Energize Your Inner-Goddess with a New Moon Ritual by Lore Raymond
The New Moon on Monday, July 8, calls on you to energize your dreams into big, BIG and BIGGER! Consider the following ritual to be like taking a MANIFESTATION aerobics class~ but without the huffin’ and puffin’. You are sacredly invited to stretch spiritually and laviesirenely (a new word?!) to don the spiritual mantle of your “inner goddess”. Yes, you heard me. Blasphemous? No way! Because YOU ARE DIVINE. And your inner-goddess job description is to share, serve, and most importantly, to love, bless, and know abundance! Preparation 1. What does the word “inner-goddess” conjure up? After you’ve thought about this, and before July 8, find a Greek restaurant and feast there with a goddess friend and chat about your answer! (And there’s no calorie counting this night because Athena, Nike, and Aphrodite never did.) 2. Explore your closet and drawers for items that make you feel powerful, possible, and peaceful. Look for clothing, shoes, and jewelry that are white and silver. Now’s the time to get blinged out and diafanous! And since Archangel Haniel reflects the sensitive, watery moon energy, use a moonstone to also connect.
original art by Sanndi Art Mystical Expressions
3. Gather up supplies for your New Moon Energy Ritual: a tray-size mirror (see notes below); sparkling water and 2 bottled waters; Epsom salts; natural sponge; white and silver candle(s); matches or a lighting wand; hand held mirror
The Inner: Breathe. Drink Water. Clear you inner heart space with forgiveness work. Ask yourself: Is there anything or anyone I choose to now forgive for my highest goddess? Forgiveness heals and clears out your lower energies, and makes room for new energies to be seeded, the purpose of a New Moon ritual. The Ho ’opono Ono Prayer is a powerful spiritual took to support you. Click here for the Ho’ opono ono Prayer video.
The Outer:
Create your Inner-Goddess Altar using a mirror; it needs to be flawless, have a sturdy frame the size of a serving tray. (Check out thrift stores for inexpensive finds to be used for future moon rituals.) Using a mirror-tray makes it portable for the outside ceremony, and then inside as a home altar.
Step 1: Breathe. Drink Water. Take a purifying moon bath using Epsom /sea salts and a natural sea sponge. Not a bath person? Take a shower or even an outdoor shower. Go swimming. Anoint yourself during and after word with an essence that can be also be used in the cleansing of your sacred space. It’s been said that the scents of lavender, lemon balm and calamus are all associated with the new moon. Choose only one or two scents.
A 44-minute Ritual: Clear. Connect. Protect. Celebrate. Close. Clear…
Step 2: Go outdoors if at all possible for your ritual. “Plan B” would be to find a place indoors without distractions.