issue 12 the seeker

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The Local Seeker with a NEW LOOK!

Vol. 4 Issue 12 March 29, 2013

Sheconnex is thrilled to be hosting the upcoming Connexionista Conference.

This Conference, entitledI’Mperfection, is the first annual weekend retreat for women. This inspiring two day event will allow women to take the right steps towards learning to love their imperfections!

Proudly sponsored by Benson Certified Auto Service and presented by Variety 104, I’Mperfection eagerly hopes to gather like-minded women April 26th-27th, 2013. Founder Karine Parthenais (above left) has been planning the conference with her team since April 2012, and is anxious to welcome their very inspiring keynote speaker, Heather Greenwood Davis. “Heather has a remarkable story that reflects so much of what we stand for. Her passion and zest for life is exactly what women need to experience in order to pursue their own goals with ambition!” says Parthenais. “After leaving a six figure salary to follow her passion for travel and adventure with her family, Heather was quickly acclaimed the ‘Globe Trotting Mama’. She now leads a life of no regrets sharing her exciting tales of travels and self-satisfaction with women all over the world. We know her story will awaken passion and warm hearts.” The event will commence the Friday with a casual cocktail party and trade show.

The events resumes at 8am Saturday. Four local presenters have been chosen to address specific topics related to the inspiration of confidence, positivity and self-care for women. Dr. Marie-Josee Cardinal, also a Sheconnex community partner, will present a Women’s Health workshop. Heather Hughes, from Renew Lifestyle Studio will inspire women with her Body Confidence workshop, while Pascale Poirier, Programming Director from Sheconnex, will host a First Impressions workgroup. Lastly, but certainly not least, Betty Healey from Road Signs will bring her dynamic energy to the Me First session, inspired by her published book by the same title. Participants will indulge in a weekend of reflection, restoration and inspiration. As the dynamic workshop leaders satisfy you with a hearty helping of soul food, throughout the weekend! The day will end on a high note, as the Globe Trotting Mama takes the stage delighting participants with her authenticity, energy and enthusiasm. "We’re so pleased to share the goodness of Sheconnex in the community! It’s about time we start to allow ourselves to indulge in self care.”, says Pascale Poirier (above right), Programming Director at Sheconnex. Tickets are available for purchase online at For additional information you can reach the duo @ 888-244-1932 or

Check out the SEEKERS KEEPERS CENTRE SECTION for all next weeks community events and happenings - plan ahead and don’t miss anything!


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for old broom and mop handles that you would normally discard and FOR SALE: Oriental 4 Panel me! all year soused approximately one inch wooden or plastic to ebe tty Aw Predowels Screen or room divider with and during events and for the 2014 Storm Winterfest in beautifullyround coloured figures.kiteEach Cornwall. The Club will also be looking for bamboo sticks, scotch tape, panel measures 18” x 69”. Excellent pretty stickers, and plastic condition $400, Call 613-528-4533blue, black and yellow garbage bags to be used CA IN to build kites for children of all ages. We will alsoLL is looking for cash YOUR YARD SALES SMART CITY purchasing special string to fly the kites. donations towards

Telephone 613-938-6152.

$45 thereafter.

FOR SALE: Canvases and frames FOR SALE: Amana dryer 4 years old but only used 2 years. Like new, at bargain price. 613-346-5583

$200. Call 613-346-7041.

FOR SALE: High Chair, needs to be cleanedWANTED but in great Used TOshape. BUY: Long style wood picture frames of army squadrons. 1 year. $30 613-360-3442 Call Janice at 613-933-9618.

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Call in your FREE CLASSIFIEDS TODAY - 613-935-3763 ext. 2

FOR SALE: Hausfeld oiless compressor c/w 1 to 2 nailerFOR SALE: BrownCampbell sectional staples, airNo hose andnoaccessories, $50. Mecanick tools Wizenches socket couch, good shape, rips, tears, asking $200. set 613-360-1607 1/4-3/8-1/2 drive. c/w cabinet $100. Antique plumbers case with all


accessories $50. Lancaster dehumidifier, 2 years old, works great. $50.

TO GIVE:Baby Crib, no mattress, Call 613-936-6529. to give away. Please call 613-935-8101 MOVING SALE: Bar fridge - $40, patio set with 6 chairs and cushions

and umbrella - $50, Outdoor swing - $25, Coffee table and 2 end tables -

FOR SALE: Ford Edzel caps, $20,2Ladder - $50, hub Jig saw - $30, Skill saw - $40, Sawzall - $15, Cordless 1 electric base, 1 Techno box guitar, drill - $30, Tool chest - $70, High efficiency washer and dryer - $1,000, 2 exercise bikes. Call 613-932-7045

Canopy tent with walls - $120, Central BBQ with 2 tanks - $100. Call 613-933-0424. FOR SALE: Boat 1988 with 115HP Johnson motor, transom. FOR needs SALE:new 1 rabbit cage, 24” long, 16” deep, 16” high. For a rabbit, 2400$ 613-360-1607

hamster or whatever you want to use it for. Call 613-938-8183.

Check out

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by Tuesday of TOASTMASTERS CLUBplease call, Parade If you have such material of nations at 613-936-6873

every week invites you to overcome for pick up or you your may drop these items at 1621 Joyce Street off fears of public speaking and 61 393 563an e-mail Riverdale, the end closer to Power Dam, in Cornwall, or37 send encourage you to learn to - The organization is waiting for its charity speaking skills in a positive number Canada Revenue Agency and should be in soon. environment. from Having fun is DEADLINE to buy included! Meeting are on 1st & FOR SALE: 2000 month Winebago Adventurer, - V10 motor - gas. 3rd Wednesdays of each yo32ft ur tic keford ts fo r at St. Lawrence Secondary Low mileage, 27,000 km, excellent condition. Fully equipped, the SEEKERS back up School @ 1450 2nd East, camera,brand new panel. GraniteCH counter tops, hida bed and queen OICE AWARDS from 6:45pm 8:45pm. size bed. Ato great deal. Must be seen. Older couple owned. Non smoking at $4 0, Everyone welcome; bring a Ju ne 1s t. - no pets. Will accept reasonable offer. Please call 613-933-5939. friend! For Info: Brad LeClair Price goes up to (613-330-1488 or 613-543-3831) FOR SALE: Mixed dry wood. $60 a cord. 849 Alexander Avenue,

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FOR SALE: Swimming pool equipment, 2 ladders, diving board, motor pump, filter, summer cover and more 613-937-4242 THE CORNWALL KITE CLUB is looking - during the coming year-

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LOST: Oak Captain Estimates Free May 6:45 PM Thursday 17, on • Reasonable prices! Cornwall Centre Call Road Andrew Between at 613-933-5965 Power Damn and Highway 138

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The Seeker


for a

YARD AND PASTRY SALE to be held on

MAY 31, JUNE 1ST AND 2ND TO BENEFIT HOSPICE CORNWALL call 613-933-2042 or 613-938-0702 to arrange for drop-offs

Further fundraising will take place June 14 at the Army Navy Club with a Potluck Supper and Silent Auction - WATCH FOR DETAILS

- our Montreal paper -

Check out - our Montreal paper The Local Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 3, Issue 20, May 25, 2012 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Theby Local Seeker, Cornwall Edition Cornwall, Ontario Published Local Seeker Media Group,

Volume 4, Issue 12, March 29, 2013

The Local Seeker does notFounded accept responsibility errors, misprints or2010 inaccuracies by Julia Luciofor and Mai-Liis Renaud published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario presumed as the statements and opinions of The Local Seeker.


FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 BUSINESSINFORMATION: ADS: OUR CONTACT 613-935-3763 (Julia) / 613-932-1875 (Mai-Liis) FREEEmail: CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 Ext. 101(Julia) 613-935-3763 Office: 327/2nd StreetExt. E. 102 (Mai-Liis) The Local The Seeker is Proudly a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason Seeker does notprinted accept on responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies Email: published within. The opinions statements of our columnists not to Reporters be Editor: Julia Lucio Co-Editor: Carolynand Hersey Creative Design: Mai-Liisare Renaud & Photographers: Jason Setnyk, Sara Murphy & Julia Lucio Office: 327 2nd Street E. presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker. The Local Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm - Closed noon-1pm

THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 25 - pg. 2)

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763

Editor: Julia Lucio Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud Reporters & Photographers: Jason Setnyk, Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud Digital Media: Grant Reso

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 29 - pg. 2) BUSINESS ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 1


by Jason Setnyk

Jason Setnyk presents snippets of news that appeared on

News & Politics CORNWALL KINSMEN PIZZA PARTY RAISES $14,000 - The 7th

Annual Cornwall Kinsmen Pizza Party which too place last night at the Best Western was completely sold out. The event, described as “Cornwall’s First and Best Pizza Party”, was a huge success raising $14,000. Event Chair Dan Carbonnell says, “What an incredible night!!! The 7th Annual Cornwall Kinsmen Pizza Party raised over $14,000.00 after expenses!!! It was a complete privilege and honor to have chaired such an event and I am humbled and extremely grateful to our Club and of course to our Community for their incredible generosity! Thanks to everyone for your support!!! I can only look forward and hope that the 8th one next year bears the same successes as this year.” The Seeker would like to extend congratulations to Dan Carbonnell, the Cornwall Kinsmen, and everyone who participated in this wonderful event. Kudos to all! WOULD YOU LIKE TO NOMINATE A LOCAL YOUTH VOLUNTEER? - Reminder that the deadline to submit your application for the Youth Volunteer Awards is March 31, 2013. Teen Cornwall has three $1,500 grants up for grabs! Applications can be picked up at the Teen Cornwall (Team Cornwall) office (42 2nd Street East), Kawartha Credit Union (1360 Marleau Avenue) or at any of the Guidance Offices at the 6 participating high schools (La Citadelle, St. Joseph’s Secondary School, Holy Trinity, L’Heritage, CCVS, SLSS). If you know a deserving teen in our community, pick up an application today! SDSG NDP Nominate Elaine MacDonald as candidate The Stormont-DundasSouth Glengarry Provincial NDP riding association nominated Cornwall City Councillor Elaine MacDonald as their candidate for the next provincial election at their nomination meeting on March 27 at the Navy Veterans Association in Cornwall. MacDonald , a long-time community activist and retired educator is at the present time serving her second term on Cornwall City Council and is

