Mount Sinai Children's Visual Identity System User Guide

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Mount Sinai Children’s

Visual Identity System

User Guide

Any communication materials developed must be shared with the Creative Department.


Mount Sinai Health System has adopted a visual identity system for its children’s health offerings and programs, to create a look and feel that is accessible to younger audiences and their families. This family-friendly visual system will help us elevate our brand awareness, and more deeply engage with our audiences.

By building on primary elements of Mount Sinai’s brand identity, these guidelines help each of us understand and implement the children’s identity system with consistency — and for impact.

Mount Sinai Children’s Visual System User Guide 2
Mount Sinai Children’s Visual System User Guide 3 Table
Contents BRINGING THE ELEMENTS TO LIFE Design Inspiration Overview ............................................................................................ 13 Brochures 14 Posters ........................................................................................................................................... 15 Advertisement 17 Website 18 Environments ............................................................................................................................. 19 Lab Coats 20 PowerPoint .................................................................................................................................. 21 OUR LOOK AND FEEL Logo Usage ................................................................................................................................... 5 Butterfly Icon 6 Color Palette ................................................................................................................................8 Typography 9 Photography 10 Secondary Icons ...................................................................................................................... 11 Visual Identity Toolkit 12 INTRODUCTION

Our Look and Feel

Logo Usage

The look and feel in this user guide may be applied by any entity in the children’s health portfolio. The look and feel should be accompanied with the approved logo. See examples of approved logos on the right. If you are unsure which logo to use, contact the marketing team.

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Butterfly Icon

Our children’s health icon, the butterfly, is a central element in our visual system. The two individual shapes coming together signal collaboration and echo the main Mount Sinai logo. As a symbol of hope, the butterfly also serves as an approachable guide to young people and their families, showing the way to better health.

Butterfly Usage

To create visual consistency across all of our children’s health offerings, use the butterfly on most communications related to children’s health at Mount Sinai.

The butterfly must always be used at a an angle, rather than completely horizontal or vertical. The butterfly should have clear space around it on all sides no less than 10% of the butterfly.

It can overlap an Image as a decorative element.

Dotted Line

The dotted line adds charm and expresses our compassionate, caring, and dynamic approach to children’s health.

It should be used in applications where families and patients might benefit from guidance — both directional and informational — on the path to better health (e.g., highlighting key messages, as a wayfinding device, etc.). Avoid use of the dotted line in small spaces, or in applications where the line won’t be reproduced well, such as embroidered lab coats.

Interaction with other elements

Mount Sinai Children’s Visual System User Guide 6
100% 10% Too much space between dashes Dashes too long Too light Preferred Too thick Dashes too short

Butterfly Icon continued

The butterfly offers many options to delight a design.

Outline Butterfly

To add the butterfly in a subtle way, another options is the outline butterfly icon.

When using the outline butterfly the design must also have the full color butterfly present, either on the same page or on a prior page. For a website, the full color butterfly should be on the home page and the outlined version can be used in other places.

This butterfly version must follow the same usage requirements, share on page 6.

Holding Shape

The butterfly can be used as a holding shape for photography. When using holding shapes inspired by the butterfly, be sure not to cut off key details such as faces. Holding shapes should enhance, not constrict photography.

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Color Palette

Our color palette helps us express Mount Sinai’s unified brand story and personality. For this reason, it’s important to be consistent and use only the colors outlined in the guidelines.

Our vibrant primary color is cyan, and our complementary secondary colors are magenta and violet.

When using both cyan and magenta together, ensure that the overlapping areas are violet, rather than cyan or magenta. This applies to both graphic elements and text treatments.

Mount Sinai Children’s Visual System User Guide 8
Primary color Secondary colors Mount Sinai cyan Mount Sinai magenta Mount Sinai violet Mount Sinai black C:100 M:0 Y:0 K:0 R:0 G:174 B:239 #00AEEF C:10 M:100 Y:0 K:0 R:216 G:11 B:140 #D80B8C C:100 M:100 Y:0 K:28 R:34 G:31 B:114 #221F72 C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100 R:0 G:0 B:0 #000000 Mount Sinai cyan Mount Sinai magenta Mount Sinai violet 50% 50% 50% Mount Sinai black 80% 60% 40% 20% 10%


Brand font

Our brand font is Neue Haas Grotesk, which is the primary sans serif typeface in the Mount Sinai typography toolkit. It is a versatile font, offering a variety of styles suitable for everything from bold headlines and large-scale messaging to elegant body copy.

When Neue Haas Grotesk is not available, Arial and Helvetica are acceptable substitutes. For websites, use Helvetica Neue for text.


Our typeface can be applied in a variety of sizes, weights and colors to create engaging and easyto-read documents, both in print and online.

Key messages:

Neue Haas Grotesk

Display – Extra Light or Bold

Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum

Section header:

Neue Haas Grotesk

Text Pro – Roman

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Paragraph header:

Neue Haas Grotesk

Text Pro – Bold

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Body copy:

Neue Haas Grotesk

Text Pro – Roman

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod.


Neue Haas Grotesk

Text Pro – Bold

Mount Sinai Children’s Visual System User Guide 9


Photography helps us tell our impact story and is a key element of our look and feel. Select photography that showcases representation across ages (infants to young adults), audiences (patients, family, clinicians and support staff) as well as the diversity of New York City.

