Relief micro

Page 1


the module

RELIEF module plan murphy bed

built in window seat 5” wet wall

built in planter boxes

perforated floor

3D printed translucent material




light well


9”-27” 30’

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz



entry 9”-27”

RELIEF natural disaster

urban war zone

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF additive manufacturing family 9

10 13



LED Ambient Lighting


Complete Ring


Furniture Panels




Floor Panels (perforation optional) 10 PV Panel


Closed-cell Foam Insulation

11 Adjustable Risers


3D Printed Ring (half explod-


Ninja Flex

12 Roof Panel (available in PV, walkable, or vegetated)


Tension Rods

13 Ceiling






7 3

5 4 6

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz


closed cell foam insulation ninja-flex

chicago outdoor


Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

miami outdoor


RELIEF stacking

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF facade transformation




1 5 1

Internal Grid






Public | Private


Heat Gain







Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz




RELIEF facade panels


planter boxes clerestory window depths of glass translucency of glass passive daylighting [light shelf]

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz


entry window seat internal shelving angled glass


relief wall

Relief Wall Narrative

Providing housing allows for people to establish a foundation to which they can begin to improve. But because Relief Micro Housing seeks to provide transition housing, the sense of ownership becomes essential to this design. Designing transitional housing also suggests that the housing module should come fully equipped so to satisfy minimum living needs. Balancing the sense of occupant ownership and built in furnishing developed the Relief Wall. This program wall is a flexible, additively manufactured, panel system responding to particular needs based on the type of relief.


Furniture Panels lighting

elec. outlets anchor points @18”, 6’, 10’ 6” lighting shelf 9’

print direction drop ceiling door opening

mesh cushion

counter height


seat height

smooth finish 0’

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz


prep. desk

storage desk

wall of fame

drop off

RELIEF relief typologies Relief Typology Narrative

Personal Colors Urban Relief Accent color varies depending on urban density and context

Military Relief Cool gray | blue To soothe the stressful and chaotic pressures of war

Refugee Relief Amber To inspire and motivate those fleeing persecution

Disaster Relief Healing green To nuture the victims with natural colors in a dark time

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

Additively manufactoring micro housing allows for customization while mass producing. This advantage allows for Relief Micro Housing to personalize and accomodate an assortment of people that are in need of a home, thus four housing typologies were created: Urban Relief, Military Relief, Refugee Relief, and Disaster Relief. Each relief is able to benefit for the kit of parts designed while also obtaining a sense of ownership and personalization depending on the relief typology. This is articulated from structure all the way through detail colors and furniture.

Urban Relief | Downtown Knoxville Downtown Knoxville’s brick materiality within urban context derives the red accent internally and externally. Even in the articulation of the facade components, there are various relief patterns that respond to sun light + heat gain parametrics, thus giving a field of depth within the facade alluding to an abstracted brick texture.

RELIEF module gray water system

B. roof cap

Railings act as personal gardens that direct water to the embedded pathway gutter. This water will flow into the community graywater tank which residents will use to water their personal gardens.



A. pathway

drainage slopes at 1/2” per 10’

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF module hvac system

mitsubishi split system indoor unit

cross ventilation through operable windows

mitsubishi split system outdoor unit This size system will cool 350 sq. ft at 9,000 BTU.

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF module plumbing system

plumbing fixture plan

chronomite electric instaneous water heater

drainage trays

5” wet wall perforated floor panel allows water to run into drainage trays

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

drainage tray slopes at 1/2” per 10’

RELIEF module electrical system LED light bulbs; easily replaceble with color LEDs for customization white LED lights standard 20 amp electric outlet

150 amp panel Electricity connects from module to module through the exterior pathways and then runs behind the hollow space of the furniture panels within each module.

colored LED lights

Lights are embedded in a light shelf and are directed at a curved, reflective ceiling panel. The light bounces of the ceiling, illuminating the module’s interior.

lighting plan

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF walkway attachment Planter Box Railing -filters rain water to gutter -brings color onto facade -acts as a dowel rod connecting the walkway to the supports

ADA Grate -1/2” gap -1/8” surface -meets flush with module floor

Walkway -catches rain water -inner slope of 1/4” per 1’ -covers plenum space in elevation

Supports -slide back into stacked modules -openings for electrical to run down hall -12’-18’ long

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF 3D printed stackable stair




HydroFit elevator holeless hydraulic elevator no machine room

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

fire stair 6” riser | 1’ tread 4’ wide 3D printed phenolic resin

relief knoxville

nomads lack support system transitional stage own very little

gain life experiences

gain stability and independence

UT social work student

Knoxville homeless







Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz


RELIEF site analysis Window Rose

Potential Rainwater Collection

14,572 ft2


fig. 01

Grocery and Fitness Reuse Markets and Grocery stores A: Just Ripe B: The Market Fitness Centers 1: YMCA 2: Sheer Inspiration

? sources “Google Maps.” Google Maps. Web. 28 Aug. 2015. Bush. “Knoxville Grocery and Fitness Centers.” Digital Diagram. 28 Aug. 2015.


Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

14,572 ft 2 * 47.86 in * 0.623 = 434,490 gallons per year

*assuming usage of full site and 62% of rainwater reused


PROGRAM:precedents AAmajor major20-Year 20-Yearstudy study


of 7,500 supportive housing housing units units



My Micro NY | nArchitects | Manhattan, NY | September 2015

My Micro NY | nArchitects | Manhattan, NY | September2015

AA study study inin 55 major major cities cities showed showed that that on on average, average, supportive supportive housing housing saved saved cities cities $26,200 $26,200per perperson personhoused, housed,per peryear. year.



Our Community


conducted conductedby byThe TheFurman FurmanCenter Centerfor for Our Community Real Our Community RealEstate Estateand andPolicy PolicyatatNYU. NYU.

Studies show supportive housing Our Microtowers

show housing showsupportive supportive housing My Micro NY | nArchitects Studies |Studies Manhattan, NY | September2015 increases chances ofOur staying Microtowers increases increaseschances chancesofofstaying staying

clean andsober sober by over over 80% clean cleanand and soberby by over80%. 80%.


Richardson Apartments | David Baker

AAmajor PROGRAM:precedents neighborhoods major20-Year 20-Yearstudy study neighborhoods with of 7,500 supportive with supportive supportive of 7,500 supportivePROGRAM:precedents $26,200 housing HARDSON APARTMENTS | HAYES VALLEY, SAN FRANCISCO CA housing units housinghave havehigher higher HARDSON APARTMENTS | HAYES VALLEY, SAN FRANCISCO CA housing units


Our Microtowers


conducted conductedby byThe TheFurman FurmanCenter Centerfor for Real RealEstate Estateand andPolicy PolicyatatNYU. NYU.



real values real estate estate values than thancomparable comparable

Our Micro Modules Our Microtowers Our Micro Modules Our Community Studies neighborhoods without Our Microtowers show supportive housing neighborhoods without Studies housing AA study Studiesshow showsupportive supportive housing study inin 55 major major cities cities showed showed that that on on AAtwo-year affordable housing. No other more increases chances of staying No othermethod method isisproven proven affordable housing. two-yearstudy studyshowed showedNYC’s NYC’sannual annual No other method provenmore more increases average, increaseschances chancesofofstaying staying average, supportive supportive housing housing saved saved cities cities savings from providing supportive effective housing cleanand andsober soberby by over over 80% effectivethan thansupportive supportive housing savings from providing supportive effective than supportive housing Richardson Apartments |Apartments David Baker + Partners| San Fransico, CA person | 2012 + clean 80%. Richardson |$26,200 David Baker Partners | San Fransico, CA | 2012 per housed, per year. clean and sober by over 80%. $26,200 per person housed, per year. housing totalled 95% of its cost. for ending chronic homelessness. ending chronichomelessness housing totalled 95% of its cost. Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism forfor ending chronic homelessness.







NArchitects. “My Micro NY | NARCHITECTS.” NARCHITECTS. N.p., 22 Jan. 2013. Web. 3 Sept. 2015.

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism + Guerguis Richardson Apartments David Baker San Fransico, C Instructors: Rose, Integration| Design Studio Fall Tryggestad, 2015 + Partners| Integration Design Studio Fall 2015

neighborhoods neighborhoods AAmajor major20-Year 20-Yearstudy study with Songpa Micro Housing | SsD | Seou with supportive supportive supportive housing supportive housing of Zoning Envelope of7,500 7,500supportive supportive PROGRAM:precedents housing have higher housing higher have has a direct positive has a direct positive housing housing units units Our Micro Modules real values real estate estate values impact Micro Modules impacton onthe theOurvalue value than thancomparable comparable neighborhoods neighborhoodswithout without of buildings ofNonearby nearby buildings affordable housing. showed annual Studies show supportive housing other method proven more No other method isis proven affordable housing. cro Housing | SsD | Seoul,AAtwo-year South Korea |NYC’s 2014 specifically buildings two-yearstudy study showed NYC’s annual other method provenmore more On-site social services help residents Studies show supportive housing Richardson Apartments will save Our Microtowers No Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis

rtive housing rtive housing ortive housing sof of staying s ofstaying staying over 80% yy over over80%. 80%. by


more proven provenmore more sproven rtive housing rtive housing ortive housing omelessness. omelessness homelessness.

