Агинская street, танец с огнем и алюминиевые стрелы: присвоение культурных ландшафтов

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2006 1

Far East Section of the Russian Academy of Science Grodekov State Museum of the Far East . ., street, .—

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, , 2006. — 192 .

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Vladimir Davydov, Nikolai Karbainov, Veronika Simonova, Veronika Tselishcheva

, . . ., (


); , . . ., ( ).


Scientific Monograph (


05-03-03380 .





. ., 2006. . ., 2006. . ., 2006. . . 2006.

KH ABA ROV SK 2006 3

SUMMARY Davydov V. N., Karbainov N. I., Simonova V. V., Tselishcheva V. G. Aginskaya Street, Fire Dance and Aluminum Arrows: Claims of Cultural Landscapes. Khabarovsk: Grodekov State Museum of the Far East, 2006. — 192 . Reviewed by:

Leonid Efimovich Bliaher, doctor of Philosophy Michail Jakovlevich Rodjansky, candidat of Philosophy

Edited by the authors.

Supported by the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation ( Project 05-03-03380 .


On the book cover: the authors’ picture «The Amgun’ River».


Davydov V. N., 2006. Karbainov N. I., 2006. Simonova V. V., 2006. Tselishcheva V. G., 2006.

In «Aginskaya street, Fire Dance and Aluminum Arrows: Appropriation of Cultural Landscapes» the authors consider the cultural lives of the Indigenous peoples of Siberia and the Far East of Russia and the current social situation of this region, in order to analyze the politicization of cultural spaces and show how through this process peoples can be seen to be turning their ‘cultural heritage’ into political capital. They suggest that Russian Anthropology’s keen focus on the ‘ethnic’ and the ‘territorial’ has been at the expense of thorough investigations of the ‘cultural’ and the ‘local’. Identity and practices which draw upon the ‘ethnic’ and the ‘authentic’ visions of everyday life may lead to the process of appropriation of and claims upon cultural landscapes. In this sense, people use the concept of ‘ethnicity’ in different practical reasons putting ‘cultural meanings’ into the political field. In this book four authors offer their analyses of the processes of cultural commodification in Siberia and the Far East of Russia, and attempt to shift from the ‘ethno-territorial’ image of social processes common in Russian Anthropology to the ‘cultural-local’ approach to the study of people’s everyday life. The wide scope of the book afforded in part by its co-authorship, critically addresses and explores a wide range of theoretical constructions relevant to the debate questions. Concept interrogated includes those of: ‘authenticity’; ‘landscapes’; ‘space and locality’; ‘cultural ecology’; ‘cultural commodification’ and ‘political visibility’. Theoretical approaches from Anthropology, Human Geography and Sociology are employed. Methodologically, the understandings of the current situation of the indigenous peoples of Siberia and the Russian Far East which are communicated here are drawn from fieldwork data collected by each from the individual authors. Consequently, each chapter of the book can be read and evaluated separately, however it is in their combined from that they clearly demonstrate a shift in the scientific view from a sphere concerned with the ‘ethnic’ into the sphere of the ‘local’. In other words, the authors together advocate a phenomenological — landscape path rather than an ethno-territorial one to lead them to an understanding of the nature of some of the most vibrant cultural landscapes of the Russian North 5






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7-8) , («





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« «




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» ,

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» (Hjemme p tundraen), (Tverfjell 2001) , . , . , , ,« . , , , , ? , ? -

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,— ».

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(Massey 1994: 147-150). , , , » (places). ,

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», ?

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» (Massey 1994: 151-153).



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neighborhood improvement associations (Fisher 1984: 63).

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(Bodenborn 2004: 43). , , .

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«Ways of owning and Sharing Cultural Property». ,

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(Brown 1998: 204). , (Harrison 1992: 236). , , ,

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. (Kasten 2002: 3-4). ,




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(Kasten 2004: 16). , , , ,

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. . (Lu, Fine 1995: 541). ) -

« », « (Jonson 2005: 37-61). , )


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(Huggan 2001: 158). , , , ,


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(Smith, Burke 2001:





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, 13-14).




. » (Karjalainen, Habeck 2004: 175).



, (Lu, Fine 1995: 535). . «



2004: 61;

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(Kirshenblatt-Gimblett 1988: 65). , , , (Edensor 2001: 59). (Turner 1988: 75). : , (Turner 1988: 80). , (



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(Dransart 2001: 153). . (Tilley 2006: 17). , « » », 163

(Appiah 2005:


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Summary......................................................................................................................5 ..............................…………….......................……………………………………..6 ..……………..................................…………………………………………………………7 I. ( ) ……….............................…………………………………….9 II. : « » ( )........................................................................……….23 III. ( ) …………………......................………………………………..33 IV. ( )...................................................................................47 V. ( ) ……............…..........………………………………………….61 VI. Common Sense Primordialism: « » « » ( )…….............................................................………….107 VII. , ( )….....................................117 VIII. « » : , ( )…............................................................................129 IX. ( ) ………........................................………………………….155 X. ( ) ………………...................……………………………………165 …………………………..........................…………………………………………….173 …………………….........................………………………………………………175 ……….........................………………………………………………191


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