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This second issue has been possible thanks to the unconditional support of my daughter and wife, who gave me daily encouragement to work on it.
I warmly thank everyone who has helped and supported me and make this book today be a reality. To all the design team led by Beatriz Osuna, who did a magnificent job; to the Promograf team leading by Germán Izquierdo, who take care of every detail so that the printing and binding is perfect and thanks to my father for his valuable support.
To the invaluable support of the Colombia Fintech Association, led by Erick Rincón who with his great energy, positivism and work, received with great welcome this new initiative; to his board, members, who kindly took time to listen to me, to share their stories, experiences, knowledge and dreams.
To all the valuable team in each of the companies of the Fintech ecosystem in Colombia, who with their great work, effort, talent and dedication have made Colombia a benchmark country in the Fintech world.
A very special thanks to: Andrés Albán, Erick Rincón, Santiago Botero, Germán Jaramillo, Andrés Leal, Hernando Rubio, Juan Esteban Saldarriaga, Alexandra Mendoza, Freddy Castro, Andrea Giraldo, Enrique Candanoza, Juan Pablo García, Felipe Lega, Camila Salamanca, Nuno Lopes Alves y Alejandro Beltrán, for their very valuable articles that enrich this work.
To all the companies that are part of this edition, who generously shared their history, effort, work, tenacity, enthusiasm, energy, dedication and passion: Finsocial, ecollect, Payválida, Superpagos, Kuenta,Vaki, Liquitech, inverti, Sophos, Experian, Lyra, Tyba Juancho te presta, Pay U, Endeavor, Coink, D´Una, Sured; companies with a great commitment to our country and that have allowed this book to become a reality and thanks to you dear reader, I hope you enjoy this book.
I thank you all for the infinite patience you have had for me.
Thanks a lot Javier Raventós