JMHS July Newsletter

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Wolfgang News! John Marshall High School | July 2012

CNH Key Club Region 7 Division 3 South

Introduction Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Events and Articles (Ronald McDonald House) 3. Events and Articles (Regional Beach Clean Up) 4. Events and Articles (Regional Beach Clean Up) 5. Events and Articles (Los Feliz Festival and Pasadena Heritage Festival) 6. Events and Articles (Relay for Life) 7. Member of the Month 8. Officer of the Month 9. Calendar 10. Upcoming Events 11. Board Contact

Hello JMHS wolves! The month of July is over, summer is coming to an end, and school is just around the corner. It has been quite a pleasurable month full of fun, sun, and service! Volunteering at several festivals, such as the Pasadena Heritage Festival and the Los Feliz Festival, were both enjoyable opportunities to contribute to the community. Working under the hot sun, decorating booths, and seeing all the satisfied faces definitely filled in that void of summer. But of course, the Regional Beach Clean Up was the most memorable of all. Gathering with Region 7 (D3S, D3N, D19, D25E, and D25W) to clean the beach and have a good time was a successful way to bring all of us closer as a family. In addition, the usual Ronald McDonald Volunteering shows how committed we are to serving unfortunate families and their children. I am very proud of the amount of volunteers and participants we have at these events, but I would like to see more of you dormant key clubbers to join us so we can show how united John Marshall High Key Club really is. Continue having a great summer and enjoy it while it lasts! Your Bulletin Editor, Arianna Dela Rosa

Ronald McDonald House I’m pretty sure a lot of you key clubbers know that we go to the Ronald McDonald House every month, do guys you know what the organization and why we help? The mission of Ronald McDonald House Do but you really know whatisthe Charities is to create, find and support programs that directly improve the health and well being of Ronald McDonald is all about? The children. We help because children are the future and living in a safe environment is a start in making mission of Ronald McDonald House sure children grow strong.

Charities is to create, find and support programs that directly improve the health and well being of children. We continuously help because children are the future and creating a safe environment is a start in making sure these children grow strong.

Ronald McDonald House of Charity is one of our varieties of chances to help make a difference in our community. It is a wonderful opportunity for me because I’m taking things into my own hands. On the first Monday of every month when it’s our time to go we hold what we call a happy meal for the families there and cook & serve food drinks and desserts. We help create a happy safe and comfort environment for them and show our spirit as young leaders that want to make a change. But that’s not all; we also help maintain the household chores. For example, we help keep everything sanitized, washed and cleaned. On top of that, we maintain the supplies in their vending machines such as the soda machines. Also our most recent change is that we have been more active in helping out more than just the first Mondays. Reynaldo Gopez

Region 7 Beach Clean Up!

The Beach Clean Up required the interaction of key clubbers from Region 7 (D3S, D3N, D16, D25E, & D25W) to help clean the beach and promote a strong key club family. Of course, we all bonded afterwards with swimming, playing ice breakers, and enjoying the fun under the sun!

On July 21st, Region 7, which consisted of D3S (Wolfpack!), D3N, D16, D25E, and D25W, we showered the magic of service on the beach. We dedicated our time picking up trash to give back to our community. After cleaning the beach I felt that we as Key Clubbers did our job because our responsibility is to serve. Even though all we did was clean a small part of the beach, that small part is a small step leading to making a difference in our society. After that we played Icebreakers to bond with some of the fresh faces we met from other divisions. Then we had the chance to play in the sun and went swimming, played volleyball, or just enjoyed the tan lines and sun burns we received. We also enjoyed the hotdog lunches that were provided for us. Then we were called in for a tug of war. The tug of war battle got interesting when the wolves entered the battlefield and the battle began. As we pulled with our strength, the unexpected happened and the rope broke, but we tied the rope and went face to face once more and victory came to us. Then we went into our meeting to learn new cheers to get ready for our spirit battle. We also had our Division Council Meeting to hear more about what Key Club does and what's planned to meet our purpose. The spirit battle was a great prep for Fall Rally as we showed the other divisions that as a new division we have as much of spirit as they do and in fact we have more coming. As the bonfires lit up we enjoyed some delicious s'mores. Then we gathered with our division and LTG's went to another division to talk about Key Club. We had a body roll competition which was really exciting and fun. At the end of the day, we came together and took a photo of the Region 7 family. That day will be remembered as an unforgettable memory. This showed that Key Club events are filled with bundles of fun, service, and enjoyment. After this event, I hope to attend more interesting Key Club events and have my bond with Key Club grow even more. Ami Patel