y inin 55 major dy major cities cities showed showed that that on on e, supportive supportive housing housing saved saved cities cities ge, 6,200 6,200per perperson personhoused, housed,per peryear. year.

help shelp helpresidents residents residents table stable lives lives lives stable

+ Urbanism

, aa psychiatrist, s, psychiatrist, n15 employment employment an Guerguis ff atat Richardson Richardson ment, including ement, including s intervention, sis intervention, ents will ments will help help me me contributing contributing

able Housing dable Housing



conducted conductedby byThe TheFurman FurmanCenter Centerfor for Real RealEstate Estateand andPolicy PolicyatatNYU. NYU.

On-site socialservices serviceshelp help residents residents specifically buildings social Studies showApartments supportive will housing Richardson save On-site effective than housing increases chances of staying staying effective than supportive housing within asupportive effective than supportive housing Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism maintain healthy increases chances of San Francisco $2.4 per within a500 500foot footradius. radius. maintain healthystable stable lives lives maintain healthy stable lives increases chances of staying San Francisco $2.4million million peryear. year. Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism for ending chronic homelessness. clean andsober sober by over over 80% Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 ending chronichomelessness forfor ending chronic homelessness. clean Integration Instructors: Design Studio FallTryggestad, 2015 cleanand and soberby by over80%. 80%. + Guerguis Rose,

savings savingsfrom fromproviding providingsupportive supportive housing housingtotalled totalled95% 95%ofofits itscost. cost.

Songpa Micro Housing | Ssd | Seoul, South Korea | 2014 AAModel Modelfor forthe theFuture Future


o-year study studyshowed showedNYC’s NYC’sannual annual wo-year vings vingsfrom fromproviding providingsupportive supportive ousing totalled housing totalled95% 95%ofofits itscost. cost.

neighborhoods neighborhoods with with supportive supportive housing housinghave havehigher higher real values real estate estate values than thancomparable comparable Baker, David. Richardson Apartments Community Housing Partnership. N.p.: n.p., 24 Feb. 2012. Pdf.


neighborhoods without neighborhoods without Richardson Apartments will Richardson Apartments willsave save affordable housing. affordable housing. San SanFrancisco Francisco$2.4 $2.4million millionper peryear. year.

ZONING ENVELOPE The strict set of city guidelines is analyzed to form-find a ZONING ENVELOPE maximum envelope that is responsive to light and air. ZONING ENVELOPE Thestrict strict set set of of city analyzed to form-fi nd a nd a The cityguidelines guidelinesis is analyzed to form-fi maximum envelope to light andand air. air. maximum envelopethat thatisisresponsive responsive to light

Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis

ZONING ENVELOPE Fostering A Model for the Future Fosteringthe thePeople PeopleofofSan SanFrancisco Francisco The strict set of city guidelines is analyzed to form-find a Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism This by A multidisciplinary team ofof licensed clinical social workers, This project project isis part part ofof aa 10-year 10-year plan planZONING by A multidisciplinary team licensed clinical social workers, aa psychiatrist, psychiatrist, ZONING ENVELOPE maximum envelope that is responsive to light and air. Zoning Envelope ENVELOPE Integration Designspecialist, Studio Fall 2015 the inin nurse practitioner, abuse an employment The strict set set a ofacity guidelines analyzed to form-fi ndaaandsubstance strict of city guidelinesis is analyzed to form-fi asubstance the city city toto end end chronic chronic homelessness homelessnessThe nurse practitioner, abuse specialist, + an employmentGenerating Units UNITS Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, Guerguis UNITS maximum envelope that is responsive to light and air. maximum that is responsive to light and air. San specialist, and counsellors all time atat Richardson The maxmax zoning envelope, max max San Francisco. Francisco. By By demonstrating demonstrating that that envelope specialist, and multiple multiple counsellors are are all full fullbetween timethestaff staff Richardson Thediscrepancy discrepancy between the zoning envelope, FAR, and minimum unit size (120 sf) is mined including to generate supportive apartments. case management, FAR, and minimum unit size (120 sf) is mined to generate UNITS supportive housing housing can can provide provide both both social social apartments. The The team team will will provide provide intensive intensive case management, including residual spaces. residual spaces. The programming, discrepancy between the max zoning envelope, max and individual intervention, andeconomic economicbenefits benefitstotoaaneighborhood neighborhoodthe the individual counselling, counselling, daily daily group group programming, crisis crisis intervention, FAR, and minimum unit size (120 sf) is mined to generate plan employment Richardson Apartments plan aims aims toto prove prove the the importance importance ofof stable stable employment services services and and referrals. referrals.residual Richardson Apartments will will help help spaces. Our Micro Modules diverse common individuals diverse communities communities and and dispell dispell common individuals break break the the cycle cycle ofof homelessness homelessness and and become become contributing contributing misconceptions about members of and their specifically buildings On-site social services help residents misconceptions aboutsupportive supportive housing. members ofsociety society and theirlocal localcommunities. communities. On-site social services help residents specifically buildings housing. On-site social services help residents No other method isisproven more No other method proven more within aa500 foot No other method proven more maintain healthy within 500 footradius. radius. maintain healthystable stable lives lives maintain healthy stable lives effective housing effectivethan thansupportive supportive effective than supportivehousing housing NArchitects. “My Micro Case for ending chronic homelessness. ending chronichomelessness CaseStudies: Studies:Design DesignExcellence ExcellenceininAffordable AffordableHousing Housing forfor ending chronic homelessness. Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism

supportive supportivehousing housing has hasaadirect directpositive positive impact impacton onthe thevalue value of nearby buildings of nearby buildings

Songpa Micro Housing | SsD | Seoul, South Korea | 2014

Integration Design Studio Fall 2015

+ Guerguis Francisco Instructors: Tryggestad, AAModel ZONING Rose, ENVELOPE Fostering Modelfor forthe theFuture Future Fosteringthe thePeople PeopleofofSan San Francisco The strict setAof multidisciplinary city guidelines is analyzed to form-fi nd licensed a Governor’s Chair Energy +aaUrbanism This by TAPIOCA SPACE team ofof clinical social workers, psychiatrist, This project project isis part part ofof aa 10-year 10-year plan planZONING by A multidisciplinary team licensed clinical social workers, psychiatrist, Tapioca Space UNITS ZONING ENVELOPE maximum envelope that is responsive to light and air. UNITS Zoning Envelope Generating Like Units ENVELOPE a tapioca pearl, an ambiguous ‘gel’ of semi-public Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 The discrepancy between the the maxmax zoning envelope, max max the city to end chronic homelessness in a nurse practitioner, a substance abuse specialist, an employment The strict set of city guidelines is analyzed to form-fi nd a The discrepancy between zoning envelope, the city to end chronic homelessnessThein strict set ofacity nurse guidelines practitioner, is analyzed to form-fiand asubstance abuse specialist, an employment space surrounds each private apartment to create shared + TAPIOCA SPACE Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, Guerguis FAR, and minimum unit size (120 sf) is mined to generate maximum envelope that to light andand air. air. FAR, andall minimum size (120 sf) is mined to generate areas and expand perceptual boundaries. maximum thatisisresponsive responsive to light UNITS San specialist, and counsellors are full time staff atat Richardson Like a tapioca pearl, an ambiguous ‘gel’ of semi-public San Francisco. Francisco. By By demonstrating demonstrating that that envelope specialist, and multiple multiple counsellors are all full unit time staff Richardson residual spaces. residual spaces.between the max zoning envelope, max The discrepancy space surrounds supportive apartments. intensive case management, including TAPIOCA SPACE each private apartment to create shared supportive housing housing can can provide provide both both social social apartments. The The team team will will provide provideFAR, intensive case management, including and minimum unit size (120 sf) is mined to generate areas and expand boundaries. Like a tapioca pearl, perceptual an ambiguous ‘gel’ of semi-public and individual residualprogramming, spaces. andeconomic economicbenefits benefitstotoaaneighborhood neighborhoodthe the individual counselling, counselling, daily daily group group programming, crisis crisis intervention, intervention, space surrounds each privateEnergy apartment to+ create shared Governor’s Chair Urbanism Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism plan aims to prove the importance of stable employment services and referrals. Richardson Apartments will help areas and expand perceptual boundaries. plan aims to prove the importance of stable employment services and referrals. Richardson Apartments will help Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 diverse individuals diverse communities communities and and dispell dispell common common individuals break break the the cycle cycle ofof homelessness homelessness and and become become contributing contributing Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis misconceptions members misconceptionsabout aboutsupportive supportivehousing. housing. membersofofsociety societyand andtheir theirlocal localcommunities. communities. Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz specifically On-site social services ardson Apartments On-site social serviceshelp helpresidents residents specificallybuildings buildings On-site social services help residents hardson Apartmentswill willsave save within aa500 maintain healthy Francisco $2.4 million per year. within 500foot footradius. radius. maintain healthystable stable lives lives maintain healthy stable lives Francisco $2.4 million per year. Case Studies: Design Excellence in Affordable Housing


supportive supportivehousing housing has a direct positive has a direct positive impact impacton onthe thevalue value of ofnearby nearbybuildings buildings

