfast, Long Beach Yacht Club, 7-10 a.m. • Auto Auction begins at Coliseum, Doors open at 8:30 a.m. • Swap Meet/Manufacturers Midway open at Coliseum 9 a.m.-5 p.m. • Car Corral continues, east of Treasure Bay, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. • Dennis Gage, of the TV program “My Classic Car,” visiting sites and signing autographs: D’Iberville, 9 a.m.-11 a.m.; Ocean Springs, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Cruisin’ Venue Entertainment



Bay St. Louis 11 a.m.-Noon – Figure 8 1-2 p.m. – Tommy Morse 3-4:30 p.m. – Vince Vance & The Valiants Pass Christian • 11 a.m.-Noon – Mr. Saxman • 1-2 p.m. – Starz • 3-4:30 p.m. – Ron Adams Show Edgewater Mall West Parking Lot (Hwy 90) • 11 a.m.-Noon – Charles “Doo Wop” Grant • 1-2 p.m. – Cool Rayz • 3-4:30 p.m. – Halfway Ray (Ray Charles Tribute) D’Iberville • Garry “Elvis” Wesley • 1-2 p.m. – Barlow Brothers • 3-4:30 p.m. – Na Na Sha Ocean Springs Downtown • 11 a.m.-Noon – N Rhythm • 1-2 p.m. – Modern Eldorados • 3-4:30 p.m. – Escalade Casino Entertainment • Beach Boys, 8 p.m., Beau Rivage Theatre • ISIS, 8 p.m.-Midnight, Boomtown Casino, BT Stage • An Evening with Huey Lewis & The News, 8 p.m., IP Casino Hotel and Spa, Studio A • Tommy James & The Shondells, 8 p.m., Island View Casino Al “Lil’ Fats” Jackson, 8-12 midnight, Silver Slipper Casino, The Stage Bar • Modern Eldorados, 9 p.m.-1 a.m., Harrah’s Gulf Coast, Casino Stage Bar • Red Room Arrangement, 9 p.m., IP Casino, Chill Ultra Lounge • Steve Warren & Chad Parker, IP Casino, 32 Lounge • Dian Diaz, 9 p.m.-2 a.m., Beau Rivage, EIGHT75 • DJ Week, 10 p.m.-3 a.m., Beau Rivage, Coast • Anderson Domingues, 8 p.m.-1 a.m., Beau Rivage, Breeze Bar • Tom Play, Hard Rock Biloxi, Center Bar • Boogie Nights, The Ultimate 70s & 80s Nightclub, Hard Rock Biloxi

• • •

Sunday, October 11: All events at Cruise Central • 2016 Registration open 8 a.m.-Noon. • Non-denominational prayer service, 8 a.m. • Dennis Gage, of the TV program “My Classic Car,” signing autographs: 8-9 a.m.; Master of Ceremonies, 9-10:30 a.m. • Stamping Cards must be turned in by 9 a.m. • Gene Oswalt Volunteer of the Year Award • Dennis Gage will announce the winners of the Cash Drawings (40 drawings of $500 each) totaling $20,000 • Make-A-Wish Raffle Car Giveaway and unveiling of new 2016 Raffle Car! Casino Entertainment • The Redfield Acoustic, 8 p.m., IP Casino, Chill Ultra Lounge Casino Parking Beau Rivage Casino: reserved parking area for registered cruisers on the 2nd floor of the garage Entertainment schedules subject to change.







(Continued from page 44)

VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS Mon, Tues, Thurs, Friday, and Saturday 3:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Bingo Mon, Tues, Thurs, Saturday - 7:30 – 10:00 p.m. Friday Night Dance featuring The Silverado Band 8:00 – 12:00 p.m. Live Wrestling Every Saturday Night starting at 7:00 p.m. October 3rd - Fall Craft Bazaar 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 2518 23rd Ave, Gulfport, MS

Runnymede Rd., Pass Christian MS 39571. ) $20 card hand includes Chicken Dinner. ALL Motorcycles / Cars & Parts Vendors Welcome. Stops at Broke Spoke (Kiln) - Kapps (Hwy 43) - Knock Knock (Waveland) - Cave (Bay. St. Louis) - “Last card” Mom & Dads (Kiln-DeLisle, Runnymede Rd.) Poker table closes at 3:30 pm. Best hand and worst hand wins prizes. Weenie Bite Bike Contest, Corn Hole, T-Shirts, Beverages, Live Music, Auction. Come Out & Join Us in Supporting Our Wounded Warriors October 16 Long Beach MS 3rd Friday Night Cruisin' on Jeff Davis Ave. Havin' a 'Large Time' bringing back the past as we cruise Jeff Davis Ave. in Long Beach, MS. Lot's of restaurants to choose from. 5pm-til ( Year-around ) October 16-17 Madison, MS. 12th Annual Scarecrow Cruise & Car Show Registration starts 10am-5pm Friday Oct 16 at the Madison Square Center for the Arts, on Main Street in downtown Madison, MS. Saturday Oct 17 Registration opens at 7am. Save $5 Pre-register…get complete show information & schedule. at web site October 17 3rd Saturday Cruise-in at Bootleggers Pizzeria & Sports Bar, Pass Rd. Biloxi, MS Every 3rd Saturday each month. This month on Oct 17th, Biloxi, MS 6pm-9pm 50/50/ Raffle/ People\'s Choice Award . Supporting Local Veteran Families. Sponsored by Amvets Ms Post 1 info Call 228-324-6444 October 17 D’Iberville, MS Gearheads 3rd Saturday Cruise-in 7pm. at Cypress Lanes Bowling Arcade Bar & Grill, Lakeview Village, D'Iberville, 3200 Mallett Road, D'Iberville, MS 39540 (every 3rd Saturday of the month) Info: call Shawn Cook 228 424-6378 October 17-18 Gautier, MS 25 Annual Mullet Music Fest. Saturday Classic Car Show, Sunday Exotic Car & Motorcycle Show. Free Admission, Free Parking. Live Music, Food, Mullet Toss, Crafts, Kids Activities. Located in downtown Gautier on Dolphin Dr. (Continued on page 62)







