Yo ur CO M M UNITY EVENTS a nd ALTERNATIVE Ne w sp a p e r
Vol ume 7 Issue 45 November 25, 2016
Pu ss i n Bo o t s an d Dwar f In vi t e yo u t o a swam p fu l l o f fai r yt al e m i sfi t s, i n SVTC's p r o d u ct i o n o f Sh r ek Jr .
St o r y o n p ag e 5 Read Jason Set nyk's Int erview wit h Kenny vs Spenny act or & musician Spencer Rice ........... P. 11
Read Jason Set nyk's Int erview wit h Legendary Aust ral ian Punk Band - Frenzal Rhomb ..... P. 13
TO BUYORSELLCALL Always a Dunne Deal
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...
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Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
LUCIO 'Tis t he Season Every year, the Santa Claus Parade kicks off the Season. Nothing puts you more in the Christmas Spirit than watching all the pretty floats skillfully decorated and, of course, seeing Santa arrive in our streets. This year, for the first time, I walked -- or rather ran-- in the parade and it was such a blessing to see all the people anxiously awaiting the arrival of Santa. Kids and adults alike had sparkles in their eyes and were enjoying the music, lights and festive mood.
Christmas is a joyous time. It is a time for us to gather together, eat, drink and be merry. It is a time where we get to spoil one another in the hopes of showing our feelings, our appreciation, our gratitude to each other. Of course, the gifts are but a token, a symbol and regardless of the size, or the cost, they all mean the same: we are loved.
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Everybody can help and no donation is too small. Last Sunday, I held the Very BIG Christmas Show at the Civic Complex. Partial proceeds of the event was donated the the Christmas Children's Fund to help in their efforts to feed and bless 1300 families this year. It's a small donation, but I hope it helps buy a few turkeys. And on the 20th, I will be at the armories helping sort out toys and distribute items. I invite you to do the same. A good friend of mine, a champion volunteer, told me earlier this week that he didn't know if he does what he does to help others or to help himself. I know exactly what he means. Because when you really think about it, giving of yourself can be so rewarding that the line between what you give and what you get becomes really faint.
327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm
Cereal Drive this year. You can drop boxes at those two locations today. Also, the Optimist Toy Drive is ongoing. Contact the Optimist club to donate toys or visit their website to get more information.
Sales Need A Boost ?
Unfortunately, not everybody goes through this time of year the same way. Many are alone. Many are ill. Many are poor. Many are cold. Some can't afford toys. Some can't even afford food. Thankfully, many organizations, like the Children's Christmas Fund, have programs in place to try and help the less fortunate with going through this challenging time of the year. This year, some 1300 local families will receive Christmas Baskets. In additions to all the ingredients required to make a good traditional Christmas dinner like potatoes, stuffing and turkey, the basket also contains much needed every day items such as milk, eggs, cereal and of course, some toys for the kids. Olympia Bowl and Nativity Bowl are holding the
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 45 - November 25- pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity
Ne w s
Present ed by
Jason Set nyk Compl et e St ories on our Websit e www.t heseeker.ca
LUIS DEFEATS URUSQUIETA - Tony ?Lightning? Luis defeated Christian Urusquieta by unanimous decision Saturday night in Mississauga. Tony Luis now has a 22-3 record. ?I need to thank my opponent, Christian Uruzquieta for putting up a great fight. He hasn?t lost in 6 years and was on a 10 fight winning streak. And I can see why. I need to thank my new Promoters of Liveco Entertainment as well as United Promotions for giving me this opportunity. This was the perfect fight to get me back on track. It wasn?t pretty. And I have things to work on. But I am back,? said Tony Luis on social media. Tony Luis was also the Seeker Choice Award for Athlete of the Year in 2014 as voted by our readers.
WENDAL CLARK ANNOUNCES WORLD JUNIOR HOCKEY STOP IN CORNWALL - NHL alumni Wendel Clark helped make the announcement that the road to the World Junior Hockey Championship will include a stop in Cornwall Ontario. The former NHL player laced up for six teams such as the Toronto Maple Leafs, Quebec Nordiques, New York Islanders, Tampa Bay Lightning, Detroit Red Wings, and Chicago Blackhawks. Wendel Clark, the two time NHL All-Star, was the perfect choice to help make the World Junior Hockey announcement at the RBC in Cornwall Ontario on Friday. He was a gold medal winner for Canada at the 1985 World Junior Ice Hockey Championship. He has first hand experience playing at the tournament and winning. Sweden will face-off versus Slovakia for a World Junior Exhibition Game at the Cornwall Civic Complex on Monday, December 19th, 2016. The game
starts at 7pm and tickets are $15, or for groups of 20 or larger tickets are only $13 each. To purchase tickets call the Complex Box Office or get them at www.admission.com. CONSERVATIVE LEADERSHIP CANDIDATE AIDS CORNWALL MAN Is there a Conservative doctor in the house? When MP Kellie Leitch arrived in Cornwall this morning for a Conservative Leadership Breakfast, she was planning to give a speech and meet party members, not offer medical services. Crash! After a kitchen staff employee at the Royal Canadian Legion collapsed and fell to the ground, Leitch quickly got up from her seat to aid the man. The orthopaedic paediatric surgeon announced, ?I?m a doctor?, as she moved through a crowd of people, and knelt beside the man to check his condition. A few minutes later the man was able to sit up and eventually he was able to stand on his own accord. An organizer asked if an ambulance needed to be called, but Leitch indicated that would not be necessary. ?He just tripped, I just made sure he was okay. He?s fine?, said Kellie Leitch who downplayed the event. Her campaign slogan is ?working hard, helping others?, and that is exactly what Leitch did at the Conservative Leadership Breakfast on Saturday morning. TEAM CORNWALL AGM - In what has become a Cornwall tradition, Team Cornwall will host the popular Year in Review meeting on Thursday December 15th.The meeting annually attracts well over 300 community leaders who are eager to hear a recap of the year's economic activity, compiled by the City's Economic Development Department. The meeting will be held at Galaxy Cinemas on Second Street. Doors will open at 7:00 a.m. and the meeting will begin
