JMHS April 2013 Newsletter

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John Marshall High School | April 2013


CNH Key Club Region 7 Division 3 South

Letter from the Editor

Happy April Key Clubbers! Only two months into the new Key Club year and we’ve already partaken in so many AMAZING volunteering opportunities. We began the month with our March Social, and walked away gaining new friends and a new appreciation for what it is we Key Clubbers do for our communities. The Ronald McDonald experience was expounded upon with the Walk for Kids event early in the month, allowing us to work with our collegiate associates in Circle K. To support our school’s musical theater program, we volunteered in putting on the production and raise money by setting up a concession stand. In short, this month was brimming with fun service events which provided all who participated with unforgettable experiences, lots of memories, and the great feeling that comes along with SERVICE!

Your Bulletin Editor, -Raymond Lobaton

Table of Contents 1. Letter from the Editor 2. Ronald McDonald House 3. Walk for Kids 4. BUSKERS NYC 2013 5. March of Dimes 6. Member of the Month 7. Officer of the Month 8. May Events! 9. MHS Key Club Board 10. MHS Key Club Chairs

Ronald McDonald House Volunteering I enjoyed my time at the Ronald McDonald House greatly. The staff quickly put us to work cleaning the facilities, from cleaning the lint traps in the laundry room to wiping the tables and spraying the windows in the cafÊ. The best part of volunteering with Ronald McDonald was playing board games with the resident children and adults, and the lively atmosphere made such a simple game like Bingo an experience unlike any I’d ever had. Serving dinner was the penultimate source of gratification and meeting new people while doing my part to better the community is, in my opinion, what Key Club is all about. -Colleen Eng

Ronald McDonald House Charities is a home to several volunteer organizations such as Key Club International and LACC's Circle K who come together a few times a month to help out at the facility. When I arrived alongside fellow members we started the evening with simple removal of lint from dryers in the laundry room and made our way into the cafe where we cleaned the tables, windows, and cabinets. Later, I experienced a new task where our Kiwanis supervisor asked us to play games with the children; it was new since I had never played with the children before when I had previously volunteered but it was a wonderful experience to see their faces when they'd won at a game of Bingo or Tic-Tac-Toe. We waited till the children had finished eating with their families to ask them to join us in our fun and games until it was almost 7:30 p.m where we were invited to join the residents of the facility for dinner. After our selfserved smiley-faced potatoes Marshall's members joined LACC's Circle K to clean the eating area and together we accepted the gratitude expressed by many of the volunteers, supervisors, and Kiwanis. -Ernestine Hong

Ronald McDonald: Walk for Kids On Sunday, April 7, 2013 I volunteered for the Ronald McDonald House Charities Walk for Kids 2013. This event took place in Exposition Park and helped to raise money for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. In this event i was given the duty to cheer on the walkers and help show them which way to go. The day was full of spirit as the walkers wore their team shirts and held up their own signs. There were also plenty of kids participating in the walk too! It was a fun event it was definitely fun working with Circle K and yelling out some of their cheers. For example one of them was “SU-P-E-R SUPERSTAR IS WHAT YOU ARE�. At first we were divided into separate groups at different areas of the walk, but the crowd overpowered us and we could not scream over them, there were too many people. So instead we grouped up with the other Key Club members and cheered on together. After the walk was finished we ran through the finish line as a group. -Alexander Gonzales

BUSKERS NYC 2013 On Friday, April 19, 2013 and Saturday, April 20, 2013, I chaired John Marshall Key Club's very first fundraiser of the new term! These two days were certainly challenging for me, but I'm glad to say I'm proud of their outcome. I remember as a freshman how this event was actually my very first key club event. So I find it just amazing how its been a year since then. The main focus why I wanted to plan this event is because our school's musical theater class is on the verge of being cut! So to help raise funds and prevent that from happening, our key club members took time off their Friday and Saturday nights to help sell pizza, candy, boba, and other drinks during intermission of Musical Theater's Spring Musical: BUSKERS NYC 2013! It doesn't stop there though! After the tragic news of the Boston Marathon Explosion, our board agreed that a portion of the proceeds we earn should also go to Children's Miracle Network in honor of those victims involved. It was for a wonderful cause and I'm glad did it. During the event, our food and drink selling stations were definitely busy when it came time to sell. But nevertheless, our members did a great job handing the tables, money, and of course pleasing the customers. When selling finally came to an end, all the volunteers and I would totally agree that all our hard work paid off and that all the money we earn gave us all a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

I can honestly say that for our first fundraiser, we did a successful job and I can't wait for what our club has in store for the rest of the term. -Janine Raymundo JMHS Secretary

I volunteered at the Buskers NYC 2013 musical at John Marshall high school for 2 days. The first day was really tiring because I had come from a track meet. Even though I was tired I still wanted to help out. I sold pizza at the food table and greeted people at the door. It turned out to be really fun overall. The second day of volunteering I was really glad I came because all my work paid off when I saw a old classmate/best friend there. Later on I heard we made over $1.000, and it gave me hope that we had a chance to save the musical theater program, because I had heard that if there wasn’t a good showing at the performance, funding would have been cut for the program. I am very happy to have been able to do my part for my school’s musical theater. -Zhi Hong Qiu

March of Dimes: March for Babies

March of Dimes is a yearly event to support mothers and babies everywhere. As some of the babies were born prematurely, the money being donated goes to research that will greatly increase a baby's survival. With March of Dimes being my first Key Club event, during the morning, I really did not know what to do since different divisions were chanting their own cheers and I did not have enough energy to match up. During the walk however, I noticed how much fun different divisions are having, with people carrying other people on their backs to chanting their cheer at random times with other people. Since the walk is for a good cause, it was a winwin situation for both teams as we not only helped the organization raise money but also had fun while doing so. I'm sure next year's would be great and fun as this year, if not better. -Kristian Dela Cruz

April 27, 2013 marked the day for March of Dimes: March for Babies. I thought this event was an awesome way for our members to get up early to walk and spread awareness of a good cause. Thousands of babies are born premature and sick; so to support research and programs to help mothers have full-term pregnancies and babies to begin healthy lives our club, along with our division, donated money as well as walked three full miles! As our division marched together, wearing our Fall Rally shirts, we cheered the "How do you feel?" cheer like there was no tomorrow! Knowing that each and every one of us who participated in this event helped improved a baby's health just goes to shows how much key club can make a difference. And because of that, it was all worth the effort. This was such a great opportunity to serve our community and help thousands of babies live healthier lives. As key clubbers, we should take a stand and volunteer at any chance we can get. I am definitely looking forward to March of Dimes next year! -Janine Raymundo JMHS Secretary

Member of the Month: Kristian Dela Cruz

John Marshall Key Club is proud to say that Kristian Dela Cruz is our Member of the Month for April! Colleen first introduced him to Key Club in the beginning of April, and ever since, he has grown an interest for our principles. This month, he attended John Marshall’s Spring Musical volunteering, where he helped transfer food for the concession stand both days he volunteered. Not only did he offer help to his fellow wolves through carrying and preparing tables, but Kristian also took initiative in selling pizza and boba for the school’s Musical Theater class and the Boston marathon victims!

Furthermore, he walked the entire three miles for babies at the March of Dimes and experienced his first DCM. Though Kristian is often quiet, he presents his wolf-like characteristics through respecting and assisting other members. We look forward to seeing this wolf at future events!

Officer of the Month: Janine Raymundo Secretary Secretary John Marshall Key Club would like to honor Janine Raymundo as Officer of the Month for April. Janine’s positive attitude shone through her organizing of important dates every month, chairing John Marshall’s Spring Musical volunteering for two days, and attending March of Dimes and the April DCM. During Buskers, she coordinated with Mr. Moran, the Musical Theatre teacher, determined an effective action plan for selling pizza, boba, and candy bars, and confirmed everyone selling was on task. In addition, her participation at the March of Dimes demonstrated her sociability with other wolves.

Welcoming each individual with the sign-in sheet, Janine displayed how a true wolf must act: outgoing and hospitable. Finally, Janine’s new position as Division Secretary awed all of us. We are proud of Janine’s and know she will contribute to John Marshall’s Key Club and Division 3 South with enthusiasm and commitment.

Name of Function


Additional Notes Held at Brand Library Park 5:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.

Verdugo Hills 10K

Sun, 05/5/13

Eliminate Week

Mon - Fri, 05/6/13 – 05/10/13

Spread awareness of MNT

Ronald McDonald House

Mon, 05/13/13

5 – 8 P.M.

Officer Training Conference

Sat, 05/11/13

Mandatory for all officers to attend

Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast

Sat, 05/11/13

Held at the Von’s Parking Lot on Vermont 7 – 10 A.M.

Ronald McDonald House

Mon, 04/29/13

5 – 8 P.M.

Campus Beautification

Thurs, 05/16/13

Help maintain school cleanliness

Ronald McDonald House

Mon, 05/13/13

5 – 8 P.M.

Can tabs


2013-2014 Board

President: Anna Enriquez Email:

Vice President: Marian Montano

Treasurer: Zhitong Qiu



Secretary: Janine Raymundo

Bulletin Editor: Raymond Lobaton



2013-2014 Chairs

Senior Class Rep: Tiffany Chan

Junior Class Rep: Ernestine Hong



Sophomore Class Rep: Arbyn Olarte Email:

Historian: Michelle Simbajon Email:

3636 Woodview Terrace Indianapolis, IN 4668 – 317-875-8755 – US and Canada – 1-800-KIWANIS

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