PO Box 1656 Picayune MS 39466 601-799-3070

2015 Downtown Events October 12-16, 2015 WBCCI AirStream Club Tour @ Sun Roamers Attractions & Activities Planned-Museum Tours, Crosby Arboretum Tour, Paul's Pastry Tour, Ladies Luncheon @ Southern Char, Millbrook Country Club, Possum Walk... October 14, 2015 Fall Sidewalk Sale Downtown Picayune Merchants will have sales on the sidewalk to make room for the Christmas Season items October 24, 2015 8th Annual Blues & Heritage Festival Vince Vance & the Valiants, the Group Remedy & Al "Carnival Time" Johnson Other Downtown Events- Classic Cruise In with Boulevard Cruisers, Fairy Tale Fall Festival by GPAC @ Jack Read Park, PRC Arts League Art Walk & PRC Writer's Group Artisans will be setup on Ruby Street next to the Stage area. November 7 & 8, 2015 Fall Street Festival 9AM-5PM Arts & Craft Vendors will line the Streets of West Canal & East Canal Streets Hwy 11 And North Main & South

Main Street in Downtown Picayune Saturday- Boulevard Cruisers Classic Car Show. Sunday- 3 Time World Champion Artistry in Wood Chainsaw Demonstration Re-Enactment by Gainesville Volunteers Also, Hot Air Balloon Rides, Eurobungee, Giant Slides, Train Rides & More Saturday & Sunday the Main Stage will be setup on Haugh Avenue- with performances by local Martial Arts Studios, Dance Studios, Singing Artist- Kamryn Kinchen, Makenzie Holmes & LA Kids Saturday @ 3:45-5:00 - Autumn-Rise N Eddie Young Gymnastics always closes the Festival on Sunday afternoon with his Gymnastic Team November 14, 2015 Christmas Open House Downtown Shops will stay open late to kick of the Christmas Shopping Season November 28, 2015 National Small Business Saturday After Thanksgiving & Black Friday Shopping in Downtown Picayune December 4, 2015 Shop by Candlelight & Christmas on the Rails Santa & MS Claus arriving by Fire Truck @ Jack Read Park, Red Wagon, Stage Coach & Hay Rides, Christmas Carols and Hand Bell Choir, Downtown Streets Lined with Luminaries, Characters Inside Shops and Walking Downtown Area. Refreshments will be in 2 locations- in or near the Intermodal Visitors Center aka Train Depot or Amtrak Station and also at Historic City Hall on Goodyear Boulevard Christmas Scene Pictures will be taken by Picayune Rotary Club 7am on December 4 the Kiwanis will have their annual Pancake Breakfast @ Southern Char Steakhouse











between Lowe’s and the Singing River Mall. Info: 228 215-0828 October 17 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday night cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. (behind MotherCluckers and Keith's Super Store) October 17 Poplarville, MS Fall Festival. Car Show $20 registration per vehicle ($15 for 2nd vehicle) starts at 8am. Dash plaques to first 100 vehicles, Top 30 cars, Top 15 Trucks, Best of Car, Best of Truck, 50/50, additional door prizes, music and food. RAFFLE Take a $1 chance to win $1,000 cash prize or many of the other items listed on the ticket. BINGO - door prizes only (no cash prizes). Event will be held on St. Joseph Catholic Church grounds, 17 Bilbo Rd., Poplarville, MS. Call Joe Didier at 601-795-4004 or 601-463-0000, October 24 Laurel, MS Phillips Drive-in car show and reunion (330 South Magnolia, Laurel, MS) is Oct 24th. Cars line up at 4. Music starts at 5 with the "PDI 5" and "The Myles Sharp Band feat; Rebecca Powers" will bring the house down from 7-10. Open to any custom cars. From hot rods to classics. Bring your car and your family out to enjoy good food, good music and some amazing cars. It's an event you will not want to miss! October 24 Atmore, AL Gasser Blowout 2 at the Atmore Dragway. Gates open at 9am admission is $15. Multiple car shows, heads-up Gasser racing, pre-72 nostalgia drags, swap meet (no extra charge) Track Time Included for show participants. for more info, inquiries, Gasser approval contact Jessie Holmes at 850-2063673 or email October 24 Bay St. Louis, MS The Misfits Halloween Cruise-in is Oct.24th from 6 to 9 at the Bay St. Louis Depot. Wear a costume and decorate your car. You might win a prize. Best costume children and adult. Come and join us for a fun night.

