Magic Hands
Who: Primary school students When:
Begins 12th January 2017 - Thursday 16:30 or Friday 18:00
(90 minutes session). Duration: 12 weeks. Where: Casa di Gioia, via Vincenzo Monti 18 Roma
Why: Handwriting is like the top of the iceberg; it is the skill that is visible and often noticed in the school setting. However, underneath the surface there are many components that go into handwriting, such as: postural control, motor integration, an efficient visual system, and symbolic thinking. In order for handwriting to be effortless, all of these components must be well integrated. Handwriting is not only connected to academic performance, but it is a great form of expression and communication throughout life.
“Magic Hands”
Group addresses the underlying components of
handwriting through fun activities. By strengthening the following component pieces of handwriting, a students’ entire development is boosted, which will support learning and success at school. Handwriting components addressed: • Postural control: create a stable base by strengthening core muscles. Having a stable and aligned trunk provides the foundation for limb and head control during gross and fine motor tasks • Visual system: looking beyond visual acuity to how the small muscles of the eyes are able to work together in a coordinated way (ocular-motor control). Moving our eyes across the paper or from the paper to the whiteboard without effort is key to reducing ocularmotor fatigue, which allows for increased attention • Reflex integration: everyone is born with an innate motor repertoire (reflexes) which helps us adapting to the environment as babies develop new motor skills. As a child grows reflexes become integrated and motor responses become intentional. When reflex integration doesn’t happen naturally in development, this impacts motor systems ability to work efficiently. • Fine motor skills: this is where the magic happens. In addition to strengthening the foundation (postural control, visual system, reflex integration) we will introduce fine motor activities that increase hand strength, left vs. right awareness, and in hand manipulation skills necessary for writing. How: All activities will take place in a fun and interactive group setting. Therapists are trained in total development and will take social-emotional development into consideration throughout the group to ensure a positive experience for all children.
Please contact Ilaria for information and registration: 2