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Yo ur CO M M UNITY EVENTS a nd ALTERNATIVE Ne w sp a p e r

Vol ume 7 Issue 43 November 11, 2016

Read Jaso n Set n yk 's i n t er vi ew wi t h TVO h o st an d b est sel l i n g au t h o r :

STEVE PAIKIN o n p .1 1

See h i s "Fi r esi d e Ch at " i n Co r n wal l at t h e Ch i l d r en 's Tr eat m en t Cen t r e Fu n d r ai ser o n Sat u r d ay, No vem b er 1 2 t h , 2 0 1 6 at t h e Nav Cen t r e. Fi n d o u t m o r e i n si d e! The Night America Broke My Heart The LoveHawk P. 4

The Secret Lit erary Lif e of Art ist Al an Bain


P. 5

Int erview wit h Sl im Cessna's Aut o Cl ub

P. 13

Always a Dunne Deal




Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d

EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...



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Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker


LUCIO Hat e Trumps Love It has happened. It has happened, and I keep having to pinch myself. I am waiting for the camera crew to pop out from behind the curtain and yell ?you?ve been pranked!? I keep hoping this is just one big joke the American Government has pulled on us to break the Guinness Book of World Record for the most people fooled in one instance.

It has happened, and today, I had to try to explain to my children how this disrespectful misogynist racist, this guy whose mouth can?t be kept in check, this sorry excuse of a human being who does every single thing I tell my kids NOT to do on a daily basis, ended up at the helm of the most powerful nation in the world. They were heartbroken. They were afraid of what this means for their family in Texas. I didn?t know how to explain it or reassure them; I?m terrified of the implications of a Trump presidency, of what it means to me as a mother, as the wife of an American who has so much passion for his country, as a business person in constant dealings with my neighbours to the south. I simply lied and told them it was going to be ok. I told them the president doesn?t make decisions by himself. I didn?t tell them Hitler found his way to power through loopholes in democracy or that I?m horrified at the thought history could repeat itself. Dear America. On Tuesday, you have proven that we live in a world where education or experience doesn?t matter, where an illiterate Twitter sensation who can?t put a sentence together, who has no plan other than ?you?ll see, it will be great?, can win anyone over by simply telling you what you want to hear, by speaking to the stupidest part of your being and reducing you to follow your primal basic instincts, like animals. America, you chose to listen to the emotions of hate and fear he instilled in you rather than use your God-given brain to make decisions. It is sad. It is infuriating. The only person Trump has ever worked for is himself, so what could have made you think he would work for you now? Despite what he says, isn?t he part of the problematic 1% ? Isn?t he part of the ?establishment?? Do you truly believe that just because he is not a career politician, that puts him in your corner? Don?t actions speak louder than words?

WH A T ar e yo u w a i t i n gf o r ? CALL M AI-LIIS TODAY 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 ext 1 0 2 A d ve r t i si n g w i t h Th e Se e T O k er N IS e I t 's a n an Ex p e n s I N V ESTM EN T! As a nation, America wanted to believe bigotry, racism, homophobia and sexism was a thing of the past, but it is alive and well, stronger than ever, in fact. You thought because you made history having the first Black Family in the White House the last two terms, you were safe. Hillary was doing good, she didn?t need your vote. You got lazy. The white man won, dear minorities. He brainwashed you into oppression. As Van Jones would say, he ?whitelashed? you for putting a black president into office. Division won. Hate trumped love. It was also a monumental slap in the face of mainstream media, one that said loud and clear that it is now irrelevant, that the polls mean nothing, that you win elections through Twitter, not CNN. After the Trudeau victory in October 2015, I wrote an editorial piece entitled ?Give the guy a chance?. It would be hypocritical of me and show a double standard to not tell you the same about Trump. So I will. I will tell you to give the guy a chance. I won?t say it as convincingly, or with much hope, but I will say it nonetheless because in the end, America has to pick itself up and keep on moving, stronger together. Hillary gracefully conceded. Can Trump Supporters now gracefully win? "Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead." -Hillary Clinton

No, not anymore. A loud obnoxious filthy mouth spewing insults, derogatory statements and vile comments is clearly what speaks louder. Ladies, our ancestors, the ones who fought so hard to give us the right to vote, would turn in their graves to see how many of you tossed that hard-earned vote to regress and not progress. But sadly, it didn?t boil down to your vote. It would seem to have boiled down to the male, white, uneducated vote.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 43 - November 11 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity

Ne w s


Present ed by

Jason Set nyk Compl et e St ories on our Websit e www.t heseeker.ca

LEST WE FORGET - Residents are welcome to attend the annual Remembrance Day ceremony on Friday, November 11th at 11 am at the Cornwall Cenotaph on Second Street West. Note Cornwall Transit buses will be running Friday. Also there will be no changes to the garbage & recycling schedule.

FACEOFF FOR FUN IN LE VILLAGE - The Fourth Annual Santa?s Street Hockey Challenge will be held on Saturday Nov. 19, 2016 on Montreal Road between McConnell Avenue and Baldwin Street, in the heart of Le Village. The tournament, which sees hundreds of local children hit the street to enjoy Canada?s favourite game, is played in a 3-on-3 format with no goalies to make sure the pace is quick, and the fun lasts all day. ?We believe that having fun is the most important part of sport and every player who participates will receive a tournament medal,? said street hockey challenge co-organizer Jeff McCullough. The event has become synonymous with the popular Santa Claus Parade that takes place in Cornwall later in the evening on the same day and likewise attracts families from across the city and region. ?We are hoping for a good turnout this year, and in addition to our open division, we have a school challenge for Grades 1 to 8,? said co-organizer Robin McIntosh. ?Schools will compete for prizes of $1,000, $750, and $500. The criteria for the competition are school spirit, sportsmanship, and the number of teams entered.? Teams can still enter by contacting McIntosh at cstmcintosh@yahoo.com. DREAMTEAM DONATES TO CCHF FOUNDATION The Royal LePage Dreamteam (Jen Blair Manley Sales Rep and Asst. Christal Bowen) have created a drive to support the PINK movement for October for Breast Cancer. These girls are best known through social media as the Dreamteam. That being said, they asked that for every share that was shared on Facebook they would donate $1.00. We had 200 shares,

Jen matched share for share which contributed to our total of $400.00. The Dreamteam extends a special THANK YOU to everyone who contributed. MPP JIM MCDONELL REINTRODUCES BILL - In the previous session, MPP Jim McDonell introduced Bill 219, the Delegated Administrative Authorities Accountability and Transparency Act. The reintroduced Bill (now Bill 58) would, if passed into law, make the appointment process to Delegated Authorities such as the Technical Standards and Safety Authority, Electrical Safety Authority, Motor Vehicle Council and other agencies subject to parliamentary review, subject them to the Freedom of Information Act and the Sunshine List, as well as opening these agencies to scrutiny by the Auditor-General and the Ombudsman of Ontario. ?Consumers want industrial and professional regulators to focus on accountability and consumer protection? MPP Jim McDonell stated. CORNWALL NATIONALS SPLIT WEEKEND CONTESTS ? It was a weekend of firsts for the Federal Hockey League?s newest team, the Cornwall Nationals. Cornwall picked up its first road victory on Friday night before falling for the first time on Saturday night on home ice, a 3-2 defeat at the hands of the Watertown Wolves. Ed Zdolshek made 32 saves to backstop Watertown to victory in front of 1,117 fans at the Civic Complex. The Wolves took a 3-0 lead with 2:50 to play in the middle frame. But, MJ Graham put the Nationals on the board when he was rewarded for his hard work in front of the Watertown net. Graham pounced on a loose puck and finally solved Zdolshek with 20.7 seconds left on the clock. The momentum carried over to the third for the Nationals, who would eventually capitalize on a powerplay. Lou Dickenson one-timed a perfect cross-crease feed from Jeff Legue at 3:04 of the period to bring Cornwall to within a goal. Gervais was tagged with the loss in goal for Cornwall, despite a 40-save performance. Watertown outshot Cornwall