at 7:30 a.m. sharp. The Year in Review report summarizes major development activity that has occurred in Cornwall over the past 12 months. ?2016 has been a busy year of notable developments in both the private and public sector,? said Bob Peters, Senior Development Officer with Cornwall Economic Development. "Our goal is to showcase the overall positive impact that results from individual decisions to invest.? COLTS CHOP LUMBER KINGS AT HOME - The Cornwall Colts built a 3-0 lead and staved off a third period charge from Pembroke and beat the Lumber Kings 4-3 at the Ed Lumley Arena. Tristan Conrad?s second goal of the season with 1:49 left to play in the 3rd period was the game winner. Christopher Mammas (5), Brennan Markell (4) and Sebastian Dirven (4) also scored for the Colts who improve to 15-9-0-3 for 33 points and 6th overall in the CCHL standings. Tanner Spink chipped in with 2 assists. The Cornwall Colts outshot the Lumber Kings 41-26 with Liam Lascelle picking up the victory in goal. The Cornwall Colts only trail first place Carleton Place by 5 points heading into weekend. NATIONALS DEFEAT WOLVES AT HOME - A hectic weekend for the Nationals was also a productive one, as Cornwall picked up two victories in three games. The Nationals defeated the Watertown Wolves 8-4 on last Sunday afternoon at the Civic Complex in front of 620 fans. Maxime Guyon, playing in his first game for Cornwall, led the way offensively with three goals and an assist. It?s a lighter schedule for the Nationals next weekend with a pair of road contests. Cornwall travels to Danbury to take on the Titans on Friday, Nov. 25th (7:15 p.m.) and the next night, the Nationals are in Berlin to face the River Drivers (7 p.m.). Cornwall has a pair of home games the following weekend. The Nationals host Berlin on Saturday, Dec. 3rd and Port Huron on Sunday, Dec. 4th.->
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 45 - November 25- pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
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Sales Need A Boost ? Ask m e h ow I can h elp you r each you r t ar get m ar k et ! Call Rick 613-935-3763 ext 717 or em ail: sales@t h eseek er .ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 45 - November 25- pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Seaw ay Valley Theatr e Com pany w ill soon stage their annual childr en?s play. A cast of fifty-four (!) of Cor nw all's m ost talented young per for m er s has been assem bled to br ing their pr oduction of "Shr ek the M usical JR." to life at the Aultsville Theatr e. Based on the Oscar -w inning Dr eam Wor ks Anim ation film and the subsequent Br oadw ay m usical, the show is par t r om ance and par t tw isted fair y tale, and packs ir r ever ent fun w ith a pow er ful m essage for the w hole fam ily. Once upon a tim e, in a far aw ay sw am p, ther e lived an ogr e nam ed Shr ek . (Nolan Ar m str ong.) One day, he finds his sw am p invaded by a m ass of banished fair ytale m isfits w ho have been cast off by Lor d Far quaad (Colin Hill), a tiny ter r or w ith big am bitions. W hen Shr ek sets off w ith a w isecr acking donkey (Ethan Gilm our ) to confr ont Far quaad, he's handed a task ? if he r escues the feisty pr incess Fiona (Anna Villeneuve), his sw am p w ill be r ighted. Shr ek tr ies to w in Fiona?s love and vanquish Lor d Far quaad, but a fair ytale w ouldn't be com plete w ithout a few tw ists and tur ns along the w ay. This is shaping up to be the SVTC?s biggest kid?s show yet. Indeed, the tw o per for m ances booked exclusively for schools on Decem ber 2 ver y quickly sold out, and they?r e betting on an equally successful tur nout for the thr ee public per for m ances that w ill follow.
l e as Puss in Gw en Cam er on -Bur el as Dw ar f Boot s an d Jacob Pi l on
"Shr ek the M usical JR.? is pr oduced by M att Latim er and Janet Villeneuve, and is dir ected by M ichael DeWolfe. The m usical dir ector is Stephanie St. Louis, and the show is chor eogr aphed by Paula DiStefano. I t will be sta ged for the public at the Aultsville Theatr e, 2 St. Lawr ence Dr ive, on Satur day, December 3 at 1:30 pm a nd 4:30 pm, a nd a ga in on Sunday, December 4 at 1:30 pm. Tickets a r e $10.00 a nd a r e ava ila ble in a dva nce at w w w.svtc.theticketwicket.ca . You ca n a lso buy them in per son or by phone at the SD&G United Way/Centr a ide office at 405 Four th Str eet West, Cor nwa ll, 613-932-2051.
Office hour s ar e M onday to Fr iday fr om 8:30 am to 4:30 pm . They w ill also be available at the door for one hour befor e each per for m ance. All seats ar e assigned and the theatr e is w heelchair accessible. For mor e infor mation a bout the play, visit w w w.svtc.ca . Be sur e to follow the ha shta g #SVTCShr ekJR on socia l media , too.
M ike
M ERRIAM As we prepare for the Holiday Season at Marrow and Spice, we are preparing traditional holiday foods and baked goods, but also talking to customers with special dietary needs about options available to that meet their personal requirements.
Lately many busy customers are electing to have Marrow and Spice prepare specialty meals for them so that they can enjoy delicious foods while sticking to their dietary restrictions. Whether this involves avoiding Gluten, Lactose, Salt, Carbs, or Sugar, Chef Roger enjoys the challenge of creating delicious food from scratch for you. There is always a selection of prepared and frozen entrees in the freezer for those nights when you forget to take something out of the freezer, or just don't have time to cook.
Chocolate Reindeer. Jenna from Zengarry Cheese had a great day offering samples of Zengarry's amazing cashew nut ?cheeses? in six flavours. Helen from Bee Real alternative health products was happy to show customers her new line of beeswax-based cosmetics. Jada was busy in the kitchen producing mouth-watering food from her native Thailand. People were so excited about Jada's Thai food that Marrow and Spice has decided to feature her weekly, so watch the Facebook page (ht t ps:/ / www.f acebook.com/ Marrowandspice) to know which day is Thai food day at the store!
Jada, Chef Roger and Andrea
At the same time, Andrea has been impressing all with her Christmas baking, both regular and Gluten-Free. She recently created a couple of loaves of Gluten-Free, Yeast-Free, Lactose-Free bread, and it was delicious! Meanwhile, Mike has been trying to stay out of the way of these two local food specialists, while still stocking he shelves with dry-rubs, pickles, kombucha, and lacto-fermented vegetables. Folks who visited Marrow and Spice on Saturday were treated to some of the producers offering their wares in-person. Customers could visit, sample new products and ask questions. Sue-Anne Atkins of Fairy Sweet Chocolates was buried in Christmas goodies, from double-coated chocolate raisins and Espresso beans to ?Lumps of Coal?, and
"Bringing thehighest quality local produceto your family's table."
As the calendar continues to take us towards the excitement of Christmas, the staff at Marrow and Spice is looking forward to producing more food and helping our customers select interesting Christmas gifts and kits to help you prepare your own wonders at home!
We offer Zoe Gourmet Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegars, The Mix Company Gluten-Free mixes, stocking stuffers of maple syrup or honey, maple or honey candies, Fairy Sweet Chocolates, Diversitea gourmet teas, and much more!! and don't forget to call us for your Christmas catering needs!