President of the Cornwall and District Labour Council, Co-chair of the Cornwall Chapter of the Ontario Health Coalition, and Treasurer and founding member of the SD&G Coalition for Social Justice. MacDonald stated: “As MPP, my first responsibility will be to the people of SDSG. We need good-paying jobs, youth employment, access to higher education, healthcare we can count on, greater affordability for everyday people, greater assistance to agriculture and rural communities, and a fairer tax system, one that will pay for essential public services and help the province balance its books. I’m running for the opportunity to work for these conditions.”

Arts & Culture RECORD YEAR FOR SUBMISSIONS TO TAG’S ANNUAL JURIED EXHIBITION -This is a record year for the Annual Juried Exhibition which takes place from April 2nd to May 10th 2013. “63 artists submitted 165 work of art to the Annual Juried Exhibition. It is a record year!”, says Executive Director Sylvie Lizotte. The next stage of the process is the judging. The jurors are Beverley Wight and Claudine Ascher. The Awards Ceremony for the Annual Juried Exhibition takes place Saturday April 6th at 2pm. The event is open to the public. THE 22ND ANNUAL APPLES AND ART STUDIO TOUR -The submission deadline for this years Apples & Art Studio Tour is Friday, March 29th, 2013. The 22nd Annual Apples & Art Studio Tour takes place September 28 & September 29, 2013. For two days each autumn, area studios and artists welcome the public to view artwork, watch demonstrations and share in the inspiration. Participating artists and studios represent a wide variety of media; glass, wood, textiles, ceramics, jewellery, painting, photography and sculpture. The tour is self-drive and free of charge for visitors. CORNWALL AND THE WAR OF 1812 – NEW BOOKLET BRINGS HISTORY TO LIFE “Cornwall and the War of 1812″, a full colour illustrated history of Cornwall’s role during this conflict was launched on Thursday March 28th, at the Cornwall Community. The booklet discusses the occupation and evacuation of Cornwall, some of the weapons used during the conflict, local personalities and much more. Copies of the booklet are available at the museum for $15, or $20 by mail. For mail, please make your cheque out to the SD & G Historical Society, PO Box 773, Cornwall, ON., K6H 5T5. NINE LIVES: ULTIMATE AEROSMITH AT PORT THEATRE ON MARCH 29TH -“Tyler” Bob Gregory formed the tribute band ‘Nine Lives – Ultimate Aerosmith” twenty years ago as a homage to true Aerosmith fans. His goal was to create an authentic Aerosmith look, sound, atmosphere, and experience for audiences. Nine

Lives have toured the US and Canada playing many gigs and outdoor festivals. They have played shows with the likes of Vince Neil (Motley Crue), Kim Mitchell, April Wine, David Wilcox, Blue Rodeo and Colin James. Nine Lives have played Aerosmith CD release parties including one for Aerosmith’s own record company. See Nine Lives Friday March 29th at the Port Theatre (132 Montreal Road) in Cornwall Ontario. Tickets are $22 in advance or $25 at the door. You can pick tickets up at Melody Music. You can also pick up tickets at Fantasy Realm. All proceeds will go to help enhance the recreational lives of clients and families of ASEO-STEO.

Sports & Lifestyle CORNWALL TO HOST JUVENILE N A T I O N A L BROOMBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS -The eyes of Canada’s broomball communities will be on Cornwall from April 3rd to 6th, 2013. Cornwall’s Benson Centre will play host to the 2013 edition of the Juvenile National Broomball Championships. Players are between the ages of 15 and 19. The games get underway on Wednesday, April 3rd at 8:00 am on both Pads 1 & 2 at the Benson Centre and continue until 10:30 pm. Games continue on Thursday (8:00 am to 7:30 pm), Friday (7:00 am to 5:00 pm) and Saturday (7:00 am to 6:00 pm). Semi finals take place on Friday afternoon and the finals are slated for Saturday. In all there will be sixty eight games of broomball played over the four days. The Awards Banquet is being held at the Cornwall Civic Complex, Salons A,B,C on Friday, April 5th at 7:00 pm. ST. JOE’S PANTHERS WIN 7TH ANNUAL BISHOP CUP - There were no fights or blood shed Wednesday evening at the Civic Complex, just glory and bragging rights for the St. Joseph’s Secondary School hockey team. Over a thousand people were in attendance to watch the St. Joe’s Panthers clad in white, red, and blue defeat the Holy Trinity Falcons clad in green and gold with a convincing 7-4 victory. Cole Beckstead sealed the game with an empty netter in the final minute of play. Yes the St. Joseph’s Secondary School hockey players were the winners on the ice, and they proudly held the Bishop Cup after the game, however the winners off the ice were those who use the services of the St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank in Cornwall. Admission was $2 or two non perishable food items, and all the proceeds benefited that local charity. The Seeker would like to extend congratulations to both teams and the organizers on an excellent hockey game and a wonderful charity fundraising event!

My name is Jason Setnyk, and these are the Seeker Snippets for this week! Jason Setnyk is a local high school teacher, journalist, published and award winning author, photographer, arts and culture event coordinator, and a community volunteer sitting on numerous boards and committees. http: //

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 29 - pg. 3) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2

DEAR SEEKER CHICKS Do you want your opinions published in the Seeker and/or on our website? Now here is your chance, we want your Letters to the Editor!

Letters should state an argument or opinion that offers praise or criticism. If it offers criticism, please suggest a possible remedy. Also letters should be about news such as politics and/or current events and issues.

Please include your full name and a phone number we can reach you at. Your phone number will never be published. Letters should be less than 400 words. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject any contribution.

Emailing a letter/opinion piece is giving us consent to publication. Email your letters here: Thank you - The Seeker Staff

Should Cornwall Ontario invest in getting a University (or a trades school for that matter)? Letter by Jason Setnyk The answer is yes, absolutely! I know some people were critical of the initial presentation given at City Hall, and perhaps rightly so, but notwithstanding that there are many good arguments in favour of considering this proposal. Here is my vision of how a University could benefit our City. It would be a huge boost to our local economy having thousands of students come to Cornwall each year. It would bring money into our City and generate wealth. It would put money in the pockets of landlords and people who would want to rent out a room in their home. Landlords would definitely spend some of this money locally, and it would also bring in new revenues for small businesses and the service economy. An increase in demand of services would also create new jobs and generate even more wealth. Having a large quantity of post secondary students come to Cornwall each year would also attract jobs that do not traditionally come here. New jobs in Cornwall geared towards this demographic would motivate more people to stay and live in Cornwall, and this in turn would be a boom for housing and increase our tax base (and that could mean lower taxes and/or better municipal services – which would attract more people and more jobs!). It would be a boost to economic development, and there would be the real potential of diversifying our economy in a meaningful way. It would be a benefit to local students too, because it would make University more affordable. Local students would no longer have the burden of paying rent in larger cities like Ottawa, Kingston, or Toronto. They could get a post secondary education while living at home, or if that was not an option, at least rent is much more affordable in Cornwall than in larger cities. In addition it would also be a boost to local arts and culture, and to local sports and leisure.

Cornwall Chamber of Commerce calls on Government to tackle skills gap and transform service delivery Cornwall Ontario-The Ontario Government needs to focus more on creating winning conditions for businesses, according to the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce and the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC), who recently presented a pre-budget submis sion to the Province. The 2013 submission advises government to take seven practical steps to help grow the provincial economy, including tackling the provincial deficit, explori ng new ways of delivering public services, and investing in ways to export Ontario to the world. Addressing the fiscal challenge remains businesses’ top priority. “Our provinc ial debt is approaching $300 billion,” said Allan O’Dette, President & CEO of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce. “Interest payments on that debt represent the third highest area of program spending after health care and education.” “Government also needs to fundamentally re-evaluate its role as the provinc e’s default service provider,” added O’Dette. “International experience tells us that you can shift service delivery to the private and not-for-profit sectors and create a cost-sa vings while improving service quality.” Citing massive labour shortages, the submission also calls on the Ontario Government to let employers play a more prominent role in employment and trainin g services. “It’s shocking to find that 35% of employers in Eastern Ontario are having difficulty hiring someone with the right qualifications,” said Hargreaves. Members of the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce were surveyed prior as part of the chambers’ pre-budget submission. Highlights of the survey include: - 83% of Ontario businesses believe that reducing the size of govern ment should be a top priority - 28% of employers have had difficulty hiring someone with the right


- 65% of Ontario businesses believe clamping down on the underg round economy should be a top priority We need to act collectively, strategically, and with purpose to ensure that the province remains the best place to live, work and raise a family. To read the full submission go to: http://www.cornwallcham

I see many potential positives if this initiative ever comes to fruition. It could help expand our local economy, generate wealth, and it would make life more affordable to local students who want to pursue a post secondary education. If we build it, they will come. Agree or disagree? You are welcome to write a letter to the editor!

