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Instituto de Investigación Y Enseñanza Iberoamericano Portafolio: Semestre “A” Johan R. Velázquez Soriano Maestra: Laura Verónica Briones Lima

Lenguaje Extranjera

Index Part 1.) My Family Tree

Part 2.) Professions Wh- Questions and Answers

Part 3.) Demonstratives Conversation

Part 4.) Our House

Part 1: My Friends, My Family and I

During the first part of semester “A”, we didn’t do much for portfolio. All we really did was make our own family tree using images and whatever creativity we wanted to use.

Part 2

In the second part we looked at different professions and made a list with images of 15 different professions/jobs and 10 Wh- questions using an article or a newspaper highlighting where someone can find all the answers.

Part 3: My Neighborhood

During the third part we learned about demonstratives and made a small collage using what we learned and made a sentence for each image. The next portfolio assignment we did was a conversation in a group using demonstratives. It was fun, though I did have to write most of the conversation.

Part 4: What A House

In the last part of the semester, we saw objects and rooms within a house. We made a list with images like we always do about a typical house. This was the only portfolio assignment we had to do during this part. This concludes semester “A”. For the most part it was easy for me seeing as how I had an unfair advantage over the majority of the other students. Nonetheless it was nice helping them out when they needed it, but after a while I realized why I really don’t want to be a teacher. I hope the next semester will be as nice as this one, and hopefully everyone will do their work.

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