Yo ur CO M M UNITY EVENTS a nd ALTERNATIVE Ne w sp a p e r
Vol ume 7 Issue 41 Oct ober 28, 2016
Linda wants you to fly in and get your PERFECT PUMPKIN to carve your JACK-O-LANTERN !
the BIGGEST Pumpkins in Town are at GIFT
7 5 Co r n wal l Op en Dai l y
Ribf est 2017 New Look New Beginning P. 14
Cen t r e 8 am t o
Rd , Co r n wal l 6 pm
Int erview wit h Bad Cop/ Nof x Singer P. 6
Int erview wit h Comedian Derek Edwards P. 11
Co ver Ph o t o : M ai -Li i s Ren au d
Th e Spook t acu lar Realt or ! To bu y or sell, call...
Always a Dunne Deal
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...
613-935-3763 Business Ads: ext 1 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Edit or (Jul ia) ext 101 Design & Sal es (Mai-Liis) ext 102 EMAIL:
inf o@t heseeker.ca www.t heseeker.ca Of f i ce Hour s 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm Closed 1-1:30pm for lunch
Have yo u fo u n d yo u r sel f i n fr o n t o f an em p t y r ack ? The SEEKERcan sometimesbe hard to find and the standstend to be emptyby Sunday.WHY?you ask ...b ecau seo u r "Week l yDo se o f Po si t i veNews"i s a Ho t It em sar o u n dTo wn !!! Ou r r ead er scan 't g et en o u g h ! If the rack is emptyand you havemissedyour copy- don't worry- you can still r ead u s o n l i n eat www.t h eseek er .ca - Wealsohavea Ho m eDel i ver yo p t i o n- It 's easy- cal l 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6ex 3 t5
Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
LUCIO There is a new trend online, and we're somewhat behind it. It's the # SickAndTiredChallenge.
The challenge was born a Saturday Morning in April of 2016. There was much to be # SickAndTired of that day. First, it was a very cold morning in Cornwall. The winter had been extremely harsh and the temperature remaining at a mere 5 degrees at the end of April made us # SickAndTired of mother nature being temperamental. We blamed it on global warming and big corporations destroying the environment for our future generations. We were # SickAndTired of politicians denying global warming even existed! Secondly, the world was a mess. There were issues with Syria, Russia and Iran, which made us # SickAndTired of the universal path Humans were taking. Then, there was the racial tension, something that should not even be in existence in this day and age, which made us # SickAndTired of injustice and white privilege. Oh, and we were totally and ultimately # SickAndTired of the US Elections. Needless to say, that got us thinking. What if we created a challenge, a positive challenge to eradicate all the things we?re sick and tired of? What if we made it go viral? We came up with the rules and they are quite simple: record a video of yourself naming one thing, only one, that you are simply sick and tired of. This can be about anything and everything? Politics, people, religion, anything you want, but it can be only about one thing. If you have more than one thing you?re sick and tired of, you can recore more than one video.
A d ve r t i s i n g w i t h Th e Se e k e r IS NOT an Expense I t 's a n I N V ESTM EN T! 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 ext 1 0 2 CALL M AI-LIIS TODAY Wh at ar e yo u
w a i t i n gf o r ?
For example, I'm sick and tired of Donald Trump. That man is a joke and the fact that he's so close to White House literally makes me sick and tired. Maybe YOU, are just sick and tired of me bashing Trump. Whatever it is, get on that camera and file out your grievance! It may sound negative at first. After all, complaining about stuff never is never productive, is it? Well... Taking the # SickAndTiredChallenge actually is! Why? Because it requires you to explain what you are planning to do about it or ask your friends to brainstorm to find a solution. Then, you spread the word via social media and nominate 5 friends to do the same. We are inviting you to Sweep the Nation with your Frustration... Then find a solution!
Your one st op shopf or...
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DEADLINES Classifieds Wednesdays 5pm Commercial Ads Tuesdays 5pm
There are many ways to participate. You can go to the website http:/ / sickandtiredchallenge.com and click on "take the challenge" to record and upload your video right from the site. It will then be posted on the sick and tired YouTube channel from where you can share it to other platforms. If you prefer, you can simply record your video right from your phone or other device and upload it to Facebook or twitter, but don't forget to include the hashtag
# SickAndTiredChallenge. You can also include the website address to help us spread the word. Remember, if you 're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
Mai-Liis and I w ish you all a HAPPY & SAFE HALLOWEEN! The
To sh in e a posit ive ligh t on ou r com m u n it y; To br in g a posit ive spin on n ew s? To provide top quality advertising and exposure to small business owners so they can promote their product or service at affordable rates; To give a strong voice to the arts and culture community; To spread the word about all the great events taking place in Cornwall and Area. The Seeker is the only locally owned and operated newspaper? It is published?
By Local People - For Local People - Abou t Local People - Su ppor t in g Local People Wetrulyaim at beinga realcommunity newspaper, an outletwhoreallycaresandnurturesthepeopleit promotesandworkswith.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 41 - October 28 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity
Ne w s
Present ed by
Jason Set nyk Compl et e St ories on our Websit e www.t heseeker.ca
OHA TRICK OR TREAT FOR AGAPE THIS HALLOWEEN ? Hockey players wearing the colours maroon, gold, and white will be knocking door to door canvasing several neighbourhoods on Monday, October 31st, 2016 starting at 5:30pm. Students from the Ontario Hockey Academy, including Emilie Harley and Emma Martel pictured here, will be collecting food for the Agape Food Bank this Halloween. This is the sixth consecutive year OHA has been going door to door for the local food bank. Teams will be visiting several different neighbourhoods including Riverdale, Center-town, around Home Depot, Sunrise Acres (and nearby areas), and around Vincent Massey. Student Athletes engaged in this food collecting activity will have the opportunity to volunteer and learn more about civic responsibility. ?It?s for a good cause, and it is the least we can do,? says Emma Martel who is a member of the Social Committee at the Ontario Hockey Academy. The Agape Centre relies 100% on the donations of time, food, money, clothing, and other household items from the community to help families that access the services. "The Agapè Centre is thankful to the OHA and students for getting involved in making a difference in the community. It?s extremely inspiring to see the students taking such an active role in the fight against hunger!" stated Executive Director Diane Plourde. Students and staff at the Ontario Hockey Academy are happy to be contributing to such an important cause. ?The Agape Centre plays such an important role in providing support in the Cornwall community. We are truly happy that we can play a role in ensuring the center is able to continue to meet our city?s needs?, says Principal Jesse Ferguson. "The Ontario Hockey Academy is pleased to go door to door this Halloween to collect food for such an important charity in our community," Ferguson added. CORNWALL COLTS TIED FOR SECOND PLACE Dean Derouchie?s two goals spurred the Colts to a 5-2 victory in Pembroke Sunday night. Derouchie (8) had a power play goal and shorthanded marker 54 seconds apart in the second period to lift the Colts to their third
straight road win. Noah Konink (2), JD Pogue (7) and Tanner Spink (9) also scored for the Colts who improve to 12-5-0-3 with 27 points. The Colts are tied with Smiths Falls for 2nd overall in the CCHL standings, trailing Carleton Place by one point. Nick Lalonde added two helpers to his league leading totals for assists (21) and points (35). Tristan Conrad also chipped in with a pair of assists. Matthew Efros made 38 saves to earn the win as the Lumber Kings outshot the Colts 40-26. On Friday in Cumberland, eleven different Colts picked up at least one point as Cornwall downed the Grads 4-1. Derouchie, Pogue, Keegan Mulhearn (3) and Massimo Luciani (2) scored for the Colts. The Grads outshot the Colts 34-30 with Efros picking up the win in goal. The Colts face off against the Yzerman Division leading Ottawa Jr. Senators this Thursday October 27th at the Ed Lumley Arena. Game time is 7:30pm. QUENNEVILLE NAMED NATIONALS BENCH BOSS - General Manager Mitch Gagne has found the perfect candidate in his eyes to guide the Cornwall Nationals in their inaugural Federal Hockey League season. Cornwall native Alain Quenneville, who suited up for the Akwesasne Warriors and Thousand Island Privateers in the FHL, is the new head coach. Quenneville, 38, also played for the Cornwall Colts and Cornwall Comets. He?s had previous coaching experience with the Akwesasne Jr. B Wolves and with the Ontario Hockey Academy. ?I?m grateful for this opportunity,? said Quenneville. ?Coaching at the semi-pro level is an honour and I look forward to this great challenge.? You won?t find anyone
