Yo ur CO M M UNITY EVENTS a nd ALTERNATIVE Ne w sp a p e r
Vol ume 7 Issue 40 Oct ober 21, 2016
Do n 't l et wed d i n g p l an n i n g
m ak e yo u r h ead Swel l ! Vi si t t h e
"Yo u r ever yt h i n g r el at ed t o Wed d i n g s Even t !"
t h i s Su n d ay at t h e Ram ad a In n To p l an yo u r
PERFECT WEDDING DAY! m o r e i n fo p ag es 4 & 5 Read Jason Setnyk 's I nterv i ew w i th
Read Jason Setnyk 's I nterv i ew w i th
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...
613-935-3763 Business Ads: ext 1 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 Sal es (Khyl e) : ext 104 EMAIL
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Have yo u fo u n d yo u r sel f i n fr o n t o f an em p t y r ack ? The SEEKERcan sometimesbe hard to find and the standstend to be emptyby Sunday.WHY?you ask ...b ecau seo u r "Week l yDo se o f Po si t i veNews"i s a Ho t It em sar o u n dTo wn !!! Ou r r ead er scan 't g et en o u g h ! If the rack is emptyand you havemissedyour copy- don't worry- you can still r ead u s o n l i n eat www.t h eseek er .ca - Wealsohavea Ho m eDel i ver yo p t i o n- It 's easy- cal l 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6ex 3 t5
Let t er s t o t he Edit o r Dear Editor I have a question for all Municipal Councils ? why haven't all of the Municipalities launched a constitutional challenge under section 92A (2) of the Constitution? Surely if all municipalities united and did this the costs would be minimal and it would assist all the people. It is quite clear under 92A (2) that the province cannot be involved in discriminatory pricing practices, and yet the province is. 92A (2) states: Export f rom provinces of resources 92 A (2) In each province, the legislature may make laws in relation to the export from the province to another part of Canada ? the production from facilities in the province for the generation of electrical energy, but such laws may not authorize or provide for discrimination in prices or in supplies exported to another part of Canada. With the province selling electricity subsidizing other jurisdictions (Manitoba and Quebec), surplus or not including distribution charges, is it not discriminatory against the people of Ontario? Therefore the province is in violation of the Constitution with the present pricing, as it is charging Ontarians more than it is charging these other areas. As for the Ontario Energy Board ? their responsibilities include, "to protect the interests of consumers with respect to prices and the adequacy, reliability and quality of electricity service," (section 1 O.E.B. Act). The Board maybe in conflict because the same section states: "To promote electricity conservation and demand management ? consistent with the policies of the Government" ...So much for the "price freeze" until next year. So question ? how can the Board ensure that a consumer's interests are protected when the Board must be consistent with government policies? A question to government ? why would anyone purchase shares, in Hydro One, when the government must ensure the price of electricity is not discriminatory? Hydro One was created as a non-profit provider (public service) and is to ensure the people of
w a i t i n gf o r ?
Of f i ce Hour s
Ontario have electricity at cost, including distribution, so wouldn't this mean people are purchasing shares in a company with no profit?
327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm Closed 1-1:30pm for lunch
If anyone is of the opinion that electing another party is going to assist in this issue, think again, as we haven't heard anything from the parties about this government's breach of trust (gas-plants) or this constitutional issue. One merely has to look at the disgrace the land registry (Teranet) is in, MPAC, etc., to see they all have the same mandate and it is not to assist the people, it is merely to say what is needed to get re-elected to support the back-room cronies who get the goodies yet give the same failed advice. Isn't it time for a real change?
Your one st op shopf or...
Advert ising GraphicDesign WebDesign Print ing- Phot ography VideoRecording Services
DEADLINES Classifieds Wednesdays 5pm Commercial Ads Tuesdays 5pm
A d ve r t i s i n g w i t h Th e Se e k e r IS NOT an Expense I t 's a n I N V ESTM EN T! 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 ext 1 0 2 CALL M AI-LIIS TODAY Wh at ar e yo u
Elizabeth F. Marshall,
To sh in e a posit ive ligh t on ou r com m u n it y; To br in g a posit ive spin on n ew s? To provide top quality advertising and exposure to small business owners so they can promote their product or service at affordable rates; To give a strong voice to the arts and culture community; To spread the word about all the great events taking place in Cornwall and Area. The Seeker is the only locally owned and operated newspaper? It is published?
By Local People - For Local People - Abou t Local People - Su ppor t in g Local People Wetrulyaim at beinga realcommunity newspaper, an outletwhoreallycaresandnurturesthepeopleit promotesandworkswith.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 40 - October 21 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity
Ne w s
Present ed by
Jason Set nyk Compl et e St ories on our Websit e www.t heseeker.ca
ACTOR MICHAEL KOSKE GUEST AT CAPE 2017 The Cornwall & Area Pop Event presents special guest and Walking Dead zombie Michael Koske. Michael Koske acting credits include frequent appearances as a featured "Walker" on AMC's The Walking Dead. His zombie likenesses have appeared on t-shirts, figures, playing cards, and other official merchandise, and he's graced the pages of Entertainment Weekly, The Walking Dead Official Magazine, the cover of The Ultimate Guide to Zombies, Rolling Stone Magazine, and most recently, the cover of TV Guide. He has also appeared as a daywalking Vampire on The Originals which is a spinoff for the Vampire Diaries, USA Network's Necessary Roughness, the movie The Crazies, The Following featuring Kevin Bacon, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Need for Speed, Goosebumps, Captain America: Civil ?War, the third installment of the The Divergent Series: Allegiant, season 3 of Sleepy Hollow and most recently Hidden Figures starring Kevin Costner. Other guest attending CAPE 2017 in addition to Michael Koske include Kimberly Leemans, Yanic Truesdale, Don Teems, Sean Gunn, and Chris Sullivan. CAPE 2017 takes place April 22nd and 23rd 2017 at the Benson Centre. EOHU AND CCPS ISSUE FENTANYL WARNING IN EASTERN ONTARIO - The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) and the Cornwall Community Police Service (CCPS) are warning the public that illicit Fentanyl, also known as bootleg Fentanyl, has been seized by authorities within the 5 Eastern counties. Illicit Fentanyl can be found on the street in a powdered form or pressed into pills that come in any colour, shape and size. The pills can also have a variety of markings and be disguised to look like other products made by the pharmaceutical industry (Oxycontin, Percocet, etc.). It may also be added to other illicit drugs like cocaine, heroin and crystal meth. ?Illicit Fentanyl can be found in any street drug and its concentration will vary from one pill to another due to the lack of quality control,? explains Daniel Parkinson, Chief of Police at the CCPS. ?Even a small amount of illicit Fentanyl can be deadly, which explains why it has caused hundreds of deaths throughout the country.? ?Fentanyl, whether it?s the real thing produced by the pharmaceutical industry or illicit, is an opioid drug that slows down the part of the brain that controls breathing,? says Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Medical Officer of Health at the EOHU. ?Illicit Fentanyl is deadly because the dosage is not controlled and it can therefore cause people to
completely stop breathing.? The health unit and Cornwall Police are reminding the public not to buy any drugs off the street as there?s no way of knowing what?s inside them. All opioid drugs can be dangerous and should only be taken as prescribed by a medical professional. 1500 RESIDENTS SIGNED PETITION TO SAVE LOCAL SCHOOLS According to MPP Jim McDonell: Over 1,500 residents of Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry came together to sign an online petition to save our local rural schools from closure. In an underhanded move, last year the Government removed community benefit and local economic benefit factors from the Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines, the document in which School Boards must comply with to make decisions on building and closing schools. Any resident of rural Ontario will tell you how the local school is a keystone of the community, providing local opportunities for families to raise children and give them an outstanding education. This drives economic activity and community development across Ontario. The Ministry of Education must come to its senses and return these two key values to the PARG. NEW COMMUNITY ADDICTION AND MENTAL HEALTH CENTRE - The new one level, 22 000 square feet building located at the north end of the Cornwall Hospital property is ready for occupancy and the moves are scheduled during the month of October. An official ribbon cutting ceremony and open house will follow early 2017. The following services are moving: Adult Mental Health Services: Geriatric Mental Health Services, Addiction Services, Community Withdrawal Management Services, Assertive Community Treatment Team / First episode Psychosis, Mental Health Crisis Team / Peer Support, and Child and Youth Mental Health Services. Parking is available: Coming off of McConnell: please turn at the traffic light indicating the Emergency entrance. You can enter the parking lot numbered P2 on your left. Coming from Marleau Avenue: turn onto hospital property and at the stop sign turn right, then right again into P2. There are 2 handicap parking spaces by the new building, facing McConnell Avenue and there are more in the ungated P3 parking adjacent to P2. f there is no parking available in on the north side of the building, please park on the south side of the hospital in either P5 or P6. There is only one entrance
available to the public; the main entrance which faces McConnell Avenue. Please check in with reception upon your arrival; you will be directed to the appropriate area. There is a new phone number for the centre, but the older phone numbers will also still work for a short period of time to ensure a smooth transition. The new phone number is 613-361-6363 or toll free at 1-844-361-6363. CELEBRATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT WEEK - The City of Cornwall is celebrating Local Government Week with a series of special events on Saturday, October 22nd. Residents are invited to stop by City Hall, the main Fire Hall and the Justice Building courtyard from 10 am to 2 pm and take part in the festivities. Some of the free, family-friendly activities on tap include: A ?Cool Engines and Flashing Lights?display of vehicles and big machines such as a police cruiser, ambulance, snowplow, dump truck, and a Cornwall Transit bus; Tour City Hall and Council Chambers. Have a seat in the Mayor?s Chair and try on the Chain of Office; Tour the Fire Hall and check out some of the equipment and fire trucks; Appearances by the Town Crier and Sparky; and a community barbecue by the Kinsmen Club of Cornwall. Running from October 16 to 22, Local Government Week is a province-wide initiative that aims to raise awareness of the important role local government plays in our communities. ?This is a great opportunity for residents to find out more about their municipal government and the important programs and services it provides,? said Mayor Leslie O?Shaughnessy. CORNWALL NATIONALS ADD DEFENCEMAN - General Manager Mitch Gagne and the Cornwall Nationals have come to terms with defenceman Zackary Rheaume. The 22-year-old blueliner from Ottawa was impressive during last weekend?s training camp at the Civic Complex. Rheaume, 6-foot-3, 190 lbs., played for the Gloucester Rangers and Ottawa Jr. Senators in the CCHL. Cornwall hosts Watertown in Federal Hockey League pre-season play on Saturday, Oct. 22 at the Civic Complex. The puck drops at 7:30 p.m. The Nationals?inaugural FHL home opener is Sunday, Oct. 30 vs. Danville. The puck drops at 1 p.m. Season tickets are currently on sale and can be purchased at the Cornwall Nationals office, located downstairs at the Civic Complex. Prices are $290 for adults, $230 for seniors (60+) and students (13 to 18) and $115 for children 12 and under.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 40 - October 21 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
VISITALLOUREXHIBITORS - Kelly'sFloralDesign - ExelsiorLimousine Service - LaCuisineVolanteLtd. - Afreen's Artistry - Earthway FamilyChiropractic - Claude's Wedding Cakes - Listerphotos.ca - Juliannah's Dress& Bridal - Arbonne - FrankBurelleStudios
Hap p en i n g t h i s Su n d ay ... - DONOTM ISSTHISEVENT!
