John Marshall Newsletter April

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D3S. REGION 7. John Marshall High School April 2014

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR It’s that time of year again. The new term has begun! I hope all of you are as excited as I am! I can’t wait to volunteer at all of the fun upcoming events and create stronger friendships with my fellow key clubbers. It is spring now, and therefore it is the time for a fresh start. If you feel you were too busy last term to attend events or meet new people, do not fret! You can still start anew and fully experience the amazingness that Key Club is. May you all have an awesome time this term. Happy spring! Your editor,

Grace Martinez


HIGHER GROUNDS: VOLUNTEERING AT THE MUSICAL My experience from the musical was rather enthralling. I was adjoined be spectacular groups of friends. As time flies by, we encountered moments that were dull and monotonous. Nevertheless, we managed to entertain ourselves and make each other laugh. As business progresses, our job became hectic and unorganized. People were pushing each other; every body was getting loud and impatient. The crowd was hungry, so we sold out on pizza in a snap! Within the next 5 minutes, 3 boxes of cheesy delicious pizza, gone. Furthermore, we also got a chance to watch the play ourselves. Needless to say, the performers did a spectacular job! They performed well and the audience loved it. It was a very delightful night and it was a lot of fun. -Aldrich Lagman

DCON 2014 From April 11th to April 13th, the 68th Annual

Cali-Nev-Ha District Convention was held at Sacramento, CA. DCON 2014 was by far one of the most amazing and GOLDEN experiences I have had in this organization. Considering this was my first time attending, I honestly did not know what to really expect. All the key club alumni usually described it as Fall Rally x 100. But you never really know how this event really goes about without experiencing it yourself. During DCON you meet thousands of Key Clubbers with loads of spirit, attend many workshops/seminars, be inspired by a motivational speaker, attend Service & College EXPOs, have a blast during the Governor's Ball, elect the new CNH District Executive Board, and overall celebrate a wonderful year of service, ALL within three days. And with this tight schedule from getting up early, dressing spirited on one day, dressing business professional the next, then getting ready to eat lunch, then attending all the many activities, to finally getting back to the hotel before curfew, you get to experience so many emotions and so many thoughts. From Keith Hawkins's inspiring speech to the retirement/installation of the officers, you truly understand and acknowledge what we, as key clubbers, do in this organization - proudly serve. Although the trip itself is on the pricey side, I highly encourage you, the members, to consider attending this unforgettable experience next year, the year after that, and basically any chance you get. With this being my final year, it is now hitting me how much I'm going to miss this club and the things we do. But no matter what, service goes on. I am proud to be John Marshall High School's 2014-2015 Key Club President and it will be a pleasure to meet and serve you all in my final year in this organization. - Janine Raymundo

EASTER SOCIAL The 3 hours spent at the Social with my friends AND new friends were a blast. I had the chance to bond with the members of Key Club that I hadn’t known before, and to be honest that was such an entertaining and great experience. The activities they held were the water balloon fight and Easter egg hunt which both were awesome. Now that I think of it, I’m glad I brought extra clothes because within the first few seconds of the water balloon fight, I got SOAKED. For the Easter egg hunt, I actually had to spend the time and look for the eggs carefully, because whoever hid them did a pretty good job. Last but not least, the food. The food we had at the Social was like every teenager’s perfect buffet. There were pizza, cookies, and lemonade; who doesn’t love lemonade? The experience here at the social made me realize how great each and every member of Key Club was. The chance to be able to bond and spend time with my fellow Key clubbers was great. I will cherish this moment because to me, this was truly an unforgettable event. -Michael Rodriguez

MARCH OF DIMES It was the first time I ever went to a March of Dimes event and it was a truly unforgettable one!!! I was able to make new friends and exercise (well kind of) while saving babies too!!! The purpose of the march was to spread word and make more people aware about this amazing project that can save pre-mature babies and their mothers. I thought that the fact of walking three miles for such a thoughtful purpose was great! Throughout the march, there were people holding up questions that related to the purpose of the march and it was really fun to try and answer the questions while walking with friends! After the March of Dimes, there was a DCM and there I was able to hear and learn about how the other clubs in our division were active for the community that we serve! Overall, I honestly believe that it was a wonderful experience and I would love to join another March of Dimes program again! -Lia Kim


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SUN 5/4/14 5:30AM12:00PM MON 5/5/14 5PM-8PM KNnyHtbdO8fAdddAMRtCT5BpABmDUrxCd0 /viewform


SAT 5/10/14 8-11:30AM


SUN 5/18/14 5:30AM-

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4560 Fountain Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029

OFFICER OF THE MONTH Lia Kim has been one of our newly installed officers for the Sophomore Representative position a few weeks ago. Ever since she joined Key Club she has been an active member and strives to fulfill her duties as a Rep. Although, not only is she a hard working officer, Lia is one of the most amazing Korean Barbeque chefs you will probably ever meet! She cares for her members with unconditional compassion. Yet, compassion is one of the many qualities Ms. Kim has since she has increased her attendance at events such as March for Babies where she assisted a fellow club officer who was injured. Lia has done nothing more than show her hard work and determination for our home club and continues to strive for our overall success! Lia has also shown her fellow peers that it IS possible for underclassmen to get involved in our club and community!



Kaitlin Caoili is currently a sophomore who has recently discovered her inner joy in serving our community. Not only is Kaitlin an active member of John Marshall’s Key Club she is also on her school’s Girls’ Basketball Team! She manages to keep her grades up and participate in socially enriching extracurricular activities and being around her friends. Kaitlin was introduced to Key Club her freshman year but has taken a greater interest this term by attending events such as the Easter Social where she was pummeled with water balloons! Also, she sacrificed her Friday night by assisted in fundraising for our home club by volunteering to sell snacks during the intermission of our Musical Theater’s production of “Higher Grounds”. Lastly, Kaitlin successfully brought herself and friends to the annual March of Dimes where she walked three miles with Key Club pride! Due to Kaitlin’s impeccable increase in participation and ability to maintain the athlete GPA I hope she can continue to serve as an exemplary member!

2014-2015 BOARD

Janine Raymundo President

Kenichiro Yamaguchi Secretary

Grace Martinez Bulletin Editor

Ernestine Hong Vice President

Brian Woo Treasurer

Michelle Simbajon Recognition Coordinator

2014-2015 CHAIRS

Colleen Eng Senior Class Rep

Robina Angela D. Henson Junior Class Rep

Lia Kim Sophomore Class Rep

Colene Encarnado Historian

Lucine Poturyan Tech Editor

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