more passionate about the game than Quenneville, who would love nothing more than to bring a championship to his hometown. ?The ?work hard and play hard?attitude is what Al brings to the table,? said Gagne. ?Like myself, Al has great passion for the game and that?s why we will build this first-year team into a top contender.? Quenneville was a member of the Warriors team that captured the first ever FHL playoff championship in 2011. The Nationals? inaugural FHL home opener is Sunday, Oct. 30 vs. Danville. The puck drops at 1 p.m. Season tickets are currently on sale and can be purchased at the Cornwall Nationals office, located downstairs at the Civic Complex. Prices are $290 for adults, $230 for seniors (60+) and students (13 to 18) and $115 for children 12 and under. NATIONALS FIRST TRADE - The Nationals have made their first Federal Hockey League transaction. General Manager Mitch Gagne has acquired forward MJ Graham. In 49 games with the Brewster Bulldogs last season, the 23-year-old from Montreal had 11 goals and 43 assists for 54 points. The 5-foot-10, 194 lb. Graham will add even more speed to an already talented group of forwards. Meanwhile, with their inaugural home opener only nine days away, the Nationals have added a pair of players. Cornwall has come to terms with Sean Blunden and Marley Keca. Blunden, a former Cornwall Colt, also suited up for Orleans and Gloucester in the CCHL. The 26-year-old has spent the last four seasons with Concordia University in the CIS. In 17 games last season, he had three goals and 10 assists for 13 points. The versatile Blunden can play both forward and defence. Keca, a 23-year-old from Montreal, has also played for Concordia. He appeared in two LNAH contests last season with the Laval Predateurs, picking up a pair of assists.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 41 - October 28 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Havea HAPPY & Saf eHALLOWE __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
M a rle ne
Well, Hello-ween there everyone who happens to be reading the most "Positive Paper" in the Cornwall, and the S.D. & G. area, this week. I do hope that you are continuing to enjoy the Beauty of Autumn this week. The multi coloured leaves will certainly be gone with the high, blowing winds and the driving, cold rains . This is the weekend that a lot of people have been waiting all year for... "ALL HALLOWS EVE" or to most of us known as "HALLOWEEN"!!! I Have So Many Choices!!! What To Do??? What To Wear??? TIP OF THE WEEK: Here is a "Perfect Tip" for this very time of year. A poem that was written by ~George Cooper~... "Come little leaves" said the Wind one day. "Come to the meadows with me and play." "Put on your dresses of red and gold; for Summer is past, and the days grow cold." Please try to get out to enjoy the beautiful, rainbowic colours of "Autumn Time!" Soon the leaves will be all gone and then the ?Winter Whites? will be here befoe we know it. Why not take someone by the hand to go out and view this colourful land??? Oh, Johnny... DID YOU KNOW there was once a Gaelic festival named "Samhain" which marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the Winter? It was a time when the boundary between our World and the Other World could more easily be crossed. It was thought that the "Souls of the Dead" would revisit their homes, seeking comfort. Spirits and Fairies could more easily come into our world, and so the practice of disguising oneself from them began. Mostly the children were encouraged to go house to house with a carved-out turnip with a candle in it, to perform a Trick or a Skill in exchange for an apple or some candy. Thus became the "Trick or Treat" part of Halloween. Turnips were also hollowed out and carved with groteque faces to be set on windowsills to ward off "Evil Spirits." In the year 609, the Roman Catholic church decided to make November 1st ~ All Hallows Day~, and so October 31st became "All Hallows Evening", eventually shortened to ''Halloween.'' I really hope that you enjoyed this little history lesson of HALLOWEEN. Now where are my witch boots??? HAPPY TRICK OR TREATING EVERYONE!!! PLEASE BE SAFE & WATCH OUT FOR THE LITTLE GHOULS
John and I had an awesome opportunity to be at the ~Ramada Inn~ for ~ The Second Annual Wedding Expo-Cornwall ~ on Sunday November 23rd, showcasing our business www.cornwallweddingphotos.ca There were a whole lot of smiling Brides- To- Be along with their ever so vigilent and money managing Mothers. There were but a few Grooms -To- Be and their Mothers there as well to see what all of us, vendors had to offer for the New 2017/ 2018 Wedding Season. It was a wonderful experience for John and I!!! Thanks to Mai-Liis Renaud and Sheldon Grant for inviting us to be a vendor at their successful ~Wedding Expo~ this year. We certainly look forward to being a part of this beautiful wedding show next year at this time. I DO! I DO!! I DO LOVE WEDDINGS!!! ITEM OF THE WEEK: This week I am choosing something that I bought to wear for Halloween seven years ago at of all places, Walmart. They were $30.00... At that time in my life, I really didn't have that kind of money to spend on something so frivolous as sparkly shoes.. But, I just had to have them. I asked my eldest daughter, Melinda to buy them for me. I have worn these ruby- reds throughout the years at different times. But, this year I finally have the "Dorothy Outfit," to finally go with these *Sparkly, ruby red high -heeled beautays. I will show off my Halloween photos next week. Oh, Toto... Where are you boy??? COMMUNITY NEWS: The 5th Annual ~Jamming for Hospice~ is going to be held at the ~Agora Center~( the old Nativity Hall) in Cornwall, Ontario on November 26. 2016. There is a limited amount of space for vendors for this event from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The price is $40.00 and that will give each vendor (1) table and a request to donate a Prize that will be used for Auction or for Door Prizes. They are looking for Vendors to sell Handmade and or Christmas items. If, you or anyone you may know are interested... Please contact Patti Edwards @ 613-551-0110. Thank you in Advance. I look forward to seeing a lot of you there. I am after all "The Emcee," this year. :D M~ UNTIL NEXT WEEK: Find something good in every day and allow it to make you smile. No matter what else is going on in you life that smile will get you throught the toughest days, the darkest of nights and that smile will show you inner strength you never even knew you already had within you.
Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca and of www.listerphotos.ca
Th e Si gn i s u p - Th e Ru m ou r i s TRUE!
BUT We ar e open
t i l Ch r i st m as
Ev eryth i ngM ust Go -25%OFF 17445 Sou t h Br an ch Rd. Cor n w al l ON THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 41 - October 28 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Sha ry n
From my pantry... f or Hal l ow eenSupper
MAKE A FRITTATTA AND SPINACH SALAD Here is another quickly prepared yet satisfying meal made in only minutes coming in from working all day before you take your little ones out Trick or Treating! Strategy planning, having extra salad dressing already made, and to have some leftover baked potatoes, and toasted pecan pieces made while my oven was last on. Keep your pantry and fridge stocked with eggs, lots of veggies such as broccoli and spinach, salad greens and onions. You can have supper made in a jiffy! At first I was planning to make onion, cheese and and broccoli omelettes to go alongside the spinach salad. Part way through sauteeing the onions and broccoli, I decided to add a large leftover baked potato, diced with the skin still on. So now, instead of omelettes, I browned the potato and added the beaten eggs and cream to make a delicious frittatta. I had made extra dressing for the spinach salad a few days previously, so the salad was made in only a couple of minutes. So after a long day at work, supper was easily prepared and enjoyed thoroughly by Gary, Sam, Teddy and me. My dogs love any type of salad I make and are crazy about eggs made in any fashion.