Case Studies: Design Excellence in Affordable Housing


scheme 01 T VA


W relating to both the average height of Gay St. buildings and to the datum along the street dividing retail from residential

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz






RELIEF scheme 02 T VA

WD opening facade to Gay St. allowing for a more public courtyard


Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz




RELIEF scheme 03 summer solstice 77


equinox 55

tiering the buildings to allow more daylight down into the courtyard

winter solstice 31



Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz




RELIEF scheme 04 T VA

WD puncturing through the market to allow natural daylighting into the space turning east modules toward Gay St.

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz





RELIEF scheme 05 T VA

WD adding lightwells to residential modules bringing modules on Gay St. side down to street level


Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz




RELIEF program

light well fire stair





Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz




0’ 3’ 6’

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz



RELIEF market level



0’ 3’ 6’

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz



RELIEF residential level



0’ 3’ 6’

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz



RELIEF gay street elevation

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF gay street section

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF relief housing interior

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF gay street

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF resident plaza

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF structural plans

carbon-fiber polymer base

slab on grade

pre-cast load bearing concrete wall

6’ x 6’ concrete footing typ.

W 12x26



carbon-fiber polymer base

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF normative construction [design for disassembly] metal deck with 3� concrete slab and roof deck panel system

steel beam system

steel columns

slab on grade

pre-cast concrete walls

concrete footings

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF partial wall section of normative construction relief module pavers 3DP insert steel bearing block plaza deck system supports tray-based walkable sod EPDM membrane tapered rigid insulation metal deck W 12 x26 suspended LED lights sprinkler system

1’-6” 0’-6” 0’-3” 1’-1/4”

air duct

steel column

slab on grade

11’ 8-3/4”

crushed stone

concrete footing

compacted earth

0’-6” 0’-1’ 1’-2”


Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF market floor m.e.p. plan grid tie + transformer

7 stacked geothermal loops 7, 515 ft total 1,200 ft/ loop

plumbing stack

air compressor water heater forced air system 24� round ducts 3,800 CFM circuit breaker + inverters sprinkler system

mitsubishi split system

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF market floor hvac and plumbing

forced air system 24� round ducts 3,800 CFM

water heater air compressor

waste sprinkler city water connection

7 stacked geothermal loops 7, 515 ft total 1,200 ft/ loop

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF residential plumbing stacks

Pipes go down through module wet walls into the market. The pipes connect and run horizontally through market plenum space and then connect with the city pipes in the perimeter market walls.

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF roof gray water system

roof slope insulation is tapered under panel system community gray water pump for residents to water their personal gardens

gray water storage tank

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz


residential floor m.e.p. plan mitsubishi split system

plumbing stack electric wires running under pathways

electric instantaneous water heater

150 amp panel

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF residential floor ceiling plan mitsubishi split system 9,000 BTU

carbon fiber polymer ceiling panel system

carbon fiber polymer underside of pathway

exposed surfaces

phenolic resin ceiling from printed stairwell

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF energy harvesting

solar panels

electric wiring runs under path

circuit breaker + inverters

grid tie + transformer

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF heat gain analysis


Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz


RELIEF module energy usage

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

82.2 MMBtu\yr

normative construction

40.4 MMBtu\yr

relief module

RELIEF LEED LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovations

Project Name

Project Checklist

Sustainable Sites Y



Credit 1 Credit 2

y y y y y y y y

Credit 3 Credit 4.1 Credit 4.2 Credit 4.3 Credit 4.4 Credit 5.1 Credit 5.2 Credit 6.1 Credit 6.2

n y y

Credit 7.1 Credit 7.2 Credit 8

Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Site Selection Development Density and Community Connectivity Brownfield Redevelopment Alternative Transportation—Public Transportation Access Alternative Transportation—Bicycle Storage and Changing Rooms Alternative Transportation—Low-Emitting and Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Alternative Transportation—Parking Capacity Site Development—Protect or Restore Habitat Site Development—Maximize Open Space Stormwater Design—Quantity Control Stormwater Design—Quality Control Heat Island Effect—Non-roof Heat Island Effect—Roof Light Pollution Reduction

