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We facilitate investment in Grupo empresarialproductive projects through our technology platform in a simple, fast and safe way.
Inverti Sociedad de financiación colaborativa S.A.
Inverti received in February 2021, the authorization of the financial superintendency of Colombia (SFC) to establish itself as the first collaborative financing company in Colombia, which will allow it soon, once the licensing stage is completed, to develop the activity of crowdfunding.
It is important to clarify that inverti is not operating yet or providing any type of financial service, in this article we are going to refer to issues that are related to the operation of inverti which will be given once the SFC allow us to operate when all the requirements be fulfilled to start the exercise of its financial activity.
Inverti´s history begins in 2015 when it began to explore collaborative economy options to solve the problems that exist in the Colombian real estate market.
As for real estate developers, their projects require high financial leverage and the products or credits to finance their projects are limited, for this reason we consider looking for alternative financing options within which we are interested in collaborative financing or crowdfunding models.
Definition of Real Estate CrowdfundingDefinición de Crowdfunding Inmobiliario.
Red de financiación colectiva a proyectos productivos calificados a través de plataformas Crowdfunding network for qualified productive projects through electronic platforms. electrónicas.
Digital marketing identifies investors with Mediante mercadeo digital se identifican excess funds to connect them with real estate inversionistas con excedentes para conectarlos projects in various stages of development in con proyectos inmobili need of financing. arios en diversas fases de desarrollo que necesitan financiamiento. Real Estate ProjectsProyectos Inmobiliarios InversiónInvest
Platform Plataforma
returnRetornos investorsInversionistas
Vigilado por la SFC inverti
On the other hand, real estate crowdfunding is an investment option so that people can allocate small amounts of their capital in real estate projects, allowing them to approach the real estate market. One of the advantages of crowdfunding platforms such as inverti is that it allows financing real estate projects among several investors, in this way facilitates access to invest in real estate with reduced amounts, opening the real estate market that until now was only intended for a small number of investors capable of contributing large sums individually. Thanks to factors such as appreciation and good return on investment, the real estate sector is very attractive for people who previously had difficulty accessing it; With this financing model, anyone can invest in real estate from one million pesos in an easy, fast and safe way through a technological platform that allows the registration process to be done in less than 10 clicks, facilitating the selection of investors’ money. to the best real estate projects.
This new way of investing in real estate “democratizes” investments by offering new alternatives to investors with low amounts and allowing them to access the real estate market that has historically been reserved for large capitals.
Is it a good option to invest in real estate through crowdfunding real estate platforms? One of the great advantages of this new way of putting money to work is that it is a historically very profitable market.Crowdfunding Inmobiliario. Crowdfunding Inmobiliario.
Necesidad de Financiación Constructores medianos con un excelente récord son desatendidos por el sistema financiero tradicional y necesitan Necesidad de Financiación Constructores medianos con un excelente récord son desatendidos por el sistema financiero tradicional y necesitan recursos para el desarrollo de Need for financing Medium-sized builders with an excellent track record are underserved by the traditional financial system and need resources for project recursos para proyectos. development. el desarrollo de proyectos. Reducción de Tarifas Las plataformas electrónicas de crowdfunding permiten reducir las tarifas de intermediación financiera mejorando costos y Reducción de Tarifas Las plataformas electrónicas de crowdfunding permiten reducir las tarifas de intermediación financiera mejorando costos y rendimientos para proyectos e Tariff reduction Electronic crowdfunding platforms reduce financial intermediation fees, improving costs and returns for projects and investors. rendimientosinversionistas. para proyectos e inversionistas. I I n n versión Para todversión Para todinvestment for all o o s s
Real estate crowdfunding Las actividades de crowdfunding inmobiliario han evolucionado como herramientas rentables para que las personas financien activos Las actividades de crowdfunding inmobiliario han evolucionado como herramientas rentables para que las personas financien activos inmobiliarios de alta calidad. activities have evolved as costeffective tools for individuals to finance high-quality real estate assets. inmobiliarios de alta calidad. Conexión Conexión Connection
Las plataformas de inversiónReal estate investment platforms Las plataformas de inversióninmobiliaria conectan a los connect developers with individual inmobiliaria conectan a losdesarrolladores con inversoresinvestors who want exposure to desarrolladores con inversoresindividuales que desean exponerse a real estate, without the hassles of individuales que desean exponerse a los bienes raíces, sin las molestias de poseer, financiar y administrar los bienes raíces, sin las molestias de poseer, financiar y administrar propiedades. owning, financing and managing properties. propiedades.