43-34. On Friday Anthony Mezzagno scored twice, including the game-winning goal, as the Nationals edged the Berlin River Divers 4-3 in their first ever FHL road contest. LIAM LASCELLE GETS SHUTOUT WIN FOR CORNWALL COLTS - Cornwall Ontario ? Three different goal scorers lifted the Colts to a 3-0 victory over the Nepean Raiders at the Ed Lumley Arena last Thursday. Roddie Sandilands (2), Konnor MacCormick (5) and Grant Cooper with his CCHL leading 16th goal of the season scored for the Colts. The Colts outshot the Raiders 29-25 with Liam Lascelle earning his 2nd shutout of the season to along with his 9th win. The Colts jump into a tie for 3rd overall with Smiths Falls thanks to a record of 13-6-0-3 for 29 points. The Wendy?s Restaurant Three Stars of the game were the First Star, Konnor MacCormick (COR), Second Star, Liam Lascelle (COR) and the Third Star, William Cullen (NEP). The Colts return home next Thursday, November 10th to host the Hawkesbury Hawks. Game time is 7:30pm at the Ed Lumley Arena. SCHOOL BOARD FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario has reviewed and approved the financial statements for the fiscal period of September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2016. Ashley Hutchinson, Manager of Finance, presented the Financial Statements for the 2015-2016 school year, followed by Andrew Newman, partner with KPMG, who presented an unqualified Auditor?s Report to the Board of Trustees. ?As always, the Board strives to make the best use of its fiscal resources, to provide transparency and accountability with regard to the allocation of those resources, and to optimize resources in support of student achievement,? began Mrs. Hutchinson. ?Most importantly our funding is driven by enrolment,? she continued, ?and for the 2016-17 school year we are predicting a 1.7 per cent increase in enrolment above projections.? ?At year end, we had an operating accumulated surplus of $254,000, this is mainly as a result of additional revenue which came in that was not included in the original budget,? noted Mrs. Hutchinson. In 2015-2016, the board met its obligations for the year concerning balanced budget compliance as per the Education Act.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 43 - November 11 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




Sha nno n

FERG USO N I?ve alw ays loved Am er ica. M y neighbour to the south alw ays held such appeal; Hopes, dr eam s, and a cer tain coolness that m ade it seem like a gr eat place to live. Don?t get m e w r ong, I love Canada w ith all my hear t but the US has alw ays been that high school quar ter back w ho ever yone w ants to date but m ost don?t get the chance to. Canada has been a lucky one and w e?ve alw ays gotten to dance together. We have gr ow n to tr uly car e for the United States and for its w ell-being.

The Night America Broke My Heart

Tonight, Am er ica br oke my hear t. Like a naĂŻve teenager I believed that the people of this ?gr eat? countr y w ould deny hatr ed, w ould tur n dow n r acism , sexism , and xenophobia. I had high hopes for a r elationship that w ould continue to flour ish and I thought that w ith the w or ld w atching, Am er icans w ould pr ove that they ar e innately good. I tr usted the quar ter back and he m isled m e. I am sad. Like a br eakup that you didn?t expect or have tim e to pr epar e for , I feel jilted. I w as giddy and excited to w atch the states elect the fir st w om an as pr esident, to w atch histor y be m ade in a m or e positive light than the histor y Tr um p is m aking. It?s like being asked out to dinner by the per son you?ve becom e infatuated w ith, pum ped up to or der your favour ite m eal, only to be told befor e the food even ar r ives that it?s over

And is it ever over. The love I had for this countr y has changed in a m atter of hour s. It m akes m e r e-evaluate w hat m otivates the people w ho live just 10 m inutes aw ay fr om my Canadian bor der tow n. It m akes m e w onder w hat people ar e thinking and w hy it felt r ight for them to vote for som eone filled w ith so m uch hatr ed. W hile I alw ays knew ther e w er e issues w ith Clinton, I never thought it w ould com e to this. I had faith in Hillar y and I am having tr ouble w r apping my head ar ound w hat happened tonight. So, as this night com es to a close and I go to bed sad, confused, and br oken hear ted I w onder if this quar ter back, w ho w as once the star of the show , w ill becom e that ?has-been? in adulthood. That per son w ho once held all the glor y and w ho ever yone w anted a piece of w ho heads dow n that w ell-know n r oad, becom ing a disheveled m an-child w ith a beer gut w ho once had it all but spir aled dow nhill in a hur r y and isn?t hot at all anym or e. Am er ica, your decision br oke a lot of hear ts tonight. Your tr ue colour s have now becom e appar ent and the r est of the w or ld is noticing. We know half of your hear t is pur e and even if the num ber s don?t pr ove it, in the end, love w ill alw ays tr um p hate. We just w ish you loved us back as m uch as w e have alw ays loved you. Sha nnon Fer guson is a wr iter who r ecently r etur ned to her r oots in Cor nwa ll. W ith degr ees in Communications, Psychology, a nd Br oa dca st Jour na lism, Sha nnon cr eated her successful blog, The Love Hawk, a nd is a contr ibuting wr iter for ma ny websites including The Huffington Post a nd Elite Da ily. View her blog at w w w.thelovehawk.com, like her pa ge on Fa cebook a nd follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk

What Canadians Are Saying about t he US Elect ions "Not a trump fan and yes its a shock, but everyone wants democracy until the popular vote ain't what we had in mind. The problem is much deeper than Trump being in power, it's a clear sign that the people have lost trust in the government system. Think about it! Trump defeated not only your standard government but also the giant power , the media. Of course the media is panicking this morning and your regular folks that just want a traditional puppet in power are in a state of panic also. Only time will tell but the people's reaction will play a huge role in how the turns out. " -Alain Legault

"Incredible his win...He did not get the most popular votes, and on top of that he received 1 million votes less than McCain which he called a loser for been captured, he received 2 million votes less than Rodney which he called a quitter. These 2 candidates lost their election even if they got more votes than Trump. Now Clinton gets more votes but looses." -Marcel Quesnel "America voted for no more political B.S. Trump is not a politician and that shows the Establishment that the Americans are sick of their lies." - Shannon Dugas

"I will never take America seriously as a nation again. Might as well have put Kim K up in the oval office! A reality star, really? Time to make America 10x times worse than it already is. Congrats, 'Murica, you played yourself." -Megan Renee Crossthwaite

"America has become a country proud of its anti-intellectualism, anti-science, self-interest, racism and greed. The election of Trump demonstrates how deeply in decline the country has fallen, and how dangerous the death throes will be for the planet. " - Heather J Smith

"Hillary didn't even have the courtesy or interest to step in front of her supporters and investors and make a concession speech. That is the ultimate show of the self centered disrespect she actually had for anyone beyond herself and her circle of cronies. " - Richard Hudson

"I know this sounds crazy, but i cannot help to feel that trump has taught me something from this election. He completely ignored all the hate he received ,and it taught me something...to never give up on your dreams,and that anything is possible when you put your mind to it. What people say means absolutely nothing to your own success. Thank you Trump. But, I do not agree with a lot that he has said but you have to give it to the man his drive to be successful in life is unmatching." -Shane Fergusson

M ean w h ile in Am er ica...

"This election has definitely made me realize how completely I am st unned, feel like I differently two people can see the world and how each of their got punched in t he gut narratives are just as real to them. I had friends tweeting out lists of and I can not forgive numbers to suicide hotlines and tweets where people said they were t hose who bashed, literally afraid to leave their house since Trump was president. I did t rashed and vilified Hillary find that last part was puzzling since he's not actually president until like t hey did. But I will next year. I think Trump supporters are shooting themselves in the heed t he words from foot if they gloat too hard and not try to understand how those people Hillary and President could perceive things so differently. Obviously people that have Obam a and live t o fight reached such a conclusion have had totally different life experiences t he next round com ing. and their fear is real to them. It definitely highlights how different - Billie Mazza perceptions of life in the U.S. are to different groups of people."