Water Efficiency Y y y y

Prereq 1


Energy and Atmosphere

Y Y Y y y 2 2 y y

Prereq 1

Credit 1 Credit 2 Credit 3

Prereq 2 Prereq 3 Credit 1 Credit 2 Credit 3 Credit 4 Credit 5 Credit 6



Credit 1.1 Credit 1.2 Credit 2 Credit 3

Possible Points:

Water Use Reduction—20% Reduction Water Efficient Landscaping Innovative Wastewater Technologies Water Use Reduction

1 5 1 6 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Possible Points:

Possible Points:

Storage and Collection of Recyclables Building Reuse—Maintain Existing Walls, Floors, and Roof Building Reuse—Maintain 50% of Interior Non-Structural Elements Construction Waste Management Materials Reuse



Credit 4 Credit 5 Credit 6


Indoor Environmental Quality

Y Y 1

Prereq 1 Prereq 2 Credit 1

n 1 1 y y y

Credit 2 Credit 3.1 Credit 3.2 Credit 4.1 Credit 4.2 Credit 4.3

n n y y y y y y

Credit 4.4 Credit 5 Credit 6.1 Credit 6.2 Credit 7.1 Credit 7.2 Credit 8.1 Credit 8.2

Innovation and Design Process

1 1 1 1 1

Credit 1.1


Credit 1.2 Credit 1.3 Credit 1.4 Credit 1.5 Credit 2

Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

Possible Points:

Innovation in Design: Specific Title Innovation in Design: Specific Title Innovation in Design: Specific Title Innovation in Design: Specific Title Innovation in Design: Specific Title LEED Accredited Professional

? ? ?

Credit 1.1 Credit 1.2 Credit 1.3 Credit 1.4



Regional Regional Regional Regional

Priority: Priority: Priority: Priority:

Specific Specific Specific Specific


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

6 1 1 1 1 1 1

Regional Priority Credits

Possible Points: 4 Credit Credit Credit Credit

1 1 1 1

Total Certified 40 to 49 points

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism

Possible Points:

Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring Increased Ventilation Construction IAQ Management Plan—During Construction Construction IAQ Management Plan—Before Occupancy Low-Emitting Materials—Adhesives and Sealants Low-Emitting Materials—Paints and Coatings Low-Emitting Materials—Flooring Systems Low-Emitting Materials—Composite Wood and Agrifiber Products Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control Controllability of Systems—Lighting Controllability of Systems—Thermal Comfort Thermal Comfort—Design Thermal Comfort—Verification Daylight and Views—Daylight Daylight and Views—Views


14 1 to 3 1 1 to 2 1 to 2

Credit 7

1 to 2 1 to 2 1 1

Recycled Content Regional Materials Rapidly Renewable Materials Certified Wood



1 to 19 1 to 7 2 2 3 2


y y y

10 2 to 4 2 2 to 4

Fundamental Commissioning of Building Energy Systems Minimum Energy Performance Fundamental Refrigerant Management Optimize Energy Performance On-Site Renewable Energy Enhanced Commissioning Enhanced Refrigerant Management Measurement and Verification Green Power

Materials and Resources Prereq 1

3 1

Materials and Resources, Continued Y

Prereq 1


2 y

Possible Points:


Y y y



Possible Points: 110 Silver 50 to 59 points

Gold 60 to 79 points

Platinum 80 to 110

RELIEF AIA COTE M.1: Design | Innovation

“Sustainable design is an inherent aspect of design excellence. Projects should express sustainable design concepts and intentions, and take advantage of innovative programming opportunities.” Sustainable design concept for Relief Housing looks at life-cycle and embodied energy of an additive manufactured micro housing unit as they provide relief for different devastated domestic and international areas. The design intention is for the 5 module ring to able to provide temporary relief within an area while providing a sense of place and express each occupant’s uniqueness and ownership. More specifically, the downtown site location at the corner of Summit Hill and South Gay Street incorporates a unique expression of [Urban] Relief residents: Knoxville’s homeless population paired with UT students through an open market and retail ground level engaging both Gay Street and extending Market Square. The programming opportunities allows for the residents to not only acquire housing but also integrate within the public and contribute to the economy with showcasing their talents and acquired trades so sustain their self progress from homelessness and student poverty.

M.2: Regional | Community Design “Sustainable design values the unique cultural and natural character of a given region.” Knoxville’s downtown cultural mixes big city personality-with ample venues and entertainment for visitors and locals to enjoy along- with small town atmosphere- through unique characteristics such as Market Square, the local talent displayed within the 100 block of Gay Street, as well as the thriving energy influenced by the University’s student population. The sustainable values emphasized within [Urban] Relief Housing harnesses the [Urban] Relief residences’ talents and energy by integrating them with an open market and retail space that extend Market square into South Gay Street. Integrating residents through live work not only develops a harmonious ecology through a multi-layered, mixed use residential place that amplifies Downtown Knoxville’s big city, small town charm through its utilization of local talent for the essential secondary program that balances the overwhelming entertainment oriented experience. Furthermore, this dynamic experience created for the residence offers student residents a unique life experience as they are engaging in a vital and sociable environment.

M.3: Land Use | Site Ecology “Sustainable design protects and benefits ecosystems, watersheds, and wildlife habitat in the presence of human development.” [Urban] Relief Housing within Downtown Knoxville creates unique duality between a personal refuge and monastic housing experience at a unit scale, while establishing a sociable, dynamic interplay of open overlapping plaza and market place. It is through these open overlapping spaces that the design treats watersheds and runoff through on-site collection and treatment for unit gray water usage. Furthermore, including a green plaza begins to reduce the heat bubble in downtown Knoxville, while simultaneously creating a serene and tranquil ecology between hard-scape, flora, and human activity that develops in order to encourage community engagement and integration into the greater downtown community.

M.4: Bioclimatic Design “Sustainable design conserves resources and maximizes comfort through design adaptations to site specific and regional climate conditions.” Resource conservation is focused through the solar, water, and passive cooling. Photovoltaic panels equipped with each [Urban] Relief Housing unit in a few areas. Each unit is attached to a extra public walkway that collectively stores energy collected on each floor as well as on any designated roof with photovoltaic panels and redistributes the stored energy through the connected module grid. The modules form a courtyard form typology about a multilayered public to semi public courtyard plaza while rotationally stepping upwards to collect maximum solar energy through the photovoltaic panels. The goal is to produce a net zero project that not only doesn’t rely on the city grid but also contributes to the grid if any excess is collected and unused. As for the collection, treatment, and usage of on site run off rain water, the design incorporates a system similar that of the solar energy in that it collects as much as possible, stores it, and reallocates the treated water as gray water to reduce the amount of potable water usage for irrigation. Lastly, applying cross ventilation through a narrow housing form and operable glazing components will help the units to reduce the cooling load needed to maintain a comfortable unit in addition to the application of excellently efficient thermal insulation to reduce the heating load for each unit. Furthermore, energy efficent appliances and systems selections will aid in overall maximizing comfort will responding to specific climate conditions.

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF M.5: Light | Air “Sustainable design creates comfortable interior environments that provide daylight, views, and fresh air.” [Urban] Relief Housing utilizes a courtyard organization technique with a major diagonal axis in order to connect our site to Market Square and engage both street and alley conditions. Each housing unit maintains a view either inwards overlooking the resident plaza and open market or out towards the streets. Ideal openess, sunlight, and urban density were all considerations when forming the sustainable housing unit. As a result, each unit gets ample light at both ends as well as through 6’x12’ shared, non- occupiable energy, light well that travels light down into the ground level as well. As for fresh air, each unit has the ability to utilize cross ventilation in addition to this individual Mini Split wall-mount device. Outside of each unit are shared programmed spaces throughout each floor for communal use: communal laundry, bike storage, community shed, lounge, library, etc. These hollow units allow for a extended opportunity for socializing outside of individual units as well as ample light and air throughout the residence.

M.6: Water Cycle “Sustainable design conserves water and protects and improves water quality.” On site water reclamation and treatment of runoff precipitation through both mechanical and natural systems -permeable surfaces and vegetation- allows for conservation of potable water usage in the residence. As for water quality protection and improvement, the production phase reduces the amount of contaminants within on site water. The residence also has a goal of servicing most if not all of its gray-water for Relief Housing units through treating on site precipitation. Furthermore, employing natural vegetation will aid in the improvement of the water quality as a natural filtration system on site.

