JMHS November 2012 Newsletter

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John Marshall High School | September 2012

CNH Key Club Region 7 Division 3 South

Introduction Wasn’t Fall Rally just amazing? I’m pretty sure all of us will remember the excitement of the cheers and losing our voices at the end of the day. It was honestly such an inspiring sight to see everyone on the bleachers, cheering their hearts and showing pride for community service. Not only that, but with your help and many other key clubbers, we were able to collect over thousands of dollars for Pediatric Trauma Prevention. Now that is what I call a successful fundraiser. In addition I also have great news! Key Club International has recently cured Maternal Neonatal Tetanus Disease in Beijing, China. Through this, we are able to prove that with effort, anything is possible. If we continue to donate for the ELIMATE project, this world will be MNT-free. I want you all to remember that we have the power to change the world. Keep serving wolves and remember to stick with Key Club throughout the rest of your high school years! Your Bulletin Editor, Arianna Dela Rosa WE ARE THE W-O-L-V-E-S AWHOOOOOO!

Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Articles and Events 3. Fall Rally 4. Fall Rally 5. Member of the Month 6. Officer of the Month 7. Calendar 8. Upcoming Events 9. Board Contact Information

Green Festival

This festival is to educate thousands of people around the world about renewable energy and green technology as well as how to invest in your communities.

The Green Festival was the first event I ever held for John Marshall Key Club and I’m glad to say it worked out fine. I was able to assemble the key clubbers to help out and this event turned out to be interesting. Even though we volunteered in the front and some people didn’t have the chance to work inside, it was still a nice experience. It’s great to know that we’re helping organizations spread out their ideas as well as keeping the environment clean. The Green Festival not only helps get communities active in properly disposing waste and using recyclable or decomposable materials, but also advocates alternative green energy and many other ways to keep the earth green! It was amazing how everything at the festival could be reused, recycle, or decompose quickly; like our volunteer name tags, which was made out of elephant dung. I actually learned a lot from this event and I’m hoping to go back next year with more green-loving key clubbers! Zhitong Qiu

Hollywood Christmas Parade Every year, my family and I would always walk up Sunset Boulevard and watch the Hollywood Christmas Parade from the sidewalks. I was very curious on how the parade was arranged and always wanted to be one of the people who holds the ropes of the enormous parade balloons. When I discovered that I had the opportunity to partake in the event from Key Club, I did not hesitate to sign up. The event started early afternoon and ended late at night. I was assigned a job of walking the streets of Hollywood and Sunset to answer questions from various spectators as well as help with getting ready for the event, during that time I interacted with other Key Clubbers from other schools and was able to see hundreds of people gather at the sidewalks to experience the wonderful event. When the parade started, I was allocated to be one of the volunteers the holds the ropes of a sixtyfoot Woody from Toy Story balloon. Even though our balloon was inches away from crashing into a streetlight in front of dozens cameras, and how the ropes tangled up, and how Woody’s nose deflated, it was still very memorable occasion. At the end of the day, I do not regret by one bit signing up for the event and staying late at night to complete it. I just hope that next year’s parade would be twice as fun. Arbyn Olarte

Fall Rally! Fall Rally always begins in a cold morning filled with excitement, my Fall Rally 2012 began with all the early morning fun I had recognizing and welcoming of old friends and familiar faces. Due to the over capacity of members on each bus another was on the way to help us out. I was one of the few people who had volunteered as tribute. Arriving a tad late, our division had prepped with all the face paint we could find and entered our spirit session which was one of the most nerve wracking thing ever. After cheering our hearts out, we had not done so great, but we walked out of the theater with our chins up. Fall Rally is a great event that allows the great leaders to really put their hard work to the test and prove that leadership is not just shown through victory but also through friendship. After shaking off the spirit session my friends and I trailed off the enjoy not only the rides and funnel cake, but the fact that you are surrounded by hundreds of other people that have the very same feel for service to the very point where you're freezing your toes off on the bus ride home. Ernestine Hong Fall Rally South 2012. One of the biggest events of the year. I waited weeks in anticipation for this day. November 10th finally came around and I was as excited as I had ever been for a Key Club event. This day would mark my first and final Fall Rally. I knew this day would be a significant part of my Key Club life. As our division walked up to the park, my excitement level rose and I began to realize that the day was going to be very memorable. When we entered, we were told to go straight to the auditorium for the spirit session. This was the moment I had been waiting for. The introductions of the district board members and Kiwanis governor helped me get into the cheering mood. After the Lieutenant Governors were auctioned off, it was time to start the rally! Our entire division screamed and shouted from the top of our lungs. We were determined to win that spirit stick and getting to the Second Round made us believe but sadly our dreams were crushed. Although we did not win the ultimate prize, I knew we had done our best and cheered our loudest. However, we did not let this ruin the rest of our day. After the session we all broke off into separate groups to enjoy the rest of Six Flags. The majority of the day was spent waiting in lines, eating great food, riding rides, and best of all bonding with my fellow Key Clubbers. As the end of the day approached, I realized that I had made the greatest decision of my life when I joined Key Club. We are more than just friends, we are an Ohana who loves and supports each other. This has never been truer than on November 10th, 2012 when we all discovered that as a district we had raised 54,000 dollars for PTP. Fall Rally was fun, but it helped expose many people to the true meaning behind Key Club, caring for others. Aram Vartanian

Member of the Month

Zhitong Qiu

The Member of the Month for November goes to Zhitong Qiu, also known as Zhi. She has been an official member for two years. She was actually really shy during her first year. For the past few months, Zhi has been gradually becoming more active in Key Club. She has gone to many events, such as volunteering at Ronald McDonald House and Key to College at UCLA. The key thing that is different this month is that she contacted an administrator of the Green Festival, giving the club an opportunity to volunteer there. As she becomes more active in Key Club, her people skills and leadership abilities are starting to show as well. We are happy to see such a dedicated member so enthusiastic about Key Club.

Officer of the Month

Arianna Dela Rosa

It is our honor to award our bulletin editor, Arianna Dela Rosa, officer of the month of November. November is a busy, stressful month for seniors with college applications and such, but Arianna was able to maintain her duties as bulletin editor and go to events, such as the Green Festival and Fall Rally as well. She wants to make the best newsletters possible, always improving on them each month. Not only is she passionate toward making the club’s newsletters, but also toward serving the community. At the Green Festival, she helped guide people to the festival and worked at the ticket booth. She cheered loudly during the spirit session at Fall Rally and enjoyed it to the fullest since it is her last year. Unforgettable experiences such as these are reasons why she encourages members to write articles for the newsletter. Arianna is not just a good officer, but a very proud, jovial Key Clubber.












5 Ronald McDonald House


7 Key Club Meeting







14 Key Club Meeting




18 Green Festival Volunteer

19 Ronald McDonald House






25 Hollywood Christmas Parade



28 Key Club Meeting



Upcoming Events! Name of Function


Additional Notes 9 A.M. – 5 P.M. at 700 Seco Street, Pasadena Be there by at least 8:45 A.M. Activities include cutting flowers up, climbing up on the floats, and applying various petals to the floats, etc. Held during Lunch in the Boys’ Gym

Division 3 South Rose Float Decorating

Sat, 12/01/12

General Meeting

Wed, 12/05/12

Ronald McDonald House

Mon, 12/10

5 – 8 P.M.

End of Christmas Toy Drive for Ronald McDonald House

Fri, 12/14/12

Start after Thanksgiving

Ice Skating Fundraiser for PTP


Held at Pickwick Gardens; time is TBA

Ronald McDonald House

Mon, 12/24

5 – 8 P.M.

Christmas Board Dinner



Rose Bowl Decorating



Atwater Christmas Tree Lighting



Can tabs



President - Jeffrey Padilla

Vice President - Bryan Mendez



Vice President - Chrisline Raymundo

Treasurer - Jorge Lopez



Secretary - Erick Reyno

Bulletin Editor - Arianna Dela Rosa



THE CHAIRS Marian Montano Freshmen Representative

Chantal Mendoza Historian Janine Raymundo Sophomore Representative

Anna Enriquez Junior Representative

Kevin Vu Kim Fundraising Chair

Emily Dang Senior Representative

Aaron Dela Rosa Member Relations


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