Beneficios Desarrolladores.Developers Benefit Investor Benefit Potential of Real Estate Crowdfunding
More financing
Más Financiación Real estate crowdfunding A través del crowdfundi provides access to ng inmobiliario se accede a new, better and more nuevas, mejores y má flexible sources of s flexibles fuente financing. s de financiamiento. Agility
Agilidad La tecnología facilita la conexión entre proyectos e inversionistas, disminuyendo tiempos de aprobación y desembolso.
Technology facilitates the connection between projects and Su empresa puede acceder a investors, reducing valiosos comentarios de su approval and comunidad de financiación disbursement times. colectiva en línea, lo que le permite abordar posibles fallas comerciales.
Promoción Crowdfunding involves direct El crowdfunding implica marketing that helps marketing directo que ay promote your real uda a promover su negoc estate business. io inmobiliario. Feedback
Feedback Your company can access valuable feedback from your online crowdfunding community, allowing you to address potential business failures.
Beneficios Inversionistas.
Low investment Bajos montoamounts s de inversión You can invest in real estate projects from Puede invertir en proy $1 million cop. ectos inmobiliarios desde $1.000.000 de pesos.
Different risks and Diferentes riereturns sgos y retornos Possibility to choose different investment Posibilidad de escoger horizons, risk levels diferentes horizont and returns. es de inversión, niveles de riesgo y rentabilidades.
Transparency Transparencia Crowdfunding El crowdfunding tiene el beneficio de la transparencia de las transacciones, ya que los miembros saben exactamente dónde se invertirán sus fondos. has the benefit of transparency of transactions, as members know exactly where the funds are invested. Diversification
Diversificación With crowdfunding Con el crowdfunding se puede diversificar en donde se invierte su ahorro entre varias clases de activos. you can diversify where you invest your savings among various asset classes.
Potencial del Crowdfunding Inmobiliario
According to the research study conducted Según el estudio de investigación realizado por Facts & Factors, el mercado global de crowdfunding inmobiliario se estimó en USD 13.207 millones en 2018 y se espera que alcance los USD 868.982 millones para 2027. by Facts & Factors, the global real estate crowdfunding market was estimated at USD$13.207 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach USD$868.982 billion by 2027
250 Estimated growth (2020 - 2027)C r e c i m i e n t o e s t i m a d o ( 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 7 )
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
* C i f r a s e x p r e s a d a s e n m i l l o n e s d e d ó l a r e s ( U S D )
Vigilado por la SFC inverti
Crowdfunding Real Estate in the world
Crowdfunding Inmobiliario en el mundo.
Plataformas para Crowdfunding Inmobiliario Real estate crowdfunding platforms
Investments in real estate assets have shown their benefits both in good times and in uncertain times, this type of investment is not usually affected by elements such as volatility, which occur in other types of investments. They have a long-term upward curve and absorb the effect of inflation.
Another advantage of investing in real estate through crowdfunding platforms is that your capital is backed by a tangible asset, in this case a property.
Some recommendations to invest safely through real estate crowdfunding platforms are:
1. Study the solidity of the platform, and Check that it is authorized by the SFC. 2. Diversify your investment in several projects. 3. Invest the money that you don`t need in the time you choose, since as in all construction projects, the estimated time may vary. 4. Review the valuation of the area where the project is or will be located. 5. Analyze the investment model. How will inverti work?
We choose high quality projects, at inverti we are working very hard to select only the best real estate projects to publish them on our platform.
We will unite the capital of many people, together, we will gather the amount that is required according to the goal established in the campaign. Capital is invested and returns are generated, for all investors, profits are generated which previously were only generated for investors with high amounts of money.
Why invest in real estate through inverti*? You don’t need a lot of money
Low risk investments
Attractive returns
Responsible handling of your money
Diversify everything you want from a million of pesos, build your investment portfolio based on real estate assets.
Trust, we will be watched by the superintendency financial institution of Colombia.
Technology, you can invest in minutes and not in months.
The ProblemEl problema.