- RoyalCanadian Legion
Congratulations! you're getting married. Her e i s you r 12-M on t h Weddi n g Pl an n i n g Ch eck l i st
- SunLifeFinancial - Moore's Clothing ForMen - Sewing& Creation - Elegante Wedding Decorations
M usicians and cater er s. Be sur e to get a contr act that states w edding date, tim e, and location for each vendor , as w ell as the schedule for paym ents.
- Jarmila's Flowers
You've said yes to the big question, now w hat? If you'r e star ting to becom e over w helm ed w ith the thought of planning your big day, sit dow n, take a deep br eath and look over this 12-m onth planning guide. You'll see that planning a w edding is sim ply a m atter of getting or ganized. You can do it!
- Scou t ou t accom m odat i on s f or ou t -of -t ow n gu est s.
- Scentsy
7-8 M on t h s Bef or e t h e Weddi n g
- FairySweetChocolate
- St ar t sh oppi n g f or w eddi n g r i n gs.
- PolarSound
11-12 M on t h s Bef or e t h e Weddi n g
- Deci de on h on eym oon pl an s and take car e of any special tr avel r equir em ents such as passpor ts or visas.
- TheJewellery Factory
- Of f i ci al l y an n ou n ce you r en gagem en t . Cr eate Your ow n per sonal w edding site - this is a gr eat w ay to shar e the plans as they develop. Your out of tow n fam ily and fr iends w ill definitely appr eciate it! - Set a t i m e an d dat e f or t h e w eddi n g.
- Deci de on an d or der at t en dan t s gow n s. - Or der i n v i t at i on s an d ot h er st at i on er y n eeds. - Regi st er f or w eddi n g gi f t s at select stor es and online outlets. Don't for get to r egister for show er and engagem ent par ty gifts as w ell!
- Deci de on t h e si ze an d st yl e of cer em on y. - Con t act w eddi n g a of f i ci at e. - Devel op a bu dget anddecidew how ill payfor w hat. - Begi n com pi l i n g you r gu est l i st . - Vi si t an d r eser ve you r Weddi n g an d r ecept i on si t e.
9-10 M on t h s Bef or e t h e Weddi n g - Or der you r w eddi n g gow n and deter m ine w ho w ill m ake any necessar y alter ations. - Ch oose you r w eddi n g par t y. - Deci de on a col or sch em e (consider the r eception site). - M eet w i t h pot en t i al w eddi n g pr of essi on al s for your cer em ony & r eception. Inter view local videogr apher s, photogr apher s, flor ists, DJs &
5-6 M on t h s Bef or e t h e Weddi n g
- DJShellshock - Invitations andmorebyMai-Liis - MaryKay
- Let you r ou t -of -t ow n gu est s k n ow t h e dat e of your w edding w ith Save The Date Car ds so that they r eser ve the date and m ake any necessar y tr avel plans.
- Roy'sFlorist
- Com pl et e gu est l i st .Sh op f or an d t ast e t est t h e w eddi n g cak e.
- NeiskyMontielPhotographe
- Sel ect an d r eser ve at t i r e f or m en i n t h e w eddi n g.
- Avon
- Det er m i n e m ar r i age l i cen se r equ i r em en t s for the location you ar e getting m ar r ied in.
- RhoiceMarketing & Events
- Ramada Inn - CarolGrantProductions
3-4 M on t h s Bef or e t h e Weddi n g - Fi n al i ze t h e m en u w i t h you r cat er er .Or der w i n e, ch am pagn e, l i qu or , et c., if not included in the cater er s ser vice.
- Midnight Confetti Events - Flowers Cornwall
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 40 - October 21 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - Fi n al i ze f l ow er s, including those needed for the r eception decor ations. - M ai l ou t i n f or m at i on about hotels and city attr actions to your out-of-tow n guests so they can m ake their plans. - Or der w eddi n g f avor s. - Or der w eddi n g r i n gs to allow tim e for engr aving.
2-3 Week s Bef or e
- Get m ar r i age l i cen se. Call ahead to m ake sur e you know w hat is r equir ed to br ing. - Or gan i ze an y accessor i es n eeded such as r ing pillow , flow er gir l basket, gar ter , and "som ething old, new , bor r ow ed, and blue.
- Begi n w or k i n g on vow s, especially if you ar e w r iting your ow n.
- Con t act gu est s w h o h aven 't sen t i n RSVPs so that you can give the cater er a final headcount.
2 M on t h s Bef or e Weddi n g
- Pi ck u p w eddi n g r i n gs and check engr aving befor e leaving the stor e. Stor e in a safe place!
- Fi n al i ze an d book h on eym oon - M ai l ou t i n v i t at i on s. - Do h ai r /m ak e-u p dr y r u n , com plete w ith your veil or headpiece. - Book w eddi n g day beau t y appoi n t m en t s.
- Fi n al i ze m u si c pl ay l i st . - Fi n al i ze or der of ser v i ce an d w r i t e t h e w eddi n g pr ogr am . - Tou ch base w i t h you r f l or i st , cat er er , an d DJ t o con f i r m dat e an d t i m es, et c. Get their cell phone num ber if you don't alr eady have them . - Book r eh ear sal di n n er .
and Download our app today!
- Con f i r m h on eym oon h ot el , ai r l i n e r eser vat i on s, an d w eddi n g n i gh t r eser vat i on s, if not leaving until the next day.
- Pack f or h on eym oon . - Host at t en dan t s par t y and give out gifts along w ith a thoughtful thank you note to each br idesm aid. - M ak e f i n al paym en t s t o ven dor s. - Pu t gr at u i t i es i n en vel opes and ar r ange to have a tr usted fr iend distr ibute the envelopes on the big day.
1 Day Bef or e
- Or der w eddi n g cak e, if not or der ed alr eady.
- Tak e a l on g w al k or sch edu l e a m assage to r educe str ess. Gather your thoughts and m entally pr epar e your self!
1 M on t h Bef or e
- Gr eet ou t -of -t ow n gu est s.
- Or der an y r en t al i t em s needed such as
- M ak e som e t i m e f or each ot h er t o ex ch an ge gi f t s and a congr atulator y kiss (or sever al)!
chair s, tents, lighting, if not included at w edding/r eception sites.
The Bridal Emporium of East ern Ont ario 613-538-2323 jul iannahsbridal .ca
- At t en d r eh ear sal an d r eh ear sal di n n er .
- Pu r ch ase br i desm ai d gi f t s. - Pu r ch ase gr oom sm en gi f t s. - Sch edu l e f i n al f i t t i n g f or w eddi n g gow n . Rem em ber to br ing w edding shoes, veil, and pr oper linger ie needed.
- Get i n bed at a r eason abl e h ou r so that you'll look and feel your best for your w edding.
Weddi n g Day
- Pu r ch ase you r accessor i es: gu est book an d pen set , r i n g pi l l ow , f l ow er gi r l bask et s, u n i t y can dl e, et c. - Ar r an ge f or t r an spor t at i on n eeds for w edding par ty and out-of-tow n guests for the r ehear sal and w edding day. Be sur e to give the dr iver the addr esses and schedules for all w ho w ill need tr anspor tation.
- Aw ake ear ly and eat a good br eak f ast . - Go t o beau t y appoi n t m en t s. - Ar r i ve at w eddi n g si t e ear l y en ou gh t o dr ess and to visit w ith br idesm aids. - Al l ow en ou gh t i m e f or ph ot ogr aphy.Rel ax , sm i l e, an d en j oy you r w el l -or gan i zed day!
Sha nno n
Call Fairy Sweet for your Cake, Wedding Favours or Dessert Bar today! 613 933 7040
1 Week Bef or e
- Com pl et e n am e ch an ge paper w or k for bank accounts, insur ance, etc.
a UniqueGourmet addition to your wedding?
FERG USO N Make Your Marriage More Fun t han Your Wedding ! Your wedding will be one of the best days of your life. You will glow, you will shine, you will be happy. Your cheeks may start hurting from smiling so much and your heart will feel like it might explode from all the love surrounding you. Walking down the aisle, you might be a bit nervous, but once you get up there and you?re standing in front of all your family and friends, reciting your vows and starting into each other?s eyes, your nerves will calm. You will feel content and you will feel excited.