M.7: Energy Flows | Energy Future “Sustainable design conserves energy and resources and reduces the carbon footprint while improving building performance and comfort. Sustainable design anticipates future energy sources and needs.” Through additive manufacturing, normative construction materials are conserved because the design integrates the polycarbonate with reclaimed, salvaged materials such as brick and rail yard metal for the downtown Knoxville site selection, thus the only material acquired would be the steel for the normative ground level market. Design for disassembly of the ground market resulted in the selection of steel for this normative construction. This conservation of resources carries into the reduction of the carbon footprint. Considering that the system of production and optimization allows for a streamlining of embodied energy as compared to normative construction, additive manufacturing also conserves energy just by its production nature, which may allow for the design to afford its ability and need to travel to particular destinations in response to specific reliefs. Carbon footprint radically reduces as raw material acquisition reduces due to additive manufacturing’s production method, furthermore, the life cycle carbon footprint decreases compared to normative construction through the opportunities afforded by additive manufacturing, design optimization and permutations. All this reduction and conservation afforded through additive manufacturing still creates and maintains a dynamic building performance at a number of levels: conceptual, production, as well as experientially as comfort and a sense of place and integration are still achieved. Some windows of opportunity may arise in the for future energy sources and needs really looks at global warming and the increase solar exposure as well as aggressive weather patterns. As a result, some considerations would be to expand on the already proposed solar energy collection through photovoltaic panels. The opportunity integrate into the Knoxville’s smart grid in order to become a component in Knoxville’s sustainable goals providing energy for the city and downtown area. Even further would to be to consider the potential of harnessing the robust wind patterns and precipitation through maybe a hydro electric system or utilize Relief Housing units as wind catchers.

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz

RELIEF M.8: Materials | Construction “Sustainable design includes the informed selection of materials and products to reduce product‐cycle environmental impacts, improve performance, and optimize occupant health and comfort.” Ground Level Market|Normative Construction form work concrete fire wall and slab foundation steel columns and steel beams permeable pavers interlocked with concrete slab crushed recycled brick ground cover for the entry Relief Housing Units | Additive Manufacturing polycarbonate exterior spray insulation polycarbonate interior ninjaflex interior triple pane glass Unit Walkways | reclaimed rail yard metal screen photovoltaic panels plumbing | electrical reclaimed rail yard metal screen flora | vegetation

M.9: Long Life | Loose Fit “Sustainable design seeks to enhance and increase ecological, social, and economic values over time.” The long term value simply transition the [Urban] Relief housing residents, most specifically the formerly homeless residents, back into the healthy, self sufficient livelihood within the city, so to reduce Knoxville’s severe homeless issue. Integrating the residents within a live work program that begins to re-interlock two alienated population will not only immediately generate revenue with the retail and open market but also produce future customers and city residents that contribute to the local economy. In addition the social interaction between the residents within the upper levels of the residence will foster a strong sense of community centered around self improvement and cooperation. Self improvement will inspire and support scholarly endeavors and honest work ethics for both the students and formerly homeless residents. This sociable ecology establishes a self sustaining system that continuously completes the transition housing cycle of resident integration into the economy, society, and city experience, so to establish a foundation of healthy, self sustaining lifestyle. In terms of manufacturing and production, the additive manufactured unit is designed for transition housing and temporary occupancy so to accommodate a number of resident life cycles within a unit life cycle. Whether employed to one destination to serve as simply a [Urban] Relief Housing for a number of concurrent residents cycling through, or transferred to a number of regional disaster response housing, the Relief housing’s durability and customization of modules allow for an increase of economic value over time. And the recyclable aspect of these units adds to the economic value of minimal material waste as well as establishes a rich ecology with customization and supply and demand. For example, if the demand for [Militant] Relief modules increased while the demand for [Refugee] Relief modules decreased, modules can dissembled and become re-purposed to supply Militant Relief modules.

M.10: Collective Wisdom and Feedback Loops “Sustainable design strategies and best practices evolve over time through documented performance and shared knowledge of lessons learned.” Integrating into Knoxville’s smart grid establishes real-time measurements over time that allows for efficency monitering of the sustainable design proposal. Due to the tiered stacking unit organization, the housing units have the ability to be reconfigured in the event that the organization no longer satisfies the current demands for effeciency and energy reclamation. Form flexiblity and maliable organization strategies allows for the design to adapt, grow, and contribute to the existing Knoxville urban narrative. The real time transitional housing analysis begins to produce direct results illustrating the affectivness of this housing typology on the homeless population. Through continous permutations and adaptive organization, market program and homeless integration will act as a catalyst to spark interest in relieving other areas local Knoxville areas struck with distress.

Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz


Governor’s Chair Energy + Urbanism Integration Design Studio Fall 2015 Instructors: Rose, Tryggestad, + Guerguis Coetzee, Harvell + Ruiz


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