2013 JORVIK Viking Festival Programme

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Yorkshire Medie◊al Festi◊al 3 - 11 August 2013 rd


York Archaeological Trust will be joining forces with a host of venues in Yorkshire to bring visitors the 2nd Yorkshire Medieval Festival. Combining falconry, archery, thrilling re-enactments, activities for children, dramatic performances and guided visits to a host of stunning medieval sites in gorgeous settings; the Yorkshire Medieval Festival promises to continue to be a brilliant addition to Yorkshire’s calendar. Visit www.yorkshire-medieval-festival.co.uk for more information or tweet #yorkshiremedfest for the latest updates.

28th Annual


Viking Festival Programme

16th to 24th February - York

Tickets can be booked online or by calling the ticketing Box Office on 01904 615505. Lines open 9am – 5pm, Mon-Fri. 10am – 2pm Sat. Festival Office, JORVIK Viking Centre, Coppergate, York YO1 9WT www.jorvik-viking-festival.com #JorvikVikingFestival Keep up to date on all The JORVIK Group’s festivals and events by joining our mailing list online or follow us on twitter @jorvikviking Events correct at time of press. The organisers reserve the right to alter or withdraw events. JORVIK Viking Festival is managed by York Archaeological Trust, a registered Charity in England & Wales (No. 509060) and Scotland (No. SCO42846).

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