ORANGE, PECAN AND SPINACH SALAD toasted pecans. INGREDIENTS: THE DRESSING: (You can double this recipe and keep extra dressing in a mason jar in your fridge for a couple of weeks. Use as needed, just shake well before pouring.) -
1/ 2 a red onion, diced 1/ 2 cup white sugar 1 tsp,. Kosher salt 2 tbsp. water 1/ 4 cup white wine vinegar 1 tsp. dry mustard 1 cup Crisco oil
-Toss the dressing over the spinach just before serving.
MY EASY FRITTATTA (This will serve 3 or 4 nicely along with the salad. Or 2 adults and 2 dogs, haha) INGREDIENTS: -
Use as needed a bagful (or part) of baby spinach leaves, prewashed toasted pecan pieces mandarin orange segments (Use fresh or canned. If canned, drain the liquid) part of a red onion thinly sliced
METHOD: -In a food processor or blender, combine all of the dressing ingredients. Puree until nice and smooth. Use some now when making the salad, and extra dressing will store in your fridge for a couple of weeks. -In a large salad bowl, place the prewashed spinach leaves, the drained orange segments and the sliced red onion with the
3 tbsp. olive oil 1 large yellow onion, diced broccoli florets from a whole broccoli 1 baked potato, diced 1/ 2 sweet red pepper diced (seed and core first) 6 extra large eggs, beaten 1/ 2 cup of half and half cream Kosher salt and finely ground black pepper
METHOD: -In a large heavy bottomed skillet, saute the onion, broccoli florets, red pepper and potato for about 10 minutes. -Add the beaten eggs and cream, salt and pepper and cook over medium heat until theeggs begin to set. -Using a flat edged wooded spatula, scrape the cooked bottom parts of the frittatta to the top and continue cooking until the eggs are set. When it is all cooked, dish it up and enjoy!
Sha nno n
FERG USO N Th i sHal l ow een Tak , eOf fYou rM ask. Even though Hallow een only com es once a year , it?s safe to say that m ost of us dr ess up ever y day. W hether it is putting on m ake-up to contour your face or w ear ing an uncom for table outfit, ther e ar e tim es that w e?ve all hidden our tr ue selves to becom e m or e appealing to the r est of the w or ld. But w hen you star t dating som eone, it?s im por tant to r em em ber that your m ask can only stay on for so long. W hen you begin to r eally like a per son, the r eal you star ts to shine thr ough and that?s w ho they should be falling for , not a m asked ver sion of your self that you pr esent to them because you feel that?s the only w ay they m ay continue to like you. Using your m ask to attr act people m ay w or k at fir st but if you feel that the only w ay to be loved by another is to be a disguised ver sion of your self then you ar e cer tainly w r ong. And it?s okay to be w r ong, but you need to r em em ber that w hat you need m or e than this faรงade is confidence.
Have confidence in your unm asked self. Let the per son you ar e falling for see you w ith a bar e face, your glasses on, and your favour ite plaid pajam a pants (in the com for t of your ow n hom e of cour se). Let them see the r eal you and this w ill tell exude confidence, w hich in tur n is actually r eally hot.
SHARYNTHOMPSON,Ownerof SHARYN'SPANTRY a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812 Pitt St, Unit 6, Cornwall,Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Mondayto Saturday- 9 to 5
This day and age, as w e all filter our lives and feel the pr essur es of looking cam er a r eady at any m om ent, it?s im por tant to r em em ber that you w ant to date som eone, love som eone, w ho know s w ho you ar e beyond the filter. Anyone else is not w or th it. If you ar e only inter ested in people that seem to only be inter ested in your looks, then my fr iend, it?s tim e to r e-evaluate the people you ar e sur r ounding your self. W hen you find the r ight per son, they ar e not going to car e w hat your com plexion looks like. They ar e not going to car e if your hair is long, or shor t, or br ow n or blonde. They ar en?t going to car e about the clothes you w ear to accentuate your best featur es. No, the r ight per son is going to love you for your inner beauty m or e than anything. The r ight per son m ay be initially attr acted to your looks but that w on?t keep them ar ound. W hat w ill keep them ar ound is substance. A good sense of hum our , a kind hear t, an inner confidence that pr otr udes thr ough your sm ile. These ar e qualities that you m ay be m asking w hen you put your m ask on ever y day and keep it on as you begin to date som eone new. So, this Hallow een, take off your m ask . Let the w or ld and your potential par tner s see the r eal you. Allow your self to love w ho you ar e outside of the costum e you feel m akes you w or thy. Because, I pr om ise you, w hen you find the r ight per son they ar e going to see you looking all kind of hor r id. They ar e going to see you at your absolute w or st, but guess w hat? That?s w hat love is all about. Ha ppy Ha lloween! Sha nnon Fer guson is a wr iter who r ecently r etur ned to her r oots in Cor nwa ll. W ith degr ees in Communications, Psychology, a nd Br oa dca st Jour na lism, Sha nnon cr eated her successful blog, The Love Hawk, a nd is a contr ibuting wr iter for ma ny websites including The Huffington Post a nd Elite Da ily. View her blog at w w w.thelovehawk.com, like her pa ge on Fa cebook a nd follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 41 - October 28 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
to say, which is the art of Fat Mike's lyrical styling. I would be a liar if I said that I didn't pick up on that a bit when writing my own songs now," noted Stacey Dee.
Article by Jason Setnyk Submitted Photo Ottawa Ontario ? Bad Cop/ Bad Cop and The Interrupters, who are touring North America together, are both making a stop in Ottawa to play Ska-lloween at the House of TARG on October 27th. Bad Cop/ Bad Cop are a SoCal punk band that consists of vocalist and guitarist Stacey Dee, bassist and vocalist Linh Le, vocalist and guitarist Jennie Cotterill, and drummer Myra Gallarza. The band signed to Fat Wreck Chords in 2014, and they released their first full length album titled 'Not Sorry' in June of this year.
Bad Cop/ Bad Cop are already a critically acclaimed band. Their first EP titled 'Boss Lady' generated positive buzz and reviews. They were listed on the Alternative Press '100 bands you need to know about in 2015' ? The band feels honoured to receive such an accolade.
I nterv i ew w i th Bad Cop/ Bad Cop and Nof x si nger Stacey Dee
The songs on the new album are autobiographical to some extent. "Each song paints a picture about all of our lives and perspectives on things. The whole album is filled with 'Lifetime Original Movies'," Stacey Dee reflected. Bad Cop/ Bad Cop, who just released a video and who have a busy tour schedule, are already thinking ahead to their next album and their next tour. "We just released a video for our song off of 'Not Sorry', called, "Sugarcane" and we are on tour with the Interrupters until the end of November. When we get home from tour we are jumping right into the studio to record our next full length record to be released on Fat Wreck Chords by June, 2017. We are in talks about tours for 2017 now and are already booking Europe for the 2017 festival season," stated Stacey Dee. Nofx fans might recognize Stacey Dee's vocals off the 2015 release 'Home Street Home' ? The album is a soundtrack for a musical written by Fat Mike. Stacey sang the part of Sue, the main protagonist in the story. Her vocals could be heard throughout the album. She was the lead vocalist for the opening song "Monsters", and her vocals could be heard backing up Fat Mike's on the final song "The Agony of Victory". Stacey learned a lot about lyrical timing by working closely with Fat Mike. What she learned from the veteran punk rocker has translated into better song writing for the band Bad Cop/ Bad Cop. "Working with (Fat) Mike was an experience of a lifetime and one great personal accomplishment. It wasn't easy. It was tough both emotionally and physically to play the role of Sue. I learned so much from Mike about lyric writing and how to use timing to fit in exactly what you want
"An honour. It was an honour! We've all been doing this a long time. It was overly rad to be considered something worth while to pay attention to," said Stacey Dee. Canadian audiences will be able to see Bad Cop/ Bad Cop for the first time live. This is the bands first tour in the Great White North.