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 29 - pg. 4)

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2

WEDDING BELLS ... Bridal trends transform grandma's china from vintage to vogue sort of 'retro (BPT) - New brides are transforming something old into something new.That's according to the latest bridal tabletop trends.

While in recent years brides have been registering for casual dinnerware, lately industry experts are seeing brides returning to fine china. Sales indicate they're opting for porcelain and bone china, which are more durable than stoneware because these mediums are less likely to chip.

White patterns continue to be strong bridal sellers, ranging in shades from pure white to ecru, with gold trim making a resurgence among millennial brides. But in an emerging trend, observers are finding vintage is vogue.

"Brides are embracing heirloom patterns for a number of reasons," says Keith Winkler, product marketing manager at Replacements, Ltd. "First of all, there's a strong, emotional connection to those inherited pieces because it ties them to family and tradition. At the same time, vintage is huge throughout the fashion industry, and that's impacting dinnerware trends. Brides are hanging onto Grandma's china, but they're also looking to give family treasures a more contemporary spin." John Griffith oversees the visual merchandising team at Replacements, known as the world's largest retailer of old and new china, crystal, silver and collectibles. He often hears from brides needing help transforming family treasures.

remix,' you can dress up your sentimental favorite for formal entertaining, or just as easily dress down your tableware for a casual evening with friends."

For example, Griffith says mixing in square salad plates with round shaped dinnerware creates art deco flair. Mixing different colored plates or glass can open up an entire new color palette. He's adamant; don't be afraid to be bold and try something new.

Griffith leads design seminars on creating trendy tables at the company's retail store. Many of his insights appear on Replacements' YouTube channel and Facebookpage at One challenge brides often encounter with heirloom pieces lies in the fact family members sometimes forget the name of the pattern. Griffith suggests taking advantage of Replacements' free pattern identification service. Additional information is

"I recently had a customer come in with an heirloom goblet she wanted to match," he says. "We didn't have any pieces in her pattern, so I instead zeroed in on a design element with the goblet, in Weddings - Reunions this case the Anniversaries - Holidays stem style on the glass. I added in four Located appproximately a d d i t i o n a l 1 hour from Montreal crystal pat- or Ottawa and merely terns, all with 20 minutes from a similar stem the U.S design. By matching that particular de- Pierre and RenĂŠe sign element, we created a available on the company's website, really elegant, contemporary look."


"It doesn't matter whether inherited dinnerware is decades old, patterns are timeless through the magic of mixing and matching," says Griffith. "I suggest using your heirloom pattern as a starting point, then mixing in various colors, shapes and even other mediums such as glass or acrylics. By creating a

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 29 - pg. 5) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1

SEEKERS PEOPLE IN THE “LOUPE” How does our Library help with Economic Development?

Cornwall Public Library is about to embark on a community based planning process that will explore Cornwall citizens’ expectations and opinions about library services. Emphasis will be less on satisfaction with current services, which were well documented during the last two plans, and more on the value that Cornwall places on library services, on how they see themselves using the library in the future, and how the library will contribute to community life. This will be getting underway in April and everyone will have to opportunity to contribute via in-person or online surveys, and community consultation meetings.


Jason Setnyk interviewed Dawn Kiddell who is the CEO and Chief Librarian of the Cornwall Public Library. Kiddell has worked there for over fifteen years, and her responsibilities include overseeing all of the Library’s operations and managing the overall budget. Kiddell graduated McGill University with a Bachelor of Arts in English and Communications, and with a Master of Library and Information Studies. She also has a degree in Journalism from Concordia University. Kiddell is married and she has two children. In my interview with Kiddell we learn what kind of impact the library has on our community – from economic development, to arts and culture, and education.

The library is an attraction for people looking to relocate. We get a lot of positive comments from people moving to Cornwall about the importance of a good library in the community. We also attract 500 people a day to the downtown. We have membership from people in the Counties, and they may do their shopping after visiting the Library. We are a downtown destination! Libraries directly contribute to the economic well-being of a community. We employee people in the community, including students.

How does our Library promote and/or support Arts and Culture?

We have a lot of partnerships and cosponsored programs. For example; Art exhibits, writer’s workshops, contests, seminars, live music, and arts and crafts that are included as a part of our children’s programming. We act as a cultural venue for as many agencies as we can accommodate.

Does the Cornwall Public Library support the Culture Plan?

The public library is perfectly positioned to participate in the municipal cultural planning process because of its high public profile as an existing cultural institution, its accessibility, and its role and a social and cultural integrator.

How does our Library help with literacy and education, and what age groups benefit from the Library?

We provide free programs and resources for lifelong learning for all ages, from Baby Tales to Senior’s programs such as philosophy courses. We have school visits, where students pick up books or do class assignments here. Literacy tutors meet students here at the library. We also have a special literacy collection for new adult readers.

What might people not know about Libraries?

We are about so much more than books. We have many different formats. We have access to ebooks. (Kiddell is holding an E-book reader in the photo). People can download Ebooks and audio books here or at home with

Remember, Remember! Totally had another review ready to go for this week, that I am going to push because I drove by city hall on Monday night and almost ran into a car because a few of the protesters were wearing a Guy Fawkes mask. Really? So this review is to remind those protesting what it means to dawn the mask! People should not be afraid of their government…are we really afraid of the control and power, and perhaps being put to death by any members of Cornwall City Council? Yeah, didn’t think so.

their library membership card.

How are Libraries of the 21st Century changing?

Information is information. It comes in ever changing formats. Our mission is to provide equitable access to information for everyone. It creates a level playing field, especially in a community that has economic challenges. Libraries promote education, literacy, and life long learning. We have free wireless, access to research databases, and public computer stations. Since Blockbuster closed we are one of the only places to find DVD’s, and there is no charge to borrow them. We have a performance licence for feature films.

Tell us about Library Week in Ontario?

Ontario Public Library Week was started in 1985 by Ontario’s Ministry of Culture to promote Public Library service and the idea that a strong library system is the cornerstone of a strong community. In celebration, we have activities which in the past have included author talks, children’s programs, Friends of the Library book sales, and a Juried Art Show. It varies from year to year. Various clubs meet here as well. We also have a writer’s group meeting, bridge, chess, yoga, and activities pretty much every single day. There has been a French Book Group that has been meeting here for over ten years. Many of these type of activities occur year round not just during Library Week.

Lets talking a bit about funding. Is provincial funding enough?

The provincial funding model hasn’t been changed since it was adjusted in 1997 and is now only 5% of the overall budget. It definitely needs to be increased to reflect the changes over the past 16 years. Fundraising accounts for another 6 and the rest comes from the municipality. The Federal government recently announced cuts to Canada’s National Library and Archives which will means that we can no longer receive Interlibrary loans from them. Their microfilm was very popular with our users.

The Seeker and Jason Setnyk would like to thank Dawn Kiddell for this interview. You can visit your Library at 45 Second Street East in beautiful downtown Cornwall Ontario.

dawning a Fawksian mask. Based on the graphic novel by Alan Moore, V for Vendetta takes place in a corrupt and abusive totalitarian England. Eve (Portman) is an unassuming young woman who gets rescued by the vigilante named V who is not only articulate but also deadly skilled in art of combat. Eve is plagued herself by the loss of her brother and parents, during the crisis that lead to the Chancellor’s (John Hurt) rise to power. All the while we learn the story through the eyes of a police inspector Finch (Eric Rhea) who goes against the corrupt government and seeks out the truth.

V for Vendetta (2005). This is one of my all-time favorite films and stars Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving, although you never see Hugo in the movie, you just hear his voice.

Brilliant screenplay written by Lana Wachowski and Andy Wachowski, who used to be brothers, but now are brother and sister, don’t get me started! The culmination of the rebirth of Eve (see the Bible), the climactic battle at the end, the cinematic beauty of the death scene on the train, is truly an incredible work of art. I am going to watch this again tonight. Amazing imagery in an action feature quite like the flight of the Valkyries in Apocalypse Now.

It’s the future state of England, and England Prevails. After a plague wipes out most of the rest of the world, England is left standing as a super-power. We meet V (Hugo Weaving) dressed all in black and

So to all you would be Fawksians out there…take off the masks, and put them in the closet until November. We live in the greatest Country in the world, and the most beautiful city in Canada. #MyCornwall is amazing!

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 29 - pg. 6)

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2

FROM THE SMART KITCHEN by Kathy Smart PASSION for FASHION by Marlene Baker

Always remember your humble beginnings - your roots.

So Easy and So yummy! Ingredients:

My husband was at the health food store last week. When he gave his card to the cashier she saw the last name on the card and exclaimed.... " THEE Kathy Smart?" LOL- the funny thing? 10 years ago I was the girl at that same store that washed the floors, bagged groceries and was the cashier - just like her. Yes, I am lucky and blessed. But the funny thing is it seems the harder I work the luckier I get.

