LCP Application AIESEC UNINORTE 2012

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Local Executive Director Applicant

The Unstoppable Revolution My Competencies here! Position Entity OGX-NC TR TT Research Coordinator AIESEC Corporate Sales Director UNINORTE 2015 Subcommittee LCVP ICX National ER Manager AIESEC Colombia Sales Task Force ZoN

Date 2010-I 2010-I 2010-II 2011-II 2011 2011-I 2011-II

Conference LIM/LTM

Role Delegate

Place Date Barranquilla


C-Delegate Santa Marta 2010-I
















ER Weekend











San Juan PR 2011-I
















Dear AIESECer, There‟s a point in my life where I decided what I wanted my future to be: Inspiring people for a living, making them realize that they belong to something bigger and that the power of their impact in society is limitless. It‟s a matter of starting a movement with a few people focused in changing the world. In that point is where AIESEC came to my life; amazed of finding what I was always looking for, I didn‟t hesitate one moment to fall in love with this beautiful organization. AIESEC, as a facilitator of experiences, provides me the administrative tools I need to change lives, starting with mine. I found the perfect complement for my studies and plus I enjoyed doing it. I traveled out of my country for the first time with AIESEC to the Iberoamerican Leadership Congress in Puerto Rico and truly tasted what Living Diversity is. Therefore, I thought of two things: First, I really need to show my LC how big AIESEC is and that there‟s much more than our national conferences, a four walls small office and LCs within Colombia, I want to generate an International Vision within UNINORTE, establish cooperation with other LCs of the network, send my members to other countries national conferences, confront them to go on exchange and even assist International conferences. Second, I decided I wanted to be part of that team delivering sessions in the plenary inspiring us to be the change we wanted to see in the world, bringing my culture with me. Being President of my LC will increase my impact range to 200 young Colombians to inspire and develop them creating a high performance team full of strong values and committed to Excellence. This experience totally align my personal and professional goals. 2012 will be the year; our year! Where we achieved the unbelievably extraordinary! Where we decided to become the top 1 LC in the world! When we established culture of Excellence! Where we chose to believe that the sky is not the limit! When we started to think out of the box to break as much paradigms as possible! 2012 is the year where we are going to be unforgettable and I want to be the leader behind this movement from this Life Changing Position. Truly yours, Juanki


Barranquilla, Colombia Address: Cra 47 # 85-101 Skype: juancafayad Mail: Cell: (57)+3014058659 International Business Student 5°|Universidad del Norte



Juan Carlos Fayad

Juan Carlos Fayad Our recruitment based on GCDP needs to be focused on students between 3rd and 9th semester willing to take other AIESEC programs to enhance our dual XPs and desiring to live a cross-cultural positive impact and personal development. Our promotion needs to specify destinations taking into account S&D tools in Incoming GCDP will be focused by trends generating projects to offer in our network e.g. „Creamos‟. The idea is to establish real LC-LC cooperation to speed up our matching assuring TNs for our EPs and EPs for our TNs.

The TLP, the base of our organization and the reason of our existence. The TLP drives the other ELD programmes and assures the sustainability and health of our organization. This programme needs stronger talent processes accompaniment in goal setting and orientation, education and training, coaching, tracking, pipeline management, a stronger rewards and recognition program like „Every leader goes on exchange‟ (giving them incentives like EP Fees), succession plans, transition and performance appraisal. Making our leaders feel privileged of directing AIESEC UNINORTE and being committed to our goals.

Our outgoing GIP needs more competitive CVs to assure a faster matching in the network, that‟s why we need to start recruiting graduate school students and experienced professionals. We can get these data bases at Uninorte´s „Oficina del Egresado‟. In the other hand ICX GIP needs to grow in the corporate sector and strengthen our educational reach. Linking this two ideas we can offer ICX/OGX projects to organizations to send their young and experienced professionals on exchange and fill those spots with our trainees providing a diverse environment and a crosscultural professional experience.


Exchanges Exponential Growth Landing our ideas to create a real impact is what we need in our LC; we have the talent, the resources, the market, ideas and “we have a „strategic‟ plan. It‟s called doing things.” -Herb Kelleher. This is my invitation to study all the strategies explained below and how we are going to reach 250Xs in one year, 250 changed lives. Sustainable operations, culture of excellence, new mindsets and high performance, as simple as that! Financial Sustainability & Smart Investments Even though we are a non-profit organization we need financial resources to operate covering our strategies and invest in our membership. AIESEC UNINORTE´s main operational incomes are exchanges, mainly EP raising, TN raising and administrative margins per trainee that are the only fixed incomes we have. We need to start diversifying our incomes sources to generate bigger revenue and be capable of handling a stronger rewards & recognitions program to invest in EP fees or congress fees for our best performance members; to invest in trainings by externals for our professional development and finally to invest in ICX GCDP for the short term exchanges experience. We can diversify incomes promoting Global Villages within institutions, organizing development seminars for our allied schools or generating strong agreements with supporters like our host university. Organizational Development: People are not the most valuable asset within the organization, THEY ARE THE ORGANIZATION, the rest are assets. An organization is composed by groups of people working towards shared goals, that‟s why the OD strategy is going to be focused on the people needed to fulfill our operations. AIESEC UNINORTE is a really strong and solid LC that needs to keep growing evolving throughout sustainable operations, talent and leadership development programs. The OD Corner will mature our processes in 2012 evaluating the talent needed for this “exponential growth” and develop it in our members for an appropriate response to the strategy. The OD Corner will develop the Dual Experiences strategies as well. Savvy External Connection: We have many years capitalizing our external environment without a strategic action plan what causes wrong messages given, lack of quality in our delivery, legal issues and lost alliances. 2012 will be the year where we are going to connect, in a savvy way, our external environment with our operations. First, a real alumni capitalization where members can interact with past experiences and even have them as mentors. Our Alumni network is going to be one of our ER drivers to capitalize TNs in the corporate Market. Strengthen enablers‟ partnerships to deliver high quality experiences, assure higher number of re-raises and avoid legal issues. The strategy to reach positioning allies and training allies is going to be executed by Marketing and TM as well but planned by the ER Corner. Finally, the BoA is going to be composed by the most influential people in our city and will be tracked by the LCP to assure a real interaction with the VPs and their operations and strategies.


After running our talent planning and analyzing our LC‟s needs we can start our TMP based recruitment and promote it as a package: Join AIESEC to live a practical team experience to gain hard and soft skills, access our global network going on exchange this summer/winter and afterwards bring all your knowledge gained and implement it in our LC as a Team Leader. We must look TMP as a standardized product to continuously be able to create and fulfill the right expectations of our membership. New team members will start working in X core work areas throughout a practical induction before working for a support area.

The Unstoppable Revolution

Juan Carlos Fayad Our AIESEC Experience, throughout Global Learning Environments, Exchanges and Leadership Roles provides to our global youth the opportunity to potentiate their leadership skills to create a positive impact in society. As a final result what AIESEC gives to the world are Change Agents. Young leaders prepared for a world that doesn‟t exist yet and that will work to set the difference, to be the change and to create a brand new future for our descendants: a future in peace. It‟s a matter of decision making the difference, whether you think you can or not you‟re always going to be right. We join AIESEC for diverse reasons but we stay for one: changing our reality. To design and construct a world full of possibilities and new opportunities, to refresh humankind’s mindsets towards other cultures, religions and believes; we stay in AIESEC because we do believe that world peace is possible so strong that we want to engage our lives with it for the rest of our years. We change realities in AIESEC. We are going to continue changing realities in our life long connection with AIESEC. We are change agents for a positive impact. We are AIESEC!

My 5 Improvements to AIESEC Expansion Strategy

AIESEC is present in 111 countries over 243 registered worldwide what means we are just in the half of countries: we are an international ONG, not a global one. We need a stronger expansion strategy to reach the other 132.

X Destinations

Our X promotion globally always show top performance countries like Brazil, Russia, India, China etc. What about truly living diversity and sending our EPs to Benin, Gabon, Togo, Liberia, Sri Lanka or Oman? Think about it!


We should launch a global strategy to reach our governments with the idea of a Visa just for AIESECers and the activities they will develop within the countries. It‟s known this will not cover 100% of our countries but we should start with a few and spread it.

Dual XP Flow

Developing a new flow besides TN and EP flow is completely necessary for our operations. Organizing step by step the experience of our LRs and EPs to improve the quality of their X+L and L+X.

TM Evolution

What about developing our leaders with stronger TDPs delivered by partnerships? What about organizing TM as the base for our Xs? TM needs to evolve in @Colb increasing it´s participation in Xs and improving the X Core processes.

Stronger Talent Development Programs directed by experts to develop our hard and soft skills, communication and presentation skills everything focused on constructing our culture of Excellence. The government‟s “Transformación Productiva” program explains the key investment sectors in our growing and emerging markets and how to reach them. Marketing tools. A trade union or guild like ACRIP ATLANTICO is in permanent search of innovative solutions for talent management . They can organize corporate meetings for us to promote our international solutions. The second youth summit organized by IAVE, Partners of the Americas and Universidad del Norte is the perfect opportunity to reach our host university and sign a support agreement and position our organization within the corporate and non corporate sector in Barranquilla. Targeting Guilds like Fedecaribe, which strives for the commonwealth of the foundations and NGOs in the region. Fedecaribe works by trends like women rights, youth, education and other social causes that we can capitalize with ICX GCDP projects. Joining „Camacol‟ and it‟s sustainable environments development programs is our perfect opportunity to generate ICX GCDP projects with this trend that are very attractive in our international network. The mayoralty of Barranquilla is investing large amounts of resources in public schools and education for low income students. The lack of bilingual teachers for this schools easily covered by our GIP program. Probarranquilla promotes locally and internationally our department as an attractive region to invest in. We can manage a project to bring MTs to facilitate them this investment promotion. Finally, ACOPI ATLANTICO strives for the development of the small and medium companies within it{s guild. We can reach this corporate market through them.



The Unstoppable Revolution

Juan Carlos Fayad


For a better view of the BSC please click the image to go to the hyperlink.

The Unstoppable Revolution I‟ll continue structuring the SWOT for AIESEC UNINORTE, after identifying our external opportunities, with an internal analysis to identify our strengths and weaknesses. For this external analysis I‟ll use our BSC for the first semester of the 2011 which I evaluated with the support of our VP M&C and VP FL&A under the supervision of our LCP. Some of the processes are not evaluated by KPIs because of lack of information so some results are perceptions. We‟re having a relevant growth in Xs but we need to organize our processes to create sustainable operations. Our LC has a really good Leadership Roles offer but we need to work in our exchanges promotion within our LC‟s team members and team leaders: Internationally experienced leaders.

Our structure is evolving constantly to supply the needs of our operations and generating the necessary leadership roles. We have a really strong ICX corner strategy to execute our ER plan. We had a recognition for TN Raising at national level but still we need to keep growing in our capitalization strategy throughout projects.

M&C within our LC has had an important evolution and specially in our segmentation process but still we need to work in our brand perception and our analysis of supply and demand. Information system has a lot to work in this one and next year, we don‟t have a strong KM usage or IT Solutions. Internal communications are running well. We have a strong new members induction program but we need to work in the promotion of the organization to students targeted in our talent planning.

We need to improve the quality of the experiences we are delivering, not only in incoming and outgoing exchanges but team leaders, team members, enablers and supporters.

We don‟t have a clear public relations strategy or action plan for our stakeholders and we don‟t have a clear external promotion for new allies generation, we only have an internal promotion.

We have a poor account management and a large alumni network not capitalized yet. We need a stronger alumni capitalization strategy.

We are reporting quarterly after planning reporting every month and a half, we have only reported twice to the GAL and haven‟t to the GALF. Allocation is running well but we need stronger leadership development programs and career plans for our long a short term members.

Our LC paid the debt hosting a national conference left us Last year, still, we need to continue fulfilling our reserves management.

We don‟t have an holistic rewards & recognition program or an efficient talent performance appraisal. (This strategy is running since the second semester of 2011 with great results.) Our budget planning needs more tracking and evaluation. IM Infrastructure is going to be locally measured after we define KPIs for our local webpage. Yet, we need to work on it.


1. GCDP Supplier Revolution 2. Leadership Development Revolution 3. Project Management Revolution

Strengths  OGX GCDP processes.  Educational TN raising.  Organizational Structure.  Corners strategy.  Alumni Network.

Weaknesses Alumni Management. Enablers and supporters relationship management. Planning & Review. Professional LDP. Public relations. Managing Talent. Managing Information.

Opportunities  ACRIP ATLANTICO and it´s search for developing Talent Management with in it‟s organizations.  PEP Caribe and it‟s will to develop excellence in young leaders.  Mayoralty investing in educational projects.  Fedecaribe´s will to develop the NGOs within it´s guild.  Camacol and it´s sustainable environment development program.  Probarranquilla and it´s investment promotion of our region.  ACOPI can facilitate us the penetration of the corporate market.  Educational schools without bilingual teachers.  University host and it´s departments.

SO Strategies  Recruitment in Graduate Schools  Incoming & Outgoing GIP for organizations.  Strong International Cooperation.  AIESEC Summer Camp for schools.  Project with ACOPI to develop a partnership with it´s organizations.  ICX GCDP environment –based project to work with Camacol.  ICX management project to bring trainees to Probarranquilla that support the investment promotion of Atlantico.  Educational TNs provider.  Fedecaribe as our fundraising partner for ICX GCDP .  OGX GCDP for students within our university host included in agreement.  OGCDP Experience for PEP members.

WO Strategies  PEP as our external leadership development and excellence coach.  Alumni network as promoter of our exchange program in the corporate sector.  Alumni as mentors and advisors for our projects.  Stronger structure for our TMP participants.  Practical Induction for our new members based on GCDP exchanges.  JDs for short term members focused on GCDP exchanges. (Account managers and sellers)  TM as base for our exchanges operations.  Efficient administrative tools for talent appraisal.

Threads  Losing LC‟s office within Universidad del Norte.  Legal Issues with ICETEX.  Colombian country brand.  Legal issues with organizations for late payments.

ST Strategies or consequences  Promotional material of Colombia for our international network.  Organize our structure to have members responsible for our legal issues with EPs and Trainees. (Strengthen buddies program)  Agreement with our university host is a must for our term.

WT Strategies or consequences  Returning money to organizations after legal issues.  Lost of enablers and supporters.  Closure of our LC for bad relationship and legal management.

AIESEC UNINORTE´s main strength is OGX. Our drivers will capitalize the points in which we need to grow to achieve an extraordinary performance. We are not going to lose performance in OGX or growth. We need TNs to negotiate our EPs in the international network and support strong cooperation. OGX Revolution is a driver by default in AIESEC UNINORTE.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” -Charles Darwin

Juan Carlos Fayad Priorities First Driver GCDP Provider Revolution

Second Driver Leadership Development Revolution

Third Driver Project Management Revolution

The Unstoppable Revolution Description and Milestones

Explanation: We need to grow in ICX GCDP and handle big projects within our city and in our international network. The one with the TNs is the one that negotiates so if we have GCDP TNs we can assure stronger 5. What are the organizational goals you TNs would forother yourspecific LCs. AIESEC UNINORTE recognized as international cooperation and assure for propose our EPs in LC in 2012? What strategies would youinimplement to achieve GCDP provider after it´s revolution 2012. them? (remember all according to 2015 programs) Stronger sales teams throughout constant education.

Agreements with universities to send studenst abroad.

Strong International cooperation for fast matching.

Explanation: We need a stronger and fast leadership development process. An LC recognized among the network for developing the best leaders focused on excellence and aware of global issues, exchange experienced. Our top talent will led us to the achievement of our goals and assure continuity with their successors. All the knowledge they brought to our LC after their exchange improved our operations. AIESEC UNINORTE recognized as a MC provider after the revolution in 2012. Coaching and development seminars with externals.

Strong R&R program to send our Leaders abroad.

Efficient practical induction for TMP to develop skills in exchanges.

Explanation: AIESEC UNINORTE as a project generator in our city. We are not going to wait anymore for this opportunities to come, we are going to plan them and get them. We are going to involve all the trends in our local reality and design strategies to capitalize TNs and EPs among the sectors. AIESEC UNINORE recognized as a local developer and manager of projects for a positive impact in Barranquilla after the revolution of 2012. Organizational structure to support project management strategy

Trend based projects to generate GCDP positions in our city.

Projects generators for supporters and enablers.


40 40 50 120 180 90 60

«The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it but that it is too low and reach it» -Michelangelo

I, Juan Carlos Fayad, am redefining success. All for my beloved LC, AIESEC UNINORTE; an LC truly committed to our goals, an LC that believes in our vision, and an LC that only works together as one and never thinks of working as islands. We are an LC that delivers the best experiences to our exchange participants, as well as always making our trainees feel at home. AIESEC UNINORTE is an LC that aims to be the best in the world, but at the end of the day, we know that everything we do, we do it for changing lives.

Thank you for reading my dreams.

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