Excited to start your lives together as one. And that excitement will transfer over into the reception. Your adrenaline will be high as you mingle with all of your guests, your taste buds will be savouring the delicious meal, and the speeches and dances will remind you how loved you truly are. The reception will probably fly by in a blur but try to relax and have fun. If you drink, have a drink. Dance as much as you can, laugh and sing with
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Call or text f or awesome discounts!
your new spouse, let loose and party hard because this is your day and you should have the time of your life. But when the wedding is done and everyone has gone home, continue to have fun. After the honeymoon is over and the bills are due, remember your wedding night and the good time that was had. When you have your first fight as a married couple talk about it, deal with it together, and move on as one. Always make sure to weave fun into your marriage, even on the hard days. Laugh together as much as you can, play like kids even when you?re tired, and go on adventures as often as possible. Find excitement even in the little things and keep learning together as you go. Your wedding will be amazing and will be a day you never forget, but always remember that your marriage is what?s important. Your marriage should be your main focus and you should put as much effort into your relationship as you have into your wedding planning, because your wedding will last one day but your marriage will last a lifetime. Make it a fun one. Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. View her blog at www.thelovehawk.com, like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 40 - October 21 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Focus Art - PRINCIPAL SPONSORS 2016
are not only learning opportunities, but also a way to publicize the work of the artist and a means to build a strong resumĂŠ.
Lind a
G e ise l
The official opening of the exhibition for the public is Thursday October 20. The vernissage will be held on Friday October 21 starting at 6:30 pm at the Cornwall Square, upper level near the Food Court. The public is invited to meet and greet the artists and to join in to congratulate the winners of the show. The exhibition will continue for the next two weeks. There is no charge for admission. Visitors are also invited to participate in the ?Name the Painting? contest. The winner will receive a gift certificate from Cailuan Gallery on Pitt Street.
FOCUS ART 12t h ANNUAL JURIED EXHIBITION at CORNWALL SQUARE This year?s juried exhibition attracted 50 members submitting a total of 123 pieces of artworks. These works of art were judged by Ann Gruchy, a professional artist hailing from North Gower. Ann is an elected member of the Society of Canadian Artists and has acted as juror for many of the art groups in Eastern Ontario. While art appreciation is subject to an individual?s taste, an experienced juror examines the technical elements as well as the creative imagination in the artwork. Some of the elements in the judge?s considerations include composition, colour, texture, movement or flow, framing and skillful use of the media. The creative components refer to the way an artist expressed an idea or feelings with depth and originality. Ann commented, after her critique, that she was impressed with the quality of the submissions. She stated that her main goal as a juror is to encourage artists to grow and to perfect the skills. She also suggested that artists should respond to the call for juried exhibitions whenever possible. They
In an effort to produce high quality workshops and programs for their members and public, FOCUS ART is conducting a fundraising raffle. The winner will take home an original painting by popular local artist Kathleen Morin titled ?Come Walk with Me? (30?x40? Acrylic). The tickets are $10 each. The draw will be held at Focus Art?s Christmas gathering on December 7.
FOCUS ART JURIED EXHIBITION SCHEDULE Thursday October 20 ? 11 am to 7 pm Friday October 21 ? 11 am to 8:30 pm (Vernissage begins at 6:30 pm) Saturday October 22 ? 10 am to 5 pm Sunday October 23 - 11 am to 4 pm Thursday October 27 ? 11 am to 7 pm Friday October 28 ? 11 am to 8:30 pm Saturday October 29 ? 10 am to 5 pm Sunday October 30 - 11 am to 4 pm
F rommy pantry...
Sha ry n
THO M PSO N W ho isn't busy these days? But, we all have to eat. The trick is not to take forever getting a meal on the table. I try to have a good stock of basic pantry items, fresh veg, (which isn't hard with my garden) and help from items in my freezer. Before Thanksgiving, I made up extra pie crusts and froze them. It is a previously made pie crust that made this supper so quick and nice. I made a delicious quiche and fried some leftover potatoes to go along with it. W hen Gary left to go to Cornwall, I was working in my vegetable garden. One hour later, we were ready to sit down to a delicious supper. In less than an hour, the quiche was ready to eat. A salad would go nicely here as well, but I had some leftover potatoes that made great homefries and I'm Irish and love potatoes! NEVER FAI L PASTRY (One of my custom er s told m e that after m e giving her this r ecipe for pastr y, she has had no tr ouble m aking her pies any m or e. This is r eally a w onder ful pie cr ust, flaky and tender alw ays. If any of you need a bit of help, just com e by my stor e and M onday, Fr iday or Satur day and I w ill be glad to help you.)
to gently com bine the liquid into the flour m ixtur e. This w ay my hands don't w ar m up the pastr y. If all of the flour m ixtur e w on't m ix in, don't be afr aid to add in a bit m or e cold w ater. The pie pastr y m ust stick together w hen you take a sm all handful.
-If you have a pastr y cloth and r olling pin cover , it w ill m ake your job r olling out the pastr y so m uch easier. (We sell these at Shar yn's Pantr y. It w ill be the best thing you ever did for your self to m ake r olling pie cr ust so easy!)
6 cups of unbleached pastr y flour (w e sell this at Shar yn's Pantr y) 2 tsp. fine salt 1 tsp. baking pow der 1 tbsp. br ow n sugar 1 lb. of Tender flake lar d 1/3 cup butter 1 egg beaten in a m easur ing cup along w ith 1 tbsp. w hite vinegar and enough cold w ater to fill to the 1 cup level
M ETHOD: In a lar ge bow l, m easur e the pastr y flour in a lar ge bow l, add the salt, sugar , and baking pow der. -Cut in the lar d and butter w ith a pastr y blender until the lar d and butter ar e in sm all pieces the size of peas w ith just a few bits lar ger. -Beat the egg in the m easur ing cup and add the vinegar and enough cold w ater to m easur e 1 cup total. -Pour this over the dr y lar d and flour m ixtur e. -I use a plastic bow l scr aper
-Take about a baseball sized pastr y and flatten this into a disc.
-Use just a bit of all pur pose flour to dust your counter top or better yet, your pastr y cloth and r olling pin cover. Roll out your pastr y and place it in your pie plate. -Continue r olling out the pie cr usts, place a sheet of plastic w r ap in betw een each pie plate. -Place the pie shells in a lar ge plastic bag and fr eeze for futur e use. These w ill be r eady to use for a quickly m ake quiche, or a pie. -One r ecipe w ill m ake about 12 pie shells. How good is that? YOUR QUI CHE (You can use any vegetables you have, fr esh or leftover w ill be fine)
M y Plan f or a qu ick su pper I NGREDI ENTS: -
one unbaked pie shell, use a 9" or 10" deep pie cr ust 3 extr a lar ge eggs and enough m ilk or cr eam to m easur e 1- 1/2 cups in total 1/2 a Vidalia onion, diced 1/4 of a sw eet r ed pepper , diced one br occoli cr ow n, br oken into sm all bite-sized flow er ets 3 tbsp. butter gr ated Gr uyer e cheese, about 1/2 to 3/4 cup total Gulden m ustar d or Dijon m ustar d
M ETHOD: -Set your oven r ack to the low est position. Tur n your oven on to 400 degr ees F. -Take your pie shell (fr ozen is fine) and place it on a baking sheet w ith sides. Save cleanup and line the baking sheet w ith par chm ent or tinfoil. -Tear of a lar ge piece of tinfoil and spr ay one side w ith no-stick spr ay. Gently cover the pie cr ust w ith the foil to pr ess into the sides and edges of the pastr y. Use pie w eights or soup peas to fill the foil. The w eight of these w ill stop the pastr y fr om shr inking as it bakes in the oven. -Bake the cover ed cr ust for 10 m inutes. Then car efully lift off the
foil and pie w eights. -Br ush the cr ust w ith the m ustar d. This w ill do 2 things, it w ill pr event the cr ust fr om getting soggy fr om the egg filling and secondly it w ill give m or e flavour to the quiche. - Bake the uncover ed pie cr ust in the oven for 5 m inutes longer. Keep the quiche shell on the baking sheet. -M eanw hile w hile the cr ust is doing its thing in the oven, saute in a fr ying pan in the butter , the onion and sw eet r ed pepper and br occoli flow er ets for just 5 m inutes. -Now , spr inkle the par tially baked pastr y w ith a sm all handful of the gr ated Gr uyer e cheese, then spr inkle over this the onion, pepper and br occoli pieces. -Pour the egg and cr eam m ixtur e slow ly into the pastr y shell. Spr inkle w ith the r em aining gr ated cheese. -Bake the quiche in a 350 degr ee F. oven for 30 to 35 m inutes or until the tip of a par ing knife com es out clean w hen inser ted into the top centr e of the quiche. -Once out of the oven, cut and ser ve and ENJOY!!! SHARYNTHOM PSON,Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY a fa mily-r unbusinessfor 35 yea r s. 812 Pitt St, Unit 6, Cor nwa ll,Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: M ondayto Satur day- 9 to 5
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 40 - October 21 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even tns'm o r SECTION e
We ar n ow OPEN e Su 1 p .m . t o 5 n d ay s p .m .
45 SecondStreetE.
www.l ibrarycornwal l .on.ca Facebook:l ibrarycornwal l ont ario CELEBRATE ONTARIO PUBLIC LIBRARY WEEK WITH US!
@ the
A Visit Will Get You Thinking! TELL US YOUR STORY! Let us know what positive impact libraries has had in your life. Pick up a form at the library or on our website or drop us an email. You could win a prize. Details at www.library.cornwall.on.ca. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 KNIT-OFF! An event to kick-off Canada?s150th anniversary, 2017 celebrations in our city. Let?s start knitting mittens, scarfs and hats. They will be collected, bagged and hung on trees and other fixtures in Lamoureux park during special winter activites. They will be for anyone to take away and keep.