1 cup of cauliflower grated 1 cup of Mozzarella cheese grated 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon of garlic salt + dried oregano

THEE most delicious Pizza EVA!!! CAULIFLOWER? I made this pizza last weekend at my parents for my family...

Directions: Preheat oven to 350 F. Steam cauliflower until just slightly soft( 5-8 minutes) Whisk egg, cheese and spices together.

I wanted to see what my dad ( a typical meat+ potatoes guy) would think!

No matter where you are work hard - and you WILL achieve great things!!:) BIG HUGE THANK YOU for everyone Who voted me in as Ottawa's # Chef! Yay!!!!

Well...he went for SECONDS!!!! Enough said. Sneak Veggies in Everywhere!! Enjoy this gluten free, low glycemic absolutely amazing pizza ever!!

Kathy is a successful Cornwall native

The Seeker Chicks are happy to welcome Marlene Baker to the Seeker Team as our new Fashion Writer.

Stir in cauliflower. Spread cauliflower mixture in a pizza shape on a baking pan lined with parchment paper. Do not skip on the parchment paper or the pizza will stick. Bake for 10 minutes. Removed from oven and add desired toppings and bake for an additional 10 minutes.

Neighbourhood Services, etc.) I would choose and pick out several items of clothing and shoes to mimmic what I would see that was fashionable at the time, or just plain something that looked nice together.

Hi my name is Marlene. I have a "Passion for Fashion". This passion surfaced in me since the age of about 11. I would watch the Miss America Pagents every year and constantly look at magazines for the different styles of clothing.

I always was the one who dressed "Uniquely" in high school and still do to this day. Some liked it and some didn't. What was I to do? I couldn't afford to buy Brand Name clothing or shoes, so I did the next best thing. Wouldn't you? I also thought, and still do today, that clothing found in retail stores are for people who all want to be and look the same. I want to STAND OUT! I choose to be different, unique, perhaps even strange to some. I get such looks at times-as if I am an alien or something--for being a little, or maybe a lot. different then most.

I came from a poor family. Growing up, my loving mother would bring me with her on bus trips downtown Ottawa to visit fancy ladies’ stores such as Oglivy's. We would go up in a manned elevator--in those years, there always was a man/woman who would announce or ask which floor you were going to--and would end up at the ladies "Intimate Apparel Department". My mom, who didn't have much money, would purchase a pair of nylons or a pair of gloves...

I want to HELP women, girls and even you guys, to be able to express yourselves through a "look" that you create for yourselves. Something that makes YOU unique and different, but still be stylish.

Being so poor, one has to be innovative and creative! That is how I came to be. I would go to the Thrift stores (Salvation Army, the

So please follow "Passion for Fashion" each week and I will try my best to help YOU create or rediscover the NEW YOU in YOU!!!

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THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 29 - pg. 7)

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FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2



by Sharyn Thompson

*A8=6 0= 4;42B@82 <8F4@ 140B B74 0;E0GA 1CGA >C@ 10:8=6 ?>E34@ 0=3 2><8=6 5@>< 0=3 G>C 0@4 466 E78B4A E8B7 B74 2@40< >5 B0@B0@ 6@>C=3 =CB<46 5>@ B74 D4@G 14AB AC??>@B8=6 0 ;>20; 50@<4@ C=B8; B74G 5>@< AB855 ?40:A (4B B78A @4AC;BA 0A834 5>@ =>E #8F E4;; E8B7 0 E>>34= A?>>= = 0 ;0@64 1>E; AB8@ B>64B74@ B74 )74 3>C67 E8;; 14 AB82:G don't know how far 1/3 cup golden raisins 2>=34=A43 <8;: D0=8;;0 I 0=3 >D4@ B74 1>E; >5 3>C67 E8B7 0 B40 back in history you find 1/3 cup currants 2>2>=CB 1>E; >5 3>C67 hot crossB>E4; buns 0=3 being?;024 cup candied orange peel 1/3 B74 4=B;G 5>;3 8= B74 AB855;G 140B4=made 466 for 8=Good 1/3 cup fruit B74Friday, 5@8364 5>@ >=4candied 7>C@mixed B> 2>>; 812 Pitt 6 613-936-1998 812 Pitt St. Street, Unit 6Unit - 613-936-1998 but at our house, I bake E78B4A A;867B;G a batch each year.They FEATURED ITEMS THIS %$". WEEK *A4 0 AB08=;4AA AB44; A2>>? METHOD: 3>C67 >CB B782: >= 0 symbolize'>;; withB74 their %$+ ') & ' % " ' " baked 5;>C@43 on -Place >@ CA4 A?>>=A B> 3@>? white B74 cross in your baking ;867B;G 1>0@3 CB pan 8=B>of your breadmachine: "% cut "". 'STORMONT ( " LEAN $ GROUND '%*$ BEEF ONLY %$".$4.99/ POUND " GOOD top of each bun, Jesus butter up into the warm milk, beaten egg, softLOCAL <020@>>= 10BB4@ >=B> B74 ?0@27<4=B 3>=CBAon the ,4 A4;; 3>=CB 2CBB4@A Christ dying tiny pieces, white sugar, Kosher salt, and the $ bread" " ! % %$*) " RUBBED GREEK OREGANO ONLY%$". $1.43/ 100 GRAMS ;8=43 2>>:84 A744B (?024 B74< 01>CB cross to #4;B save us. 01>CB You flour. B7@44 ?>C=3A >5 Add the cinnamon,nutmeg, cloves and %'( )into % + '. #%$ . - "* ( '. '% * )( can't find a love any allspice. Using a fork, just gently(stir$the spices 0?0@B B> 0;;>E 5>@ 0=G A?@4038=6 )4=34@5;0:4 ;0@3 8= G>C@ 344? 5@G4@ PURE GROUND BLACK PEPPER ONLY $0 .99/ 100 GRAMS stronger than that! I use my the flour. Lastly, sprinkle the instant yeast over top 3C@8=6 10:8=6 5 G>C E8A7 G>C 20= breadmachine to mix and rise the dough for the


buns on the 'dough cycle'. If you don't have a breadmachine, you can follow this recipe and make it by hand or use a Kitchen Aid mixer with the dough hook.


1- 1/3 cups warm milk 1 egg (at room temperature) beaten lightly 1/4 cup butter (at room temperature) 1/3 cup white sugar 1- 1/4 tsp. Kosher salt (or 1 tsp. fine table salt) 3- 3/4 cups unbleached bread flour (For the very best results, always use Sharyn's Pantry bread flour as it has very high gluten and is sold to bakeries for it's quality. You won't believe the difference in your baking!) 1- 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg 1/2 tsp. ground cloves 1/2 tsp. ground allspice 2 tsp. instant breadmachine yeast 2 tbsp. grated orange zest

of everything. -Place the baking pan into the breadmachine. -Select the 'dough cycle'. This will mix everything together with no work for you. -Your breadmaker will 'beep' telling you it is the proper time to add the extra ingredients. If you added the currants, raisins and fruit at the very beginning, the kneading process would break down the fruit and you wouldn't find any of it left. -At the 'add ingredient beep', add into your breadmachine baking pan, the grated orange zest, golden raisins, currants, and candied orange peel and fruit. -Allow the breadmachine to continue the 'dough cycle'. -Once completed, remove the dough from the breadmachine. Punch it down and allow it to rest undisturbed for 10 minutes. -Divide the dough into 15 equal sized pieces. -Shape these into buns and place them on parchment lined baking pans. Allow enough space in between the buns to rise to double in size.

Investors Can Learn from Earth Day’s Lessons On April 22, we observe Earth Day. First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day has grown into an international movement with the goal of raising awareness of the need to foster a healthy, sustainable environment. You can do your part through recycling and other measures, but you can also apply some of the lessons of Earth Day to your financial situation — and, in particular, to your approach to investing. Give these ideas some thought: Make the most of your existing resources - One of the most valuable lessons of Earth Day deals with the need to be responsible managers of the natural resources we have available. As an investor, it’s important to maximize the benefits of the resources to which you have access. For example, are you contributing as much as you can afford to your RRSP or TFSA? At the very least, you should put in enough to earn your employer’s matching program, if one is offered. Take advantage of a favourable environment - Underlying all Earth Day activities is the goal of creating a healthy environment in which to live. You may also benefit from a positive investment environment — and that’s what we appear to be experiencing, at least in terms of low interest rates, low inflation and the steady condition of the financial market. So in this favourable atmosphere, look for those investment opportunities that are appropriate for your situation. Don’t over-consume - Excess consumption has played a big role in causing some of the environmental issues we face. Consequently, many Earth Day programs teach us to get by with less, or at least to avoid acquiring more than we need. To translate this philosophy into your investment habits, take a close look at the number of trades you make. Are you constantly selling old investments and buying new ones in the hopes of capturing higher returns?

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 29 - pg. 8)

-Lay a clean, dry tea towel over each tray of buns to keep any draft off them as they rise. -Once risen to nearly double in size, bake the buns in a 350 degree F. oven for about 15 minutes, until a light brown in colour. -Cool the buns on a wire cooling rack. -Once completely cooled, I make a small bowl of icing for the 'white cross' on top of each bun. Just mix together: 1 cup icing sugar 1 tbsp. milk or cream 1 tsp. pure almond extract -Place the icing in a ziploc bag, seal the top, then cut off one bottom corner. Squeeze out the icing over each cool bun to form a cross over top of each. -This recipe will make 15 large buns.