TheAll Year Round Indoor Farmers Market! Marrow & Spice , Unit 40, 812 Pitt Street 613-933-3330 www.marrowandspice.com
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 45 - November 25- pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rle ne
BAKER Hello there to all of you avid and smart readers in the Cornwall and the S.D. & G. area reading ~THE SEEKER~ this week. I really hope that you were ready for last Monday's nasty storm with all of that SNOW!!! Mother Nature held back as long as she could, but ~OLD MAN WINTER~ had to come ROARING IN LIKE A LION, OR LIKE A MAN WITH A COLD!!! WINTER is upon us.. tis that time of year to have all of the seasonal stuff readied for the long, Winter days and nights that lay before us. No more running out to the store in your Summer sandals, Johnny!!!
TIP OF THE WEEK: Did You Know That DRINKING WATER at the CORRECT TIME Maximizes It's EFFECTIVENESS On The Human Body??? 1. Two glasses of water after "Waking- up:" helps activate our internal organs. 2. One glass of water before taking a bath or a shower helps lower Blood Pressure. 3. One glass of water 30 minutes before EATing helps DIGESTION. 4. One glass of water before going to bed helps avoid Heart Attacks and Strokes. HAPPY DRINKING YOUR COLD REFRESHING GLASSES OF H20!!!
ITEM OF THE WEEK: This week I have choosen a special item that I bought from a good friend of mine, Karen Muise. Her and her guy, Ken have a page on facebook set up where they take in donations and sell them to raise money for others that are less fortunate in our community. They call it ~K&K'S Place for gentle used or new items~ . I have purchased a lot of unique items from Karen and this week I got the perfect gift for my eldest son, Clyde's 30th Birthday. It is an Elvis Presley collector stamp and coin with a certificate of authenticity. He has always loved Elvis ( I Wonder Why?? Hmmm??? ) and I know he is going to just love this present from me!!! Could you please donate any new or gently used items that you may have around your home that you may not want anymore. Please Check out the ~K & K~ page on facebook. Thank you Karen & Ken and everyone else who is thinking and helping others
Ste p he n
during the upcoming Holiday Season. CHRISTMAS Is Less Than a Month Away!!! Are You Getting Ready??? Or, Are You Waiting Until The Last Days??? Hmmm??? Please Pay It Forward In Some Small Way. COMMUNITY NEWS: TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY FOR ~JAMMING FOR HOSPICE~ IT IS PATTI EDWARD'S 5TH ANNUAL FUNDRAISING EVENT!!! IT IS BEING HELD AT THE ~AGORA CATHOLIC CENTRE~!!! PLEASE GET YOUR $25.00 TICKETS FOR THE BEST & MOST IMPORTANT FUNDRAISER OF THE YEAR!!! There is going to be LIVE MUSIC from local Bands & Musicians, A Delicious ~HOT~ Meal will be served, Many Local Vendors will be selling their Xmas wares, A Silent/ Live Auction will be ongoing, A Chinese Lottery, & Even a 50/ 50. ~The Couch ~ ladies, Erica Sinden & Shannon Dunet will be there broadcasting LIVE on air, through the ~DCN~ network!!! I will also be in attendance throughout the Day & Night as the M.astress of C.eremonies!!! ~JAMMING FOR HOSPICE~ IS GOING TO LITERALLY ROCK CORNWALL!!! The Band Line-up for this year are: 3:00 - 3:30 ~The New Folkies~ 3:30 - 4:30 ~The Trevor Walsh Group~4:35 4:50 John Laprade 4:55 5:40 Peter John Fortin & Mike Palfrey5:30 or 6:00 Dinner to be served 5:45 - 6:45 Paul Smith 6:50 - 7:15 Craig Loney & Jake Van Noy 7:20 - 8:30 Studio Nine 8:45 10: 00 Rod Squad 10:15 - 11:30 Kilts, Riffs & Spurs 11:45 1:00 a.m. ~Red Flag~ Come Out To Enjoy 10 Hours of LIVE Music & Fun For A Wonderful & Special Cause!!! All Proceeds Donated Go To the ~Cornwall Hospice~ I SO LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING A LOT OF MY FRIENDS & BUSINESS ACQUAINTANCES & COLLEAGUES AT THIS FABULOUS FUNDRAISER!!! UNTIL NEXT WEEK: You know that the WORLD isn't split into "Good People" & "Bad People!" We all have both "LIGHT & DARK" within us. What matters is the part we choose to ACT ON. That Is What Really Counts!!! You also know that we are not given a "Good Life" or a "Bad Life!" We are given a LIFE!!! It Is Up To Us To Make It GOOD Or BAD!!! It Is All Up To YOU!!! Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.listerphotos.ca
Christ mas Shopping List , Part 2
Wel l , it is BLACK FRIDAY - t ime t o get shopping Christmas is often a time when computers are purchased. Don't forget to buy a good computer security program. Free coverage provided by AVG, Avast and others is better than nothing, but spending the extra can help save a lot more if your computer becomes compromised. While you may be able to find an antivirus for under $50, many of the full protection suites cost up to $100, but typically have multiple device or home licenses. Some suites to consider are from AVG, Avast, Bitdefender, Kaspersky and Zone Alarm. Something that is often overlooked is the mouse. In the under $100 price range, there is a wide assortment of computer mousing devices. I work on a computer constantly, so I need a mouse that conforms to my hand and glides easily. I need something that is precise and works well on various surfaces. Corded or cordless, find the device that best suits the person using the computer. My wife's computer has two mouses, one for her and one for our daughter. Don't forget a good quality mouse pad; it can help to reduce friction and also improve recognition and tracking. Microsoft, Logitech and Razer all produce a variety of mouses and similar devices. If you are a touch typist, or a hard-core computer gamer, $200 spent on a mechanical keyboard can be considered money well spent. Mechanical keyboards are considerably more expensive than typical membrane units, but can last a much longer time (I have had mechanical keyboards last for 10 years) and usually provide superior typing performance. The human to computer interface is very important; if you are not comfortable you won't be
as productive, or have as much enjoyment from your computer. Thermaltake, Razer, Logitech, SteelSeries and Das Keyboard are companies known for their high quality mechanical keyboards. Prices typically range from $100 to a tad over $200. I wouldn't call gifts in the $100 to $200 range stocking stuffers, but they are not exactly big ticket items either. There are a number of helicopter / quadcopter drones in this price range. Many of them work in conjunction with your smart phone to provide a first person perspective viewing experience. Be careful with these drones, as there may be rules on their operation. Something I have always enjoyed are a good set of headphones. Bose, Sony and Sennheiser all make some really good sounding headphones. For those without a lot of room for large speakers, high quality headphones can provide a cost effective way to get truly awesome sound reproduction. When testing headphones in a store, always use your own music if at all possible. I recently purchased a great sounding set of headphones based upon the store's demo music; when I got home they didn't sound nearly as good. The store equipment was likely equalized with high and low end boost, which would not provide a true demonstration of the headphone's capabilities. Again, try to test headphones with your own source material. Wide screen monitors between 20 and 24 inches are also in the $100 to $200 price range. Asus, LG and Samsung have some good models and, for the budget conscious, you may be able to find an AOC and BenQ monitor with impressive imaging. Check out the various models and research them on-line just to be sure you find the best monitor for your needs. Blu-ray players often can serve as servers for Internet content such as YouTube and Netflix. Some people simply use a Blu-ray player and a computer monitor instead of a television. Oh, and Blu-ray players are also in the $100 to $200 price range. NEXT WEEK: Christmas Shopping List, Part 3
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 45 - November 25- pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even tns'm o r SECTION e
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SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26 MAGIC THE GATHERING - All day event DROP IN FAMILY STORYTIME / HEURE DU CONTE FAMILIALE PORTE-OUVERTE. 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. PAWS 'N BOOKS Reading to a dog is Pawsome. Drop-in. 11 a.m. to 12 noon. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28 BABY TALES Moms and babies learning together 10 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. COLOURING FOR GROWN UPS -6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. MAHJONGG Intense fun! 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Also on Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 NANOWRIMO NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH Join other writers and write write write. Everyone is welcome. 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. TEEN TUESDAYS Great activities for young teens Free. 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Bring your friends. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30
THE FORUM - PHYSICAL & SPIRITUAL HEALTH Presentations & Discussions - 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. APPRENDRE EN JOUANT (0 à 5 ans) 10 h 30 à 12 h Nutrition, littérature et musique. Activités en français pour parents et enfants. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24 SCRABBLE - Great challenge, great fun! 1:30 p.m. DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS - Teens - 7 p.m.
Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On - ( 613) 662-5549 Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com
with aGiftCertificate thisChristmas
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 45 - November 25- pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
t o d o - w h er e
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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 45 - November 25- pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
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REM EM BER - If t h e r ack s ar e em p t y - READ THE SEEKER ONLINE at www.t h eseek er .ca THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 45 - November 25- pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Sha ry n
THO M PSO N Would you like to try a really tasty and easy to do crispy chicken recipe? This weeks recipe is for you. Cornflake cereal crumbs and spices coat the chicken and give it a wonderful crunch. Leftovers will make a great chicken caesar salad for next days supper. I always try to have planned leftovers from just cooking one meal. Just switch it up a bit. I used my brand new Paderno frying pan. It is amazing! Cook on top of your stove and in the oven and perfectly non-stick. It's wonderful! Then I decided to try and make some homemade eggnog. I used my Kitchen Aid Mixer to get a real frothy eggnog. You will get 2 quarts of eggnog from 1/ 3 (a single bag)of a 4 litre bag of milk. It keeps refrigerated just fine. Starting next week, I will have Christmas recipes for you. Rita, the cookie recipes will be especially for you as promised! It will be just one month to Christmas from this Sunday. No stress, right?
4 boneless skinless chicken br easts (or thighs) 1 cup of Cor n Flake cer eal cr um bs 1 tsp. gr anulated gar lic pow der 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper 1/4 tsp. gr ound black pepper plain yogur t to dip your chicken in 1 or 2 tbsp. vegetable oil for your fr ying pan (w hich m ust be oven safe)
M ETHOD: -Set your oven to 400 degr ees F. -Use a food pr ocessor to cr um b up the Cor n Flake cer eal. I r em em ber my M um using a r olling pin to r oll out cr acker or cer eal cr um bs w hen I w as just a kid. Ther e w er e no food pr ocessor s in those days, just old fashioned elbow gr ease. Think of all the electr icity they saved! You can still m ake cr um bs this w ay now ! -Cr um b up extr as and fr eeze the cr um bs in ziploc bags for futur e use.
-Into the 1 cup of Cor n Flake cr um bs, add the gar lic pow der , cayenne pepper and black pepper. Place this in a shallow pie plate. -Rinse and pat dr y the chicken br easts. -Place the yogur t in a shallow pie plate. Dip the chicken into the yogur t to coat w ell.
w ith the tip of a par ing knife. ENJOY!
-Now dip the yogur t coated chicken br easts into the cr um b m ixtur e. Pr ess the cr um b m ixtur e gently to coat the chicken. -Heat the oil in a lar ge fr ying pan that is oven safe. Place the coated chicken pieces in the hot fr ying pan. Fr y the chicken for just 1 m inute on one side. Then using a spatula and tongs, car efully tur n the chicken br easts over. The br ow ned sides facing up. -Now place the pan w ith the chicken into the pr e-heated oven and bake the chicken for 20 m inutes or until the juices r un clear w hen you pier ce the chicken
4 extr a lar ge eggs 1 plastic bag fr om a 4 litr e bag of 2% m ilk (or hom ogenized) 2 or 3 tsp. pur e vanilla extr act or use vanilla bean paste (We sell either at Shar yn's Pantr y. You can br ing your ow n bottle.) 2 tsp. or m or e gr ound nutm eg or use w hole nutm eg and gr ate them (We car r y w hole nutm egs at Shar yn's Pantr y.) 8 tbsp. icing sugar r um if you w ish to use it
M ETHOD: -W ith your m ixer , w hip the eggs for a couple of m inutes until they ar e just fr othy and light as a feather. If you ar e using a Kitchen Aid m ixer , use the w ir e w hip attachm ent. -To this, add in the m ilk and vanilla or vanilla bean paste and nutm eg and icing sugar. W hip aw ay until nice and light. Taste, you m ay w ant to add m or e icing sugar or vanilla or nutm eg. It's up to you.
Ownerof SHARYN'SPANTRY a family-runbusinessfor 36years. 812 Pitt St, Unit 6, Cornwall,ON 613-936-1998 OPEN: Mondayto Saturday- 9 to 5
-Add r um as you like, into the w hole m ixtur e or by the glass as you ser ve it. -Pour the eggnog into a lar ge pitcher and stor e in your fr idge. ENJOY!
Reminder - Overnight wint er parking rest rict ions FROM NOVEMBER 15TH TO DECEMBER 14TH Parking on any roadway between the hours of 1 am - 7 am is prohibited ONLY on days when a snowfall of 5 centimetres or more is forecasted by Environment Canada.
