John Marshall December Newsletter

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John Marshall High School | Division 3 South | Region 7 | December 2014





Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone! 2015 is finally here! BEE excited for another fun year filled with service!

Janine Raymundo, President

Happy Holidays Key Clubbers! Can you believe that this is the last newsletter of the year? It’s almost 2015! Cheers to the New Year, which will be filled with volunteering and good times.

Grace Martinez, Bulletin Editor


How do ? l e e f u o y I am thankful for Key Club J


TABLE OF C O NT E NT S : p. 3 GOTR LA p. 4

Rose Float Decorating

p. 5 Cale ndar


p. 6 Mem ber/ Office r OTM p. 8 Board &C




On December 7, 2014, my three friends and I sprightly traversed through the Marina Del Rey locality and had our sights on the pristine shine of Dockweiler Beach’s resplendent waters. From the wee hour of seven o'clock until nine A.M, our group assisted the non-profit organization Girls on the Run in its effort to organize a 5k race for the promotion of active lifestyles among pre-teens. The duties which were conferred to us included meticulously organizing the stand that sold the bandanas and bracelets donned by many of the proudest runners of the marathon. In addition, I was given the duty of handing out colorful medals to the coaches from a legion of primary schools, schools like Franklin Elementary that too shared the goal of developing healthy lifestyles among their students. Under the pellucid air and open expanse of the beach, I was enthralled by the whimsical and vivacious atmosphere perpetuated by the bubbly participants and their eagerness to get going. With bikers strolling through the road and families smiling to their hearts’ content, the event was truly a breath of fresh air to the indolence which too often pervades our lackadaisical high-school lives. -Khoa Tran


ROSE FLOAT DECORATING On a cold, chilly Saturday, I attended Rose Float Decorating for the first time. It was an exciting and freezing event, which I’m glad I got to experience. I was assigned to decorate the City of Hope float that featured inspiring decorations from colorful balloons with tags attached to them. The tags featured encouraging phrases such as “Joy; Strength; Hope” to a man-made water fountain, where we created the allusion of water pouring out in different directions. It was pretty incredible. The most exciting part for me was when my crew chief allowed me to climb the planks to decorate the tags attached to the balloons way up at the top. Despite the fact that I almost peed my pants from being so high up, I am honored to have given the opportunity to help make City of Hope’s float come alive. Furthermore, making new friends and warming hot cocoa were just the cherry on top of the sundae. I will definitely make sure to attend next year’s Rose Float Decorating! -Sreymich Lach


HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015!!! D3S & D3N Conclave

FOLLOW US ON TEXT “follow @marshallkeyclub” to 40404 @d3skeyclub

Will be more info on Facebook about upcoming events

John Marshall Key Club | Division 3 South Key Club



Congratulations to Michael Park for earning the Member of the Month Award for the month of December! This month Michael has brought out his service even though this semester has come to a close. This month, Michael has attended events such as our Bake Sale to fundraise this term’s District Convention. Not only has Michael continued to serve our community, he has simultaneously tended to his academic career. This being his junior year, he has put a lot of focus on what need to be done to secure his future. Nonetheless, he has expressed his unconditional interest and desire to serve. As our year comes to a close and the second half of the school year begins we hope Michael continues to serve alongside our fellow wolves.


Michael Pa rk



rnado a c n E e n Cole


Congratula tions to Cole ne Encarnado for earning the Officer of th e Month aw ard for the mon th of Decem ber! This month C olene has sh own highlighted her Key Clu b duties and re sponsibilities as our club his torian to ou r fellow wolve s. This month Colene has successfully an d gracefully d ocumented ou r exciting mo nth of Dece mber. Not only ha s she photograph ed our hard working wo lves but she made the m ost of this holiday sea son as all of us wolves pac k together fa milytime and se rvice. As we all tried to stay warm and o n top of our h oliday shop ping Colene has continued to capture ou r service-full moments a s our term c omes to a close.



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