Division 3 / Region 7 / May 2018
John Marshall Key CLub 2018-19
A MESSAGE FROM YOUR PRESIDENT AND BULLETIN EDITOR Summer is right around the corner! I’m so excited for what summer will bring! Although it’s vacation, we will still have events. This is a great opportunity for our upcoming seniors who are planning to earn their stoles for graduation. Make sure to keep tabs on our Facebook and Remind for more updates. Thank you for those who came out on Spring Social and our very first fundraiser! You guys made them very special and we hope to make even more. Have a great summer! - Kathrina Ong, President
Hey Wolves! This month has been pretty quiet since most of us had AP testing and finals! I hope you guys did well! However, our two events this month seemed like great successes. Thanks to all those who participated in the fundraiser and Spring Social! The school year is about to end and I hope you guys are ready for summer! I sure am! Have a great vacation guys! Calvin Manio, Bulletin Editor
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Upcoming Events Spring Social Officer of the Month Member of the Month Board Members Links and Resources Recap
UPCOMING Â EVENTS Lummis Day When: June 3 Where: Sycamore Grove Park
Beach Cleanup When: TBA Where: TBA
Spring Social! May 26, 2018 / William Mulholland Memorial
Spring social was fun because we got to interact not only with other key club members from Marshall but also key club members from other high schools like Eagle Rock and Hoover. It was organized in such a way where everyone had the ability to participate in the event through various activities such as the water balloon fight and other games. There were tons of food and we were able to raise money for PTP so overall it was just a really unforgettable potluck event where people had the opportunity to get to know other members in our division. -Kloy Marie Ocampo, Secretary
Officer of the Month
For May 2018
Khrisna Lei Madi
Congratulations to Khrisna Lei Madi for being recognized as the May officer of the month! During the past two months, Khrisna has shown up to every single event and has taken time to take pictures and upload them to our Facebook page one to three days after the event. Khrisna has attended our boba fundraiser and our spring social, in which she helped contribute ideas on how to make spring social enjoyable for everyone. Not only that, she has contributed to our weekly board meetings on how we can improve the club and looked for other possible service events. With this, we have seen Khrisna’s passion and dedication to the club, and we hope that she will continue serving the club to the best of her ability. There is no doubt that Khrisna will demonstrate her selflessness in helping to make a difference in our communities in the future.
-Hannah Kim, Vice President
Member of the Month
For May 2018
Asiful Asif
Congratulations to Asiful Asif for being our member of the month! Although we didn’t have any service events, Asiful did come to our Spring Social and Boba Fundraiser! Asiful has always been active in participating in our events but he definitely shined this month. He has shown us his dedication and his sincere love for Key Club. With his outgoing personality, he lights up the whole room. Asiful never fails to participate in our events with a positive attitude. We hope to see him more in the upcoming months! Thank you for your hard work and commitment for Key Club! -Kathrina Ong, President
2018-2019 Board Members
Kathrina Ong, President
Apollonia Cuneo, Vice Pres.
Hannah Kim, Vice Pres.
KIoy Ocampo, Secretary
Daisy Jimenez, Treasurer
Calvin Manio,Bulletin Editor
2018-2019 Board Members
Khrisna Lei Madi, Historian
Links and Resources * John Marshall Key Club * JMHS Key Club Photos * Division 3 South Key Club
* @jmhs_kc
John Marshall High School
Past Events
*DCM - May 5, 2018 *Coolest Boba Fundraiser - (May 25, 2018) *Spring Social - (May 26, 2018
Upcoming Events
*Lummis Day -June 3, 2018 *Beach Clean Up - TBA
IG: @jmhs_kc FB: John Marshall Key Club & JMHS Key Club Photos Website: www.jmhskeyclub.weeblycom
May was pretty quiet for John Marshall Key Club due to AP exams and finals. However, we were able to have two events: the Coolest Boba Fundraiser and the Spring Social. The fundraiser was for earing money for our club, and it turned out successful. The Spring Social was also a a success, where many students from different schools such as Eagle Rock and Hoover participated. We successfuly made money to donate for PTP. Overall, May was calm, but had a great ending.