-Enjoy your Hot Cross buns and have a very joyous and happy Easter!

This type of trading can result in significant fees and transaction costs — and possibly higher taxes, too. Perhaps just as importantly, this constant activity, with all its starts and stops, may detract from your ability to follow a long-term, consistent investment strategy. Avoid “toxic” investment moves - The motivation to create Earth Day was developed, in part, by the growing awareness that industrial toxins were affecting our air and water. And you can find many toxic investment moves, too. To illustrate, many people chase after “hot” stocks after hearing about them from friends or relatives, or seeing them touted by so-called experts in the media. But by the time these people acquire the hot stocks, the stocks may already have cooled off. Furthermore, these stocks may not have been appropriate for these investors in the first place. Another potentially “toxic” investment move is to try to time the market — that is, try to buy investments when prices are low and sell when they’re high. In theory, this is a good way to invest; in practice, it’s almost impossible to predict market highs and lows. Instead, consider buying quality investments and holding them for the long term, or at least until your needs change. By following these Earth Day-related suggestions, you can help yourself make progress toward a healthier, and possibly more productive, investment environment. And that’s worth celebrating more than once a year. Edward Jones, Member Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Local Edward Jones advisor, BRIAN SEGUIN (613) 932-6161 89 Tollgate Road West, Unit 2 , Cornwall, ON K6J 5L5

BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1



... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!


our weekly pages of events n’ more...


45 Second Street E. 613-932.4796 Easter Weekend Hours Good Friday - March 29 - Closed Saturday, March 30 - Open Easter Sunday - March 31 - Closed Easter Monday - April 01 - Closed


CHECK MATES Play with the huge human size chess pieces today starting at 2:00 pm

TUESDAY, APRIL 2 J'AI DEUX ANS! - 10 h 00 to 10 h 30 Pour les petits de deux ans. CLUB DE LECTURE LES MILLES-FEUILLES Invitée spécial: l'auteure Claudette Pilon-Routhier - 19 h

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3 THE FORUM - 9:30 am to 11:30 am. Facilitator: David Rawnsley This week's topic: BIOCENTRISM - Open to all L'HEURE DU CONTE - 10 h 00 à 10 h 45 HISTOIRES, CHANSONS, JEUX ET BRICOS - 3 à 5 ans LES BAMBINS À LA BIBLIO Initiez votre bébé à la lecture, aux livres et à la musique. - 10 h 00 à 10 h 30 SOCIAL GAMES - 6:30 pm Adult Friendly Bridge Club - ADULT CHESS

THURSDAY, APRIL 4 BABY TALES - 10:00 am to 10:45 am Introduce your baby to books, words and songs. STORY TIME - 10:00 am to 10:45 am Stories, finger plays, songs, and crafts. SOCIAL GAMES - SCRABBLE - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm SPRING INTO GARDENING - 7:00 pm with Diane Lunan of Marlin Orchards and Garden Center DISCUSSING ALL THINGS GARDEN.

Please register for all of the above programs at 613-932-4796 as space is limited.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 29 - pg. 9) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2





Good Friday Liturg y – St. Columban Church. All are welcome.

Good Friday Stations of the Cross at Trinity Church in Cornwall All are welcome for this crossdenominational devotion. Good Friday At Army Navy Air Force Club Music with Mike & Gilles from 4 pm to 8 pm. 14 Marlborough St. N. Supper with fish & chips: 8.75$ or spaghetti with marinara sauce: 8.50$ Good Friday At RCAFA Wing 424 from 4:30 pm, Music after 5 pm. 240 Water St. W. Serving fish and chips and seafood chowder. Nine Lives A Tribute to Aerosmith with Spare Partz Port Theater, 132 Montreal Rd. Tickets on sale: Melody Music, 104 Pitt or Fantasy Realm, 227 Pitt. Proceeds benefit clients and families of ASEO Knights of Columbus Good Friday Fish & Chips Night from 4:30 pm to 8 pm. 205 Amelia St. Admission: 8$

SAT March 30

Diabetes Self Management Workshop For individuals & caregivers living with diabetes. For more info visit or call 1.877.240.3941 Jive Bunny Easter Dance Party at 8 pm. Navy Club, 30 Sixth Street E. Easter Egg Hunt, luncheon Served & door prizes. Admission: 5$

SUNDAY March 31 Worship and the Word with pastor Brad Montsion. 10:30 at Fountaingate Christian Assembly. 949 Mohawk Drive.

Knights Seniors & Friends Easter Sunday Breakfast- from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Cornwall Columbus Club, 205 Amelia St. Adults: 7$, children: 5$.


MON April 1

Justin Bieber at the Aultsville Theater! Tickets on sale at the box office. APRIL FOOLS! Your event would be here if you had called it in! Next time, don't miss it. Call 613-935-3763 and remember... If it ain't in here, it ain't happening! Ryan Gosling is visiting The Seeker Office on Monday April 1st 2013. Wine and Cheese will be served from 5pm to 7pm. Ryan will speak at 6pm. April fool’s


Soup & Sandwich Lunch from 11:30 am to 1 pm. St Andrews-St Marks United Church, Johnson Cr., Long Sault. Soup, sandwich, dessert & beverage: 6$. Take out available Blood Donor Clinic from 12 pm to 3:30 pm & 5 pm to 7:30 pm. Cornwall Civic Complex, 100 Water St. E. Call 1.888.2.DONATE for an appointment

WED April 3

SMART CITY TOASTMASTERS CLUB- offers you the opportunity to learn communication skills and gives you the practical leadership experience in a positive environment. Meetings are on the 1st&3rd Wednesdays of each month@ St. Lawrence Secondary School (library), 1450 2nd St. East. 6:45 to 8:45 pm. Info: Bob LeBrun(613)9324792 or Claudette Pilon(613)938-2394. Ladies Auxiliary Euchre Party at 1:30 pm. Blessed Sacrament Church Hall, 321 Tollgate Rd. E. Prizes & lunch served. Cornwall Newcomers Club Metting Welcoming women new to area in last 3 years on Wednesday, April 3rd. Call: 613.932.5387 or visit for more information. Moccasin Model Railroad Club Meeting at 7:30 pm. St. Mathews Lutheran Church, 1509 2nd St. W.

CareFor Health & Wellness Clinic from 9 am to 12 noon, Centre Charles Emile Claude, 146 Chevrier St. Registered nurse on site for general health checks. No appointment necessary.

THUR April 4

Engaging Young Women In Leadership Roles A program for young women ages 14 -16. Learn about your community and what it takes to be a leader. To apply click the link at

FRI April 5

SINGLES 55+ MEETUP GROUP IN CORNWALL - Our next Meetup/Activity night will be on Friday, April 5, 2013, 7:00pm - 11:00pm at the RCAFA, 424 Water Street. We welcome singles from surrounding areas. For more info e-mail: Child Haven Jubilee Dinner, Silent Auction & Bazaar Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Call: 613.527.2829 or for ticket reservations Bean Supper and Rockathon - The Daughters of Isabella, Notre-Dame-desSs-Martyrs #1359, will be hosting a "Bean Supper" and a Rockathon at StTheresa Church Hall. There will be baked beans, shepherd's pie, macaroni and cheese, coleslaw, pickles, dessert and beverages. The price is only $10.00 per person for adults, $5.00 for children 610 years of age and children under 6 years of age are free. Everyone is welcome.

COMING SOON Friends of Vets Fundraising Dinner from 4:30 pm to 7 pm. RCAF Wing, 240 Water St. W. Tickets: 20$ by calling 613.931.1892 & benefit Breaking The Silence movie documentary project

(March 29 - pg. 10) BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1

I for more events in the area


If it ain’t in here, it ain’t happening!



FRIDAY MARCH 29TH Nite Spot in Cornwall. GOOD FRIDAY RETRO BASH @ Rangatangs

FRIDAY MARCH 29TH Boomers Undecided GOOD FRIDAY - THE PLACE TO BE - Baby @ Blue Anchor outside Cornwall. SATURDAY MARCH 30TH nwall. THE GLEN TRIO @ The Glengarrian Pub in Cor

SATURDAY MARCH 30TH SPARE PARTZ @ La Maison in Cornwall. FRIDAY APRIL 5TH HEATLEY @ La Maison in Cornwall. SATURDAY APRIL 6TH RIVERSIDE ARTISTS CO-OP Centre in Cornwall. @ the St. Lawrence Power Development Visitor

SATURDAY APRIL 6TH HEALTHY LIVING WELLNESS FAIR Cornwall. @ the Harvest Christian Fellowship in SATURDAY APRIL 6TH lery in Cornwall. ANNUAL JURIED EXHIBITION @ The Art Gal SATURDAY APRIL 6TH NEW COUNTRY REHAB . the St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage in Morrisburg


THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 29 - pg. 11) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2

NATURALLY DELICIOUS ... with the Health Nut kriscrossroads by Kris Ward

“Healthy Living Wellness Fair” Saturday, April 6th, 1 to 4 pm, 847 York St (Harvest Christian Fellowship Church) (formerly St John Bosco Church) in the church basement hall

….. $2 donation at the door to be offered to Maison Baldwin House. Our Healthy Living Wellness Fair is quickly approaching…everything is falling into place, we are getting great feedback. Everyone is very excited to hear that this original and unique Fair will take place right here in our own community. This will be a great afternoon… This amazing health, natural, organic, LOCAL business oriented afternoon will be loaded with great information on how you can live your best life ever! There will be something for everyone, whether you are just looking for great local people that will give you the best this community can offer or if you are living with celiac, gluten/food intolerances…there will be something for everyone that shows up. It will be very interactive event with demos, taste testing etc….you will be well entertained that’s for sure!! Here are our remaining three amazing vendors that I want to highlight this week: Wild Rose Organic Farm ; (Diana Freeman), a 7th generation farmer. Diana grew up on a dairy farm and has had a hobby farm for over 25 years. At Wild Rose Organic Farm, you will find healthy organic vegetables and herbs and herbal teas. Diana is also a vendor at the Seaway Valley Growers’ Farmers’ Market (The Brick) during the summer months. Langview Farms ; (Tamara Lang) Langview Farms provides customers with a grass fed, high quality, great tasting, tender, hormone and antibiotic free meat. They believe that an animal eating a grass fed diet and having the ability to move about freely will produce higher quality, great tasting meat. Their approach has always been that a healthy, happy animal will be more relaxed and subsequently more tender. Fresh air and exercise are essential to good health and thus they can produce them hormone and antibiotic free.