Always check for the latest masking and other protocols on the Mount Sinai Brand Center:

Mount Sinai Children’s Visual System User Guide 10

Secondary Icons

Illustration can be a powerful storytelling device, adding greater flexibility to our visual language, and inspiring a world of possibilities. To support the butterfly in telling our story, we created secondary icons.

Inspired by the butterfly, our other icons should look welcoming, fresh, and vibrant.

The butterfly must always be present in designs where secondary icons are used. Depending on the layout, the butterfly can be larger or smaller than other icons (while still respecting minimum size and clear space). See notional designs at the end of the guidelines for inspiration.

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Visual Identity Toolkit

Neue Haas Grotesk Display Extra Light

Neue Haas Grotesk Display Extra Light



ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro

Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro

Body Copy

Body Copy

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Neue Haas Grotesk Display Bold

Neue Haas Grotesk Display Bold



ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Mount Sinai Children’s Visual System User Guide 12
Photography style Color Logo Butterfly
Applications Photography style Color Logo Butterfly icon Typography Illustrations
starts here Discover more
Style Secondray Icons
A healthy lead for life Healthy starts here Healthy starts here

Bringing the Elements to Life

Design Inspiration Overview

The applications on the following pages demonstrate our visual identity system in action across a spectrum of communications. Refer to these examples as inspiration for bringing our brand story to life.


The beginning of something bright

A healthy lead for life

Healthy starts here

Mount Sinai Children’s Visual System User Guide 14
illustrative and all
in this document
All sample communications are

Brochures (Cont’d)

O u r Su rg e on s

Dr Stock's practice is dedica ed o pediatric uro ogy and the surgica econstruction of genitourinary bir h defects. His c inica specialt es include the eva uation and treatment o child en with urinary ract nfections, vesicoure era reflux, and hydronephrosis. He has ex ensive experience in the su gical epair of hypospadias, u etera reflux, and ureteropelvic unction obstruction

Together with our partne s in Nephro ogy

Dr Stock runs our End Stage Rena Disease Program for children

Dr Stock has developed minimally nvasive procedures as an a ternative treatment to open surgery He is one of the mos experienced urologists in the tri-state a ea in performing robotic assis ed surgery on child en

Dr Stock is committed to advancing pediatric urologic care both in and out o the hospital. He has served as our Residency Program director or nearly a decade and s Associa e Editor for the journa Urology He has published more than 50 articles in peer reviewed journals

Did you know ? Dr. Stock is a nat ve of New York City and grew up in the Bronx

Dr Malhotra specializes n kidney stones ferti ity prese vation, t ansgender care and varicoce es. She is passionate about mproving care or patients with gen a conditions such as hyd oceles and undescended estic es, as wel as male and emale hern as. Dr Malho ra s dedica ed to comprehensive multidiscip nary care n addition to being the co-director o our Pedia ric Kidney Stone P og am she uns our Spina Bifida Program

A nat ve o the M dwest she attended Northwestern Un versity where she majored in philosophy and at ended medica schoo at the Un ve sity of Il inois at Chicago She a so completed her residency in uro ogy there Dr Ma hotra hen held a ellowship at he Prima y Chi d en s Hospita a the Un versity of U ah and fina y ound her home here in New York City

Dr Malhot a is a member of the Societies or Pediatric Urology the American Urological Association, the American Medical Association, the American Association o Pediatrics – Section on Urology the Society of Women in U ology the American Society or Rep oductive Medicine the nternational Continence Society and the Association or Surgical Education. She also serves as reviewer for the Journal of Pediatric Urology Urology and U ology P actice

Did you know ? Dr Malhotra loves to trave and has been to almost a l 50 states

All sample communications are illustrative and all photos in this document are FPO.

Mount Sinai Children’s Visual System User Guide 15
Chie of Pedia ric U o ogy Moun Sinai K av s Child en s Hospi a Assoc ate P o esso Ped atric U o ogy cahn School of Medicine a Moun Sina Neha R Ma hotra MD Assis an P o esso Pediatric Uro ogy cahn Schoo o Medic ne a Moun Sina


The beginning of something bright

Healthy starts here

A healthy lead for life

Mount Sinai Children’s Visual System User Guide 16
All sample communications are illustrative and all photos in this document are FPO.

Posters (Cont’d)

Healthy starts here

The beginning of something bright A healthy lead for life

Mount Sinai Children’s Visual System User Guide 17
All sample communications are illustrative and all photos in this document are FPO.
Mount Sinai Children’s Visual System User Guide 18 Advertisement Give Your Kids Everything Our Heart Specialists Have Got Our Children’s Heart Center is supported by all our expert cardiologists at Mount Sinai. Make an Appointment
Mount Sinai Children’s Visual System User Guide 19 Website Healthy starts here Discover more
Mount Sinai Children’s Visual System User Guide 20
All sample communications are illustrative and all photos in this document are FPO.

Lab Coats

Mount Sinai Children’s Visual System User Guide 21
All sample communications are illustrative and all photos in this document are FPO.

For further information, please contact: Gabriel

AVP, System Creative and Design  Mount Sinai Health System

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