Your kind donation of time and material will help keep people warm through the winter. Bring your needles,material and friends with you to start the project Saturday, October 22 at the library,10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event is an initiative put forth by the city's Canada Sesquicentennial (150th) Committee. UNITEDCOUNTIESSCIENCEFAIRINFO DAY
10:00 am - 2:00 pm @ the library. United Counties Science Fair representatives will present opportunities for youth in the region to showcase their interest in science and technology. They will answer questions from students, parents, and teachers who are interested in pursuing this wonderful activity. The 2017 United Counties Science Fair will take place at St. Lawrence Secondary School on April 1st 2017. MONDAY, OCTOBER 24 BABY TALES - Moms and babies learning together
REUNI ON LEADS TO RENEW ED I NTEREST by Don Sm i t h The Cor nw all Com m unity M useum in Lam our eux Par k launched a new Tor onto Paper M fg Co / How ar d Sm ith / Dom tar exhibit. A key factor in the tim ing of this exhibit is the success of the Septem ber 30th Dom tar Cor nw all em ployee r eunion. It has been 10.5 year s since Dom tar Cor nw all closed its door s for the last tim e and sever al for m er em ployees felt the need to r e-connect. For m er em ployees w er e asking ?w hen ar e w e having a r eunion?? Debbie Fr aser , Der ic Latour and M itch Fober t-Ir ving led a team that stepped for w ar d and m ade it happen. M itch w as appointed chair per son of the gather ing w hich r aised $2,828 for the United Way. M ill em ployees have a long histor y of suppor ting the United Way and felt it r ight to do so on this occasion. Pictured top right in the Museum exhibit room receiving the donation are Stephanie Lalonde (United Way Campaign Communications Coordinator), Lori Greer (United Way Executive Director), Mitch Fobert-Irving (Domtar Reunion Chair) and Bill Makinson (United Way Campaign Chair). Bill is also a former Domtar employee. Photo bottom right: Reunion Chair Mitch Fobert-Irving presented Museum Curator Ian Bowering with a donation of a large panoramic photographic print of the former Domtar Mill.
10:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26 THE FORUM - PHYSICAL & SPIRITUAL HEALTH Presentations & Discussions - 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. ADULT CPR COURSE 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Free program. Registration required. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27 SCRABBLE- ChallengeeveryThursdayat 1 p.m.
Your Com m unity M useum w ants to do its par t to help people to m aintain that sense of connection, so staff have cr eated a special exhibit for for m er paper m ill w or ker s and for anyone inter ested in its r ich histor y. At the M useum and Ar chives you?ll find ever ything fr om the 1881 cor ner stone to the top section of the totem pole to the steam w histle, hundr eds of photogr aphs, em ployees new sletter s and even som e fine exam ples of local folk ar t, such as som e r e-cr eated r etir ee?s w or k stations in m iniatur e w hich w er e pr esented upon his or her r etir em ent. The M useum w ould w elcom e either the loan or donation of sim ilar item s, paper m ill m em or abilia, etc to add to this ?living? exhibit. W hat have you stor ed aw ay? Other sim ultaneous M useum exhibits include a m ilitar y exhibit as w ell as 8th-10th centur y Viking ar tifacts. Thr ee gr eat r easons to visit them soon.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 40 - October 21 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
C A L EN D A R O F EV EN TS e sp e cia lly fo r tho se w ho sa y ... The re 's No thing To Do in Co rnw a ll ... he re is
Wh at
t o d o - w h er e
t o go - w h at
Bo re d
t o see in Cor n w all
an d SD& G
Depar tm ent dr essed in their finest dr ess unifor m s, t h en BUTLER'S RESTAURANT i s w h er e you w an t t o be on Su n day Oct ober 30t h f or t h ei r 3r d ANNUAL HARVEST SUPPER in suppor t of the Ingleside Volunteer Fir e Depar tm ent. Ther e w ill be a seating at 4:30pm and one at 6:30pm . The fir st cour se w ill be soup or salad follow ed by a choice of r oast por k, gr illed m ar gar ita flatbr ead pizza or r oast chicken for the second cour se and finishing off w ith m aple apple cr isp or pum pkin cake for the thir d cour se. Gluten fr ee options ar e available. The kids m enu consists of r oast por k, chicken finger s or m ac'n cheese and a bever age and ice cr eam ar e included w ith their m eal. Ther e w ill also be live m usic and door pr izes as w ell. Ticket pr ices ar e $35 for adults and $12 for kids under 10 and tickets can be pur chased at Butler 's Restaur ant and at the Ingleside Fir e Depar tm ent. For m or e infor m ation please call 613-537-2347.
w ith Ra che lle And re TONI GHT, Fr i day, Oct ober 21st , Focu s Ar t i s h av i n g a ver n i ssage f or t h ei r Ju r i ed Ar t Ex h i bi t i on at t h e Cor n w al l Squ ar e fr om 6:30 pm until 8:30 pm . The exhibition is open for public view ing until October 30 . Stop by and m eet som e of our ar ea's talented local ar tists. A w or k of ar t also m akes a gr eat Chr istm as gift. W EDDI NG EXPO-CORNWALL 2016 is on this Sunday, October 23r d, 11:30 am to 3:30 pm at the Ram ada Inn. Br ides to be - you don't w ant to m iss this event and book ever ything for your special day in one place! Call 613-932-4812 to r egister for your FREE INVITATION Today! Cor nwa ll a nd SD&G a r e booming this week with lots of events pla nned for the Ha lloween festivities that you won't wa nt to miss a nd lots mor e. Dig out your costumes a nd have a fun a nd sa fe Ha lloween ever yone. Th e Tr i n i t y An gl i can Ch u r ch FALL RUM M AGE SALE i s com i n g u p on Fr i day Oct ober 28t h f r om 10am u n t i l n oon . Ther e w ill be clothing, house hold pr oducts, toys, books and m uch m or e. The Tr inity Anglican Chur ch is located at 105 2nd Str eet West. For m or e infor m ation please call Audr ey Payne at 932-3149.
THE CORNWALL NATI ONALS i s Cor n w al l 's n ew est h ock ey t eam . Th i s t eam sh ow s a l ot of pr om i se i n becom i n g a su ccess an d r est or i n g Cor n w al l 's n am e as a " Hock ey Tow n " f or sever al r eason s. Fir st off, adm ission is ver y affor dable w ith adult pr icing at $13 each, students and senior s at $10 each and childr en under 12 for $5 each. Secondly, this is an FHL team and the ONLY Canadian team in the league ther efor e ever y gam e w ill be Canada VS United States and lastly, Rodney Rivette and M itch Gagne have w or ked ver y har d at br inging an am azing team together to m ake this our best hockey season yet. Let's keep Cor nw all's hockey spir it alive and show the Cor nw all Nationals som e suppor t by attending t h ei r I n au gu r al Hom e Open er at t h e Cor n w al l Ci v i c Com pl ex Ed Lu m l ey Ar en a on Su n day Oct ober 30t h at 1pm . The Nationals w ill be playing against the Danville Dasher s. Gam e Day Tickets ar e available at the Cor nw all Civic Com plex Box Office. The Box Office opens 2 hour s befor e ever y hom e gam e. Tickets ar e also available M onday to Fr iday at the Cor nw all Civic Com plex M ain Office fr om 8:30am to 4:30pm . The setback w ith the Haunted Clinic did not deter the or ganizer s of this event and they cam e thr ough. The Haunted Clinic w ill now be the Haunted Walk . Don 't m i ss t h ese 2 W EEKENDS OF HORROR AT THE HAUNTED WALK l ocat ed at 1681 Ser v i ce Road. This is a 20 m inute w alk so m ake sur e to dr ess w ar m This is an all ages event. Th e w al k w i l l t ak e pl ace on Oct ober 21st , 22n d an d 23r d an d al so on t h e 28t h 29t h an d 30t h f r om 6pm u n t i l 10pm . A m i l der ver si on of t h e w al k w i l l al so t ak e pl ace on Oct ober 23r d f r om 11am u n t i l 1pm . The cost is only $5 per per son. Par tir D'Un Bon Pas and Lucie Har t have w or ked extr em ely har d at m aking this event happen and they pr om ise this w ill m ake up for the lost w eekend. W heenies on W heels w ill also be on site. All pr oceeds ar e going to National Child Day on Novem ber 20th. For m or e infor m ation please call 613-551-5829. I f you 'd l i k e t o en j oy a 3 cou r se m eal pr epar ed by a Cor don Bl eu Ch ef and ser ved to you by the br ave boys of the Ingleside Volunteer Fir e