"This is our first time in Canada! I've been wanting to tour through Canada most of my adult life. I handle all of the mail orders for our band's merch, and I ship stuff to Canada, so I know we have fans there. I think Canada has some of the coolest people, they are super funny and easy going! It's bizarre to go to another country where everyone looks and talks like American's but aren't at all. What can Canuck punk rock fans expect from the Bad Cop/ Bad Cops live show? "Canadian's can expect a rocking show filled with 100% of our hearts, energy, dedication, hard hitting drums and shredding vocals!" Stacey Dee concluded. Touring with Bad Cop/ Bad Cop are Los Angeles ska band the Interrupters who are on Hellcat Records (an off shoot of Epitaph Records). The band is promoting their sophomore album 'Say It Out Loud' which also came out in June. The album was produced by Rancid's Tim Armstrong. The concert on Thursday, October 27th, 2016 is all ages and licensed. Tickets are $15 in advance and are available at Vertigo Records and online at Spectrasonic. The doors for the show are at 8:30pm. House of TARG is located at 1077 Bank Street in Ottawa Ontario. The show is being presented by Voice of the People, Spectrasonic and punkottawa.com.
Read t he ent ire int erview onl ine: http:/ / theseeker.ca/ interview-bad-cop-bad-cop-stacey-dee/ 23143/
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or visit ht t p:/ / versacorehost ing.duoservers.com THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 41 - October 28 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even tns'm o r SECTION e
We ar n ow OPEN e Su 1 p .m . t o 5 n d ay s p .m .
45 SecondStreetE.
www.l ibrarycornwal l .on.ca Facebook:l ibrarycornwal l ont ario Not e t hat t he l ibrary wil l be cl osed al l day on November 17 f or a st af f prof essional devel opment day.
@ the
CELEBRATE OUR LIBRARY! A Visit Will Get You Thinking! TELL US YOUR STORY! Let us know what positive impact libraries has had in your life. Pick up a form at the library or on our website or drop us an email. You could win a prize. Details at www.library.cornwall.on.ca.
STORYTIME (Ages 4 t o 7) A story, songs, games and a very special craft. 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. CRAFT OF THE DAY (Ages 8 t o 12) Wondering what to do on your day off? A cool craft, that?s what. 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. PAWS 'N BOOKS Reading to a dog is Pawsome. Drop-in. 11 a.m. to 12 noon. IT'S HALLOWEEN (Ages: 6 t o 10) Goblins, witches, trolls, take your pick. 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
BABY TALES Moms and babies learning together 10:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. LES ÉCRILIBRISTES Club d?écriture francophone. Pour tous le monde. 18 h à 20 h COLOURING FOR GROWN UPS Leave your stress at home. Join for the fun of it. Some supplies provided. 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. MAHJONGG Intense fun! 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Also on Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon
NANOWRIMO NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH Join other writers and write write write. Everyone is welcome. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26 THE FORUM - PHYSICAL & SPIRITUAL HEALTH Presentations & Discussions - 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. APPRENDRE EN JOUANT (0 à 5 ans) Nutrition, littérature et musique. Activités en français pour parents et enfants. 10 h 30 à 12 h PYJAMA STORYTIME 6 :30 p.m. to 7 :30 p.m. Relaxing stories, crafts and soothing songs for the 5 to 7 years old.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27 STORYTIME (Ages: 3 t o 5) Stories, fingerplays, songs and crafts 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. SCRABBLE Challenge every Thursday at 1 p.m. DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS For teens with a flair for adventure. 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 41 - October 28 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
t o d o - w h er e
Bo re d
t o go - w h at
t o see in Cor n w all
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e sp e cia lly fo r tho se w ho sa y ... The re 's No thing To Do in Co rnw a ll
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Th is Week
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Placin g an Ad in t h e Calen dar of Even t s is alw ays FREE f or a basic list in g an d in clu des t h e n am e an d locat ion of t h e even t , alon g w it h m or e in f or m at ion on ou r w ebsit e w w w.t h eseek er .ca For a com plet e list in g in pr in t , place you r en h an ced even t ad f or on ly $35. Call 613-935-3763 ext . 1
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 41 - October 28 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Th e Ch eapest w ay t o adver t ise You r Even t is w it h AN EVENT AD Ever yday Special EVENT AD Pr ices $35 1/ 8 page $75 1/ 4 page Limited space available !
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 41 - October 28 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
I nterv i ew w i th Cornw al l Nati onal s h ock ey star Jef f Legue Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk Cor nw all Ontar io ? Jeff Legue's skates have taken him acr oss the Atlantic ocean and back hom e again. After nine year s of playing pr ofessional hockey in the UK, the for m er Cor nw all Colt is back in his hom etow n of Cor nw all Ontar io. Jeff Legue is coaching for the Ontar io Hockey Academy and he is also lacing up to play w ith the Cor nw all Nationals of the FHL. His hockey car eer took off in 2000-2001 w hen he lead the Cor nw all Colts in scor ing w ith 127 points in 55 gam es. He w as aw ar ded the CJHL M ost Valuable Player as league M VP. His fondest m em or y of playing Junior A w asn't any individual accom plishm ent, but instead a team accom plishm ent of w inning back to back cham pionships. "M y fondest m em or y of playing junior hockey w ould have to be the cham pionships that w e w on back to back . A cham pionship is har d to com e by so w inning back to back w ould have to be fondest m em or y," stated Jeff Legue After a successful r un in Junior A, Jeff Legue played NCAA Division I M en's Hockey at Fer r is State for four seasons. He aver aged about a point a gam e and had a highlight season in 2002-2003 scor ing 59 points in 42 gam es and being nam ed to the NCAA (CCHA) Second All-Star Team . After Univer sity Jeff Legue played one season in the ECHL (a m id-level pr ofessional ice hockey league that is one tier below the AHL), and one season playing pr ofessional hockey in Ger m any. Jeff Legue w ould call the Sheffield Steeler s of the EIHL (a pr ofessional m en's hockey league based out of the UK) hom e for the next nine seasons. He played over 500 gam es w ith the Steeler s, he is the team 's all-tim e goal and point leader , and in 2011-2012 he w as nam ed to the EIHL All-Star Second Team . How ever , just like w ith the Colts, he consider s team accom plishm ents like league titles and playoff cham pionships far m or e im por tant than his individual accom plishm ents. "The r ecor ds that I hold in Sheffield m ean a lot to m e per sonally, but the things that m ean the m ost to m e ar e the league titles and playoff cham pionships that w er e w on in the tim e I w as ther e," said Jeff Legue. The Sheffield Steeler s w er e EIHL Cham pions four tim es, and also EIHL Playoff Cham pions on thr ee differ ent occasions dur ing his tenur e w ith the team . Despite w inning being EIHL Cham pions in back to back seasons in 2014-2015 and 2015-2016, Jeff Legue knew it w as tim e to com e hom e. "W hen w e decided to m ove back to Cor nw all it w as because I had been gone long enough. Chr istm ases and Thanksgivings ar e som e of the things that I've been looking for w ar d to for a long tim e w ith the fam ily. I have alw ays m issed Cor nw all. I have a lot of gr eat m em or ies her e and w e'r e back to m ake m any m or e," said Jeff Legue. After 15 hockey seasons aw ay fr om Cor nw all, Jeff Legue w as looking for w ar d to playing for a Cor nw all team again. He signed w ith the River Kings this sum m er. After that team folded, he w as disappointed, but he soon had another oppor tunity to play hockey - this tim e w ith the Cor nw all Nationals. "Well ther e is a saying as one door closes another opens. W hen I w as appr oached about playing for the Nationals it gave m e an oppor tunity to finish my hockey car eer w her e it all began. It also gives m ost of my fam ily a chance to see m e play because m ost of my car eer w as over seas. I hope Cor nw all fans that use to com e to Colts gam es can r em em ber the little guy that w or ked har d ever y night. I'm still the sam e guy, I can just can gr ow a little bit of a bear d now. The fans in Cor nw all have alw ays been gr eat suppor ter s and continue to be ther e for our local hockey team s," Jeff Legue added. Jeff Legue suited up last Satur day and played an exhibition gam e for the Cor nw all Nationals at the Civic Com plex. Despite the OT loss, Jeff Legue did m anage to light the lam p w ith an im pr essive top cor ner w r ist shot in the thir d per iod, and he gave the cr ow d som ething to be ver y excited about. He w as nam ed the gam e's second star. In addition to playing w ith the Cor nw all Nationals, Jeff Legue is also an em ployee at the Ontar io Hockey Academy. His exper ience playing Jr. A, NCAA,
M a rie
M O RREL WITHOUT COMMON SENSE You Cannot Make t he Right Decision, Ensure Your Wel l Being Or Prosperit y Part 3 of 6
Acquiring Common Sense St ep By St ep
Divorce yoursel f f rom real it y. This will make you consider that your sense of reality is not real. What you see is what you've programmed your brain to see. Reality introduces you the possibilities of bigotry, selfishness, intolerance, and prejudice because you'll constantly seek to make everyone and everything else conform to yourstandard of reality, and your standard of 'what's right'.
By divorcing yourself from this one-sided reality, and learning as much as you can about how other people perceive the world and our place in it, you begin to make room for common sense to growbecause your sense is built on 'common' experiences, not just your own. 1. Take a look at your own emotions, beliefs, and practices to make sure they're not overriding your common sense. 2.Test different scenarios in your mind to try to ascertain the practical consequences of applying the decision or action the way you want to. 3. Ask yourself, is it practical, have you accounted for everything, and what will happen if things go wrong? If things go wrong, can you fix them and if you can't, what will be the consequences? 4. If your reality is clouding your judgment too much, reach out and discuss the situation with others to gain a wider appreciation of their perspectives and ideas. This is most important when you are too close to a situation and any decision or action you take might be infected by your proximity. Acquaint yoursel f wit h your ref l ect ive mind. This is the part of your thinking where true common sense resides. The part that takes a bit of time out from rushing everything and suggesting that it's time to add a dose of cold water to the excitement. Reflective intelligence is about being able to stand back and look at the bigger picture so that you realistically appraise the situation directly rather than forcing yourself to conform to its suitability or practicing wishful thinking. After an accurate appraisal of the situation, a reflective mindset enables you to set realistic goals given the parameters you're working within, and helps you to take sensible actions toward meeting those goals. Just because other people do or use something effectively isn't a sign that it will suit you too; you need to put your own reflective mind to work on each situation to decide whether it will be a fit for you, your lifestyle, and those around you directly impacted by your decisions other wise it is a denial of common sense. Do less, think more. And while you're running around frantically being busy all the time, you're not being productive and you're contributing to a culture that admires incessantly busy people. Is this common sense? Hardly, it is about working harder and longer without taking time out to reflect. Therefore, allocate thinking time every single day, even if it's only 20 minutes. Try this for one week, and at the end of it, you'll notice much reduced stress levels. And your common sense will improve noticeably. Next week more ways to improve your common sense. I f you have a ny questions, plea se ca ll ma r ie M or r ell at 613-936-6873 or ema il: office@wor kea sysolutions.com or visit: w w w.wor kea sysolutions.com and playing pr ofessional m en's hockey inter nationally, m akes him a per fect r ole m odel and coach for the pr ogr am . "W hen I star ted out coaching I didn't know w hat to expect, all I know is that I have a differ ent per spective on the gam e and the age that I'm coaching. It br ings back good m em or ies and I hope that the know ledge and exper iences that I have lear nt thr oughout my car eer I can pass on to these young m en to help get them to the next level," said Jeff Legue. The Cor nw all Nationals inaugur al hom e opener is Sunday, October 30th at 1 p.m . vs. the Danville Dasher s. Although Jeff Legue w ill be m issing a few gam es, including the hom e opener , because of com m itm ents to coaching w ith OHA, fans can expect to see him in action again soon.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 41 - October 28 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
WOW what a great Wedding Expo! by Mai-Liis Renaud Sheldon and I want to thank all our Exhibitors who set up such beautiful booths - I hope you all made some great contacts - our Brides and their guests who visited the show and kept us all so busy - I hope you all received some great advice to help with the planning of your Special Day - and a big thank you to our welcoming team at the front desk, my daughter Katrina, her friend Jolene and our friend Sean, the dapper dressed guy at the door who did a wonderful job as always greeting our guests and of course thank you to Cathy at the Ramada for all her help planning this special day with us! Time to start working on next year's show !
Int erview wit h l egendary comedian Derek Edwards Ar ticle by Ja son Setnyk Submitted Photo Cor nw all Ontar io ? Legenda r y comedia n Der ek Edwa r ds is coming to Aultsville Theatr e in Cor nwa ll on November 4th a s a pa r t of his ?Alls I ?m Saying?Tour . This is a chance for audiences to enjoy a hyster ical per for m ance by a ver y talented and gifted com edian ? He has m aster ed the ar t of tim ing and stor ytelling. ?Ever yone know s Der ek is the funniest m an in Canada,? CBC per sonality and com edian Rick M er cer w as quoted as saying in a m edia r elease.
The Just for Laughs com edy veter an star ted out as a novice year s ago playing in sm aller clubs including Yuk Yuks. Venues like Yuk Yuks m ight not offer a lot of exposur e for up and com ing talent, but they ar e a gr eat place to pr actice and lear n the cr aft accor ding to Der ek Edw ar ds. ?Yuk Yuks is all about Yuk Yuks. Though they have som e gr eat clubs, all pr om otional m ater ials tr um pet the clubs them selves r ather than the per for m er s w or king ther e. It?s a gr eat pr actice gr ound for lear ning the tr ade and it?s still fun to go back . Com edy is about getting a laugh. If you ar e m otivated to get the laughs, eventually good things should happen r egar dless of the club scene,? Der ek Edw ar ds stated. In his ear ly days Der ek Edw ar ds looked up to com edians like Br ent Butt and Nor m M acDonald. ?I w as blow n aw ay by the likes of Br ent Butt and Nor m M acDonald ? both of w hom had gr eat success,? said Der ek Edw ar ds. Now com edians look up to Der ek Edw ar ds. His advice for young com edians is to hang in ther e, lear n, and not to quit your day job. Der ek Edw ar ds didn?t quit his day job ? at least not at fir st.
Der ek Edw ar ds is a four -tim e nom inee, and w inner of Best Standup Com ic at the Canadian Com edy Aw ar ds, as w ell as a m ultiple Gem ini nom inee for Best Per for m ance in a Com edy.
?It?s com m on sense. Don?t thr ow in the tow el on your day job im m ediately. After all you still have to sur vive. I w as in the tr ades doing dr yw all and painting. I kept it up par t tim e for the fir st tw o year s of my com edy beginnings. M y advice to new com edians is to hang in ther e an don?t let r ough show s beat you too badly,? Der ek Edw ar ds explained.
These accolades ar e all ver y gr atifying to Der ek Edw ar ds, how ever getting laughs is far m or e im por tant to the veter an com edian.
Der ek Edw ar ds doesn?t utilize social m edia, but he think it could benefit up and com ing talent.
?It?s fantastic and ver y hum bling. I?m just happy about any kind of positive feedback . How ever the life blood of com edy is still the laughs,? says Der ek Edw ar ds.
?I don?t utilize social m edia like I should and those w ho know how pr obably benefit im m ensely, but star ting out it is alw ays m or e difficult star ting fr om a place of com plete anonym ity,? says Der ek Edw ar ds.
