Leave it to the mother of the ocean to find the missing lands of idyllic Atlantis. Jenny Yemaya Cook tells of the extraordinary journey that led her to the founding of The Atlantis Rejuvenation Center (The ARC). What has the civilization of Atlantis taught you about the world we live in today? 14 years ago, when I first arrived in Bimini, I had an experience at The Atlantis vortex, an area 45 miles east of the island where it is said that the giant crystal that powered Atlantis sank
beneath the ocean bed. On approaching the area by boat, you can feel a distinct change in the energy, like moving though a dense wall of energy. My experience then, and other groups that I have facilitated there since, all experience a similar recollection and range of emotions. All the navigation equipment breaks down and the compass just spins randomly with no direction. Time loss or gain is normal, losing or gaining an hour in time while there. On my first journey there i remembered my time during Atlantis and my role then, in a parallel to the life i am leading now. I learned that we are living in a parallel reality, that just as during Atlantis things got out of control with a divided population, some following the law of the One and some just concerned with material and financial gain for selfish purposes. This life time, we come with the experience and knowledge of the devastation this caused -64-