JMKC May Newsletter

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Wolfgang News John Marshall High School | May 2013

CNH Key Club Region 7 Division 3 South

Table of Contents

Hello again Wolfgang!

Table of Contents 1.)

We’ve finally made it to the end of the school year, which means three things. First, we made it to the end of the school year! Secondly, summer is just around the corner meaning a plethora of service events and opportunities lay in store for us these next few months. Lastly, and quite sadly, we will soon say farewell to our beloved seniors who have done so much for our club in their time here. Seniors, on behalf of all of us here, you all will be missed very dearly. On that note, let’s make our graduates proud by continuing the districtrenowned legacy of service and spirit they established. Summer’s just around the corner gang! BEE excited, BEE spirited, and BEE happy!

Your Club Editor, Raymond Lobaton

2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.)

Letter from the Editor Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast Dorris Place Art Expo Ronald McDonald House ELIMINATE Week June Events! Officer of the Month Member of the Month

Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast

On May 11, I went for the annual Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast along with members of Hollywood High’s Key Club, a local Boy Scout troop, and our resident Kiwanis organization. It was an all you can eat breakfast with an entrance fee of $5, more than a fair price for such an undertaking. As a club, we did what we could in facilitating the event: whether it was moving chairs, putting up awnings, or setting up tables. When the crowd trickled down, the remaining Key Clubbers all helped in taking the awnings down, folding up the tables and chairs, and loading them up on a truck to return them. Along with members of Hollywood, I went along with the Kiwanis to help them unload their supplies at a church a few blocks down. I am happy to have done my part after receiving such an amazing service at an equally reasonable price, and seeing Key Clubbers from throughout the district working together is, to me, a testament to our core values as a club. -Raymond Lobaton Club Editor

On May 11, I went to the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast. I thought that the event went very well, as there seemed to be many people there. All the people that came to support the Kiwanis were very nice and glad to be helping people indirectly. They also gave out prizes and had a raffle that kept everyone happy. I also saw a lot of key club members there. There were some that volunteered and helped serve the food and others were people eating it. I was part of the majority that was eating. Overall, I think that the Kiwanis raised a lot of money for their Kids Day fundraiser. Everyone was happy and the food was yummy. I would say, overall, that it was a successful event. -Miranda Flores-Tirado

Dorris Place Art Expo

On a Friday, instead of going home, I decided to aid Dorris Place Elementary school with their Art Expo and orchestra concert. I was tired, but going to volunteer at this little fair relit my energy. Their school yard was sprinkled with art work painted by students of all levels and beautifully drawn. I helped with the orchestra concert, by supervising the elementary students that were about to perform. This was exciting because I participated in orchestra when I was in elementary school and understand the nervous and thrilling adrenaline of getting ready for a performance. It was extremely cute to see the little children with their tiny instruments, half the side of a regular instrument. I was able to connect with a few students and strike a conversation with them. We helped clean up before leaving the Art Expo. Volunteering some of your time whenever you can really makes a difference because the Dorris Place administrators were in need of some helpful hands when we got there and we were able to get the orchestra flowing more quickly and efficiently. You’ll never know what to expect from volunteering. Sometimes you learn something new or even feel nostalgia, but it’s always worth it at the end. Offering service and knowing you contributed to something important really brighten up a long day. -Zhitong Qiu Club Treasurer

Ronald McDonald House

On Memorial Day, I was able to invite a few people, some not from Key Club, to volunteer at Ronald McDonald House. It was nice to see a few people come in on a holiday to help out. This was my second time at the Ronald McDonald House, but I’m still shocked about how clean and amazing the place looks like. I know that regular volunteers come by to help keep the house clean for the residents and this really shows because the place is almost spotless. Instead of hiring people to come clean up, volunteers work for free. This enables the administrators in the house to save up money and time. The new volunteers were shocked at how beautiful the building was and we cleaned with ease because the place was practically spotless. We also made friends with the President from LACC Circle K. I always love meeting new people and Key Club allows you to make several connections as well as giving you an opportunity to help those in need. The students not from Key Club really saw the importance of helping out and the purpose of the Ronald McDonald house. By volunteering, they were able to see the meaning of Key Club service and their commitment to the community. -Zhitong Qiu Club Treasurer

As a club, we aim to extend our services and aid to any cause or event which may benefit from our service. We have, however, some charitable organizations that we are closely tied to; one of them being the Ronald McDonald House charities. Partnering with our collegiate counterparts, LACC Circle K, we make it a point to be present and volunteering two Mondays out of every month. The joys of Ronald McDonald House Charities lie in the welcoming environment, as you are surrounded by enthusiasm and the glowing smiles of elated children. Whether you’re a new member or experienced Key Clubber, volunteering at the House is an experience that never gets old.


One of the many charities Key Club is affiliated with is the ELIMINATE Program, a program dedicated to eliminating Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus from the face of the Earth! A particularly devastating disease, MNT is caught by unsterile birthing situations and environs and generally cuts the lifespan of the infected enormously: most do not survive past infancy. Those who do are forever affected by the debilitating effects of the tetanus; the saddest part is that vaccinations for MNT cost around $0.60 each. Yet, to this day, it still is rampant in third-world nations around the world. ELIMINATE Week is a universal Key Club endeavor to dedicate the week’s resources and attention entirely to the cause of ELMINATE. As a club, we fundraised for ELIMINATE through healthy competition! Some of you may have been approached by your class representatives about donating can tabs. In addition to being a source of service hours, aluminum can tabs off of any soda

soda or juice are melted down to make needles for syringes used to administer MNT vaccines! In the course of the week we collected over 1,000 can tabs from the competition, and spread awareness for MNT in the process. As of now, Key Club has successfully eliminated maternal neo-natal tetanus from China and we now have our sights set on the whole world. Through awareness and action we can make a difference in the world, so let’s make a yearround commitment to assisting ELMINATE by donating what you can, by way of can tabs or money. Together, we really can ELIMINATE maternal/neonatal tetanus from the face of the Earth.

June Events!


Name of Event:


Sun, 06/9/13

Los Angeles River Ride

Held at the Autry Center 11 A.M. – 3 P.M.

Mon, 06/11/13

Ronald McDonald House

5 – 8 P.M.

Mon, 06/17/13

Ronald McDonald House

5 – 8 P.M.

Sat, 06/22/13

Alex’s Lemonade Stand

Held at Vons Parking Lot from 12 – 3 P.M.

Sun, 06/30/13

5th Pasadena Marathon Held at Pasadena College from 7 – 10 A.M.

Officer of the Month: Zhitong Qiu Club Treasurer

For the month of May, the officer of the month is our Zhitong Qiu! As John Marshall’s Treasurer, Zhitong shows determination to set as much fundraiser events as possible. This month she organized a boba sale after school, garnering even more awareness to our club. She also attended the Dorris Place Elementary Art Expo, helping at art stations and welcoming each person with enthusiasm. Zhitong’s positive attitude is unique; she always greets others with respect and beaming smiles. Finally, her service at Ronald McDonald this month demonstrates her interest in providing for her community. She constantly presents new ideas, inspiring her fellow officers to consider refreshing events for our club. Not only is Zhitong active in Key Club, but she is also John Marshall’s Student Body Treasurer. She takes initiative in school activities while juggling Track and Field and academics! Zhitong’s well-rounded character motivates us to work as diligently as her. We are proud to have Zhitong as our May Officer of the month!

For the month of May, the member of the month is our Zhihong Qiu! Though she is a freshman, Zhihong already demonstrates her passion for service and commitment to Key Club. This month, Zhihong attended the Dorris Place Elementary Art Expo, helping with exhibits and greeting students and parents with her amiable personality. She also volunteered at Ronald McDonald House, helping administrators clean the kitchen and eating area and maintain a sanitized environment for families. Zhihong is always present at our Key Club meetings, bringing her distinctive, positive persona to our gatherings. As member of the month she exemplifies the core values, caring about her peers, including everyone into her optimistic perspective, building her own character through every service event she takes the time to attend, and becoming a prime example of leadership as she broadcasts to others to serve our community. Zhihong is a growing Key Club member, always striving to better not only her neighborhood, but beyond.

-Marian Montano Vice President

Member of the Month Zhihong Qiu

2013-2014 Board

President: Anna Enriquez Email:

Vice President: Marian Montano

Treasurer: Zhitong Qiu



Secretary: Janine Raymundo

Bulletin Editor: Raymond Lobaton



2013-2014 Chairs

Senior Class Rep: Tiffany Chan

Junior Class Rep: Ernestine Hong



Sophomore Class Rep: Arbyn Olarte Email:

Historian: Michelle Simbajon Email:

3636 Woodview Terrace Indianapolis, IN 4668 – 317-875-8755 – US and Canada – 1-800-KIWANIS

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