Alkaline Enter tainm ent and Off Your Rocker ar e hosting a fundr aiser for the Cor nw all Legion so for A GREAT EVENI NG FULL OF LAUGHS m ake your w ay dow n to the Cor nw all Legion on FRI DAY OCTOBER 28TH for a Live Pr ofessional Stand Up Com edy Show featur ing M ar k Vincent, Jacy Lafontaine, Josh W illiam s and Joey Elias. Tickets ar e $20 each and can be pur chased at the Cor nw all Legion, Flor al Expr essions and the Lotto Kiosk in the Cor nw all Squar e. The Cor nw all Legion is located at 414 Second st. W. The show star ts at 8pm so don't be late. THE 6TH ANNUAL HOSPI CE PUM PKI NFEST i s t ak i n g pl ace on FRI DAY OCTOBER 28TH fr om noon until 1:30pm . Com e w atch celebr ity car ver s w or k on their m aster piece subm ission for the pum pkin car ving contest and also help judge by donating a loonie to the car ver you think w ill w in. The pum pkins w ill be judged on authenticity, intr icacy and cr eativity. 2 finalist car ver s w ill be chosen and for the tie-br eaker , the car ver out of the 2 finalists w ho r aised the m ost m oney w ill be the w inner. Your loonie just m ay help him or her w in. Com e on out and show your suppor t for Hospice Cor nw all w hile having a fun tim e. After 16 w onder ful seasons M cM aze h as m ade t h e di f f i cu l t deci si on t h at t h i s w i l l be t h ei r f i n al season open . They w ill be open 7 days a w eek until Hallow een (w eather per m itting). This is your last chance to take in this w onder ful fam ily adventur e so m ake sur e to take in one last tr ip to M cM aze w hile it is still open. M cM aze is open fr om M onday to Satur day 11am to 5pm and on Sundays fr om 11am to 4pm . Get lost in their cor n m aze and have tons of fun w hile you still can. M cM aze is located at 17049 W illy Allan Rd, St Andr ew s West. On Oct ober 29t h , Sar a Lau zon , Cor n w al l 's Li t t l e Hi st or i an w i l l be gi v i n g a HAUNTED CORNWALL WALK fr om 7pm until 8:15pm . The tour begins in fr ont of City Hall (on Pitt Str eet) and w ill follow Pitt Str eet fr om Thir d Str eet up to Water Str eet. The Tour w ill involve ghost stor ies, m ur der s, and cr eepy Cor nw all happenings. All of the stor ies (no m atter how gr uesom e and cr eepy they ar e) ar e 100% histor ically accur ate. The pr ice of the tour is $7 per adult and $5 per child under the age of 18. Please be advised that som e of the tour content m ay be distur bing to young childr en. Un t i l Oct ober 28t h Seaw ay Val l ey Th eat r e Com pan y (SVTC) w i l l be pr esen t i n g " Len d M e a Ten or " at Dr eam Builder Studios located at 2107 Second Str eet West in Cor nw all. Pr oduced by Lise Cousineau Richer , Asociate pr oducer Peter Labelle and Dir ected by Cathy Dur ham , SVTC w ill not disappoint w ith this spectacular pr oduction of Ken Ludw ig's ever popular oper atic far ce. W ith a ver y talented cast including M ichael J. Galvin, Lacie Kingston-Petr ynka, Jenna Clute, Justin Poir ier , Andy Davidson, Lesley Ellam , Alison Latim er and Paul Aubin, this pr oduction is sur e to be a success all the w hile keeping you glued to your seats and pr oviding you w ith m any m any laughs. This is a show you don't w ant to m iss. Lend M e A Tenor w ill be pr esented on the evenings of October 14th, 15th, 21st, 22nd,
FORM OREINFO abou t t h e even t s above - visit t h e even t ssect ionat w w w.t h eseek er .ca
Placin g an Ad in t h e Calen dar of Even t s is alw ays FREE f or a basic list in g an d in clu des t h e n am e an d locat ion of t h e even t , alon g w it h m or e in f or m at ion on ou r w ebsit e w w w.t h eseek er .ca For a com plet e list in g in pr in t , place you r en h an ced even t ad f or on ly $35. Call 613-935-3763 ext . 1
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 40 - October 21 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
C A L EN D A R O F EV EN TS Wh What at ttoo ddoo -- w whher eree ttoo go go -- w whhat at ttoo see see in in Cor Cornnw wall all
Bo re d
28th and 29th at 7:30 pm and also as a m atineeon October 23r d at 1:30 pm . Ticketsar e $20.00 and can be pur chasedonline at svtc.theticketw icket.caor in per son at United Way located at 405 Four th Str eet West fr om 8:30am to 4:30pm . Com e ou t an d en j oy a f u n an d posi t i veat m osph er e w h i l e al so su ppor t i n gTr ee Can ada at Bl u e An ch or Bar an d Gr i l l on Oct ober 26t h at 7pm . Enjoy the Paint For Changeevent w hile cr eatingyour ow n m aster piece of Aspensin Autum n. No exper iencer equir ed. Gr ab a dr ink and gr ab a br ush and let your cr eativity flow. The instr uctor w ill supply all the tools and steps necessar yto cr eate your m aster pieicethat you take hom e. 10% of all pr ofitsw ill be donated to Tr ee Canada. The Blue Anchor Bar and Gr ill is located at 18396 Stor m ont,Dundasand Glengar r yCounty Road 2 in Cor nw all. Fan t asy Real m i s h ol di n gi t 's Hal l ow een Com i cFest on Oct ober 29t h f r om 10am u n t i l 5pm . Hallow een Com icFestis sim ilar to Fr ee Com ic Book Day w hen Fantasy Realm gives aw ay com ic booksfr ee to anyone w ho com esinto their shops. This is the 5th year FANTASYREALM is celebr atingHallow eenCom icfest and they ar e excited to offer the com m unitya fun, fam ily-or ientedevent w her e ever yonecan find a com ic they w ill enjoy,m eet people w ith sim ilar inter ests,and check out w hat FANTASYREALM has that w ill help you and your childr en discover and spar k a new inter est in. They w ant to spr ead the w or d that com icsar e per fect for today?stim es. Hallow eenCom icFestis a gr eat oppor tunityfor the com m unityto join w ith Fantasy Realm for som e Hallow een-them edfun w hile picking up fr ee com icsyou and your childr en can continueto enjoy and keep collecting. W hile ther e you can also chooseto m ake a donation for the United Way/Centr aide of Stor m ont,Dundas& Glengar r y. Fantasy Realm is located at 227 Pitt Str eet in Cor nw all. For t h i s Hal l ow een season Ar ch i e'sFam i l y Gol f h as been t r an sf or m edi n t o Ar ch i e'sGr aveyar dGol f ...dar e t o j oi n t h em f or a h au n t ed m i n i -pu t t ex per i en ceon Oct ober 27t h , 28t h an d 29t h . Spooky fun for the entir e fam ily. Hour shave been extended for this gr eat event. Ther e w ill be a slightly m ilder ver sion availableeach night fr om 6pm until 8pm . Live actor sstar t fr om 8pm until 11pm . High School studentsw ill be tr ansfor m ed into spooky cr eatur esthr oughoutthe 18-holem ini-golf cour se. You can also go thr ough it w ithout playingif you pr efer. In the par kinglot ther e w ill be Hallow een activitiesbefor e you enter the cour se and after com pletinga r ound of m ini-putt. Adm ission is $6 for adultsand $5 for childr en. The United Way of SD&Gis par tner edw ith Ar chie'sFam ily Golf for this fundr aising event. Ar chie'sFam ily Golf is located at 1719 Vincent M assey Dr. Lear n h ow t o per f or m CPR on adu l t s an d r ecei ve you r cer t i f i cat i on . Ther e ar e tw o new CPR cour ses being offer ed at the Cor nw all Public Libr ar y in the com ingw eeks. Each tw o hour class is pr ovided by Cor nw all EM Sinstr uctor s. Ch oose bet w een Oct ober 26t h or Novem ber 16t h t o t ak e you r cl ass. Please ar r ive by 5:55pm as the class star ts at 6pm and ends at 8pm . These cour sesar e fr ee to all Cor nw all r esidents and Registr ationw ith a Cor nw all Public Libr ar y car d is r equir ed.Non-r esidentscan acquir ea m em ber shipcar d for a sm all fee. This tr ainingis offer ed fr ee of char ge for individualsonly,no gr oupsand you m ust be 16 year s of age or older. Ther e is a m axim um of 20 people per class. Pr e-r egistr ationis r equir ed. For m or e infor m ationor to r egister please call 613-932-4796or visit the libr ar y in per son. The Cor nw all Public Libr ar y is located at 45 Second St. E. in Cor nw all. FOR THE KIDS: Th e Cor n w al l Squ ar e i s h ost i n ga Hal l ow een Hu n t an d M agi c Sh ow on Sat u r day Oct ober 29t h . Join in on the fun and get som e fr ee candy w hile you'r e ther e. M ake your w ay to the centr e cour t on the low er level betw een 11 and 11:30am to r eceiveyour Hallow een Hunt M ap. Fr om 11:45am until 12:30pm ther e w ill be a m agic show w ith Steven Gabr iel and at 12:30 the Hallow eenHunt beginsand lasts until 2pm as you go
Na ncy
Co nt .
