La Vie Sirene strives to share a variety of cultures and belief systems without bias or preference. We welcome all submissions that come from a place of beneficence and interest in our readers‘ wellbeing. The following Oracle Reading is lovingly offered by The Mad Mystic. [Nota bene: Individuals are solely responsible for their decisions and actions as they relate to this reading.]
This message comes to you from the heart of
Aeracura Celtic Goddess of the Earth Aeracura may appear in your life this month if you are about to experience a great blossoming from within. The most important part of this journey will be to enjoy the journey itself. Have patience as you go through your personal growth process. You will most likely have some sort of goal in mind. If you do, take your time to savor every experience that brings you closer to this goal. If you do not, try something new. Play around with a new idea, learn a new skill, or seek out some new knowledge. When the time is right, you will find that you have burst into full bloom. You will then be ready to share your newfound wisdom with the world. Namaste Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue - Art by Elizabeth Kyle