John Marshall Key Club November Newsletter

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John Marshall High School | Division 3 South | Region 7 | November 2014





Hey guys! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and ate lots of food! I’m so thankful to be able to serve and lead each and every one of you!

Janine Raymundo, President

Happy Post-Thanksgiving guys! I’m thankful for friends, family, and of course---Key Club! In this chilly month of December, stay warm by being active and volunteering in the community!

Grace Martinez, Bulletin Editor


How do ? you feel I am thankful for Key Club J



TABLE OF C O NT E NT S : p. 3 Fall R ally p. 6


p. 7 Mem ber/Office r OTM p. 9 Board & Chairs


HOW DO YOU FEEL (about Fall Rally)?

Fall Rally South was an incredible experience! It was my first time participating, and I didn’t realize how much fun it would be. Something about hundreds of Key Clubbers roaming around Magic Mountain contesting each other to cheer battles gets you really “pumped”. Even though we didn’t win our spirit session, I was filled with enough spirit to last a lifetime – that is until falling asleep on the bus ride home. It didn’t stop there, as meeting so many impassioned people truly boosted my enthusiasm for Key Club. Suddenly, the fear and shyness associated with performing cheers evaporates, as you feel welcomed and in fearless in your ohana. And those emotions get transferred to wanting to help the community and those in need. As cheesy as it sounds, that’s how I personally felt, and I’m sure others can relate. Fall Rally is an event that no member should miss out on! -Lucine Poturyan

The best part of my fall rally experience was the rides. Others would cheer and shout the “How Do You Feel” Cheer before the rides started. At times, it was humorous when operators would make the ride start before key club members finished cheering. They would be in the middle of the cheer and all of a sudden you would hear them scream like girls. Waiting in line was the hardest part, for I couldn’t wait until I could finally ride and have fun. There were lines for food too, which took hours, but I managed to meet some fellow key club members and agonize over hunger together. My experience at Fall Rally had its ups and downs, but overall my experience was good. -Colleen Eng


Fall Rally South 2014 was amazing. The day started off with getting up super early to get to Hoover High. After we received our spirit gear, the whole division got together to practice cheers that were to be used during our rally session. As we cheered our hearts out, the bus finally arrived. The bus ride was filled with excitement, as we got our “war paint” on. We got to Six Flags really early, so we were able to enjoy the day to ourselves, either by riding rollercoasters or eating. Finally, our rally session started. Although we didn’t make it to the second round and cheered as much as we hoped, I was still proud that my home club was able to donate $150+ to PTP and our division to donate $500+ to PTP overall. For this being my fourth and last Fall Rally South I am happy to have spent it with all the members I serve. Go Wolves!


-Janine Raymundo. President



Hanukkah begins

Hanukkah ends



FOLLOW US ON TEXT “follow @marshallkeyclub” to 40404 @d3skeyclub

Will be more info on Facebook about upcoming events

John Marshall Key Club | Division 3 South Key Club



Congratulations to Kyle Tagorda for earning the Member of the Month award! It is Kyle’s first year in Key Club although his sister, Danica, introduced him to it earlier in middle school. This month Kyle has indulged in his inner Key Club spirit by participating in events quite actively. In addition, this month he attended his first Fall Rally, which is always a big deal since your first experience is always special. Not only is Kyle a great member but he is also finding his niche at Marshall amongst his fellow freshmen. Although his high school career has only begun, his fellow wolves encourage him to keep on going and never forget that Key Club goes on forever. We also hope that he continues his amazing membership in our club. Congratulations and thank you Kyle!


K y le T a g o r da





Congratula tions to Colle e n Eng for earning the Officer o f the Month awa rd for the m onth of November. November is a big month for K ey Clubbers since membership dues are to be turned in alo ngside Fall R ally dues, where every board member fee ls stressed. S o, a big thank yo u goes out to our officers, but a bigger tha nks goes out to Colleen Eng for doing an ou tstanding jo b as our Senior C lass Represe n tative. This month C olleen has p layed her part by not only att e n ding events but a lso bringing fe llow Key Clubbe rs along! In addition, sh e attended her last Fall Rally this November w ith her friends, whic h was undo u b tedly unforgettab le. Without o u r key players like Colleen, ou r c lu b wouldn’t ru n as smooth ly ! W hope that a e fter high sch o o l she continues h er experienc e.


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