Like many other communities, the City of Cornwall has parking restrictions in place during the winter season. These restrictions are necessary in order to ensure snow clearing activities can be completed in a safe and effective manner. In recent years, the City has modified the winter parking restrictions in order to provide more flexibility to motorists whenever weather conditions permit. The restrictions work as follows:
During the early restriction period, residents are encouraged to keep an eye on the weather forecast and local media reports. When a parking restriction is in effect, it will also be posted on the City website (www.cornwall.ca)and social media pages. Residents can also use the Pingstreet app to receive immediate updates on restrictions Residents can also call (613) 932-5354 to confirm whether parking restrictions are in place. FROM DECEMBER 15TH TO MARCH 31ST Parking on any roadway between the hours of
1 am - 7 am is prohibited regardless of weather forecast. FROM MARCH 1ST TO MARCH 31ST During this period, the Infrastructure & Municipal Works Department may make an exception to the overnight winter parking restrictions based on the status of existing snow accumulation and the weather forecast. Should the overnight parking restrictions be lifted during this period, a notice will be published on the City's website as well as social media and Pingstreet. Please Note: Any posted parking restriction shall be observed in addition to the above overnight restrictions. VIOLATIONS The fine for violating the winter parking restriction is $25.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 45 - November 25- pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ w r estling, w hich in m any w ays influenced m e, especially on KVS,? Spencer Rice noted. On Kenny vs. Spenny, Spencer Rice got to w or k w ith Tr ey Par ker and M att Stone of South Par k . The tw o anim ator s becam e executive pr oducer s in the show ?s four th season. ?For the m ost par t they w er e cool enough to let us do our thing. Am azing talents. Still can?t believe they loved KVS,? Spencer Rice m ar velled. Kenny vs Spenny hit the talk show cir cuit in the 2000s and Spencer
Interview with Kenny vs Spenny actor and musician Spencer Rice Article by Jason Setnyk Submitted Photo Rice w as a guest on pr ogr am s like Jim my Kim m el and Conan O?Br ien.
?M y biggest influence is solo blues ar tist John Ham m ond. I saw him m any year s ago on the advice of the late David Car r adine and he blew my m ind. He?s the m ain influence in ter m s of a lot of my playing style. M y gener al thing is to play the songs I?ve loved m ost over the year s. The songs I play, genr e-w ise, usually fall into blues, countr y and classic r ock . The songs I w r ite ar e com edic, and I usually play a couple w hen I per for m , but until I can w r ite on par w ith my faves, I?ll inter pr et their m usic. The Beatles have had a huge influence on my life and car eer. W ithout them , I?d pr obably be r eal estate agent, or som ething,? Rice stated. W hat can fans expect w hen they see Spencer Rice in concer t? Well ther e ar e som e com edic elem ents to his live show. Kenny vs. Spenny is som ething Rice can?t escape ? so he em br aces it! ?I stand alone singing, playing guitar and blow ing har p. I tr y to encour age people to listen to the m aster s? especially young folks. I inter act a little w ith the audience, but I need to concentr ate to pull off a solo show. That said, I?m a sm ar t-ass, and ther e ar e alw ays som e laughs. On one song I w r ote about KVS I w ear a fake octopus on my head. To the best my know ledge M uddy Water s never did that, but the kids like it. KVS is som ething I can?t escape, so I em br ace it w ith gr atitude,? Spencer Rice declar ed. Is enter tainm ent in your fam ily genes? Is it tr ue one of your cousins w or ked on Degr assi, and another one of your cousins w as a w r iter on Seinfeld? ?Not sur e about the genetic com ponent. I?m m or e envir onm ent w ith that stuff. Yes, Laur en Collins is my cousin. She?s a gr eat actr ess. Also my cousin M ar jor ie Gr oss, w ho w r ote for Seinfeld (4 episodes), Lar r y Sander s, Get a Life and The Bob New har t Show , am ong other s, and intr oduced m e to The Beatles, w hich w as a m ajor influence inter ns of getting m e inter ested in show business. Her br other Jonathon, a gr eat w r iter , and all-ar ound hilar ious dude, got m e into pr o
M any TV show s ar e getting r esur r ected on Netflix, but other than Kenny vs. Spenny Live, don?t expect a new season or m ovie in the im m ediate futur e. ?Other than KVS Live, I?m focussing on live m usic and com edy. I?m also doing an enter taining sexual aw ar eness show on univer sity and college cam puses w ith Bachelor ette alum ni and cer tified sex coach, Shaw n Evans. Plus I w r ite com edy pieces for a couple new spaper s,? Spencer Rice stated w ho has a sex advice colum n in the W indsor Independent. W hat?s next for Spencer Rice? W ill you be r eleasing an album of your m usic? ?HAHAHAHAHAHA. No w ay. The r ecor d business m akes the past US election look like a dr um cir cle at Venice Beach. I just w ant to play live and get better at the solo cr aft. I tour w ith Kenny doing KVS Live, w hich is a blast, and as I said, I do other live show s. W ho know s w hat the next few year s w ill br ing. Right now I?m just tr ying to m ake a living like ever yone else to suppor t my fam ily and my w r estling addiction,? Spencer Rice concluded. The upcom ing Spencer Rice tour is being booked and pr om oted by the Diam ond M ine Agency. If you w ould like to see Spencer Rice per for m ing blues, countr y, and classic r ock ? w ith a hint of com edy, you can see him live on Satur day, Decem ber 10th, 2016 at CafĂŠ Dekcuf. Opening the show ar e Chr is Benton, Danielle Allar d, Pr oject M antr a, and Logan Gr oves. Advanced tickets ar e $12 and gener al adm ission is $15. The door s open at 7:30pm and the show is 19+. Her e ar e the Spencer Rice?s other tour dates: 12/11 ? Kingston, ON @ Over tim e Spor ts Bar , 12/13 ? Tor onto, ON @ Dance Cave At Lee?s Palace, 12/14 ? TBA 12/15 ? Tillsonbur g, ON @ Sam my Kr enshaw ?s, 12/16 ? W indsor , ON @ The W indsor Beer Exchange, and12/17 ? Niagar a Falls, ON @ Taps Br ew er y.
The show Kenny vs Spenny, w hich air ed fr om 2002
His m usic falls in the categor ies of blues, countr y, and classic r ock . His biggest m usical influence is John Ham m ond and the biggest influence on his life and car eer ar e The Beatles.
?O?Br ien in NY w as intense. He w as a com edic for ce of natur e. Kim m el w as the m ost fun in ter m s of a par tying. Sar ah Silver m an w as ther e. Love her. I m essed up and said som ething negative about Huey Lew is to Jim my, not r ealizing he w as his best fr iend. He w ould never r em em ber , but I?ll never for get. And for the r ecor d, I saw a piece on Huey on som e r eality show , and he seem s super cool,? Spencer Rice obser ved.
Ottaw a Ontar io ? Actor Spencer Rice is best know n for his r ole on the television pr ogr am Kenny vs Spenny (KVS), how ever he is also a talented m usician. He is tour ing Ontar io star ting on Decem ber 10th at CafĂŠ Dekcuf in Ottaw a.
to 2010, w as also nom inated for thr ee Gem ini Aw ar ds.
