September 2012 Newsletter

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John Marshall High School | September 2012

CNH Key Club Region 7 Division 3 South

Introduction Hello fellow JMHS wolves! I’m glad to announce that we started off the club year with an outstanding amount of new members. It’s enlightening to see new faces at meetings and service events ready to serve the community and be a part of our mission. As a club, we created events to fundraise for PTP, such as having a Revo Café Open Mic Fundraiser and obtaining money from our club’s Chinese food booth at the school’s Food Fair. In addition, this month focused primarily on Divisional and Regional events, such as the Divisional LA River Clean Up and Regional Training Conference. Both were great opportunities for members to answer the call to service, join the wave of influence, and learn more about key club with the company of our “ohana.” We hope to continue growing our club and encouraging a bunch of people to be leaders and make a change to something important to them. Let’s keep up the good work key clubbers!

Let’s bee leaders!

Your Bulletin Editor, Arianna Dela Rosa

Table of Contents 1– Introduction 2 – Events and Articles 3 – Events and Articles 4 – Events and Articles 5 – Member of the Month 6 – Officer of the Month 7 – Calendar 8 – Upcoming Events 9 – Board Contact

Regional Training Conference As a new key clubber, having the RTC as one of the first events I attended, everything seems so crazy. But crazy in a energetic-fun way that gets all your blood pumped up. It was early to wake up so early on a Saturday but once arriving, I felt more excited as the day started with meeting new friendly faces. The place was filled with busy "bees" and you can actually feel everyone's high spirit in the air. I absolutely loved the whole positive atmosphere around me.

This is my first year in key club. I met so many amazing people here. Key club helped me become more involved especially in helping out in the community. I used to be really shy but I’m slowly getting out of my shell, Thanks to key club. My first event was the Regional Training Conference. It was such a great experience. I learned a lot from the workshops, met new people, and I got to hang out with the people I haven't seen in years. I wish I could've joined in my freshman year. Key club is about caring for the community, making new friendship and having fun. We're like a family. Key club is the KEY for a better future. Jezarelle Lopez

RTC inspired so many new members to be more active in key club and engage in our mission to serve the community!

The conference started with a great encouraging message and cheers. The workshops really gave me insights of what Key Club was all about and how the clubs inspire everyone. I learned a great deal about the District Projects and saw before my own eyes a ripple effect. It was amazing and I wanted to see more of these acts of kindness. I wish I joined Key Club sooner; I feel as this club is a perfect fit for me because I love the smiles rewarded from volunteering at different places and I really want to help improve the world one step at a time. I can't wait to inspire as well as BEE inspired! I'm ready to make an impact in the world because one tiny step can really start a ripple or maybe a huge wave (of service!). I'm so glad I went to the Region 7 Training Conference and I can honestly say: I am ready to answer the call to service! Zhitong Qiu

Divisional LA River Clean Up September 29, 2012 was the date where over 100 Key Clubbers from D3S took the initiative to wake up at 9am on a weekend to clean the L.A. River. The L.A. River has been a great landmark to our division for many years, and throughout those years trash has been cluttering this natural habitat. As Key Clubbers, we stepped up and decided to serve our community in ridding trash from this river. What was supposed to be a 3 hour project became only 2 hours from the great outcome and enthusiasm of everyone that came to help. We worked to weed the dead plants and picked up numerous wastes. At the end of the event, we were thanked by a representative of the City Council. It's a great feeling knowing that there are others that share the same enthusiasm in serving our community! Chantal Mendoza On September 29, 2012 the Division Three South Key Club division had hosted a Los Angeles River Clean up event. The event time was set from 9 to 12 a.m. and our job as key clubbers were to help volunteer in cleaning up the Los Angeles River. Normally on an early Saturday morning having many members show up to a certain event is not very likely, but the Division 3 South key club group proved that wrong. There were so many people today, around 100, probably even more people. The attendance rate as well as the hard working efforts of the key clubbers was so high that an event that was originally supposed to be three hours was cut short to one hour. Today was a fun and satisfying experience cleaning up the river and socializing afterwards. As a new key clubber my expectations for this club are high and I expect more surprises in the near future. Takumi Amuza

As key clubbers, we have the power to join forces and impact the community in any way possible!

Ronald McDonald House it was a truly humbling and inspiring experience to volunteer at such a great charity so close to home. It was my first time volunteering, and I couldn’t have asked to be surrounded by more welcoming and kind people. The whole air about the House was joyful enough, every worker there always had a smile on his or her face and seeing the elated faces of the children was truly priceless. All the while I was working with fellow JMHS Key Clubbers Jorge Lopez, Kennet Souvannarith, and George Hernandez as well as some Circle K members. We did our part by cleaning some windows and tables, sweeping floors, helping prepare food, and cleaning up afterwards. Cliché as it may sound, after a while it really did not seem like it was “charity work” but rather a group of closely knit friends spending time together. With one amazing experience under my belt I proceeded to volunteer to go again on the 17th of September, and will keep going to these events as long as I am able to. For my newfound love for volunteer work and amazing group of new friends I have and continue to make, I will continually thank the Key Club by doing my part to serve.

I know becoming a member of key club in your senior year seems rather late, but i guess better late than never right. I started my first and sadly final year in key club volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, which honestly I had no idea how it was going to go. I was very nervous at first because while I knew some people there already, this would be the first time I volunteered without a friend that I talk to on a daily basis. However, once I arrived at the Ronald McDonald House I realized that what I was doing was for a real good cause. Seeing the families that lived there as I cleaned and served food made it all seem worth it and had me looking forward to more volunteering opportunities. If seeing the people who you are volunteering for isn't enough the people you volunteer with just make this experience that much more enjoyable and create a friendly atmosphere that helps make the work feel much easier with the added bonus of getting to know people better. After this event I hope to participate in many more key club events because they really do have meaning to them and make you feel like you are making a difference.

Raymond Lobaton

George Hernandez

Ronald McDonald House was a really great experience. I volunteered on September 18 which was the very first time I had ever gone to Ronald McDonald and I was pleasantly surprised. Not only were the other volunteers and workers helpful they were friendly and actually wanted to get to know you. They all worked hard and seemed to have a passion for volunteering. We cleaned vases, desks, tables and various other parts of the building. We even had a contest to see who cleaned their set of blinds the best. Ronald McDonald was really fun and only motivated my desires to help others. I definitely want to continue going and I hope many others will be able to experience how much fun it is. Tiffany Chan

Our continuing service to the Ronal McDonald House is definitely inspiring! We are always glad to help out unfortunate families in an area near our school.

Member of the Month Raymond Lobaton John Marshall Key Club would like to award Raymond Lobaton as Member of the Month for September. Raymond has been one of our newest members this year that has also shown the most promise. Although it might seem a bit frightening to join a monster sized Key club like John Marshall’s, Raymond has taken it upon himself to become extremely active. This month he has attended events such as the JMHS Park Social, Ronald McDonald House volunteering, Regional Training Conference, and the Los Angeles River Clean up. His activeness in the club has been such a great help, and has really shown many people why they should also attend events and volunteer. A great guy with a great personality, who joins a great club with great members like him, is something that he should definitely be praised for. Thank you for your service Raymond!

Officer of the Month Kevin Vu Kim For the month of September, we award one of John Marshall Key Club’s most committed and passionate officers, Kevin Vu Kim, our Projects and Fundraising Chair. Kevin has been such a great helping hand this month. He organized a fundraiser/open mic at Revo Café in Atwater Village. Thus, we met our Lieutenant Governor’s quota of $100 per month for PTP due to this event. He also helped out at John Marshall High School’s food fair, where we sold Chinese food. Kevin has been very benevolent toward the members and has especially established good relationships between him and the officers. He also attended the Divisional L.A. River Clean-Up, and as shown in this picture, he helped cut out weeds on the pavement. Being the altruistic person that he is, Kevin is a leader and is making the community a better place.










3 Ronald McDonald House 10


5 Key Club Meeting






12 Key Club Meeting


14 Revo CafĂŠ Open Mic



17 Ronald McDonald House


19 Key Club Meeting



22 Regional Training Conference







29 LA River Clean Up


September 3, 17 - Ronald McDonald House is a facility that directly supports and improves the well being of children. As key clubbers, we are assigned to help this organization by cleaning the area, communicating with the children, cooking for the children, and assisting in any way possible. September 22 – Regional Training Conference allowed key clubbers from Region 7 to learn more about the values of key club, certain projects we focus on, roles of the board, and of course, how to be better leaders. September 29 - For a long time, the LA River has been near the homes to most of us, but has also been treated horribly. This project is especially important since it is a huge contribution we're making to OUR community.

Upcoming Events! !Name of Function


Additional Notes

General Meeting

Wed, 10/03/12

Held at Lunch at the Boys’ Gym

Ronald McDonald House

Mon, 10/08/12

5 – 8 P.M.

General Meeting

Wed, 10/10/12

Held at Lunch at the Boys’ Gym

Hoover Relay for Life Set-Up

Sat, 10/13/12

Held at Hoover High School

Divisional Event - Ducksplash

Sat, 10/13/12

Lake Glendale in Verdugo Park, 1621 Canada Blvd., Glendale CA, 91208

Hoover Relay for Life

Sun, 10/14/12

Held at Hoover High School

Regional Event – AIDS Walk Los Angeles

Sun, 10/14/12

Member raises at least $25

General Meeting

Wed, 10/17/12

Fight for Air Walk

Sun, 10/21/12

Ronald McDonald House

Mon, 10/22/12

5 – 8 P.M.

General Meeting

Wed, 10/24/12

Held at Lunch at the Boys’ Gym

Riverside Community Festival

Fri, 10/26/12


General Meeting

Wrd, 10/31/12

Can tabs


Held at Lunch at the Boys’ Gym Held at Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, CA

Held at Lunch at the Boys’ Gym 25 can tabs per hour; If it is over 500, then 50 can tabs per hour


President - Jeffrey Padilla

Vice President - Bryan Mendez



Vice President - Chrisline Raymundo

Treasurer - Jorge Lopez



Secretary - Erick Reyno

Bulletin Editor - Arianna Dela Rosa



THE CHAIRS Marian Montano Freshmen Representative

Chantal Mendoza Historian Janine Raymundo Sophomore Representative

Anna Enriquez Junior Representative

Kevin Vu Kim Fundraising Chair

Emily Dang Senior Representative

Aaron Dela Rosa Member Relations


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