Actualmente existe una desconexión entre potenciales inversionistas y los desarrolladores de prThere is currently a disconnect between potential investors and project developers. oyectos
Opciones de inversión limitadaslimited investment options low return on investment investments with complicated or slow processes limited access to credit low supply of products adapted to the projects
Baja rentabilidad en las inversiones
Inversiones con procesos complicados o lentos Limitación de Acceso a Créditos
Baja Oferta de productos adaptados a los proyectos
Inverti Inmobiliario INVERTI
Facilitamos la inve La solución. La solución. rsión en proyectos de una forma sencilla, rápida y segura. Plataforma Tecnológica Múltiples opciones de inversión Democratización de inversión
The Solution
Acceso de financiación
Facilitamos la inversión en proyectos de una forma sencilla, rápida y segura. Plataforma Tecnológica Múltiples opciones de inversión Democratización de inversión
We facilitate investment in projects in a simple, fast and secure way. Acceso de financiación
Inverti Inmobiliario
Nuestra plataforma permite la vinculación y la gestión de inversiones de una forma rápida, fácil y segura.
Inversión en diferentes proyectos, regiones, plazos, retornos y en el monto que el inversionista quiera. Con inversiones desde $1.000.000, conectaremos a más hogares con oportunidades de retorno en todo el país.
Nuestra plataforma permite la vinculación y la gestión de inversiones de una forma rápida, fácil y segura. Romper barrera de acceso a financiamiento para todo tipo de constructores y proyectos.
Inversión en diferentes proyectos, regiones, plazos, retornos y en el monto que el inversionista quiera. Con inversiones desde $1.000.000, conectaremos a más hogares con oportunidades de retorno en todo el país.
Platform Our platform allows for fast, easy and secure investment linkage and Romper barrera de acceso a financiamiento para todo tipo de constructores y proyectos. management.
Inverti Inmobiliario
Multiple investment options
Investment in different projects, regions, terms, returns and in the amount the investor wants. Democratization of investment With investments starting at $1.000.000 cop, we will connect more households with return opportunities throughout the country.
Access to financing Breaking down barriers to access to financing for all types of builders and projects.
Search 2
1 2
Búsqueda Análisis Buscamos los mejores proyectos Un equipo multidisciplinario por todo el país. de expertos analiza la viabilidad y rentabilidad de los proyectos basándose en su experiencia y en algortimos.
We are looking for A multidisciplinary the best projects team of experts throughout the analyzes the country feasibility and profitability of projects based on their experience and algorithms. 3
The projects with 3 the best technical, commercial and financial qualities Selección will be selected for promotion on the Los proyectos con platform. mejores cualidades técnicas, comerciales y financieras serán seleccionados para promoción en la plataforma. 4
Selected projects are published on 4 the platform and promoted with digital marketing.Publicación
Los proyectos seleccionados son publicados en la plataforma y promocionados con marketing digital. 5
Consult the projects on the platform and invest in those that 5 best fit your needs.
Consulte los proyectos en la plataforma e invierta en aquellos que más se ajustan a sus necesidades.
The Process
El proceso.
Nuestros proyectos son seleccionados por expertos, con más de 20 años de expeOur projects are selected by experts with more than 20 years of experience. riencia.
Market FiguresCifras de Mercado
Structured savings in Colombia are El ahorro estructurado en Colombia se distributed in CDTs, FICs and savings distribuye en CDTs, FICs y Cuentas ahorro y corrientes. and current accounts. de
Savings and current Cuentas de ahorro y corrientes accounts 46.8% 46.8%
250 B
200 B
$170 B
150 B
100 B
$114 B
50 B
* C i f r a s e x p r e s a d a s e n b i l l o n e s d Millions cop. e p e s o s ( C O P ) $250 B
$534 B
Total structured savingsTotal ahorro estructurado
FICsFICs 21.3% 21.3%
CDTsCDTs 31.8% 31.8%
Financing for Financiamiento a real estate projectsproyectos inmobiliarios
Invest in an easy way, we make it simple for you, 100% online Manage your investments from your dashboard, follow the evolution of your investments Diversify without limit, invest in the project you want, like large investors. Unique, the first in Colombia as a collaborative financing company to invest in real estate, we are in the licensing process. Experts with more than 25 years of experience support our real estate investment process. The investment can be made through collaborative financing representative securities, which can only be offered through collaborative financing companies and the stock exchange. You will deposit your money in an autonomous patrimony, with patrimonial segregation, so that once the campaign’s collection goal is completed, your money with that of the rest of the investors goes to the Real Estate Trust of the project. Your investment will be managed by a segregated account that controls your resources. If I want to invest in inverti, what do I do*?
You will be able to Register to access the opportunities that we will have available for investment in real estate. Know the opportunities to invest and choose a project, know the projects that will be available and select the one that suits your investment plan. Manage your investments and profits, follow the evolution of your investments with total transparency from the inverti administration dashboard.
Through inverti, you will be able to invest in the real estate project that you want, not the one that you have to. *
* (Coming soon, once we have a license from the SFC)