Extending My Stay... It's Official! I can breathe a sigh of relief and finally start making some real plans. What's changed and why do I seem so relieved...well as I mentioned in previous columns (posts), I relocated from my hometown Cornwall to Kingston when I accepted a contract position at St. Lawrence College. It was a risk, as at the end of the contract, I could be out of work, required to change position or any number of scenarios. At the time I expected to stay until August, and timed my lease to that one year time-frame. Since it was a temporary position I had to be ready for the uncertainty. The person I replaced applied for and received a full time position in another department so mine was posted and open to everyone 5 months earlier than expected. I was excited at the prospect of the temporary position turning permanent but there was no guarantee. I went through the stressful two interview process and rewrote my resume to include all the new skills I have acquired and showcase all my past and now transferable skills, then all I could do is wait. After many sleepless nights and re-enacting scenarios, I was cautiously optimistic, and it was amazing how many of my friends quoted me and my past columns. The full-time position became official on Monday and I now am the permanent tri-campus Alumni & Donor Relations Officer, a position I am honored to have. So now I can say that I will be extending my stay in my new place, indefinitely. When the announcement was made I received countless notes, emails, calls and postings congratulating me on the new/old position from Cornwall to Kingston. I am thankful and feel blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 29 - pg. 12)

Simply Seasonings; Audrey Labrecque has an amazing selection of homemade, natural spices. The smell and quality of her product is amazing, this will for sure add great taste to all of your cooking and baking. Back to basics, no additives, the pure taste of health. Spice up your life!! I will highlight the 30 vendors again next week in my column…this way it will be fresh in your minds. Don’t be disappointed, write the date and time on your calendar! What a busy month…things have just been moving along with workplace mini seminars. Rozon Insurance Lancaster /Cornwall and Centre de Ressources Familiales de L’Estrie have both lived and enjoyed the experience very much. There are a few more groups lining up all the time. Bravo to employers that believe in giving their employees all the necessary tools to be happy and healthy. This in turn leads to less sick days and people that feel considered and feel that they matter. Very good investment on the employer’s part for sure and really so much fun and delicious! In health… (“LIKE” The Health Nut and Sylvie Thibert Facebook to stay on top of all the latest updates!)

Sylvie Thibert (The Health Nut) 613-931-3119

Looking back, it was a risk, and if nothing else, I could look back at it as an adventure, an amazing experience, the spring-board to letting go of things that had long past exceeded need, the reinforced independence and a sense of accomplishment. I realize that my temporary life held me back from making certain decisions, and I never wanted to get too comfortable in my new surroundings in case I had to leave early. In a way it is sad, but it is also self-preservation. So do I feel different now knowing I have a sense of stability? I always speak of seeking that soft place to land and although I am still hesitant to say I have found it, I know that I am making steps to my new life. Does this mean I am no longer part of Cornwall? Absolutely not! The lanyard for my keys, although it is getting a little ratty, is the "Choose Cornwall" I have used for years, the key chain is "Heart of The City" where I proudly was a member of the executive committee and former Marketing Chair and as soon as the weather gets a little warmer, I will proudly wear my Team Cornwall white coat. In addition, because I am tri-campus, I still organize events, and look after bursaries and scholarships as well as donor relations in Cornwall, Brockville and Kingston. Next weekend I will be back for The Sharks Hockey Alumni Reunion & Alumni Family Skate at the Benson Centre and SLC, and I returned from GradFair celebrations for our Brockville and Cornwall students last week. Cornwall is where a big par of my heart is, where most of my family and close friends are. The biggest change my new position is giving me, is the ability to establish some new roots. I may be able to take a class, or join a group. I also am eyeing those last few boxes, that mentally I have not been able to unpack yet. I think I left a few so I wouldn't get too comfortable and if I had to leave, I'd be ready. So looks like it is time to unpack and start settling in. Happy Easter!

Follow Kris Ward’s Blog at:

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1

Saying Goodbye to the Beach

by Sandra Taylor Hedges


SEEKING THE ARTS . SEEKING THE ARTS As the month of March comes to an end we are starting to get ready to head back to Canada and our friends in the North. Saying goodbye to the beach is never easy and this year is no exception. Walking on the ocean shore has a way of calming your soul and reviving your spirit. The movement of the waves on the shore mimic our natural rhythm of the heart both energizing and calming at the same time. It’s never easy to leave but let’s face it there is no more beautiful place to be than Canada in the warm weather months. During my time in Myrtle Beach I have the pleasure of renewing some long time friendships and discovering new friends. Somehow creative people are easy to meet and love no matter where we roam and with email and Facebook it’s easier than ever to keep those friendships alive. One of the things that amaze me when I travel is the quantity of Creative Souls that you find in places that attract the tourist trade, co-incidence? I think not. Where Creative Energy is free to flow and Creative Souls gather together the most amazing things happen. This year I added a few beautiful souls to my friend list as I explored the world of Yoga at the local studio, oddly or not many

of the people who practice Yoga are creative people. The two disciplines seem to go well together as they are both a journey that has no end to it but rather it’s the journey itself that is our reason to be. Another interesting thing that I found as I explored Yoga is the similarity between embracing the idea of self-love to help you to improve your abilities in Art and Yoga. In Yoga, as in Creative pursuits, the better our relationship with ourselves the more freedom we have to explore our true potential. This philosophy is essential to the continuing success of the outcome as when we do not love ourselves we cannot ever feel good about what we accomplish. In Art the same is true; a fact that many creative people ignore. If we see a child being put down in public we are appalled by anyone being so heartless and mean with any child, yet we often do the same thing to ourselves when we fail to do the challenges we set for ourselves. Loving yourself, with all your warts, scars and freckles is the Key to finding what we are truly capable of. Have the same patience with yourself as you would a child learning a new skill. The reward in the long term is worth it. So it’s Goodbye to the Beach for another year and Hello to Canada, Cornwall and the Creative People who live there. you around town soon, Sandra Taylor Hedges, Fine Artist, Art Instructor, Lecturer, Writer and Creative Coach Cat Scratches - Studio Blog


Cornwall Ontario — Photographer Claude Bissonnette created the “Through the Lens” page on Facebook as a place for local photographers to display their talents online, have discussions, network, and learn from each other.

John Lister is a local photographer who operates ‘Fashionography’ with his partner, Marlene Baker.

Every week The Seeker will publish a photograph by a different local photographer from the Cornwall area (including the Counties of SDSG and Akwesasne).

Submission Guidelines: You must

like Through the Lens on Facebook to participate. Email up to three black and white photos to Photos not submitted in black and white will be converted into black and white by us. You must include a short bio (up to 25 words) and you have the option to include a website URL for your photography website or page. If one of your photos does not get selected this week, one still may get published in a future week.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 29 - pg. 13) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2

They specialize in portraits and model portfolios, in addition to traditional photography. Website:


The Corporation Is seeking action oriented individuals to serve on the Board of Directors who: - reside and/or own businesses in SD&G; - Are competent in business/financial/investment analysis Board members meet every 6-8 weeks for general oversight, policy development and financial review. A professional, full time staff operates the organization. Executive staff manages the human resources, financial, programming and administrative functions with support from employees qualified in economic development, community economic development, lending and communications. To learn more about the SD&G CFDC and the general competencies and knowledge required for this unique opportunity: Interested applicants should forward their letter of intent and résumé to: or deliver to the office at 850 Boundary Rd. Unit 9, South Glengarry, Ontario. Application deadline: Wednesday, April 10th at 4:30

Felicity's mother, Rosemary Brown, will be accompanying them and it was her suggestion a few years ago that the two women should perform "The Flower Duet" from Lakme. They will be doing several other duets including Andrew Lloyd Weber's "Pie Jesu". Colleen - the shower diva- is going to try her hand at several opera arias by Puccini and Mozart. Felicity will be treating us to some show tunes amongst her favourites. If they were to sing all of their favourites, it could take half the day, but vocal chords and audience backsides couldn't take that much punishment. The ladies also sing in Chorus Novus and their respective church choirs. When not singing, Colleen can be found working as a lab technologist at CCH and Felicity has a strong interest in martial arts. Please come and hear Felicity and Colleen sing their hearts out at Trinity Anglican Church on Sunday, April 14 at 3 p.m. Admission in $10.00 at the door and there will be a reception afterwards. Please consider bringing a non-perishable item for the food bank.

