John Marshall June Newsletter 2014

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John Marshall High School | Division 3 South | June 2014




Hello Wolfgang!!! I hope you all are enjoying your summer break to the absolute fullest thus far. But please do not forget that service never stops - even if we are on break. For those who were unable to attend any of our June events, have no fear! There are many club, division, and even region events that are coming up in the next two months to be psyched for! The more the merrier, right? So BEE ready for those and we will make sure to keep you guys updated!

Janine Raymundo, President

Hey Key Clubbers! I hope your summer has been well. This month we had many important events from the OTC to our end of the term banquet. Be prepared for quite a few wet n wild, summer-lovin’ events coming up this July! Until next month!

Grace Martinez, Bulletin Editor


How do ? you feel GO WOLVES!


TABLE OF C ONTENTS: p. 3 p. 4 p. 5


p. 6 p. 7 p. 9

Relay for L if

Alex’s Lem onade Stand Officer Tra ining Conferenc e Calendar Member/O fficer OTM

Banquet P

p. 10 Boa rd & C





ReLAy FoR LiFE On June 7th, Relay for Life was held at Miguel Contreras. This was my first Relay for Life in which the division sold leis and walked to fight cancer. Although the turnout was not as expected, we made a difference by raising over $100 for the cause. During this event, I became more aware of the effect of cancer in our society. My favorite part of the event was the end during the Luminaria ceremony because it was dark and we were given glow sticks. We were told to break them to break cancer and seeing the bright glow sticks a across the track was amazing. There were also paper bags in which there were candles to pay tribute to those who have been affected by cancer. Also the division bonding was amazing as we got to know more about each other. Overall, Relay for life was memorable, as I grew closer to my Wolf family. -Ami Patel



ALEX’S LEMONADE STAND Blazing heat and the whirling breeze. On June 20th, I and five other volunteers were caught in the middle of it all. Call us crazy, but we love to volunteer. But besides that, there was one thing that intrigued me and pushed me to go out and be a part of this event--my childhood bucket list item #1: participate in a lemonade stand! We’ve all had that dream to host a lemonade stand around the corner of our street. I got that exact opportunity, but at a larger scale in front of Toys R Us and around the corner of Best Buy and the all-around awesome Costco! Out of all the grateful and entertaining "customers" we had--we didn't actually sell the lemonade, but we received many generous donations--the one who stood out was a family of four: a mother and her three sons. The eldest stole our hearts! "Wherever the ladies are, Joey's there!" their mother concluded. I had just taken my chance to achieve something that allowed me to reach into the past and complete a feat I would've never thought of coming back to. I'd been given a second chance. On this day, I realized that it's okay to look back. To take all the empty forgotten holes of your past and make use of them. To treasure them. To complete them as you are to make your precious, one and only life complete. -Robina Henson


Childhood Cancer,

One Cup At A Time”



OFFICER TRAINING CONFERENCE This month, I attended the division Officer Training Conference in hopes of becoming a better and more knowledgeable treasurer. Not only was I enlightened by fellow Key Club members at the workshops, I was also able to create new bonds with the people I met and strengthen ties with my fellow officers from our home club. It was truly an amazing event as it provided the opportunity for past, current, and future officers to come together and share their experiences and knowledge to build a stronger Key Club community. One of the workshops I attended was about PTP and MNT, presented by our district governor, Jacqueline Tsang. Because of her powerful presentation, I once again realized how fortunate my friends and I were to live a life full of laughter and happiness and that there is great need to spread this joy to those affected by PTP and MNT. I also attended the treasurers’ workshop, where I met fellow treasurers from the division. We shared ideas for fundraisers and I was given helpful tips that I hope to apply during my term. Other workshops I attended were about member retention, where I learned new ways to keep members interested in our club, and “Key Club 101,” where officers were reminded of Key Club values. The final workshop I went to was on planning successful events and fundraisers, at which the key steps in organizing an event full of service and fun were presented. Overall, the officer training conference was an unforgettable experience and I will definitely cherish the new knowledge I acquired to better my term as treasurer. This event has definitely got me howling louder for service and I hope our future officers will attend next year! -Brian Woo


Superman Day

International Kissing Day

Chocolate Day

Independence Day

Slurpee Day

R7 Beach Cleanup/ Los Feliz Council National Ice Cream Day

Summer Social/July DCM

Global Hug Your Kid Day

International Day of Friendship

Time/Where: Beach Cleanup: 9:00AM-6:00PM @ Dockweiler State Beach (12001 Vista Del Mar, Playa del Ray, CA)

Summer Social/DCM: 11 AM-5 PM @ Carr Park (1615 E Colorado Blvd Glendale, CA)


Will be more info on FB about: Los Feliz Council Day of Service Movie Night Fundraiser Concrete Hero Los Angeles

John Marshall Key Club



Congratulations to Ami Patel for receiving the Member of the Month Award for the month of June! This month Ami has been taken a great stance as a member. Ever since being appointed as Division 3 South Treasurer, she has worked tirelessly to fulfill her duties. As we all begin our summer breaks we all know service never takes a break. Ami has continued to participate in several events this month such as Relay for Life. In addition to supporting cancer research, Ami participated in presenting the Treasurer workshop at this year’s Officer Training Conference! Here she was able to enlighten her fellow club treasurers as they entered the realm of leadership and camaraderie. -Ernestine Hong





Congratulatio ns to Lucine Poturyan for receiving the Officer of the Month award of the month of June! This month, Lucin e has portrayed exe mplary office r behavior as Jo hn Marshall H igh School Key C lub’s Tech Ed itor! Lucine has re cently taken h old of her club spirit and has held these reigns in an o utstanding fa shion as she attended and assisted in several service events this m onth. As summer h ad just begun , Lucine’s servic e continued. For example, she attended seve ral events this m onth such as the Alex’s Lemon ade Stand Fundraiser. F urthermore, Lucine attended Offic er Training Conference w here she took the initiative to tu ne in on work shops to improve h er leadership skills and skills as o ur Tech Edito r. -Ernestine Ho ng




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