October 24 Biloxi, MS 4th Saturday Cruise-in at Beauvoir 6pm9pm 4th Saturday each month at Beauvoir, Hwy 90 & Beauvoir Blvd, Biloxi, (Next to the Coliseum) Music, Food, Drinks, 50/50/ Raffle/ People's Choice Award . Supporting Local Veteran Families. Sponsored by Amvets Ms Post 1 info Call 228-324-6444

December 5, 2015 Gulfport, MS. at the Best Western Plus & Clarion Inn These hotels have adjoining parking lots and offer ground floor outside room entrances. Mention car show for special room rate for this event. There is plenty of room for show car parking as well as the cruise-in cars. Vendors are welcome and the public will have free access to your area. Entry Fee... your donations of New unopened Toys and Nonperishable food items. Or Wal -mart Gift Cards,

Items collected will be distributed to Toys For Tots & Feed my Sheep here on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

October 24 4th Saturday night cruise in Picayune, MS. Boulevard Cruisers Cruise In. 6 till 9pm. Hudson/Burger King Parking lot. Memorial Blvd. Oldies Music and 50/50. March thru October 31 Ellisville, MS Ellisville First Assembly Academy 9th Annual Car Show. 312 Hwy 11 N. Ellisville, MS 39437. Registration 8am - 10:30am. Awards ceremony begins at 2pm. Top 25 pre-79, Top 5 pre-79 trucks, Top 5 1980-1999 cars & trucks, Top 5 2000 & up cars & trucks, Top 5 street-rods, Top 2 motorcycles, Top 2 unfinished. for more info - Kevin Hunnell 601 477-9829 October 31 Biloxi, MS 22 Annual All Corvette Show at Edgewater Mall on Beach Blvd in Biloxi. Car registration is $40, if you pre-register by October 15 your registration will include a show shirt, dash plaque and goodie bag. The show is free to all who would like to stop by and see the shiniest Corvettes on the Gulf Coast, so come on by and check us out.

November 2015 November 7 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner (KFC at Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic & Custom Cars. Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC events are for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds to benefit local charities. ( and while you are there enjoy the KFC Buffet ) For more info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6643 (Continued on page 65)







(Continued from page 62)

November 7 Pass Christian, MS. 1st Saturday Swap-Meet. 7am Til at the old car wash. FREE SET UP - 227 West North Street, Pass Christian, MS. Info - 228 332-7777 November 7 Slidell, LA Open Cruise Night 1st Saturday of each month at North Shore Square Mall. 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Music, 50/50. North Shore Rd. & I-10, Slidell, LA. Info: John at 985-8450527 Coastal Cruisers of Slidell March-November. November 7-8 Picayune, MS Picayune Fall Street Festival 9:00am – 5:00pm Visitors are sure to find the perfect purchase as they take a stroll through the street festival route and shop with our unique downtown merchants or they look at over 300 vendors displaying furniture, custom framing, glassware, plants, antiques, collectibles, pottery, monogramming, jewelry, painting, woodwork, metal work, and numerous other art and craft displays. Enjoy great music and local entertainment on the Festival Stage. Children activities will be located next to the stage with fun jumps, pony rides and more. New this festival- Petting Zoo. Relax and enjoy a short tour of Historic Downtown Picayune on the Lincoln Express Train which travels right by the 4-Person Euro Bungee. HUNGRY? In addition to the arts and crafts booths, there will be many food booths serving some of the best Cajun, Greek, Barbeque, Seafood, and South Mississippi Cuisine. November 9-14 Panama City Beach FL. 11th Annual Emerald Coast Cruizin’ The South's Best Blast from the Past family fun event. Thousands of classic cars, hot rods, custom cars and trucks make way to beautiful Panama City Beach, Florida for this week long festival. Panama City Beach's breath taking emerald green coastline and the famous Miracle Strip gleams with chrome, hot colors, and the deep rumble of power. The new Aaron Bessant Park next door to Pier Park, will host over 3000 hot rods, and cool classics. There will be over 125 + top name automotive vendors on hand, as well as a huge swap meet and Auto Car Corral. A ladies area with crafts, jewelry, kids will love the activities as well. So much for all to enjoy!. Each night is full of activities from cruising, great bands, and special shows. Even if you're not a gear head, there is plenty to do for all. November 12-15 Wiggins, MS Slamber Party at Flint Creek 1216 Parkway Drive, Wiggins, MS. 39577 Registration $20 pervehicle, Admission $20 Weekend Pass. Gates open Thursday 12pm. Show hours: Friday 8am - 6pm. Saturday 8am - 6pm. Sunday awards at 12pm. BBQ & Coolers allowed. On site Camping. RV hookups, Cabin Rentals, Showers. for general info call Greg Miller 228-832-4683 November 13 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of old Hwy 63 and Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 November 13 Slidell, LA 2nd Friday Night Cruise-in. at Fremaux Town Center, I-10 and Fremaux Ave exit..New Mall in, Slidell, Louisiana, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Fun, family friends & fellowship. Open to all cars! Lot's of restaurants to choose from. Cruise-in participants qualify for 10% discounts at all eateries. Door prizes, music, 50/50, games, Restaurant coupon giveaways each month. Hosted by: the I.R.O.N.S, Car Club - Independent Rodders of North Slidell. Information call 985-643-4224 if it rains we won't be there! November 14 2nd Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy's 1051 East Frontage Rd., Wiggins, MS. 39577 (Hwy-49) 5pm - 8pm. 50/50 Drawing & Door Prizes. Street Rods, Hot Rods, Classic Cars, Antiques, Customs, Motorcycles. Everyone Welcome. Hosted and Music provided by Red Creek Classic car club. info call Charlie Farmer 601-528-1172 November 20 Long Beach MS 3rd Friday Night Cruisin' on Jeff Davis Ave. Havin' a 'Large Time' bringing back the past as we cruise Jeff Davis Ave. in Long Beach, MS. Lot's of restaurants to choose from. 5pm-til ( Year-around ) November 21 D’Iberville, MS Gearheads 3rd Saturday Cruise-in 7pm. at Cypress Lanes Bowling Arcade Bar & Grill, Lakeview Village, D'Iberville, 3200 Mallett Road, D'Iberville, MS 39540 (every

3rd Saturday of the month) Info: call Shawn Cook 228 424-6378 November 21 Biloxi, MS Fall Celebration Open Car Show. Saturday, November 21, 2015 Edgewater Mall, Hwy 90, Biloxi. Show proceeds to benefit the South Mississippi Make A Wish and other local charities. TOP 30 AWARDS with 5 specialty awards! 100 dash plaques! Bring a nonperishable food item for the Our Mother of Mercy Food Pantry. Registration and parking 8 -11 a.m. Judging at noon, awards at 3 p.m. Registration is $25. Judged on 100 point system. Hosted by the MS Coast Mustang Club. For info or vendor space, call Craig at 228-586-0878. November 21 Wiggins, MS 15th Annual Knights of Columbus Wild Turkey Run Car and Truck Show. At the Sawmill Restaurant Highway 49 Wiggins, MS Registration $20.00 Open Until 11 am Day of show; All registered vehicles entered in Turkey Drawings; JUDGES will award the Best of Show, Top 20 Cars and Top 10 Trucks '86 and older, Top Car '87 and newer, Top Truck '87 and newer, Top Rat Rod, and Best Engine, Best Paint and Best Interior for '86 and older. Dash Plaques for all entries; Prize Drawings throughout the event; Oldies Music; FOOD: Provided by SAWMILL starting at 7 AM, Breakfast, Lunch and snacks available; Registration from 7 AM till 11 AM; Awards presented at 2:00 PM; 50:50 Drawing after Awards. For Information, please call/text or email: Tom Easter @ 228-323-0758, or Dave Russell 601-716-6480, ...... Mail to: 600 Ashwood St. Wiggins, Ms 39577

DECEMBER 2015 December 5 Gulfport, MS. 2nd Annual North Pole Rod Run Charity Christmas Show at the Best Western Plus (228-8640050) & Clarion Inn (228-868-3300) These hotels have adjoining parking lots and offer ground floor outside room entrances. Mention car show for special room rate for this event. There is plenty of room

(Continued on page 67)





for show car parking as well as the cruise-in cars. Vendors are welcome and the public will have free access to your area. Entry Fee... your donations of Wal-mart Gift Cards, New unopened Toys and Non-perishable food items. Items collected will be distributed to Toys For Tots, Hope Haven Children's Services & Feed my Sheep here on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Both Hotels are located on Hwy 49 South of I-10 exit 34. Info: Jimbo 228 596-0664 December 5 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner (KFC at Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic & Custom Cars. Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC events are for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds to benefit local charities. ( and while you are there enjoy the KFC Buffet ) For more info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6643 December 5 Picayune, MS Toys for Tykes II. Benefiting Angel Tree Ministry will be held this year Saturday, Dec. 5th 2015. All riders and others are welcome, arrive early at Friendship Park Hwy 11 Picayune Ms. coffee and donuts will be provided Ride starts at 11:00 am promptly, a short escorted ride to Picayune City Hall for a brief program, then on to the American Legion Hall 2500 Union School Rd. Please join us for food music and a good time. Entry fee is an unwrapped new toy for a boy or girl. Info call Gizmo 601 798 9540, Lee 601 273 6219 or George 985 264 4135. December 11 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of old Hwy 63 and Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 December 13 Bay St Louis, MS The Misfits Toy Drive is Sunday Dec.13th at the Train Depot from 10 to 2 . Join us for a cruise-in and toy drive. The new toy will be given to the DHS and angel tree for the children.

JANUARY 2016 January 5 Gulfport, MS The 2016 Gulf Coast Car/Truck/ Motorcycle Event Planning & Scheduling Meeting will be held at the Clarion Inn, (phone 228-868-3300) Hwy 49, Gulfport, MS. (Exit 34 I-10) meeting will start at 10am. . This is an open invitation to all car & motorcycle clubs, civic organizations and church groups to inform the public of their planed events taking place during the 2016 season. All car/truck & motorcycle event related topics open for discussion by everyone. You can help prepare a calendar of events, advertise your show, discuss any new problems you may have encountered with your particular event. Exchange club roster, and list of officers, and share any information as well as ideas and suggestions on events and shows on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Each club is asked to send at least one representative, but as many as you want to send are welcome... Out of state clubs are also welcome to participate. A master schedule will be combined and distributed to car clubs. If you have any questions, please call 228 596-0664 or e-mail January 8 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of old Hwy 63 and Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 January 9 Pearl, MS Street Rod annual Planning Meeting for all MS street rod clubs at the Holiday Inn, Trustmark Park. 110 Bass Pro Drive, Pearl, MS 39208 phone 601-939-5238 Starts at 10:am. All street rod related topics open for discussion by everyone. Help prepare a calendar of events, advertise your rod run or car show, exchange club rosters and list of officers, and share any information NSRA Rep. “CW� Smith will be on hand. Each club is asked to send at least one representative, but as many as you want to send are welcome. Lunch will be in the meeting room. Plan to pick up your tab here, but there will be no other expense to attend. Street rod vendors are also welcome to come and make contacts with clubs for their appearances at the various events for 2016, out of state clubs are also welcome to participate. If you have any questions, call CW Smith (601) 833-4606. C-601-695-3890





E-Mail your Information to:

OCTOBER October 1-4 Faunsdale, AL Faunsdale Bike Rally Sponsored by Bob Walker held at 2029 Old Highway 80 West in Faunsdale. starting at 8:00 am. Admission is $30.00 per person for the weekend. Saturday passes are available for $20.00. No one under 18 years of age will be admitted. The event includes trike games, a poker run, bike games, a bike show, midnight ride, music and more. info call (334) 216-0598 October 3 Tupelo, MS The Stop The Cycle Poker Chip Run will be held at Veterans Park in Tupelo, MS (80 N Veterans Memorial Blvd, Tupelo, MS) Registration: -$30 donation per bike -$15 donation per passenger -$15 non-riders This is an all day event! We will have Vendors, Food, and Great Music. Bike show, 50/50, prizes. Proceeds will be donated to SAFE. If you don't ride don't worry bring your lawn chair and come on out and enjoy the music and fun donation of $15.00. come out and enjoy the ride and see all the awesome bikes. This is a Throttle And Lace event. Event Hours: - Registration starts at 7:30am - First bike out at 9:00am Last bike in at 2:00pm. More Info Mary: (662) 871-7301 VENDORS Contact Mary Morrison 662-8717301 or Gail Austin 662-322-6533 October 3-4 Avondale, LA WERA Sportsman Series - the WERA Sportsman Series will be held at NOLA Motorsports Park in Avondale, LA from October 3rd to October 4th. NOLA Motorsports Park, 11075 Nicolle Blvd, Avondale, LA 70094. info 770 720-5010 October 8 Southaven, MS Harley Harvest Bike Night 4870 Venture Dr, Southaven, MS 38671 the Harley Harvest Bike Night will be held at Southern Thunder Harley Davidson in Southaven, Mississippi on FREE beer! Live music! Event Hours:-5:00pm-8:00pm For More Information:(662) 349-1099 For more information October 9 - 11 Philadelphia, MS Thunder Ridge Motorcycle Rally The Thunder Ridge Motorcycle Rally will be held in Philadelphia, Mississippi from October 9th, Location: -15891 Hwy 19 North 4 miles from Hwy 25 13 miles from Philadelphia city limits on Hwy 19 North 6th Annual Bike Rally!! Live entertainment all weekend. Best in Bike Show Contest! Benefit Bike Ride! Burnout Contest Concessions Available! Camper spots available for $50.00 that includes water and electricity. We are a family friendly rally!! $20 weekend pass! All alcohol must be kept in cup at all times. Security present. $25 for a vendor booth, plus $20 weekend pass. Can set up week prior to rally. Look us up on Facebook! ThunderRidge Motorcycle Rally For more info about this event, Email or Melody Russell 601-416-9175 October 10 Pass Christian, MS Poor Boys 5th Annual Poker Run & Swap Meet. Wounded Warrior Project. Saturday October 10, 2015. registration starts at 10am at Mom & Dads ( 18359 Runnymede Rd., Pass Christian MS 39571. ) $20 card hand includes Chicken Dinner. ALL Motorcycles / Cars & Parts Vendors Welcome. Stops at Broke Spoke (Kiln) - Kapps (Hwy 43) - Knock Knock (Waveland) - Cave (Bay. St. Louis) - “Last card� Mom & Dads (Kiln-DeLisle, Runnymede Rd.) Poker table closes at 3:30 pm. Best hand and worst hand wins prizes. Weenie Bite Bike Contest, Corn Hole, T-Shirts, Beverages, Live Music, Auction. Come Out & Join Us in Supporting Our Wounded Warriors! October 15-18 Daytona Beach, FL Daytona Biketoberfest Join thousands of other Motorcyclists and Enthusiasts who come out to Main Street and surrounding areas around Daytona for a load of great Biker Fun! Many Activities going on, Vendors, some of the greatest Food and Drinks, Beer, Games, and of course all the Beautiful Biketoberfest Beer Girls!

Each year it gets better and better, and harder for you to miss! So come on out for an amazing and unique time at Daytona's Biketoberfest This award winning, internationally-recognized event provides an opportunity for a weekend get-away to the fun, beaches, and sun of Daytona, Florida. Many activities will be available, including motorcycle shows and rallies, demonstration rides, and motorcycle action on the Daytona International Speedway. October 21-25 Panama City Beach, FL. 15th Annual Autumn Thunder Beach Motorcycle Rally. Frank Brown Park, 16200 Panama Beach Parkway in Panama City. The rally opens at 6:00 pm on October 21st then at 9:00 am each of the other days. The event includes a bike parade, poker runs, bikes show, live music, contests, stunt shows, and more. The bike parade is an police escorted ride through the rally area. Poker runs will be held each day starting at various locations and prizes will be awarded at the final stop. The bike show has 16 categories and $15,000 in cash and prizes will be awarded. There are no gates, no admission fees and free parking.

(Continued on page 70)



They Say....

Stupidity is not a crime, so you’re free to go. They Say. Run in front of a motorcycle and you get tired. Run behind a motorcycle and you’ll get exhausted. They Say. Virginity is like a bubble: one prick, and it’s gone. They Say.

Marriage is like game of poker. You start with pair and end with full house. They Say.

Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand. They Say.

Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot… They Say.

Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental. They Say. “She looked like the kind of woman I could fall in love with. Trouble is, she was standing next to the kind of woman I’d like to make love to. ” Jarod Kintz, info call (850) 249-7627, October 22-25 Birmingham, AL 2015 WERA Grand National Finals The 2015 WERA Grand National Finals will be held at Barber Motorsports Park, 6030 Barber Motorsports Pkwy, Birmingham, AL 35094f For More Information: (770) 720-5010 EMAIL October 26 Gulfport, MS Deep South Crews 2nd Annual Birthday Bash Join us at the Gulfport Elk's Lodge in Gulfport, MS 978 12010 Klein Road, Gulfport, MS on Sunday, Oct. 26th for a tailgate-inspired birthday party for the Deep South Crew! We're serving hot dog, hamburger, bratwurst and hot wing plates, will have a full service bar and of course, a birthday cake. The New Orleans Saints will be playing against the Green Bay Packers at 7 pm, so we're gonna kick this shin-dig off at 1 pm! We have some great door prizes to give away, as well as some cool raffle come on out and hang out with the Saints, as we cheer on the Saints! The party starts at 1 pm and goes until...??? See you there!!! Age limit: 18+ or w/adult For More Info: - November 5-8 Galveston, TX Lone Star Rally. Free admission - No registration required. November 7 Shreveport, LA 11th Annual Veterans for Veterans Biker Event held in Shreveport, LA at 3232 East 70th Street, Shreveport, LA. This event is held to honor our US Veterans!! Officially designated Veterans Day site for 8 years. Family event. Includes Car show, military dog demo-Barksdale Air Force Base, children activities, live music, motorcycle ride "Freedom Ride Parade" Vendors. Funds raised a 100% for our local Veterans!! NO PETS! Please respect Church property



accordingly. After party downtown Shreveport at the Red River District. Music, food, beverages, vendors & bike Show. Theresa Neff, Event Chair 318-564-2765. VENDORS Please contact Vendor Coordinator: Jeremy by email or by text message 318 294-9045



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83 83


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1996 Mustang GT Race & Street No rust! Best of everything!! Frame stiffiner, welded. k frame, DTS rear end "373" gear. 2 speed power glide transmission with trans brake, line lock power brake, B & M shifter. Ford racing roller block, Eagle stroke kit, 347 cu in, MSD distributor, aluminum heads, high rise intake w/750 Holley, 4500 stall converter, cam motion cam, low end girdle on motor, solid roller everything, alum. radiator, elect radiator fan, elect water pump, front & rear coil overs, shift tack. MSD 6 AL 2 step, delay box, Weld racing rims, Mickey Thompson street ET tires. about 600 miles on motor and drive train..and much, much more. Large file of paper work. asking $7,900.00 for more info call Bob 228-209-4833 10/15

Multiple Car Show Winner

“The Dooce” 1932 Ford Hi-boy Convertible 1100 hp 421 stroked (600hp) plus (500hp) profogger Nitrous motor (all studs) – internals, running gear, heads, top shelf – new interior – multiple car show winner – test run 1/8th 5.65 @ 135mph – 28’ enclosed trailer. Asking $65,000 for all. 225-635-2006 Serious offers considered. – 10/15

85 Prostreet Monte Carlo. 496bbc. $15000 obo call Lloyd at 228 863-3815 Gulfport, MS 10/15

Custom Bike for sale call Tazz at 228 863-3815 for info. Gulfport, MS


Race Car. New body, headers, radiator, MSD, full car less engine / trans. All new front end. $3500 call 228 832-8335 or 228 328-2112 Saucier, MS 10/15





1930 Model "A" 4 Door. New water pump, new radiator, new fan. this car is in excellent condition. It has been repainted 1 year ago, the inside has been totally redone with new floor mats, kick panels, door panels, headliner, seats and the back seats have side and center armrests, a dome light, rear curtains, door pouches, and door locks. This car was certainly a top of the line product. It has a new exhaust system and a new matching intake manifold. A new carburetor, motor mounts, moto meter. Dual spare tires. A rock solid body no rust all steel. It is now 12 volt system with cowl lights (park light) and 12 volt headlight bulbs. Starts instantly with that nice Model "A" sound. Complete with a rear trunk w/cover for carrying luggage, etc. Asking $18,500 call Jim 228 832-7777 or 228 861-5457 10/15

1964 Buick Riviera... Draws attention everywhere it goes...401 nailhead with factory 2/4 bbl carbs, air ride suspension, 20" Coys wheels with brand new tires, too many mods to list. It's a must see $24,000 obo 228-547-9999 10/15

1989 Neil & Park's 220" W/B chasses & seat belts. Current to 7.50 355CI SBS 620HP Best Parts 6" Bill Miller Rod, J&E Piston. Full Jessel valve train, Callie's crank. Bowie tie block, billet main caps. Brodix 10 heads, 210 intake 1.65exh. Motor & trans fresh 30 pass, runs 8.50 with 4.56 gear. Motor built for 9,000rpm. Only crossing at 7,800rpm. $11,000 Turn Key or will separate. Call Keith @ 337-658-1691 10/15

1962 Galaxie 500 Sunliner convertible. Runs great! Ready for Crusin'. asking $30,000 negotiable call today 337 230-6001 9/15

1950 Chevy Super Sport Coupe frame off restoration with less than 2500 miles. Frame is sandblasted & powder coated, has a Mustang II front end with power rack and pinion.

A 350 cu. in. engine with flat top pistons, street cam, headers, aluminum intake manifold, and a 550 Holly carb. Supply power to the turbo 350 transmission with lock up torque converter on a manual switch, 342 posse traction rear end. Exhaust flows thru headers with twin Flow Masters. Four wheel disk brakes for stopping power. Custom leather upholstery with Lexus power bucket seats. Paint is base coat clear coat with flames under clear coat. Asking $29,500 Tommy 228-234-5115 10/15

1946 Ford Coupe 302 Ford, Auto, louvered hood, heat, air, solid body. For more details call Bill 251-518-6659 $26,000 10-15





1966 Mustang convertible, 289 automatic, new top with cylinders and pump, new tires. CRUISE READY $21,900.00 228-762-0954 10/15

1940 Ford Tudor sedan/ms been in barn 38 years - surface rust only engine froze & out of car, (flathead) all glass cracked or broken. Seats are there. Rats ate most of the fabric. No radio $6500 call 228-671-6216 Larry Dunham 10/15 1989 Chrysler Le Baron convertible. Maroon vinyl interior. Car is maroon but car needs top and paint of your choice. Needs a good home.!! $1,900 will consider offers. Call 228-669-6969 or leave message. 10/15

1982 Mercedes-Benz 380SL V-8/gas. Removable hard-top $5000 Call Don 228 826-1396 9/15

Ford tailgate in good condition. $100.00 228-216-6863 or 9/15

2001 Chevy S10 EXCab 350 Ram Jet Crate Motor 700R4 Trans, 2 in cowl hood. $4800 OBO Call Joe at 228-596-8342, 10/15

Complete drive train, Motor needs rebuilt. 1958, 283 & Cadillac Lasalle Trans w/drive shaft & rear end. $1200.00 OBO 1 set of Corvette Heads…$100.00 4.6 Block $100.00 1966 Mustang Fastback..13 yr. old paint job, Fresh motor & trans…$25,000.00 OBO 3 80's Toyota trucks 302 Block $100.00 Over 1000 old VW parts. Mark Coleman - 601-766-1066 9/15

Weekend Project...1960 Belair 2 door hardtop! off frame restored. Original motor - running Great! Ready for assembly & paint. $13,500 firm. call 337 230-6001 9/15

Classified Ads 2 months in Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine 2 months on Web Site

Description with 1 (one) Picture - $10 · additional photos $5 each

Non Picture Ad Only - $5 1927 Ford T-bucket excellent condition, 396 big block Chevrolet, turbo 350 transmission, new suspension, new tires and wheels. looks great fun ride. $14,500 call Steve 228-669-8212 9/15




1978 Fiat Spyder convertible, runs great, some rust, great project. $2500. 228-762-0954 10/15

1931 Model A Sedan, 32 Grill, aluminum head 383, Turbo 350, 9 in. Ford, 4 wheel disc brakes, $25000 OBO Call Joe at 228-596-8342 10/15 1979 Mercedes 300 CD coupe 4 seater. Rebuilt diesel engine with 15,000 miles. Sunroof, cruise control etc. Need some body work and paint. $ 4,700.-- Will consider offers. Call 228-6696969 or leave message. 10/15

Fully restored 1958 Chevy Impala.348 with 3 two-barrel carbs. 6 miles since frame off restoration. Super special attention to detail and originality using approximately 95-98% GM quality grade and OEM parts down to all clips. This is a #1 museum-grade trailer queen collector car. Frame-off 1st class restoration, new interior with vinyl covers in the original pattern, Autotronic Eye (automatic headlight dimmer), emergency brake on (indicator light flashes), rear speaker selector, tissue dispenser, "hammer finish" front seat belts front seat belt hangers, Wonder Bar radio, under dash map lights, deluxe gas pedal with carpet protection feature, dash mounted traffic light indicator, all motor condition indicators work, trunk lights, under hood lights, vacuum actuated windshield washer system, 348ci engine with 3x2 barrel carburetors, original style reproduction air cleaner, black Delco battery, Delco voltage regulator and horn relay covers, power steering, power brakes, 98-99% original clips, powerglide transmission, stainless steel exhaust system and tips, lake pipes with triple exhaust ports , curb feelers, cruising skirts, exhaust ports, door handle guards, rocker panel moldings, one-piece "California" front bumper, continental kit with tire, tinted glass, deluxe wheel covers with spinners, white wall tires including spare, reconditioned original bumper jack, all factory decals installed (to my knowledge), estimated 95-98% stainless steel bolts, nuts, washers, and screws, restored 1958 Harrison County license plate, dual door mirrors, N.O.S Nuview spot light, Dismore Chevy bow tie lighted compass, steering wheel knob, dual rear antennas, Late Great Chevy vintage rear license plate frame, hand-held spot light that plugs into cigarette lighter. Must see in person to really appreciate!!!! $95000 Kiln, MS. Call Marvin Lacoste at 228 493-4614 or 228 255-7323 SERIOUS INQUIRES ONLY!!!!

1931 Ford Sedan no running gear or front and rear ends. car has been stored inside since 1954. You will look long and far to find another in this great of shape. Also i have a set of ford sedan delivery sides that could be included. Car has a Mississippi title in my name. $8500 Call Thomas 601 832-9646 9/15 1946 Chevy chop top Hot Rod. Awesome car and it's a head turner. 350, Mustang frame, no power steering or air. I do not have the time or a garage to maintain this classic car. Needs to go to good home... $12,000 OBO Call Tammy 228 547-0909 Gulfport MS. 9/15 1949 Ford F-1 pickup 239 c.i. flathead motor. The motor is complete from fan to driveshaft, and is not seized up. The heads and intake to examine the cylinders and valves have been removed. They all work as they should. In fact, if you hook a battery to the starter, it will roll the motor over with no issues. For more information, contact Will Hearns at 8/15



2003 T-Bird. 32 valve V-8. Rear wheel drive. Automatic, black/red leather seats & interior. Clean Carfax history. $13,500 O.B.O. Not perfect but nice. Must sell. Call Tony at 504 570-0787 N.O., LA 9/15

1965 T-Bird. 390 automatic, cold air, excellent shape, drive anywhere. $18,000 or Best offer. 9/15 call Bill at 228 363-2193 or 228 424-8022

Be Bops glassworks Model A trailer in great shape always stored inside $5000 Call Thomas 601 832-9646 9/15

1985 Cadillac Eldorado Classic. 104K original miles. Excellent condition. Well kept car, everything works. Leather interior. Great driving car. $8,500 OBO call 228 832-9409 9/15

1970 Chevy c10 pickup short bed step side. Brand new Smeding performance 383 touring fuel injected, fresh rebuilt 700R4 trans, new vintage air heat and air system, Power steering, front disk brakes, ball joints, tie rods, 4 row desert cool radiator, 2500 cfm cooling fan, headlights system, wiring harness, wheels and tires, gauge cluster with tach, stereo with Ipod, aux, and satellite radio dock, 2001 Chevy pick up seats with fold down center console jump seat, new fuel tank under bed and trailer hitch with trailer brake wiring. Mississippi title in my name $32000 Call Thomas 601 832-9646 9/15

1972 Chevy c10 pickup lwb 69000 original miles 402 big block, 400 trans, a/c, ps, pdb truck is loaded with factory options including rear leaf springs. I have the build sheet that came with this truck it was customer ordered. Mississippi Title in my name $6000 Call Thomas 601 832-9646 9/15

Classified Ads 2 Months in the Magazine & on - Picture Ad - $10 Non Picture Ad - $5





1985 Dodge 600 ES Turbo Convertible; one owner from new, wife's car, never smoked in, adult driver only. All leather, all options, includes original documentation, original parade boot. New tires and recent tune. Absolutely flawless: This is a 4 cylinder for excellent gas mileage, but thinks is it a V8 when you stand on the gas. Too many toys, not enough storage space! 122,00 actual miles - $4000 FIRM. Marcus, 601-253-2732 . 8/15

1933 Plymouth with 383 aluminum head engine. Has all the luxury's. $22,000 Call 228-861-0666 WANTED – Cruisin’ the Coast posters from 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 & 2004. Contact Mark @ (228) 332-1700 8/15 1965 FORD THUNDERBIRD – Asking priced changed to $14,000 and is “Negotiable”. For info email: 8/15 1951 FORD PICK UP – Project, no engine or trans. Body is in good shape to be 63 years old. ’81 Ford van will go with the purchase of truck if wanted. Van has a 351 Winsor motor with C4 trans & 9” rear end to be used (in excellent condition) in truck. $3,900 for all. Contact (228) 860-7721. 8/15 1964 Ford Fairlane 500 Sport Coupe - Ready 8/15 to Cruise!! $9,900. 228 697-9734 1957 356A PORSCHE Special Edition Speedster - Mfg by Beck Industries on 6/28/2004. 1915cc/125HP performance engine, dual Solex carbs, Wagner fuel system, Comp X exhaust. Bosche ignition, full VDO instrumentation, FISK classic tires, Ranco trans, CB. Car is finished in Porsche Forrest Green with saddle tan interior. Car is equipped with Luggage Rack, Bosche running lamps, skull gear shift, and has the famous Porsche “Banjo” steering wheel. Sony radio in Porsche Pod. Actual miles 10,233. 8/15 Asking $24,000. Otis 228 265-4529. 1997 Chevrolet Monte Carlo Luxury sport model. The car is white with red cloth interior. Equipped with bucket seats and console. It is powered by a 305 V-8 with a four barrel carb and a four speed auto trans. It has been upgraded with chrome tipped dual exhaust and 15 inch Keystone Classic wheels. Asking $8500.00 dollars. If interested call Ken at 228-497-3390. 8/15

1931 Model A Slant window; totally restored, except the interior - it is original Mohair and just too good to replace. Perfect running condition, used primarily for local tours, weddings, graduations and car shows. Has new brakes, cast iron drums with Flathead Ted's Brake floaters (makes it seem as though it has power brakes!) $18,500 FIRM. Contact Marcus, 601-253-2732 Walnut Grove. 8/15

Fins for sale. selling parts or a vehicle? You can’t beat the deal in Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and on our web site. Two months with pictures for only $10.

1979 Mustang Race Car--powered by a 351W engine stroked to 408c.i. The engine is equipped with a forged rotating assembly, .700 lift solid roller cam, trick flow cast iron heads with bolt on roller rockers and ”Cooks 2” headers. A TCI C-4 transmission with a 4000 RPM stall converter. A 9”disk break rear end carries a 456:1 traction lock center section. Asking $10,500 Call Don 504-250-0870 8/15 1968 Mustang Convertible -- Wimbledon White clear coat exterior and carmine interior. Has AT (rebuilt), PS, front PB, nice Mustang wheels, Ford stainless muffler, Sony Stereo CD/ AM/FM with power antenna. Has almost new Flaming River steering gear. One of the last 289 engines before Ford switched to the 302. Carb rebuilt last fall. Stripped to bare metal and completely primed and repainted in 2004 with new power top and new interior. Powder-coated Ford Blue engine. New Hankook radial tires. Has a clear title. Original mileage is unknown. Not a #1 car, but is in great shape and looks, runs and drives great - For air, just drop the top! Retail value is $27,940.00, and we are asking $24,900.00. Reasonable offers considered, but I won't give it away. Call Jim at (228) 388-1880. 8/15 FOR SALE BY OWNER: 1600 sq. ft. 4 bd. room/2.5 bath brick home in Bel-Aire s/d, off Dedeaux Rd. in Gulfport just north of I-10. Newly renovated w/ceramic tile & carpet… fenced back yard….bonus room…..includes all appliances. $79,900.00 for more info. call: (228) 832-4152

Classified Ads 2 Months in the Magazine & on - Picture Ad - $10 Non Picture Ad - $5





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