" Consi der i ng who act ual l y cont r ol s Gov er nment , We wi l sur v i v e!" - Guy DeGi aci nt o, Canadi an l i v i ng i n Amer i ca. Amer ica tur ned into the White Tr ash Countr y on N ovember 8, 20 16 . - - Kathy Smith

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 43 - November 11 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


THE SECRET LI TERARY LI FE OF ALAN BAI N ... If you want to find out what Local Artist Alan Bain has been up to recently, next Saturday, Nov. 19th, 11am - 4pm, come to Coles Bookstore, Cornwall Square and see for yourselves! I nter view a nd Photo by M a i-Liis Renaud The Seeker is an avid suppor ter of the Ar ts and Cultur e in our com m unity and w e ar e alw ays "seeking out" the hidden gem s (so to speak). This w eek I discover ed one in the for m of a geologist, outdoor sm an, teacher and ar tist, w ho has spent m any year s r oam ing the nor thlands of Canada - better know n to all of us in the Ar ts com m unity as Water colour ist Alan Bain w ho together w ith his equally talented w ife, Audr ey (w ho I w ent to college w ith in 1979 and inter view ed last year ) oper ate W indr ift Studio and Galler y in Long Sault. I had the pleasur e of sitting w ith Alan in his w onder ful studio and talking to him (as an author this tim e).

Her e i s m y Seek er -St yl e 5 Qu est i on I n t er v i ew w i t h h i m . #1 - I have always known you as a Watercolour Artist Alan, but now I discover that you are a man of many talents. including an "Author" W hen did you begin your writing career and is your novel "The Kimberlite Adventure" your first book? I began w r iting in 1956, my second under gr ad year at M cGill. The Science pr ogr am insisted that I had to take one Ar ts elective. I took a Cr eative Wr iting cour se w ith a lady pr ofessor w ho took us thr ough poetr y, char acter sketches, shor t stor ies and finally dem anded a plot outline for a novel. That outline, along w ith all the other Univer sity m em or abilia, got put aw ay and for gotten. W hat follow ed w as 50 year s of exper iences w hich included: 11 year s of bush w or k, m ar r iage to a lovely ar tist, tr avels acr oss Canada and year s of hunting, fishing and r evisiting the nor th for photogr aphy and painting. 1988, Audr ey and I m oved fr om a huge old house in M or r isbur g to our pr esent hom e. The m em or abilia alm ost got thr ow n out, but that outline caught my attention. I began adding scr aps and details. For year s, ther e w as never a w hole stor y. I w r ote hunks and chunks that I enjoyed ? m ostly r eal bush exper iences. M y Dad, Dir ector of Engineer ing and M aintenance in Air Canada, helped. He lived the w ar year s, he w as involved w ith the Canadian Gover nm ent?s Tr ans Atlantic Air Ser vice (CGTAS). He knew the Lancaster and the Rolls M er lin engines. M or e chunks got attached. I began to r ealize that I had the thr ead of a stor y. Good guys and bad guys began to em er ge ? I got to know their char acter s, w hat they w ould do and say next. W hat w as needed w as a love stor y to stitch the w hole thing together. 56 year s w ith my lady helped, but that w as difficult w r iting ? couples don?t often m ake notes as they live their lives. Run-dow n clubs like ?The Cor onade? existed all over M ontr eal, and they w er e a w elcom e diver sion for over -w or ked univer sity kids. For sever al year s I helped M ontr eal

headquar ter s of Boy Scouts on the ?Cam ping Pr om otion? com m ittee. We taught Scout leader s, w ho, in tur n, w ould teach their scouts. Befor e w e r eally lear ned how to or ganize outdoor cam ping w e had sever al disaster s ? the War r ior s? hum or ous cam ping exper iences cam e fr om ther e. A fr iend, a r etir ed air cr aft cr ash investigator , helped m e design the Lancaster ?s fate. M y son-in-law is a r etir ed police Detective. A m or e distant fr iend w or ked w ith M ontr eal?s Or ganized Cr im e Unit. Glenda Eden, a talented neighbour , edited the fir st m anuscr ipt and m ade 1000?s of suggestions. Is this your first book? Yes, my fir st ? and I have to add ? I love the stor y. I r e-r ead and enjoy the exper iences all over again. How ever , ther e is an inter esting addendum . I r ead an ar ticle r ecently that said, ?Never write an epilogue. If you feel you must, then take a careful look at it. Probably, there is a follow-up book right there.? Inter esting possibility, m aybe I?m not done yet! #2 - Picking up a book and reading is a bit foreign to me these days as I never seem to have time to sit for five minutes but as I always say, "everything happens for a reason" and I believe when Alan handed me a copy of his novel the message was clearly sit down, take the time and enjoy! I am now in the process of reading the "Kimberlite Adventure" which I do have to say is amazingly written, with characters that you feel you know as they are so real with the landscape and events described as though Alan is actually painting the scenes. Could you please tell me what the story is all about, briefly of course, as we want our readers to pick up their own copy when they meet you at your "Book launch" next week. The stor y is histor ical fiction, but it is also uniquely Canadian. It r elates my exper iences, w ith air cr aft, canoe tr avel, w alking the w oods and my m em or ies of the landscapes. It center s on a 1943 cr ashed air cr aft, bear ing an unbelievable tr easur e, w hich is lost in vast nor th w oods of bor eal Canada. Thir ty-thr ee year s later tw o geologists chance upon a lead to the for tune. That sam e lead sets for ces of good and evil in m otion ? each deter m ined to fight their w ay to the pr ize. The tw o m en ar e im m ediately thr ust into com pelling, exciting and often danger ous adventur e. W hen a r om ance and love enter the stor y a beautiful w om an joins their team . The tr io ar e assisted by chance and ser endipity, but they m ust endur e per sistent thr eat w hich can er upt into violence at any m om ent. #3 - I believe the outline for this adventure story was written many years ago, but "art and painting always got in the way". W hat made you decide to put aside your art and focus on publishing? The book, in its r agged for m , has been ar ound for year s. I began to

think about publishing tw o year s ago. I had no idea how tim e-consum ing the collection of facts and the r e-w r ites and or ganization w ould be. M or eover , as I got into the stor y I w ould lie aw ake at night and the char acter s w ould talk to m e ? adding, elabor ating and extending the plot. I loved it! It w as exciting stuff. But ther e w as no choice ? it dem anded full-tim e attention. I disappear ed into my office and ham m er ed out the fir st dr aft. Never theless, Audr ey and I never got com pletely aw ay fr om our ar t activities. In 2015 w e put up 7 show s. In 2016 w e have put up 5 so far , and 2 m or e to com e. It tur ns out w r iting is an evolving pr ocess. Like good cooking, it takes tim e for events to r esolve them selves. Our ar t becam e a w elcom e distr action, tim e aw ay fr om actual w r iting to allow for im agination to flour ish, although the typew r iter w as never far aw ay. #4 - I believe all the illustrations in the novel are done by yourself and your equally talented artist wife Audrey ... How did you get the ideas for these sketches or are they actually done outdoors? That w as the fun par t! Audr ey and I never go anyw her e w ithout a cam er a, a sketch book or our paints. We have a stack of sketch books that ar e full of our adventur es. Sketches alw ays pr ecede paintings ? usually m or e than one, often w ith even new er ideas scr ibbled in later. So, w hen the idea em er ged to suppor t the stor y w ith sketches, the r esear ch and selection w as easy. Rapids, pictur es fr om high countr y, cam psites, air cr aft, quiet m ountain

l akes ? all those w er e easy. And m any w er e done on site. Ther e w as a r eal pr oblem though. Tur ns out I don?t dr aw anim als w ell. Audr ey has studied por tr aitur e, so doing people, and anim als, w as a natur al. Ther e is m or e to the illustr ation stor y. I needed a cover ? not a sim ple idea, I found out. I sear ched our catalogue of thousands of photogr aphs and eventually settled

for one ? a haunting sky scene ? that I had taken sever al year s ear lier in Novem ber w hile deer hunting. I think the Lancaster cam e fr om my Dad?s collection. Sky and Lancaster com bined to m ake a dr am atic pictur e. Cor nw all City Pr ess did the m ar vellous cover design fr om ther e. #5 Kimberlite is available where? I w as pleased and thr illed w hen Coles decided to accept Kim ber lite Adventur e. It m eant the book had accom plished a cr itical plateau. I now have a contr act w ith Coles. The book w ill be on display, and for sale, at Coles Book Shop in Cor nw all Squar e, star ting Novem ber 4. That opens the path to pr esent the book at Indigo and Chapter s locations acr oss Canada. That kind of extension w ill inevitably r equir e fur ther pr inting r uns. I will be signing copies of Kimber lite Adventur e at Coles Book Shop in Cor nwa ll Squa r e on Satur day November 19th, fr om 11:00 to 4:00 pm. W hat does the future hold? We never seem to slow dow n! Audr ey and I just r etur ned hom e fr om an Algonquin painting tr ip ? the last of fall colour s. I had paintings displayed at the Visitor s?Centr e in the Par k . No sooner w er e w e hom e than w e m ade a quick tr ip to Ottaw a to hang a set of paintings at Zolas Restaur ant on Rober tson Rd. in Kanata. Those paintings w ill be ther e for the m onth of Novem ber. I w ill be busy m ost of Novem ber pr epar ing a batter y of sm all paintings ? 5X7, and 4X6 ? all of w hich w ill go on display Novem ber 26 and 27 at the Shenkm an Centr e for the Ar ts. Plans ar e alr eady for m ing for ar t activity in 2017. The idea of a sequel to Kim ber lite is beginning to take for m . Thank you Alan for the chance to spend some time with you and Audrey and the Seeker wishes you all the best in your future projects and also for a Very Successful Book Launch here in Cornwall.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 43 - November 11 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Sha ry n

