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You You rr Weekl Weekl yy Dose Dose of of Posi Posi ti ti ve ve New New s! s!


GrandOpeningnext Friday,March4 - 4 t o 8 pm 812 Pit t St reet ,

Unit 40 (The Ol d Heal t h

Nut ) 613-933-3330

Pictured herefromlefttoright:Lee Theodore, Operat ions Manager, Mike Merriam, Propriet or, Story on Page 4 ... Roger Caron, Cul inary Mast er and Kim Wool l ey, Business Advisor





Sat u r d ay, M ar ch 5

Benef it t ing Children's Mental Health Programs at Cornwall Community Hospital through the Cornwall Service Club Council.

Co r n wal lCi vi c Co m p l ex A Nightof Dining& Dancing GuestSpeaker, Author, AnnDouglas

Ticket s are GOING FAST !!!


Save Th e Dat e! Su n d ay, M ar ch 6 , 2 0 1 6

17840 Count y Road 44 JUST Nort h of t he cit y on Cornwal l El ect ric! Open concept main f l oor, 3 l arge bedrooms above, f ul l bsmt & garage. $299,000

Always a Dunne Deal

seeP15 for more

A fundraising Event Hosted by

See poster on back cover for more ...

Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r

Vol. .77 Issue Issue85 Vol Volume 626, Issue 41, February 5, 2016 February 2016 October 30, 2015



EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...



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inf o@t heseeker.ca www.t heseeker.ca Of f i ce Hour s 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm Closed 1-1:30pm for lunch


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by Julia Lucio

Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

Ag re e to d isa g re e

Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d


Is t he new Cit y Byl aw kil l ing peopl e's init iat ive in t he creat ion of event s? Over the last month, I have heard about three events being either cancelled or reconsidered because of the city's new Special Events bylaw. The new bylaw itself does not seem that different than its predecessor. What's different, however, is that the City is now diligently enforcing it. In the past, I've attended many events where the "Special Events Permit" was nowhere to be found. This piece of paper, which used to cost $400, was something many event organizers were unaware they had to obtain and got away with not getting; there are too many events taking place for the City to attend every single one of them and make sure paperwork is in order, especially on the week-ends.

Ad ver t i si n g in Th e Seek er i s NOTanEx p en se i t 'sanINVESTM EN


Natalie - Seeker Sales

WE HAVE YOUR TARGET MARKET! Make sure to budget your ads today to help make 2016 your best year yet! The Seeker is seen by and estimated 10,000 pairs of eyes weekly. Our readers are very loyal. Our main demographic consists of women, 34-50 years old, who make the buying decisions in the family.

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Event organizers were also oblivious to the fact they needed insurance to the tune of 2 million dollars. Essentially, the cost of the permit has increased only by $100 if you hold an event with less than 24 vendors, and $400 if you hold a bigger event. For people who hold events that attract thousands of visitors, it's a drop in the bucket, but for those smaller scale community outings, who did not have this fee before, it's huge! Especially if they are holding a fundraiser and charged their vendors a minimal fee. Also,, the paperwork involved--organizers have to make sure all vendors comply with the updated bylaw according to their industry--can be intimidating. But vendors who fall under the event's umbrella no longer have to get an individual license with the City, which is very positive. However, again, few organizers knew their vendors needed a license in the first place, therefore don't fully grasp the advantage of this. "This is detrimental to my event," said Annie Derochie, founder of CoTiCon. "I did not expect this. My vendors fees of $50 for entrepreneurs and $35 for artists barely pays for the hall and AV rentals as it is. I?m having to do a lot of soul searching. I do love CoTiCon and so do the youth in the community, but I just can?t risk the costs. We are looking at putting the venue in South Glengarry as an option

(where no fees are charged!)." Other events that may be in jeopardy are the kids expo an the health and wellness fair. And don?t forget. Whether you are holding the event at the Ramada Inn, at the Complex, at the Agora Centre or even in your own backyard, you need to apply for this permit. Not doing so can get you in trouble. A first omission can cost you $3000 and subsequent ones $5000. I understand the reasons behind this update, but I fear the wording it contains will scare potential promoters to look at Cornwall in the first place. If you are an event promoter, I would love to hear your take.

LETTERS TOTHEEDITOR Have something to say? Sent us your Letter to the editor. info@theseeker.ca. You can also freely comment on our website at theseeker.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 8 - February 26 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s


NEWS & POLITICS Pommier Jewel l ers Donat es $3,400 t o Chemo at CCH - CCH Foundation would like to extend warm thanks to Pommier Jewellers for presenting a $3,400 cheque toward the new Chemotherapy Unit. The Pommier family turned diamonds into a donation by matching the highest bid on a gorgeous 14kt white gold ring that boasts 53 brilliant cut natural diamonds. Ms. Angela Olejniczak, owner of Sanidas, is now proud to call the stunning sparkler her own.

SDG Donat ion of Hist orical Document s t o Gl engarry Archives - At the February 16, 2016 County Council meeting Warden Jamie MacDonald presented a donation of five maps and eight volumes of historical documents to Mr. Allan MacDonald, County Archivist for the Glengarry County Archives. The historical documents will be for archival purposes and public access. Valued at $60,000 the donation includes an 1823 hand-drawn map from Surveyor Browne, detailing a new county road to explorer and fur trader Simon Fraser?s Mills at St. Andrews. The Glengarry County Archives is the largest repository of historical records in Eastern Ontario and contains the foremost collection of history about Glengarry County in Canada. Quick Fact s 路 The United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry is comprised of three historical counties: Stormont County, Dundas County and Glengarry County. 路 The Glengarry Historical Society decided to establish an Archives as its 50th anniversary project. 路 Incorporated as a municipal corporation in 2013, the archives is the official repository for the records of the Townships of North and South Glengarry municipal governments and is mandated to preserve the records of individuals, businesses and organizations from the settlement period to the present. 路 The Glengarry County Archives, located at 212 Main St N, Alexandria, is open 10am-3pm, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Phot o: SDG Warden Jamie MacDonald (left), Allan MacDonald, County Archivist for the Glengarry County Archives (Right)

ARTS & CULTURE Publ ic Consul t at ion Hel d The City of Cornwall, +VG Architects, and Sierra Planning and Management ran their Public Open House for the Cornwall Arts + Culture Centre Feasibility Study project on Wednesday, February 24th with the intent of gaining community input. The results of the study are expected this spring.

