JMHS October 2012 Newsletter

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John Marshall High School | September 2012

CNH Key Club Region 7 Division 3 South


Table of Contents 1 – Introduction

Hello fellow JMHS wolves! Are you ready to snuggle into your sweaters and jackets? Because it’s that time of the year… FALL! Not only are we extremely busy with holiday festivities and other community service projects, but Fall Rally is coming up soon! So get your spirit ready for an important day to many key clubbers out there. Besides preparing for Fall Rally, our club has volunteered at the General Elections, Fight for Air Walk, Dorris Place Halloween Festival, walked the AIDs Walk, and discovered more about key club and college at UCLA’s Key to College. It’s been a busy month for all of us, so let’s show how much work and spirit we have as a club through Fall Ready, okay wolves!? Keep up the amazing service everyone. Every action you do makes a difference and is well appreciated. Your Bulletin Editor, Arianna Dela Rosa I hope you guys had a Happy Halloween!

2 – Events and Articles 3 – Events and Articles 4 – Events and Articles 5 – Member of the Month 6 – Officer of the Month 7 – Calendar 8 – Upcoming Events 9 – Board Contact

UCLA’s Key to College was a very well organized event and an excellent way to spend a Saturday. There, students from many high schools across many districts gathered to gain useful information of getting in the nation’s top colleges. UCLA’s Circle K did a fantastic job in planning the event and setting up the workshops which taught us techniques to study better, practice for the SAT’s, and what the requirements are for college applications. The volunteers were very open to questions, entertaining, and helpful and served us a delicious lunch! We were given the opportunity to tour around campus, providing us an insight on college life. In the end, we gathered once again to ask burning questions to a panel of experienced students from various colleges. Key to College was worth waking up early in the morning of a Saturday, I was able to meet new people from other schools as well as acquire invaluable information on how to be accepted into a great university. There is no doubt that I will again attend this event next year! Arbyn Olarte

UCLA’s Key to College

The Key to College was hosted by an organization called Circle K, a college Key Club version. It was held on campus and it was a group of UCLA attending students teaching us how to get into college, how college life really is, and in addition, they provided us workshops that were super instructive and fun! The workshop and the campus tour were two of my favorite parts of this event. In the workshops, they informed us the importance of study habits, SATs, college requirements, and participating in community service. Furthermore, a campus tour was given to us. It gave me a whole new perspective of UCLA that I’ve never seen before. The campus seemed so peaceful and beautiful and going to see the dorms were pretty awesome! Overall, I was glad that I spent my whole Saturday at UCLA learning and socializing and making friends with other people from other Key Club. I have to say, attending this event kind of gave me an advantage of knowing how to prepare myself for college later down the road. Sreymich Lach

Duck Splash As a senior in key club, it makes me sad for not attending duck splash in previous years. When I arrived I was expecting REAL ducks but unfortunately they were all rubber duckies. Although that didn’t burst my mood, it was great seeing all the key clubbers screaming and shouting making our presence known. I was in charge of our game booth, having little kids throw an angry bird into a nest. It was harder than it sounds! Even I couldn’t make it in the nest the first few tries. After a while of seeing kids disappointed faces when all they received were some stickers, I decided to help them out. If they would miss the nest I would grab it before it fell and it just so happen to fall into the nest. The smiles on their faces is what made standing around the booth for hours worth it. That warm feeling you get inside when you know the reason for that kids smile is you. Apart from the booth, the food they gave out to the volunteers was a delicious juicy burger that I finished in 30 seconds. Yeah it was THAT GOOD. Duck splash was a fun and emotional experience for me; even with the heat I would definitely volunteer again in a heartbeat.


Alberto Sanchez

Card Making Event On October 9, 2012, JMHS Wolves came together after school to make greeting cards for the patients at the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles. To reward those who made cards, I baked brownies. Many of the cards were very creative and had meaningful message that will surely bring smiles to little kids. It was a great event to get to know Key Clubbers from our own school, while helping out for a good cause. In a matter of only 2 hours, we were able to make 107 cards! Anna Enriquez

Dorris Place Festival The Fall Festival at Dorris Place Elementary was truly a delight to participate in. I had the chance to reconnect with my old childhood friends, as being a Dorris Place alumni, while doing the parents a favor by attending to any booth in need of assistance. At the festival each volunteer was assigned a shift by choice and a booth that would last for about 2 hours. Each shift either had to do with food or some sort of children's activity like the bounce house. Although, the most memorable part of my day was going home late and feeling the warmth from the multiple "thank you's" from both the children, parents, and staff and seeing the months of effort and preparation follow through in a single night. Ernestine Hong

Fight for Air Walk On Sunday October 21, I volunteered for the Fight for Air Walk: a walk sponsored by the American Lung Association in an effort to raise awareness and funds for the fight against lung cancer. As a volunteer I, along with other Key Clubbers, were stationed at different locations along the path of the walk which went around the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, along Ocean Ave, ending back at the Promenade. My job was to hold up directionals so the walkers knew where to go; standing there watching these generous and kind people donating their time to fight against such a terrible disease was heartwarming, and each walker's spirit (from age 7 to 70) was beaming from the wide smiles on their faces. I am proud to have been a part of such a noble act for a very deserving charity. Raymond Lobaton

Walking together with our division and donating money for AIDs turned out to be a great success!

Member of the Month Alberto Sanchez

The Member of the Month for October goes to our committed member, Alberto Sanchez. He participated in our divisional event, Ducksplash, a regional event, AIDS Walk, and Key to College, which was held at UCLA. The event that he particularly stood out and shine was Ducksplash. He worked at our club’s booth for almost the entire day with a smile on his face. It seemed like he had tons of fun with the kids that were there at the event and cheered for them even if some were not able to throw all of the toy birds in the basket (the game for our booth). No matter what the results were, he always gave them at least stickers. Not only is Alberto good with children, but he also made cards at Key to College for war veterans. Alberto is an outstanding member with a good heart and helping hand.

Officer of the Month Jorge Lopez John Marshall Key Club would like to award Jorge Lopez as Officer of the Month for October. Jorge has been a dedicated member and officer since he joined Key Club 3 years ago. You might have heard his name on television, but here at Marshall everyone knows who this Jorge Lopez is. When the original treasurer had moved schools, Jorge swiftly took her place and began to work as hard as he could to do his best. He had been re-elected since then because of his stupendous work ethic and awesome personality. This month we would like to recognize him as Officer of the Month because he has made the effort to help everyone on the board. Although most treasurers never have to deal with much money, Jorge has had to deal with hundreds of dollars due to John Marshall Key Club’s insane ability to fundraise. He always keep everything safe and has yet to do something wrong. Along with that he has also kept up an extremely impressive attendance rate to meetings and events such as Region 7 AIDS walk, Duck splash, DCM’s, and our volunteering at Dorris Place Elementary’s fundraiser. Thank you Jorge Lopez for your great performance as an officer, a member, and BEE-ing a superstar!













6 General Elections


8 9 Ronald Card McDonald Making House Event 15 16




13 Duck Splash

14 AIDs Walk





21 Fight for Airwalk

22 Ronald McDonald House 29




26 Dorris Place Festival

27 UCLA’s Key to College




Upcoming Events!

Name of Function

Date ONGOING (Thurs, 11/01/12 Fri, 11/16/12)

Additional Notes 5 canned foods per hour; Might be combined with leadership.

Ronald McDonald House

Mon, 11/05/12

5 – 8 P.M.


Sat, 11/10/12

Funding for PTP

Heal the Bay Beach Clean-up

Sat, 11/17/12

Working with the organization on their monthly clean.

Ronald McDonald House

Mon, 11/19/12

5 – 8 P.M.

Canned Food Drive

Meal Service @ Union Rescue Mission

Mon, 11/26/12

Meal Service @ Union Rescue Mission

Tue, 11/27/12

Can tabs


Help prepare and serve evening meals; Clean and organize the kitchen. 5:45 – 8 P.M. Help prepare and serve evening meals; Clean and organize the kitchen. 5:45 – 8 P.M. 25 can tabs per hour; If it is over 500, then 50 can tabs per hour


President - Jeffrey Padilla

Vice President - Bryan Mendez



Vice President - Chrisline Raymundo

Treasurer - Jorge Lopez



Secretary - Erick Reyno

Bulletin Editor - Arianna Dela Rosa



THE CHAIRS Marian Montano Freshmen Representative

Chantal Mendoza Historian Janine Raymundo Sophomore Representative

Anna Enriquez Junior Representative

Kevin Vu Kim Fundraising Chair

Emily Dang Senior Representative

Aaron Dela Rosa Member Relations


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