THO M PSO N Befor e I continue w r iting this colum n, I w ant to thank all of the m em ber s of our m ilitar y fam ilies for being ther e for us. M y Gr andpa and Uncle both fought in W W 1. Thankfully they both m ade it hom e safely. M y Uncle inhaled m ustar d gas w hile fighting and had a w heezy cough for the r est of his life. Did you know that 1/10 of all Canadians fought in W W 1? Think of all of the fam ilies w hose loved ones never cam e back to them . A few days ago, A tall gentlem an dr essed in m ilitar y fatigues cam e into my stor e w ith his w ife. I said hello and thanked him for his ser vice to our countr y. I do this w henever I m eet any Canadian soldier. He said he w or ked at NAV Canada and had been deployed to Oklahom a City, USA, w her e ther e is a sm all detachm ent of Canadian soldier s. I did not know this. Inter esting, eh? So, I alw ays take a m om ent to pr ay for and thank ever yone w ho has selflessly been a m em ber of our Canadian m ilitar y, as w ell as their fam ilies, in both w ar and peace tim e. Living and dead. Thank you! Now, ba ck to my column. This week, I have a wonder ful r ecipe for COCONUT CREAM PIE. Ha nds down, my favour ite pie! I hope you enjoy it too!


or the cr ust w ill be too har d!


-Rem ove the baked cr ust fr om the oven and allow it to cool com pletely on a w ir e r ack .


1- 1/4 cups of gr aham w afer cr um bs 5 tbsp. butter m elted 2 tbsp. w hite sugar

-M ake your pie filling now.


1- 14 oz. can of or ganic coconut m ilk (w e car r y this) 1 cup of hom ogenized m ilk (or 2% m ilk and a little cr eam if you have som e) 1/2 cup of sw eetened angel flake coconut 2/3 cup w hite sugar divided into 1/3 and 1/3 1/4 tsp. fine salt 5 egg yolks 1/3 cup cor nstar ch (slightly r ounded) 2 tbsp. cold butter cut into 1/4" cubes 1- 1/2 tsp. pur e vanilla or vanilla bean paste (w hich w e car r y at Shar yn's Pantr y, so good!)

M ETHOD: FOR THE CRUST -Place your oven r ack in the low er m iddle position. Set your oven to 325 degr ees F. -Place the gr aham cr um bs and the sugar in a sm all bow l. Use a for k to m ix w ell. -M elt the butter. Add this into the cr um b m ixtur e. Use the for k to com bine ever ything. -Pr ess this m ixtur e into a 9" deep pie plate. I used the flat bottom of a dr y m easur ing cup to evenly pr ess the cr um b m ixtur e over the bottom and up the sides of the pie plate. Even the top edge w ith your finger tips. -Bake the cr ust for 14 to 15 m inutes. Don't over bake

Mortgage Tips

-Cool slightly. Then pour the w ar m filling into the baked, cooled gr aham cr ust.



-In a heavy bottom ed saucepan, com bine the coconut m ilk, hom ogenized m ilk, the coconut, 1/3 cup of the sugar and the fine salt. -Heat the m ilk m ixtur e over M EDIUM HIGH heat and br ing this to a sim m er. (A sim m er m eans a few bubbles w ill appear along the edge of the sur face of the liquid heating. This is not at a boil yet, w hen bubbles br eak all over the sur face.) Stir r ing occasionally. -W hile this is happening, in a separ ate bow l, w hisk the egg yolks and r em aining 1/3 cup of sugar and the cor nstar ch until the m ixtur e is sm ooth. -Tem per the beaten egg yolk m ixtur e w ith a ladle of the hot m ilk m ixtur e. W hisking vigor ously as you add the hot liquid into the beaten egg yolk m ixtur e. If you don't do this, you w ill cook the egg yolks like scr am bled eggs. -Now slow ly, add the egg yolk m ixtur e into the saucepan of the hot m ilk m ixtur e, w hisking constantly. -Reduce the heat to M EDIUM , w hisking constantly, and br ing the m ixtur e to a sim m er. Cook this until the m ixtur e thickens and a few bubbles w ill bur st on the sur face. This takes about 30 seconds. -Take the saucepan off of the heat and add in the cold butter and vanilla or vanilla bean paste.



Ot her signif icant mort gage changesare

DOWN PAYMENTS: In 2008, the minimum down payment allowed on the purchase of a property officially changed from 0% to 5% . In reality, many lenders continued to offer options like 5% cashback that a buyer could access for their down payment. Now, borrowers can no longer use the cashback option for down payments. There are a few lenders that allow borrowed down payments but they are few and the qualification requirements are stringent. The best options for down payment are saving from your own resources or a gift from an immediate family member.

CREDIT SCORES AND DOCUMENTATION: Again, in 2008, lenders were required to be more careful regarding the borrower?s ability to make mortgage payments. Documentation requirements became almost painful. Clients often lament about the lender wanting everything except their first born? . As consumer debt in Canada continues to increase, the government will continue to change lending rules to protect both the lender and the borrower. Credit scores are your only real power when it comes to borrowing. If you aren?t sure how to build your score, please contact me for a free consultation and we can put together a plan to make your credit score solid!

-Lay a sheet of plastic w r ap flush w ith the sur face of the pie filling. This w ill pr event a skin fr om for m ing on top of the pie filling. -Refr iger ate the pie until the filling is set. At least 3 hour s or over night. -To ser ve, I w hipped a little cr eam and spr inkled this w ith som e toasted coconut. YUM ! TO TOAST COCONUT FOR A GARNI SH: -Just spr ead a single layer of coconut on a pie plate or baking sheet. Place this in a 350 degr ee F. oven for a few m inutes, just until the coconut begins to change colour and becom e golden. Stir the coconut w ith a for k as it bakes to ensur e even br ow ning. Extr as m ay be stor ed in a sm all container or ziploc bag. Keep a shar p eye on the coconut as it br ow ns. It w ill take only a few m inutes and can scor ch easily once it tur ns golden in colour. Been ther e, done that! haha.

SHARYNTHOMPSON Ownerof SHARYN'SPANTRY a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812 Pitt St, Unit 6, Cornwall,ON 613-936-1998 OPEN: Mondayto Saturday- 9 to 5

MAXIMUM REFINANCE AMOUNTS: In 2012, the maximum loan to value for a refinance changed from 85% to 80% of the value of your home. Lenders were finding that consumers were using their homes as an ATM machine. The concern was that Canada would have a generation of retirees with no equity in their homes and no pensions to pay their debts. This continues to be an area of interest and may undergo changes in the future. QUALIFYING PAYMENTS ON CREDIT CARDS AND LINES OF CREDIT: Probably the most influential change that I have seen is the 2013 decision to require 3% of the outstanding balance on credit cards and unsecured lines of credit to be added to the total debt to qualify for a mortgage. Prior to this change, you could use the required minimum monthly payment on your credit card or line of credit as your monthly debt. Now, we use 3% . He?s an example? . You have an unsecured line of credit for $30,000. You pay the minimum monthly payment and maybe a little extra when you have the funds. Let?s say $200 per month. When you apply for a mortgage was have to use 3% of the balance owing as your monthly requirement: In this case, $900 per month. That?s an extra $700 per month that gets added to your debts even though, in real life, you are only paying $200! If you are in the middle of purchasing or refinancing your home, please contact me and we can go over your particular situation to see if these changes affect your ability to get the mortgage you are looking for. Jenni M a cDona ld (w w w.jma cdona ld.ca ) ha s been a M or tga ge Br oker with Dominion Lending Centr es for over 5 yea r s a n ha s ma ny yea r s of exper ience in the ba nking wor ld. She wor ks with over 40 lender s including ba nks, cr edit unions, a nd r ivate lender s to find the best mor tga ge for ea ch client. You ca n conta ct her by phone or text at 613-551-0639 or via ema il at jma cdona ld@dominionlending.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 43 - November 11 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even tns'm o r SECTION e




@ the


We ar n ow OPEN e Su 1 p .m . t o 5 n d ay s p .m .