The ' White Knucklerz RC ' Motorcycle Riding Club for Local Sick Children entered the Santa Claus Parade for their 1st time this year This amazing Club raises awareness about the illnesses that children in our community have. In the Spirit of a Disney Christmas even a sick child likes to make believe that they are a Prince, Princess or even a Pirate. "We had the privilege of having 3 of the amazing children (Jordan, Diceson and Lynzie) who we had sponsored over the past few years accompany us on our float to help raise awareness about the sick children in our community. said Laurie-Jade of the White Knucklerz. For more info email: whiteknucklerzrc2014@hotmail.com or check us out on Facebook
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 45 - November 25- pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Focus Art - PRINCIPAL SPONSORS 2016
Lind a
G e ise l St . Lawrence Art Group - a Happy Creat ive Pl ace f or Local Art ist s
Under the expert guidance of Dean Smiley, they created two beautiful friendship Kathleen Morin, working under the guidance of Eric Smiley, is adding colour to her soon to be friendship ball.
balls that they were proud to take home. In addition to glass art making, the Priest?s Mill Glassworks owner Eric Covington is committed to promoting art of all disciplines and to fostering an environment of growth. We are anticipating more artistic happenings in Alexandria and areas in the coming year. If you are interested in visiting his shop, it is located at 16 Mill Square, Alexandria, Ontario. They can be contacted by phone at (613) 703-9430 or by email at: eric@priest smil l gl assworks.com
The St. Lawrence Art Group has been in existence for over 10 years in the Cornwall Area. It was started by Norma O?Collin and a few others for the purpose of creating a communal place for artists to come together and paint. It has been particularly beneficial for those artists who lack a space at home to paint. It is also a place to share ideas, techniques and friendships. The group meets weekly at the Trinity Anglican Church and has a regular attendance of a dozen or more. The cost for each participant is $40 for 12 weeks, to pay for the rental of the space. The large sunny room Joan Julien (left) and Libby Cameron are faithful members. can easily accommodate 16 artists. The group ends its current session this week and Claudine will gather for a social Trottier luncheon next week.
painted this lovely flower scape. She too is also a regular participant.
The new session will start next year on Tuesday, February 7. They do have room for new members. If you are interested, please contact Norma O?Collin at 613-938-3168.
Eric Covington is sharing his passion of murrine glass with Beatrice Dumbreck and Adele Constantineau. Eric explained to the two how colored patterns or images are made in a glass cane which are then used by cross cutting the rod into pieces. The pattern is then revealed and the pieces are incorporated into the design of a glass art piece.
Visit www.focusart online.org FOCUS ART Visit ed t he Priest s Mil l Gl assworks and Gal l ery If you have never visited a hand blown glass workshop, you really should. The Priest?s Mill Glassworks are located in the historic Priests Mill in downtown Alexandria. It offers a public access hot glass workshop, meaning that you can go and visit during hours of operation to watch the artists at work. You can also participate in a beginner?s Glassblowing class for a cost and take home a
FOR FREE! f or 30 days no obl igat ions
no credit card needed
Hu n dr eds of t em plat es f or t h e do-it -you r selves en t h u siast s 24-7 su ppor t In st an t accou n t act ivat ion On lin e w ebsit e bu ilder 1 Click app in st aller s
handmade treasure. This is what two of the FOCUS ART members did on this past wintry stormy Sunday while visiting the workshop.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 45 - November 25- pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ W ho w as their favour ite band to tour w ith? ?Out of that illustr ious list, pr obably NoFX, because Fat M ike puts out our r ecor ds, and the tour s w ith the other thr ee w er e so long ago that I can?t r em em ber if they w er e nice guys or sad pathetic punk pop idiots w ith bad songs and w or se attitudes. Or that could have been us. We also love tour ing w ith Austr alian bands, although they?r e m or e likely to steal our beer. Ther e?s som e r ad ones like Clow ns and The Bennies and Canine and Hostile Objects and I Exist and The Cutaw ays and heaps m or e bands that you pr obably alr eady like m or e than us,? Lindsay M cDougall r evealed. Fat M ike r uns the r ecor d label Fat Wr eck Chor ds, and being on that label is a dr eam com e tr ue for M cDougall. He is a huge fan of the SoCal punk scene. ?Apar t fr om the obvious of being on the label that I used to dr eam of being on w hen I w as a kid? (In fact not ever dar e dr eam about, just listen to w hatever SoCal nonsense got put in the r ecor d shop in Engadine NSW , just because it had a Fat Wr eck sticker on it, and loving it.) Apar t fr om that, being on Fat Wr eck m eans that w e get to be on the sam e label as a bunch of our good m ates (w ho play that afor em entioned SoCal nonsense), know that all over the w or ld people w ill buy our r ecor ds just because of that Fat Wr eck sticker , just like I did w hen I w as a kid, and have a label boss w ho is happy to put out our r ecor ds, at least in the cast of our upcom ing one, w ithout even hear ing it. Thanks for that, M r. Fat M ike Sir ,? said Lindsay M cDougall.
Interview with Frenzal Rhomb Article by Jason Setnyk - Submitted Photo
Both bands can som etim es get political.
Sydney Austr alia ? Legendar y Austr alian punk r ock band Fr enzal Rhom b ar e celebr ating 25 year s of m usic w ith a gr eatest hits album titled ?We Lived Like Kings? that w as r ecently r eleased on Fat Wr eck Chor ds.
In 2004 Fat M ike of Nofx or ganized Rock Against Bush in the United States and Fr enzal Rhom b?s M cDougall or ganised Rock Against How ar d in Austr alia. The sam e year Fr enzal Rhom b w er e on a Fat Wr eck Chor ds com pilation in suppor t of PETA.
The band, w hich consists of Lindsay M cDougall (guitar ), Jason W halley (vocals), Tom Cr ease (bass), and Gor dy For m an (dr um s), r eleased a new album of old songs. It?s going to be a nostalgic tr ip of 1990s punk r ock, m osh pits, gr een dyed m ohaw ks, w allet chains, band shir ts, tor n ar my pants, and com bat boots.
W ith the r ecent election of Donald Tr um p and w ith Br exit w ill punk get m or e political again?
?Our best-of album ?We Lived Like Kings? We Did Anything We Wanted? of cour se, pr obably because m ost of our album s have a bunch of seafood extender -like filler tr acks, and the best-of cuts out all that fat and just gets str aight to the hits. All the hits. Nothing but the hits,? Lindsay M cDougall confided.
