Wolf Gang News
December 2015
John Marshall High School
Division 3 South
Region 7
December 2015
Message from your President and Bulletin Editor
-Christopher Bach, Bulletin Editor
Table of Contents p.3 Annual Clothing Giveaway
p.6 Member of the Month
p.4 Rose Float Decoration
p.7 Officer of the Month
p.8 Board Members
NCJW/LA's Annual Clothing Giveaway
Rose Float Decoration
Month of September 2015 Member of the month: Anthony Be Congratulations to Anthony Be for being recognized as the distinguished member of December 2015! This past month, Anthony displayed his growing passion for service by attending events such as the Walk for Kids Growth and the National Council for Jewish Women’s Annual Clothing Giveaway.
At the Walk for Kids Growth, Anthony helped set up for a three p.6 Officer of the Month p.8 Board and mile walk that raised awareness for childhood growth disorders and the need for early diagnosis and treatment. He also helped guide and cheer on walkers, demonstrating important Key Club core values. At the NCJW’s Annual Clothing Giveaway, Anthony assisted in organizing clothing and children's books as part of a mission to improve the lives of families in our community.
Anthony exhibited his love for service not only this past month, but also last month by contributing to the cause of the Pediatric Trauma Program by attending Fall Rally! There, he brightened up the atmosphere with his lively Key Club spirit and friendly personality. As one of our most caring and giving members, Anthony is truly an excellent role model for fellow wolves to learn from. Brian Woo John Marshall High School
Month of November 2015 Month of July 2015 Member of the Month: Member of the month: Delvin Nurdin Congratulations to our President Grace Martinez for being recognized as Officer of the Month for the month of December! Grace has been working hard – both behind the scenes and in front of the crowd – in order to make sure our club runs smoothly. Her enthusiasm and spirit for Key Club, participation in a majority of volunteering events, and overall compassionate attitude towards members and officers grants us the ease with which we deem her a model Key Clubber. Grace’s * grace * and calm demeanor when dealing with tough situations, and her ever-present benevolence when volunteering serve to create wonderful experiences for everyone around her. When she’s not busy making sure our club is doing its best, Grace can be found studying with her friends for her various AP courses. Besides being a great president and a phenomenal student, Grace is also a musician Division 3 South – she plays the Japanese drum taiko! In short, Key Club would Region 7 like to thank Grace for her efforts. We hope to see you grow California – Nevada – Hawaii District spread your happiness with us during these last few months in office. -Lucine Poturyan John Marshall High School Vice President p.7
Core Board
President: Grace Martinez Phone: 213-925-2061 Email: animaluver3798@gmail.com / d03s.jmkc.president@gmail.co
Vice President: Brian Woo Phone: (213) 700-0996 Email: BWoo9597@gmail.com / d03s.jmkc.vicepresident@gmail.com
Secretary: Aldrich Jurado
Treasurer: Lia Kim
Phone: 213-265-8295
Phone: 213-434-1651
Email: aldrichjurado@hotmail.com / d03s.jmkc.secretary@gmail.com
Email: liakimm2017@gmail.com / d03s.jmkc.treasurer@gmail.com
Vice President: Lucine Poturyan Phone: (323) 907-7028 Email: poturyanlucine@gmail.com / d03s.jmkc.vicepresident@gmail.com
Bulletin Editor: Christopher Bach Phone: 213-605-2535 Email: ilikepie9878@gmail.com / d03s.jmkc.editor@gmail.com
Senior Class Rep: Sreymich Lach Phone: 323-509-8603
Junior Class Rep: Yeobin Yook Phone: 2138190788 Email: kathy0720@gmail.com
Email: sreymich100@gmail.com
Historian: Camea Pascual Phone: (818) 649-0542 Email: cmea_pscl@yahoo.com
Sophomore Class Rep: Salma Sosa Phone: 213-598-6250 Email: salmososa064@gmail.com
Freshmen Class Rep:Nathan Barukh Phone(323) 907-7552 Email:
Tech Editor: Roither Gonzales Phone: (323)717-3452 Email: roithergonzales@gmail.com/ d03s.jmkc.editor@gmail.com