Accor ding to Der ek Edw ar ds, the key to success in com edy m eans hanging in ther e, and getting m or e exper ience and m ater ial. He has ear ned that exper ience by tr aveling acr oss Canada, per for m ing in num er ous places, and lear ning m or e and m or e about each of those places.
In his live show Der ek Edw ar ds takes aim at life?s galling m om ents and deliver s an incr edible evening of hom egr ow n com edy. Live com edy is an am azing exper ience that cannot be r eplaced by Youtube, or Netflix specials, or com edy pr ogr am m ing on r egular television.
?I?ve hung in ther e like a pit-bull. It helps that I am not qualified to do anything else. The m or e you tr avel in Canada the m or e m ater ial you can gather fr om differ ent locations and m ake the act m or e r elatable,? says Der ek Edw ar ds.
?The r esponse has been gr eat so far. Geez, live com edy is som ething to exper ience. The televised ver sion is w ater ed dow n, edited, and an ar tificial for m of the exper ience. I love my Canadian cr ow ds, and I w ill br ing good enter tainm ent to Cor nw all. W ho couldn?t use a laugh?? Der ek Edw ar ds concluded.
Fr om Vegas to St. John?s, Der ek Edw ar ds has per for m ed ever yw her e. He has also lear ned that it is easier to becom e a com edy star in the United States than in Canada. ?Ther e is m or e of a star m aking m achine behind Am er ican celebr ities. The par t of the char m in Canada is that w e don?t take our selves too ser iously. It?s a bit of a pitfall if you ar e shooting for the m oon,? says Der ek Edw ar ds.
The Cornwall & Area Chamber says ...
SORRY we missed you! Au Vieux Duluth kicked off our new season of PubNites in grand style and we missed having you join us. The Gl engarrian wil l be our host s f or t he Tuesday, November 1
Reser ved seating tickets for Der ek Edwa r ds new 90-minute ?Alls I ?m Saying?sta nd-up comedy show a r e $45.00 ea ch, a nd a r e ava ila ble at the Civic Complex box office. Showtime is at 7:30pm. Aultsville Theatr e is located at 2 St. Lawr ence Dr , next to St. Lawr ence College in the ea st-end of Cor nwa ll Onta r io.
PubNit e and we?re l ook f orward t o and hoping you wil l be abl e t o join us. Did you know that a number of attendees tell us that the networking paid off for them and they have new clients as a result. That?s what PubNite is all about. It al l st art s at 5:00 p.m. and we?l l see you t here. Your Chamber team.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 41 - October 28 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Focus Art - PRINCIPAL SPONSORS 2016
Lind a
G e ise l FOCUS ART ? t he Winners?Circl e Congratulations to the winners of the 12th FOCUS ART JURIED EXHIBITION. When you consider our judge Ann Gruchy has to choose 20 winning artworks from 123 submissions, her task was daunting indeed. Our member Carol Oss said it well when she stated, ?Really...there were so many great paintings? I don?t know how the judge could make decisions...very difficult...so many? so great.? Nonetheless, Ann managed to make her choices:
Acryl ic Cat egory: First : Tracy-Lynn Davis ? Fire Storm Second: Kathleen Morin ? Fight for Light Honourabl e ment ions: Audry M. Bain ? Early Morning Quiet Shawn Thompson ? Blue Waters of April
Oil Cat egory: First : Norma O?Collin ? No Fishing Second: Carol Viau ? New Hampshire Sunrise Honourabl e ment ions: Louise Mignault ? Lying Nude Louise Mignault ? Fall Path \
Wat ercol our Cat egory: First : Kishor Sonawane ? Cornwall Winter Second: Carol Oss ? Snow Falling Honourabl e ment ions: Patricia Campbell ? Boat Houses in Spring Marleene McWilliam ? Bedouin Petra Jordan
Mixed Media Cat egory: First : Kristine Picken ? Oracle of Enrichment Second: Jane Macmillan ? Two Sheep Hanging Out Honourabl e ment ions: Tracy-Lynn Davis ? Wanderlust Kristine Picken ? Time in Motio
Mixed Cat egory: First : Elaine Arkwright ? Innovations (Batik) Second: Sylvie Labrecque ? Etude d?un chemin (Drawing) Honourabl e ment ions: Margaret Szlachcinska ? Winter Shadows (Pastel) Richard MacGillivray ? Bald Eagle (Photography) Our sincere appreciation for all the artists who participated in this exhibition. It has been an educational event. We are pleased that we can share this beautiful show with the public. We hope it will inspire many to appreciate local art and perhaps to create masterpieces of their own. The exhibition is on until this Sunday October 30 at the Cornwall Square. PHOTO COURTESY OF LAURA LEAH LINDEMAN
Acryl ic Cat egory: First: Tracy-Lynn Davis ? Fire Storm
Oil Cat egory: First: Norma O?Collin ? No Fishing Wat ercol our Cat egory: First: Kishor Sonawane ? Cornwall Winter
Mixed Media Cat egory: First: Kristine Picken ? Oracle of Enrichment
Mixed Cat egory: First: Elaine Arkwright ? Innovations (Batik)
MEET THE ART COVEN ? hosted by Cailuan Gallery Give rather than receive -
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 41 - October 28 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Mortgage Tips
Hudson Heal ing and Reno?s- Bot h An Inside Job
By Wendy Hudson, D.Div., C.A.E.H., C.D.W., C.S.H. We recently had some renovations done in our home and for anyone who has ever had to live through them, you?ll know how disruptive they are. You get thrown out of your comfort zone, having to move your environment around, put up with noise, dust and additional people hanging around your personal space. During this most recent upheaval, we had 3 different places in our home being plastered and painted, along with some drywall work, and we were basically relegated to our bedroom for privacy, quiet and no dust (although it did manage to seep through anyway). This reminded me of retreating into a cocoon of safety while all the work and noise was happening outside. As we went through this two week process and went through each stage that reno?s entail, I began to associate having outer renovations done to that of inner, self-healing work. Even though we were altering our house, it has often been said that your house is a direct reflection of your inner self, with the outside environment being a reflection of your internal environment. A cluttered house reflects a cluttered energy field; a clean house reflects free flowing internal energy, etc. And so, whether you?re talking about renovations or healing work, the steps, although being applied to different things, are exactly the same: 1. The first step is deciding that you don?t like something and you?d like to change it. 2. You look around for people, ideas, different techniques and estimates to change said issue. 3. Even though you?re dreading the process, you decide that it needs to be done and you surrender to the fact that there will be a big mess for a while but in the end, it will all be worth it. 4. The mess begins by diving into it and ripping away and gutting that which you no longer want. 5. After this first mess is cleared away, you begin to have a better, clearer idea of how to rebuild things the way you want them. 6. Repairs get made to the immediate area and the rebuilding starts. 7. During this time, you usually don?t want to entertain others because you?re out of your comfort zone, with fall out dust all around you and you don?t want anyone to see you in such a state. 8. As the layers of the area get rebuilt, you start to have glimpses of hope that this was actually a very good decision and that it will all be worth it in the end. 9. The finishing touches require many layers that will need to be sanded and shaped to your satisfaction. 10. Upon completion, you find that all the stuff in said area that used to be there needs to be rearranged and some even thrown out because they no longer suit these new changes you?ve made. Often, bringing in completely new ideas can expand this old area into something you never thought of before. 11. Final dusting of the environment may take some time as things settle down and often, a second or even third dusting is needed to complete the process. 12. You feel better as everything gets back to normal and you have a new appreciation of both your environment and how you feel inside this new space. Our renovations are now done and I am thankful that these external changes have so greatly affected our internal environment as well. Reno?s and healing are hard but often need to happen so we can expand, change and in the end, be in a much better place. To find out more about what we do, who we are, what we teach and any upcoming workshops and classes, please visit our website at www.awakeningangels.ca. To read this blog in its entirety, visit https:/ / awakeningangels.wordpress.com
Th e Dad Sh ow 12 Week Ch al l enge Welcome to The-Dad-Show 12 week health challenge!! Over the next 12 weeks, we'll be talking about the right kind of fuel we need to feed our bodies and how we can improve our overall health. Basically a kickstart to guide you in the right direction towards your own personal health goals. We all deserve a healthier lifestyle and hopefully we can achieve this together. **** We are not health professionals. We are individuals that want a healthier lifestyle and want to motivate others along the way.