This event was definitely one to remember especially because It was my first regional event. I had so much fun bonding with my fellow key clubbers as we cleaned up the beach. I met so many new people and discovered that regional events are really fun. We all had so much fun getting destroyed by the huge waves. The five divisions also had a spirit battle and we all ate smores around the bonfire afterwards. We also had a “body-rolling” contest and I happened to win which made me laugh. This experience made me realize how much of a family Key Club is. I encourage all of you key clubbers out there to go to as many regional and divisional events as you possibly can. You make many friends and do something you may not have done before. Key Club is a family and we will always be here to support you and this beach clean-up is proof of that. Aram Vartanian

The Region 7 Beach Clean Up was one of my very first regional events and I can honestly say that it was a wonderful experience; the day began early, hot, and exciting as the multiple divisions that attended began to mix and mingle together. Later we had the chance to serve our community by getting burnt to a crisp cleaning up the beach while bonding and mingling with fellow key clubbers. But the day didn’t end there; after a few hours of swimming and snacking we gathered in our separate divisions to work on the new cheers the divisional boards came up with. And then the games tug-of-war that ended neck and neck. Soon enough we ended a long day of service and effortless fun with s’mores around a bonfire, reminiscing about our long day as we were able to sleep on the new memories made during the bus ride home. Ernestine Hong

Pasadena Heritage Festival Not only did the key clubbers follow various tasks and assignments to make the Pasadena Heritage Festival and Los Feliz Festival wonderful, they also enjoyed themselves with the given festivities. Great service is paid off with an enjoyable time!

It was a hot and perfect day to help volunteer for the Pasadena Heritage Festival. The spirit in everyone’s faces and determination to make this festival perfect motivated me to do my best with whatever task was given to me. Pasadena is a beautiful landmark, so it’s important that this festival represents exactly that. We decorated plants, tables, added streamers everywhere, etc. Other than the artsy activities, we also did some physical work such as lifting items and bringing them to certain areas of the festival. Teaming up with Hoover, Glendale and D3N key clubbers also made the time memorable and worthwhile. Arianna Dela Rosa

Los Feliz Festival I got the opportunity to volunteer in the Los Feliz street festival. I was quite excited since I’ve never been to the Los Feliz festival even though I live close by. Volunteering there helped me with my social skills. I had to constantly talk to people and inform them about the street festival. Parking duty helped with my managing skills and it felt pretty cool holding a walkie talkie! The best part of the festival is after your shift is over you got a free 15 coupon for food! I tried some pretty funky stuff like Korean barbecue hot dogs. Not only that but we also received a pretty cool shirt for volunteering. The people in charge were also really chill and loved to play jokes. Overall, the Los Feliz street festival was very fun and would definitely recommend volunteering there. Alberto Sanchez

Relay for Life Although the main objective of Relay for Life is to raise money for cancer research and cancer patients, the event is held to spread cancer awareness, celebrate the lives of survivors, remember those who lost their lives to cancer, and unite a community in the fight against cancer. It’s an honor for our key club to support an event as powerful as this.

To begin with, relay for life showed to be an event filled with dedication and commitment because the volunteers, fundraising committee, and the American cancer society had to be at the host location by 7 am on Saturday morning. Off the bat, when I had arrived I was so surprised to see the many attendees that had signed up for the fight against cancer. I was accompanied by Lui Mendoza, Rj Gopez, and Alberto Sanchez the time of my arrival. Although I had signed up to be a 24 hr walker in the relay, I had also volunteered to help with refreshments for those who were at the event. By 3 in the afternoon, Lui and I were left to help serve dinner later on by 6. It was very tedious work for only 2 people because we needed much more people to help serve dinner. Despite the fact that we had a difficult time serving dinner, Lui and I were able to get the job done. Karen, who represented ACS, had asked Lui and I to prepare glow sticks to give to everyone at the event. The glow sticks symbolized the fight against the disease that has taken too many lives. We all broke the glow sticks as one to show that we will not give up until a cure is found. That cancer will never win as long as communities continue to join together to fight cancer. Alvin Espinosa

Member of the Month

John Marshall Key Club would like to award Aram Vartanian as Member of the Month for July. Aram has been an extremely active member amongst John Marshall High School’s members. He has surpassed everyone in service hours with a whopping 84 hours. As an officer, this would be expected, but as a regular member he has become what some would call “Un-beelievably” active. He has attended nearly all of our events including Ronald McDonald House, Pasadena Heritage Volunteering, Region 7 Beach Clean Up, Los Feliz Street Fair Volunteering, and 626 Market Night Volunteering. He has vowed to have the most service hours possible this year, and always clings to the chance of attending a service event whenever possible. He helps out whenever he can, and has offered his house in the past as a place to hold board meetings. Key Club runs in his family, with his mother being an Ex-Key Club Secretary in North Dakota when she was in High School. He represents what every Key Club member should be; Active, Spirited, Service Oriented, and Friendly.

Officer of the Month

For the month of July, John Marshall High awards it’s very own Anna Enriquez as Officer of the Month. It is a good thing we decided to open more positions this year for our club, not only does it gets many people, such as Anna, involved, but it also exposes them to leadership and they get more experience on how the officers are pulling the ropes behind this behemoth of charity and events. As our Junior Class Representative, she has brought new members to Key Club events, such as our general meeting and social at Pacific Park in Glendale, as well as Shakey’s Night Fundraiser for PTP. Her passion for Key Club has grown very much and she made her first pitch this month – volunteering at the Los Feliz Street Fair – which we may say so ourselves was very successful and many members volunteering at this event had such a great time. She is still pitching future events as well and is capable of staying on top of all of her work. We are honored to have Anna Enriquez as our Junior Class Representative.

July Calendar















Ronald McDonald House Volunteering





Summer Social and General Meeting








Shakey’s Night

Pasadena Festival Heritage Volunteering




Ronald McDonald House Volunteering



Regional Beach Clean Up




Los Feliz Street Fair Volunteering


28 Relay for Life



Relay for Life

Ronald McDonald House Volunteering


How do you feel key clubbers!? Catch up on events and don’t miss out on any of the fun!

Upcoming Events! Name of Function


Los Angeles Regional Food Bank Volunteering

Wed, 08/01/12 Tue, 08/07/12

Division 3 South Yard Sale

Sun, 08/05/12

Los Angeles Regional Food Bank Volunteering

Tue, 08/07/12

Santa Monica Pier Concert Volunteering

Thurs, 08/09/12

Benjamin Franklin’s 2nd Annual Scavenger Hunt

Sat, 08/11/12

27th Annual Children’s Festival of the Arts Volunteering

Sun, 08/12/12

Ronald McDonald House

Mon, 08/13/12

5 – 8 P.M.

Distance Swim Challenge Volunteering

Sun, 08/18/12

Held at Venice Beach; Volunteer registration form is to be filled out; Snacks will be provided; 9 A.M. – 5 P.M.

Ronald McDonald House

Mon, 08/27/12

5 – 8 P.M.


25 can tabs per hour; If it is over 500, then 50 can tabs per hour

Can tabs

Additional Notes Volunteers must at least be 14 years old; Form is to be filled out by volunteers under 18; 9 A.M. – 12 P.M. Held at 1841 Tamerlane Drive Glendale, CA 91208; Proceeds go to PTP Volunteers must at least be 14 years old; Form is to be filled out by volunteers under 18; 9 A.M. – 12 P.M. Held at Santa Monica Beach; Volunteers must at least be 16 years old; 9 A.M. – 12 P.M. Proceeds go to PTP; Admission is $2; Meeting at Pacific Park, but scavenger hunt held at Glendale Galleria/Americana; 1 – 4 P.M. Held at Paramount Studios; 9 A.M. – 1:15 P.M.


President - Jeffrey Padilla

Vice President - Bryan Mendez



Vice President - Chrisline Raymundo

Treasurer - Jorge Lopez



Secretary - Erick Reyno

Bulletin Editor - Arianna Dela Rosa



THE CHAIRS Erik Guzman Spirit Chair

Chantal Mendoza Historian

Kevin Vu Kim Fundraising Chair

Aaron Dela Rosa Member Relations

Marian Montano Freshmen Representative

Janine Raymundo Sophomore Representative

Anna Enriquez Junior Representative

Emily Dang Senior Representative


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