tr ick or tr eatingto par ticipatingm er chants. Childr en m ust be under the age of 14 to par ticipate,w ear inga Hallow eencostum e and be accom paniedby an adult. Only par ticipantsunder 14 m ay attend in costum e. For ch i l dr en ages 6 t o 14, w or k i n cost u m ean d cr eat e a com i cal Hal l ow een scen e w i t h M on st er san d Gobl i n sTh eat r e,a fun 2 hour w or kshopw ith Br ett Desr osier sat the Pow ell School of Dance w ith the Not So Am ateur ,Am ateur sCor nw all Division on Oct ober 30t h fr om 3:30 until 5:30pm . The cost of this w or kshopis only $25 + HST. The Pow ell School of Dance is located at 435 Second St. West #1 in Cor nw all. For m or e infor m ationplease contact Br ett Desr osier sat 613-362-5321or e-m ail m iss.d@outlook .com. Sar abeau St abl e w i l l be h av i n g a 3 day l on g Hal l ow een Cam p w i t h l ot s of f u n t o be h ad on Oct ober 28t h , 29t h an d 30t h fr om 10am until 3:30pm . They w ill be having pum pkin painting,pony painting, costum edr ess up and a tr easur ehunt just to nam e a few. Plus ever yonestill gets a lesson each day and other handson hor se fun. Space is lim ited so sign up ear ly to r eser veyour spot, com e for one day or for all thr ee. This cam p is for childr en 5 and up and the cost is $50 per day or $120 for all thr ee days. This one is for childr en 16 year s of age and under. The M oose Cr eek Recr eationalCom m itteeis hostingtheir annual Haunted House on Oct ober 28t h fr om 7pm until 8:30pm .This event has r eceived high appr aisein the past year s. Stop in and get the fr ight scar ed out of you. Adm ission is fr ee; but you ar e encour agedto please br ing a donation to the Food Bank - non-per ishablefood item . The M oose Cr eek Recr eationalCom m itteeis located at 4 St-Polycar p st. in M oose Cr eek . NOW GET YOUR COSTUM ESREADY BECAUSEW E HAVE SOM E HALLOW EENFUN COM I NGUP. It 's Hal l ow een at Ch ez Li z on Sat u r day Oct ober 29t h f r om 9pm u n t i l 2am an d t h e dr ag qu een sar e back i n t ow n . M isty M ac and fr iendsar e back for a gr eat night of spooky fun. Edina Star light w ill be the M C for the evening. Expect to see som e outstandingper for m ances by Kim my Dym ond,Flor a Star light and Diam ond Deelite Glam as w ell. Adm ission is $5 at the door and the show star ts at 9pm . Chez Lis is located at 101 M ontr eal Rd. in Cor nw all. Don't for get to dig out your favor itecostum es and dr ess up. On Oct ober 29t h f r om 8pm u n t i l 1am O'Nei l 'sPu b pr esen t s" Hal l ow eenPar t y at t h e Sou t h St or m on t Hal l " . Enter tainm entw ill be by The Shiner sand ther e w ill be pr izesfor best costum e,best couple costum eand scar iest costum e. A late lunch w ill be ser ved at m idnight and pr oceedsw ill be going to the South Stor m ont Volunteer Fir efighter s. The South Stor m ont Com m unityHall is located at 2 M ille RochesRoad in Long Sault. Th e Cr ook ed Cach ĂŠ w i l l be h ol di n ga W i ck ed Week en d on Oct ober 28t h an d 29t h . All the action, pr izes,cash and dancingstar ts on Fr iday at 9pm . Can't m ake it on Fr iday? Don't w or r y becausethey ar e doing it all over again on Satur day! On Fr iday enjoy the m usic of DJ CADDYw hile $4 M iller GenuineDr aft tr eats your thir st! On Satur day,October 29th DJ SELEKTASHELLZ w ill r ock the house w ith his epic m ixesw hile you still get to enjoy M iller GenuineDr aft at a hauntinglylow pr ice. At m idnight Best Costum eM GD VIP w ill be given out to the best gr oup costum e. The pr ize m ust be used on that night. Tw o Senator sTicketsw ill be given out at 1 am for best costum eand $150 cash pr ize w ill be given for sexiest m ale and also sexiest fem aleat 1:30 am . Nom ineesw ill be selected by the staff and the cr ow d w ill cheer ,clap or scr eam to cast their vote. M ost noise w ill deter m inethe w inner. Adm ission is $5 per per son.
...and W ho Says Ther e'sNothing To Do In Cor nw all For mor e infor mationon eventsa nd enter ta inmentin the Cor nwa lla nd sur r ounding a r ea , plea sevisit us on Fa cebookat ThingsTo Do I n Cor nwa llOnta r ioa nd SD&G .
an andd SD& SD&G G
G ALW 5 helpful home organizing ideas to help you make the most of your time and space!
I am sure you would love more time to do the things you love or even just make your busy day flow better. Do you cringe at the thought of getting organized? It can seem like an overwhelming chore, especially if you are super busy. Below are 5 easy ways to fit getting organized into your schedule, no matter how busy you are, and help you make time for the things that really matter. 5. Take baby st eps. We have all heard this a million times, but it works. Pick an easy task and take 10 to 20 minutes everyday to tackle it. Sound impossible? Just doing 10 minutes over 7 days will give you over an hour of organizing time, and you won?t even notice. 4. Pick a project you can f inish quickl y, like a section of your closet or a drawer. Giving yourself small projects that you can master in 10 minutes will help boost your motivation. Being motivated will help you keep going and you will see results quicker. 3. I?ve al ways heard t hat get t ing up 30 minut es earl ier and going t o bed 30 minut es earl ier is a great way to become more efficient and organized. I think it?s a great suggestion but I think 30 minutes is too much. Using the same philosophy, try getting up 15 minutes earlier and going to bed 15 minutes earlier. It?s more realistic, 15 minutes is easier to find in your day than 30. 2. There is onl y 24 hours in a day so have a look at your daily schedule and see where you can make some positive changes. Be realistic. Look at the things that have to happen first, like work, meals etc. You have to work and eat, but look at how to make meals more efficient and start there. Maybe you can batch cook or have a night of frozen meals. Next look at the things that are luxury, like watching television. Are you a couch potato? Or on Facebook all day? these are easy things to do less of or even cut out. 1. Downsize. We live in a society where we accumulate and never get rid of things. Maybe it?s time to purge. Besides feeling great, purging helps you get rid of things you don?t really need. Make yourself feel even better by donating your stuff to a charity. If you need cash, have fun and have a yard sale. Less stuff means less time maintaining it, like dusting and organizing. Get rid of the stuff you are always fussing over, and viola! More time. Nancy is a social worker, aromatherapist and yogi working in Cornwall
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 40 - October 21 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
the chilly weather in November. "The people in Canada are so great. That's the best part about touring Canada. We look forward to the shows because the fans make them amazing. We have a great time playing in Canada. The weather will probably suck though," said Trever Keith with a chuckle.
I nterv i ew w i th ... Punk l egends Fa c e t o
Fa c e
Wh o cel ebrate 25 years
Trever Keith says he is going to keep his eyes peeled for the new Chixdiggit beer while in Canada, however his hops loyalty remains with a Denver brewery. "I never tried Chixdiggit beer. I'll have to look for it. There is a brewery in Denver, Colorado called Big Choice Brewing and their beer is the best," Trever Keith exclaimed.
Ottawa Ontario - Face to Face are playing the Bronson Centre in Ottawa on November 10th as a part of their upcoming Canadian Tour.
Face to Face, which formed in 1991, have had many hit songs including "Disconnected", from their 1995 album 'Big Choice'. That song was a radio hit and appeared in the movie National Lampoon's Senior Trip and in the movie Tank Girl.
The band consists of vocalist and guitarist Trever Keith, bass player and vocalist Scott Shiflett, guitarist and vocalist Dennis Hill, and drummer Danny Thompson.
Other Face to Face hit songs include "Blind" and "Ordinary" which both appeared on their 1996 self-titled album. The black and white album cover portrays a man looking at his own face in the mirror.
The legendary California punk band is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a new album titled 'Protection' that came out on Fat Wreck Chords earlier this year.
If Trever Keith were to look in the proverbial mirror today, who would he see? How has he and the face of his band changed over the past few decades?
"I have a ton of respect for Fat (Wreck Chords). They have been around for over 25 years and have always stayed independent. It has been a homecoming for us that has been awesome. Everybody is so cool to us and is really great at what they do. They know how to promote punk rock records and at the end of the day it's as simple as that. That is what we need," Trever Keith stated.
"I see an old guy!" Trever Keith laughed. "We are older. There have been a few lineup changes. I think we are a better band," he added.
Article by Jason Setnyk | Submitted Photo
The new album was produced Bill Stevenson and Jason Livermore at the Blasting Room in Fort Collins, Colorado. Working with the legendary punk drummer in the studio was a thrilling experience for Trever Keith. Bill Stevenson, the former Descendents and Black Flag drummer, helped influence the song arrangements and the use of background vocals in the mix. He has an impressive resume as a producer and engineer working on fan favorite albums from NOFX, Propagandhi, Anti-Flag and more. "Working with Bill Stevenson was amazing, scary, fun, and something we hope to repeat again for the next record," Trever Keith reflected. The album 'Protection' has 11 songs on it including a track titled "14:59" - It's a song that is based on a cultural obsession with mindless entertainment and people getting 15 minutes of fame without actually offering anything of substance to society. "It is about the culture of reality based entertainment and people who are only famous for being famous without anything to offer; a culture which not only exists in the US, but also in Europe and Canada as well," Trever Keith observed. Trever Keith explains the song is not meant to be political, and it is in no way related to the culture that has lead to reality television host and star Donald Trump running for the U.S. presidency. "No 14:59 is not about Donald Trump nor does it have anything to do with politics," Trever Keith added.
Face to Face split up in 2004, but reformed four years later in 2008. During their hiatus band members worked on other projects including The Offspring, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Saves the Day, and Legion of Doom. Since 2008 Face to Face has been touring and releasing albums regularly. Face to Face continues to be a very successful band after 25 years drawing enthusiastic crowds everywhere they go. Trever Keith has so much gratitude for Face to Face fans and he describes them as family "The only appropriate response is 'Thanks'! Thanks for all of your support over the years. Because of you it feels like a family and we look forward to spending time with you," said Trever Keith. In addition to a new album and touring, Face to Face will also be paying homage to their early work. The band is re-releasing special edition vinyl copies of their first few records. Playing in Face to Face has been a gratifying and rewarding experience for Trever Keith. He feels fortunate for the opportunity. "We do what we do and we are fortunate enough to have a lot of people like it," Trever Keith concluded. Face to Face play live on Thursday, November 10th, 2016 at the Bronson Centre in Ottawa Ontario. The venue is located at 211 Bronson Avenue. Opening the concert for Face to Face are the Crusades and The Valveenus. Ticket s are $28.50, t he show st art s at 7pm, and t he event is al l ages. Ticket s are avail abl e onl ine, and t icket s al so avail abl e at Vert igo Records, bot h Compact Music l ocat ions and St omping Ground in Ot t awa. This event is present ed by spect rasonic.com.
Trever Keith is looking forward to the upcoming Canadian tour despite
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 40 - October 21 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rie
M O RRELL WITHOUT COMMON SENSE You Cannot Make t he Right Decision, Ensure Your Wel l Being Or Prosperit y Part 2 of 6
Acquiring Common Sense St ep By St ep
The more you're trained to think one way (workplace, family, culture, etc.), the greater the chance that sometimes you allow sloppy or auto-pilot thinking to take the place of common sense. Common sense isn't a one-stop-destination; it's a way of thinking that needs constant nourishing and application.
Leaning About The Purpose And Meaning Of Common Sense.
Common sense depends on not over-complicating the situation by keeping it simple (applying experience and general knowledge to the situation), and understanding it is self-trust that you considered experience and which is valid in future situations. Common sense depends on the situation and the context. Your common sense is one aspect of your life; it might be excellent while failing dreadfully in another aspects. The purpose of common sense is basically thinking that it will prevent you from making irrational mistakes or decisions. It is a thinking approach that may open your eyes to the possibility that insisting on being right prevents you from seeing the bigger picture.
Th e Dad Sh ow 12 Week Ch al l enge Welcome to The-Dad-Show 12 week health challenge!! Over the next 12 weeks, we'll be talking about the right kind of fuel we need to feed our bodies and how we can improve our overall health. Basically a kickstart to guide you in the right direction towards your own personal health goals. We all deserve a healthier lifestyle and hopefully we can achieve this together. **** We are not health professionals. We are individuals that want a healthier lifestyle and want to motivate others along the way.
Week 6 Chal l enge
The human mind is easily convinced an idea to be is right, while indicators clearly demonstrate otherwise. As a human being you are fallible and your brain works in certain ways to provide shortcuts to ensure your survival. In a split second judging can land you in hot water as you react instead of thinking.
TREAT YOURSELF to a moment of relaxation. Between hectic work schedules and taking care of yourself, you probably already have plenty of reasons to pamper yourself with a spa! Listen to The-Dad-Show episode of Thursday October 27th @8pm, only on www.dunet.ca. All shows are recorded and available to listen from our website after the live broadcast.
Things Your Mind Does To Override Common Sense:
Benef it s of a day at t he spa
Maintaining your own sense of reality which is out of proportion with specific reality. For some people, their sense of reality becomes the only sense of reality and they believe that they can manipulate or transform situations to turn out the way they want them to be.Reflex which is a reactive thinking based simply on what you've learned through your life. This type of thinking leads to errors in thinking because you refuse to push beyond standard associations formed in our mind about how things 'should be'. Consequently your common sense is overridden making you think your problem is solved without thinking it through. This type of thinking easily controls you by validating current popular theories in some societies which control social opinion through inflating fears of germs, criminals, terrorists, and job unavailability.Invoking absolute certainty. 'Absolutist' black and white thinking about the world and others is a way that never allows space for doubt. For such thinkers, the 'one true way' is the only way and therefore seems like common sense even though it isn't.Pigheaded', a simple unwillingness to be wrong, ever. Founded on any number of reasons including insecurities, fear, incomprehension, anger, and fear of ridicule. Pigheadedness is the cause of many irrational and unjustifiable decision or action.
1- Care for your skin 2- Loosen your muscles 3- keep your nails healthy 4- Detoxify 5- Disconnect 6- Relieve stress 7- Gain a sense of renewal
Common sense also prevents you from being narrow-minded about rules, theories, ideas, and guidelines that would obstruct your decision in a particular situation. In other words, just because someone says so, or it has always been done that way, is not a reason to abandon common sense about present needs and changed circumstances.
Next week more examples about actions that override common sense. I f you have a ny questions, plea se ca ll ma r ie M or r ell at 613-936-6873 or ema il: office@wor kea sysolutions.com or visit: w w w.wor kea sysolutions.com
Wh y I'm doin g it The reason I decided the join the 12 week health challenge is because I needed to change my eating habits. It was not uncommon for my husband and I to share a Pop and Chip almost every night. We have 3 young children and they were starting to follow suite with our habits. I needed to show them the right example. Since we've started, my energy level is up; believe it or not; it's much easier to get out of bed in the mornings! I feel more alert! The support coming through the group has helped motivate me and I'm excited to see the end results. We've discovered new healthy foods; and that's exiting all in itself! Thanks for coming up with this great idea; and thanks to the group for their motivation and support!
Li sten to Th u r days @ 8PM ONLY ON WWW.DUNET.CA
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 40 - October 21 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Li n d a h as n o d o u b t t h at GIFT
h as t h e BIGGEST an d M OST COLOU RFU L Pu m p k i n s i n To wn ! #3 # 2 m e see fo r yo u r sel f! Co
Mortgage Tips
at 7 5 Co r n wal l Cen t r e Rd ., Co r n wal l ON - Op en Dai l y 8 am -6 p m
MacDonald more of ...What Do Al l These Mort gage Changes Mean t o Me? Let?s start our discussion of mortgage changes with the October 3, 2016 announcement to change the qualification interest rate for a 5 year fixed mortgage term effective October 17, 2016. The government made the changes to control the housing markets in Vancouver and Toronto but we are all affected by the decision.
There are other changes included in the October 2016 announcement but they do not significantly or directly influence our local residential housing market in the immediate future. The results of the other changes may be the closure of monoline lenders (lenders that do only mortgage lending), less rental mortgages available, increasing interest rates and less choice in mortgage products and less foreign property investment. These are only predictions and time will tell what the true consequences will be. Basically, until now, when you apply for a 5 year fixed mortgage, your ability to pay for the mortgage was calculated on the actual rate you would pay (around 2.49% ). If the amount of your total debt came in around 44% or less compared to your gross income (depending on your credit score and the lender you were working with), you would likely be approved for the mortgage. With this change, you will still pay 2.49% interest but in order to qualify how much your
mortgage payments will cost you, the payments are calculated at the posted rate (currently 4.64% ). The posted rate has been used to qualify variable rate mortgages, Home Equity Lines of Credit and 1-4 year term mortgages for years. This change now requires 5 year fixed mortgage terms to be included as well. That may not seem significant but let?s look at a specific situation: You want a mortgage of $200,000. With a 25 year amortization at a 2.49% interest rate for the 5 year term, the payments would be about $894.94. That amount is added to your other monthly debts and your ratio has to come in under 44% compared to your gross income. The new rule means, even though in real life you will be paying $894.94 each month for the next 5 years on your mortgage, the application will have to show you will be paying $1,122.96 each month for the next 5 years and still calculate under 44% compared to your gross income. That?s an extra $228.02 per month added to your total debts. It can make the difference between an approval or decline if your credit card debts are fairly high. You may not qualify for the full $200,000 anymore.
If you are in the middle of purchasing or refinancing your home, please contact me and we can go over your particular situation to see if this change will affect your ability to get the mortgage you are looking for.
Jenni MacDonald (www.jmacdonald.ca) has been a Mortgage Broker with Dominion Lending Centres for over 5 years an has many years of experience in the banking world. She works with over 40 lenders including banks, credit unions, and rivate lenders to find the best mortgage for each client. You can contact her by phone or text at 613-551-0639 or via email at jmacdonald@dominionlending.ca
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or visit ht t p:/ / versacorehost ing.duoservers.com THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 40 - October 21 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Bu sin e ss wh er e call
yo u
B u c k e t ... GET
1 to place
Criminal - Summary Convict ion Court Agent Service - Landl ord Tennant Empl oyment Law - Commissioner of Oat h Smal l Cl aims - Provincial Of f ences Workpl ace Saf et y & Insurance Board
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Choose from a series of thought provoking Health and Wellness Books, penned by Dr.Scott Mumby the Alternative Medicine Doctor Worried about Al zheimer's Disease, Gut Inf l amat ion and dangerous Toxins ? Investigate the incredible healing powers of PuraThrive Tumeric - now in bioavailable liquid form Searching f or Al t ernat ive Heal t h and Wel l ness Product s ? Th en l et Pan aseed a Bl ack Cu m i n Seed Oi l unlock the Master Healing Switch inside your body to feel younger, healthier,and more vibrant. As if you woke up tomorrow morning with child like energy.
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I n M emoriam "Payette" In loving memory of my dear parents who passed away Ethel (Leger) - October 19th 2001 Henry - November 24th 1983
Forever in our thoughts and prayers Always loved and sadly missed Daughter Jeannette Liboiron (Late Don) Daughers Karen (Julie) , Gail (Allan), Lisa (Rory) and families
CALL M AI-LIIS TODAY 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 ext 1 0 2 Wh at ar e yo u w a i t i n gf o r ? Adver t i si ng w i t h The Seeker IS NOT an Expense I t 's a n I N V ESTM EN T!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 40 - October 21 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
About a year ago Dave Hause (who is in The Loved Ones and Painted Black) joined the Falcons. Hause has been an excellent addition for the band, and his professionalism juxtaposes well with Kelly's lawless approach to music writing. So many small local businesses have come and gone over the years. Do you recall Levesque's on Second Street East, two buildings west of the former Post Office (now Public Library)? Did you know that store was not their only location? A tutoring service operates above there today. This photo from 1960 illustrates the once highly popular neon signage throughout the downtown. Besides Levesque's, the Jade Garden Restaurant, Elco Electric, City Smoke Shop, King George Restaurant and Cornwallis Hotel are also in our past. This 1932 newspaper ad promoted the grand opening of Levesque's at an unspecified address, but conveys the impression that it was not their first location. A 1947 high school year book ad has Levesque's Baby Shop Reg'd operating out of 168 Montreal Road. Looking at this ad we see the 168 Montreal Road store operating as Levesque's Remnant Shop. Some versions of the ad call it a Remnant and Baby Shop.
Earlier this year, The Falcon released its second album, "Gather Up The Chaps, on Red Scare Industries". It was recorded at Atlas Studios in Chicago, a very familiar spot for Brendan Kelly. "The record is conceptually about kind of dark, dick swinging id. There's a lot of self loathing and self destruction baked into those songs. Lots of drinking, lots of drugs, stuff of that nature. We recorded it in Atlas Studios in Chicago, where the Lawrence Arms records all our records, and it was overall pretty standard in terms of laying stuff down", said Brendan Kelly. What is Kelly's favourite song off the new album? A song entitled "Dead Rose" which demonstrates his growth as a songwriter.
A 1953 newspaper ad had the baby shop now at 140 Pitt Street. And in 1969, operating at its final premises at 29 Second Street East, Levesque's was celebrating 31 years of growth, then marketing its wares to youth heading off to college. These are but a few of the images from our past housed at your Cornwall Community Museum and Archives.
I nterv i ew w i th punk super group T h e Fa l c o n Article by Jason Setnyk | Submitted Photo Ottawa Ontario ? Punk rock super group The Falcon play November 17th at Zaphods in Ottawa as a part of their Canadian tour. The Chicago-based band features guitarist and vocalist Brendan Kelly (The Lawrence Arms), drummer Neil Hennessy (The Lawrence Arms), vocalist and bassist Dan Andriano (Alkaline Trio), and Dave Hause (The Loved Ones and Painted Black). Guitarist Todd Mohney (Rise Against) was also in the band for a brief period of time and recorded on the bands 2004 album. It's worth noting Todd Mohney's early contributions to The Falcon since he is what inspired the bands formation.
"Well, Dave is a spectacular performer and a great singer and a ripper on the guitar. He's so so good. He and I had never worked together before but I think that our different ideas really lent each other to a unique cool spot. I'm really into fuzz and biffed strings and happy accidents and reckless mood type stuff, and Dave is a consummate pro. The meeting of minds brought us to a place on "Gather Up The Chaps" that I don't think either of us could have gotten to on our own.
"I really like the song "Dead Rose" because it's really a departure for me as a songwriter and I feel like it turned out way better than I imagined it would", Brendan Kelly added. The Falcon mixes humour with many of it's songs ? and according to Kelly humour adds self awarness.
"Humour is the key to great art. Things don't have to be "funny" to have a sense of humor. Humour adds self awareness. That's why Minor Threat's lyrics hold up better than Gorilla Biscuits' lyrics. Nobody would ever say Minor Threat was a funny band, but they had a sense of humor that makes Gorilla Biscuits look a little self important and dour by comparison. Just to be clear, I love Gorilla Biscuits. No disrespect intended there. The Falcon is definitely influenced by lots of bands, not just funny ones. We love the rock," Brendan Kelly concluded. Opening the show for The Falcon is comedian Kyle Kinane. Kinane's first television appearance was on The Nanny playing "Young Roger Clinton". Kinane has performed his stand-up on television programs Last Call with Carson Daly, Live at Gotham, Conan, and The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. He has opened for comedians Patton Oswalt and Daniel Tosh on tour. Wisconsin punk band Arms Aloft are also playing the gig. The concert t akes pl ace Thursday, November 17t h, 2016 at Zaphod Beebl ebrox on 27 York St reet in Ot t awa. It st art s at 8pm. Ticket s are $15 and t he event is 19+.
"The Falcon was inspired by Todd Mohney, formerly of Rise Against, who's just an amazing guitarist and performer. My band the Lawrence Arms was on tour with Rise Against and he had such a reckless awesome style that I wanted to start a band that had a bombastic name and sound. The Falcon was born. Dan and I grew up together and Neil is in the Lawrence Arms, so they came aboard immediately. Dave came about after Todd was long gone and we reformed to play the Red Scare 10 year show. Todd was in the band for a very brief period, then he moved away and I haven't seen him since. Last I heard he does mega-distance bike racing now. Great guy, great player, and I'd love, love, love to see him again", guitarist and vocalist Brendan Kelly reminisced. Mohney is not the only connection The Falcon has with Rise Against. Neil Hennessy, who currently plays in The Falcon and The Lawrence Arms, also played rhythm guitar in the summer of 2015 for Rise Against as a part of their European tour. In addition he co-wrote the Rise Against song "Swing Life Away", and he is also credited for doing percussion on a Less Than Jake album.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 40 - October 21 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rle ne
BAKER Hey there to all of you Cornwallites reading the fabulously most positive and informative "REAL" newspaper in the land. (The Cornwall & S.D.& G. land that is.) I hope you've been out enjoying the splendoriful fall colors! It's been an awesome year for leaves, as we've kept mostly dry without too much wind, enabling the leaves to stay crisp and bright, and more importantly, on the trees for an extended time!
Last week, John and I had a chance to go on a mini vacation, so we decided to just do it! During the week, we spent 2 nights at a cottage on Elbow Lake. (North of Kingston, in the middle of nowhere!) We went with my youngest son Marcus, and his girlfriend Kelsey to her parent's cottage. We were in the middle of the most beautiful scenery, in a fabulous cottage overlooking the water, surrounded by colorful trees. It was a complete break from the normal routine, and provided solice for the soul, and we all got to know one another a little bit better too. When such opportunities knock, I recommend taking them, which brings me to my tip of the week. TIP OF THE WEEK: Special moments are all around us, just waiting for us to take advantage of them. As an example of this, John and I were on our way somewhere and noticed the leaves at the corner of Brookdale and Ninth Streets, a busy intersection that we usually speed past. But on this day, we parked at the old Tourism lot, now the Eight Zero Zero Restaurant, and took a few photos. The one of me laying on the ground was taken there, and we only took twenty minutes away from wherever it was we were going in the first place. The short break was invigorating though, and put me in touch with Mother Nature, quite literally. These are the moments we remember in life. Had we not stopped, we would have gotten our errands done twenty minutes sooner, but without any element of fun. We also would not have had anything to remember, but by stopping, we have the pictures and the memories of a short fun little break from life. I recommend taking short fun breaks often! No time in your schedule? Make time! We are
CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE: Older style tr unk, ver y clean inter ior , size 36" x 15" and 18" high. Asking $45. New bur gundy color cozy cuddle blanket still in box. Asking $10. Honeyw ell Convection Por table Electr ic w hite baseboar d style heater , 1500w att, used tw o w eeks. Has adjustable heat settings and autom atic heat shutdoen featur e. Asking $35. Ver y fancy hand cover ed photo album , m ust be seen. Asking $15. "Russ" special edition teddy bear w ith authentic booklet, paid 74.99 and never given as intended gift. Asking $25. Royal blue cotton fabr ic w ith fine w hite str ipe, 188" x 44". Asking $3.50 Cal l 613-938-6149 FOR SALE: Bed fr am e, m atr ess and boxspr ing asking $150 fir m . Other item cal l 613-932-4404 for m or e details. LOOKI NG: Looking to r ent a gar age for the w inter m onth for convir tible. Cal l 613-932-7045
all given 24 hours each day, and it is up to us how we choose to spend most of them. Remember, we don't stop playing because we get older, we get older because we stop playing. So keep that inner child alive, play in the leaves, stop and look at flowers, or antiques, or anything that strikes your fancy. Fly a kite, build a fire, go for a walk. These are the moments of life that are worth living, and they are also the moments we will cherish and remember. FAMILY NEWS: This week, most of my children are away on a trip to Cuba, thanks to my daughter who recently got married. She has made this a yearly event, after bringing them last year. As a result, I've been babysitting some of my grandchildren, Abigail, Sampson and William, in Alexandria until my eldest daughter returns. It's given me an opportunity to connect with my grandkids more as they continue to grow up. ITEM OF THE WEEK: This week I'd like to show you a very cool purse that I found at Value Village for just $7.99. It features some very intersting compartments, including a hidden one in the base of the purse that contains an umbrella! They sure thought of everything with this purse, as it will be perfect for the fall weather ahead. COMMUNITY NEWS: John and I will be exhibitors at the Wedding Expo this Sunday at the Ramada Inn. It runs from 11:30 to 3:30, so come and see all of the vendors who can help you with your Wedding Planning. Over $1000 in prizes will be given away, so be sure to attend. This is also a time when John and I will reveal our new business cards and new name, Lister Photos. (www.listerphotos.ca) Another annual community event I will begin talking about in my column is Jamming for Hospice, the brainchild of Patti Edwards. This year marks the fifth year for this fundraising event. It will be held on Nov 26 at the Agora Center, and begins at 3PM. I will actually be the M.C. for the event, which is a huge step out of my comfort zone. It's ten hours of fun, with all proceeds going to Cornwall Hospice. This year there are nine musical acts performing so far, perhaps more will be added as the time draws near. This is a wonderful cause, so please mark it on your calendar and be sure to attend. Until Next Week: Remember, in this life we are all walking up the mountain and we can sing as we climb or we can complain about our sore feet. Whichever we choose we still have to do the hike. I decided a long time ago singing made a lot more sense. So keep a smile on your face, and a skip in your step until next week! Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca www.listerphotos.ca
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SEEKI NG AREA CAPTAI NS, CANVASSERS, DRI VERS for the Hear t&Str oke Canvass. Suppor t a Life-saving Cause and Connect w ith your Com m unity. Contact Ashley: 613-938-8933, or em ail am an w el l @h sf .on .ca THE CANADI AN RED CROSS TRANSPORTATI ON PROGRAM I S SEEKI NG A VOLUNTEER to assist with administr ative wor k such as data entr y, infor mation r esear ch, phone calls etc. one or two days a week or as needed. Use of Micr osoft applications a definite asset. If you ar e inter ested in volunteer ing for this position, please contact us at 613-932-0231 ext. 2240 or email atcor nwal l t r anspor t @r edcr oss.ca VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help plan and implement a new event in October to r aise money to suppor t r esear ch for women?s gynecological cancer s. Please contact Lois at 613-32-1283 ext. 3673 It?s going to be a fun one!!
CORNWALL NEWCOMERS ALUMNAE CHAPTER (CNAC) wishes to extend an invitation to ladies of Cor nwall Newcomer s Club. If you joined Cor nwall Newcomer s Club (CNC) in 2012 you ar e eligible to join the Cor nwall Newcomer s ALUMNAE Chapter. Mor e info contact Liz at 613-932-8164.
VHS TO DVD TRANSFERS Cal l Sh el don at 613-932-4912 Al -anon - an organizat ion t hat hel ps f amil ies & f riends of al cohol ics. For meet ings in t he Cornwal l area, 613.937.4880
...For Your Daily Dose of POSITIVE NEWS visit www.theseeker.ca and Have a Wonderful Week! from the The Seeker Team
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 40 - October 21 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 40 - October 21 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca