JMHS June Newsletter

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Wolfpack News! John Marshall High School | June 2012

CNH Key Club Region 7 Division 3 South

Table of Contents

Hello JMHS Key Clubbers! The month of June has been busy with events, which really kicked us off to a great summer of service. These events included Classroom Clean Ups, volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, the Divisional Officer Training Conference, and several Car Washes. Through this, we’ve managed to benefit our school, ourselves as key clubbers, and our community. I’m proud to say I’ve attended all these events, saw the productive side of Key Club, and enjoyed helping out for a good cause. Seeing smiles on people’s faces after washing their car, receiving “thank you’s” from the Ronald McDonald House and teachers, and learning more about the core values of Key Club made me even more proud to be an active officer. I can also see the members’ love for Key Club grow as more of them attend events and encounter the true key Club experience. Keep up the good work Wolves! Remember, summer will be a very hectic, yet memorable season for us. Your Bulletin Editor, Arianna Dela Rosa

1. Introduction 2. Events and Articles 3. Events and Articles 4. Events and Articles 5. Events and Articles 6. Events and Articles 7. Member of the Month 8. Officer of the Month 9. The Calendar 10. Upcoming Events 11. Core Board’s Page 12. Chair’s Page

Officer Training Conference The Divisional Officer Training Conference allowed Key Clubbers to expand their knowledge about Key Club as they go through various workshops. The positions of the core board (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Bulletin Editor), leadership skills, promoting skills, and history about Key Club are the different workshops fellow members or officers were to choose from. It was a great way for everyone in the Division to interact and learn something beneficial to help their school club.

The June Officer Training Conference was a great experience for me, especially considering it was my first time attending this event. I had never been to one before and I was very excited to see what happened. I discovered that this event is a way to help current and future officers as well as members understand what key club is all about and what each position does. It allows all of us to see the intricacies of every job within our clubs. I attended the treasurer’s workshop and I learned many new things that I had not known previously. I also attended the workshop for fundraising effectively and it opened my mind to new ideas for our club. I learned many new things from these workshops and it also gave me an excuse to dress up nicely which is always a great thing. I think that more members should attend an OTC when possible because it really is an amazing experience. Aram Vartanian

On June 9th, we had Officer Training Conference which allowed many members and officers to learn how to BEE a leader and help them with their positions for the rest of the term. It was great watching the new divisional officers as well as some old officers taking initiative in teaching Key Clubbers everything they know. I personally enjoyed sitting in for the Secretary workshop with how entertaining and informative the IP Division 3 Secretary and the Division 3S and 3N Secretaries made it. Through this event I've gained valuable information that I may use throughout my life. Chantal Mendoza

JMHS Classroom Cleanup

One event that Marshall’s Key Club held within the school was to clean up designated classrooms. With the help of our core board, members volunteered to clean assigned classrooms on a scheduled day. There were three days to participate for this event and a handful of members who were eager to show up. Some members came to obtain some hours, and others were simply there because of their devotion to Key Club and service. Along with a few remaining volunteers, I came to the last day of this event and we cleaned up Mr. Moran’s room. We went from sweeping the floor and destroying boxes to clearing closets and tearing down decorations off of walls. Concluding the clean up, Mr. Moran gave his thanks to us and even claimed that Key Club has been very helpful to him. The sincere thank you that we get from Mr. Moran is what Key Club obtains for its sole purpose, service. Muaz Jefri

As the school year comes to an end, students leave happy, but classrooms are left as a mess. Because Marshall is low on janitors, Key Clubbers were given the duty to help clean classrooms. Tasks include sweeping, arranging, sanitizing, wiping, etc. This gave us the opportunity to spread the acknowledgment of Key Club to our school and show what we do as a club.

On June 15th, 2012, I was given the task to help clean one of John Marshall’s classrooms, which so happened to be Mr. Shih's. He was understanding and provided us with blue-berry muffins. With such a welcoming environment, my Key Club friends and I joyously worked on organizing books, dusting carts, and sweeping the floor. Completing our duty, Mr. Shih was kind enough to offer us several math worksheets and study guides to help us in the following year. Through this Key Club experience, I enjoyed seeing Mr. Shih’s warming smile from the transformation of his own classroom, and hope to continue this service next year. Marian Montano

Ronald McDonald House The Ronald McDonald house is a place where an average person like myself could do a task so simple as cleaning windows and have their heart melt within a second. I recently volunteered June 25 and the moment the other members and I began our endless list of tasks like vacuuming the library, cleaning toys, and wiping down tables that required us to explore the many areas of the building. Most of the volunteers began with a simple towel and bottle of disinfectant, but once I had completed one task, I would return and be assigned another after another. But I was of course working alongside fellow Key Club members and board members from LACC's Circle K Club making the building sanitary for its residents. After the long tiresome hours fly by and it's time to go home, it's not just about the hours we receive but the satisfaction of serving our community and the little thank you's that certainly make your day. Ernestine Hong

As always, the Ronald McDonald House gives us opportunities to volunteer by cleaning, filing, cooking, associating with the children there, etc. We interact with other Key Clubs, and even LACC’s Circle K, which is a good way to bring the idea of Key Club together as a whole. It’s always a heartwarming experience to know that we are bringing smiles to unfortunate families who have children that are in dire need of help.

Even after an exhausting day of school, it’s always a worthwhile and memorable experience to lend a hand at the Ronald McDonald House. The Ronald McDonald House is such a heartwarming place filled with smiles and love helping out there.. On June 11th, it was my 4th time volunteering but this time, LACC’s Circle K, volunteered and chaperoned as well. It was great bonding with an older version of Key Club and seeing how similar they are to us, high school students. While placing stamps and labels on hundreds of envelopes, and cleaning the laundry rooms, cafes, playrooms, and windows, we talked a lot about Key Club and Circle K. It’s great that while helping out the community, we get to meet new people. I always love volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House and I look forward to the next time I do. Anna Enriquez

Divisional Car Wash The Car Wash at Coco’s Bakery was the first community service project the whole D3S has done together for the summer. Key Clubbers faced the heat from the sun and the hard work from washing cars for hours, yet they never gave up their serving spirit. It was all worth it in the end when we raised over $500 and managed to satisfy many customers! On Thursday June 21, 2012 our division had a car wash. It was held at Coco’s restaurant on York Boulevard from 10 AM to 2 PM. It gave us a chance to give back to our community once more. We offered people a car wash for five dollars and an extra three dollars for a special waxing. It was a very successful event and we saw many members come out to help support our division. I saw many people mingling and getting to know one another and enjoying service while doing it. It was very fun to get a little wet and soak up the sun with my fellow key clubbers to kick-start the summer. This car wash reminded me of the first key club event that I attended at the beginning of my junior year, which was a divisional car wash. It made me look back on how far I have come throughout this year of service. I really enjoyed meeting new people and giving back to my community at the same time. I hope that you members out there start getting more involved because it really is worth it. Let’s make this summer an unforgettable one with the power of service! Aram Vartanian

The Division 3 South Car Wash on June 21 was a very fun and successful event. It was definitely a wonderful summer experience being able to wash cars in the parking lot of Coco's Bakery to fundraise for our division. Although the sun was searing down on us, it was a relief having some water to splash around to keep us cool. It was great seeing many teachers come to support us as well as leaving us donations. It gave us a taste of what our summer vacations will have to offer and I look forward to spending more time with our Division 3 South Wolves. Chantal Mendoza

Division 3 Banquet The Division 3 Banquet was the last event the whole division had together before separating to D3N and D3S. To celebrate our hard work and dedication, this banquet commemorated all those members, officers, and clubs who stood out. We also had a night full of dancing we will never forget. Although we are officially parted, we will never forget our spirit of being a D3 Sharkey! I wanted to take a little time out of my day to make a quick post about Key Club. It really has changed my life for the better and I will never regret joining. I wish that I could have joined much earlier and got more involved. Last night’s banquet just reinforced my love for this organization and how much it positively affects the lives of so many people. I have established many new friendships and have gone to many fun events that I will never forget. Key club has become such a big part of my life and I could not be happier about that. I want to thank a few of my closest friends Chrisline Raymundo, Marion Barleta, and Jeffrey Padilla for getting me more involved in Key Club. Without their inspirational words and encouragement, I would not be the same person that I am today. I will continue to BEElieve in the magic of service and I hope that some of you out there do the same. Aram Vartanian

Member of the Month!

Tiffany Chan

John Marshall Key Club bestows the honor of Member of the Month to Tiffany Chan. Ever since she decided to participate in our performance for our divisional banquet; she started creating bonds between the officers and the members. Thus, this led her to become more involved in Key Club. She has a very lively spirit and even brought tutus for our club’s performers to wear. Practices for our performance and the divisional banquet has become a huge eye-opener for Tiffany and has made her realize how fun Key Club is. She has also attended Officer Training Conference and has become more aware of the issues going on around the world and what she can actually do to alleviate them. She also helped out with the Lemonade Stand. She also volunteered to help teachers clean their classrooms during the last days of school. We hope that she becomes even more involved in Key Club during her next two years in high school.

Officer of the Month!

Aaron Dela Rosa

John Marshall Key Club would like to award our Members Relations Chair, Aaron Dela Rosa, as Officer of the Month for June. As a freshman, Aaron has already shown his pride and dedication towards Key Club. He has been the reason for the massive influx of freshman members that have joined our club in the past few months. He has raised money for projects such as the Divisional Quarter Collecting for PTP and various other events. He has attended nearly all events division-wise and club-wise and when needed to be can be very spirited. That is why Aaron Dela Rosa is picked as this month’s Officer of the Month!

June 2012 Calendar We’re the bees, buzz buzz!


















DCM/Officer Training Conference

Key Club Meeting

Johnny B’s Lemonade Stand



Ronald McDonald House Volunteering





Ronald McDonald House Volunteering

Divisional Car Wash




Classroom Cleanup

Classroom Cleanup

Classroom Cleanup









Divisional Car Wash

Make-a-Wish Foundation Fundraiser at Yogurtland

Board Meeting




Division 3 Banquet

June DCM

Upcoming Events! Name of Function


Additional Notes

Ronald McDonald House

Mon, 07/02/12

5 – 8 P.M.

Board Meeting

Fri, 07/06/12


General Meeting

Sat, 07/07/12

Held at Pacific Park; Time undetermined

Board Meeting

Wed, 07/11/12


Board Meeting

Fri, 07/13/12


Shakey’s Night

Fri, 07/13/12

5 – 8 P.M. in Glendale; 25% of the the proceeds go to PTP

Ronald McDonald House

Mon, 07/16/12

5 – 8 P.M.

Region 7 Beach Clean-Up

Sat, 07/21/12

Held at Dockweiler Beach

Los Feliz Village Street Fair Volunteering

Sun, 07/22/12


Relay for Life

Sat – Sun, 07/28/12 – 07/29/12

9 A.M. – 9 A.M.; Need AT LEAST 30 people to come and donate $75

Ronald McDonald House

Mon, 07/30/12

5 – 8 P.M.

Pickwick Ice Skating



Can tabs


25 can tabs per hour; If it is over 500, then 50 can tabs per hour


President - Jeffrey Padilla

Vice President - Bryan Mendez



Vice President - Chrisline Raymundo

Treasurer - Jorge Lopez



Secretary - Erick Reyno

Bulletin Editor - Arianna Dela Rosa



THE CHAIRS Erik Guzman Spirit Chair

Chantal Mendoza Historian

Kevin Vu Kim Fundraising Chair

Aaron Dela Rosa Member Relations

Marian Montano Freshmen Representative

Janine Raymundo Sophomore Representative

Anna Enriquez Junior Representative

Emily Dang Senior Representative


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