45 SecondStreetE.


www.l ibrarycornwal l .on.ca Facebook:l ibrarycornwal l ont ario Not e t hat t he l ibrary wil l be cl osed al l day on November 17 f or a st af f prof essional devel opment day. VISIT YOUR LIBRARY! A Visit Will Get You Thinking! SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Yoga Yout h - (Ages 6 t o 16 years ol d). 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. DROP IN FAMILY STORYTIME / HEURE DU CONTE FAMILIALE PORTE-OUVERTE. 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. PAWS 'N BOOKS Reading to a dog is Pawsome. Drop-in. 11 a.m. to 12 noon. RENOWNED CANADIAN AUTHOR CHARLES WILKINS PRESENTS: "SUCH A GORGEOUS PICTURE OF MY GIRLFRIEND? 2:30 p.m. at the library. Everyone welcome. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 AUTHOR MEET & GREET Debra-Lynn Bellefeuille @ p.m. to 3 p.m. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14 BABY TALES Moms and babies learning together 10 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. CLUB DE LECTURE, LES MILLE-FEUILLES Discussion. 18 h MAHJONGG Intense fun! 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Also on Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 NANOWRIMO NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH Join other writers and write write write. Everyone is welcome. 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. TEEN TUESDAYS Great activities for young teens Free. 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Bring your friends.

ST. LAWRENCE INTERNATIONAL STAMP CLUB Monthly Meeting 7 p.m. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THE FORUM - PHYSICAL & SPIRITUAL HEALTH Presentations & Discussions - 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. APPRENDRE EN JOUANT (0 à 5 ans) Nutrition, littérature et musique. Activités en français pour parents et enfants. 10 h 30 à 12 h ADULT CPR COURSE Provided by Cornwall EMS Free. Pre-registration required. Limited space. @ 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 CLOSED FOR A STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 43 - November 11 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



t o d o - w h er e


Bo re d

t o go - w h at


t o see in Cor n w all

an d SD& G

w ith Ra che lle And re

For more information on events and entertainment in the Cornwall and surrounding area, please visit us on Facebook at Things To Do in Cornwall Ontario and SD&G.


f or m or e in f o abou t t h e even t s above - visit t h e even t ssect ionat w w w.t h eseek er .ca



e sp e cia lly fo r tho se w ho sa y ... The re 's No thing To Do in Co rnw a ll

... he re




Placin g

an Ad

in t h e Calen dar of Even t s is alw ays FREE f or a basic list in g an d in clu des t h e n am e an d locat ion of t h e even t , alon g w it h m or e in f or m at ion on ou r w ebsit e w w w.t h eseek er .ca For a com plet e list in g in pr in t , place you r en h an ced even t ad f or on ly $35. Call 613-935-3763 ext . 1

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 43 - November 11 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


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I t' s That M ost Wonderf ul Time of The Y ear!

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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 43 - November 11 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Always lots of new surprises! Snippet by M a i-Liis Renaud


I w as so happy to be able to attend this w onder ful event this year. An event that has gr ow n by leaps and bounds fr om it's hum ble beginnings just 7 year s ago. Show or ganizer s Julie Hickm an and Debbie Bur ns of We 3 Gir ls told m e that the show is "A Labour of Love" and gives them such a good feeling each year w ith or ganizing and w or king w ith all the m any vendor s, volunteer s and m em ber s of the public w ho com e out to suppor t the event, a fundr aiser , this year for M aison Baldw in House. Over the past year s this team has r aised $85,000 for the M S Society. Well done gir ls a nd keep up the gr eat wor k!



M a rie

M O RRELL Wit houtCommonSenseYou CannotMaket he Right Decision, EnsureYour Wel l BeingOr Prosperit yPart5 of6 Pract ical knowl edge - Cont inuit y Kn ow i n g h ow t o bu dget an d n ot spen d m or e t h an you 'r e ear n i n g. It's com m on sense to only spend w hat you have. Sadly, m anypeople m anage to for get this by fr equent over -spending w hich is an i r r at i on al h abi t . In my or ganizational business, I m eet people w ho hide unopened bills at the back of a closet because they ar e afr aid to face r eality. It is extr em ely im por tant to get all im por tant financial decisions and agr eem ents in w r iting, fr om loans to sales; you can never be too car eful w hen it com es to m oney.

Kn ow i n g you r l i m i t at i on s an d t h ose of you r ow n body: know ing - w hich foods destr oy your body, the one w ho w or ks for you, - how m any hour s of sleep you need, - the type of exer cise that benefits your body and your m etabolism best; - w hat har m s and heals your body, - not to ignor e bodily injur ies, i.e., continuing to car r y heavy loads w ith an aching back, or r efusing to acknow ledge constant pains. - how to analyze situations and think for your self. - to star t thinking about the r eality behind the new s feed instead of digesting w hat m edia thr ow s at you ever y day ending up in a state of fear r ecognizing the tactics used.

H T 0 2 . N OV

Kn ow i n g h ow t o do you r best by l ear n i n g h ow t o: - r epair item s instead of disposing of then, adding to the Ear th's bur den. because w e've lost the ability to tinker and fix things our selves. - fix or m end clothes, appliances, household objects, car engines, and m any other item s that ar e im por tant to our daily functioning, is not only liber ating but is also an im por tant w ay to exer cise our com m on sense. - plan ahead, ensur ing you'r e not doing things haphazar dly, m or e expensively, or w ithout an idea of the consequences. - be r esour ceful, an ar t of 'm aking do'; this m eans taking sm all things and m aking them go a long w ay w ith a little im agination and elbow gr ease. - connect w ith com m unity. Unfor tunately m any people pr efer to isolate them selves fr om other s. Con n ect i n g w i t h ot h er s i n you r com m u n i t y i s par t of bei n g h u m an , of r elating, and of opening your self up to shar ing and gener osity. - keep safe. W hether you'r e in public or at hom e, safety is a m atter of com m on sense, e.g., looking both w ays w hen cr ossing the str eet, w alking w ith a fr iend or gr oup in dar k ar eas of the city at night instead of being alone, etc. Put com m on sense into action befor e anything har m ful happens. Think pr evention, not disaster. Bot t om l i n e ever ything is about being able to succeed under difficult conditions and still pr osper and not feel depr ived. Resou r cef u l n ess i s a k ey par t of u si n g com m on sen se; it's a skill that liber ates you fr om spending w astefully to live your ever yday life.

Next week Conclusion If you have any questions, please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolutions.com or visit: www.workeasysolutions.com

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 43 - November 11 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Cornwall Ontario - Journalist, television host, and author Steve Paikin will be visiting Cornwall this weekend. Steve Paikin is the host of TVO's The Agenda, and he is also a National Post bestseller with his new book "Bill Davis: Nation Builder, and Not So Bland After All". He will be at the Nav Centre this Saturday for a political "Fireside Chat" along with author Arthur Milnes. It takes place at the De Havilland banquet room on Saturday, November 12th, 2016. It's a fundraiser for The Children's Treatment Centre of Cornwall. "I'm not so sure how much of a fire-side chat it is going to be. I think that they are going to come and learn something new about both Bill Davis and Wilfrid Laurier. I think Arthur (Milnes) and I are going to make our presentation in an engaging fashion. We are not going to get up there and give two back to back speeches. We are actually going to make it a lot more interactive, both with each other, and with the audience, and I think they'll have a lot of fun. I think it's going to be a good fun time filled with a lot of good stories. I've never been to Cornwall before, so this visit is long over due, and I'm really looking forward to it," Steve Paikin stated.

civil and subdued compared to their American Presidential Debate counterparts. "I will just refer to this years debates between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton. We have not descended in the

"I've never been to Cornwall before, so this visit is long over due..."

His seventh book "Bill Davis: Nation Builder, and Not So Bland After All" came out on October 8th, 2016. The book is rated five stars out of five on the website Amazon.ca. It's a biography of Ontario Conservative Premier Bill Davis who supported Trudeau's repatriating the Canadian Constitution and establishing Charter of Rights and Freedoms. He helped Ontario through recessionary economic times, and he is remembered as the father of Ontario's community college system, TVO, and the OISE. Steve Paikin choose Bill Davis as his subject because he was a key and important political figure when he was growing up in Ontario. "I've been interested in Mr. Davis' life story since covering his government in the early 1980s. When I grew up in the province of Ontario from the age of 10 until 24, Bill Davis was the Premier, so he was certainly a significant political figure in my growing up. I also thought nobody wrote a good book about Bill Davis. Certainly he didn't cooperate with any author in the past to write his life story, so I wanted to do it. I pursued him for about ten years dropping a few gentle hints, and than a few strong hints about why I thought he should do it, and I'm glad he finally said yes," Steve Paikin explained. Throughout his research and interviews Steve Paikin learned some new things about Bill Davis, but he won't disclose what. If you want to find out, you will have to purchase and read the book. "That's all in the book and the answer is (I learned) a lot. I've known him for 30-35 years. I knew a lot about him, but obviously as well there were a lot of things I didn't know. Through the course of being able to spend time with him as I did, for numerous interviews for the book, I learned a lot more, and I'm not going to let that cat out of the bag. If people want to know what they are, they are going to have to read the book", said Steve Paikin. What lessons do you think current Premier Kathleen Wynne could learn from Bill Davis? "That's a wonderful question, and I think because the two of them speak relatively frequently, I think she does believe she has something to learn from Mr. Davis' experiences. To be sure Mr. Davis had kind of a cordial way of dealing with people. He was as tough a competitor as existed, but he also knew when he had a minority "I think the government that it was important to moderators down in involve the opposition, and in some cases, in the minority government, get the South had an the opposition on side, or else nothing extremely difficult would have passed. So Mr. Davis had a civility in the way he did his public life, job trying to keep and I think in the main treated people control of those respectfully. So much so, that one of his best friends after leaving politics was situations. I don't the leader of the NDP at the time Steven Lewis, which is a pretty unusual envy them at all." thing. Those are good principles to live by regardless of what political era you live in, and I suspect the Premier of the day signs on to that as well," Steve Paikin reflected. Steve Paikin is known for being fair, unbiased, and evenhanded in his editorial coverage and he is well trusted by Canadians. The trustworthy journalist reached television screens across Canada as the moderator of the 2006, 2008, and 2011 Federal Leaders Debates. He has also moderated three Provincial Leaders Debates in 2007, 2011, and 2014. He's seen first hand politicians like Paul Martin, Stephen Harper, Jack Layton, and Gilles Duceppe lock horns and wrangle it out. That being said, The Federal Leaders Debates in Canada seem to be more

Int erview wit h TVO host and best sel l ing aut hor St eve Paikin Article by Jason Setnyk | Submitted Photo gratuitous name calling, we have not yet descended into the vicious insults, or the baracating that we saw south of the boarder. I believe there still is, and I hope there will always remain, a basic respect and civility among the leaders who seek either the Premiership or Prime Ministership in Canada. Our debates thankfully didn't get into the ugly muck with the kind of name calling that we saw. I hope we never do. I think the moderators down in the South had an extremely difficult job trying to keep control of those situations. I don't envy them at all. I wouldn't want to do them myself and I don't know what I would have done had I found myself in similar circumstances. Particularly when one candidate clearly didn't seem all that interested in following the basic Robert's Rules of Civility (Order) for the debates. I don't know what to do about that," Steve Paikin reflected. In addition to being an author and television personality, Steve Paikin was also made an Officer of the Order of Canada, and he was also appointed chancellor of Laurentian University in 2013. Steve Paikin's television program The Agenda airs Monday to Friday at 8pm and 11pm on TVO. His biography on Bill Davis is available at bookstores like Chapters, Coles, and online at Amazon.ca. The Children's Treatment Centre of Cornwall fundraiser on Saturday starts with a cocktail hour at 5:30pm, with dinner at 6pm. Tickets are available by contacting the Children?s Treatment Centre at (613) 933-4400. For more information visit The Children's Treatment Centre of Cornwall Ontario website or Facebook page.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 43 - November 11 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Focus Art - PRINCIPAL SPONSORS 2016

Lind a

G e ise l FOCUS ART Workshop wit h Shernya Vininsky Thirteen participants spent a fun and creative weekend with Shernya at the Ontario Power Generation Station. Her 2-day workshop demonstrated techniques for designing realistic abstracts using bleeding tissue paper as a background. She explained some design elements of painting, and how to put them into practice one step at a time. In the end, each participant created a birch forest using acrylic, watercolour and pastel.

of art with a palette of soft and vibrant colors. Her work with mixed media intrigues as striking images draw in the viewer while subtle imagery spins an intricate tale. Shernya's paintings are in many private collections across Canada, in the U.S.A. and Europe. Her works are frequently on Compl et ed Birch Forest by Linda Geisel exhibit in the Gallery at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts and the Stewart Hall Gallery in Pointe Claire, Quebec. You can see her work on her website: ht t p:/ / www.shernyavininsky.ca/

Lef t : A spectacular showing of all the work (most still in progress) at the end of two hardworking days. A not e about our workshop present er Shernya has had a passion for art since she was a young girl growing up in Quebec. It was and continues to be a perfect outlet to express her love of nature, from flowers and birds to her deep Compl et ed Birch Forest by Kat hl een Morin connection with horses. She was born in Montreal, and currently lives in the inspiring Canadian countryside of Hudson Quebec. Shernya?s unique techniques produce impressive works

Come Wal k wit h Me - Acryl ic 30x40 - Val ued at $850.00

For more info about Focus Art visit: www.focusartonline.org


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The l adies of DUNET Communicat ions (DCN) are donat ing a Garden of Hope t o t he l adies at t he Bal dwin House. "It is a garden of hope for all the Ladies to take care of", said Shannon Dugas, co-host of The Couch, and internet radio broadcast airing every Sunday afternoon on dunet.ca. "It requires a minimal amount of care as it only needs to be watered once a week and it is rooted in stones to show that as women we can not only survive, but thrive in any situation, no matter what because we are nurturing creatures! We thrive together when we uplift and inspire one and other and we want them to know they will always have a place on The Couch with us!"

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 43 - November 11 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


I n Fla nder s Fields

A M U SICAL TRIBU TE TO OU R VETERANS A informative presentation about music and some of the roles it played in the Two World Wars

Wi t h t h e CLARPIAN -DUO

By Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, May 1915 I n Fla nder s fields the poppies blow Between the cr osses, r ow on r ow, That ma r k our pla ce; a nd in the sky The la r ks, still br avely singing, fly Sca r ce hea r d a mid the guns below.

Raymond Lacroix, clarinetist Vivianne Panizzon, pianist

We a r e the Dea d. Shor t days a go We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved a nd wer e loved, a nd now we lie I n Fla nder s fields.

Su n d ay,No v. 2 0 - 2 p m Pr o g r amRo o m s1 &2 Co r n wal l Pu b l i c Li b r ar y

Ta ke up our qua r r el with the foe: To you fr om fa iling ha nds we thr ow The tor ch; be your s to hold it high. I f ye br ea k fa ith with us who die We sha ll not sleep, though poppies gr ow I n Fla nder s fields. LEST W E FORGET 11/11

In collaboration with GĂŠnĂŠalogie at Archives Saint-Laurent Inc. and the Cornwall Public Library Limited Seating - call 613-932-4796 or come in person to reserve Ar ticle by Ja son Setnyk | Submitted Photo

r edem ption, but accor ding to Slim Cessna the band is not anti-r eligious.

Ottaw a Ontar io ? Gothabilly alter native countr y band Slim Cessna?s Auto Club is on tour and playing Zaphod?s in Ottaw a on Satur day, Novem ber 26th, 2016.

?I don?t think w e?r e anti-r eligious. We tell stor ies. I think our m essage is uplifting. Ever yone seeks r edem ption in a w ay they under stand,? Slim Cessna stated.

The band, fr om Denver Color ado, consists of Slim Cessna, M unly M unly, Lor d Dw ight Pentacost, Rebecca Ver a, Ian O?Dougher ty, and Andr ew War ner.

His inspir ation for m usic com es fr om M other Natur e and bad w eather.

Slim Cessna?s Auto Club has the distinction of once being on Alter native Tentacles, the r ecor d label cr eated by punk legend and for m er Dead Kennedy?s lead singer Jello Biafr a.

Int erview

wit h Sl im Cessna's

who pl ay Zaphod's

?Jello (Biafr a) is also fr om Color ado. He star ted com ing to our show s w hen he w as in tow n to visit fam ily. We also had m utual fr iends. Alter native Tentacles w as gr eat. We love them ,? said Slim Cessna. The band is pr om oting a new r ecor d and they decided to r elease it them selves this tim e. Slim Cessna?s Auto Club have cr eated their ow n label titled SCACUNINCORPORATED. For Slim Cessna this w as a needed change to help the band gr ow and keep m oving. Unlike Alter native Tentacles, their label has no plans to include other bands. ?We needed to do som ething dr astic in or der to continue m oving. Nothing w as gr ow ing for a few year s. We have no plans to include other bands, but w ho know s,? Slim Cessna explained.


Aut o Cl ub:

26t h

?Tor nadoes and hailstor m s. Blizzar ds!,? said Slim Cessna in r eply to w hat inspir es his m usic w r iting. Slim Cessna?s Auto Club is looking for w ar d to playing Canada

Their sixth studio album titled ?The Com m andm ents Accor ding To SCAC? w as r ecor ded by them selves. Ther e ar e tens songs, and they ar e nam ed Com m andm ents 1 thr ough 10. Slim Cessna can?t decide w hich is his favour ite song off the new album .

again this Novem ber.

?The r ecor dings w ent gr eat. We did it all our selves. We?r e looking for w ar d to the next one because now w e know w hat not to do. I like Com m andm ent 3. No? 1. Wait? 10! 2!,? Slim Cessna exclaim ed.

The Ottaw a show is being pr om oted by Spectr asonic and pu n k ot t aw a.com Opening for Slim Cessna?s Auto Club on Satur day Novem ber 26th is Ottaw a sur f r ock band The Rever b Syndicate.

Sever al m usic video?s have been m ade to pr om ote the new album including one for the song ?Com m andm ent 7?. The video w as dir ected by the band?s Lor d Dw ight Pentacost. The video show s a shaky cam er a docum enting the sinister goings on in antique dollhouse. The video, w hich featur es Slim Cessna him self and M unly, can be view ed on Youtube. The band explor es r eligious them es including

?We love Canada! We w ill continue to play each show as if it?s our ver y last. We hope to allow people to lose them selves for one night,? Slim Cessna concluded.

The Zaphod?s show is 19+, 9pm , and advanced tickets ar e $18. Tickets ar e available at Ver tigo Recor ds, Com pact M usic Inc., Stom ping Gr ound and online. Zaphod Beeblebr ox is located at 27 Yor k Str eet in dow ntow n Ottaw a. After stops in Ham ilton, Tor onto, Ottaw a and M ontr eal, the gr oup w ill head back stateside, eventually w r apping it all up in Austin Texas on Decem ber 10th.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 43 - November 11 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



M a rle ne

BAKER Hi there to all of you who have taken the time out of your busy, or not so busy schedules to pick up a "REAL Paper" to read about "Positive News" in the Cornwall, and in the S.D. & G. area, this week. Mother Nature has been rather kind to us this Autumn season. We are still able to go out to enjoy the rainbowic colours that are still on many of the trees this year. John and I took advantage of the extended autumn colors by doing another little photoshoot at Guindon Park. Clocks got turned back last weekend (I hope that you turned yours back) and now, our early, dark evenings begin around 4:30... We are waking up in the dark and getting home in the dark... Oh, So Niiiice... NOT!!!

TIP OF THE WEEK: I liked this so much, so I wanted to share it with you. You have to take the Good with the Bad, Smile when you?re Sad. Love what you?ve Got and Remember what you Had. Always Forgive, but Never Forget. Learn from your Mistakes, But Never Regret. People Change, Things Go Wrong, But just Remember...That Life Goes On. I say, " LOVE, LAUGH & LIVE WHILST YOU ARE ALIVE!!!"

Fairview was one of the early suburbs in the former Cornwall Township that became a Cornwall neighbourhood on January 1, 1957 when the City annexed much of the Township. Originally Fairview was bounded on the north by Fifth Street West. on the east by the Town limits (Cumberland Street), on the south by Second Street West and on west by Laflecheville (east of Gulf Street). Within a previously undeveloped area on the southwest side of Fairview, a survey was created for a pie-shaped parcel of land on March 21, 1927 and assented to by the Township on July 27, 1927. It was described as a Subdivision of Lot 'B' in the Subdivision of Fairview. The stated owners of the parcel of land were A.N. Smith, H.C. McLean, H.G. Yates and C.C. Munro. According to the 1927 City Directory, just two homes were in Fairview, on the north side of Second Street.

ITEM OF THE WEEK: I am choosing a cute, litte purse that has one of my favorite characters on it, Ms. Betty Boop. It was a bit pricey for me, but for a "Designer Purse," one (not moi) did pay $16.99 (along with his, Johnny's discount of 30% . ) It was a Steal of a Deal!!! Life Is Too Short... So, I say, " Buy the cute purse, or shoes, and Eat The 2nd Cookie!!!" FAMILY NEWS: My 4th eldest grandson, Odin (Luke's son) turned the BIG 3 on Monday November 7th. My the time has flown by so quickly. Where have the years gone? You have grown up to be such a smart and handsome boy. I love that you are so sweet and so loving to everyone. I love that you can always make me smile, whenever I am at your house and you coming running with open arms... shouting, " Na Na, Na Na!" I love all of the sweet kisses and hugs you give me, too. You are such a wonderful, BIG Brother to your baby sister, Ruby. There are two more family birthdays that I can't forget (Rememberance Day.) My eldest sister, Marion, turns 61. I hope that you have a wonderful and fun kind of birthday dear sister with your hubby, Gilles and with your friends. Lastly, but not leastly, my youngest grandson, Dylan turns ONE!!! May you have a funtastic kind of "First Birthday" with your Mommy (Sarah) & Daddy (Steve) and BIG brother, Blake and with many others in our large family. My, How I LOVE & ENJOY Being A NaNa!!!

FOR REMEMBERANCE DAY Here is a lovely poem I came across and felt I needed to share it with you, my dear readers. I do not know your name, Nor for which battle you died. I do not know your home, Nor the tears that were cried. I do not know where you rest~ Nor the promises broken. I do not know your uniform and your fears lay unspoken. But, I know your spirit exists~ That your courage is admired, And your sacrifice is honored By each soul that's inspired. And I offer you from my heart Thank you, to Guardians unknown For offering yourselves for all of us That we may keep Freedom... Our HOME!!! Bless All of the Men & Women Who Gave Their Lives For We Canadians...God Bless You, One & All!!! COMMUNITY NEWS: 1. ~Above & Beyond~ here in Cornwall is asking for our HELP in supporting a good cause for the *Holiday Season*. They have decided to help a campaign to collect "Personal Hygiene Products" for homeless women. They are accepting items such as: tooth paste, soap, shampoo, sanitary napkins etc. All bottles don't have to be full (up to 50% or more), sanitary napkins also accepted. Why not make a difference this *Holiday Season* by going through your cupboards and drawers to help donate??? Thank you in advance. 2. ~Jamming For Hospice~ : Don't Forget To Purchase Your Tickets ($25.00) from Patti Edwards @ (613) 551-0110. Your ~J 4 H~ ticket gives you the opportunity of "LIVE Music," Along with a delicious full course dinner whilst also helping out a wonderful cause, ~ The Cornwall Hospice~!!! Above and Beyond is also donating a Christmas Promo Package to Jamming for Hospice, as they want to do something to help this worthy cause. UNTIL NEXT WEEK: One does not have to be POSITIVE all of the time! It is perfectly OK to feel SAD, ANGRY, ANNOYED, FRUSTRATED, SCARED, OR EVEN ANXIOUS at times!!! Having "FEELINGS" Does Not Make US "NEGATIVE PEOPLE," It Makes Us, HUMANS!!! Marl ene Baker of www.f ashionography.ca & of www.l ist erphot os.ca

Phot o: Branch 297 of the Royal Canadian Legion in 1961 prior to the Glens Lounge addition. Neighbourhood employers and commercial operations included Royal Canadian Legion at 415 2nd St W, Powdrell & Alexander (Canada) Limited Curtain Factory at 425 4th St W and later various enterprises such as Crane Supply at 233 Yates @ Fourth Street West. In the 1933/ 34 City Directory we see C.H. Smith grocer at 11 Gulf St.

