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Profile Juan Carlos Fayad

AIESEC Experience

Contact Details





TT-Research Coordinator

AIESEC Uninorte

June-July 2010


Corporate Sales Director

AIESEC Uninorte


Skype: juancafayad Mobile: 3014058659

National And International Meetings Conference







March 2010


Chief Delegate

Santa Marta

April 2010




April 2010




July 2010




Sept. 2010




October 2010

Academic Practical and Professional Experience Career



Key Learning

English 8° Module

Languages InstituteUninorte


English speaking, listening and writing improvement.

French 3° Module

Alianza Colombo Francesa

2009-II Present

French speaking, listening and writing funds.

International Business

Universidad Del Norte

2009-II Present

Entrepreneurship, accountability, international markets, economies, strategic planning, administrative process, politics, marketing, selling, RSE, organizations, Porter´s and Drucker´s management visions and cultures.

Work Position



Key learning

Monitor: Entrepreneurship Development

Universidad Del Norte


Awareness of others, development of others, emotional intelligence, developing sessions and presentations in public.

General Questionnaire Why have you decided to apply for your LC Executive Board? I´ve decided to apply for my LC EB first, because I believe am ready and fully prepared to assume this role; this is it! I feel myself capable of handling this position and not only for my strengths but because am mentally convinced that there are no impossibles out there; When people have a vision and are completely sure that they belong for something really bigger than themselves is when big dreams can be easily achieved, that´s when people realize that they were born for bigger reasons and things that there present reality. That´s the message I want to convey to the whole LC and being part of the EB 2011 will facilitate me the tools and spaces to continue working in the development of not only the members of my functional area but of all the committee and make them trust themselves, make them look forward and make them aim as high as possible. I´ll always believe the clue step of any activity to get it realized efficiently and in short time is motivation, “Your attitude is your team´s attitude!” and acting responsible, committed to results and full of desires will be reflected in my team members. It's time to give back all the good things and knowledge I've gain during this time to the organization and I'll be pleased of giving all my contribution in the development of organizational objectives, membership and all the goals that as EB 2011 we´ll aim to. Setting high goals do scares, people are afraid of failure; that image of yourself with your broken dreams falling off your hands is truly petrifying… but it´s worst living knowing you could tried and be, “If you never try you´ll never know, just what you are worth” that´s my last and stronger reason, that’s why I´ve decided to apply… and you? What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?

Why do you think AIESEC strategy is “product leadership”?

Product Leadership



Key Principles -Developing a mindset of innovation amongst members -Lead & educate the markets about the use, need & benefits of new products -A risk oriented management style, developing an attitude of self-management amongst members Source: The AIESEC 2010 Scorecard

In order to design a proper strategic planning first the organization must set the mission and the identity, then our vision that is AIESEC 2015, later on the short term goals and after all that define the strategy that we are going to use in order to achieve the objectives: Our strategy is Product Leadership! We focus in the benefits of our product, we show the why of the what. The benefits for our stakeholders can be divided in: • Societal impact • Personal and professional development • International experience • Global network Now, after understanding the benefits we offer throughout our core product, that is the AIESEC experience, we need to educate the markets about not only why we are the number one choice but the best. What differs us from other exchange programs? That we create a high quality experience for every stakeholder that is continually evolving and being improved . I support and believe in our strategy because we create demand in the market, we do not satisfy the existing one; we challenge the fantasy with unconventional thinking and because our product is perceived as exclusive- being leaders in product differentiation.

What do you think should be the national focus areas for AIESEC in Colombia for 2011? Having all members living a full AIESEC Experience will grant us the satisfaction doing things in an excellent way. What makes us different from other exchange programs? That we offer an experience! A unique experience involving both a leadership role and an exchange so let focus on giving to the membership full experiences.

Empowered Membership

Having a fully empowered membership we can assure the organizational development, excellence and performance. Leaders inspiring other leaders who inspire the membership, besides its focused in our vision and organizational culture.

Are we really recognized as the first choice to develop leadership in young people in Colombia? Defining a clear and accurate positioning strategy and working together every single LC in Colombia we can be recognized as the first choice activating leadership. After being recognized we could get all the support needed to achieve excellence, ambitious projects and impacting experiences.

Sustainable Growth

Membership completing Dual XPs

External Relevance

As numbers grow exponentially, we need to work not with more effort but with more intelligence. Quality becomes a must as we aim higher raising our goals generating a financial sustainability and new opportunities to our membership.

Specific ICX Questionnaire Design a plan that guarantees the motivation and EI of your team in the first months for the ICX team in your LC. Motivation comes to us when our personal goals are aligned with the organization ones, when our life project involves all the opportunities we can gain working in AIESEC; that´s the reason why some ones stay years and others leave after the LIM. In my case, I stayed after visualizing me in many years from now working for my MC or why not? Working for AI. That´s what I call self motivation, anyway, external motivation is always needed and as EB I'll implement in my LC the inverted pyramid strategy and make all the EB members work with it. What the inverted pyramid strategy invites us all is to give more importance to the operative level, then to middle management and last to the EB members. I´ll be pleased of inviting all the leadership roles to work in function of inspiring and motivating our members because they are the ones who make the organization work. At the same time as EB we´ll be in charge of constantly coaching our middle managements in new techniques, motivation and all the things that will make us change agents, the idea is that they impact directly in their team members. Perceiving, understanding and managing emotions is what differs leaders from managers, the Emotional Intelligence is relevant in a voluntary organization and I'll work it with my team every meeting throughout life lessons: why to inspire, influence, develop and change someone´s reality. I´ll help myself with tools as TED Talks: Ideas Worth Spreading and exercises as Abraham Maslow´s pyramid to make them give a personal definition to self actualization.

Members MM & NST EB “Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.” –George S. Patton

Design a sales plan for the first five months of 2011. To assure the succes and results for the first semester of 2011 we first must improve the market segmentation processes, which markets are we aiming to? How are we going to arrange them? Now filtering the organizations and troughout research verify which ones may be interested in our products and which ones are not alined with our offering. Focused selling will diminish the Sales meetings Vs TN raising from 13:1 to 4:1. ICX realization peaks are in Q1 and in Q3 so taking advantage of this dates will let us focus Q2 in selling and in delivery processes. Q2 is the Quarter to raise as much TNs as we can. ETs realizations vary with school´s calendars, the bilingual ones begin academic year in Q3 so the first five month of the year focus on this schools and universities. We need to take advantage of our Alumni network that´s why the Alumni coordinator will work aside ICX. Atlantico’s governor Eduardo Verano former LCP of AIESEC Uninorte is finishing his term next year so we need to stablish an apropiate relationship with Goverment Sector throughout him presenting him a project based on exchanges with ETs to fulfill the good speaking and english teaching in MegaSchools(Schools financed by goverment) that presents lack of good language teachers. AIESEC Uninorte will be a local manager of Social Impact projects next year, we’ll aproach to organizations not selling single TNs but Big Projects: Large number of TN raising in order to achieve high goals in ICX. *Create clear products based on the new pricing policies (fundraising of DTs in NGOs and foundations, increasing our exchange performance during summer and winter peaks). *Increasing short term MTs (pricing policies) . Selling ETs, TTs & MTs under the discount in the affiliation fee. *Promote the DT+CEEDs in companies starting social development projects and start a HOST campaign in the LC to support the large number of trainees coming.

The Priorities Market Segmentation

Selling Coach

LCVP ICX Quality in Delivery


The Structure Public Relations will support ICX Coordinators in segmentation and market aproaching. The Alumni Coordinator will research for Alumnus Companies and will be the account manager of each one. The coordinations will be divided in ET, DT, MT&TT and in PBoXs managers. M&D will run with the process of all pools.



Public relations

Alumni Coordinator

Goals January






















May M&D Coordinator





Partner Relationship Management The PRM will be priority in my Vice-presidency, it´s truly important to register all the processes held with organizations, the knowledge management is the best way in which you can contribute to the pipeline for your successors, thus it will help us not to fall twice in the same mistake. Evaluation processes must be registered too to have a cleared situation of what the AIESEC experience was, this will help next generations to improve the quality in our experiences.

Just with this single registration we are contributing to AIESEC 2015 and it´s quality goals.

Design a practical training for the ICX team that guarantees the results in all months of the year. To guarantee the results of ICX in all months of the year throughout practical trainings for my team I will first implement the STT: Sales Training Team. The STT will be created and implemented to develop the selling skills of not only the ICX members but of the whole LC. I´ll be pleased of inviting the whole committee to join us and finish with the mindset that the only sellers in the committee are the ICXers. We all are sellers! We not only sell our @XP to organizations but also to our parents, to our friends, to our classmates, our teachers and to all of our stakeholders and it is truly necessary the usage of this new process(Although the main focus of the STT will be organizations). Counting with members of all the areas fully prepared for selling will increase our capacity of sales meeting assisting per week; While ten ICXers can go to more or less fifteen sales meetings per week the whole LC can achieve at least thirty. The STT consists in one chair and three facilitators in charge of the activities established to work in; the chair will be an ICXer and the three facilitators will be from different areas: OGX, M&C and TM. This will help to strengthen synergy between areas and each one of the Facis will move, inspire and invite their whole areas to come and participate explaining the importance of the STT implementation; the Facilitators must have selling skills. The STT chair will be in charge of the organizational success, logistics, meetings planning and general promotion of the activities; the STT chair will be the official representation of the STT and will deliver all the processes and results to the VP ICX in charge. Four new leadership roles will be created. Activities: Sales Clinics, motivation, emotional intelligence, coaching with externals, city´s reality, sales techniques, sales strategies, etc. We will grant credentials within the STT that supports selling abilities and that they are capable of going to a sales meeting in representation of the LC. The message of the credentials giving is to show that going to a sales meetings is a privilege in the LC and if you want to participate of it you must be in the STT. We´ll work more intensely with the ones who have gained the credential, this ones will have to accomplish some minimums, for example: at least two sales meetings weekly. Our results are not only selling but delivering and matching. As VP ICX I will run a campaign called “Trainees A Matter Of All” which principle message is that trainees belong to the whole LC not only to ICX. The campaign will work the following way: Assigning “Partners” to the trainees: The “Partner” will begin talking and interacting with the trainee before his arrival, will receive him in the airport along with the VP ICX, the one who raised the TN and all the ones interested in; The “Partner” will join the trainee to all his documentation appointments and will be the responsible for the integration of the trainee to the LCs events. Matching a Trainee: Incentives given to the one who matched a TN.



M&C Faci

OGX Faci

Principal Objectives -Convey the whole LC to assist sales meetings. -Show Sales Meetings importance. -Develop the LCs selling skills. -Gain a larger and stronger sales team. -Make the LC realize that trainees belong to all of us. -Understanding of how a 3minute call can change the LC´s Reality.

LC Reality In order to the 2010 TN raising results in your LC, mention the actions that should start, stop and continue to improve the performance and quality of the ICX processes and results.

What should start? Define a clearer positioning strategy. Divide the market into specific segments to approach with higher success index per sales meeting. Companies Research before the visit. LC´s attendance in public events positioning our branding and looking for new stakeholders. Relationship with the TN takers and make them participate in LC´s activities. PRM & KM usage.

What should continue? Seek previously apartments for the trainees. Involvement of the trainees with the LC. Synergy with M&C. Clear MoFs of each role. Trainee´s country and general presentation to the LC. Empowered membership. Professionalism in selling.

What should stop? VISAs and other legal procedures failures. Late payment to the trainees. Lack of quality in the delivery processes.

Design a plan to guarantee the quality in the delivery process in order to the TN taker flow.

Partners Program

Capacitating the organization's personal about the arrival of the trainee explaining the following: Basic information about the intern´s country, overview of cultural differences, information about cultural shocks and highlight areas of potential conflict. Sending a booklet to the organization with other TN takers experiences and a greeting letter from the trainee. Organization Internship Preparation

The partners program invites the whole membership to participate of the TN Taker flow being the account manager of a trainee. The partners will be supported by the Matching & Delivery coordinator who´s going to explain and control all the processes held. The partners are in charge of taking the trainee to all his documentation appointments allowing more time to the ICXers to go to sales meetings. Incentives will be given to the partners who accomplish the task the best. The partners must be in Barranquilla the months the internship last. The process is the following Before the trainee´s arrival give a poll to the intern and to the organization to verify the expectations both have about the experience. Make surveys monthly after the internship begins measuring satisfaction, quality, suggestions and complaints to deliver feedbacks to both sides. Before the trainee´s departure make one last survey to register the experience as a whole and save it in the KM. Evaluation of Stakeholder´s Satisfaction

Sending a booklet to the intern showing the following: Other interns experiences in the city, costs, cultural places, general interests, touristic places, brief city´s explanation, weather, gastronomy, sports, main events, our LC and his partner. Intern Preparation

Receiving the trainee at the airport, giving him a welcome package with typical food and information about the city and preparing and integration meeting with the LC. Scheduling a dinner with the TN Taker representatives with the intern. Presentation of the Organization to the trainee and showing him a Data Base with apartments in the city. Intern Induction Into Organization & Integration to LC

Thank you for reading! 

My Competencies

Global Mindset

Entrepreneurial Outlook

Social Responsibility

Proactive Learning

Emotional Intelligence

You can expect from Juan Fayad to… -Be committed to results. -Have a very good team management. -Work hard and more. -Keep motivated a team and to make change your mind with good arguments. -Give the best of him, also being very receptive and analytical, to be constantly looking for answers. -He is always identifying others behaviors and skills and use them to work as a team. But don’t expect Juan Fayad to… -Stop fighting something that he really believes in. -To do things without analyzing first. -Be resilient -To quit or surrender, cuz he is very committed with his job. At the same time, I don’t expect from him to not be allowed to raise his goals. -Give up. Any additional comments for Juan Fayad: -A truly leader with a lot ambition that has a lot to learn. -Excellent partner and friend. -He has too much potential, however is still young and need direction to take advantage oh his best… -Excellent communication skills. -Good Luck. Contributor Name Wilder Hurtado Ana Saldarriaga Jose Peña Carlos Jimeno Abraham Merchán

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