Week 7 Chal l enge The-Dad-Show challenges you to try a new type of exercise/ fitness type of activity. Get out of your comfort zone maybe? Sometimes exercise gets redundant, switch it up , more variety is not a bad thing. Listen to The-Dad-Show episode of Thursday October 27th @8pm, only on www.dunet.ca. All shows are recorded and available to listen from our website after the live broadcast.
Benef it s of swit ching up your workout : 1- Break Through a Weight-Loss Plateau 2. Prevent Overuse Injuries 3. Build New Muscles 4. Beat Workout Boredom 5. Help Keep Your Brain Healthy 6. Meet New Workout Partners 7. Get Excited About Exercise Again
Wh y I'm doin g it The reason why I joined the 12 week health challenge is to keep me motivated during my travels for work. Being on the road for my job, it's always easy to get that quick snack along the way that's not that healthy for you. Making sure that my energy is at a high level throughout the day is important for my job and eating healthy is the way to go. I'm a crossfit junky and love doing competitions with my gym. I also enjoy reading about people's journeys, their ups and downs along the way. I haven't posted much in the group but I'm paying attention, keep up the great work , all of you !
Li sten to Th u r days @ 8PM ONLY ON WWW.DUNET.CA AND REMEMBER
For Your Daily Dose of POSITIVE NEWS visit
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 41 - October 28 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Ri bf est 2017- New Look , New Begi nni ng
Have you ever noticed the grand old stone house on the front portion of Montreal Road's Nav Centre? The contrast between the old and the modern architecture is striking for sure. But, do you know the story?
If you thought Ribfest 2016 was great, Ribfest 2017 is looking even better, with a new beginning and new look but very familiar faces.
Until the Annexation in 1957, the area along both sides of Montreal Road from Boundary Road to just east of Dunbar Avenue was the former East Front, part of the former Cornwall Township. That house was built by the McMartin family on that 600 acre tract of land which ran from Toll Gate Road to the St. Lawrence River. Transport Canada purchased a section of the farm from the Brown family who lived there since 1929. The house was retained as a reminder of our roots and continues to function as a meeting place and banquet hall as part of the conference centre. Another well-known East Front property is the now shuttered Inverarden Regency Cottage. Inverarden is Gaelic for "the high headland overlooking the water to the sea." The house overlooks the St. Lawrence River. It was originally constructed for Nor'Wester John McDonald of Garth in 1816 upon his retirement. He subsequently sold the house to his partner and son-in-law John Duncan Campbell. The Campbell family lived here until 1965. Once abandoned Inverarden was vandalized and fell into a sorry state of disrepair. In the late 1970s it was lovingly restored by Parks Canada, who leased it to the City of Cornwall who then sub-leased it to the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Historical Society to turn it into Inverarden Regency Cottage Museum. Returned to Parks Canada in the fall of 1999, as the City of Cornwall could no longer afford to subsidize Parks Canada's property, the building fell into a state of disrepair once again. $50,000 was recently spent to stabilize the structure whereupon it was re-shuttered.
Mortgage Tips
The Glen-Stor-Dun Lodge is yet another historic East Front property.
MacDonald more of ...What Do Al l These Mort gage Changes Mean t o Me? Let?s start our discussion of mortgage changes with the October 3, 2016 announcement to change the qualification interest rate for a 5 year fixed mortgage term effective October 17, 2016. The government made the changes to control the housing markets in Vancouver and Toronto but we are all affected by the decision.
There are other changes included in the October 2016 announcement but they do not significantly or directly influence our local residential housing market in the immediate future. The results of the other changes may be the closure of monoline lenders (lenders that do only mortgage lending), less rental mortgages available, increasing interest rates and less choice in mortgage products and less foreign property investment. These are only predictions and time will tell what the true consequences will be. Basically, until now, when you apply for a 5 year fixed mortgage, your ability to pay for the mortgage was calculated on the actual rate you would pay (around 2.49% ). If the amount of your total debt came in around 44% or less compared to your gross income (depending on your credit score and the lender you were working with), you would likely be approved for the mortgage. With this change, you will still pay 2.49% interest but in order to qualify how much your
Terry Muir, known to many as the father of Ribfest is back! Last year?s Ribfest Chairman, John Lucio, is Mr. Muir?s co-chair this year. Together, they have an excellent BBQ fun-filled 4-day extravaganza planned out for Lamoureux Park. ?These are exciting times to be living in Cornwall,? says native Texan, Mr. Lucio. ?It was Mr. Muir?s vision that gave birth to Ribfest here in Cornwall 6 years ago, and I?m always very happy to see a father back with his baby. Mr. Muir was instrumental to the success of last year?s Ribfest. And I am honoured and humbled that he asked me to be his co-chair this year, for the Optimist Club of Cornwall, which is putting this amazing event together.? ?The Optimist Club of Cornwall is such a wonderful organization for the city,? said Mr. Muir. ?With over 35 members banded together and highly motivated by a sheer desire to contribute to their community, we can expect professionalism, enthusiasm, and a whole lot of money raised for the children of Cornwall,? he added. Yes, the Optimist Club is the driving force behind this year?s event, and what better organization to spearhead the project than one who is so heavily involved with helping our local youth. All proceeds of Ribfest earned by the Optimist Club will pour directly into the youths of Cornwall. The Optimist Club is a civic organization run solely by volunteers. They serve the children of our community by offering programs for them to be involved in, and by providing a variety of community service projects. Let the planning begin! Be sure to visit cornwallribfest.com to stay informed about Ribfest's progress. The site will be launched soon.
mortgage payments will cost you, the payments are calculated at the posted rate (currently 4.64% ). The posted rate has been used to qualify variable rate mortgages, Home Equity Lines of Credit and 1-4 year term mortgages for years. This change now requires 5 year fixed mortgage terms to be included as well. That may not seem significant but let?s look at a specific situation: You want a mortgage of $200,000. With a 25 year amortization at a 2.49% interest rate for the 5 year term, the payments would be about $894.94. That amount is added to your other monthly debts and your ratio has to come in under 44% compared to your gross income. The new rule means, even though in real life you will be paying $894.94 each month for the next 5 years on your mortgage, the application will have to show you will be paying $1,122.96 each month for the next 5 years and still calculate under 44% compared to your gross income. That?s an extra $228.02 per month added to your total debts. It can make the difference between an approval or decline if your credit card debts are fairly high. You may not qualify for the full $200,000 anymore.
If you are in the middle of purchasing or refinancing your home, please contact me and we can go over your particular situation to see if this change will affect your ability to get the mortgage you are looking for.