Phot o: Powdrell and Alexander on n.w. corner of Fourth Street West and Cumberland Streets. From 1904-1913, the areas which became known as Laflecheville and Fairview (2nd to 5th and Cumberland to Wood Lane/ later Brookdale) housed a pre-cursor to the current Cornwall Golf and Country Club. It was the third in a succession of five golf club sites, culminating with the present site on the former Guy Carleton Colquhoun farm. A map dated 14 December, 1881 identifies the area simply as Maple Field Farm. Phot os court esy of t he SD&G Hist orical Societ y

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 43 - November 11 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE: Lar ge pet car r ier , r etails for $79, asking $30. 2 outdoor Chr istm as deer , one lar ge, one sm all, $30 for both. Folding table 49"x28", paid $65, asking $35 OBO. Solid w ood shelf, can be used for a bar , 56"x42", asking $50. 613-936-9399 FOR SALE: New Sam sung Electr ic Stove, paid $1,100, w ill sell for $800. Only 2 w eeks old. Reason for selling: W ife doesn't like it. 613-932-3559

TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive


VHS TO DVD TRANSFERS - Cal l Sh el don at 613-932-4812 FOR SALE : Fisher Pr ice m usical baby play seat, adjustable fr am e for up to 2 year old. Excellent condition - spotless. Asking $20 fir m . Cal l 613-938-6149

FOR SALE: Sunbeam stand M ixm aster , silver , 350 w atts, 12 speed, used only once, still in box. $45 fir m . 613-362-5700 (Cor n w al l )

Al -an on - an or gan i zat i on t h at h el ps f am i l i es & f r i en ds of al coh ol i cs. For m eet i n gs i n t h e Cor n w al l ar ea, 613.937.4880

CORNWALL NEWCOMERS ALUMNAE CHAPTER (CNAC) wishes to extend an invitation to ladies of Cor nwall Newcomer s Club. If you joined Cor nwall Newcomer s Club (CNC) in 2012 you ar e eligible to join the Cor nwall Newcomer s ALUMNAE Chapter. Mor e info contact Liz at 613-932-8164.

FOR SALE : A teddy "Russ" special edition w ith authentication book . Paid $74.99 and w as never given as an intended gift. Br and new , asking $25. Cal l 613-938-6149

WANTED : A m ultitude of hom e im pr ovem ent tools w ith possible tool box. Please Cal l 613-932-1530

FOR SALE : Jack Lalande pow er juicer , just like new , used only tw ice. $70 Cal l 613-931-1037

ONCE U PON A TIM E By Sylvie O?Rourke

Business Buck et... wh er e yo u GET SEEN ...NOT LOST!


lm f .par alegal@gm ail.com Local Nu m ber : 613-875-2165 19222 Leit ch Road William st ow n ON Toll-Fr ee: 1-877-448-6972 K0C 2J0 Fax: 1-877-742-7579

We cer tainly have lucked out today! It is a balmy 15 degr ees and sunny on a m id-October day. The colour s of autum n ar e vibr ant and it?s a per fect day for a leisur ely r ide ar ound Cor nw all. Today w e ar e doing a loop to visit the new histor ical plaques installed ar ound the city this past sum m er. We m eet near the Pow er Dam and cycle along the old canal to the fir st stop. We star t our local histor y lesson w ith Gleeson?s Lock . M ost of us taking par t in this adventur e w er e bor n in Cor nw all but as our ages differ , so do our m em or ies. A com m on r efr ain w e w ill hear thr oughout our day is ?Do you r em em ber w hen? ?? Som e can r ecall the canal w hen it w as w hole ? for m e it is a hazy m em or y of the Bathtub Der by.

Criminal - Summary Convict ion Court Agent Service - Landl ord Tennant Empl oyment Law - Commissioner of Oat h Smal l Cl aims - Provincial Of f ences Workpl ace Saf et y & Insurance Board

We cycle tow ar ds Lam our eux Par k to view a few m or e plaques befor e m aking our w ay to Le Village. Since the plaques ar e located on the nor th side of the r oad, w e decide to w alk this section r ather than cr iss-cr oss thr ough tr affic on our bikes. By happy coincidence w e ar e tr eated to a par ade of classic car s on their w ay to or fr om an unidentified destination. Unbeknow nst to them , they have becom e par t of our jour ney thr ough tim e. We couldn?t have planned this better if w e had tr ied. Halfw ay thr ough our tr ip, w e m ake a scheduled stop at the Stom ping Gr ounds, a gour m et coffee shop situated in the Weave Shed on Cotton M ill Road. This location, r ich w ith histor y ties in w ell w ith our plans. The cafĂŠ w alls ar e ador ned w ith histor ical ar t and the r estor ed floor s still bear the m ar ks of the car ts that once car r ied bales of r aw cotton thr ough the m ill. Sienna Henna becom es nostalgic. Being her e r em inds her of her m other w ho w or ked in the m ill as a teenager and w ould hide along w ith other school-age youths w hen the Tr uancy Officer cam e by. W hat a gr eat stor y! After a delicious coffee br eak, w e ar e r eady to go in sear ch of the r em aining plaques. We ar e now on Pointe M aligne over looking the m ar ina w hich is now em pty of boats. This is such a pr etty look-out. We ar e happy to see that the plaque w hich w as vandalized in Septem ber is now looking w ell thanks to the special coating pr eventing the paint fr om adher ing to its sur face. As w e r ead the plaque and look at the photos depicting the easter n entr ance to the canal, w e tr y to im agine the space befor e us as it once w as. It?s not easy since so m uch has changed. As w e w ind dow n our tour I feel a little sad. It?s been such an inter esting day of shar ing m em or ies and cycling in the sunshine that I don?t w ant it to end. It is fascinating to take a glim pse into the lives of our pr edecessor s and im agine w hat life w ould have been like once upon a tim e. I w onder w hat our futur e gener ations w ill see w hen they look back on our pr esent-day lives. W ill som e of our histor y ador n histor ical plaques in the city and be the subject of r em iniscing? I w ould like to think so. For mor e infor mation a bout the Cor nwa ll Outdoor Club de Plein Air visit w w w.cor nwa lloutdoor club.ca or like us on Fa cebook.

- 1 t i m e$ 2 5 - 3 t i m es$ 6 5 - 7 t i m es$ 1 2 9 - 1 0 t i m es $ 1 5 9 * * i ncl udes a m i ni pr of i l e

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 43 - November 11 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


SU NDAY, NOVEM BER 2 0 TH Cor n w all?s n ew est sem i-pr o h ock ey t eam ! Th e on ly Can adian t eam in t h e Feder al Hock ey Leagu e (FHL)


ac t ion h oc k ey, gr eat

DROPS AT 1:30 f or t h e w h ole f am ily AND REMEMBER


For Your Daily Dose of POSITIVE NEWS visit www.theseeker.ca

and go to the EVENTS section to post your WEEKLY events FREE or call us to place an EVENT AD in the CENTRE EVENTS SECTION of the Seeker in print! 613-935-3763 ext 102 HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEK ! from the Seeker Team

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 43 - November 11 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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