SPORTS The Cornwall Colts begin the final stretch of the regular season with a road game in Cumberland Tuesday night.


The Colts look to keep their playoff hopes alive with a road victory. Game time is 7:00pm at the Navan Arena. Cornwall returns home to host Smiths Falls this Thursday night. The Colts welcome the players, parents and coaches from South Stormont Minor Hockey Association. It?s also TCMedia Game Night. Thursday?s game time is 7:30pm at the Ed Lumley Arena. Cornwall then plays a rare Saturday game in Ottawa against the Jr. Senators. Game time at the Jim Durrell Rec Centre is 7:30pm. The Colts wrap up the busy week with a home game this Sunday afternoon vs the Gloucester Rangers. Kids 12 and under will receive free admission to the game. Colts fans are invited for a skate with the Colts following the game vs. the Rangers. Game time is 3pm.


DJ starting at $395

VIDEO starting at $395

INVITATIONS starting at $1.55 each

Book ourMOBILE LIGHT &LAZER SHOW - Yourevent wil be l t al ked about f oryears!l Th e m o r e yo u sp en d - Th e m o r e yo u save! Cal l Sh el d o n an d M ai -Li i s at 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 8 1 2

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 8 - February 26 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


It 's Co l d Ou t Th er e! Article and Photos by Mai-Liis Renaud

The Coldest Night of the Year is a fantastically fun, fam ily-fr iendly w alking fundr aiser that r aises m oney for the hungr y, hom eless and hur ting in 100+ com m unities acr oss Canada. It w as the thir d year that our local Agapè Centr e in Cor nw all took par t in this event, w ith a 2km and a 5km w alk star ting and ending at the Centr e w her e w alker s w er e fed a w ar m celebr ation m eal, cooked by Car ilyne Héber t. Ther e w as supposed to be a 10km w alk but due to the w eather conditions that w alk w as cancelled. How ever , Ryann O?Byr ne, a local author ,?now w ith ver y w et boots? did com plete the 10km w alk ?by doing the 5km w alk tw ice? she stated.

Lee Theodor e (left) w ho volunteer ed as a Route M ar shall and the Ontar io Hockey Academy (top ) w er e also a par t of the long list of volunteer s w ho helped w ith this evening?s fundr aiser w alk . Congr atulations to ever yone for a job w ell done!

Rem em b er




WE CAN HELP! 1170 Pit t St . Cornwal l 613-933-9457

t o Vi si t :

fo r yo u r "Dai l y o f Co m m u n i t y

?We had 121 w alker s, over 40 volunteer s, and w e r aised just under $18,000! We ar e r eally happy w ith the suppor t w e r eceived fr om the com m unity tonight.? said Kendr a Sm ith, Volunteer Coor dinator of the Agapè Centr e in Cor nw all. (seen her e left in the photo w ith Cor nw all City Councillor Car ilyne Héber t.)

Do se" News! Jo se e

SAUVE Tax Tip 4 Students! I receive so many emails and phone calls from parents about their children in College and University. It?s a whole new world out there! Unfortunately, parents cannot claim their children?s rent, moving expenses or tuition. Students must claim their own tuition, rent and moving expenses. In terms of tuition, a student, as long as they did not make more than $11,327 during the taxation year, can transfer up to $5,000 of their tuition and education tax credits to one parent. It is preferable if all tax returns of student and parent(s), are done at the same time by the same tax preparer to maximize deductions for all parties concerned. Either way, the student MUST claim their tuition on their taxes to determine the amount of the transfer

Bring in t his ad and receive 20% of f of IN HOUSE l abour Expires May 31, 2016

PRIOR to a parent claiming the transfer on their income tax return. A student cannot deduct expenses such as books, laptops or equipment they had to buy to take their course. When they receive their T2202 from their college or university, notice that there is a column B and C on the form showing the number of part-time and full-time months they attended school. For each month they attend school, they are given an education & textbook amount (Part Time: Education $120 Textbook: $20 / Full-Time: Education $400 Textbook: $65). These amounts form part of the tuition credits that can either be transferred to a parent, grandparent or spouse or accumulated to use in later years when the student earns an income full-time. Most institutions no longer mail these slips so they must be downloaded and printed through student accounts. If a student is attending a college or university that is not in Canada, they will be provided with a TL11-A which is the equivalent of the Canadian T2202A (but most of the time it is not provided automatically they have to ask for it). For more inf ormat ion on t his t opic, visit http:/ / sauvetaxservices.ca/ tax-tips-2/ students/

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 8 - February 26 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Sha ry n


Charlene Alquire, a very sweet lady, retired teacher and friend gave me her muffin recipe way back in October or November. I kept saying I was going to make them and became busy and didn't get to making them until last week. Well, I only regret not making them as soon as I was given the recipe. You use solid coconut oil as the fat along with grated carrots, canned crushed pineapple and Kellogg's All Bran. The recipe makes 12 and they are delicious. So moist, that I forgot I had 2 muffins at work 1 week after baking them and they were just a nice as the day I baked them. You really have to try these muffins. Don't put off making them like I did. Thanks Charlene for caring and sharing! Enjoy a great week!

COCONUT OIL - CARROT BRAN AND PINEAPPLE MUFFINS INGREDIENTS: 2/ 3 cup extra virgin coconut oil (we carry this at Sharyn's Pantry)


3/ 4 cup white sugar 2 extra large eggs 3/ 4 cup unbleached all purpose or whole wheat flour 3/ 4 cup Kellogg's All Bran 1 heaping tsp. baking powder 1 level tsp. baking soda

M a rle ne


Hi to all of you Cornwallites reading the most Positive, "Real" paper in the land... I feel bad about not writing my column last week... due to having a FLU VIRUS from HELL!!! I still am feeling off balance at times with such low energy and all this from a virus that I had never had before in my whole life. I have seen better days, but I have seen and experienced worse. I don't have everything I want in life, but I do have all that I need. I woke up with aches and pains, but I WOKE UP!!! My Life may not be perfect, but I have been Blessed with so many wonderful people and things in my life!!! Like my four beautiful daughters, my 3 handsome sons, and all of my eight, dear grandchildren. I am truly grateful and so very thankful to have such a caring, giving, and a loving partner, like my John. LIFE IS GRAND, IF YOU MAKE & FEEL IT TO BE SO!!! I realized these past two weeks on how much we rely on our health every day... and with it being taken away from me... I choose to make better decisions and do more things with family and friends. We never know when our day will come... So Please make each and every day count in the lives of the ones you love and cherish...Even, In Your Own!!! TIP OF THE WEEK: When you go to buy bread in the grocery store... Have you ever wondered which is the freshest??? Do you "squeeze" for freshness or softness??? Did you know that bread is delivered fresh to the stores five days a week? Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Each day has a different color twist tie or plastic clip. They are: Monday = Blue, Tuesday = Green, Thursday = Red, Friday = White, Saturday = Yellow. So, if today was Thursday, you would want red twist tie; not white which is Fridays (almost a week old)!!! The colors go alphabetically by color: Blue- Green - Red - White - Yellow. Monday through Saturday. Tis very easy to remember. I thought this was interesting. I looked in the grocery store and the bread wrappers DO have different twist ties, and even the ones with the plastic clips have different colors. You CAN learn

CHA RLENE'S COCONUT OI L M UFFI NS 1/ 4 tsp. fine salt 1 tsp. pure vanilla 1 cup drained canned crushed pineapple 1 cup grated carrots METHOD: -Soften the coconut oil in your mixing bowl by creaming it with a mixing fork or wooden spoon. -To this, add the sugar and then the eggs. Mix well. Add the vanilla. -Sift or whisk the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt together. Then add this into the batter. -Grate the carrots and drain the crushed ? pineapple pressing out the juice. Don't throw out the juice from the pineapple. I added this juice to a container of orange juice for our morning juice. -Add the carrots, drained crushed pineapple and All Bran to the muffin batter. Stir just to combine everything. -Use 2 paper muffin liners per muffin in a 12 cup tin. Have your oven set to 350 degrees F. -Use a scoop to fill the 12 muffin cups. Bake the muffins for 18 to 20 minutes. Mine were exactly 18 minutes. Perfectly baked and delicious! SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Monday to Saturday -9 to 5

something NEW every day... No matter how old or you are!!! So enjoy "Fresh Bread" when you buy bread with the right color on the day you are shopping on. Last Friday I had the pleasure (after being in the house for nearly 2 weeks) to go on a mini-road-trip to Montreal with my eldest daughter, Melinda. We were on a mission to pick up a precious package. The day was perfect and the roads were clear to take this trip safely to enable us to pick up the NEWest member to the family...an 8-week-old, English Bulldog puppy. What A Doll!!! She's so Perfect and beautifully marked and so Healthy. We chose different names for the puppy on the way home, but Melinda and I waited to be with the rest of the family to have them vote on a name for this precious puppy. The previous owners called her Queenie...so we choose Queen, Daisy, Pearl for her "official name". It was such a joy to be with Daisy and the rest of the grandkiddies over the weekend. From being on the road to feeling and getting better gave me that "BOOST" that I needed to get me on the Feeling Better Road to Happiness... My Family, My Happiness!!! ITEM OF THE WEEK: Spring is waaay less then a month away, (March 21st to be exact) So then that means Summer is just around a couple of corners. The item I have choosen to show you this week is an item for SUMMERTIME!!! They are a pair of silicone "swim aides" to wear on your hands whilst swimming. They were ONLY $2.00 a pair and WILL HELP me swim more swiftly through the cooling, St. Lawrence waters, like the Littlest Mermaid. Why not get something from your Spring & or Summer things just to give you a glimmer of hope that Sunnier & Warmer days ARE ON THEIR WAY!!! FAMILY NEWS: I would like to wish my mom a belated Happy 78th Birthday. I look forward to spending some time with her once I'm completely feeling better. It's always best to 'time shift' birthdays and events, because there are times when we just can't be somewhere on the official date. So if you miss an important day, just choose another day when you can make the event happen. UNTIL NEXT WEEK: You know that just because a person smiles all of the time, doesn't mean their life is perfect...THAT "SMILE" you see is a symbol of Their HOPE & STRENGTH!!! Fact : It takes more muscles to FROWN, than to SMILE... So Turn That Frown Upside Down!!! Smiles Are Free... So FREELY Give Them Away This Week.

Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 8 - February 26 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Co unte ss

TRO TTIER/TRO TZIER an opportune tour of Beau's All Natural TAKING PURE From Brewing Company, they were inspired to establish Ol d 4t h Hop Yard in 2010, while HOPSTO focusing on their other future goal of supplying Beau's brewery with their organic hops. In VANKLEEKHILL 2013, they gained their organic certification. TOBEAU'S ALLNATURAL At the present time, they have 4 acres in production and 4 more are going to be added. BREWING CO.! They actually have the largest organic hop yard 'TAKING PURE HOPS' ... is not a reference to any cute Bunny as it hops over the snow or in a garden! 'Taking pure hops' is one of the most venturesome business a wonderful couple from Williamstown decided to begin in this area and proceed to hop forth to Vankleekhill and work hand in hand with the owner of Beau's Al l Nat ural Brewing Co.


When Stephanie Jaworski and Ron Brennan decided to create a business for themselves by transforming a farm land they had purchased in Williamstown - they decided to start growing organic hops. Neither had any experience or expertise in this area ... but they had a dream to achieve an amazing organic-hop-growing business. They allowed their free enterprise spirit (which is within all of us) to have full freedom to proceed towards this dream-goal.

in Eastern Ontario, and the 2nd largest certified organic hop yard in Canada. And...they are successfully selling their organic hops to Beau's Brewery! When the workshop started, during the Canadian Organic Growers "Eco Farm Day 2016: From Soil To Table" which was held at the Ramada Inn, Saturday, February 20th, many of us became totally fascinated with this couple's drive to making a success in the world of hop! At the same time, we became as amazed with the special force that directed Jef f McCaul ey and his f at her, Tim, t o open up an al l nat ural brewing company using onl y organic hops and ot her herbal ingredient s. Jef f has broken t hrough t he est abl ished modern corporat e ways of making al e and beer. He and his f at her areproceeding t o use onl y organic hops, mal t , herbs, spices, root s, f ruit and everyt hing el se


M ACDO NALD 5 Quest ions You Need To Ask Your Mort gage Lender Bef ore You Sign On The Dot t ed Line Credit to DLC online Blog Brian Mill Neighbourhood DLC, Port Elgin, Ontario

1. How are t he penal t ies cal cul at ed if I have t o break my mort gage earl y? Specifically, ask what rate they use to calculate the ?interest rate differential?. Typically, if the lender has ?posted rates? they use these to calculate the penalty. If this is the case, the penalty can be 3, 4 or even 5 times higher than a mortgage lender that does not have posted rates to calculate their early payout penalty calculation. This one question can save you thousands of dollars! 2. Is t his a ?col l at eral ? mort gage? Some lenders have recently started putting all of their mortgages into what is called a ?collateral? charge. In the right situation, given significant equity (at least 20% ) in the home, this product can be very useful and advantageous. The disadvantage to this product however, is that you cannot ?switch? it to another lender at maturity. You have to actually discharge this type of mortgage and re-register a new one with a new lender which will

t he creat ive brewers at Beau's need t o keep t heir beer f l owing...and it is f l owing wel l as demand f or t heir prist ine product s become more wel l known. Although the business was launched only on July 1, 2006, the Beau beers are available at LCBO liquor stores and throughout Eastern Ontario, as well as to some select Quebec locations. On March 2014, they began exporting to the State of New York. Being a newcomer to Cornwall, I was so fascinated with these Individuals' achievements in an area that few people would think of venturing into. In addition, since I am a 100% proponent of the Free Ent erprise Syst em and a dedicated admirer of small business entrepreneurs, I felt that We t he Eco-Conscious Peopl e right here in t his area can l ead many ot hers t o creat ing wonderf ul businesses and at t he same t ime t reat ing our l and, our Eart h, our Home wit h t ot al respect ... just l ike St ephanie, Ron, Tim and Jef f are doing! Let's toast these wonderful entrepreneurs who are making the organic Beau's Beers and with healthy organic hops! Do visit: http:/ / www.beaus.ca/ and their Brewery in Vankleekhill.

t erm? This is a very commonly overlooked detail by those who take the insurance offered by their bank or lender. The challenge is that if you want to ?switch? your mortgage to another lender at the end of your term, you have to re-apply for insurance. The downside to this is that you?ll be five years older, and if you have developed any health issues, you may not qualify for the insurance at all. Getting insurance from a third party can stay in place for the whole time you have your mortgage, no matter who your mortgage lender is. 5. What happens at t he end of t he t erm (t ypical l y f ive years)? Will they offer you the best rate they offer their new clients, or will you have to negotiate for best rates at that time. Most banks know that clients likely won?t make the effort to negotiate the best rates. Working with an independent Mortgage Broker will provide you with the most competitive rates, not only when you buy your home, but when it comes up for renewal each term. Jenni MacDonald (www.jmacdonald.ca) is a Mortgage Broker with Dominion Lending Centres The Mortgage Source (Lic.# 10145). She has over 5 years of experience in the Mortgage Industry and works with at least 40 lenders including banks, credit unions, and private lenders to find the best mortgage for each client. You can contact her by phone or text at 613-551-0639 or via email at jmacdonald@dominionlending.ca

Give t he Gif t of Relaxat ion w it h a Gif t Cer t if icat e

cost on average $1000 for legal fees and appraisal costs. 3. Can I ?bl end and ext end? or ?port ? my mort gage if I buy anot her house? Most variable rate mortgages cannot be ?blended? however, typically the penalty to break a variable is 3 months interest. Some lenders have changed their policies (very quietly) ? instead of allowing you to add new money to a mortgage in the event of a new purchase, they require you to pay the full penalty. Some clients have been caught off guard by sneaky lenders who don?t tell them this until only a few days before close, at which time it?s too late to switch lenders.

Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com (613) 662-5549

4. What happens t o my l if e insurance if I swit ch l enders at t he end of my

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 8 - February 26 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l

t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION 4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca


Open 7 days a week

THELIBRARY?9STHANNU AL WRITING CONTEST ISON! Full detailson librarywebsiteat www.library.cornwall.on.ca


Free program presented in partnership with Hoople Creek Farm. Find out how you can participate. Drop-in program.

Workshop for chil dren ages 5 to 13 - 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Workshop for women - 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Registration required by phone at 613-932-4796 or in person at the library.

THE SINGING BOWLS Sunday, April 3 at 2:00 p.m.


Learn how to play singing bowls and experience their unique vibrations. Free and fun workshop for the family at the library. Free registration required.

LEARN HOW TO PERFORM CPR MONDAY, APRIL 11 OR MONDAY, MAY 16, 2016 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm 2 HOUR CLASS PROVIDED BY CORNWALL EMS INSTRUCTORS Registration required with the library.



MARCH BREAK MINECRAFT MADNESS! March 14 t o 18, 2016 Fun programs for the whole family! Limited spots. Registration is required for all programs except for the Monday Movie MatinĂŠe. Check the library?s website for more information or give us a call.

THE FORUM Wednesday mornings, 9:30 a.m. t o 11:30 a.m. Join this discussion group of like-minded individuals for ?soul-full? presentations. Everyone is welcome. Drop-in program.

To n i g h t - Fr i d ay AN EVENT yo u d o n 't wan t t o m i ss ...


SELF-DEFENCE WORKSHOPS Sat urday, March 5t h.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 8 - February 26 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Wi t h FEB

U P?



Al kal ine Ent ert ainment and The Royal Canadian Legion present s A Tribut e t o DWIGHT YOAKAM with the Black Canyon Orchestre at the Royal Canadian Legion, 415 Second St. W. Tickets $25 in adv or $30 at the door. Call 613-933-5882 for more info.

the FEB


Ment al Heal t h Mat t ers Join Angele D'Alessio for mental health related topics with organizations and experts in our own community on Mental Health Matters Tuesday at 7:30 pm & Sunday 11 am. Knight s of Col umbus Famil y Breakf ast From 8:30 am to 12 noon, St. Francis De Sales Parish Hall, 434 2nd St. W. Adults: 7$, children: 3.50$

Knight s of Col umbus Spaghet t i Lunch & Supper Lunch: 11 am to 1 pm. Supper: 4:30 pm to 6 pm. 205 Amelia St. Served with coleslaw, bun, dessert, coffee & tea.

L'af f aire Charl ot t e Comédie du théâtre de L'Amalgame 613-551-5950 / présentée aux Dream Builder Studios





Sout h Of The Border Dance From 4 pm to 8 pm. Army, Navy & Air Force Club, 14 Marlborough St. N. Enjoy beach music, door and costume prizes.

FANTERA - THE TRIBUTE FROM HELL (TRIBUTE TO PANTERA) Saturday, February 27th, 2016 At The Port Theater Doors at 7PM - Show at 8PM All Ages / 19+ Licensed Bar $15 tickets available at participating locations. $20 at the box office evening of the event. Tickets are available at Melody

W H A T 'S

Music, Lotto Kiosk At The Cornwall Square, St Lawrence Appilance Service and The Port Theater During Movie Hours or call 613-933-4547.


The Kindness Project The collaborative design involving 300 Boys & Girls Club kids working together on an epic mosaic centered on themes of kindness, belonging, respect and encouragement as ways to make our community bully free are the focus of a special documentary. Watch the ?Kindness Project?, at 7 pm.


Vu Night spot Throwback Part y Starting at 10:00PM Vu is hosting a throwback party with DJ XTC playing all the hits ranging from the 80's, 90's and 00's! Be sure to come early and double fist some $3 drinks before midnight then switch it up to some $11 mini pitchers all night long! Doors open at 10, Ladies get in free, FREE coatcheck & $5 cover after 11!





TUESDAY Your event woul dbe here had you cal l edit in! Next t imedon't f orget ,cal l 613-935-3763IT'S FREE!


STROKE SURVIVOR SUPPORT GROUP An opportunity for all stroke survivors and their caregivers to share and learn together. Meeting will be held at Riverdale Terrace Retirement Residence, 1200 Second St. West. Info: John Milnes 613-933-1151 or Deena Dufresne 613-936-8784. Visit our website: www.stroke-easternontario.org WEDNESDAY EVENTS Cont inued

... MAR



Science of Saving Sal amanders Join Salamander Conservationist - Matt Ellerbeck for a fascinating and insightful presentation on the plight of salamanders and how you can help in their conservation. This session in held at Schnitzels European Flavours at 7PM and is free but space is limited. Register by emailing Karen at kcooper@riverinstitute.ca or call 613-936-6620 (ext.229)




Pat hs t o Change - Benef it Concert & Sil ent Auct ion Please join us at 7:00pm in Schnitzel?s European Flavours Banquet Room to experience an evening of musical harmony with our special guests: Dylan Groulx, Pamela Cumming, and Nick Seguin. Tickets are $40, and are available for pick-up at Counselling and Support Services at 26 Montreal Rd. Contact Sarah at sgood@sdccornwall.ca or by calling (613) 662-7192.




Grade 7 & 8 TEEN DANCE Sponsored by Cl ub Oct agon at La Citadel - 6:30-9:30pm Student ID required. Music by: DJ Shel l shock and Madame-Mix-A-Lot Worl d Day of Prayer 1:30 pm: refreshments, 2 pm: interdenominational bilingual service. St. Peter's Church, 2900 2nd St. E. Cornwal l ?s Newest Psychic & Wel l ness Show Here at Psychic Fairs, we are committed to hosting one of the newest Psychic Fair circuits. We typically travel with Psychic / Mediums, Tarot Card Readers, Astrologists, Numerologists, Past Life Professionals, Energy Healers and much more! From 2 - 9PM at The Best Western, Cornwall

Rest orat ion wit h Nat ive Pl ant s It's not too late to register for this weekend's workshop on Property and Shoreline Restoration with Native Plants at Cooper Marsh Conservation Area. Takes place from 10AM- 2PM and special guests include native plant expert Philip Fry and Chris Craig who will discuss medicinal plants.

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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 8 - February 26 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Co r n wal l Ci vi c Co m p l ex

Nex t Su n d ay, M ar ch 6


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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 8 - February 26 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Seen These Around? Cornwal l McDonal d?s rol l out t heir new kiosks and t he ?Create Your Taste? menu - by Jul ia Lucio Submitted photos McDonald?s Canada, who will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2017, is revolutionizing the fast food industry by totally transforming their consumers? experience when visiting the fast food chain. ?We want our guests to walk in and be wowed by an experience that?s modern and personalized, but still the McDonald?s they know and love.? said John Betts, president and CEO of McDonald?s Canada. And one stop at Cornwall?s modernized restaurants will show you how McDonald?s is re-writing the rules of guest service with customizable menu options, new technology and a best-in-class customer service. I personally visited for the first time last week when taking my son over for his birthday dinner. I wasn?t expecting this new concept. ?What have you done with my McDonald?s,? I thought as I looked at the high tech, touch

screen kiosk, but in a good way.

A ?Guest Experience Leader? was waiting on hand and immediately offered to guide me through my first time, ensuring a memorable dining experience. With her help, I built my own burger, tailored to my taste, with numerous new options such as tomato pesto, blue cheese, caramelized onions or guacamole, then took a fancy shmancy electronic number locator and proceeded to sit down and wait. Shortly after, the hot gourmet burger was brought to my table, along with hot crispy fries, a drink, salt and ketchup. I didn?t have to lift a finger! I was honestly impressed not only by the freshness of the food I ordered, cooked to perfection and dressed with all my favourites, but more so by the level of service I witnessed. Of course, my first reaction was to think ?how long will that last?? When looking at the social media chatter, this seemed to be the main question, and concern, on the general public?s mind. Most people are leery this surge of service will last but as long as it takes to train the masses, then dissipate to eliminate the traditional customer service, cut jobs and get rid of people interaction. However, one phone call to Michelle Yao, Communications Manager for McDonald?s

Restaurants of Canada Limited, Ontario Region, nipped that thought right in the bud. ?It?s quite the opposite. The local franchisee who owns restaurants in Cornwall and Brockville has hired over 50 new employees so far with the roll out of the new concept,? said Yao in an interview with the Seeker. McDonald?s Canada expects to grow to 100,000 people across its corporate and franchised restaurants by the end of 2017. This concept, although new to Canada, has been tested and proven in other countries. ?The Create Your Taste burger concept is available in Australia, France, China, Poland, the U.K. and select markets in the U.S.? continued Yao. We?ve already been there 4 times in the last 2 weeks and even though the cost is considerably higher than that of a regular Extra Value Meal? some $12.00 as opposed to the average $7.00? it is well worth the money. It?s no wonder I?m sold! My McDonald?s is now a place the kids and the parents can equally enjoy. Now if they only could get some sweet potato fries!

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Lo o k


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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 8 - February 26 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



M a rie

ADJUSTMENTS CRA contributions, student loan interest, medical savings account contributions, moving expenses, self-employed health insurance, other self-employed pension plans, alimony paid, educator expenses.



Organizing Your Taxes Organizing your taxes can reduce a lot of stress that leads to procrastination when tax time comes! How you organize your taxes will have a lot to do with where you are in your life and how detailed or extensive your taxes are.

WHATDOCUMENTSTO KEEPWHENORGANIZINGYOURTAXES Before organizing your taxes, you need to know what to keep. When the new year comes, always plan to do your taxes ASAP. The only thing holding you back is waiting to receive all the paperwork from employers, banks, etc. Always ask the question ?Did I get everything I need yet?? Instead of asking and wondering, why not make a checklist so you?ll know for sure! Your list will vary every year depending on changes in income, banking, investments, expenses, etc. You may also want to go back to the last year tax papers and see what documents you received, saved and submitted. Here is the basic:

INCOME Income from jobs, investment income, alimony received, business or farming income, pension distributions, rental property income , unemployment income, social security benefits, income from sales of property, miscellaneous income.

Childcare expenses, interest you paid - mortgage, etc., charitable donations, casualty and theft losses, job expenses, other miscellaneous tax deductions, medical and dental expenses, provincial taxes and local income taxes real estate taxes personal property taxes.

WHERE TO STORE YOUR TAX DOCUMENTS AS YOU RECEIVE THEM For most of us, a shoe box or folder is about all we need to organize the handful of tax documents we receive for the year. But if you have a lot of deductions or also run a business, you?re going to need to do a little more organizing for sanity sake when tax time comes. Be sure t o keep any business rel at ed papers in t heir own f il ing syst em. The main goal here is to keep it as simple as possible so that you?ll use it, but detailed enough to make the task of preparing taxes much easier.

THE SINGLE FILE TAX FOLDER Place all your tax documents in this folder when you receive them so they?ll be ready when you prepare your taxes. No sorting required. This wil l onl y work if you have no more t han about a dozen document s you expect t o work wit h. Your tax forms or tax software will guide you as to what you need to pull out next. When you get to the end of your tax forms, you should not have any documents left in the folder. If you do, you need to double check where that document belongs in your calculations.

us. Congr atulations to Randy and Car ol! The Seeker also sends Congr atulations to all the other w inner s of the 28th Annual Business Excellence Aw ar ds and Citizen of the Year : Above a nd Beyond: Dr . M ichel Dubuc Amba ssa dor of the Yea r : Ra ndy Sauve (Fa nta sy Rea lm) Business of the Yea r : RM P Constr uction (Bob Pelda )

Seek er Co n t r i b u t o r Car o l Gr an t t ak es t h e st ag e wi t h Ran d y Sau ve (Fan t asy Real m ) at t h e Co r n wal l Ch am b er o f Co m m er ce Bu si n ess Ex cel l en ce Awar d s t o r ecei ve t h e Am b assad o r o f t h e Year Awar d fo r CAPE

Entr epr eneur of the Yea r : M ike Ba ir d a nd R.J. Payette (Esca Gour met Pizza ) Lifetime Business Achievement: M or ber n I ndustr ies (David Bloomfield) Sma ll Business of the Yea r : W ilson Funer a l Home Tour ism Excellence: 2015

Am idst a night of glam our and glitz, w ith a w onder ful m eal pr epar ed by Chef Luc M cCabe, per for m ances by tr apeze ar tists and juggler s and m usic playing, the Cor nw all Cham ber of Com m er ce Business Excellence Aw ar ds took place at the NAV Centr e on Satur day night. The night w as hosted by Bill Halm an and Dan Allair e fr om BOOM 101.9. Our ?Out and about? colum nist, Car ol Gr ant w as ther e cover ing the event for us and at the second Aw ar d announcem ent (the Am bassador of the Year ) her evening totally changed w hen the w inner w as announced. It w as her fiancĂŠ Randy Sauve, ow ner of Fantasy Realm on Pitt Str eet. The aw ar d w as to honour the w or k that is done thr ough CAPE (Cor nw all and ar ea Pop Event) an annual Com icCon and pop cultur e event that in it?s fir st year saw 3,500 visitor s and helped pr om ote Cor nw all w hile Randy and Car ol tr aveled to other Com icCons ar ound Canada r esear ching for their local event. Car ol, w ho helps Randy put the event together w as so excited w hen she w as invited to the stage. She told m e ?This w as so totally unexpected and such an honour ? and m anaged to com plete her assignm ent and cover the r est of the Aw ar ds Evening for

I nter nationa l Plowing M atch Economic I mpa ct: Wa lma r t Ca na da 2015 Citizen of the Yea r : Her ma nn Roga lsk (photo r ight) Another w onder ful event or ganized by Lezlie Str asser and her Team at the Cham ber.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 8 - February 26 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


back from moving on and letting this person go you need to decide your game plan. Will you stay and fight or is it finally time to say good-bye? No one else except you can determine your decision and it?s important to fully understand and comprehend the consequences of your choice. If it?s a newer relationship and you?re already feeling this way then maybe it?s best to cut all ties before you get in any deeper? If you?ve been together longer and there are other people involved (families, children) it?s important to make sure the way you?re feeling about the relationship isn?t stress induced and be sure that you?re not just looking for an excuse and a way out to alleviate you?re grown-up responsibilities.



Sha nno n

FERG USO N Is Your Rel at ionship at a St al emat e?

So, you?ve been dating someone for a little while now, maybe three months, maybe six, maybe even a year and while things were great at first you?ve started to notice it?s just not the same anymore. The butterflies are gone and the cute things that you used to find endearing are now nothing more than annoying habits. You keep chalking it up to the fact that the infatuation is dwindling because it?s becoming more serious. You continue to convince yourself that the honeymoon phase doesn?t last forever but in your heart you know that really, maybe it?s just not right.

At the end of the day, love is always trivial at some point. Love comes in many forms and feels different for everyone. The love you may have with one person could be completely different with another but it doesn?t mean it?s not love just the same. The same goes for comfort, which many people confuse with love too much of the time. Finding someone whose company you

enjoy and who helps you in your quest of not becoming an Old Maid might not be love but if it works for you then who is anyone to tell you it?s wrong? Just don?t remain comfortable for the sake of it if every day or every few days you keep questioning yourself and why you stay. Trust your heart, trust your gut, and trust your head because you?re doing yourself no favours if you continue to wake up every morning in a constant stalemate, with nothing holding you back but no moves to make. Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. View her blog at www.thelovehawk.com, like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk and be sure to listen to her online radio show "The Love Hawk" every Tuesday at 6pm at www.dunet.ca

You?re not alone. So many people find themselves in these situations. Situations where they have put in time and effort; they have opened themselves up to someone and they really don?t want to turn their back on something now, even though it?s nothing near the best they?ve ever had (or will have). People become comfortable. They hate being alone so they become comfortable with someone they think might be right for them at first, and at first it really does seem right. The problem is as the weeks and months dwindle on it becomes clearer and clearer that this is not the person for them. Life keeps moving, plans keep happening, and soon enough they?re in so deep that there?s no way they could abruptly put an end to it. They become stuck. Maybe you can relate to this directly or perhaps you?re seeing a good friend or loved one go through something similar. It?s a rough spot to be in because the relationship has seemingly become a never-ending chess game with the players involved making skillful moves to creating a constant check mate that allows neither party to move. The truth is, if you?re not happy in your relationship your partner probably isn?t either but no one wants to admit it so instead you both feign interest and watch the days pass--each of you unhappy with the life you keep choosing. The key is to understand what you?re so scared of. Why haven?t you ended it yet, why haven?t you made a move: Are you scared to be alone? Are you scared to hurt the other person? Are you scared that maybe it?s really not as bad as it seems and that you?d be leaving something that could get better in time? I?m sure these questions run through your head a lot. At this point your thoughts could be sponsored by Nike because they constantly run full marathons in your mind all day long. These are legitimate questions though and since you?re a legitimate person (I hope) it only makes sense that you would have such worries. Once you figure out what?s holding you

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 8 - February 26 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PRINCIPAL SPONSORS 2016


DESNO YERS NOW I T BEGI NS ... W hat exciting tim es to be an ar tist in Cor nw all! This w eek, Ar ts and Cultur e m ade the fr ont page of local new spaper s. Wednesday Febr uar y 25th, at the Civic Com plex, stakeholder s, ar tists, politicians and inter ested citizens cam e together to be infor m ed and shar e ideas w ith consultants fr om VG Ar chitects r egar ding the location, pr ogr am ing and design of an ar ts and cultur e centr e in our city.

M any m em ber s fr om Focus Ar t w er e on hand to expr ess the needs of visual ar tists and their vision of shar ing studio space, teaching ar eas, galler y and exhibition space. Ther e seem ed to be a consensus that ther e be openness, allow ing a cr osspollination of ideas am ong all the disciplines in the design of the centr e. Despite the discour aging w eather , The Open House br ought m any people together for a fir st tim e ar ound one com m on goal: the r eality of an ar t centr e. This is so exciting. By no m eans is the pr ocess com plete, but I w ould dar e say, it?s w ell on its w ay. If you m issed the event you can still have input by filling in the sur vey; just Google: Cor nw all Ar ts and Cultur e Centr e Feasibility Study or send your ideas to Jam ie Faw thr op. I n the photo Louise M ignault sha r es her idea s with Da n Wojcik, one of the consulta nts. Also this w eek, a gr oup of independent ar tists led by Tr acy Davis, set up a petition on line (change.or g) inviting r eader s to endor se a Statem ent of Unity for an ar t centr e built on inclusiveness, cooper ation, and r espect of ALL r egional ar tists, patr ons and visitor s. Todd Bennett kindly r eceived m or e than 200 signatur es in the tw o days it w as on line. Is this an exam ple of unity? I think so.

FOCUS ART PRESENTS: M ONET ... Do you know Oscar -Claude M onet? W hen ever yone painted like the m aster s, Claude M onet (1840-1926) dr ifted to the outdoor s and painted natur e; he studied the effect of light en plein air and painted using br oken color and r apid str okes in w hat w ould later be know n as im pr essionism . Satur day, Febr uar y 20th, at OBO studios, a gr oup of 15 ar tists ventur ed into the w or ld of M onet thr ough a novel appr oach suggested by instr uctor s Em ily M cLeod and Tr acy-Lynn Chisholm . After a br ief but factual intr oduction on M onet, the teacher s had us tr ansfer 4?x6? com positions using pastels onto gr aphite shr ink film paper. This w as done either by pointillism or r apid str okes. Once com plete, the cr eations w er e slipped into the oven for tw o m inutes. The r esult is m agic...a concentr ated ver sion of intense colour s on a br ittle plastic (2?x3?) r eady to fr am e. It m ade m e think that M onet under stood w hat w e today call pixels and the w or kshop itself, explains w hy my paintings look so gr eat in a photogr aph. The after noon w as delightful...tim e to m ake fr iends and discover another w ay to do ar t. Isn?t that w hat it?s all about? Beatr ice Dumbr eck pr oudly displays her mini-M onets

For mor e infor mation a bout Focus Ar t go to w w w.focusa r tonline.or g

Sponsors of Focus Art

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 8 - February 26 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

e uGET SEEN...NOT LOS Bu sin eB s su c k e...t wh eryo



ORGANIZING/ DECLUTTERING YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS Ready to declutter and not sure how to go about it? Want an easy


OFFER VALID FEBRUARY AND MARCH ONLY way to find where every thing is? Want a way to remember everything you are supposed to do, so you do not forget anything? Then let Marie Morrell, an expert in the field of organization for home and business, help you reclaim your life and space with "A Work Easy Solution". Marie offers a friendly yet systematic, confidential and a non-judgmental approach. In a very short t ime, you will be in control of your life and belongings. By being organized you will improve your: -

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often not meet MY expectations. So what? Who?s to say I am always right? It?s not my duty to control people but I will do my best to guide others in a direction that will offer them and those they love a better return? for their efforts.

M O NTSIO N It?s that time of year when we are encouraged to invest so we can expect a beneficial return on our hard worked money. We?ve all seen the charts that stimulate us into a positive action. The earlier we begin ? the greater the profit especially as we prepare for retirement. There are a variety of other investments that are just as important. Anyone who has raised children know that it is vital to invest not just our time but also our talent and treasure to lead them into a responsible adult. I?ve read and heard of many professionals who are warning us to limit the amount of time our children spend watching TV and using their cell phones. It is the new addiction that is becoming a challenge to producing a balanced generation. I believe my best investment is in people even though they will

In 1975 my wife and I invested our lives into serving God. Some of my co-workers questioned my decision. It didn?t make sense to leave a secure job that I loved doing in the oil industry and begin my Bible School studies. Most of my coworkers in the late 1970?s are now relaxing with a healthy retirement plan. Good for them. My reward is still to come and the main benefits are not found on an annual balance sheet. Jesus told those who gathered to hear His Sermon on the Mount ? Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal.? Matthew 6:19,20). With our global economy in such a volatile condition I definitely encourage everyone to invest in what the Bible shows us to be an eternal reward. Pastor Brad Montsion Fountaingate Christian Assembly

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 8 - February 26 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


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FOR SALE: MTD Riding Mower, like new condition, 11hp, 38" cut Asking $650, Power Pressure Washer, PSI 1500, never used, Asking $123, 613-933-1083 FOR SALE: Kid's billiard pool table and dart board, 613-935-6284 FOR SALE: High Back office chair, new $40. 2 Piece Luggage $40. 613-346-5583 FOR SALE: Propellor for Mercury motor. 13 pitch. 613-932-4954 FOR SALE: Like new dining room set, table with 2 extra panels and 6 chairs. $500. 613-932-6526 WANTED: Bill Brysen novels and a heating blanket. 613-933-9618 FOR SALE: Pontiac Montana, 2006, 200,000K, $2500 OBO. 613-935-8101

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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 8 - February 26 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


S Conf idence Buil ding R MAIN SPEAKER - SUE MCGARVIE E Asking f or Hel p K Sue, ?Sex with Sue? McGarvie, is a Clinical Sex and Relationship A Living Chemical Free Therapist, and an International Expert in the area of Low Libido and E Desire. She is the founder of The Ottawa Sex Therapy and Growing as a Woman Sexual Libido Clinic and YOUR sex and relationship therapist. SP Business Opport unit y

Sue McGarvie has been an Internationally Recognized Sex and Relationship Therapist for 21 years and is the author of LIST OF EXHIBITORS three best selling books on sexuality and intimacy. 1 - Versacore/ The Seeker 2a - Enjo 2b - The Couch 3 - KathleenMorinRMT 5 - InnovativeTherapy 6 - JusuruInternational 7a - SimplySatin 7b - Younique 8 - AngelReadings 9 - CottageBlue 10 - Tupperware 11a- Nerium 12 - HoopleCreekFarm 13a- It works 13b - AshleyMcDonaldRMT 14 - AlpinsInteriors 15a- MissD's ArtsyAccessories 15b - Sophia'sHealthyChoices 16 - 100 Womenwho care 17 -RoyalLepage 18- TwinFlameCreations 19 - TwinFlameCreations 20 - Arbonne 21 - Jamberry 22 - Aboveand Beyond 23 - SunsetGourmet 24 - SunsetGourmet 25 - McIntoshMassage 26 - Scentsy 27 - LdaraInternational 28 - PureRomance 29 - Jewelryin Candles 30a- SweetLeggins 30b - Thirty-OneGifts 31a- AncientArt of Beauty 31b - SusieGlassArt 32 - StateFarmInsurance 33a- GentleBeginningsMidwifery 33b - SteepedTea 34 - Epicure 35 - AerusElectrolux 36 - DJShellshock t i ck et s Buy y outrer t he 37 - Invitationsand More 38a- MaryKay t o en $ 5 i n ad v an ce ff ree 38b - Curves or 39 - Internova $ 1 0 at t h e d o o r kids 40 - AccessAcupuncture See the new line! 41 - PartyLite 42 - EvolvingMedia 43a- BeleafCreations age d r aw k c a p 43b - CanadianCancerSociety which includes by Annie Laperle 44a- Avon 44b - Stella& Dot Hai r , M ak eu p ,M assag e,M an i / Ped ib y Ab o ve& Beyo n d- Fl o wer sb y Fl o r al Ex p r essi o n s 45 - EquipePsychoSociale Lu n ch at Sco r es - Di n n erat Ei g h t Zer o Zer o - Over n i g h tSt ay at a Ram ad a 46 - MaisonBaldwinHouse/ Sass Jewel l er yfr o m Li fe's Li t t l e Pl easu r es 47a- FairySweet 47b - Your ChoiceRealty 48a- ShineYoga 48b - Rodan+Fields 49 - Rocks& Sandy's 50 - YoungLiving 51a- Emese'sDreamProduction 51b - MaisonInterlude 52a- CornwallCareerCollege 52b - Sue McGarvie 53 - Children'sAid Society 54 - HerbalMagic 55 - Gel Moments 56a- Bath Solutions 56b - CornwallHealingArts 61a- OasisHair and Day Spa 61b - NaturallyBeautifulyou 62 - Costco 66 - Knot by Design

! o o t e r a u o y e d- hop e t i c x e e 'r e w GOeetE. r t O S T K d E n E 2 7 W 2 E 3 R t 1 MO f i cea f o e h t t a s t e k Get y our t i c



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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 8 - February 26 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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