?Punk is still political, alw ays kind of is, it?s just the bits that float to the top ar e the lightest, that?s just science. If you dig dow n you can find heaps of angr y people w r iting gr eat songs about shit things. And not just in the punk r ock w or ld either. Hip Hop has never been m or e political, ther e ar e m etal bands singing about a lot m or e than w ar locks and sw or ds, and so m any younger bands and electr onic ar tists ar e kind of political because the DIY w ay they r ecor d and r elease m eans they don?t need big com panies and r uin it w ith their gr ubby finger s. Except for Fat M ike?s finger s. We love those finger s,? Lindsay M cDougall r em ar ked.
The nam e Fr enzal Rhom b is Austr alian for not being sm ar t enough to know w hen to quit. After 25 year s, and num er ous injur ies and health scar es later , the band nam e is m or e pr ofound and m eaningful.
In addition to a gr eatest hits album , Fr enzel Rhom b also r ecor ded a br and new album at the sam e studio as Face to Face?s new album at The Blasting Room .
?To ever yone, even our ow n physical bodies?disdain, I?m afr aid so. Even as our or gans ar e shutting dow n. Our singer Jason has tr avelled quite a lot ar ound the w or ld, w hich is w hy he has tim e to pick up things like botfly lar vae under the skin on his head, and an actual pig-bor ne tapew or m living in his br ain. Or our lim bs spontaneously br eaking in desper ate attem pt to escape the em bar r assm ent, our stubbor n br ains, like bir ds sm ashing their heads against a closed w indow , still r efuse to get a hair cut and get a r eal job,? Lindsay M cDougall m entioned.
?We just finished it (the new album ). We r ecor ded it the sam e place w e r ecor ded our last one, and w her e so m any gr eat r ecor ds w er e done, The Blasting Room , w ith Bill Stevenson fr om the Descendents, and his par tner Jason Liver m or e (and a cast of sever al m or e key player s). It w as a lot of fun and w e think w e r ecor ded som ething r eally nice. We r ecor ded 23 songs, and w e?ll put 19 or 20 on the album , but don?t w or r y it?ll still only go for about 35 m inutes, and that?s only coz ther e?s a couple of epic 3 m inute songs to blow out the aver age. It should be out in Apr il, on Fat Wr eck, even though M ike hasn?t hear d it yet. I pr om ise it?s pr etty, pr etty, pr etty good,? Lindsay M cDougall concluded.
The band has r eleased eight studio album , but Lindsay M cDougall?s favour ite is the r ecent gr eatest hits album .
In addition to tour ing ar ound the w or ld, Fr enzal Rhom b has also suppor ted Austr alian tour s by The Offspr ing, Bad Religion, NOFX, and Blink-182.
Toy D r i v e Teddy Bear Toss The Cornwall Colts, in support of the Optimist Toy Drive, is holding a Teddy Bear toss at their December First Hockey game. The Bears tossed that evening will be collected by The Cornwall Optimist Club and will be sorted, along with the other toys collected in the Optimist Toy Drive, to be gifted to kids that are registered for the Children?s Christmas Fund food baskets to be distributed on December 20 th.
So bring a bear and t oss it ont o t he ice! M em ber s of the Pur ple Chiffon Bloom er s of the Red Hat Society had br unch r ecently w ith the last r eigning M iss Cor nw all, at Har vest Restaur ant. Pictur ed ar e M ichelle Tessier , (M iss Cor nw all 1993), her m other Anita Tessier , and Joyce M onk ,Queen Bee of the Pur ple Chiffon Bloom er s.
The Seeker Team encourages you all to send in your Local Community Snippers - A PHOTO AND A CAPTION - send it to: info@theseeker.ca
After the first Cornwall Colts goal or at the end of the first period. There will also be prizes to be won courtesy of the Cornwall Colts.
Hel p us put a smil e on some f aces of kids on Christ mas morning.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 45 - November 25- pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Ju st i n t i m e fo r Ch r i st m as ... Participation?s Music Hall Theatre Production?s is back with ...... A Cr usta ceous, Cur va ceous, Cur sor ia l Cr umpet Under M y Chr istma s Cr a cker , w hich of cour se m eans ... a shell cover ed, cur vy, fem ale for m w ith ar m s and (m ostly) legs, that r esem bles an English m uffin, placed under my Chr istm as Cr acker. W h en : The M usic Hall Dinner / Theatr e show w ill be per for m ed on the 18th Decem ber. W h er e: At The Geor gian House Restaur ant, 148 M ain Str eet, Alexandr ia, Ontar io Cock t ai l s at 5 pm Di n n er : ser ved at 5.30 pm
Sh ow t i m e at 7 pm .
Ti ck et s $50, includes tax and gr atuities. Alcohol not included. Tickets can be pur chased at Geor gian House. Or by Pay Pal thr ough w w w.par t i ci pat i on t h em u si c.com Contact Heinz Kasw ur m 613-525-2219 or M aestr o Rober t W illiam Har dy 613-361-0504
The news: Par ticipation?s M usic Hall Theatr e Pr oductions is no longer in the em ploy of Dow n Tow n Abbey. W hat happened? The Abbey is now a low cost housing developm ent (for Am er ican r efugees). Our butler chose to r em ain w ith Dow n Tow n Abbey, ser ving soup in the ?Soup Kitchen?. The for m er housekeeper , M r s Hazel Hazless, w hich she w ill ar gue is r eally HazlessĂŠ, is now our M istr ess Of Cer em onies, and has contr ibuted a special Scottish Chr istm as stor y to the show , as w ell as her M other 's pr e-w ar tea . The (M ULTI M EDIA) show is full of fun m usic, im ages, and audience Par ticipation. M or e cockney songs, tr aditional Chr istm as car ols, naughty knicker s in the saxophone, a bicycle hor n, coconuts, plus an English School Bell. And now you a r e invited to ...... Pa r ticipate in............. a delecta ble, delightful, delir ious compilation of demogr a phic defying music a nd ....................
So what is so special?
Par t i ci pat i on 's M u si c Hal l Th eat r e Pr odu ct i on s al w ays r ecei ve a st an di n g ovat i on . M ust do som ething r ight M aestro Robert W illiam Hardy. M usical Director of La Plume M oderne, and Creative and M usical Director of Participation?s M usic Hall Theatre Productions and composer of the World renowned ?Variations on a Spotted Dick theme?. November 20th, 2016 w w w.par t i ci pat i on t h em u si c.com
Cornwal l ?s Hist oric Pump House Cornwall water filtration plant?s original pump house, which provided water for drinking and fire fighting purposes, was built on the south bank of the Canal opposite to the paper mill and Lock 18 and officially in operation on May 18, 1886. It was constructed by Moffett, Hodgkin & Clarke of Watertown, NY. Photo: In the first photo we see, from left to right, a Howard Smith pulpwood unloading conveyor, Lock 18 and the former pumping station for Cornwall?s water supply. The original small brick pump house at the west end was enlarged and new pumps and other equipment added. The building at the east, constructed ca. 1918, had once served as housing for the engineer in charge and later was used to house additional pumps. Hot air heating eventually replaced the need for several stoves to heat the complex. Steam pumps were utilized early on and two of them later retained for emergency use.