Jenni MacDonald (www.jmacdonald.ca) has been a Mortgage Broker with Dominion Lending Centres for over 5 years an has many years of experience in the banking world. She works with over 40 lenders including banks, credit unions, and rivate lenders to find the best mortgage for each client. You can contact her by phone or text at 613-551-0639 or via email at jmacdonald@dominionlending.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 41 - October 28 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
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with Cornwall's
Criminal - Summary Convict ion Court Agent Service - Landl ord Tennant Empl oyment Law - Commissioner of Oat h Smal l Cl aims - Provincial Of f ences Workpl ace Saf et y & Insurance Board
LARGEST PORTABLE LIGHT & LASER SHOW - Disc Jockey - Videography - Invitations and more - VHS to DVD Transfers Cal l : SHELDON & MAI-LIIS 613-932-4812
* i ncl udes a m i ni pr of i l e
CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE: Bed fr am e, m atr ess and boxspr ing asking $150 fir m . Other item cal l 613-932-4404 for m or e details. LOOKI NG: Looking to r ent a gar age for the w inter m onth for convir tible. Cal l 613-932-7045
VISIT US THIS SATU RDAY OCTOBER 2 9 TH at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 48 Legion Street, Morrisburg
VISIT US THIS SU NDAY OCTOBER 3 0 TH at theMcHaffie's FleaMarketon Hwy# 31justNorthof Morrisburg Or to place an order call or e-mail 613-662-3515 inf o@int ernovamedical .com 613-935-4044 simpl ywel l ness.st udio@out l ook.com
CALL M AI-LIIS TODAY 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3ext 1 0 2 W h a t a r e y o u w a i t i n gf o r ? Adver t i si ng w i t h The Seeker IS NOTan Expense I t 's a n I N V ESTM EN T!
- 1 t i m e$ 2 5 - 3 t i m es$ 6 5 - 7 t i m es$ 1 2 9 - 1 0 t i m es $ 1 5 9 *
FOR SALE: Older style tr unk, ver y clean inter ior , size 36" x 15" and 18" high. Asking $45. New bur gundy color cozy cuddle blanket still in box. Asking $10. Honeyw ell Convection Por table Electr ic w hite baseboar d style heater , 1500w att, used tw o w eeks. Has adjustable heat settings and autom atic heat shutdoen featur e. Asking $35. Ver y fancy hand cover ed photo album , m ust be seen. Asking $15. "Russ" special edition teddy bear w ith authentic booklet, paid 74.99 and never given as intended gift. Asking $25. Royal blue cotton fabr ic w ith fine w hite str ipe, 188" x 44". Asking $3.50 Cal l 613-938-6149
Choose from a series of thought provoking Health and Wellness Books, penned by Dr.Scott Mumby the Alternative Medicine Doctor Worried about Al zheimer's Disease, Gut Inf l amat ion and dangerous Toxins ? Investigate the incredible healing powers of PuraThrive Tumeric - now in bioavailable liquid form Searching f or Al t ernat ive Heal t h and Wel l ness Product s ? Th en l et Pan aseed a Bl ack Cu m i n Seed Oi l unlock the Master Healing Switch inside your body to feel younger, healthier,and more vibrant. As if you woke up tomorrow morning with child like energy.
TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive
SEEKI NG AREA CAPTAI NS, CANVASSERS, DRI VERS for the Hear t&Str oke Canvass. Suppor t a Life-saving Cause and Connect w ith your Com m unity. Contact Ashley: 613-938-8933, or em ail am an w el l @h sf .on .ca THE CANADI AN RED CROSS TRANSPORTATI ON PROGRAM I S SEEKI NG A VOLUNTEER to assist with administr ative wor k such as data entr y, infor mation r esear ch, phone calls etc. one or two days a week or as needed. Use of Micr osoft applications a definite asset. If you ar e inter ested in volunteer ing for this position, please contact us at 613-932-0231 ext. 2240 or email atcor nwal l t r anspor t @r edcr oss.ca VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help plan and implement a new event in October to r aise money to suppor t r esear ch for women?s gynecological cancer s. Please contact Lois at 613-32-1283 ext. 3673 It?s going to be a fun one!!
CORNWALL NEWCOMERS ALUMNAE CHAPTER (CNAC) wishes to extend an invitation to ladies of Cor nwall Newcomer s Club. If you joined Cor nwall Newcomer s Club (CNC) in 2012 you ar e eligible to join the Cor nwall Newcomer s ALUMNAE Chapter. Mor e info contact Liz at 613-932-8164.
VHS TO DVD TRANSFERS Cal l Sh el don at 613-932-4812 FOR SALE : Used w ood splitter , w or ks w ell, $150 call 613-360-4197 Al -anon - an organizat ion t hat hel ps f amil ies & f riends of al cohol ics. For meet ings in t he Cornwal l area, 613.937.4880
...For Your Daily Dose of POSITIVE NEWS visit www.theseeker.ca and Have a Wonderful Week! from the The Seeker Team
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 41 - October 28 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
3r d An n u al Can dl el i gh t Vi gi l f or Vet er an s an d Sol di er s w i t h PTSD w h o con t i n u e t o t ak e t h ei r ow n l i ves. W h o: Friends of Vets W h at : Candlelight Vigil in honor and support for our military heroes and their families after suicide. Event is open to everyone. W h en : Wednesday, November 2 ,2016 at 17:30 hrs (5:30 pm) W h er e: Cornwall Legion Cenotaph-Corner of 2nd and Bedford St. W hy: M any Canadian war heroes are still hurting after serving our country proudly in battle. They return home broken and so many end their lives because of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Ther e ar e alm ost 59 Canadian m ilitar y soldier s claim ed suicides each year since the w ar ended w hile 158 w er e killed in com bat action dur ing the Afghan War. Ver y few of these soldier s ask for help or they ar e not getting the pr oper help needed. This continuing r ate of m ilitar y and veter an suicides is ver y distur bing. M any of us especially those w ith loved ones w ho have ser ved or ar e still ser ving ar e asking w hat can be done to fur ther pr event this kind of tr agedy fr om ever happening again and w e appeal to all ser vice m em ber s w ith m ental health issues to get help im m ediately. Suicidal thoughts ar e a daily occur r ence in a soldier s m ind w ho has PTSD.
Haunt ed Backyards Come visit us in t he Hal l oween f est ivit y on Oct ober 31st , 2016 f rom 5 t o 9:30 pm. We have magically transformed three connected backyards to create a large haunted backyard for goblins of all ages to enjoy. You will find us on Vincent Massey (Hwy 2) between Notman Chrysler and Power Dam Dr. (Official address 2201 Power Dam Dr. ? Unit 14). This event is free and includes many tricks and treats for everyone.
Fr i en ds of Vet s i s a l ocal peer t o peer su ppor t gr ou p, h er e i n Cor n w al l h el pi n g m i l i t ar y vet er an s, t h ei r f am i l i es an d f r i en ds letting them know that they ar e not alone to suffer w ith any difficulties that they m ay be exper iencing. M any of us in Fr iends of Vets still ar e hur ting w ith PTSD issues after our m ilitar y ser vice. People w ith PTSD ar e at high r isk for suicide. New s of so m any suicides in the m ilitar y is unacceptable to us and w e gladly stand up for our fallen br other s and sister s and speak out to our gover nm ent, our m ilitar y leader s, and our com m unity in letting ever yone know this pr oblem is r eal so that w e all m ay help to pr event any m or e suicides in our Canadian M ilitar y and Veter ans. For mor e infor mation Conta ct :Steven For r est, Fr iends of Vets - Event Or ga nizer 613- 703 7637 - cel 613) 362-5262 E-ma il: cor nwa llveter a nssuppor tgr oup@live.ca
Our cast will ensure lots of fun, laughs, screams and excitement however not too frightening for our little guests. You will find different posts with characters such as; The Witch Hut, Electric Chair Chamber, Mad Scientist Lab, Chapel, Butcher Shop, Blood CafĂŠ, Creepy Graveyard, Dancing Ghosts and so many more. We host this evening for your entertainment on Halloween night, An event you do not want to miss,
MOCCASIN MODEL RR Cl ub meets at
Thank you,
St. Mathews Lutheran Church,
Hosts: Aline Gareau Hebert and Ron Piette ,
1509 - 2nd St. W, Cornwall. on Wednesday, November 2nd at 7:30pm.
All model railroad enthusiasts are welcome to attend. 613-936-1660 ht t p:/ / www.f acebook.com/ groups/ moccasinRRcl ub/
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 41 - October 28 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca