Gulf Coast MotorSports May 2016

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MAY 2016



MAY 2016

Vol. 21 No. 5

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief - Jas. “Jimbo” Perkins P.O. Box 2847 ∙ Gulfport, MS 39505 E-mail:

Advertizing & Production - 228 596-0664

Jimbo, Siri, why are fire trucks red? “Because they have eight wheels and four people on them, and four plus eight makes twelve, and there are twelve inches in a foot, and one foot is a ruler, and Queen Elizabeth was a ruler, and Queen Elizabeth was also a ship, and the ship sailed the seas, and there were fish in the seas, and fish have fins, and the Finns fought the Russians, and the Russians are red, and fire trucks are always “Russian" around, so that's why fire trucks are red!" Jimbo, At the opening day ceremonies at 'Dee-pends Village', the Coast’s newest 'over-65' seniors complex, Billy Bob the manager addressed all the new residents pointing out some of the rules: "The female sleeping quarters will be out-of-bounds for all males, and the male dormitory off limits to the females. Anybody caught breaking this rule will be required to pay $20 the first time." He continued, "Anybody caught breaking this rule the second time will pay $60. Being caught a third time will cost you $180. Are there any questions?" At this point, Bubba, an older gentleman stood up in the crowd inquired: "How much for a season pass?” giff1500@ Jimbo, A C-130 was lumbering along when a cocky F- 16 flashed by. The jet jockey decided to show off. The fighter jock told the C-130 pilot, 'watch this!' and promptly went into a barrel roll followed by a steep climb. He then finished with a sonic boom as he broke the sound barrier. The F-16 pilot asked the C-130 pilot what he thought of that. The C-130 pilot said, 'That was impressive, but watch this!' The C-130 droned along for about 5 minutes and then the C-130 pilot came back on and said: 'What did you think of that?' Puzzled, the F-16 pilot asked, 'What the heck did you do?' The C-130 pilot chuckled. 'I stood up, stretched my legs, walked to the back, took a leak, then got a cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll.' When you are young and foolish speed and flash may seem a good thing. When you get older and smarter comfort and dull is not such a bad thing. Older folks understand this one; it's called S.O.S. Bill Leonhardt9@


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The publication titled: Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine is owned & published by Dixie Press Publishing LLC. who neither endorses nor warrants the products or services of advertisers, nor does it warrant the completeness or accuracy of the data provided herein. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. welcomes unsolicited editorial, photographs, articles for non compensational consideration of publishing on a space available basis's. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. is not responsible for the return of said photographs, manuscripts or art. Views expressed in these publications are not necessarily those of the publisher, contributing editors, advertisers, or their agents. Subscriptions are mailed to subscribers via Bulk Mail from U.S. Postal service, Baton Rouge, LA.

Found this little biker/cruiser at the show today too. Nice ride little dude. And he likes this magazine. …. Gizmo

MAY 2016


Jimbo, Sometime this year, we taxpayers will again receive another 'Economic Stimulus' payment. This is indeed a very exciting program, and I'll explain it by using a Q & A format: Q. What is an 'Economic Stimulus' payment? A. It is money that the federal government will send to taxpayers. Q. Where will the government get this money? A. From taxpayers. Q. So the government is giving me back my own money? A. Only a smidgen of it. Q. What is the purpose of this payment? A. The plan is for you to use the money to purchase a; high-definition TV set, thus stimulating the economy. Q. But isn't that stimulating the economy of China? A. Shut up. Below is some helpful advice on how to best help the U.S. Economy by spending your stimulus check wisely: * If you spend the stimulus money at Wal-Mart, the money will; go to China or Sri Lanka. * If you spend it on gasoline, your money will go to the Arabs. * If you purchase a computer, it will go to India, Taiwan or; China ... * If you purchase fruit and vegetables, it will go to Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala ... * If you buy an efficient car, it will go to Japan or Korea . * If you purchase useless stuff, it will go to Taiwan. * If you pay your credit cards off, or buy stock, it will go; to management bonuses and they will hide it offshore. Instead, keep the money in America by: 1) Spending it at yard sales, or 2) Going to ball games, or 3) Spending it on prostitutes, or 4) Beer or 5) Tattoos. (These are the only American businesses still operating in the U.S. ) Conclusion: Go to a ball game with a tattooed prostitute that you met at a yard sale and drink beer all day! o need to thank me, I'm just glad I could be of help. GptTeeByrd@ Life is full of peace stealers. There will always be people and circumstances trying to pull you out of peace. If you’re going to live in peace, you have to put some boundaries up and not allow everything in. Do yourself a favor, be careful what you feed your inner person. Joel Osteen I’ll leave you with this Jerry King cartoon


MAY 2016

8 Things You May Not Know About Memorial Day By Barbara Maranzani For nearly 150 years, Americans have gathered in late spring to honor the sacrifice of those who have given their lives in service to their country. What began with dozens of informal commemorations of those killed in the Civil War has grown to become one of the nation’s most solemn and hallowed holidays. From its earliest incarnation as “Decoration Day” to its modern-day observances, check out some surprising facts about the history of Memorial Day. 1. Memorial Day and its traditions may have ancient roots. While the first commemorative events weren’t held in the United States until the 19th century, the practice of honoring those who have fallen in battle dates back thousands of years. The ancient Greeks and Romans held annual days of remembrance for loved ones (including soldiers) each year, festooning their graves with flowers and holding public festivals and feasts in their honor. In Athens, public funerals for fallen soldiers were held after each battle, with the remains of the dead on display for public mourning before a funeral procession took them to their internment in the Kerameikos, one of the city’s most prestigious cemeteries. One of the first known public tributes to war dead was in 431 B.C., when the Athenian general and statesman Pericles delivered a funeral oration praising the sacrifice and valor of those killed in the Peloponnesian War—a speech that some have compared in tone to Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. 2. One of the earliest commemorations was organized by recently freed slaves. As the Civil War neared its end, thousands of Union soldiers, held as prisoners of war, were herded into a series of hastily assembled camps in Charleston, South Carolina. Conditions at one camp, a former racetrack near the city’s Citadel, were so bad that more than 250 prisoners died from disease or exposure, and were buried in a mass grave behind the track’s grandstand. Three weeks after the Confederate surrender, an unusual procession entered the former camp: On May 1, 1865, more than 1,000 recently freed slaves, accompanied by regiments of the U.S. Colored Troops (including the Massachusetts 54th Infantry) and a handful of white Charlestonians, gathered in the camp to consecrate a new, proper burial site for the Union dead. The group sang hymns, gave readings and distributed flowers around the cemetery, which they dedicated to the “Martyrs of the Race Course.” 3. The holiday’s “founder” had a long and distinguished career. In May 1868, General John A. Logan, the commander-in-chief of the Union veterans’ group known as the Grand Army of the Republic, issued a decree that May 30 should become a nationwide day of commemoration for the more than 620,000 soldiers killed in the recently ended Civil War. On Decoration Day, as Logan dubbed it, Americans should lay flowers and decorate the graves of the war dead “whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land.” According to legend, Logan chose May 30 because it was a rare day that didn’t fall on the anniversary of a Civil War battle, though some historians believe the date was selected to ensure that flowers across the country would be in full bloom. After the war Logan, who had served as a U.S. congressman before resigning to rejoin the army, returned to his political career, eventually serving in both the House and Senate and was the unsuccessful Republican candidate for vice president in 1884. When he died two years later, Logan’s body laid in state in the rotunda of the United States Capitol, making him one of just 33 people to have received the honor. Today, Washington, D.C.’s Logan Circle and several townships across the country are named in honor of this champion of veterans and those killed in battle.

4. Logan probably adapted the idea from earlier events in the South. Even before the war ended, women’s groups across much of the South were gathering informally to decorate the graves of Confederate dead. In April 1886, the Ladies Memorial Association of Columbus, Georgia resolved to commemorate the fallen once a year—a decision that seems to have influenced John Logan to follow suit, according to his own wife. However, southern commemorations were rarely held on one standard day, with observations differing by state and spread out across much of the spring and early summer. It’s a tradition that continues today: Nine southern states officially recognize a Confederate Memorial Day, with events held on Confederate President Jefferson Davis’ birthday, the day on which General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson was killed, or to commemorate other symbolic events. 5. It didn’t become a federal holiday until 1971. American’s embraced the notion of “Decoration Day” immediately. That first year, more than 27 states held some sort of ceremony, with more than 5,000 people in attendance at a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. By 1890, every former state of the Union had adopted it as an official holiday. But for more than 50 years, the holiday was used to commemorate those killed just in the Civil War, not in any other American conflict. It wasn’t until America’s entry into World War I that the tradition was expanded to include those killed in all wars, and Memorial Day was not officially recognized nationwide until the 1970s, with America deeply embroiled in the Vietnam War. 6. It was a long road from Decoration Day to an official Memorial Day. Although the term Memorial Day was used beginning in the 1880s, the holiday was officially known as Decoration Day for more than a century, when it was changed by federal law. Four years later, the Uniform Monday Holiday Act of 1968 finally went into effect, moving Memorial Day from its traditional observance on May 30 (regardless of the day of the week), to a set day—the last Monday in May. The move has not been without controversy, though. Veterans groups, concerned that more Americans associate the holiday with first long weekend of the summer and not its intended purpose to honor the nation’s war dead, continue to lobby for a return to the May 30 observances. For more than 20 years, their cause was championed by Hawaiian Senator—and decorated World War II veteran—Daniel Inouye, who until his 2012 death reintroduced legislation in support of the change at the start of every Congressional term. 7. More than 20 towns claim to be the holiday’s “birthplace”—but only one has federal recognition. For almost as long as there’s been a holiday, there’s been a rivalry about who celebrated it first. Boalsburg, Pennsylvania, bases its claim on an 1864 gathering of women to mourn those recently killed at Gettysburg. In Carbondale, Illinois, they’re certain that they were first, thanks to an 1866 parade led, in part, by John Logan who two years later would lead the charge for an official holiday. There are even two dueling Columbus challengers (one in Mississippi, the other in Georgia) who have battled it out for Memorial Day supremacy for decades. Only one town, however, has received the official seal of approval from the U.S. government. In 1966, 100 years after the town of Waterloo, New York, shuttered its businesses and took to the streets for the first of many continuous, community-wide celebrations, President Lyndon Johnson signed legislation, recently passed by the U.S. Congress, declaring the tiny upstate village the “official” birthplace of Memorial Day. 8. Memorial Day traditions have evolved over the years. Despite the increasing celebration of the holiday as a summer rite of passage, there are some formal rituals still on the books: The American flag should be hung at half-staff until noon on Memorial Day, then raised to the top of the staff. And since 2000, when the U.S. Congress passed legislation, all Americans are encouraged to pause for a National Moment of Remembrance at 3 p.m. local time. The federal government has also used the holiday to honor non-veterans—the Lincoln Memorial was dedicated on Memorial Day 1922. And, while its origins have little to do with fallen soldiers, the Indianapolis 500 has certainly become a Memorial Day tradition of its own–this year marks the 102nd time the race will be run to coincide with the holiday.

How To Observe Memorial Day "...gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with choicest flowers of springtime....let us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they have left among us as sacred charges upon the Nation's gratitude,--the soldier's and sailor's widow and orphan." --General John Logan, General Order No. 11, 5 May 1868 THE WAY I SEE IT

Simple Truth By Jesse James

Everyone wants to play the blame game. I can't do this or I can't do that. They spend so much time thinking of reasons why s#*t can't get done, instead of just doing it. My dad was a 1st Class A##hole to me when I was a kid, but the one thing he did right. He taught me was to work. Forced me to do things right, and redo them if they were not perfect. Until it light a light inside me that made me do things that way on my own. So if you really want better things and a better life? The only thing standing in your way is You. The 15 minutes you spend blaming somebody else or blaming it on a lack of equipment. That could have been 15 more minutes of work getting done. My favorite story about when I started West Coast Choppers. When I first opened the shop I started going in about 8:30am or 9am. Shop was 10 miles away. I would notice all the cars on the clogged freeway were old beat up vans, Toyota Corolas, station wagons ect ect. Then one day I had to meet somebody at the shop at 6am one day. I noticed all the cars on the freeway were BMWs, Mercedes, new Ford Superdutys with shiny new service beds. No traffic and everyone was Hauling ass to get to Work. Success is that Simple. You want better stuff and a Better life? Don't blame & complain. Get your ass up Early and get to work. #jessejames

MAY 2016


If your travlin’ up Hwy 49 heading north glance to the left as you pass Scooters Motorcycle shop 21151 US 49, Saucier, MS 39574, that’s where Mark Gillis “Nomad Graf.x” a mobile custom paint service resides. Mark has been roamin’ the Gulf Coast for a long time. Mark is an old fashioned sign painter. Likes to pin-stripe and is great with an airbrush. You may have seen his work on the MotorSports ‘29 or on the MotorSports Van. When Mark needs to travel LARGE his choice is this kustom 1999 Ultimate step van that he has been customizing in his spare time. Now sitting on airbags by “Magee’s Automotive” in Saucier and Marks friend Johnny worked hard on that fabrication. Mark wanted to paint something on the side of the van and the sign he painted is a memory from his home hang out growing up in the San Fernando Valley, California area.

Coming back from Wiggins the other day, we stop at the Rebel Dip in Orange Grove and got an ice cream cone. I got to thinking about all of the drive-up ice cream places that were on the coast. When I lived in Bay St Louis in the early 70’s there was the Frostop at Hwy 90 and 2nd street on the service road. I would leave work and road test a car and stop and get an ice cream cone. The Frostop closed and became a seafood place and along came Katrina and left a slab. Then in Gulfport, there were three about that time. One was one Hwy 49 in front of the A&P on the corner of 49 and Pass Road. This was before A&P close and before Checker’s and Wal-Greens. I am not sure of the name, but I think it was Tasty Freeze. Someone may remember. Then there was the Frosty Mug (not sure if that is right). I don’t remember it, I was told about it. It was next to the Shell Station there on the corner of Pass Road and Hwy 49. Then next one was where Ben’s Deli is today. It still looks like a drive-up ice cream and hamburger place. The best anyone can remember it was called Dairy Dream. These were the fast food places of their time before Burger King and Mc Donald’s came to town. Sonic is the new version of the old ice cream drive-in. It not the same, but we don’t have many of the others left. We have one in Gulfport that is the Rebel Drip. Still have the best chili cheese burger. The other is the Frosty Mug in Wiggins. Keep the memories alive. Till we eat again. J. R.

Disappearing From Our Lives....Believe it or not!!

Fosters Freeze has been a California tradition since the mid 1940's. The Fosters story begins in 1946 when George Foster opened the first Fosters Freeze in Inglewood, California. He introduced the soft serve cone and a line of soft serve desserts. The unique product became so popular that he opened a chain of restaurants. As California grew, so did the Fosters concept. Made-to-order hamburgers, fries and other food items were added to the menu. Fosters Freeze truly could be described as Caifornia's first fast-food chain!


MAY 2016

Ten Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime Whether these changes are good or bad depends in part on how we adapt to them. But, ready or not, here they come. Maybe not in our lifetimes but during our children's. 1. The Post Office - Get ready to imagine a world without the post office. They are so deeply in financial trouble that there is probably no way to sustain it long term. Email, Fed Ex, and UPS have just about wiped out the minimum revenue needed to keep the post office alive. Most of your mail every day is junk mail and bills. 2. The Check - Britain is already laying the groundwork to do away with check by 2018. It costs the financial system billions of dollars a year to process checks. Plastic cards and online transactions will lead to the eventual demise of the check. This plays right into the death of the post office. If you never paid your bills by mail and never received them by mail, the post office would absolutely go out of business. 3. The Newspaper - The younger generation simply doesn't read the newspaper. They certainly don't subscribe to a daily delivered print edition. That may go the way of the milkman and the laundry man. As for reading the paper online, get ready to pay for it. The rise in mobile Internet devices and e-readers has caused all the newspaper and magazine publishers to form an alliance. They have met with Apple, Amazon, and the major cell phone companies to develop a model for paid subscription services. 4. The Book - You say you will never give up the physical book that you hold in your hand and turn the literal pages I said the same thing about downloading music from iTunes. I wanted my hard copy CD. But I quickly changed my mind when I discovered that I could get albums for half the price without ever leaving home to get the latest music. The same thing will happen with books. You can browse a bookstore online and even read a preview chapter before you buy. And the price is less than half that of a real book. And think of the convenience! Once you start flicking your fingers on the screen instead of the book, you find that you are lost in the story, can't wait to see what happens next, and you forget that you're holding a gadget instead of a book.

5. The Land Line Telephone - Unless you have a large family and make a lot of local calls, you don't need it anymore. Most people keep it simply because they've always had it. But you are paying double charges for that extra service. All the cell phone companies will let you call customers using the same cell provider for no charge against your minutes. 6. Music - This is one of the saddest parts of the change story. The music industry is dying a slow death. Not just because of illegal downloading. It's the lack of innovative new music being given a chance to get to the people who would like to hear it. Greed and corruption is the problem. The record labels and the radio conglomerates are simply self-destructing. Over 40% of the music purchased today is "catalogue items," meaning traditional music that the public is familiar with. Older established artists. This is also true on the live concert circuit. To explore this fascinating and disturbing topic further, check out the book, "Appetite for SelfDestruction" by Steve Knopper, and the video documentary, "Before the Music Dies." 7. Television Revenues - The networks are down dramatically. Not just because of the economy. People are watching TV and movies streamed from their computers. And they're playing games and doing lots of other things that take up the time that used to be spent watching TV. Prime time shows have degenerated down to lower than the lowest common denominator. Cable rates are skyrocketing and commercials run about every 4 minutes and 30 seconds. I say good riddance to most of it. It's time for the cable companies to be put out of our misery. Let the people choose what they want to watch online and through Netflix. 8. The "Things" That You Own - Many of the very possessions that we used to own are still in our lives, but we may not actually own them in the future. They may simply reside in "the cloud." Today your computer has a hard drive and you store your pictures, music, movies, and documents. Your software is on a CD or DVD, and you can always re-install it if need be. But all of that is changing. Apple, Microsoft, and Google are all finishing up their latest "cloud services." That means that when you turn on a computer, the Internet will be built into the operating system. So, Windows, Google, and the Mac OS will be tied straight into the Internet. If you click an icon, it will open something in the Internet cloud. If you save something, it will be saved to the cloud. And you may pay a monthly subscription fee to the cloud provider. In this virtual world, you can access your music or your books, or your whatever from any laptop or handheld device. That's the good news. But, will you actually own any of this "stuff" or will it all be able to disappear at any moment in a big "Poof?" Will most of the things in our lives be disposable and whimsical? It makes you want to run to the closet and pull out that photo album, grab a book from the shelf, or open up a CD case and pull out the insert. 9. Joined Handwriting (Cursive Writing) - Already gone in some schools who no longer teach "joined handwriting" because nearly everything is done now on computers or keyboards of some type (pun not intended). 10. Privacy If there ever was a concept that we can look back on nostalgically, it would be privacy. That's gone. It's been gone for a long time anyway.. There are cameras on the street, in most of the buildings, and even built into your computer and cell phone. But you can be sure that 24/7, "They" know who you are and where you are, right down to the GPS coordinates, and the Google Street View. If you buy something, your habit is put into a zillion profiles, and your ads will change to reflect those habits. "They" will try to get you to buy something else. Again and again and again. All we will have left that which can't be changed are our "Memories". And some of us have already lost that!

That was a Great 1st Saturday night Cruise-in at the Coast Cruizers Mega Cruise April 2nd. Packed with over 300 cars! The Mega 50/50 was over $1300. They do it the 1st Saturday night of each month at Edgewater Mall Biloxi.

Gizmos Carriage House AKA Poppys Garage - May 2016 Its a long way to Mississippi. Mr. Don Hastings gladly accepted my order for my new Deuce 3 window coupe project. By now I thought I was a pro at building hotrods. I had learned much I thought from my past adventures in hot rods. Little did I realize many mistakes would be made during this build also, seems little things get overlooked very easily. In any event it would take a couple years, all of the cash from the last sale and quite a bit more for this little hot rod project to come to life. I was once again riding and going to cruise nights and car shows I even went to Louisville for the Street Rod Nationals, and in early 2005 was convinced to bring it to the New Orleans edition of the World of Wheels. Later that year we all know what happened down here, the loss of a lot of folks and some really fine cars happened that summer. Mine went under also but I was lucky I was able to keep mine. Enough on that topic for now. It would take a few years to get it back on the road, but not before a relocation of the Gizmo clan. Yes Mississippi was to become our new home. No more living under the threat of flooding for me, the Road to Mississippi was clear and straight to Carriere. I had been working on my wife for years to move to the Picayune area, lots of land and not lots of people were my pitch to her. She would have none of it until the events of the summer of 2005. The Queen, my wife, had found a new home on a larger piece of land in Carriere, however it had no separate garage, Carriage House. My rebuild of my coupe would have to wait a bit longer until a proper place to work would be built. With the aid of my family and some dear friends we built a new and larger version of my old Slidell garage. After it was sufficiently completed work could follow on the 3 window coupe. A trip or two to Louisville to source many new parts and numerous calls to suppliers provided me with the necessary items to make my little car once again road worthy. Seems like it took forever to get back on the road. This time my little hotrod was vastly improved over the version that had fallen victim of the storm. Seems like everything in our lives became better. Better house, garage, hotrod, and even friendships were far better. By the summer of 2007 I was back on the road and having fun. Another major milestone in my life took place in the fall of 2009, I made the decision to retire from my place of employment for the past 28 years. Seemed like it was the right thing to do. I would now begin to live a life of leisure and follow no orders but my own. The Queen it seems had other ideas than those of mine, I was quickly presented a list of chores and a to do list (honey do to some of you) that could choke a horse. After many months of wrangling with the list I was ready to return to work, heck work was way easier than this stuff. Plus I would be paid to work, this retirement stuff was beginning to look bleak, what was the use of being retired if I could not have some fun doing absolutely nothing if that was what I wanted to do. Changes would have to be made. This peasant was beginning to want to go on strike from the constant demands of the Queen. A revolt was brewing in the carriage house. Retired life in Mississippi was starting to get bumpy. Enjoy the Derby, and appreciate the flowers of May. Later and till next time Gizmo


MAY 2016


The Lucedale "old" car enthusiast meet at Hardee's in Lucedale every second Friday of the month. This past April 8 the weather was beautiful and there were approximately 30 plus vintage vehicles for viewing enjoyment. Most car owners have been attending the breakfast since it's inception. They enjoy conversation and breakfast with fellow antique car owners and swap "how to" information or just general information on upcoming car shows. Some even have bragging rights from previous car shows on winning or placing or just some serious "story telling". Attending the breakfast was a first for Woodrow Dickinson of Vinegar Bend, Alabama with his beautiful baby blue and white 57 Ford Fairlane. Hopefully it won't be his last trip. Also Greg Prine brought his recently restored white convertible Chevy II. Donnie Smith was there with a first showing of his red Chevy pickup. There was a white MG with it's first time at the show. All are welcome at this event and as stated above it is held every second Friday of each month. Come join the group for a walk down memory lane. Mike Lachaussee


MAY 2016

The Cole Report

It's the super busy time of the year cruisers. So many multiple shows on single days. I'll start the report off with the Misfits 18th annual Gnat Nationals over in Bay St. Louis they had 90 plus entrants, with a fun day being had by all. Next up was a day at Charlie Henderson Ford in Waveland with the Mustang Club always a good friendly event they put on. That evening we made the Long Beach Harbor 4th.Saturday cruise-in this is an oldie but goodie. Next up was the 4th Annual Gulf Coast Auto Show in Gulfport at the Best Western Plus/Clarion hotels this one just keeps getting bigger each year. At this show on Saturday they had a 2nd event with it's own awards for the C-10 truck club. We had 5 Misfits at the Autoshow /c10 show. Same time as these were going on Gizmo sent me pictures of the Street fair in Picayune with 130+ cars. The Misfits won club participation with 15 cars. The big event this month goes to the Coast Cruizers 1st. Sataturday Kickoff Mega Cruise-in over 330 cars at this one, with a $1300 plus 50/50 drawing. Last of the report did a little show at the Bay St Louis Harbor for the Pink Hearts Fund always a good cause, finished up the night at the Historic Train Depot for the Misfits 2nd Sat. cruise-in, nice turn out of 60+ cars. Just get out and cruise and remember to watch for our friends on bikes cruising also. See y'all out and about. Al

MAY 2016


I went to the Crosspoint Church 3rd annual Cruisin’ for Missions car, truck & bike show on April 9th. What a great show and hats off to all the staff and volunteers that helped to put it on. Great organization. Everything went off without a hitch at least from this showgoer perspective. Even the weather cooperated, warn and sunny. I got there a little early to get a good spot but the parking lot filled fast as the non stop flow of classic cars & trucks filed in. Traffic was directed by flag wavers and no-one seemed to complained about the spots they parked in. Church grounds soon filled with people taking advantage of all the activities that were offered and the food line was growing. (Great pulled pork sandwiches hot off the BBQ.) As you can tell by the pictures there was plenty of activities for the kids too.


MAY 2016

MAY 2016


This 1968 Chevy Camaro belongs to Warren & Kem Saucier from Perkinston, MS. Warren says he found it in a field in Pascagoula, MS. and he made a deal and brought it home. That was the start of what you see today.. This ‘68 is powered by fuel injected LSX engine, twisting a 4L8 transmission. Stopping is supplied by disk brakes on all four corners and Competition Engineering supplied the suspension. A 9� Ford rear end, with 373 gear spool turning 33 spline axles. Running on 15x15 Billet Specialties rims. Upholstery was done by David Ladner and Jerry Jacobs did the body work and the Silver/Black paint job. Warren & Kem are members of the Red Creek Classic Car Club


MAY 2016

By: Terry

Mason Barfield

The 7th Annual New Roads Street Festival Car Show Just about the time we had recovered from the Lakeland/Tampa trip it was time to get ready for the New Roads, LA car show! The get ready part starts about a week before. I have learned that if you slowly get things ready for a trip, it takes the pressure off; we have a routine now in place that starts to unfold about a week out. On Wednesday evening, before we were planning to head out on Friday morning, I receive a phone call from Rick Falgout, the guy that had booked me for the The 7th Annual New Roads Street Festival Car Show with the Pointe Coupee Cruisers saying that the show had been moved from Saturday to Sunday to allow for the nasty weather to move out. The weather had been bad in Louisiana most of the week with stories of flooding everywhere in the news. Rick and I had talked daily about what was happening with the weather. Because the town of New Roads is on the False River, flooding was not an issue. The False River is a big body of water that looks like a mighty river, but because it in fact has a beginning and an end, it doesn’t have tidal tendencies; it acts more like a lake. My only problem, when you plan to take off work on Friday and then find out you have to work Friday and take off Monday, it’s a bummer, but either way the Sunday forecast was great with sunshine and I thought it was the right decision. We headed out about 9 am Saturday morning for the 166 mile trip. I-12 was very busy, just south of Hammond, LA we came to a dead stop. We had seen flooding of creeks and streams, even ditches along the way, much like we had seen on the news. The flooding was bad. Traffic was heavy on the interstate because so many roads were closed between Covington and Hammond. For the next two and a half hours we were either stopped or creeping along at 5 MPH. We finally got to the problem; water had covered the right lane of I-12 and was into the left lane just a bit. Once by the problem, the traffic got going again. When we got into Baton Rouge we had to cross the big bridge there, we got into the heaviest rain of the trip while trying to cross the bridge, I’m talking about a cats and dogs downpour. Pulling the Hot Rod Show trailer on a narrow bridge in heavy traffic during a deluge of rain is no fun, harrowing to say the least. To top it off my driver’s side windshield wiper blew out. So when the bridge was crossed and the rain let up I called the district manager from Auto Zone for that region, Rosiland Doby and asked her if they could bring me a set of wipers to the show tomorrow, she said no problem she would take care of it. We arrived in New Roads about 2:30 pm, a five and a half hour trip that should have taken about three hours. It was still raining but Rick met us and took us to the spot where we would set up The Hot Rod Show trailer. We got the trailer in position in the rain and dropped it. The next thing was to get to our hotel, get checked in and setup there. The hotel was a block from our trailer, a very old hotel, but very nice with antique furniture, neat, nice and very clean. We got the truck unloaded, the room setup and it was time to find something to eat. We found some fast food and ate light because we were eating at Rick’s house Saturday night. New Roads, LA has all the charm of a southern small town, add to that being located on the banks of the False River and it is most charming. Every inch of land along the False River has been developed. The town is made

up of weekend camps, retirement homes and local residents. The river appeared to be about 15 miles long, the town was at one end of the river and Rick’s place was at the other. We arrived at Rick’s house about 6 pm. There was about 10 or more people there…his family, his car club buddies and their wives. Everyone was very nice and friendly. I have been in many Cajun homes over the years, for my wife Scotty this was her first experience. Rick has a nice house down on the water, developed over the 40 years they have lived there, dock for his house boat, plenty of deck area and of course a nice man cave. We ate really well, his wife Kitty is a great cook, we had jambalaya and it was good. We also met Tyler Dale. Rick’s car club had brought in Tyler from the TV show American Restoration, the son of Rick Dale. Rick Falgout had picked Tyler up at the airport and brought him to New Roads, Tyler didn’t even know where Baton Rouge was, so he had no idea where New Roads was or where he was now. Rick took him to the hotel where he had a room for him and then took him to his own house, he gave Tyler a choice on where he wanted to stay, Tyler stayed with Rick down on the river, actually with Rick’s daughter just down the road. Tyler was very nice and mannerable and rolled with the flow. We had a great evening socializing. The next morning Rick bought our breakfast at the little café that was between our hotel and the Hot Rod Show trailer. We got to talk with the guys involved with making the show happen with the Pointe Coupee Cruisers and then it was down to business. Thanks to the contact made for us by Robert Taylor our terrific Auto Zone district manager back on the Coast, Auto Zone in New Roads loaded us down with great door prizes, they also brought a new set of wipers for my Ford F-150 and installed them. With the weather being so bad earlier and the folks dealing with a lot of flooding in the state, plus moving the show from Saturday to Sunday the car count was down, but you would have never known it by looking. All of downtown New Roads was packed with fine classic cars. From about 300 cars last year down to 180 cars this year. But the only place you would have noticed it was out on the fringes of the show. The show takes over downtown, the whole town of New Roads supports the show, including Mayor Robert Myer, the City Council and the Pointe Coupee Cruisers, they really put on a great car show! Our Mega 50/50 was right at $4,000, so close they made it $4,000 and gave $2,000 to the winner. I can only imagine what this show will grow to with great weather! Tyler Dale signed autographs for the fans, took photos with everyone, drove the 50/50 golf cart selling tickets and even gophered when needed, running to get me more door prizes when I would get low, a real trooper. We interviewed Tyler during the show and found him to be a sharp young man. Fans of the show have wondered why Rick Dale and his family are not on the History Channel Show this season. According to Tyler, the History Channel only wanted them to work on items featured on the show and not their other customer’s items. Rick told the History Channel that his business was too important to him to do that… so they parted company. Tyler also said they were in negotiation with other networks such as Velocity to do another restoration type show. This was Tyler’s first paid celebrity appearance on his own, I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when he got back to Las Vegas

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and told his family and friends about spending a weekend with some great Cajun people and that he now had a family in Louisiana. Sunday night after the show was over we headed back to Rick’s house for dinner and wind down time. Tyler was even more comfortable and was ready to try some crawfish. He loved them, but he had to de-vein each one, lol. Miss Kitty cooked again, crawfish etouffee, you talking about good, we all had two plates and Scotty did something I’ve never seen her do before, that is get a recipe from someone. She asked Kitty and Kitty made one up for her. I can’t wait for Scotty to try it. We had a great time in New Roads, the people are awesome, the car show is great, we’re looking forward to next year and doing it all again. Just talked with the folks from Carlisle Events, the show we did in Florida. They want us to do both shows they do in Florida and want to fly me to two of their shows in Pennsylvania where they have over 7,000 vendors included in those shows. Because they have a permanent PA system setup on the property, they can fly me in with my laptop computers and I can do the shows without the Hot Rod Show trailer. It also opened the door in my mind for the Hot Rod Show to be able to perform pretty much anywhere in the USA. Our next show is in Destin, FL Saturday May 7 at the Destin Commons Mall, Burning Up The Beaches, a 600 car show we have done the past few years and one of our favorite car shows of the year, with their new location this year, they are no longer limited in their car show capacity, we’ll take you there in next month’s 17 FOREVER column. Until then… get the Hot Rod out of the garage and enjoy that 17 FOREVER state of mind! til next month…

Terry P.S. Most of the photos are courtesy of Tommy Comeaux and were taken early that morning. Facebook: Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show Hear a demo of the Hot Rod Show on Facebook by searching for Terry


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~ Chartered in 1958 ~ The Antique Auto & Engine Club of Mississippi held it's first meeting on December 16, 1957 at the home of George Cretors in Long Beach. It was quite a show with jalopies, cars, and even a large steam engine, which belonged to Herbert Down and Mr. Cretors. Mrs. Cretors served refreshments. A small pirogue that belonged to Dr. Shelly was also featured. The club was legally chartered a few months later on February 20th, 1958 with ten charter members and George Cretors taking the rein as president during that first year. Meetings continued to be a combination of business, pleasure, and car shows with the locations moving from members homes, to the Chamber of Commerce building, to the Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo, and even a picnic at DeSoto National Park on the Biloxi River. During the mid 1960's the meetings were held at the Hancock Bank in Mississippi City. It was during this time period that the then club president Rex Mathews chaired a group that organized the first Edgewater Plaza Antique Car Show in July 1967. The Edgewater Show was held annually ever since except for the year it was canceled due to a hurricane. The 1970's continued with an array of barbecues, picnics, and get togethers that spread all along the Mississippi Coast. Shows were held at Searstown in Pascagoula, Paul B. Johnson state park, the Plantation House in Gautier, and even included a Hattiesburg to New Orleans steam engine tour. During the early 70's club membership dues were established at $10.00 a year, taking the club off voluntary contributions. Meetings locations continued to be changed as memberships increased and sites such as the Plantation House in Gautier, the West Side Community Center in Gulfport, and the Lutheran Church in Ocean Springs allowed us the use of their buildings. Mac Weaver was club president in 1978 when our first "May Show" was conceived and it has continued annually since as the Mississippi Gulf Coast Antique Auto Show at the International Plaza, Point Cadet Biloxi. 1980 brought continued changes in meeting locations starting with Gulf Hills Country Club in Ocean Springs and ending with the Holiday Inn. Interest in automobiles as a hobby spread throughout the area and country with specialized shows and meets spreading to match. 1988 brought together a new effort to bring together car enthusiasts and the Gulf Coast Autorama was born, specifically designed to bring together the widest array of vehicles possible in one indoor location. It is hosted by an assortment of local car clubs and held for ten years in the air-conditioned Mississippi Coast Coliseum. 1996 was the birth of Cruisin' the Coast in which the entire Gulf Coast was opened up to the car hobby and with the efforts of civic and car organizations has shown the south where to cruise. Rallies, meets and events are still the main thrust of the club as it rolls into the 21st century in its attempt to preserve and enjoy the rolling history of our past. We hope our efforts will continue to stimulate interest in collecting, restoring, and preserving old and antique vehicles for all ages to enjoy in the future. Andy & Deanne Switzer

38th Annual “May Show” is May 27-28 at Point Cadet - Biloxi, MS. (Located just off Hwy 90 at the Ocean Springs / Biloxi Bridge) the show is open to any hobbyist owning or showing an interest in automobiles or engines. But remember, “Crabby folks will not be tolerated” Registration opens Friday May 27 & Saturday May 28 at 9am. Judging starts at Noon. Awards at 6pm Saturday. Vendor spaces are available, registration is required, There will be food all day Saturday. Admission is free to spectators.

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The Prolific and Innovative Marmon Written by Dennis E. Horvath The Nordyke & Marmon Company later known as Marmon Motor Car Company was prolific and innovative from its start in producing automobiles. Since the firm’s founding in 1851, it was known for its engineering prowess. It first established its reputation as a builder of flour milling machinery before the company’s first automobile sprang from the mind of Howard C. Marmon.

1929 Marmon Roosevelt Nordyke & Marmon’s factory showroom was in a 19th century commercial building at the southwest corner of New York and Meridian streets in the mid 1910’s. Plant 1 was at the southwest corner of Kentucky Avenue and West Morris Street. Plant 2 was constructed at the southwest corner of Drover and West York streets. Plant 3, completed in 1919, is the five-story structure measuring 80 x 600 feet parallel to Morris Street between Kentucky Avenue and Harding Street (now Eli Lilly and Company’s Building 314). The single story Marmon Assembly Plant was built adjacent to the Morris Street property line with Plant 3 behind and parallel to it (also part of the Eli Lilly complex).

Marmon Plant 3 & Assembly Plant Howard C. Marmon’s first production car for Nordyke and Mar-mon Company was remarkably progressive for 1905. It featured an overhead valve, air-cooled, two-cylinder, 90-degree V configuration engine with pressure lubrication. Marmon’s design was the earliest automotive application of a system that became universal to internal combustion piston engine.


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Marmon’s cumulative production from 1902 to 1933 approached 110,000 autos. The mid-point of producing 55,000 autos was reached at the end of the 1927 model year. In 1929 and 1930, Marmon production exceeded Cadillac in the luxury market. A number of automotive enthusiasts over the years have praised the prolific and innovative Marmon as a fine automobile.

1904 Marmon Model A In 1906, Marmon was ahead of its time. The company could be classified as one of the first fully integrated auto manufacturers in America. Most of the other large manufacturers were providing specifications of major components to be built by other firms. Early on, Marmon recognized that weight was the enemy in car design. His early automobiles featured cast aluminum bodies, which weighed substantially less than other makes. The effectiveness of a lighter body was proven in 1911 with a six-cylinder racing model named the Marmon Wasp. This car, driven by Ray Harroun, won the first Indianapolis 500 Mile Race. The 1916 introduction of the Model 34 marked one of the first examples of styling the car as a complete entity versus the standard practice of component styling. The 1929 Marmon Roosevelt had the distinction of being the first eight-cylinder car in the world to sell for less than $1,000.

1930 Marmon-Roosevelt The Marmon Motor Company was founded by Howard Marmon of Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1901 as a spin off from his family’s millwright company. Howard Marmon was often recognized as a pioneer of innovation. Hence, the early Marmon slogan, “The Foremost Fine Car.” In 1926, the company reorganized with the help of Alfred P. Sloan, a MIT connection. At the time, there were inventories of ultra-costly cars and Marmon was prompted to radically trim prices. The Roosevelt Marmon was named after President Theodore Roosevelt and designed to be priced as the “affordable” automobile, being the first straight 8 under $1000. Marmon Motor Company gained immediate respect of the military when the car could be delivered from New York to San Francisco in 6 days. Marmon also built engines for Liberty Aircraft during WWI. Pushing new technology and quality made Marmon a highly selective car with visual sophistication. A unique feature of the Roosevelt was a 3-function horn button; push to honk, pull to start and turn to work the headlights. Another famous feature was the double three-point suspension. The Marmon Company was regarded as an engineering heavyweight and attracted young brilliance. It’s also been said that this car was affordable and fast during the prohibition era. Supposedly, bootleggers used the Marmon to out run the law and would change out the shocks for train shocks to disguise the heavy load of illegal liquor. Unfortunately, the Great Depression claimed his bit of American in 1933, but many of The Marmon Companies innovations have lasted the test of time.

Dixie Press Publishing 1931 Marmon Sixteen advertisement The most recognizable of Marmon’s creations was the Marmon Sixteen with its magnificent 491 c.i.d., 200 h.p., V-16 engine. The Marmon Sixteen was the largest American passenger car engine of its era. In February 1931, before production started on the Sixteen, the Society of Automotive Engineers honored Marmon’s huge and gleaming V-16 engine design as “the most notable engineering achieve-ment of 1930.”

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MAY 2016


Donna Holland 228-332-3006 NSRA MS State Advisor Jerry Cuevas 228-326-7489 NSRA Safety Inspections Thomas H. (CW) Smith NSRA MS State Rep.

Floyd and I went down to Tampa for the 29th NSRA Southeast Street Rod Nationals. The show was March 31st, April 1st and 2nd. Friday was a pretty day but there was a 80 percent chance of rain Saturday and it hampered the show. Saturday morning was the rep pick and I got to pick a car of my choice. I picked a 40 Ford Sedan Delivery that was owned by Phil Westbay from Apopka, FL. Phil drives his car to all the shows and cruise- ins. He owns a hot rod shop in Apopka. Saturday is the award ceremony which showcase the award- winning vehicles. Phil was presented a plaque. Thomas Smith aka Chicken Willy he picked a 40 Ford sedan. There were some beautiful cars and trucks picked the pictures are going to be in a issue of Streetscene. This was a fun show already looking forward to next year. Thank You, Donna The fun part of NSRA comes in the form of activities. The premier event in the sport is the NSRA Street Rod Nationals速 the world's largest automotive participant event, and it is supplemented with nine Divisional Nationals & one National to bring the NSRA type of activity to even more parts of the U.S. The NSRA events are a combination of games, activities, minievents and manufacturers selling trade shows, and every event is geared to family entertainment. Join the NSRA Today! Contact Donna Holland - 228 332-3006

May 27-29 Springfield, MO Mid-America Street Rod Nationals at Ozark Empire Fairgrounds No mail-in entries accepted after Friday, May 6th, 2016. Discount available through Friday, May 6th, 2016. June 3-5 York, PA Street Rod Nationals East, at York Expo Center. No mail-in entries accepted after Friday, May 13th, 2016. Discount available through Friday, May 13th, 2016. June 24 - 26 Pueblo, CO Rocky Mountain Street Rod Nationals at Colorado State Fairgrounds No mail-in entries accepted after Friday, June 3rd, 2016. Discount available through Friday, June 3rd, 2016. July 30 Wiggins, MS The NSRA appreciation day will be Saturday July 30, in conjunction with 6th annual Red Creek Classic. The Mississippi Rep. Chicken Willy and the Mississippi Advisor, Donna Holland will be there giving out NSRA appreciation pins. Members of the NSRA can show your card and get your pin. We also will be signing up new members. The Mississippi inspector Jerry Cuevas will be inspecting vehicles. You can get the new 16 or 23 inspecting sticker that day. We will also give a NSRA Merit Award. The award is given to a dedicated Rodder for excellence in construction, design and safety of their vehicle. This award is very special. Chicken Willy's Birthday is that week end so come out and help us celebrate his birthday. August 4-7 Louisville, KY 47th Annual Street Rod Nationals at Kentucky Exposition Center. No mail-in entries accepted after Thursday, December 31st, 2015. Discount available through Thursday, December 31st, 2015. September 9-11 Kalamazoo, MI Street Rod Nationals North, at Kalamazoo County Expo Center & Fairground No mail-in entries accepted after Friday, August 19th, 2016. Discount available through Friday, August 19th, 2016.

The safety of your street rod is of vital importance. If the street rod does not meet a certain set of guidelines, an accident can cause more than just replacing the parts. The NSRA or National Street Rod Association is the organization doing the safety inspections. Keep in mind that these safety inspections are completely voluntary. In most cases, safety inspections can be done at many of the street rod shows around the country. Generally, when a safety inspection is done, it is good for one year.


MAY 2016

Barrett-Jackson Collector Car Auction By Candy Cocktail It is likely that many of you have heard of Barrett-Jackson auctions. Their auctions, which take place a few times every year in select cities, are broadcast to millions on television around the world. Known as the world's greatest classic car auction, the company made a name for itself when it auctioned off Adolf Hitler's armored Mercedes-Benz 770K for triple the amount it had previously sold for. The world renowned auction house is now distinguished for its unique automobiles and automotive items. The American auction company, located in Scottsdale, Arizona, specializes in the auctioning of classic and antique cars. Their annual Scottsdale, Arizona auction is the largest and longest. The eight day long auction features 1000 vehicles, fashion shows, drifting, car seminars, symposiums, Ford and Chevrolet ride n' drives and other demonstrations. In 1967, what became known at Barrett-Jackson was started by car enthusiasts Russ Jackson and Tom Barrett in Scottsdale, Arizona. Scottsdale is still home to the Barrett-Jackson Collection Showroom. The men organized their first auction to sell Barrett's 1933 Cadillac V-16 town car. Soon after, the men organized more auctions. Their car show and auto auction events take place each year in Scottsdale, Arizona, Palm Beach, Florida, Las Vegas, Nevada and Reno, Nevada. Over 500,000 people are in attendance at all four auctions. The auction has been held in Las Vegas since 2008 and it has been held in Reno, Nevada since 2013 as a part of the infamous Hot August Nights event. In 1997 Craig Jackson took over running the event following the deaths of both the originators and it began airing on the Speed television station. I attended the event this April 8-10 in Palm Beach, Florida. I have watched the event on the Discovery Channel numerous times so I was thrilled at the opportunity to attend the world renowned event. The Palm Beach event's auction bidding was broadcast live on Velocity Channel all 3 days and on Discovery Channel on Saturday. Celebrities are usually among the attendees so I was certainly on the lookout for some famous names. At the Palm Beach event that I went to, Star Trek star William Shatner attended on Friday to auction two of his personal cars. Shatner's autographed 2002 Aston Martin DB7 Volante and 2004 Volkswagen Phaeton came across the auction block. Other past celebrity attendees of Barrett-Jackson auctions are Tim Allen, Fast N' Loud TV show star and owner of the well-known Gas Monkey Garage, Richard Rawlings, Sammy Hagar, Jay Leno, Alice Cooper, Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed, DMX, Tony Stewart, and Jesse James, among many others. Barrett-Jackson is not just a car auction; it also features trucks, motorcycles, engines, boats, airplanes and automobilia, such a juke boxes, neon signs, vintage gas pumps, traffic lights and pedal cars. The auction has evolved and increased in popularity in recent years. They now have internet bidding. Their most expensive car auctioned to date was a 1966 Shelby Cobra 427 “Super Snake” that sold for $5,500,000 at the Scottsdale auction in 2007. This past January another extraordinary car was sold for $3,850,000. It was a 1967 red Chevy Corvette L88, which was of only twenty produced and only one of those twenty was red, making it an extremely rare auction car. Other notable past auctions include the 1966

Batmobile which sold for $4,620,000, a 1933 Pierce Arrow Silver Arrow that sold for $2,200,000, a 1929 Ford 4-AT-E Tri-Motor Airplane that sold for $1,100,000, a 2008 Bugatti Veyron Supercar that sold for $770,000, a 1953 Buick Roadmaster 4-door sedan owned by Howard Hughes that sold for $1,500,000 and John F Kennedy's 1962 Lincoln Continental 4-door sedan for an undisclosed price. One of the best things about the auction is that they do a lot of charity fundraising. Since 2006, the company has helped raise more than $20 million for charity. Some of the charities that have directly benefited from the Barrett-Jackson auctions are Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, The National MS Foundation, The Armed Forces Foundation, MLB Charities, The Boy Scouts of America and St. Jude's. While I was at the Palm Beach event, there were eight charity auctions that each benefitted a different charitable organization. The charity vehicles that were auctioned all donated 100% of their proceeds to their chosen organization. The Palm Beach auctions benefited the Lone Survivor Foundation, the Karmanos Cancer Institute, The Barrett-Jackson Cancer Research Fund, the United Way of Southeastern Michigan and the Patriot Foundation. A few of the charity cars are featured below.

CHARITY: 2014 Ford Raptor Hennessey VelociRaptor 600 Ford truck featured on "Top Gear,” with a 6.2-liter engine with 6-speed automatic transmission. The Ford F-150 pickup truck can accelerate form 0 to 60 mph in just 5.3 seconds. 100 percent of the hammer price is to benefit the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA).

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2004 Hummer H1 Custom HMCS MP Featuring Zac Brown Band/Zac Brown Customs graphics on the exterior, it also features a custom-built interior with a rear kitchen with cutting boards, shelves, tables, butane stove and knife block, a 10-gallon freshwater reservoir with pour spout, a queen bed auto home on roof rack, two Pelican roof storage cases, a jump seat, cabinetry and storage and two onboard air compressors. 100 percent of the hammer price auctioned to benefit Camp Southern Ground, the passion project of country singer Zac Brown.

I was extremely excited to attend the Palm Beach auction and show. However, I feel that I need to be honest with our readers in my experience of the event. I found myself to be very disappointed with the show as it was poorly organized. It took over an hour just to find and get into the event because of the seemingly confused parking and directional staff. Once in the event, it was understandably overcrowded, but it was so crowded that the limited seating for those watching and not bidding on vehicles was so full that there were no available seats to watch the show and you could not stop on the walking areas to watch it, so I was unable to just sit and enjoy the show. Then I walked around to look at some of the cars, to which I soon learned that there were less cars there than I expected. Having been to many car shows before, I was left hoping to see more cars and some that were more unique. Annual shows like Viva Las Vegas and the Emerald Coast CruizIn are, in my opinion, a better way to spend a day and certainly worth traveling to as they are enjoyable with lots to do and see. As for Barrett-Jackson, it was not my favorite. I would suggest watching it on TV from the comfort of your home where you will have a much better view to see the show and cars. The show did not have a wide variety of cars, which is likely dependent upon what cars happen to be in the show so that is not their fault. When I attended the event, it was primarily Bentleys and BelAirs coming across the auction block. Other than the auction cars, the automobilia and some new cars, there was not much else to see or do. Lots of food vendors, about 5 other varied vendors and a tent of Barrett-Jackson merchandise completed the show. After attending the show and working on my reporting, I also learned of some legal troubles both past and presently taking place with BarrettJackson. For this reason, I would be cautious in purchasing a car from their auction. With so many other high quality car shows around, BarrettJackson unfortunately is not at the top of my list. However, I believe the show is great for three things specifically: unique automobilia items, if you are looking for an extremely rare car and to buy or sell a vehicle for charity.

1985 Ford Bronco II Ford Bronco II Pro-Rod by Perry Shepard of Mansfield, Ohio. This oneof-a-kind Bronco was featured in Street Trucks magazine. It rides on 15x17" Weld Pro-Star wheels with 33x21.5" Mickey Thompson fatties tires and a 4-link rear suspension. The interior features custom dash and console with Auto Meter gauges, Weld steering wheel and a Pioneer sound system. It also has 6-point roll cage, Ford Duraspark/MSD ignition, Hedman headers and Dynamax mufflers. 100% of hammer price to benefit the Boy Scouts of America.


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The dating site was an official sponsor of the event, featuring 2 custom cars. The website is perfect for those that prefer both their cars and their women not made in America.

Available in late 2016, the new 2016 Ford GT features rear-wheel drive, a mid-mounted engine, and a sleek, aerodynamic, two-door coupe body. This supercar is propelled by the most powerful EcoBoost production engine ever; a next-generation twin-turbocharged EcoBoost V6 producing more than 600 horsepower. With the broad application of structural carbon fiber elements, the GT exhibits the best power-to-weight ratios of any production car.

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I will be back in the next issue with more from the Palm Beach auction with a more detailed feature of some of my favorite vehicles and automobilia items from the show.

What time is it?? Cocktail time ;) is the page of Internationally published pin-up model, dancer, actress, bartender, travel enthusiast, animal lover, writer, a member of Pinup America's Vintage Dream Girls, the nonprofit organization Heels for Combat Boots, and the Florida Chapter of Pinups for Patriots, supporting our military and first responders! Please check out my page for fun cocktail recipes, pinup photos of myself and other fabulous ladies, cars, and anything else related to rockabilly culture ;) I am a spokesmodel for House of the Broken Dragon, Atomic Ave Clothing Co and Dolly Dames BEAUtique. Also, my monthly column in Gulf Coast Motorsports Magazine! 22

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Craig Sullivan


I am driving down the road I often wonder what businesses lurk in the industrial parks and unmarked buildings that I pass. I was given the opportunity to peek into one of those buildings recently, and this is what was discovered. Sullivan Equipment has no signage and looks like thousands of other buildings that I encounter every day. This company sells and services collision repair equipment. There is a well-trained sales and support staff to handle all questions and problems that arise in the collision repair industry. This has been a success story for 20 years. Inside the building there are some surprises. Craig Sullivan also builds and races dragsters. Not just any dragsters! He builds Professional Drag Racers Association and National Hot Rod Association cars. Craig is no stranger to this. He has been actively involved in motorsports since he was 16 years old. The 2015 season was a successful one for Sullivan. He qualified number one twice within the PDRA Top Dragster category and finished third overall in the world standings. There are some that dispute this, but this is the fastest Top Dragster car in the country. Hyperactive Performance Solutions helps tune and maintain the EFI program they are on. Also in the same garage is an all carbon fiber 1969 Dodge Daytona body. This runs in the Pro Modified class. It is one of the first supercharged EFI Blown Alcohol cars. It is powered by a 521 CI Hemi that puts out 4000 HP. It has an M&M Turbo 400 and Fuel Tech EFI. This is only the second engine to be built like this. The engine program is run by Tony Bischoff at B&S Race Engines. Induction Solutions handles the Nitrous on the car. Hyperactive Performance Solutions helps tune and maintain the EFI program using a Fuel Tech FT 500 program. I also was able to examine the 3 time World Champion Super Stock in the 8 ½ “ tire class. It is a 1989 Mustang with a 2010 Cobra Jet engine. It is 352 CI and 700 Hp. , converted to a Super Stocker. It set the record at St. Louis with an elapsed time of 9.69 at 138 MPH.

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1969 Dodge Daytona

1989 Mustang

1969 Dodge Daytona being built

1989 Mustang engine Craig Sullivan works hard to promote his partners: John Meaney at Big Stuff 3, Renegade Racing Fuels, Abruzzi Transmission and Converters. Mickey Thompson has been a big advocate with the Research and Development on their 3195 tire. They are quarter miles ahead of the competition, and Mickey Thompson has been able to gain business because of the speeds and consistency of the dragster. The partners make these cars go fast! Watch for Craig Sullivan in 2016 and prepare yourself for exciting action at unbelievable speeds. I am continuing my investigation into the innocent looking buildings I see that house amazing sights. Â

Gotta Cruise! Cubby

1969 Dodge Daytona cockpit

1969 Dodge Daytona in progress 24

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Gates Open 6 p.m. Time Trials Start 6 p.m. Eliminations at 9 p.m. Car & Driver: $20.00 Spectators: $7.00 10 Yrs. & Under: $5.00 $50 plus Trophy for each Winner · Minimum 4 Cars required for each Bracket. Once time trials have ended, there is no rainout!

17085 RACETRACK RD. ∙ GULFPORT, MS 39503 I-10 Exit 31 Go south on Canal Rd. Cross over the railroad tracks. Go about one mile. Turn left onto Racetrack Rd. Enjoy the races!

May 13 Fri Test ’n Tune Friday 6 p.M.-10 p.m. • (228) 863-4408 May 14 IHRA Summit Super Series Double Hitter Race 1 Junior Dragster Footbrake Electronics Gates open 9am Junior Dragsters time trials 9am Footbrake & Electronics follows Race 2 Electronics & Footbrake Time trials 4pm • (228) 863-4408 May 27, 28, & 29 Gulfport Memorial Day blowout (Motorcycles only) • (228) 863-4408 June 4 Sat Summit Super Series 4 p.m. • (228) 863-4408 June 10, 11 & 12 “King of the Coast” bracket series fri 4 p.m-s/s 8 a.m. • (228) 323-7323 - Gaylon June 25 Sat Street Wars 3 p.m. (228) 861-6071 - Monte or (228) 323-4047 - Shawn July 9 Sat Summit Races Super Series 4 p.m • (228) 863-4408 August 13 Sat Summit Races Super Series 4 p.m • (228) 863-4408 September 9 Fri Test ’n Tune Friday 6 p.M.-10 p.m. • (228) 863-4408 September 10 Sat Summit Super Series 2 races 1 Day 9 a.m. • (228) 863-4408 September 17 Sat Fall Drags September 23, 24 & 25 “King of the Coast” bracket series Fri. 4 p.m. -s/s 8 a.m. • (228) 323-7323 - Gaylon September 30 Fri Hazardous Waste Rat Rods 5 p.m. • (985) 637-9302 October 1 Sat Hazardous Waste Rat Rods 9 a.m. • (985) 637-9302 October 7 Fri Asphalt Assault 4 p.m.-10:30 p.m. • (228) 863-4408 October 7 Fri Smackdown Street Racing 11 p.M-2 a.m. • (228) 383-2317 - Larry Jr. October 8 Sat Hourly Rumble 4 p.m. • (228) 863-4408 October 15 & 16 Ford vs Chevy weekend sat 10 a.m.-sun 8 a.m. November 4, 5 & 6 “King of the Coast” bracket series Fri 4 p.m. -s/s 8 a.m. • (228) 323-7323 - Gaylon November 12 Sat Diesel Thunder 9 a.m. • (228) 263-2550 - Michael

Track Phone: 228 863-4408

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It's May again, and the Indy 500 will be run on the last Sunday (the 29th this year) weather permitting. In 1953, 4 and 5 I published a Midget Racing Annual Magazine. To get maximum coverage I contacted "National Speed Sports News" and reached a "trade ad agreement" with Chris Economacke the owner-publisher. I also had permission to print any part of their info as long as a credit line was entered for NSSN. After Chris died, his daughter took over NSSN and I contacted her and obtained the same approval. As you have read before, in 1949 (or 1950) my friend Johnny Mantz won the 1st Nascar race at the Darlington Speedway in a Plymouth, (it was owned by Bill France, who became head of Nascar). Johnny Mantz's first and only Nascar victory came in the inaugural 1950 Darlington Southern 500 that carried a stock-car record purse of $25,000. Over 80 cars showed up and it took two weeks to get them all qualified. After filling all 9,000 seats fans were directed to the infield where a sea of over 6,000 people watched the race. The race started with a 75 car field aligned in 25 rows, three abreast, and Mantz was the slowest in the field. Californian Johnny Mantz drove a 1950 Plymouth owned by France, Westmoreland, and a couple more guys and took more than six hours to cover the full 500. Johnny won by nine laps (!) over Fireball Roberts with an average speed of 75.250 mph. The Southern 500 was NASCAR's only paved track event in 1950. Granatelli’s Plymouth Wins First Dover Indy-Car Race by Bob Gates Plymouth is not a name often associated with Indy-car racing. On Aug. 24, 1969, however, not only did a Plymouth-powered car win an Indy-car race, it did so at the Dover, Del., famed Monster Mile. The story began when flamboyant car owner Andy Granatelli decided to run three teams in 1969. Clint Brawner headed one team, winning Indy with Mario Andretti. Andy’s brothers, Vince and Joe, had another. And Grant King led the third. King helped build a Gerhardt wedge-shaped chassis for his team. This car eventually used the Plymouth, but was fitted with an Offy for its debut at Hanford, Calif. Tragedy delayed its debut. During practice at Hanford there was a pit fire. King received serious burns. His helper, Red Stanton, was struck and killed by Mario Andretti’s car while fleeing the inferno. The car was readied for Indy where Carl Williams drove it to 25th. At Milwaukee a week later, Art Pollard, with the Granatelli brothers’ team, was eliminated in a 10-car, first-lap melee. Pollard took over King’s car from Greg Weld, started in the rear, drove through the field and won. With that he inherited the ride with King’s team for the remainder of the season. Realizing that King’s Gerhardt was strong, Andy Granatelli gave the Plymouth, which he had experimented with in his Lotuses, to King to prep for the USAC Indy-car race at the new track in Dover. The Indy cars drew a huge crowd there, and fans were treated to aweinspiring speeds on the 24-degree banking. Pollard qualified 10th and immediately demonstrated the stock-block Plymouth’s potential with a powerful run to the front. He took the lead for good on lap 144 and steadily pulled away from second-place finisher


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Gordon Johncock, winning by 7.48 seconds. After the 1969 season, Granatelli, as he was wont to do, lost interest in the Plymouth, moving to more challenging projects. King bought and campaigned the car, but the historic engine remained in the hands of Vince Granatelli until he was finally persuaded to sell it in the late 1980s to Bill Smith, who had restored King’s Gerhardt. The Monster Mile earned its name during that visit by the Indy cars, devouring the fragile machines if they tiptoed anywhere near the imposing concrete walls. After an impact, the light cars stuck to the top of the banking, unlike the stock cars that would slide to the bottom after a crash. That complicated rescue efforts. In fact, Lloyd Ruby suffered serious burns because of the difficulty the rescue team had getting to him on the banking. Because of safety considerations, Dover wasn’t on the schedule in 1970, and the Indy cars didn’t return until 1998-99 with the IRL. A Plymouth engine has yet to win another Indy-car race. Wow!! got an email from a old racer having some trouble navigating the site. He was interested in the post I did on the Agajanian #98 car that was built by Eddie "Kazoom" Kuzma, and driven to the Indianapolis 500 victory in 1952 by Troy Ruttman. Larry Dunham is his name, I emailed him and found a gold mine!! He's a very nice man, and sent me 2 packets of photo copied stuff from his collection, most of which he lost in Hurricane Katrina, he lives in MS. This guy is amazing! he raced midgets in the golden era, late 40's through the 60's he raced stock cars for Pontiac, and was supported by Ray Nichols of Pontiac racing fame. He was cleared for his rookie test at the Indy 500 was supposed to test in the ex-Agajanian Kuzma then owned by Greenman and Casale and #41. But his pal Billy Garrett got the test and made the 500. Just look at some of those race results, he was the only Ford V8-60 midget in the 1957 Turkey Nite Grandprix, against a field of Offies, and finished 8th!! He tried to keep midget racing alive on the west coast by publishing the "West Coast Midget Racing Annual", and he made the cover of his own publication with that famous flip photo. He was mentioned in Jack C. Fox's 1977 book, "The Mighty Midgets" where he was trying to bring back the URA midget circuit. I've got more to post but check this stuff out, what a past this man has had, he wrights a racing column for a small publication in MS., "Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine". It would take many pages to chronicle this guys career, just one of those overlooked gems from auto racing's past. … Mitch G.

The photo of the Indy car (1956) shows (left to right) Don Edmunds (famous race car builder), Edgar Elder (driver, mechanic and car builder) Harold Miller (owner Miller Crankshaft Co.) and Bonneville Salt Flats engine record holder, Ernie Casale (car owner) and Larry Dunham, (chassis chief) and Billy Garrett driver. This "dirt" car was built by Eddie Kuzma for JC Agajanian in the late 40's. We were there 1956, and we broke the 1955 track record when qualifying. The roadster type was way too fast, we finished 16th in the main of 33 cars. MAY THE WIND ALWAYS BE AT YOUR BACK & KEEP IT BETWEEN THE FENCES - Larry Dunham - 228-671-6216 Email:

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Check out all the events at LIST YOUR EVENT SEND YOUR INFO TO

May 5-8 Destin-Ft Walton, FL Burning up the Beaches is back for its 6th year of Cruizin, Partyin and Showin May 5th thru 8th 2016 on the sugar white beaches of Destin and Ft Walton Beach Fl! We are planning all sorts of new surprises for this 6th year celebration! Your all inclusive registration includes for 2 people- 3 nightly parties with food, live music and drawings, 5 fun filled stops at local hot spots, the Saturday car show at Destin Commons, a t shirt, window decal, and all the fun we can fit into 3 days! Open to all classics! Host hotels are listed on the site. Vendor space available! All proceeds directly benefit The Arc of the Emerald Coast (formerly Horizons) caring for those with Downs Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Autism and other intellectual and developmental disabilities. Register early at, or for more info, call 850-376-1037. May 6 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. (behind MotherCluckers and Keith's Super Store) May 7 Biloxi, MS 1st Saturday Night CRUISIN' WGCM 1240 am Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall, Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS. , 6pm-9pm. 50/50, Prizes sponsored in part by AutoZone. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. info 228 596-0664 May 7 Franklinton, LA The Franklinton Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a Classic Car & Truck Show on Saturday, May 7, 2016, from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the Washington Parish Fairgrounds in Franklinton, La. The car show is in conjunction with Mile Branch Pioneer Settlement and an antique tractor show. Registration for the Classic Car & Truck Show is $25 per vehicle. Awards are given. For more info, contact the Franklinton Chamber at 985-839-5822 or by email at or website at May 7 Gulfport, MS "Yes Dear No Dear Club" Donation Drive Saturday May 7th from 9am to 3pm the "Yes Dear No Dear Clubs" Rebel Queens & The He Men Woman Haters, will host a Mother's Day weekend supply drive to support women's organizations along


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the Gulf Coast. The location will be in the parking lots of Performance Muffler and NAPA Auto Parts on Dedeaux Rd. (with adjacent parking areas also.) Please drop off your donations and enjoy.. burgers & dogs, prizes, and DJ Ben Sanders playing music. Domestic violence shelters, sexual assault crisis response agencies, healthy pregnancy support and education are among the initiatives of the donation drive. We will be collecting needed supplies such as Pull Ups and diapers, especially sizes 4 and 6. Shelter supplies like baby wipes, paper towels, client needs such as gift cards to Walmart, pajamas, slippers, feminine products etc. This is not a car show or Cruise-in but many hot rods are expected. need more info or to make donations call Eddie at 228-806-9257 May 7 Mandeville La. Special Mothers Day Tribute 9th Annual Cruisin' With YFM 1088 (Youth For Mandeville). Open Car and Truck Show. $20 Entry Fee Day Of Event Registration 8:30am to 11am, Awards at 2:30 pm, Top Twenty-five & Peoples Choice Awards, Best of Show (New) 77 inch Grandfather Clock, Best Paint, Best Interior, Best Engine, Best Car & Best Truck. Dash Plaques for The First 50 Entrees, 50/50 Drawing, Silent Auction, As Well As

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Other Drawing Thru-out The Day. (Rain or Shine) Indoor Facility To Accommodate All Guests, Early Bird Breakfast, Jambalaya, Gumbo, Hot Dogs, Soft Drinks, and Lots More Available On Site. This Is A Non-Alcohol Family Friendly Event. Bring the Kids and Grandkids, Spacewalk will be provided. Lots of Fun for all. All Proceeds Benefit Youth Group Activities. For More Info Contact Lloyd at (504) 4511522 or David at Show Located at Mandeville Christian Fellowship Church 1211 Hwy 1088. Get on I12 and take exit 68, Hwy 1088 West toward Mandeville and go 2 miles to four way stop, proceed 500 more feet Car Show on the right (Mandeville Christian Fellowship Church) May 7 Purvis, MS 5th annual Car truck & Bike Show benefiting the Purvis Cub Scouts May 7, 2016 from 8am until 2pm at the Purvis Shelter Building (industrial row) Purvis MS . Entry fee is $20. top 5 cars, top 5 trucks, top 3 bikes, best of show , best unfinished, best rat rod, best paint, most unique, best interior, most original, Cub Scout choice, Cub Scout leader choice, MS Sound Clogger choice. Lots of door prizes with a silent and live auction, 50/50, and raffles, concession will be available and a free sounding off for a cause show will start at 3 featuring MS Sound Cloggers. Vendors are welcome, for more info please call Cindy Reid 601-596-7085 or Eric Reid 601-596-4205 May 7 Slidell LA Open Cruise Night North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. and I-12, Slidell, La. Coastal Cruisers of Slidell Open Cruise Night 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. 1st Saturday of each month March - Nov. Music, 50/50, Call John at 985-400-4527 for information or membership inquires. May 11 Gulfport, MS National Nursing Home Week Classic Car/ Truck Luncheon at the Boyington Health & Rehab Center 1530 Broad Ave, Gulfport, MS 39501. Hot Dogs & Hamburger cook out and you are invited. Info DeeDee 228 493-9349 live band Gary Redd Necaise May 13 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 May 14 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 5pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. March thru September May 14 Biloxi, MS Second Saturday night Super Cruise-In at Edgewater Mall West parking lot. 6-9 p.m. Music 50/50, fun and friends. Spend a warm evening with cool cars and friendly people. Hosted by Mississippi Beach Cruisers, Antique Auto and Engine Club of Mississippi and Mississippi Coast Mustang Club. May 14 Biloxi, MS Honoring our Veterans Open Car Show at the Biloxi VA 9AM to 3PM. Information call 228 392-6134 May 14 Slidell, LA Habitat for Humanity presents the Louisiana Veterans Festival Car & Truck Exhibition Saturday May 14, 2016. Festival 11 am - 9 pm. Car & Truck Exhibition 9 am - 3 pm., Awards at 3 pm. Northshore Harbor Center, Slidell, LA $20 Advanced registration Fee. $25 day of show.Registration fee includes: Reserved space for your vehicle in the Car Exhibition. Admission for two into the Louisiana Veterans Festival ($16 value) Dash plaques for the first 100 vehicles registered. Goody Bags for first 100 vehicles registered. Presented in partnership with Coastal Cruisers. Awards provided by Frank's Accurate Body Shop. Questions Call Barry Barone - 601-749-8517 May 14 Southaven, MS 1st Mid-South Motorcycle Bash at Southern Thunder Harley Davidson (4870 Venture Drive, Southaven MS 38671) on Saturday, May 14th. 9a -11p Come and enjoy a great show by the Busted Knuckles Stunt Team, the Harley Davidson Demo Fleet Truck for new model demo rides, great motorcycle vendors such as Cobra, Vance & Hines, Memphis Shades, and Bikers Choice. Along with a police demonstration show by the local sheriff department. Local bands RustenHaven and The Dantones performing all day long! Food Vendors, and much, much more. Free admission and parking. Come with the family and

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Registration 8am – 10:00 am Judging starts at 10:00 am Presentation of Awards 3:30pm Top 40 plus Sponsor Awards Best of Show Pre 1991 Best of Show Post 1990 Rat Rod Class Model T and A (NON MODIFIED) Club Participation Dash Plaques Host Class

For updates see: Web Site : Facebook : Magnolia Classic Cruisers


MCC SUPPORTED CHARITIES FOR 2016 ¾ Disabled American Veterans Chapter 17 ¾ American Cancer Society / Relay for Life Jackson County, Ms. ¾ Dream Program, Inc.

____________________________________________________________________________ NAME_____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS___________________________________________________________________ CITY______________________________________STATE____________ZIP_____________ TELEPHONE_______________________________E-MAIL____________________________ VEHICLE YEAR__________MAKE_____________MODEL_____________COLOR_________ CLUB AFFILIATION_______________________________________________________ Early Registration Donation $20.00 Additional car $15.00 Early Registration Must be received by 5/15/2016. After this date Donations will be $25/20 Make Checks payable to Magnolia Classic Cruisers. Mail Registration form and Check to Betty Carter, 6050 Quave Rd. Vancleave, Ms. 39565 . Entrants and participants by execution of the entry form release and discharge MCC, the City of Pascagoula, and anyone else connected with MCC from any and all known causes whatever that may be suffered by any participant to his or her person or property. Betty Carter – 228-218-9831 or Bob Hand @ - 228-218-7218 34

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We serve Oysters on the half shell all week long. (Continued from page 33)

enjoy a great day here at Southern Thunder Harley Davidson. For more information call: 662-349-1099. We are located in Desoto County in the Northwest corner of the State of Mississippi, next to the Landers Center, and 30 miles South of downtown Memphis, TN. May 14 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s in hwy 49, Wiggins. 6pm May 20 Long Beach, MS 3rd Friday Night Long Beach Cruise bringing back the past Cruisin' Jeff Davis Ave. Lot's of restaurants to May 21 Biloxi, MS AMVETS Post 1 Cruisin' 3rd & 4th Saturday at Beauvoir (Home of Jefferson Davis), 2244 Beach Blvd, Biloxi, MS (Hwy 90), Beginning February 20. Running all year. 2 pm-5 pm (winter hrs) 6 pm-9 pm (summer hrs) Music, 50/50 drawing, Raffles, food & beverages available. Open to all car clubs & independent owners, group clubs can reserve parking spots together, everyone welcome to visit; for more info. Call "Ski" @ 228-324-6444 or Sandy @ 770-378-4317 See flyer!, May 21 Biloxi, MS C3 Car Club 2nd Annual Anniversary Car/ Bike Show 11am - 3pm at Edgewater Mall, Biloxi, MS. $10 Entry Fee for All vehicles & Bikes. Awards will be awarded for different categories. C3 Car Club Gulf Coast Chapter. Info: Chapter President, 214-316-9875 May 21 Covington, LA The Annual Magic of Memories Street Rod and Classic Car Rally open car show. The show is hosted by Lakeview Regional Medical Center Volunteer Auxiliary and the Kiwanis Club Northshore Mandeville. The show will be held at Lakeview Regional Medical Center located at 95 Judge Tanner Blvd. Covington LA. 70433. Registration will be $25.00 on the day of the show and $20.00 for pre-registered participants. Pre-registration information can be found on the Lakeview Regional Medical Center's website. The show will start at 8:30am and registration will last until 11:00 am. Judging will be from 11:00am-12:00pm. Awards will be given out at 2:00pm. All proceeds will benefit the Louisiana

Tuesday, Wednesdays & Thursdays Oyster Happy Hour 4pm to 9pm $8 a dozen raw $10 Charbroiled

da Swamp Shack Open Tues - Sat 11am-9pm Sun 11am-3pm 228-255-2028 Local Art · Kids · Jewelry

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Alzheimer's Association. For more information contact Ricky Quigley at 985-237-9134 or Mike Pausina at 985-966-3165 May 21 Gulfport, MS VFW Post 4526 First Annual Open Car and Truck Show, Saturday, May 21, 2016, rain or shine, at 15206 Dedeaux Road, Gulfport MS. 39503 Dash Plaques and goody bags for first 50 entrants; $20.00 entry fee, day of show. Awards for Top 15 cars, Top 5 Trucks, Best Engine, Best Interior, Best Paint, Most Unique, and Commander's Choice. Participant Judging. 50/50, raffles, door prizes. BBQ Plate - Pulled pork, potato salad, baked beans - $6.00. Proceeds for Veterans Relief Fund Program. May 21 Lumberton, MS Lions Club Buster Crider Memorial Car Truck And Bike show. At the Little Black Creek Water Park come support Local Lion Club to help buy glasses for the needy, Flyer May 21 Pascagoula, MS 11th Annual Show By The Shore Car Show Registration 8 am-10 am Judging starts at 10 am Awards at 3:30 pm Top 40 plus Sponsor awards. Best of show Pre-1991, Best of show Post-1991, Rat Rod class, Model T and A (non modified), Club participation, Dash Plaques, Host Class. Silent Auction, Bingo Games, Wipe out Board, Door Prizes, 50/50 Drawings, Food & Drinks (by Park Vendor) Hosted by the Magnolia Classic Cruisers Association of Jackson County, MS. MCC Supported Charities for 2016 - Disabled American Veterans Chapter 17 - American Cancer Society / Relay for Life Jackson County, MS - Dream Program, Inc. For updates see: Web Site : Facebook : Magnolia Classic Cruisers May 21 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. (behind MotherCluckers and Keith's Super Store) May 27-28 Biloxi, MS 38th Annual “May Show” Antique Auto / Engine & Motorcycle Show at Point Cadet - Biloxi, MS. (Located just off Hwy 90 at the Ocean Springs / Biloxi Bridge) Our show is open to any hobbyist owning or showing an interest in automobiles or engines. But remember, “Crabby folks will not be tolerated” Registration opens Friday May 27 & Saturday May 28 at 9am. Judging starts at Noon. Awards at 6pm Saturday. Vendor spaces are available, registration is required, advance notice is required. Vendors have the same privileges as vehicle registrants. We cannot guarantee any vendors products or claims so “cover your own rear” Vehicle Sales (Car Corral) - A car corral area will be provided for running vehicles or vehicles on trailers, registration required. We cannot guarantee vehicles. Discreet “For Sale” signs will be allowed on vehicles entered in the show. Parking - There is adequate parking for all cars, trailers & campers. Camper sites with power are limited so make your reservation early, registration is required. Security - Club members will be providing on-site security during the show. We cannot take responsibility for vehicles on the grounds but we will be doing our best to protect the cars (yours, ours and theirs). Dash Plaques are provided to all registered participants. World Famous Auction - All registered participants are invited to donate unique Quality items to the auction and to join in the bidding. Proceeds (cash, gold, diamonds, etc) will go to the club. Lodging and Reservations - Please make your own, but please keep in mind that it is Memorial Day weekend and hotels are busy on the Gulf Coast. Many hotels require a 3-day minimum stay during the holiday weekend, so book early. Hosted by the Antique Automobile & Engine Club of Mississippi, Inc. For More Information, Call prior 5/25: Peter (228) 832-7710 Mark (228) 332-1700 May 27-30 Gulfport, MS Mississippi Gulf Coast Memorial Day Blowout this four day event offers a wide array of events such as five racing classes with over a $17,000 prize purse, nine bike show classes, a swap meet and flea market, eight other unique events to enjoy, and live music! Formally the All Harley Memorial Day Blowout! Same group...same FUN...just had to invite open to all types of bikes! Motorcycle Rally Recommended for Adults only. No dogs. Covered by National Motorcycle Magazines. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Camping on 100+ cleared acres Designated motor home camping (no hookups) Food & beer available. Some of this years events...OPEN TO ALL (Continued on page 39)

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Tattoo Contest - Ring toss - Slow Race - Weenie Bite - Barrel Race - Free Bike Show - Bikini & Wet T-Shirt contest. Gulfport Dragway, 17085 Race Track Road, Gulfport, MS Phone 228 392-8281 Hosted by Asgard MC. AsgardMC1979@gmail May 28 Biloxi, MS AMVETS Post 1 Cruisin' 3rd & 4th Saturday at Beauvoir (Home of Jefferson Davis), 2244 Beach Blvd, Biloxi, MS (Hwy 90), Beginning February 20. Running all year. 2 pm-5 pm (winter hrs) 6 pm-9 pm (summer hrs) Music, 50/50 drawing, Raffles, food & beverages available. Open to all car clubs & independent owners, group clubs can reserve parking spots together, everyone welcome to visit; for more info. Call "Ski" @ 228-324-6444 or Sandy @ 770-378-4317 May 28 Pascagoula, MS. 4th Saturday Night Cruise-In, Magnolia Classic Cruisers: Ingalls Engineering Complex, 3943 Denny Ave. ( Hwy 90 next to KFC), Pascagoula, Ms Large Parking lot is 100% lighted, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. For additional Info:, Call: Bob Hand at 228-218-7218, Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS (March through September) May 28 Picayune, MS. Boulevard Cruisers 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in Memorial Boulevard at Burger King/Hudson's parking lot. Picayune, MS 6 till 9pm. Oldies music and 50/50 May 28 Waveland, MS St. Clare’s Seafood Festival Car show. Come enjoy the beautiful beachfront, great food, music, crafts and rides at the St. Clare’s Seafood Festival Car show. This is being held in conjunction with the weekend event. All proceeds benefit the church. There will be a “Blessing of the Cars” by our Pastor! Fun for everyone, please join us. Contact John at 228-596-2194 for any questions. May 28 Wiggins MS H.A. Brown Spring Festival & Car Show 9am til 2pm. Hwy 49 1/2 mile North of Hwy 26 Open car show, Food, Rummage Sale. Information call Pastor Willie Gore at 601498-7943 JUNE 2016 June 3 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. (behind MotherCluckers and Keith's Super Store) June 4 Bay St Louis Ms American Legion Auxiliary Car Show. Saturday June 4 8am -3pm at Our Lady of the Gulf 228 So Beach Blvd Bay St Louis, Ms. Silent Auction, 50/50, Prizes Galore, Food, Music and and Sponsor Awards. Awards will be presented at 2:00 PM. Pre-registration $20.00 by May 28th day of show $25.00. PLEASE COME AND SUPPORT YOUR VETERANS For more information call June 228-344-0358 or Mary 228-324-9325 Mail to June Laws/ALA 219 Felicity St Bay St Louis, Ms 39520 June 4 Biloxi, MS 1st Saturday Night Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall, Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS. Music, 6pm-9pm. 50/50, Prizes sponsored by AutoZone. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. info 228 596-0664 June 4 Slidell LA Open Cruise Night North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. and I-12, Slidell, La. Coastal Cruisers of Slidell Open Cruise Night 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. 1st Saturday of each month March - Nov. Music, 50/50, Call John at 985-400-4527 for information or membership inquires. June 10 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 June 11 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 5pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. March thru September June 11 Biloxi, MS Second Saturday night Super Cruise-In at Edgewater Mall West parking lot. 6-9 p.m. Music 50/50, fun and friends. Spend a warm evening with cool cars and friendly people. Hosted by Mississippi Beach Cruisers, Antique Auto and Engine Club of Mississippi and Mississippi Coast Mustang Club. (Continued on page 41)

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(Continued from page 39)

June 11 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s in Wiggins. 6pm June 18 Biloxi, MS AMVETS Post 1 Cruisin' 3rd & 4th Saturday at Beauvoir (Home of Jefferson Davis), 2244 Beach Blvd, Biloxi, MS (Hwy 90), Beginning February 20. Running all year. 2 pm-5 pm (winter hrs) 6 pm-9 pm (summer hrs) Music, 50/50 drawing, Raffles, food & beverages available. Open to all car clubs & independent owners, group clubs can reserve parking spots together, everyone welcome to visit; for more info. Call "Ski" @ 228 -324-6444 or Sandy @ 770-378-4317 June 18 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. (behind MotherCluckers and Keith's Super Store) June 24-26 Biloxi, MS Scrapin the Coast 2016 Scrapin the Coast is located in the beautiful city of Biloxi right of the Gulf Coast of Mississippi. The show is held at The Mississippi Coast Coliseum and Convention Center. 2350 Beach Boulevard Biloxi, MS 39531. Enormous outdoor/indoor show. Info Greg 228-832-4683 June 25 Biloxi, MS AMVETS Post 1 Cruisin' 3rd & 4th Saturday at Beauvoir (Home of Jefferson Davis), 2244 Beach Blvd, Biloxi, MS (Hwy 90), Beginning February 20. Running all year. 2 pm-5 pm (winter hrs) 6 pm-9 pm (summer hrs) Music, 50/50 drawing, Raffles, food & beverages available. Open to all car clubs & independent owners, group clubs can reserve parking spots together, everyone welcome to visit; for more info. Call "Ski" @ 228 -324-6444 or Sandy @ 770-378-4317 June 25 Jackson, MS 6th Annual Veterans Appreciation Fun Run starting at MS State Veterans Home Jackson, MS., 4607 Lindberg Drive, 9am til 11am then 11am til 2pm travel to lunch at Smoke House Bar-B-Que, 2227 Hwy 471 Brandon, MS. 2pm til 4pm MS State Veterans Home, 310 Autumn Ridge Drive, Kosciusko MS. This is a Free Event. Donations to Veterans to Veterans Home accepted. Info: Ollie Patterson, 601-829-2689 June 25 Manderville, LA Banner Ford Open Car Show Benefiting Pancreatic Cancer Research, presented by the Northshore Mustang Club. Saturday June 25th 8AM-3PM Mandeville La. Register day of show $25 per car. Free food & drinks, Music, Prizes, Auction. Top 50 and specialty awards. Rain Date July 9th. Call Phylis for more info 504-382-9167 or email Web Site June 25 Pascagoula, MS. 4th Saturday Night Cruise-In, Magnolia Classic Cruisers: Ingalls Engineering Complex, 3943 Denny Ave. ( Hwy 90 next to KFC), Pascagoula, Ms Large Parking lot is 100% lighted, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. For additional Info:, Call: Bob Hand at 228-218-7218, Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS (March through September) June 25 Picayune, MS. Boulevard Cruisers 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in Memorial Boulevard at Burger King/Hudson's parking lot. Picayune, MS 6 till 9pm. Oldies music and 50/50

July July 1 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. (behind MotherCluckers and Keith's Super Store) July 2 Biloxi, MS 1st Saturday Night Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall, Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS. Music, 6pm-9pm. 50/50, Prizes sponsored by AutoZone. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. info 228 596-0664 July 2 Slidell LA Open Cruise Night North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. and I-12, Slidell, La. Coastal Cruisers of Slidell Open Cruise Night 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. 1st Saturday of each month March - Nov. Music, 50/50, info Call John at 985-400-4527 July 8 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 (Continued on page 43)

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July 9 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 5pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. March thru September July 9 Biloxi, MS Second Saturday night Super Cruise-In at Edgewater Mall West parking lot. 6-9 p.m. Music 50/50, fun and friends. Spend a warm evening with cool cars and friendly people. Hosted by Mississippi Beach Cruisers, Antique Auto and Engine Club of Mississippi and Mississippi Coast Mustang Club. July 9 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s in Wiggins. 6pm July 16 Biloxi, MS AMVETS Post 1 Cruisin' 3rd & 4th Saturday at Beauvoir (Home of Jefferson Davis), 2244 Beach Blvd, Biloxi, MS (Hwy 90), Beginning February 20. Running all year. 2 pm-5 pm (winter hrs) 6 pm-9 pm (summer hrs) Music, 50/50 drawing, Raffles, food & beverages available. Open to all car clubs & independent owners, group clubs can reserve parking spots together, everyone welcome to visit; for more info. Call "Ski" @ 228 -324-6444 or Sandy @ 770-378-4317 July 16 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. (behind MotherCluckers and Keith's Super Store) July 23 Biloxi, MS AMVETS Post 1 Cruisin' 3rd & 4th Saturday at Beauvoir (Home of Jefferson Davis), 2244 Beach Blvd, Biloxi, MS (Hwy 90), Beginning February 20. Running all year. 2 pm-5 pm (winter hrs) 6 pm-9 pm (summer hrs) Music, 50/50 drawing, Raffles, food & beverages available. Open to all car clubs & independent owners, group clubs can reserve parking spots together, everyone welcome to visit; for more info. Call "Ski" @ 228 -324-6444 or Sandy @ 770-378-4317 See flyer!, Flyer July 23 Pascagoula, MS. 4th Saturday Night Cruise-In, Magnolia Classic Cruisers: Ingalls Engineering Complex, 3943 Denny Ave. ( Hwy 90 next to KFC), Pascagoula, Ms Large Parking lot is 100% lighted, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. For additional Info:, Call: Bob Hand at 228-218-7218, Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS (March through September) July 23 Picayune, MS. Boulevard Cruisers 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in Memorial Boulevard at Burger King/Hudson's parking lot. Picayune, MS 6 till 9pm. Oldies music and 50/50 July 29-30 Wiggins, MS 6th Annual Red Creek Classic Car Appreciation Picnic & Cruise-in at Flint Creek Water Park, Highway 29, Wiggins, MS. Friday July 29 th - Local stamping stops for prizes. Friday night cruise-in. Saturday July 30th - 8am - 4pm 6th Car Club Appreciation Day Picnic & Cruise-in. NOT A SHOW & NO AWARDS. All Car Clubs and independents are invited to attend - there will be hamburgers, hot dogs & cold drinks. (contributions and donations accepted). There is a large air conditioned building (just in case you need to get out of the heat) and plenty of shade trees. No charge to attend. Places to stay: Best Western Woodstone - 535 East Frontage Drive, Wiggins, MS 39577 Phone: (601) 928-1616 / Hampton Inn & Suites Wiggins 1121 East Frontage Drive, Wiggins, MS 39577 Phone:(601) 5285255 / Flint Creek Water Park, - 1216 Parkway Drive, Wiggins, MS. 39577 Cabin, RV, Campground reservations (601) 928-3051 or (601) 928-2753 This show is hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. July 29-30 Wiggins, MS The NSRA appreciation day will be Saturday July 30, in conjunction with 6th Annual Red Creek Classic Car Appreciation Picnic & Cruise-in. The MS Rep. Chicken Willy and the MS Advisor, Donna Holland will be there giving out NSRA appreciation pins. Members of the NSRA can show your card and get your pin. We also will be signing up new members. The MS inspector Jerry Cuevas will be inspecting vehicles. You can get the new 16 or 23 inspecting sticker that day. We will also give a NSRA Merit Award. The award is given to a dedicated Rodder for excellence in construction, design and safety of their vehicle. This award is very special. Chicken Willy's Birthday is that week end so (Continued on page 45)

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come out and help us celebrate his birthday. July 30 D'Iberville, MS. 5th Saturday night Cruise-in. D'Iberville Wal-Mart neighborhood Market and Hardees. 6-9 PM. Hosted by MS Beach Cruisers. For more Information call 228 392-6134 or 228 324-1301 AUGUST 2016 August 5 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. (behind MotherCluckers and Keith's Super Store) August 6 Biloxi, MS 1st Saturday Night Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall, Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS. Music, 6pm-9pm. 50/50, Prizes sponsored by AutoZone. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. info 228 596-0664 August 6 Slidell LA Open Cruise Night North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. and I-12, Slidell, La. Coastal Cruisers of Slidell Open Cruise Night 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. 1st Saturday of each month March - Nov. Music, 50/50, Call John at 985-400-4527 for information or membership inquires. August 12 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 August 13 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 5pm - 7pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. March thru September August 13 Biloxi, MS Second Saturday night Super Cruise-In at Edgewater Mall West parking lot. 6-9 p.m. Music 50/50, fun and friends. Spend a warm evening with cool cars and friendly people. Hosted by Mississippi Beach Cruisers, Antique Auto and Engine Club of Mississippi and Mississippi Coast Mustang Club. August 13 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s in Wiggins. 6pm August 20 Biloxi, MS AMVETS Post 1 Cruisin' 3rd & 4th Saturday at Beauvoir (Home of Jefferson Davis), 2244 Beach Blvd, Biloxi, MS (Hwy 90), Beginning February 20. Running all year. 2 pm-5 pm (winter hrs) 6 pm-9 pm (summer hrs) Music, 50/50 drawing, Raffles, food & beverages available. Open to all car clubs & independent owners, group clubs can reserve parking spots together, everyone welcome to visit; for more info. Call "Ski" @ 228 -324-6444 or Sandy @ 770-378-4317 See flyer!, August 20 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. (behind MotherCluckers and Keith's Super Store) August 27 Biloxi, MS AMVETS Post 1 Cruisin' 3rd & 4th Saturday at Beauvoir (Home of Jefferson Davis), 2244 Beach Blvd, Biloxi, MS (Hwy 90), Beginning February 20. Running all year. 2 pm-5 pm (winter hrs) 6 pm-9 pm (summer hrs) Music, 50/50 drawing, Raffles, food & beverages available. Open to all car clubs & independent owners, group clubs can reserve parking spots together, everyone welcome to visit; for more info. Call "Ski" @ 228 -324-6444 or Sandy @ 770-378-4317 August 27 Pascagoula, MS. 4th Saturday Night Cruise-In, Magnolia Classic Cruisers: Ingalls Engineering Complex, 3943 Denny Ave. ( Hwy 90 next to KFC), Pascagoula, Ms Large Parking lot is 100% lighted, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. For additional Info:, Call: Bob Hand at 228-218-7218, Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS (March through September) August 27 4th Saturday night cruise in Picayune, MS. Boulevard Cruisers Cruise In. 6 till 9pm. Hudson/Burger King Parking lot. Memorial Blvd. Oldies Music and 50/50. March thru October

SEPTEMBER September 2 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. (Continued on page 47)

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4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. September 3 Biloxi, MS 1st Saturday Night Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall, Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS. Music, 6pm-9pm. 50/50, Prizes sponsored by AutoZone. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. info 228 596-0664 September 3 Slidell LA Open Cruise Night North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. and I-12, Slidell, La. Coastal Cruisers of Slidell Open Cruise Night 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. 1st Saturday of each month March - Nov. Music, 50/50, Call John at 985-400-4527 for information or membership inquires. September 9 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 September 10 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Train Depot. 5pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Local Restaurants across street from cruise-in. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. March thru September September 10 Biloxi, MS Second Saturday night Super CruiseIn at Edgewater Mall West parking lot. 6-9 p.m. Music 50/50, fun and friends. Spend a warm evening with cool cars and friendly people. Hosted by Mississippi Beach Cruisers, Antique Auto and Engine Club of Mississippi and Mississippi Coast Mustang Club September 10 Kiln MS. 3rd Annual Knights of Columbus Car and Truck show at Annunciation Church 5370 Kiln-Delisle Road. Registration begins at 9 am to 11. Registration $20.00 Award to top 30 cars top 5 trucks top 5 1986 and above. Awards for Best Paint, Interior, Engine, Rat Rod, and Best of show.Dash plaques for the first 75 cars and trucks. Food and Drinks will be available. 50/50 split pot. Lots of 50's music. Air conditioned building for your comfort if you desire. any questions please call Jim at 228-4937833/Richard at 228-493-7416 or Wayne at 228-731-4402 September 10 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s in Wiggins. 6pm September 17 Biloxi, MS AMVETS Post 1 Cruisin' 3rd & 4th Saturday at Beauvoir (Home of Jefferson Davis), 2244 Beach Blvd, Biloxi, MS (Hwy 90), Beginning February 20. Running all year. 2 pm-5 pm (winter hrs) 6 pm-9 pm (summer hrs) Music, 50/50 drawing, Raffles, food & beverages available. Open to all car clubs & independent owners, group clubs can reserve parking spots together, everyone welcome to visit; for more info. Call "Ski" @ 228 -324-6444 or Sandy @ 770-378-4317 September 17 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruisein. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. (behind MotherCluckers and Keith's Super Store) September 24 Biloxi, MS AMVETS Post 1 Cruisin' 3rd & 4th Saturday at Beauvoir (Home of Jefferson Davis), 2244 Beach Blvd, Biloxi, MS (Hwy 90), Beginning February 20. Running all year. 2 pm-5 pm (winter hrs) 6 pm-9 pm (summer hrs) Music, 50/50 drawing, Raffles, food & beverages available. Open to all car clubs & independent owners, group clubs can reserve parking spots together, everyone welcome to visit; for more info. Call "Ski" @ 228 -324-6444 or Sandy @ 770-378-4317 September 24 Pascagoula, MS. 4th Saturday Night Cruise-In, Magnolia Classic Cruisers: Ingalls Engineering Complex, 3943 Denny Ave. ( Hwy 90 next to KFC), Pascagoula, Ms Large Parking lot is 100% lighted, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. For additional Info:, Call: Bob Hand at 228-218-7218, Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS (March through September) September 24 Picayune, MS. Boulevard Cruisers 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in Memorial Boulevard at Burger King/Hudson's parking lot. Picayune, MS 6 till 9pm. Oldies music and 50/50 September 30 Biloxi, MS. Sharkheads & MotorSports Magazine presents the 3rd Annual Sun & Sand Block Party / Cruise-in at Sharkheads Souvenir Shop Hwy 90 Biloxi, MS. Everyone Welcome, and our DJ will be playing Great Cruise-in Music, there

will be 50/50, Prizes and Much much More!! Join us for a Huge Friday Night Cruise-in starting at 6:00 pm til. For more info call 228 363-1314

OCTOBER October 1 Slidell LA Open Cruise Night North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. and I-12, Slidell, La. Coastal Cruisers of Slidell Open Cruise Night 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. 1st Saturday of each month March - Nov. Music, 50/50, Call John at 985-400-4527 for information or membership inquires. October 2-9 the 20th Annual Cruisin' the Coast America's Largest Block Party. October 7 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. (behind MotherCluckers and Keith's Super Store) October 8 Biloxi, MS MEGA Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall, Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS. Music, 6pm-9pm. 50/50, Prizes sponsored by AutoZone. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. info 228 596-0664 October 14 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 October 14-15 Madison, MS. 13th Annual Scarecrow Cruise & Car Show Registration starts 10am-5pm Friday Oct 14 at the Madison Square Center for the Arts, on Main Street in downtown Madison, MS. Saturday Oct 15 Registration opens at 7am. Save $5 Pre-register‌ at web site and get complete show information & schedule. October 15 Biloxi, MS AMVETS Post 1 Cruisin' 3rd & 4th Saturday at Beauvoir (Home of Jefferson Davis), 2244 Beach Blvd, Biloxi, MS (Hwy 90), Beginning February 20. Running all year. 2 pm-5 pm (winter hrs) 6 pm-9 pm (summer hrs) Music, 50/50 drawing, Raffles, food & beverages available. Open to all car clubs & independent owners, group clubs can reserve parking spots together, everyone welcome to visit; for more info. Call "Ski" @ 228 -324-6444 or Sandy @ 770-378-4317 See flyer!, Flyer October 15 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. (behind MotherCluckers and Keith's Super Store) October 22 Picayune, MS. Boulevard Cruisers 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in Memorial Boulevard at Burger King/Hudson's parking lot. Picayune, MS 6 till 9pm. Oldies music and 50/50 November 4 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. (behind MotherCluckers and Keith's Super Store) November 5 Slidell LA Open Cruise Night North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. and I-12, Slidell, La. Coastal Cruisers of Slidell Open Cruise Night 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. 1st Saturday of each month March - Nov. Music, 50/50, Call John at 985-400-4527 for information or membership inquires. November 7-12 Panama City FL 12th Annual Emerald Coast Cruizin'. "The South's Best Blast from the Past" . Thousands of classic cars, hot rods, custom cars and trucks make way to beautiful Panama City Beach, Florida for this week long festival. Panama City Beach's breath taking emerald green coastline and the famous Miracle Strip gleams with chrome, hot colors, and the deep rumble of power. Aaron Bessant Park next door to Pier Park, will host over 3000 hot rods, and cool classics. There will be over 125 + top name automotive vendors on hand, as well as a huge swap meet and auto car corral. A ladies area with crafts, jewelry, kids will love the activities as well. Their is so much for all to enjoy!.Each night is full of activities from cruising, great bands, and special shows. Even if you're not a gear head, there is plenty to do for all.

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MAY 2016

Metal prints - aprox 6x9 $5 includes tax & shipping.

Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

Metal print - aprox 6x9 $5 each includes tax & shipping.

Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

Metal print - aprox 6x9 - $5 includes tax & shipping.

Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

Metal print - aprox 6x9 $5 each includes tax & shipping.

Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

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May 14 Southaven, MS 1st Mid-South Motorcycle Bash at Southern Thunder Harley Davidson (4870 Venture Drive, Southaven MS 38671) on Saturday, May 14th. 9a -11p Come and enjoy a great show by the Busted Knuckles Stunt Team, the Harley Davidson Demo Fleet Truck for new model demo rides, great motorcycle vendors such as Cobra, Vance & Hines, Memphis Shades, and Bikers Choice. Along with a police demonstration show by the local sheriff department. Local bands RustenHaven and The Dantones performing all day long! Food Vendors, and much, much more. Free admission and parking. Come with the family and enjoy a great day here at Southern Thunder Harley Davidson. For more information call: 662-349-1099. We are located in Desoto County in the Northwest corner of the State of Mississippi, next to the Landers Center, and 30 miles South of downtown Memphis, TN. Website:

List Your Event E-Mail your Information to:

May 28 - 29 Morgan City, LA ALR Freedom Fest and Freedom Ride The event is held at the Lake Palourde Judges Stand in Morgan City beginning at 11:00 am on Saturday. The event includes bike games, a bike show, a ride, music and more. The bike show will include various classes with awards given to winners. Activities on Sunday begin with a ride. Registration begins at 7:30 and motorcycles go out at 9:00 am. The ride fee is $20.00 for the rider and $10.00 for a passenger. The ride fee includes lunch. For info call (985) 397-1786 or go to May 27- 30 Gulfport, MS Mississippi Gulf Coast Memorial Day Blowout This four day event offers a wide array of events such as five racing classes with over a $17,000 prize purse, nine bike show classes, a swap meet and flea market, eight other unique events to enjoy, and live music! Formally the All Harley Memorial Day Blowout! Same group...same FUN...just had to invite open to all types of bikes! Free live music Friday, Saturday and Sunday Camping on 100+ cleared acres Designated motor home camping (no hookups) Food & beer available Recommended for Adults only. No dogs. Covered by National Motorcycle Magazines Some of this years events... OPEN TO ALL Tattoo Contest - Ring toss - Slow Race - Weenie Bite - Barrel Race WINNERS TAKE ALL! FREE BIKE SHOW BIKINI & WET T-SHIRT CONTEST Burn Out & Live music September 23-25 New Orleans, LA Bike Week 2016 New Orleans Bike Week will be the first major rally in New Orleans, LA since the Hurricane Katrina event. The cost of a one-day pass will be $25.00 or $65.00 for a three-day pass that includes venue entry with all it has to offer and motorcycle parking. follow us on our website: Email Phone 504.606.1452 October 26-29 Tupelo - Natchez Mississippi State HOG Rally 2016 For more details on a list of Scheduled Activities, Registration details, Directions, Lodging Information, Common FAQ's and more, Please visit the website below.

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High Performance Racing Parts from Engines to Engine Parts. Distributors, Carburetors, Main Bearings, Rod Bearings, Gaskets, Connecting Rods, Roller Rockers, Stud Girdles, Racing Starters, Air Cleaners and Accessories, Performance Spark Plug Wires. We have racing cams & racing parts for Chevrolet, Ford, Chrysler, Oldsmobile & Pontiac.

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BEINHAUER COAST C.V. JOINT & AXLE, INC. Most Axles Installed - $11900 Parts & Labor




- Public Welcome -

MAY 2016


We Have a Full Line of RV & Mobile Home Supplies IN STOCK. • • •

Wheels Water Heaters Refrigerators

• • •

Awnings Toilets more

Vehicle Safety Inspector Jerry Cuevas · 228 326-7489

68 68

MAY 2016 2016 MAY


Couzin Alice Says;


for 1 YEAR


Commercial & X-Large Units Available

228-328-4346 11451 Canal Road 路 Gulfport, MS (2 Miles North- of I -10)

Everything I need to know about life, I learned from Noah 's Ark . One: Don't miss the boat. Two: Remember that we are all in the same boat. Three: Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark. Four: Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big. Five: Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done. Six: Build your future on high ground. Seven: For safety sake, travel in pairs. Eight: Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs. Nine: When you're stressed, float a while. Ten: Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals. Eleven: No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a rainbow waiting.

500 - $80 Black & White 500 - $30 228-596-0664

Boudreaux had been missing for a couple of days, and Clotile suggested to Marie that they should go to the Sheriff's Office to file a missing person report. When they got there, Deputy Guidry at the desk asked her for a description of Boudreaux for the report. Marie tells him "Well, he's 25 years old, 6 foot 3, weighs 190 pounds, is very wellbuilt, and very handsome, soft-spoken, and treats me like a queen." Clotile, with a surprised look on her face says "Marie, Boudreaux is 50 years old, 5 foot 4, weighs 260 pounds, fat like a hog, and ugly as sin, loud and obnoxious, and treats you like trash!" Marie was smilin' and says "Yeah, but if dey can find dis one for me, Boudreaux can just stay lost him!"

Gary Weatherford & country boys cocked and ready. They say that during sex you burn off as many calories as running 8 miles. Who the hell runs 8 miles in 15 seconds?

Rent this Spot $20 Per Month MAY 2016


2 months in Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine 2 months on

Description with 1 (one) Picture - $10 ¡ additional photos $5 each

1928 Ford Model A New frame, 283 engine, AC, power brakes, Ford 9 inch rear end, 350 gear, 6,522 miles, two-tone gray. $28,000 call 985-882-5218 til7/16

1928 Ford hotrod / rat, flatbed, Ford 239 flathead bored, egg dome tops ,line bore, 4" stroke, 400 cam, adjustable lifters, Offenhauser heads, old Edmunds dual carburetor intake manifold, two new 94 carburetors, 5 speed conversion to 89 Chevy transmission, 9" narrowed rear-end 3.55 gear Trutrec 31 spline, Wilwood disc brakes front, aerospace rear disc. Clear Mississippi title. $17,500.00 O.B.O. Call 228 861-5505 Long Beach MS posted 5/16

1961 Thunderbird 2dr sedan that was restored in 2006. Has a 390CI engine with a TCI C6 automatic transmission. Car only driven for Cruising the Coast events. Garage stored. Their also are many small 61-63 T-bird parts. Price $8000.00 Call 228-669-1338 posted 5/16

Titled as ‘64 Chevy El Camino this is a handbuilt all aluminum body with removable top on 64 Chevy sub frame, 305 V-8, automatic trans., bucket seats, stainless bumpers, new tires. This two seater is used for parades and summer fun. Real head turner. $7,000 or serious offer. Call 601-567-2467 or 601-730-0778 6/16

41 Willys truck. Gasser/up NHRA update have pictures from the 60's steel cab & bed 496 big block power glide w/brake MSC 2 stop linelock, new slicks 33.0/15/15 runs 940147 1/4 640-48 mile glass doors fenders 2616 lb w/o driver. $42,000. Cash talks., 251-6666644, 251-510-9066 posted 5/16


MAY 2016

1928 Ford Coupe. All steel. Off-body restoration. New rebuilt 350 Chevy engine. 350 Turbo Trans. A/C & heater. Edlebrock 650 carb., Chrome compressor & alternator. Headers. Smitty mufflers. Lokar floor shifter. Chrome booster and master cylinder. Front disc brakes, rear drum brakes. GM tilt steering. Turn signals. New steel floor. Carpet, rolled & pleated interior. New stainless steel rock guard. New chrome radiator cover. Brand new tires. Many more extras. Asking $30,000.00 OBO Ph: 228-832-3255 posted 5/16

1955 Chevy 3100 second series (blue) small block Chevy V-8 700R4 trans. Vintage heat and air. Alum cross flow radiator, electric fans thermostat controlled. Power steering power brakes disc front drum rear. 96 Chevy front clip 3:42 rear end. New oak bed, runs and drives excellent. $26,500 For more information on the truck contact Harlan Maddox at 601-942-3471 or email me at posted 5/16

1960 F 600 drive anywhere asking 14K OBO 601-270-9001 posted 5/16




7:30 AM - 5:00 PM





MAY 2016


1930 Marmon Roosevelt in excellent condition. Straight 8, 4-speed manual, 12 spoke artillery wood wheels. Hayes coach builder. All original. $27,000 O.B.O. Phone: 228 323-1913


MAY 2016

55 Chevy Truck. 3" chop short bed, 454 cu in, 400 trans, 9" Ford Strage axels, Chevelle front frame, big tires 29"x18.5" 15LT, PS/PB, front disc, new wood bed floor, headers, after market dash. Nice truck. $22,500. Cash talks. 251-666-6644, 251-510-9066 posted 5/16

1953 F100 Fresh 302 Street Boss, Windsor block - Cleveland heads, roller rockers, ADO trans, Sanderson headers, Edlebrock 600 CFM carburetor, Aluminum radiator - 3 3/4 core power steering and tilt, electric wipers, new gauges and wire harness, electric windows and fuel pump - 20 gallon Mustang fuel tank etc., etc. Reasonable Offer ------ 20 K invested. Call Warren 601-337-1324 posted 4/16

1981 Pontiac Firebird Nascar Recaro edition. 301 engine 119k miles. 10k or best reasonable offer. call Michael at (228) 669-8238 posted 4/16

1968 VW Dune Buggy -new re-built engine less than 75 miles -original minx fiberglass body -$4,700.00 or best offer phone number: 706-499-7526 posted 4/16

1984 Corvette Crossfire Injection. -113,626 miles (runs great) -new paint -new carpet -new weather stripping -sell as is (no title, destroyed in house fire) -$12,500.00 (or best offer, or consider trade for 1950 or older pick-up ruck) phone number is: 706-499-7526 posted 4/16

1965 Corvette Convertible, automatic. 327 Good condition. 95% original, Original spare tire which has never touched the ground. Asking 50K or best offer. call 985-643-7678 posted 3/16

Projects your Choice $1,000.00 Each Ronnie 870-304-6231 posted 5/16 Golden Companion II three wheel scooter $400. Harmar Mobility Lift $500. Both in excellent condition. Buy both for $800. Call 228 760-4708 posted 4/16

1932 Ford 3 window Coupe, Glass body, Real 32 frame, gas tank, radiator. Pontiac 389 3x2 4 spd fresh 62 Pontiac blue paint and fresh new white interior. text me for more pics and info. 941-416-1819 south Atlanta. $32,000. Part posted 3/16 trade possible, 1929 Bantan made in USA. Parts for Roadster and Panel truck.. For more information please call Paul 601-832-4624 posted 3/16

1990 GMC. 350, 700R, air cond., stereo, air tonneau cover. Great driving truck. Drive it to the show.. $5500 call 228 263-1980 posted 5/16

1989 Ford Thunderbird LX 3.8L EFI V6 ,Automatic overdrive trans, 89000 original miles, leather interior, cold air, good rubber. Now qualifies for collector tag. asking $4.500. Come drive it and you'll buy it, Call 228 760-4708 posted 4/16

18 Foot Big Tex Trailer Brand New, Never been loaded. Chrome wheels, brake-away switch, steel bed, electric brakes, 4 "D" rings $3,200 call 251-236-3674 leave massage if no answer. posted 4/16

MAY 2016



MAY 2016

1976 MB 450 SL with hardtop. 1 owner. 66,000 original miles w/ nice interior, new tires, & mechanically sound asking $17,500 LM at 228222-4920 will return all calls posted 3/16

2000 BMW R1100R Sport Bike For sale is this excellent BMW motorcycle. A two owner bike, always adult owned and adult driven. 1085cc, 80HP, shaft drive. Never wrecked and always maintained to perfection with 35150 miles. The owner is 67 and his wife is forcing the sale. Located in Madison, Ms. Call 601906-1196 with any questions or requests for more photos. posted 4/16

1940 Ford Deluxe all original sheet metal and original flathead V8. The original paint was removed 10 yrs ago and repainted it had no body work or rust on the car. The car was used for weddings and special events, car shows, and cruising. Engine runs but started having overheating problems when last drove 2 yrs ago. Only selling to down size car collection. Paint showing some wear from using but nothing bad. Car is kept in dry storage. $20,000 OBO 601-752-5762 posted 3/16 Parts For Sale 12 bolt housing for Chevell $150. 10 bolt 8.5 rear end $165. Big block 454 $225 (neg). Big block A.C. and bracket for Chevelle $40. Sagmin Trans 4-speed $225 (neg). Old car magazines - Hot Rod, Car Craft, Super Chevy, Chevy H.P. all years. Will make deal on 200 or .50 each. Set 1971 S.B. 300 H.P. head ready to bolt on $85. Call 601-425-4865 Leave message and phone number. posted 3/16 1 Milling machine & 1 Lathe $1500 each. (601) 683-3338 posted 3/16

Classified Ads - 2 months Description with 1 (one) Picture - $10 ¡ Non Picture Ad Only - $5 additional photos $5 each

1949 Plymouth, 3rd owner, flat head 6, Radio works like a charm, leather interior, has little rust in rocker panels, surface rust on trunk, other than that very solid car. Ready for restoration or drive it like it is. Quiet running.. New tires. Ready for cruising the coast. Nine weeks away!! Call Lee at $3900.00 OBO !!!!! FIRM!! Call Lee 228-861-6610 posted 3/16

1965 Ford Falcon, original 289 rebuilt 2015, new C4 transmission.... $15,000 posted 3/16 call 228-669-8070 Great running 350 w/4speed out of a 69 Vette asking $1200.00 o.b.o‌ I'm taking it out of my 34 coupe this week another 350 sitting in my garage f/7 yrs asking $300.00. GM 4 speed w/bell housing $600.00 o.b.o. 1-chevy closed drive shaft and rear end $125.00 2 new motorcycle helmets w/headsets 1small,1 lrg. $100.00 both 1 miller big blue diesel welding machine on trailer $2500.00...251D Re-buildable engines 302 / $150.00, 4.6 / $150.00, Flathead 6cyl. Dodge/$100.00, 8-22r /$200.00 ea., 4.3 w/5speed /$200.00, VW air-cooled / $200.00 p/u bed trailer from 47 dodge/$300.00 camper top small p/u /$75.00 Toyota 4runner top /$75.00 Model T rear-end complete /$150.00 4 center lines f/chev.15"/ $280.00 4 alum. rims off chev.14" $175.00 5 artillery rims / $150.00 5 1930's spokes/ $200.00 perfect 1932 Ford bumper$300.00 perfect 1932 Ford gas tank original $325.00 many, many 1935/36 ford parts I have two of the distributors that have there own spark no battery needed..can't remember the name at this moment but you know what I mean selling them @ $125.00 each both are for sbc..they will lite you up! any questions please call me thank you Mark 601-766-1066 posted 3/16

MAY 2016



MAY 2016

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T-SHIRT includes tax & shipping. continental U.S.A. Only

Send to: DIXIE

PRESS P.O. Box 2847 Gulfport, MS 39505

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MAY 2016



MAY 2016

Kevin Riley owner of Dad’s Pawn Shop and his 1931 Chevy Sedan.

Dad's Super Pawn 3125 25th Ave, Gulfport, MS 39501 Phone: (228) 864-2602 Hours: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

MAY 2016



MAY 2016

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