Photo: The second photo was the 1959 view from the area of the paper mill's # 11 boiler looking south across the canal. The paper mill?s # 11 Boiler House was constructed as part of 45 week 1959 upgrade and expansion which saw upgrades to the Kraft Mill, # 10 Boiler House, the Vanillin plant, creation of the North Wood Room, expansion to the Finishing Room, the addition of Paper Machine # 6 and the ensuing demise of Smithville. Water-powered pumps had become the new standard and were so for many years in conjunction with steam powered pumps. The massive waterwheel inside the plant was powered by the drop in water from the canal to the river. In 1918 two massive centrifugal pumps were installed in an additional building, removing the need to maintain a reservoir. A less-efficient electric pump was put into action in the spring and fall when ice would interfere with the waterwheel and at anytime the water was out of the canal. At one time water passed through an intake pipe to a well sunk into the canal bank. The pumps drew the water from the well, added chlorine and sent the mix into the water mains. In 1934, the operation was amply serving 18,000 residents as well as businesses of Cornwall and the Township with up to 8,000,000 gallons of water per 24 hour period.
Phot os court esy of SD&G Hist orical Societ y
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 45 - November 25- pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
CLASSIFIEDS TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive
FRAMED CLASSIFIEDS up t o 25 WORDS AND A PICTURE $9.99 PLUS hst FOR SALE: Sunbeam stand M ixm aster , 4.6 Quar ts, 12 speed, 350 w atts, used only once, still in box. Retail $170 w ill sell for $85. 613-362-5700 (Cor n w al l ) VHS TO DVD TRANSFERS - Cal l Sh el don at 613-932-4812 FOR SALE : Antique dining set. China hutch sideboar d, table and 6 chair s. Cir ca 1939. Good condition. Asking $650. Pr ice negotiable. Cal l 613-931-2373 AL-ANON - an or gan i zat i on t h at h el ps f am i l i es & f r i en ds of al coh ol i cs. For i n f o an d m eet i n gs i n t h e Cor n w al l ar ea, cal l 613.937.4880 FOR SALE : Food pr ocessor $30. Red Chinese WOK $35. like new , used only once. Lar ge slow cooker - w hite $20, Table ser ving bow ls, 3 for $25. 3 Tupper w ar e ther m al dishes $15. VCR $25. 8 piece silver set, asking $100. Antique cr ystal w ine glasses - best offer. Cal l 613-936-9399 DESSERT THEATRE: Dr am aTr u t h pr esen t s ?Goodbye Cou si n Ph i l i p? A hilar ious Chr istm as stage com edy w ith a str ong Chr istian m essage Thur s Dec 15 @ 6:30 p.m . - Cor nw all Pentecostal Chur ch 208 Second St. E. (cor ner of Am elia) - Cor nw all, ON K6H 1Y7 $7 each or $5 each for 3 or m or e - Info & Tickets 613-937-3737
DID YOU KNOW ... Th e Seek er Su p p o r t s o u r Co m m u n i t y - al l o u r even t s ar e Fu n d r ai ser s! I N SEARCH OF VOLUNTEERS FOR AN EVENT COM M I TTEE: Par ade of nations (a r egister ed char ity helping people w ith special needs ar tistically inclined by m aking their dr eam s com e tr ue and so m uch m or e) w ill be holding its Par ade and M ulticultur al Festival on June 10th 2017, in Long Sault, Ontar io. Since 2017 celebr ates the 150th anniver sar y of the Canada's Independence, it is the per fect tim e to r em em ber and celebr ate the ancestr al or igins and diver sities of people in our ar ea. If you w ould like to be par t of the team , please call M ar ie M or r ell, as soon as possible, at 613-936-6873 or send an e-m ail to i n f o@par adeof n at i on s.com
AND REMEMBER ... For Your Daily Dose of POSITIVE NEWS visit www.theseeker.ca and go to the EVENTS section to post your WEEKLY events FREE or call us to place an EVENT AD in the CENTRE EVENTS SECTION of the Seeker in print! 613-935-3763 ext 1 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 45 - November 25- pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
ONE D A Y ONLY - NO V 25 B L A CK FR I D AY at 609 Pi t t w w w .m r s b s St r e e t , Co r n w a l l ON 613-937-022 g i f t s .c o m 2 w w w .f a c e b o o k .c o m / m r sb sg i f t s
Yan k ee Jar Ca nd
l es
b uy 2 get on e ar e f ree
Lan g Cal en d a rs
Pur chase$ 1 0 0 o
on sal e
b u y 1 g et o n e at 1 / 2 p ri ce
f Kam e
l eonJew el Pop an d receiv e a s FREE p en d an t A N D .. . M r s . B. w i l l p a y t h e TA X o n al l P RICED M E RCH A N D ISE REGU L A R SID EWA L K SA L E w i t h H U GE M A RK D O WN S .. .
SATU RDAY, DECEM BER 3 RD Cor n w all?s n ew est sem i-pr o h ock ey t eam ! Th e on ly Can adian t eam in t h e Feder al Hock ey Leagu e (FHL)
ac t ion h oc k ey, gr eat
Nat s m ov i n g on u p i n FHL st an di n gs CORNWALL ? After taking six of a possible nine points last w eekend, the Nationals w ill look to keep the m om entum going w ith a pair of upcom ing r oad contests. Last Sunday, Cor nw all clim bed into a tie for four th place in the Feder al Hockey League standings and w ill look to m ove up higher this w eekend.
DROPS AT 7:30 f or t h e w h ole f am ily
The Nationals tr avel to Danbur y to take on the Titans on Fr iday night (7:15 p.m .) and on Satur day, Cor nw all visits the Ber lin River Dr iver s (7 p.m .).
The Nationals w ill hold their fir st Teddy Bear Toss, w hich has becom e an exciting local tr adition. The Spar ky Toy Teddy Bear Toss w ill be held Sunday, Dec. 4.
Cor nw all is back on hom e ice the follow ing w eekend w hen it hosts Ber lin on Satur day, Dec. 3 (7:30 p.m .) and Por t Hur on on Sunday, Dec. 4 (1 p.m .).
ATTENDANCE: Cor nw all cur r ently r anks thir d in the FHL in aver age attendance w ith 902 per gam e (thr ee hom e gam es). Only Danville (1,306) and Por t Hur on (1,055) ar e higher.
REM EM BER - If t h e r ack s ar e em p t y - READ THE SEEKER ONLINE at www.t h eseek er .ca
and have yourselves a "Wonderful Week" - from the Seeker Team THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 45 - November 25- pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca