Marketing Portfolio
Joselinne Sagastume #12 11th Accounting
COURSE: Marketing English TEACHER: Ana Lucia Perez Garcia UNIT: Fourth Academic Unit (August 18- October 15) GRADE: 5th Accounting UNIT COMPETENCE: Creates business and marketing-related documents in a variety of contexts applying vocabulary, grammatical structures and topics seen throughout the unit. ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS
Organizes documents and proofread written assignments in a chronological order following rubric, teacher instructions, and editing techniques in the digital portfolio to maintain information which can be readily accessed upon request. Applies vocabulary, mechanics, and punctuation following guidelines in a variety of contexts.
1. Digital Portfolio Information added to Commercial Portfolio on the SAME publication. Follow rubric guidelines and present rubric printed for revision.
Throughout the Unit October 1
2. Topic Review
August 29
Reading and Vocabulary Activity (Profits and Social Responsibility)
Efficiency and Employment Activity
Economies and Ecology Worksheet
Demonstrates understanding of vocabulary and distinguishes among bonds, stocks, and shares in direct questionings presented in the test.
Demonstrates understanding of vocabulary related to topic of takeovers, mergers, and buyouts in direct questionings presented in the test.
Unit Fourth Partial Test (Theory): Social Responsibility and Efficiency and Employment (Theory and Vocabulary) Unit Fourth Final Test (Theory): Social Responsibility and Efficiency and Employment, and Economies and Ecology (Theory and Vocabulary)
September 12
October 3
September 26 /100
October 10 /100
Index Pictionary…………………………………………………………………………………………………..…4-7 Corporate Social Responsibility ………………………………………………………………8 Profits and Social Responsibility……………………………………………………………..9 Role Play………………………………………………………………………………………………………10 Pictionary……………………………………………………………………………………………….11-14 Efficiency and Employment…………………………………….………………………………15 Efficiency and the Number of Employees………….………………………………16 Partial Test…………………………………………………………………………………………………….17 Reflective Essay…………………………………………………………………………………………..18 Appendix………………………………………………………………………………………………..19-20
Pictionary Word Discrimina tion
Undermini ng
Definitio n Treating some people in a worse way than you treat other people Making somethi ng weaker
Example Discrimina tion is illegal in many countries of the world.
Undermini ng the laws is incorrect.
Free Enterprise
Conformin g to
An econom ic system in which anyone can raise capital from a busines s, and offer goods or services Complyi ng with or followin g rules
Free enterprise gives other people the opportunit y of increase profits
Express ed given a material form
She embodied me financial document s
Andrea is conformin g to her work.
Accordi ng to generall y accepte d beliefs based on morals
Ethical is a key to success in our lives
A usual way of behavin g
In my family we have many customs
Insofar as
To the degree or extent that
Alexa is insofar as becoming a lawyer
Causes damag e to
Hypocrisy harms companie s structures
Support ers, people who argue in favor of somethi ng
Proponent personel in BDG make the project done
Corporate Social Responsibility
Profits and Social Responsibility Market theories argue that the function of a business is to make profits but Milton Friedman argued that only people can have responsibilities, and not corporations, he believes that if companies have social responsibility they would be doing the government’s job, if government does not do what they must do is because voters doesn’t want to and they do not choose in an objective way. Friedman thinks that shareholders would not like to receive lower dividends but to live in a society with less unemployment, pollution and fewer social problems.
Role Play: Problems at a clothes manufacturer
Gabriela Marroquín – CEO Ana Lucrecia Ruiz- Chief Scientist Giselle Santa Cruz- Human Resources Manager Joselinne Sagastume- Financial Manager
After evaluating the loss of 20% of our sales, the exponential number of our inventory and the need to reduce production we have reach the following conclusions:
1. First of all we will reach a meeting with our workers, letting them know about the problems in the company and informing them there will be a reorganization of the personnel. 2. We have decided to lay off 70 of our sewers. 3. We have determined to get rid of all the fabric that is a potential harm to the environment. 4. We will introduce a new product with an environmentally conscience fabric that will establish the trust of our clients in our brand. 5. Even though this decision represents a big economical loss for our company, we realize that these decisions will have retribution in the future. With a good development and efficiency of our employees we will gain the double of our current profits.
Pictionary Word Flexible Labor Market
Definition A situation in which it is easy for companies to hire nonpermanent staff Decreasing the number of permanent employees working for an organization
Example Flexible labor market allows employees to interact with new people
Using other businesses as subcontracto rs to supply components or services
Outsourcing is a good way to earn more profits.
Cemaco use the downsizing when they fire more of the 50% of employees in the company
Job Sharing
Employing two or more people on a part-time basis to perform a job normally available to one person working full time Moving some of a business’s activities to another place or country Removing unproductive parts of the manageme nt hierarchy to make organization s more flexible and efficient
Job sharing sometimes can cause more expenses.
Herbalife’s relocation took place on September 22, 2014
Human resources area is responsible of the delayering in a company
Restructurin g
Recognizing a company, business or system in a new way to reduce cost, improve efficiency and effectiveness Contract Temporary Work employment by an organization to do a specific project or piece of work Casual Work Temporary employment that is not regular or fixed
To restructure is a way of saving money
Anfora contract work with Domino’s pizza
Casual work is not preferable for most of the people
Another way of saying downsizing, though it could also describe increasing the size of an organization, perhaps as an attempt to correct a previous downsizing
Agexport rightsize and it was the best option they could take
Efficiency and Employment
Efficiency and the Number of Employees In most cases companies just want to lower the number of employees when they increase their efficiency, but sometimes other companies instead of laying off personnel they decide to reduce the number of working hours per employee, so that employees can invest their time in training, development, education and create a life and work balance. Companies that take the second method I previously mention focus on maintain the benefits for employees an increasing their efficiency.
Partial Test
What I learned During this fourth unit I learned a lot of things it would be useful for me in the future, and they are employment correspondence letters. I enjoyed this unit the most first because it is the shortest, and second because the topics we learned are easy and important. I think in other schools they do not learn how to make a resume, or an application letter that are a key in life because when you want to apply for a job you must know how to do it. Also it is important to mention that we always applied the theories and the practices in each letter, so this make us very capable persons at the time we have to write any kind of employment correspondence letters. I also learned how to reject a job someone offered me in a polite way, always taking into account that I have to keep the opportunity of future employment with any company. In my marketing class I learned that everybody thinks companies main purpose is only to make profits but that it is not completely true because some of them are involved in social responsibility but some others don’t and they think social responsibility is something that the government has to do. I also learned that many companies decided to fire personnel to increase their effectiveness. When you are part of business world it is probably that you will be asked to give references or recommendations about someone, and believe me it is not easy as it looks, this also needs to have specific facts.