JMHS April 2012 Newsletter

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Home of the D3 WOLVES! John Marshall High School | April 2012

CNH Key Club Region 7 Division 3

2011-2012 Board



2012-2013 Board

Caring‌ Our Way of Life

Table of Contents 1 – Key Club 2 – Events and Articles 3 – Events and Articles 4 – Events and Articles 5 –Member of the Month What is Key Club to you? Key club is a continuing family whose ultimate purpose is to better the community in any way possible. Arianna Dela Rosa (Bulletin Editor)

Hello! As you have known already, my name is Jeffrey Padilla and I'll be serving you as Key Club president. I just want to say that it will be an honor serving along side you guys to make our school and community a much better place. Working cooperatively, I hope we achieve greater awareness for what the club is and what we do. I want to enhance not only club spirit but school spirit and increase our involvement in our school body. Aside from that, I wish to bring the light of Key Club to others in our community. With what reward? As servant leaders, the only reward we need is that feeling of happiness and contentment knowing we've done something to make a difference in someone's life. In order to make this KC year a successful one, I will need your full cooperation. By the end of the year, I want you all to be able to say that you've passed down the passion for serving and passion for the club to the generations we'll be leaving the future of the club to. With that said, I hope you enjoy this year full of service! -Jeffrey Padilla President

6 – Officer of the Month 7 – The Calendar 8 – Upcoming Events/Projects 9 – Officer’s Page


From April 13th to April 15th, 2012, the 66th Annual California-Nevada-Hawaii District Convention was held in Santa Clara. How was it? Well, I didn’t really expect much from it because it was my last year and I just wanted to get away from home, but it had exceeded my expectations. The moment our school’s name was called for a spirit stick, I couldn’t breathe, I was shocked. There were only 12 of us, and yeah, I know we’re really spirited, but I did not expect our school to win a spirit stick! I was so happy that I cheered the living crap out of myself until my throat was sore. The moment all the Lieutenant Governor’s for the 2011-2012 term had walked on stage, tears started running down my face. It finally hit me; it was over. Our term was over and the moment our Kiwanis District Governor announces that we are retired, I was no longer division secretary. The thought of having to part with key club broke my heart and I broke down. The 3 days and 2 nights that I had spent in Santa Clara were amazing and I will never forget the moment we had all cheered together as Division 3 Sharkeys! -Rachel Ashley Su

District Convention was by far an amazing experience. There are so many emotions, so many thoughts, and so many other things I want to document but there are so little words that can put these things to justice. It may have been pricey but the memories made there were priceless. From rushing to get dressed, squeezing between people in order to get food, cheering until our voices went hoarse, the informational workshops, and so much more. All of this was an experience worth the money and worth the 7 hour bus trip up north. I’m so proud of our home club for winning not one but two spirit sticks and for being recognized several times for outstanding achievements. And now the torch has been passed and I have shoes that are way to big on me— I have one year to fill these shoes. I’m nervous yet excited. My name is Jeffrey Padilla and I’m John Marshall High School’s 2012-2013 Key Club president. It was a pleasure meeting you all and I think it'll be even more of a pleasure to serve you all! –Jeffrey Padilla

D3 Family Feud This was one of our last events as D3 since once DCON ends, we be officially recognized as D3N and D3S. The day began with a bus ride to Verdugo Hills Hospital in the afternoon. Once everyone arrived we played some icebreakers. Then the games began and it was carried through just like Family Feud. We were asked trivia questions about Key Club that ranged from really easy to extremely difficult. It was great testing our knowledge and learning new things about Key Club that we hadn't known before. We all helped one another and I got to meet a few new people myself. It was a great ending event for D3. Although we will be realigning, we will always be D3 Sharkeys at heart. –Chantal Mendoza

Songkran Festival This year, I had the privilege of participating in volunteering in the Thai New Year’s Festival, also known as the Songkran Festival alongside Key Club. Although I've done it for the past two years, it was definitely more interesting with Key Clubbers around. We were staggered by ridiculously strong winds and the constant possibility of our station flying away, but that just made it seem more like a fun adventure than anything else. I had a great time with my Key Clubbers, freaking out from the weather, being forced to dress in flowery shirts with sashes, and having questionable cream smothered on our faces because it was apparently a New Years tradition. I can't wait to volunteer for the Songkran Festival next year and I'm definitely bringing Key Club along again! – Kevin Vu Kim

Musical Theater Volunteering On May 20th 2012, the JMHS key club had its first event under a newly installed board. For two days, some volunteers came to help out to sell food at a theater. From my experience, I'd say that our jobs were completely hectic. Our stations tried so hard to be as organized as possible. We weren't expecting that much work from a little task. But when we were done, the stress of the job was relieved. I could see that other volunteers were sweating from the exhaustion. At the end of the night, we looked back at what we have done and saw that the amount of work we did was truly satisfying. From my stand, volunteering for the theater is just a sign that under this new board, we will have a successful year. -Muaz Jefri

March of Dimes March of Dimes was an energetic and fun way to get our butts up in the morning and walk with fellow key clubbers for a good cause. Premature babies die every so often and are in desperate need of attention. As key clubbers, our job is to care about our community, especially the babies who will be the future generation. Knowing that all I had to do was walk 3 miles and donate an acceptable amount of money was worth making a difference. -Arianna Dela Rosa

Birth of a New Wolf Pack!

A word from a new JMHS Key Club Member and in addition to our Wolf Pack: First off I would like to introduce myself. I am Aram Vartanian a junior at JMHS. I have been in key club for almost a year now. I want to tell you how Key Club has changed my life. When I first joined, I did it because I wanted something for my college applications. I would go to meetings, sign in and leave. I was not active or motivated to do anything. If I am being completely honest Key Club didn’t appeal to me at all. But just recently something changed inside me. A few weeks ago I applied for a position on the board at my school. I was motivated to do this by an unknown presence. I am not sure what came over me but I had an intense desire to win the position I applied for. This passion spilled over into participation. I began to get more involved with the events that were occurring around school and helping out whenever I was needed. This inspired me to become more involved in the upcoming Key Club year. I told myself that I would do everything in my power to be an active and involved member of the JMHS key club. A few days ago I attended the March of Dimes walk by Exposition Park and the April DCM afterwards. This event really affected me in a significant way. It was after this event that I realized what key club was all about, giving back to your community and enjoying it as you do it. As I sat on the bench staring at my fellow key clubbers I was comforted by the thought that people weren’t just doing these things for the social aspect but because they genuinely cared about their community. I will remember the moment when I came to this realization for the rest of my life and will use it to inspire myself and others as well. All in all Key club has changed my life for the better. It has allowed me to help out my community and make friends in the process. I want to take a moment and thank one of my close friends Jeffrey Padilla for encouraging me to get involved. Without his motivational skills and encouraging words I would not be the same person and I just wanted to thank him from the bottom of my heart for giving me such an amazing opportunity. I hope that this inspires some of you out there to join us in improving our communities and becoming an involved key clubber! -Aram Vartanian Aram Vartanian

Member of the Month

John Marshall Key Club would like to award Aram Vartanian as Member of the Month for April. During the last term, he was not so active and usually just attended the general meetings and turned in soda can tabs. This month, that cycle has changed since he has become more active. His first Key Club service event was volunteering at John Marshall High School’s Musical Theater show, where he helped sell food and beverages to the guests. Having such a fun time helping out on the first night for the show, he decided to help out again on the second night. His goal for this new term is to become more involved in Key Club. Aram also went to the March of Dimes, in which he showed great enthusiasm. In addition, he attended his first Divisional Council Meeting. I, personally, hope that he continues being an active, exemplary member of Key Club.

Officer of the Month

John Marshall Key Club would like to award Jeffrey Padilla as Officer of the Month for March. Jeffrey has gone from Members Relations Chair to President of John Marshall’s Key Club without a problem. He has shown great dedication to his position recently, with it being a month into his term. He has already retained membership and has raised over four hundred dollars with our first fundraiser. He has been the ideal officer, talking to members and has succeeded in achieving more attendance to events such as DCM’s and Club Meetings. Jeffrey has shown that he will be taking this year very seriously, and will no doubt leave a legacy for our club for years to come.

April 2012 Calendar















Thai Festival Volunteering

Ronald McDonald House



Key Club Meeting



D3 Family Feud


Key Club Meeting




Ronald McDonald House




18 Key Club Meeting


25 Key Club Meeting











Musical Theater Volunteering

Musical Theater Volunteering


28 March of Dimes/DCM

Upcoming Events/Projects Name of Function


Additional Notes

General Meeting

Wed, 05/02/12

Held in Gym; Lunch

Volunteering for Mr. Fris’ Show

Wed, 05/02/12

Selling food and soda; Starting at 4:15 P.M.

Verdugo Mountains 10k Trail Run and Hike

Sun, 05/06/12

Holy Family Key Club event; Starting at 5 A.M.

Ronald McDonald House

Mon, 05/07/12

Kiwanis Event; 5 P.M. – 8 P.M.

Board Meeting

Tues, 05/08/12

3 P.M. – 3:30 P.M.

General Meeting

Wed, 05/09/12

Held in Gym; Lunch

General Meeting

Wed, 05/16/12

Held in Gym; Lunch

Yogurtland Fundraiser

Fri, 05/18/12

20% goes to our club; 3 P.M. to 8 P.M.

Officer Social

Sat, 05/19/12

Place to be determined

General Meeting

Wed, 05/23/12

Held in Gym; Lunch

General Meeting

Wed, 05/30/12

Held in Gym; Lunch

Can tabs


25 can tabs per hour; If it is over 500, then 50 can tabs per hour


President (Jeffrey Padilla)

Vice President (Bryan Mendez)



Vice President (Chrisline Raymundo)

Secretary (Erick Reyno)


Email: Email:

Treasurer (Jorge Lopez)

Bulletin Editor (Arianna Dela Rosa)




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