Constructing Environments ENVS10003 Journal Submission – Week 2 Numerous solutions were pondered to thought upon in our bid to build the tallest sturdy standing structure. The use of a frame structure provides a broad spectrum for design to be based upon. The tapered square design that we did not plan very well was always going to be difficult and we soon realized that we should have planned to use a triangular structure due to its ability to balance itself. The triangular shape enables a more even spread of load and therefore the centre of gravity is concentrated in a better ratio in comparison to the square based approach we took. The use of diagonal supporting beams enabled the middle sector to remain strong and if executed on all sections of the structure our structure may have been quite strong.
This slender framed approach was successful in a matter of height, however it was found to have fixtures to the ground and consequently it was not able to stand on its own when they were removed. I can see that there could be further structural fixtures at the base and with these additional ‘joists’ there may be a far sturdier frame. This would entail the base having and outer triangle connected and therefore the mass of triangles would ensure strength. The thickness of the wood was a factor in the poor stability but could have been used in an advantageous manner.
Josh Davis 641144
The tee-‐pee styled approach was very successful in terms of stability. Structurally the members of balsa wood were comparably thick to other groups. This saw them use reinforcing blocks at points across their longer members of balsa wood. The span of the bottom was proportional to the height of the structure and therefore the stability was enhanced. Some joins in the structure were however, weaker than others and therefore compromised the overall strength when being tested. Overall, the design allowed a structure to stand on its own with gravitational forces acting upon it. Furthermore, the structure was not suited for holding a load; both dead or live.
Constructing Environments ENVS10003 Journal Submission – Week 2
This groups design proved to have little planning involved, despite its ability to stand without any aid of sorts. The triangular design was definitely suited to the goal of reaching the highest point possible, however may not have been executed to the point where height could be maximized. The span between the two triangular frames towards the base is too little in the terms of this task as only 40 members were permitted. In consideration to the task, a greater span could have been used to ensure ample strength and height, were conjunctional. The twist in the balsa wood was a result of tensions creating a pulling action at the joints that were made. This occurs in a similar fashion to ‘sag’, except sag is a result of a dead or lateral load. This framework structure could have used better proportions to improve its built/structural integrity.
Josh Davis 641144