Photo Credit: Mai-Liis Renaud

Our very own Health Nut - Sylvie Thibert, was spotted at a very busy Women’s Show last Saturday in Alexandria spotted by Seeker Chick Mai-Liis who was visiting the show.

“One of a kind ... with you in mind!” 613-932-1875 - Evening & Weekend appointments available ... THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 29 - pg. 14)

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1

Evening & Weekend appointments also!

Seeker ad

Local sopranos Felicity Brown and Colleen Fitzpatrick belong to a mutual admiration society and have decided to combine their singing talents in an upcoming concert. The concert is called "Out of the Shower" and it gives them the opportunity to perform their favourite pieces of music that they might not have the opportunity to do in a musical or opera.

The S.D.G. Community Futures Development Corporation (S.D.& G. CFDC) is a federally supported not-for-profit community organization with a volunteer Board of Directors and professional staff whose purpose is to support community economic development and small business growth. For over 25 years, the Community Futures Development Corporation of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry has been offering comprehensive services to local entrepreneurs. Whether it is a grant, loan, investment or venture capital expert advice, the SD&G CFDC supports all types of business including young entrepreneurs and artists.

BORDER PATROL with Craig Revelle

SEEKING SPORTS A weekly look at racing from both sides of the 1000 Islands What a difference a year makes. Just one year ago, we were all jacked up for racing season, warm temperatures and not a sign of snow on the ground. This year, we are under snow, and the last major snowstorm of the year is hopefully behind us. Although racing season for some is less than a week away, it just doesn’t feel like it when you step outside. Nonetheless, hopefully all tracks will open on time, and the warm weather will soon be here. A sure sign of racing season is the annual car shows. It was the Gater Racing News show a couple weeks ago, and this past week is the annual Frontenac Mall car show in Kingston. I love seeing the new cars, and catching up with everyone from the racing community. Although the racing season doesn’t start up here for several weeks, many teams enjoy showing off their hard work at these events. Just one more car show remains, as Chapman’s Can Am Motorsports Park hosts their annual racecar exhibit at the Salmon Run Mall in Watertown, New York beginning Sunday, March 31st and will last throughout the week. The next order of business is the annual banquets to close out 2012. Brockville Speedway will honor their 2012 top finishers on Saturday night, with Cornwall Speedway hosting their awards banquet on Saturday, April 6th and Mohawk International Raceway honors their champions on Saturday, April 13th. Tentatively, my first race of 2013 will be at Canandaigua Motorsports Park, depending on the weather. They open on April 5th and 6th with a Sportsman event on the Friday night, and the annual Jan Corcoran Memorial Race on the Saturday night. If the weather does not co-operate I will be at the Cornwall Speedway awards banquet on that Saturday night. Another big event that I am looking forward to is the 2nd annual Brockville Speedway Fan Fair. It will be held at Walmart in Brockville on Saturday, April 13th from 10am to 1pm. This will start off a very busy day, as Chapman’s Can Am Motorsports Park also opens that day for practice, and Mohawk Raceway Awards banquet that night. Can Am also has practice the following day, leading up to their 2013 season opener on Friday, April 19th. Fulton Speedway also opens up on April 13th with their Methanol Meltdown event. Brewerton Speedway opens on Friday, April 19th as well. Evans Mills Speedway opens for the 2013 season on Saturday, April 20th. Brighton Speedway opens up on Saturday, May 4th, and Brockville Speedway opens for practice on May 4th as well, and will kick off their season on May 11th. Mohawk Raceway opens on May 17th and Cornwall Speedway will open with a 100 lap Mr. DIRTcar 358 Modified/Canadian National Series event on Sunday, May 19th. It wont be much longer now, and we will be back at the track on a regular basis, doing what we love to do. Even with a little snow on the ground, I for one cant wait to see what the 2013 has in store. As always, any comments or suggestions can be sent to You can also visit me online at, on Facebook at, and on twitter at

Cornwall Optimist Minor Softball League - OUR FEATURE PLAYER -


Mathieu began playing softball at the age of 4 and has shared the love of the game with his dad since then! Mat likes to pitch, but over the years, his coaches have encouraged him to play other positions including hind catcher, second base and short stop. It appears that Mat is one of the most versatile players a team can only hope for. Mathieu is currently a Grade 11 student at École Secondaire La Citadelle. Though he has played soccer, basketball, golf and badminton, he has always said that softball was by far, his favourite sport! Did I mention dedicated to the sport? Well, Mat is a 12-year veteran! In the summer of 2010, Mat and his dad successfully obtained Umpire Certification through the Softball Ontario's Umpire Program and, for the past few years, both of them have been very proud Umpires for the Cornwall Optimist Minor Softball League. On many nights at the Optimist Park, you can see Mat removing his umpiring equipment in order to quickly get ready to play ball right after. Talk about wearing two hats! And, as far as the league is concerned, wearing both hats very well as Mat is very efficient at what he does and is always eager to learn. To his team mates and to many parents (including myself and my husband) that have gotten to know Mat for the past 12 years, he is one of the kindest and helpful players you would ever want to meet. When asked what he enjoys most about the game, Mat says, "I really like the idea of my dad being my coach; he is really good at it and we both love ball! The game provides me with an opportunity to be physically active, to meet some great new friends over the past 12 years and to have a lot of fun!" Kudos to Mat for showing such dedication to the game and especially for his acts of kindness when encouraging and cheering his team mates which actually won him the ‘Sportsmanship’ trophy last year. Furthermore, Mat is one of our most dedicated volunteers as he sacrifices his Saturday afternoons for three registration sessions every year and is always ready (with a smile) to lend a hand when needed throughout the season. He was recently recognized by the league for his many volunteer hours with a trophy for ‘Most Dedicated Volunteer’. Nice going, Mat !

Monique Sauvé Roy, Co-President, Cornwall Optimist Softball

For more details about our softball season commencing on May 6, visit


CORNWALL OPTIMIST MINOR SOFTBALL LEAGUE LAST IN-PERSON REGISTRATION: Saturday, April 6, 1 - 3 p.m. Optimist Park Club House $95 for 22 games Visit for more details

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 29 - pg. 15) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


Photo Credit: John Lister

Girls hard at work raising awareness and funds for Diabetes. We need more people like this who are willing to give of their selves and their time.

St. Lawrence College hosts 3rd Annual Photo Exhibit and Silent Auction Written by 2nd Year SLC Journalism student Diane Hunter. The 3rd Annual Photo Exhibit and Silent Auction will be held on Wednesday, March 27, 2013 in the foyer of Moulinette Hall at St. Lawrence College (SLC), from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Fourteen SLC journalism students have submitted approximately fifty photographs that will be on exhibit and available for auction. “I am always pleasantly surprised by the creativity and artistic skill of the students in our Journalism program,” said Terry Tinkess, the Journalism program coordinator. Photographs are professionally printed on archival quality paper and mounted on foam board, courtesy of Home Team Media Incorporated.

Photo Credit: Mai-Liis Renaud

General Rick Hillier was the guest speaker at the Cornwall and Area Chamber of Commerce new Lunch and Learn event on Wednesday, March 27th. He is seen here with Carolyn Coleman who presented him with her new invention, “TXTRS Texting Mittens”. At a family dinner Carolyns sons, Kristopher and Shaun Van Koppen, asked her to make them mittens that they could text with when out in Afghanistan, to keep their hands warm. Her first try looked like pot holders which they were not impressed with but with some more work the TXTRS Mittens were born and in 2 years about 5,000 pairs have been sold. These mittens are produced in Cornwall and have kept peoples minds occupied while their loved ones are fighting wars far away from them.

No bid is too small, or too large. Funds raised will benefit the Boys and Girls Club. “The auction has been developed to gain some exposure for the Journalism Program and to give back to the community that supports us,” said Tinkess. Last year’s funds amounted to $425. The goal for this year is $500.

Photo Credit: Mai-Liis Renaud

Last year’s first place winner, Francis Racine, took this photo of the St. Lawrence College campus.

A beautiful afternoon in Lancaster. Mai-Liis spotted an interesting sight. John, a Lancaster resident taking his horse Willy and Dog, Blue out for an afternoon walk - one in each hand!

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 29 - pg. 16) BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1

SNIPPETS OF NEWS THIS WEEK from There was a Hugo sighting at Cabane a sucre!

The Seeker was on location a few Saturday afternoons ago to check out the Franco festivities and celebrations at the annual Cabane Ă sucre. In doors Souris Bouquine (the purple mouse) entertained the many children who were in attendance at The Army, Navy, Air Force Club. Children outside enjoyed the sweet taste of the Cabane a Sucre maple taffy, and Hugo (pictured above left) was spotted too!

This snippet was from the Seeker website Visit often as community news is constantly being updated !


On Wednesday, March 27th a proud group of Cadets (top photo) received their certificates of completion for the Smart City Toastmasters Youth Communication Course which they began last November. The course taught them basic interpersonal communication skills, how to listen effectively, and how to become a leader and communicate well.

FOR: -healthy cooking seminars -juicing challenges -dinner party workshops -workplace mini cooking seminars -``Grocery shopping`` with The Health Nut

Bob LeBrun and Claudette Pilon from Smart City Toastmasters co-ordinated the course and Laurie Archambault promoted the course within the Armouries. (The three are seen from L to R in the top right photo) Carol Bennet Bray contacted the Kinsmen Club of Cornwall and they sponsored all the materials required for the course. One of the graduates, Olivier Fontaine is seen above giving a speech to his fellow cadets.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 29 - pg. 17)

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1

CONTACT: Sylvie Thibert, The Health Nut 613-931-3119

Use wardrobe boxes for bulky, lightweight items like comforters, pillows, blankets, clothes, closet storage boxes, shoe boxes, fabric bolts, large baskets, or gift wrap tubes. Call your mover to ask the width of the wardrobe boxes. Measure all the clothes in all your closets to see how many wardrobe boxes are needed. Pack hanging items tightly to ensure things won't move or fall off of hangers. Add a few purses at the bottom.


Get strong plastic packing tape to close up all the boxes securely.


Since newspaper can stain your items, use unprinted newsprint, packing paper or bubble wrap to wrap and protect household goods.


If you are doing the packing yourself, ensure boxes do not weigh more than 20 kgs/40 lbs, otherwise you might not be able to lift them and could put yourself or your movers at risk for strain.


Use room color-coded labels showing the name of a room in the new place and stick them on the box near the box number.


Set aside about 10 boxes to use for last minute items on moving day, such as bedding, clothing, and cleaning supplies. You'll need lots more cleaning supplies than you think, so get extra.


1. Give yourself time to declutter; extra stuff equals extra weight. You do not want to overpay movers for things to be discarded at the other end. • Clean out your closets, cupboards, toy chests, shelves, attic, garage and basement. • Discard or sell anything you do not want or need. If you did not use something in the last year or two, you do not need it.

In your new home, put a matching color-coded label on the door of each room. The movers will know where to put everything when they arrive at the destination. It is also helpful to post a big sign on the wall in the room where you want boxes stacked, (Boxes here please) to keep them out of furniture intended space area and traffic areas.


Arrange to collect any advance/security deposits on utilities or rentals which will provide extra cash to cover moving expenses.


Give yourself ample time to have a yard sale or auction; this will provide extra cash to cover moving expenses.


Get your financial and logistical affairs in order as early as possible


Consider giving unwanted items as gifts to friends and neighbours or donate them to charities. Giving to charity may also result in a tax receipt.


Pack things you can do without before the move.


While packing, give each box a number. This method makes unpacking at the new location easy and orderly. Unpack the highest box number first since the box contains what you need first and continue using the numerical order.


If you have the time or if someone can help you, create a detailed inventory of each item going into each box. Having a record will help if an item is damaged or lost in transit. It is also a good idea to have a permanent list for insurance purposes.

Packrat Organization 101 with Marie Morrell


PLANNING A MOVE This article will be published in four sections SECTION ONE

Moving realities Moving is always hard, no matter the circumstances. It is difficult to give up the familiar for the uncertain. It can mean leaving friends and family behind. Sometimes we have no choice; we move because of jobs or other circumstances beyond our control. Approaching a move with a positive attitude will definitely make a huge difference. Moving gives you the chance to be a different person, gives you the chance to start over again. When you move, you must involve the whole family, including kids and pets. It is important to have a talk with the children to ensure they understand what is happening, and have a chance to ask questions. For pets, pay more attention to them so they do not run away as you are preparing to move. Procrastination is your worst enemy, so start planning months in advance. At least six weeks before moving – preferably sooner:

Marie can be reached at 613-936-6873



LEARN-TO-RUN: Wednesday, April 10th 6:45-7:30pm. $30

Ensure all boxes are properly closed preventing the content of the box to get damaged. If boxes are left open with things sticking out, you will quickly run out of room in the moving van.

Sunday, April 14

Since food cannot be shipped safely, use up your frozen food. Also use up canned food to minimize heavy loads.

Wednesday, April 24


Start collecting boxes, packing materials, and other items needed for the move. Have plenty of supplies.


Don't pack things you will need before you move or items you will need immediately upon arrival at the new address.

INTRO TO YIN YOGA: 1:30-3:30. $25

INTRO TO YOGA: 7-9pm $25

NEW LOCATION 52 Pitt Street 613-330-4494


Sympathy Cramps by Frank Burelle Part 7 - Enjoy!

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 29 - pg. 18)

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2

“About The House”

Dear Joe, We would like to replace the vinyl flooring in our kitchen. It was installed in the late 90’s and is starting to get worn but is very out of style. The biggest issue, I think, is that there are several nails poking up under the floor. These have caused high spots which have worn through and hurt the feet as you walk across the floor. What can we do to prevent this from happening to our new floor? Thank you for your help. Love to read your column. J.P.

Hello J.P. Thanks for the great question. This is definitely a problem you will need to address properly before you install an expensive new floor. The last thing you want is to drive the nails down only to have them or others work their way up through the new flooring. After removing the flooring material, the first thing you want to do is appraise the condition of the subfloor. If the subfloor is damaged then you will want to patch it, cover it or replace it. The amount of material on the floor will make that decision for you. If you are dealing with a single layer of plywood sheathing, then covering it will be the best course of action. If there are multiple layers then you will have to decide based on the condition of the plywood and the number of layers of flooring underneath. If there exists underneath asphalt tile, beware because this can contain asbestos. It is best to leave this undisturbed and buried under a layer of plywood. If not, you may choose to remove one layer of plywood, or simply install your flooring on the existing subfloor. Regardless of which route you choose to go you will need to drive down or pull out any and all offending fasteners that appear to be working themselves loose. If they are very numerous you may be forced to cover the whole assembly with an additional layer of underlay plywood to keep any further fasteners from protruding through your new flooring material. If you are adding plywood over anything it is a great idea to apply glue to the underside as well as screwing the new plywood down. This prevents it being able to seasonally work itself loose over time.

Now with the installation of any new sheet flooring it is imperative that the surface that you are applying it to be perfectly smooth and free of defects. This means patching and levelling any seams, knots, fasteners or roughness in the panels. There are numerous powdered products which are easy to mix and dry quickly that smooth out all the rough edges. This will afford you the best possible finish. When you come to finally laying the floor down, be sure that you have chosen the appropriate glue. There are many generic glues available but each company has their own proprietary glue that you should use for the best possible finish. There are a number of sheet floors that are available now that are heavy enough to be loose laid. This is a type of floating installation. Be wary though, this can put limitations on how the floor is used and certain precautions must be taken to ensure a long life. With temperature changes the flooring can wrinkle, when vacuuming the floor can be lifted up, the positioning of very heavy furniture items can prevent the flooring from moving as it should be allowed. These are some of the reasons I recommend gluing all your sheet goods. Well J.P., I hope I have given you some help and wish you all the best with your flooring project. Joe PARENTS: Spring sports registration time is upon us. In the coming weeks look for coaches and volunteers signing up for all the summer sports: Soccer, Floor Hockey, Baseball, Softball, Tennis, Golf, Swimming and many other activities to keep your kids active this summer. Visit your local sporting venues for all the information you need to find an activity your child will love. Visit Adams Home Services at the Cornwall and Area Chamber of Commerce Spring Home and Leisure Show this April 12, 13, 14. We will be there passing out THE LATEST EDITION OF THE LOCAL SEEKER and to answer all your home improvement questions and give you renovation tips and tricks to make your renos quick and easy. And always we can be found at, and 613-551-5932. And remember, whatever you do, do it well, because a job well done stays well done forever.

SNIPPETS OF NEWS THIS WEEK from Families had fun at the Roller Disco Saturday night!

Cornwall Ontario — Families and children were amongst the 150 people wearing roller skates for the second annual Roller Disco. There was a pleasant and upbeat atmosphere at the St. Lawrence College gym Saturday night. The gym was illuminated with blue, green, yellow, and red lights, while participants spun around the gym enjoying the groovy dance music that pumped out of the speakers.

Penny Rudderham who is a member of the Seaway Roller Derby Girls shared her opinions about last night’s terrific event. “The Roller Disco was a success. I always love seeing people and their families having so much fun together. It’s an event that young and old can enjoy and most people really enjoy coming. I had the chance to reminisce with people about the good ole’ days at the local Roller Rink and have had many requests to host more events like this one. We can’t wait to do it again”, said Rudderham.

Penny Rudderham won’t have to wait long, because according to Vince Jasiewicz, “The next Roller Disco is ready in the works!”

The proceeds raised Saturday will help the Seaway Roller Derby Girls finance their upcoming season. Jasiewicz explains, “The profit made last night is going straight back into the league to assist with traveling to our away games, more uniforms and raising awareness about the Seaway Roller Derby Girls in the area.”

The Seeker would like to extend congratulations to the Seaway Roller Derby Girls team organizers and volunteers and give kudos to all the families and people who participated in the second annual Roller Disco.

For more info on game times and locations visit:

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 29 - pg. 19)

This snippet was from the Seeker website Visit often as community news is constantly being updated !

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1

1st Show of the

Saturday, April 6 - 10am to 4pm Ontario Power Generation Visitor Centre (Power Dam) FOR MORE INFO VISIT: I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer

and I’m Julia the Web Designer

STOP IN and visit us at 327 2nd Street E. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm closed for lunch noon to 1pm. Other days by appointment only ...

613-935-3763 ext. 1 (sales) 613-935-3763 ext. 2 (classifieds) 613-935-3763 ext. 101 Julia 613-935-3763 ext. 102 Mai-Liis and together we are THE SEEKER CHICKS We hope that you have enjoyed reading

this issue of The Seeker

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