John Marshall Newsletter June

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Wolfgang News John Marshall High School | May 2013

CNH Key Club Region 7 Division 3 South


Letter from the Editor

Table of Contents 1.) Preface

What’s up Wolfgang?! I hope you’ve all enjoyed your summer vacation thus far, and are psyched up for the service events we have in store for you guys the next two months! This month was laden with cool, new events like the annual CicLAvia bike ride along Wilshire Boulevard and the Pasadena Half Marathon, old favorites like Ronald McDonald House volunteering, and Division functions like the Yogurtland fundraiser and, of course, Banquet! Thank you to everyone who participated in any of this month’s events, and to those who weren’t able to don’t worry! July will be laden with service opportunities. Even though it’s summer and we’re on hiatus from school, there is no off season for volunteering! Jeff Warner was spot on in saying, “We are not placed on this earth for ourselves, but are placed here for each other.” as I truly believe this is the philosophy we live by as Key Clubbers. Stay strong, stay cool, and keep serving!

Your Club Editor, Raymond Lobaton

2.) Ronald McDonald Volunteering 3.) Griffith Park Clean Up 4.) CicLAvia 5.) Member of the Month 6.) Officer of the Month 7.) Upcoming Events 8.) Contact information

Ronald McDonald House

Volunteering at Ronald McDonald is always fun for me; I was happy that I got to help out! The first thing I did was clean the tables and chairs. Then I went outside and helped clean the toys and when we were done cleaning them, we'd put them against the walls. After 20 minutes of cleaning we washed our hands and helped the others outside grill food. They cooked a lot of hot dogs and hamburgers! The person who helped make the food was really nice, and his baby daughter was so adorable! She was just lying down and playing with the plants. Later, we went inside and they gave us gloves to go help serve the food. There was so much food! Aside from the hamburgers and hot dogs, there was also salad, drinks, and red velvet cake. When we had served everyone, we took a short break. I was so hungry and luckily since they had a lot of leftovers they gave us some. I also got to bond and talk with a member from Circle K so that was really fun! I've volunteered at Ronald McDonald twice and each time I’ve volunteered there it never fails to make me smile. I hope to have more time to volunteer there; it's always so fun! -Michelle Simbajon Club Historian

Griffith Park Clean Up

The Griffith Park Clean Up was one of the first events of the summer and a great way to kick off our vacation. Being in the park with your friends under any circumstance is a good day, but knowing that you’re collectively working to beautify your community and environment just makes it that much more attractive. The lot of us went around in groups of two or three with grocery bags, picking up what trash we could find around the concession stands. In the process I couldn’t help but notice the smiles of passers-by when they saw us collecting trash: we were actively making a difference and others around us could tell. Working to serve your community while actively bettering it is the goal of Key Club, and that’s why I love what we do and why I keep on doing it: volunteer work requires so little of us, but we can give so much in return. Raymond Lobaton Club Editor

The Griffith Park clean up was a memorable experience for me. Our key club cleaned up the park and had fun doing it. There were horses and a lot of people and it was hot, but we had snacks and we ate and shared laughs together. For me, I thought about how I was able to give back to my community. To volunteer out of sheer willingness and having the determination to make a difference in the world: that’s what Key Club is all about, and that’s why I love being a part of it. Rachel Umaguing


On Sunday, June 23 a few fellow key clubbers and I volunteered towards making the CicLAvia tri-annual event as safe and smooth as possible. Spanning from Downtown to Miracle Mile on Wilshire Boulevard, this event allowed LA's many citizens to ride their bikes, walk, etc. without the usual traffic of urban city life. A volunteer from Circle K and I were both assigned to slow down people as the traffic signals turned red, making sure everything runs smoothly and no unfortunate accidents happen. From here, it was a very fun and active event to be a part of. Many of the bikes had amazing custom designs on it and seeing the adults and children of Los Angeles having a good time was quite a sight to see. Probably the best aspect of this wonderful event was the kindness and fun-loving personalities of the many volunteers that attended this it. A lot of them were from the Circle K college volunteering group and a key club division fairly far from our very own. You just couldn't feel but comfortable with their funny remarks and their friendly attitude toward everyone. It just shows how, no matter where you're from, the spirit of volunteering and kindness will always live on. -Khoa Tran

Member of the Month

For the month of June, the member of the month is Raquel Matamoros!

Raquel Matamoros

She is a curious member, discovering new volunteer opportunities and meeting new people along the way. This month, Raquel attended her first Ronald McDonald. Interested in working with children, she found this event to her liking. There, she gained a unique experience in meeting the kind administrators, helping keep the facility tidy through cleaning in the kitchen, office, and patio, and bringing smiles to young faces. In particular, Raquel encountered a young boy interested in her volunteer work, greeting her with a “Hi” whenever he passed her through her work. Raquel is an inspirational member where this event was one of her first and she immediately grew fond of reaching out to the community; she even offered to lend a hand to our upcoming Ronald McDonald activities. This is certainly just the beginning of Raquel’s involvement in Key Club, and we are proud to have her on the team to get involved in our neighborhood and other organizations which promote leadership and a sense of community.

Officer of the Month

For the month of June, the officer of the month is Raymond Lobaton! This month, Raymond helped the board arrange volunteer opportunities and lead events, both of which describing his leadership and skills in communicating with our members. He directed our Park Clean-Up at Griffith Park, where members came to tidy our few natural environments in Los Angeles. He gathered members and ensured they were enjoying the few hours in the park while promoting community service. Furthermore, he attended CicLAvia, regulating traffic and taking pictures for June’s interesting events. Raymond also deserves recognition as he pushes his fellow board members to submit their own submissions on time. He is organized and is always willing to help advertise events to our members, calling them to get involved in the community during the summer. In addition to his notable qualities, he is also very sociable, approaching those around him with a welcoming attitude. We are ecstatic that Raymond is June’s Officer of the Month and know that he will continue to work hard as our club’s Bulletin Editor.

Raymond Lobaton

July Events!


Name of Event:


Sat - Sun, 07/06/13 – 07/07/13

626 Night Market

Held at Santa Anita Park from 6 – 11 P.M.

Mon, 07/8/13

Ronald McDonald House

5 – 8 P.M.

Sun, 07/14/13

Concrete Hero Los Angeles

8 A.M. – 1 P.M. @Los Angeles Historic State Park

Mon, 07/22/13

Ronald McDonald House

5 – 8 P.M.

Tues, 07/23/13

Dorris Place Elementary Clean Up

12 P.M. @ Dorris Place Elementary School

Sat, 07/27/13

Drenched 5k

Held at Exposition Park from 9 A.M. – 1 P.M.

2013-2014 Board

President: Anna Enriquez Email:

Vice President: Marian Montano

Treasurer: Zhitong Qiu



Secretary: Janine Raymundo

Bulletin Editor: Raymond Lobaton



2013-2014 Chairs

Senior Class Rep: Tiffany Chan

Junior Class Rep: Ernestine Hong



Sophomore Class Rep: Arbyn Olarte Email:

Historian: Michelle Simbajon Email:

3636 Woodview Terrace Indianapolis, IN 4668 – 317-875-8755 – US and Canada – 1-800-KIWANIS

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