Division 3 / Region 7 / April 2018
A MESSAGE FROM YOUR PRESIDENT AND BULLETIN EDITOR Awooo -- Wolves! First of all, thank you very much for electing me as president of the 18' - 19' term! I promise you great things are going to happen. The core board is going to be working harder than ever to serve you and the community! April was probably one of the busiest months regarding with service events and hopefully we'll keep that way for the next months forward. Due to AP Exams coming, we'll be lacking in events. School does come first after all! Anyways you guys will do well, I believe in ya'll! After exams, you guys can hang out with us at Coolest Boba on May 25th! This will be our very first fundraiser of the term. We have been looking forward to this so please support us! Well, that's it for me! Hope to see you next time!
- Kathrina Ong, President
Hey Wolves! I would just like to say thank you for choosing me as your bulletin editor! I promise that our newsletter will be of your liking! This past month has been hectic, having 5 events! That's amazing! Well it's almost the end of the school year and I hope everyone is ready for APs and finals! I wish you guys the best! Calvin Manio, Bulletin Editor
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Upcoming Events March For Babies Officer of the Month Member of the Month Board Members Links and Resources Recap
UPCOMING Â EVENTS DCM When: May 5th, 12:30 PM Where: Verdugo Park
Boba Fundraiser When May 25th Where: Coolest Boba
Spring Social When: May 26 Where: TBA
March for Babies! April 28, 2018 / Exposition Park
The March for Babies helps fund research to fight against health threats posed to mothers and their babies, with one of the biggest campaigns of this event being prematurity, the #1 cause of death of babies in the United States. Many take this day to remember the lives of babies taken too soon and honor them, and having been born a premature baby myself, I felt particularly connected with this event. It was an honor to watch these people march as we cheered them on and threw our support in their direction to try and give every baby a chance for a healthy life. In addition, this was the first division event of the new term, so while helping out for a great cause, it was also nice to see many fellow Wolves and other Key Clubbers and make new bonds with them. - Khrisna Lei Madi, Historian
Officer of the Month
For April 2018
Kloy Ocampo
Congratulations to Kloy Ocampo for being chosen for the month of April! Kloy has demonstrated great leadership skills throughout this entire month. Even though it is only her first month in office, she has already been able to attend back to back events, including the division March for Babies and Finish the Run & Finish the Ride. In addition to volunteering, Kloy has also tirelessly been collecting hours for each event, admirably achieving everything her job entails and more. - Apollonia Cuneo, Vice President
Member of the Month
For April 2018
Jessica Rivera
Congratulations to Jessica Rivera for being chosen for the month of April! As we start out our new term, Jessica has contributed greatly to our club, setting up a fundraiser with Coolest Boba for us. Not only has she contributed to our club by setting a fundraiser for us, she has also attended some of our events including the March for Babies event. Aside from her attendance of events, she has also shown up to the board meetings despite the end of her term as freshman representative, asking the current board members questions and contributing to other ideas to fundraise for our club. Jessica has contributed greatly to the club as a member, volunteering at events and creating ideas to fundraise for the club. Throughout the past term and the new term, we have seen Jessica’s passion for the club increase greatly. There is no doubt that Jessica will demonstrate her selflessness in helping to make a difference in the community in the future. - Hannah Kim, Vice President
2018-2019 Board Members
Kathrina Ong, President
Apollonia Cuneo, Vice Pres.
Hannah Kim, Vice Pres.
KIoy Ocampo, Secretary
Daisy Jimenez, Treasurer
Calvin Manio,Bulletin Editor
2018-2019 Board Members
Khrisna Lei Madi, Historian
Links and Resources * John Marshall Key Club * JMHS Key Club Photos * Division 3 South Key Club
* @jmhs_kc
John Marshall High School
Past Events
* Region 7 Ohana Night (Aprl 7, 1018) * Campus Beautification (April13, 2018) * Walk MS (April 22, 2018) * March For Babies (April 28,2018) *Finish the Ride/Run (April 29, 2018)
Upcoming Events
* DCM - May 5th, 12:30 PM * Boba Fundraiser - May 25 * Spring Social - May 26
IG: @jmhs_kc FB: John Marshall Key Club & JMHS Key Club Photos Website: www.jmhskeyclub.weeblycom
April was filled with multiple events that occured throughout the month. We started off with Region 7's Ohana Night. Our school also hosted a campus beautification helping clean up our school. Volunteers also attended Walk MS in spreading awareness of Multiple Sclerosis. the Month ended with back to back events: the March for Babies amd Finish the Ride/Run. April was also the beginning of the new board members.